A discourse upon grants and resumptions showing how our ancestors have proceeded with such ministers as have procured to themselves grants of the crown-revenue, and that the forfeited estates ought to be applied towards the payment of the publick debts / by the author of the Essay on ways and means.
Davenant, Charles, 1656-1714.
Wing D304; ESTC R9684
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The right of primogeniture, in succession to the kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland as declared by the statutes of 24 E.3 cap 2. De Proditionibus, King of England, and of Kenneth the third, and Malcolm Mackenneth the second, Kings of Scotland : as likewise of 10 H.7 made by a Parliament of Ireland : with all objections answered, and clear probation made : that to compass or imagine the death, exile, or disinheriting of the King's eldest son, is high treason : to which is added, an answer to all objections against declaring him a Protestant successor, with reasons shewing the fatal dangers of neglecting the same.
Lawrence, William, 1613 or 14-1681 or 2.
Wing L691; ESTC R1575
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New England judged, not by man's, but the spirit of the Lord: and the summe sealed up of New-England's persecutions being a brief relation of the sufferings of the people called Quakers in those parts of America from the beginning of the fifth moneth 1656 (the time of their first arrival at Boston from England) to the later end of the tenth moneth, 1660 ... / by George Bishope.
Bishop, George, d. 1668.
Wing B3003; ESTC R13300
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The Irish rebellion: or, An history of the beginnings and first progresse of the general rebellion raised within the kingdom of Ireland, upon the three and twentieth day of October, in the year, 1641. Together vvith the barbarous cruelties and bloody massacres which ensued thereupon. / By Sir Iohn Temple Knight. Master of the Rolles, and one of his Majesties most honourable Privie Councell within the kingdom of Ireland.
Temple, John, Sir, 1600-1677.
Wing T627; Thomason E508_1; ESTC R201974
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An assertion for true and Christian church-policie wherein certain politike objections made against the planting of pastours and elders in every congregation are sufficiently answered : and wherein also sundry projects are set down ...
Stoughton, William, 1632-1701.
Wing S5760; ESTC R34624
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Historical collections, out of several grave Protestant historians concerning the changes of religion, and the strange confusions following in the reigns of King Henry the Eighth, Edward the Sixth, Queen Mary and Elizabeth : with an addition of several remarkable passages taken out of Sir Will. Dugdale's Antiquities of Warwickshire, relating to the abbies and their institution.
Touchet, Anselm, d. 1689?; Hickes, George, 1642-1715.; Dugdale, William, Sir, 1605-1686.
Wing T1955; ESTC R4226
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A historie contayning the vvarres, treaties, marriages, and other occurrents betweene England and Scotland from King William the Conqueror, vntill the happy vnion of them both in our gratious King Iames. With a briefe declaration of the first inhabitants of this island: and what seuerall nations haue sithence settled them-selues therein one after an other
Ayscu, Edward.
STC 1014; ESTC S100373
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A Plea for liberty in vindication of the commonvvealth of England wherein is demonstrated from Scripture and reason together with the consent of the chiefest polititians, statists, lawyers, warriours, oratours, historians, philosophs and the example of the chiefest republicks, a commonwealth of all politick states to be the best, against Salmasius and others / by a friend to freedome.
Pierson, David.
Wing P2510; ESTC R2913
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The free-holders grand inquest touching our Sovereign Lord the King and his Parliament to which are added observations upon forms of government : together with directions for obedience to governours in dangerous and doubtful times / by the learned Sir Robert Filmer, Knight.
Filmer, Robert, Sir, d. 1653.
Wing F914; ESTC R36445
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A manifestation of the great folly and bad spirit of certayne in England calling themselues secular priestes VVho set forth dayly most infamous and contumelious libels against worthy men of their owne religion, and diuers of them their lawful superiors, of which libels sundry are heer examined and refuted. By priestes lyuing in obedience.
Parsons, Robert, 1546-1610.
STC 19411; ESTC S119803
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Reports of that reverend and learned judge, Sir Humphry Winch Knight sometimes one of the judges of the Court of Common Pleas : containing many choice cases, and excellent matters touching declarations, pleadings, demurrers, judgements, and resolutions in points of law, in the foure last years of the raign of King James, faithfully translated out of an exact french copie, with two alphabetical, and necessary table, the one of the names of the cases, the other of the principal matters contained in this book.
England and Wales. Court of Common Pleas.; Winch, Humphrey, Sir, 1555?-1625.
Wing W2964; ESTC R8405
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A continuation and vindication of the Defence of Dr. Stillingfleet's Unreasonableness of separation in answer to Mr. Baxter, Mr. Lob, &c. containing a further explication and defence of the doctrine of Catholick communication : a confutation of the groundless charge of Cassandrianism : the terms of Catholick communion, and the docrine of fundamentals explained : together with a brief examination of Mr. Humphrey's materials for union / by the author of The defence.
Long, Thomas, 1621-1707.
Wing L2964; ESTC R21421
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The obligation resulting from the Oath of Supremacy to assist and defend the pre-eminence or prerogative of the dispensative power belonging to the King, his heirs and successors. In the asserting of that power various historical passages occurring in the usurpation after the year 1641. are occasionally mentioned; and an account is given at large of the progress of the power of dispensing as to acts of Parliament about religion since the reformation; and of divers judgments of Parliaments declaring their approbation of the exercise of such power, and particularly in what concerns the punishment of disability, or incapacity.
Pett, Peter, Sir, 1630-1699.
