An answer to the booke called The perfect Pharisee under monkish holinesse: wherein is layd open, who they are that oppose the fundamentall principles of the doctrine of the Gospel, and the scripture practises, which the authors of that book would cast upon those they call Quakers, but are found to be themselves; who appear to be no ministers of the Gospel, but walke contrary to all that ever Christ sent forth in the scripture, scorning them who live the life of the scriptures, or are brought into the obedience of the same spirit. Published for no other end but to cleare the truth from the slanders of these men, who thereby goe about to deceive the simple, and keep them off from obedience to the truth. By one whom the world calls, James Nayler.
Naylor, James, 1617?-1660.
Wing N261; Thomason E735_2; ESTC R206955