Wing P1884; ESTC R218916
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The interest of Ireland in its trade and wealth stated in two parts first part observes and discovers the causes of Irelands, not more increasing in trade and wealth from the first conquest till now : second part proposeth expedients to remedy all its mercanture maladies, and other wealth-wasting enormities, by which it is kept poor and low : both mix'd with some observations on the politicks of government, relating to the incouragement of trade and increse of wealth : with some reflections on principles of religion, as it relates to the premisses / by Richard Lawrence ...
Lawrence, Richard, d. 1684.
Wing L680A; ESTC R11185
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Lex parliamentaria, or, A treatise of the law and custom of parliaments shewing their antiquity, names, kinds, and qualities ... : with an appendix of a case in Parliament between Sir Francis Goodwyn and Sir John Fortescue, for the knights place for the county of Bucks, I Jac. I.; Lex parliamentaria. English
Petyt, George.
Wing P1944; ESTC R8206
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The establish'd church, or, A subversion of all the Romanist's pleas for the Pope's supremacy in England together with a vindication of the present government of the Church of England, as allow'd by the laws of the land, against all fanatical exceptions, particularly of Mr. Hickeringill, in his scandalous pamphlet, stiled Naked truth, the 2d. part : in two books / by Fran. Fullwood ...
Fullwood, Francis, d. 1693.
Wing F2502
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The survey of policy: or, A free vindication of the Commonwealth of England, against Salmasius, and other royallists. By Peter English, a friend to freedom.
English, Peter, a friend to freedom.; Pierson, David.
Wing E3078; Thomason E727_17; ESTC R201882
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Titus Britannicus an essay of history royal, in the life & reign of His late Sacred Majesty, Charles II, of ever blessed and immortal memory / by Aurelian Cook, Gent.
Cook, Aurelian.
Wing C5996; ESTC R20851
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Choice presidents upon all Acts of Parliament relating to the office and duty of a justice of peace. With necessary notes and instructions thereupon taken out of the said Acts of Parliament, and other particular cases in law adjudg'd therein. As also a more useful method of making up Court-Rolls than hath been hitherto known or published in print. By Rich. Kilburne, Esq; late one of His Majestie's Justices of the Peace for the county of Kent, and principal of Staple-Inn.
Kilburne, Richard, 1605-1678.; G. F., of Grayes-Inn.
Wing K429; ESTC R217188
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Truth triumphing over falshood, antiquity over novelty. Or, The first part of a just and seasonable vindication of the undoubted ecclesiasticall iurisdiction, right, legislative, coercive power of Christian emperors, kings, magistrates, parliaments, in all matters of religion, church-government, discipline, ceremonies, manners: summoning of, presiding, moderating in councells, synods; and ratifying their canons, determinations, decrees: as likewise of lay-mens right both to sit and vote in councells; ... In refutation of Mr. Iohn Goodwins Innocencies Triumph: my deare brother Burtons Vindication of churches, commonly called Independent: and of all anti-monarchicall, anti-Parliamentall, anti-synodicall, and anarchicall paradoxes of papists, prelates, Anabaptists, Arminians, Socinians, Brownists, or Independents: whose old and new objections to the contrary, are here fully answered. / By William Prynne, of Lincolnes Inne, Esquire.
Prynne, William, 1600-1669.
Wing P4115; Thomason E259_1; ESTC R212479
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Miscellania or a treatise Contayning two hundred controuersiall animaduersions, conducing to the study of English controuersies in fayth, and religion. VVritten by N.N.P. and dedicated to the yonger sort of Catholike priests, and other students in the English seminaries beyond the seas. With a pareneticall conclusion vnto the said men.
Anderton, Lawrence, attributed name.
STC 576; ESTC S115142
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A continuation of the impartial history of the wars of Ireland from the time that Duke Schonberg landed with an army in that Kingdom, to the 23d of March, 1691/2, when Their Majesties proclamation was published, declaring the war to be ended : illustrated with copper sculptures describing the most important places of action : together with some remarks upon the present state of that kingdom / by George Story ...
Story, George Warter, d. 1721.
Wing S5748; ESTC R17507
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The life of the learned Sir Thomas Smith, Kt., doctor of the civil law principal secretary of state to King Edward the Sixth, and Queen Elizabeth : wherein are discovered many singular matters ... With an appendix, wherein are contained some works of his, never before published.
Strype, John, 1643-1737.
Wing S6023; ESTC R33819
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A summarie of Englyshe chronicles conteynyng the true accompt of yeres, wherein euery kyng of this realme of England began theyr reigne, howe long they reigned: and what notable thynges hath bene doone durynge theyr reygnes. Wyth also the names and yeares of all the baylyffes, custos, maiors, and sheriffes of the citie of London, sens the Conqueste, dyligentely collected by Iohn Stovv citisen of London, in the yere of our Lorde God 1565. Whervnto is added a table in the end, conteynyng all the principall matters of this booke. Perused and allowed accordyng to the Quenes maiesties iniunctions.; Summarie of Englyshe chronicles
Stow, John, 1525?-1605.
STC 23319; ESTC S117862
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The Jesuites policy to surpress monarchy historically displayed with their special vow made to the pope.
Derby, Charles Stanley, Earl of, 1628-1672.
Wing D1086; ESTC R20616
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A reply to the defense of the Exposition of the doctrin of the Church of England being a further vindication of the Bishop of Condom's exposition of the doctrin of the Catholic Church : with a second letter from the Bishop of Meaux.
Johnston, Joseph, d. 1723.
Wing J870; ESTC R36202
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The history of popery, or, Pacquet of advice from Rome the fourth volume containing the lives of eighteen popes and the most remarkable occurrences in the church, for near one hundred and fifty years, viz. from the beginning of Wickliff's preaching, to the first appearance of Martin Luther, intermixt with several large polemical discourses, as whether the present Church of Rome be to be accounted a Church of Christ, whether any Protestant may be present at Mass and other important subjects : together with continued courants, or innocent reflections weekly on the distempers of the times.
Care, Henry, 1646-1688.
Wing C521; ESTC P479002
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Salmasius his buckler, or, A royal apology for King Charles the martyr dedicated to Charles the Second, King of Great Brittain.
Bonde, Cimelgus.
Wing S411; ESTC R40633
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The third part of The soveraigne povver of parliaments and kingdomes. Wherein the Parliaments present necessary defensive warre against the Kings offensive malignant, popish forces; and subjects taking up defensive armes against their soveraignes, and their armies in some cases, is copiously manifested, to be just, lawfull, both in point of law and conscience; and neither treason nor rebellion in either; by inpregnable reasons and authorities of all kindes. Together with a satisfactory answer to all objections, from law, Scripture, fathers, reason, hitherto alledged by Dr. Ferne, or any other late opposite pamphleters, whose grosse mistakes in true stating of the present controversie, in sundry points of divinity, antiquity, history, with their absurd irrationall logicke and theologie, are here more fully discovered, refuted, than hitherto they have been by any: besides other particulars of great concernment. / By William Prynne, utter-barrester, of Lincolnes Inne. It is this eighth day of May, 1643. ordered ... that this booke, ... be printed by Michael Sparke, senior. John White.; Soveraigne power of parliaments and kingdomes. Part 3
Prynne, William, 1600-1669.; England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons.
Wing P4103; Thomason E248_3; ESTC R203191
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A catalogue and succession of the kings, princes, dukes, marquesses, earles, and viscounts of this realme of England, since the Norman Conquest, to this present yeare, 1619 Together, vvith their armes, vviues, and children: the times of their deaths and burials, with many their memorable actions. Collected by Raphe Brooke Esquire, Yorke Herauld: discouering, and reforming many errors committed, by men of other profession, and lately published in print ...
Brooke, Ralph, 1553-1625.
STC 3832; ESTC S107111
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Politica sacra & civilis, or, A model of civil and ecclesiastical government wherein, besides the positive doctrine concerning state and church in general, are debated the principal controversies of the times concerning the constitution of the state and Church of England, tending to righteousness, truth, and peace / by George Lawson ...
Lawson, George, d. 1678.
Wing L711; ESTC R6996
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Jura majestatis, the rights of kings both in church and state: 1. Granted by God. 2. Violated by the rebels. 3. Vindicated by the truth. And, the wickednesses of this faction of this pretended Parliament at VVestminster. 1. Manifested by their actions. 1. Perjury. 2. Rebellion. 3. Oppression. 4. Murder. 5. Robberies. 6. Sacriledge, and the like. 2. Proved by their ordinances. 1. Against law. 2. Against Equity. 3. Against conscience. Published 1. To the eternall honour of our just God. 2. The indeleble shame of the wicked rebels. And 3. To procure the happy peace of this distressed land. Which many feare we shall never obtaine; untill 1. The rebels be destroyed, or reduced to the obedience of our King. And 2. The breaches of the Church be repaired. 1. By the restauration of Gods (now much profamed) service. And 2. The reparation of the many injuries done to Christ his now dis-esteemed servants. By Gryffith Williams, Lord Bishop of Ossory.
Williams, Gryffith, 1589?-1672.; Burgess, Anthony, d. 1664.
Wing W2669; Thomason E14_18b
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Memoirs of Edmund Ludlow Esq; Lieutenant General of the Horse, Commander in Chief of the forces in Ireland, one of the Council of State, and a Member of the Parliament which began on November 3, 1640. In two volumes. Vol. 1.; Memoirs. Part 1.
Ludlow, Edmund, 1617?-1692.
Wing L3460_pt1; ESTC R1476
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A continuation of the secret history of White-hall from the abdication of the late K. James in 1688 to the year 1696 writ at the request of a noble lord ... : the whole consisting of secret memoirs ... : published from the original papers : together with The tragical history of the Stuarts ... / by D. Jones ...
Jones, D. (David), fl. 1676-1720.
Wing J929; ESTC R34484
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The whole triall of Mr. Christopher Love, before a pretended high court of justice in Westminster Hall containing the charge of high treason against him ... with the relation of his suffering and his speech and prayer at his death on Tower-hill / published by John Farthing, citizen of London, who took the triall in the said court in short-writing for Mr. Love, and at his own request ; to which is added The tragedy of his triall and death in very elegant verses / by the acute author of Iter boreale.
Love, Christopher, 1618-1651.; Wild, Robert, 1609-1679. Tragedy of Mr. Christopher Love.
Wing W2065; ESTC R30199
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The history of the Parliament of England, which began November the third, MDCXL with a short and necessary view of some precedent yeares / written by Thomas May, Esquire ...
May, Thomas, 1595-1650.
Wing M1410; ESTC R8147
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The divine philanthropie defended against the declamatory attempts of certain late-printed papers intitl'd A correptory correction. In vindication of some notes concerning Gods decrees, especially of reprobation, by Thomas Pierce rector of Brington in Northamptonshire.
Pierce, Thomas, 1622-1691.
Wing P2178; Thomason E909_9; ESTC R207496
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The general laws and liberties of the Massachusets colony; Laws, etc.
Wing M1003; ESTC R208
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Anarchia Anglicana: or, the history of independency. The second part Being a continuation of relations and observations historicall and politique upon this present Parliament, begun anno 16. Caroli Primi. By Theodorus Verax.; History of independency. Part 2.
Walker, Clement, 1595-1651.
Wing W317B; ESTC R219912
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The history of the troubles of Suethland and Poland, which occasioned the expulsion of Sigismundus the Third, king of those kingdomes, with his heires for ever from the Suethish crown with a continuation of those troubles, untill the truce, an. 1629 : as also, a particular narration of the daily passages at the last and great treaty of pacification between those two kingdomes, concluded at Stumbsdorff in Prussia, anno 1635 : concluding with a breife commemoration of the life and death of Sr. George Duglas, Knight, Lord Ambassadour extraordinary from the late King of Great Brittaine, for the treaty above mentioned / faithfully couched by J. Fowler ...
Fowler, J. (John); Sweden. Treaties, etc. Poland, 1635 Sept. 12.; Poland. Treaties, etc. Sweden, 1635 Sept. 12.
Wing F1731; ESTC R42031
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A replication to the Bishop of Chalcedon his Survey of the Vindication of the Church of England from criminous schism clearing the English laws from the aspertion of cruelty : with an appendix in answer to the exceptions of S.W. / by the Right Reverend John Bramhall ...
Bramhall, John, 1594-1663.
Wing B4228; ESTC R8982
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An historical account of making the penal laws by the papists against the Protestants, and by the Protestants against the papists wherein the true ground and reason of making the laws is given, the papists most barbarous usuage [sic] of the Protestants here in England under a colour of law set forth, and the Reformation vindicated from the imputation of being cruel and bloody, unjustly cast upon it by those of the Romish Communion / by Samuel Blackerby ...
Blackerby, Samuel, d. 1714.
Wing B3069; ESTC R18715
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The King's visitatorial power asserted being an impartial relation of the late visitation of St. Mary Magdalen College in Oxford : as likewise an historical account of several visitations of the universities and particular colleges : together with some necessary remarks upon the Kings authority in ecclesiastical causes, according to the laws and usages of this realm / by Nathaniel Johnston ...
Johnston, Nathaniel, 1627-1705.
Wing J879; ESTC R12894
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The blovdy tenent, of persecution, for cause of conscience, discussed, in a conference betweene trvth and peace vvho, in all tender affection, present to the high court of Parliament, as the result of their discourse, these, amongst other passages, of highest consideration.
Williams, Roger, 1604?-1683.; Cotton, John, 1584-1652.
Wing W2758; ESTC R2405
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A sermon preached before Sir P.W. Anno 1681. With additions: to which are annexed three digressional exercitations; I. Concerning the true time of our Saviour's Passover. II. Concerning the prohibition of the Hebrew canon to the ancient Jews. III. Concerning the Jewish Tetragrammaton, and the Pythagorick Tetractys. / By John Turner, late fellow of Christ's College in Cambridge.
Turner, John, b. 1649 or 50.
Wing T3318AB; ESTC R185793
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The English nonconformity as under King Charles II and King James II truly stated and argued by Richard Baxter ; who earnestly beseecheth rulers and clergy not to divide and destroy the land and cast their own souls on the dreadful guilt and punishment of national perjury ...
Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691.
Wing B1259; ESTC R2816
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Modern reports, or, Select cases adjudged in the Courts of Kings Bench, Chancery, Common-pleas, and Exchequer since the restauration of His Majesty King Charles II collected by a careful hand.
Colquitt, Anthony.; England and Wales. Court of Chancery.; England and Wales. Court of King's Bench.; England and Wales. Court of Common Pleas.; England and Wales. Court of Exchequer.
Wing C5414; ESTC R11074
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A compendium of the laws and government ecclesiastical, civil and military, of England, Scotland & Ireland and dominions, plantations and territories thereunto belonging, with the maritime power thereof, and jurisdiction of courts therein. Methodically digested under their proper heads. By H.C. sometime of the Inner Temple.
Curson, H. (Henry)
Wing C7686A; ESTC R231895
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Cases in Parliament, resolved and adjudged, upon petitions, and writs of error
Shower, Bartholomew, Sir, 1658-1701.
Wing S3650; ESTC R562
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The works of the Right Honourable Henry, late L. Delamer and Earl of Warrington containing His Lordships advice to his children, several speeches in Parliament, &c. : with many other occasional discourses on the affairs of the two last reigns / being original manuscripts written with His Lordships own hand.; Works. 1694
Warrington, Henry Booth, Earl of, 1652-1694.
Wing D873; ESTC R12531
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Certamen epistolare, or, The letter-combate. Managed by Peter Heylyn, D.D. with 1. Mr. Baxter of Kederminster. 2. Dr. Barnard of Grays-Inne. 3. Mr. Hickman of Mag. C. Oxon. And 4. J.H. of the city of Westminster Esq; With 5. An appendix to the same, in answer to some passages in Mr. Fullers late Appeal.
Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662.; Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691.; Bernard, Nicholas, d. 1661.; Hickman, Henry, d. 1692.; Harrington, James, 1611-1677.
Wing H1687; Thomason E1722_1; ESTC R202410
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An exact and most impartial accompt of the indictment, arraignment, trial, and judgment (according to law) of twenty nine regicides, the murtherers of His Late Sacred Majesty of most glorious memory begun at Hicks-Hall on Tuesday, the 9th of October, 1660, and continued (at the Sessions-House in the Old-Bayley) until Friday, the nineteenth of the same moneth : together with a summary of the dark and horrid decrees of the caballists, preperatory to that hellish fact exposed to view for the reader's satisfaction, and information of posterity.
Nottingham, Heneage Finch, Earl of, 1621-1682.
Wing N1404; ESTC R17120
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A refutation of M. Ioseph Hall his apologeticall discourse, for the marriage of ecclesiasticall persons directed vnto M. Iohn VVhiting. In which is demonstrated the marriages of bishops, priests &c. to want all warrant of Scriptures or antiquity: and the freedome for such marriages, so often in the sayd discourse vrged, mentioned, and challenged to be a meere fiction. Written at the request of an English Protestant, by C.E. a Catholike priest.
Coffin, Edward, 1571-1626.
STC 5475; ESTC S108444
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Antidotum Lincolniense· or An answer to a book entituled, The holy table, name, & thing, &c. said to be written long agoe by a minister in Lincolnshire, and printed for the diocese of Lincolne, a⁰. 1637 VVritten and inscribed to the grave, learned, and religious clergie of the diocese of Lincoln. By Pet: Heylyn chapleine in ordinary to his Matie.
Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662.
STC 13267; ESTC S104010
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The fundamental constitution of the English government proving King William and Queen Mary our lawful and rightful king and queen : in two parts : in the first is shewn the original contract with its legal consequences allowed of in former ages : in the second, all the pretences to a conquest of this nation by Will. I are fully examin'd and refuted : with a large account of the antiquity of the English laws, tenures, honours, and courts for legislature and justice : and an explanation of material entries in Dooms-day-book / by W.A.
Atwood, William, d. 1705?; Atwood, William, d. 1705? Reflections on Bishop Overall's Convocation-book.
Wing A4171; ESTC R27668
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Eikon aklastos The image vnbroaken : a perspective of the impudence, falshood, vanitie, and prophannes, published in a libell entitled Eikonoklastēe [sic] against Eikon basilikē, or, The pourtraicture of His Sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings.
Jane, Joseph, fl. 1600-1660.
Wing J451; ESTC R2475
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Akolouthos, or, A second faire warning to take heed of the Scotish discipline in vindication of the first (which the Rt. Reverend Father in God, the Ld. Bishop of London Derrie published a. 1649) against a schismatical & seditious reviewer, R.B.G., one of the bold commissioners from the rebellious kirke in Scotland ... / by Ri. Watson ...
Watson, Richard, 1612-1685.; Creighton, Robert, 1593-1672.
Wing W1084; ESTC R13489
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Observations concerning the original and various forms of government as described, viz. 1st. Upon Aristotles politiques. 2d. Mr. Hobbs's Laviathan. 3d. Mr. Milton against Salmatius. 4th. Hugo Grotius De jure bello. 5th. Mr. Hunton's Treatise of monarchy, or the nature of a limited or mixed monarchy / by the learned Sir R. Filmer, Barronet ; to which is added the power of kings ; with directions for obedience to government in dangerous and doubtful times.
Filmer, Robert, Sir, d. 1653.
Wing F920; ESTC R32803
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Salmasius his dissection and confutation of the diabolical rebel Milton in his impious doctrines of falshood, maxims of policies, and destructive principles of hypocrisie, insolences, invectives, injustice, cruelties and calumnies, against His Gracious Soveraign King Charles I : made legible for the satisfaction of all loyal and obedient subjects, but by reason of the rigid inquisition after persons and presses by the late merciless tyrant Oliver Cromwel, durst not be sold publickly in this kingdom, under pain of imprisonment and other intollerable dammages.
Jane, Joseph, fl. 1600-1660.; Saumaise, Claude, 1588-1653.
Wing J451A; Wing S739_CANCELLED; ESTC R35159
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The blessings on Mount Gerizzim, and the curses on Movnt Ebal. Or, The happie estate of Protestants compared with the miserable estate of papists vnder the Popes tyrannie. By M.S. Doctor of Diuinitie.
Sutcliffe, Matthew, 1550?-1629.
STC 23466; ESTC S111364
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Tracts of Mr. Thomas Hobbs of Malmsbury containing I. Behemoth, the history of the causes of the civil wars of England, from 1640 to 1660, printed from the author's own copy never printed (but with a thousand faults) before, II. An answer to Arch-bishop Bramhall's book called the catching of the Leviathan, never before printed, III. An historical narration of heresie and the punishment thereof, corrected by the true copy, IV. Philosophical problems dedicated to the King in 1662, but never printed before.; Selections. 1682
Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679.
Wing H2265; ESTC R19913
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A short demurrer to the Jewes long discontinued barred remitter into England Comprising an exact chronological relation of their first admission into, their ill deportment, misdemeanors, condition, sufferings, oppressions, slaughters, plunders, by popular insurrections, and regal exactions in; and their total, final banishment by judgment and edict of Parliament, out of England, never to return again: collected out of the best historians and records. With a brief collection of such English laws, Scriptures, reasons as seem strongly to plead, and conclude against their readmission into England, especially at this season, and against the general calling of the Jewish nation. With an answer to the chief allegations for their introduction. / By William Prynne Esq; a bencher of Lincolnes-Inne.; Short demurrer to the Jewes long discontinued remitter into England. Part 1.
Prynne, William, 1600-1669.
Wing P4079; ESTC R205682
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The sovereigns prerogative and the subjects priviledge discussed betwixt courtiers and patriots in Parliament, the third and fourth yeares of the reign of King Charles : together with the grand mysteries of state then in agitation.
England and Wales. Parliament.; Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661.
Wing F2467; ESTC R16084
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Ephemeris parliamentaria, or, A faithfull register of the transactions in Parliament in the third and fourth years of the reign of our late Sovereign Lord, King Charles containing the severall speeches, cases and arguments of law transacted between His Majesty and both Houses : together with the grand mysteries of the kingdome then in agitation.
England and Wales. Parliament.; Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661.
Wing F2422; ESTC R23317
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An historicall discourse of the uniformity of the government of England. The first part. From the first times till the reigne of Edvvard the third; Historicall discourse of the uniformity of the government of England. Part 1
Bacon, Nathaniel, 1593-1660.; Marshall, William, fl. 1617-1650, engraver.
Wing B348B; ESTC R8530
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The law of laws, or, The excellencie of the civil law above all humane laws whatsoever by Sir Robert Wiseman ... ; together with a discourse concerning the oath ex officio and canonical purgation.
Wiseman, Robert, Sir, 1613-1684.; Lake, Edward, Sir, 1596 or 7-1674.
Wing W3113A; ESTC R33680
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A seasonable, vindication, of the good old fuudamental [sic] rights, and governments of all English freemen By William Prynne Esq; a bencher of Lincolnes Inne.
Prynne, William, 1600-1669.
Wing P4070A; ESTC R232121
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The history of the wicked plots and conspiracies of our pretended saints representing the beginning, constitution, and designs of the Jesuite : with the conspiracies, rebellions, schisms, hypocrisie, perjury, sacriledge, seditions, and vilefying humour of some Presbyterians, proved by a series of authentick examples, as they have been acted in Great Brittain, from the beginning of that faction to this time / by Henry Foulis ...
Foulis, Henry, ca. 1635-1669.
Wing F1642; ESTC R4811
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The fundamental charter of Presbytery as it hath been lately established in the kingdom of Scotland examin'd and disprov'd by the history, records, and publick transactions of our nation : together with a preface, wherein the vindicator of the Kirk is freely put in mind of his habitual infirmities.
Sage, John, 1652-1711.
Wing S286; ESTC R33997
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The history of Great Britain being the life and reign of King James the First, relating to what passed from his first access to the crown, till his death / by Arthur Wilson.
Wilson, Arthur, 1595-1652.
Wing W2888; ESTC R38664
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A ful and round ansvver to N.D. alias Robert Parsons the noddie his foolish and rude Warne-word comprised in three bookes, whereof, the first containeth a defence of Queene Elizabeths most pious and happie gouernment, by him maliciously slaundered. The second discouereth the miserable estate of papists, vnder the Popes irreligious and vnhappy tyrannie, by him weakely defended. The third, toucheth him for his vnciuill termes and behauior, and diuers other exorbitant faults and abuses, both here and elsewhere by him committed, and cleareth his vaine obiections and cauils.
Sutcliffe, Matthew, 1550?-1629.
STC 23465; ESTC S117978
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The third part of a seasonable, legal, and historical vindication of the good old fundamental liberties, franchises, rights, laws, government of all English freemen; with a chronological collection of their strenuous defenses, by wars, and otherwise: of all great Parliamentary Councills, synods, and chief laws, charters, proceedings in them; of the publike revolutions of state, with the sins and vices occasioning them; and the exemplary judgements of God upon tyrants, oppressors, perjured perfidious traitors, rebels, regicides, usurpers, during the reigns o [sic] four Saxon and Danish Kings, from the year of our Lord 600. till the coronation of William the Norman, anno 1066. Collected out of our antientest, and best historians, with brief usefull observations on and from them. / By William Prynne esq; a bencher of Lincolns Inne.; Seasonable, legall, and historicall vindication and chronologicall collection of the good, old, fundamentall, liberties, franchises, rights, laws of all English freemen. Part 3
Prynne, William, 1600-1669.
Wing P4102; Thomason E905_1; ESTC R207432
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Historiarchos, or, The exact recorder being the most faithfull remembrancer of the most remarkable transactions of estate and of all the English lawes ... : as most elabourately they are collected ... out of the antiquities of the Saxon and Danish kings, unto the coronation of William the Conqueror, and continued unto the present government of Richard, now Lord Protector / by William Prynne, Esquire ...; Seasonable, legal, and historical vindication of the good old fundamental liberties, franchises, rights, properties, laws, government of all English freemen. Part 3
Prynne, William, 1600-1669.; Prynne, William, 1600-1669. Seasonable, legal, and historical vindication.
Wing P3974; ESTC R14832
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A true relation of Englands happinesse, vnder the raigne of Queene Elizabeth and the miserable estate of papists, vnder the Popes tyrany / by M.S.
Sutcliffe, Matthew, 1550?-1629.
STC 23467; ESTC S528
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Londinopolis an historicall discourse or perlustration of the city of London, the imperial chamber, and chief emporium of Great Britain : whereunto is added another of the city of Westminster, with the courts of justice, antiquities, and new buildings thereunto belonging / by Jam. Howel Esq.
Howell, James, 1594?-1666.
Wing H3091; ESTC R13420
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The history of the troubles and tryal of the Most Reverend Father in God and blessed martyr, William Laud, Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. [vol. 2 of the Remains.] wrote by himself during his imprisonment in the Tower ; to which is prefixed the diary of his own life, faithfully and entirely published from the original copy ; and subjoined, a supplement to the preceding history, the Arch-Bishop's last will, his large answer to the Lord Say's speech concerning liturgies, his annual accounts of his province delivered to the king, and some other things relating to the history.
Laud, William, 1573-1645.; Wharton, Henry, 1664-1695.; Prynne, William, 1600-1669. Rome's masterpiece.
Wing L596; ESTC R354
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The Second part of Modern reports, being a collection of several special cases most of them adjudged in the Court of Common Pleas, in the 26, 27, 28, 29, & 30th years of the reign of King Charles II. when Sir. Fra. North was Chief Justice of the said court. : To which are added, several select cases in the Courts of Chancery, King's-Bench, and Exchequer in the said years. / Carefully collected by a learned hand.
Colquitt, Anthony.; Washington, Joseph, d. 1694.; Great Britain. Court of Exchequer.; England and Wales. Court of Common Pleas.; England and Wales. Court of Chancery.; England and Wales. Court of King's Bench.
Wing C5416; ESTC R171454
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An exact collection of choice declarations, with pleas, replications, rejoynders, demurrers, assignement of errours and the entries of judgments thereupon affirmed. / Collected by VV. S. one of the clerks of the upper bench office : in the reignes of Queen Elizabeth, King James, and the late King Charles. Diligently perused, and translated into English, for the benefit and helpe of young clerkes. With an exact table, wherein may be found the principall matters contained in the whole book.
W. S., One of the clerks of the Upper Bench Office.; J. W.; Sheppard, William, d. 1675?, attributed name.; Small, William, 17th cent, attributed name.
Wing S3185; Thomason E210_1; ESTC R10408
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Medulla historiæ Anglicanæ being a comprehensive history of the lives and reigns of the monarchs of England from the time of the invasion thereof by Jvlivs Cæsar to this present year 1679 : with an abstract of the lives of the Roman emperors commanding in Britain, and the habits of the ancient Britains : to which is added a list of the names of the Honourable the House of Commons now sitting, and His Majesties Most Honourable Privy Council, &c.
Howell, William, 1638?-1683.
Wing H3139A; ESTC R41001
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A collection of papers relating to the present juncture of affairs in England
Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715.
Wing C5169A; ESTC R9879
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A quench-coale. Or A briefe disquisition and inquirie, in vvhat place of the church or chancell the Lords-table ought to be situated, especially vvhen the Sacrament is administered? VVherein is evidently proved, that the Lords-table ought to be placed in the midst of the church, chancell, or quire north and south, not altar-wise, with one side against the wall: that it neither is nor ought to be stiled an altar; that Christians have no other altar but Christ alone, who hath abolished all other altars, which are either heathenish, Jewish, or popish, and not tollerable among Christians. All the pretences, authorities, arguments of Mr. Richard Shelford, Edmond Reeve, Dr. John Pocklington, and a late Coale from the altar, to the contrary in defence of altars, calling the Lords-table an altar, or placing it altarwise, are here likewise fully answered and proved to be vaine or forged. By a well-wisher to the truth of God, and the Church of England.
Prynne, William, 1600-1669.
STC 20474; ESTC S101532
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The historie of the life and reigne of that famous princesse Elizabeth containing a briefe memoriall of the chiefest affaires of state that haue passed in these kingdomes of England, Scotland, France or Ireland since the yeare of the fatall Spanish invasion to that of her sad and ever to be deplored dissolution : wherevnto also is annexed an appendix of animadversions vpon severall passages, corrections of sundry errours, and additions of some remarkable matters of this history never before imprinted.; Annales rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum regnante Elizabetha. English. 1634
Camden, William, 1551-1623.; Browne, Thomas, 1604?-1673.
STC 4499; ESTC S2549
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Speeches and passages of this great and happy Parliament: from the third of November, 1640, to this instant June, 1641. Collected into one volume, and according to the most perfect originalls, exactly published.
England and Wales. Parliament.; Mervyn, Audley, Sir, d. 1675.; Pym, John, 1584-1643.; Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of, 1593-1641.
Wing E2309; Thomason E159_1; ESTC R212697
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The antiquity, legality, reason, duty and necessity of præ-emption and prourveyance, for the King, or, Compositions for his pourveyance as they were used and taken for the provisions of the Kings household, the small charge and burthen thereof to the people, and the many for the author, great mischiefs and inconveniences which will inevitably follow the taking of them away / by Fabian Philipps.
Philipps, Fabian, 1601-1690.
Wing P2004; ESTC R10010
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Gods arke overtopping the worlds waves, or The third part of the Parliamentary chronicle. Containing a successive continuation and exact and faithful narration of all the most materiall parliamentary proceedings & memorable mercies wherewith God hath crowned this famous present Parliament and their armies in all the severall parts of the land; ... Collected and published for Gods high honour and the great encouragement of all that are zealous for God and lovers of their country. / By the most unworthy admirer of them, John Vicars.; God in the mount. Part 3
Vicars, John, 1579 or 80-1652.
Wing V309; Thomason E312_3; ESTC R200473
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The state of the Protestants of Ireland under the late King James's government in which their carriage towards him is justified, and the absolute necessity of their endeavouring to be freed from his government, and of submitting to their present Majesties is demonstrated.
King, William, 1650-1729.
Wing K538; ESTC R18475
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The first part of a brief register, kalendar and survey of the several kinds, forms of all parliamentary vvrits comprising in 3. sections, all writs ... illustrated with choice, usefull annotations ... / by William Prynne ...
Prynne, William, 1600-1669.
Wing P3956; ESTC R33923
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The vvarn-vvord to Sir Francis Hastinges wast-word conteyning the issue of three former treateses, the Watch-word, the Ward-word and the Wast-word (intituled by Sir Francis, an Apologie or defence of his Watch-word) togeather with certaine admonitions & warnings to thesaid [sic] knight and his followers. Wherunto is adioyned a breif reiection of an insolent, and vaunting minister masked with the letters O.E. who hath taken vpon him to wryte of thesame [sic] argument in supply of the knight. There go also foure seueral tables, one of the chapters, another of the controuersies, the third of the cheif shiftes, and deceits, the fourth of the parricular [sic] matters conteyned in the whole book. By N.D. author of the Ward-word.
Parsons, Robert, 1546-1610.
STC 19418; ESTC S114221
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The Royal College of Physicians of London, founded and established by law as appears by letters patents, acts of Parliament, adjudged cases, &c. : and An historical account of the College's proceedings against empiricks and unlicensed practisers, in every princes reign from their first incorporation to the murther of the royal martyr, King Charles the First / by Charles Goodall ...
Goodall, Charles, 1642-1712.
Wing G1091; ESTC R8914
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English-law, or, A summary survey of the houshold of God on earth and that both before and under the law, and that both of Moses and the Lord Jesus : historically opening the purity and apostacy of believers in the successions of ages, to this present : together with an essay of Christian government under the regiment of our Lord and King, the one immortal, invisible, infinite, eternal, universal prince, the Prince of Peace, Emmanuel.
Cock, Charles George.
Wing C4789; ESTC R37185
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The conuerted Iew or Certaine dialogues betweene Micheas a learned Iew and others, touching diuers points of religion, controuerted betweene the Catholicks and Protestants. Written by M. Iohn Clare a Catholicke priest, of the Society of Iesus. Dedicated to the two Vniuersities of Oxford and Cambridge ...
Clare, John, 1577-1628.; Anderton, Lawrence, attributed name.; Anderton, Roger, d. 1640?, attributed name.
STC 5351; ESTC S122560
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Historical collections, or, An exact account of the proceedings of the four last parliaments of Q. Elizabeth of famous memory wherein is contained the compleat journals both of Lords & Commons, taken from the original records of their houses : as also the more particular behaviours of the worthy members during all the last notable sessions, comprehending the motions, speeches, and arguments of the renowned and learned secretary Cecill, Sir Francis Bacon, Sir Walter Rawleigh, Sir Edw. Hobby, and divers other eminent gentlemen : together with the most considerable passages of the history of those times / faithfully and laboriously collected, by Heywood Townshend ...
Townshend, Hayward, b. 1577.
Wing T1991; ESTC R39726
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Of the dominion or ownership of the sea two books : in the first is shew'd that the sea, by the lavv of nature or nations, is not common to all men, but capable of private dominion or proprietie, as well as the land : in the second is proved that the dominion of the British sea, or that which incompasseth the isle of Great Britain is, and ever hath been, a part or appendant of the empire of that island writen at first in Latin, and entituled, Mare clausum, seu, De dominio maris, by John Selden, Esquire ; translated into English and set forth with som additional evidences and discourses, by Marchamont Nedham.; Mare clausum. English
Selden, John, 1584-1654.; Nedham, Marchamont, 1620-1678.
Wing S2432; ESTC R15125
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The fourth part of The soveraigne povver of parliaments and kingdomes. Wherein the Parliaments right and interest in ordering the militia, forts, ships, magazins, and great offices of the realme, is manifested by some fresh records in way of supplement: the two Houses imposition of moderate taxes and contributions on the people in cases of extremity, without the Kings assent, (when wilfully denyed) for the necessary defence and preservation of the kingdome; and their imprisoning, confining of malignant dangerous persons in times of publicke danger, for the common safety; are vindicated from all calumnies, and proved just. Together with an appendix; manifesting by sundry histories and foraine authorities, that in the ancient kingdome of Rome; the Roman, Greeke, German empires; ... the supreame soveraigne power resided not in the emperours, or kings themselves, but in the whole kingdome, senate, parliament, state, people ... / By William Prynne, utter-barrester, of Lincolnes Inne. It is this tenth day of July, ordered ... that this booke .... be printed by Michael Sparke senior. John White.; Soveraigne power of parliaments and kingdomes. Part 4
Prynne, William, 1600-1669.; England and Wales. Parliament. House of Comomns.
Wing P3962; Thomason E248_4; ESTC R203192
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An apologeticall relation of the particular sufferings of the faithfull ministers & professours of the Church of Scotland, since August, 1660 wherein severall questions, usefull for the time, are discussed : the King's preroragative over parliaments & people soberly enquired into, the lawfulness of defensive war cleared, the by a well wisher to the good old cause.
Brown, John, 1610?-1679.
Wing B5026; ESTC R13523
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Remarks upon the most eminent of our antimonarchical authors and their writings viz. 1. the brief history of succession, 2. Plato redevivus, 3. Mr. Hunt's Postscript, 4. Mr. Johnson's Julian, 5. Mr. Sidney's Papers, 6. upon the consequences of them, conspiracies and rebellions / published long since, and what may serve for answer to Mr. Sidney's late publication of government &c.
Neville, Henry, 1620-1694. Plato redivivus.; Johnson, Samuel, 1649-1703. Julian the apostate.; Sidney, Algernon, 1622-1683. Discourses concerning government.; Hunt, Thomas, 1627?-1688. Postscript for rectifying some mistakes in some of the inferiour clergy.
Wing R949; ESTC R29292
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De jure maritimo et navali, or, A treatise of affairs maritime and of commerce in three books / by Charles Molloy.
Molloy, Charles, 1646-1690.; White, Robert, 1645-1703.
Wing M2395; ESTC R43462
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The appeal of iniured innocence, unto the religious learned and ingenuous reader in a controversie betwixt the animadvertor, Dr. Peter Heylyn, and the author, Thomas Fuller.
Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661.
Wing F2410; ESTC R5599
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Examen historicum, or, A discovery and examination of the mistakes, falsities and defects in some modern histories occasioned by the partiality and inadvertencies of their severall authours / by Peter Heylin ...
Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662.
Wing H1706; ESTC R4195
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Parthenopoeia, or, The history of the most noble and renowned kingdom of Naples with the dominions therunto annexed and the lives of all their kings : the first part / by that famous antiquary Scipio Mazzella ; made English by Mr. Samson Lennard ... ; the second part compil'd by James Howell, Esq., who, besides som [sic] supplements to the first part, drawes on the threed [sic] of the story to these present times, 1654 ; illustrated with the figures of the kings and arms of all the provinces.; Descrittione del regno di Napoli. English
Mazzella, Scipione.; Lennard, Samson, d. 1633.; Howell, James, 1594?-1666.
Wing M1542; ESTC R9145
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