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truth_n deed_n light_n manifest_a 2,272 5 9.7572 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09576 Gods generall summons to his last parliament. By George Phillips Phillips, George, fl. 1597. 1595 (1595) STC 19859; ESTC S114702 14,661 50

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fed them with bread and water For whosoeuer doth hear God doth good for Gods people like Obadiah and God dooth good to him Exod 9 10 for so many of Pharaos seruantes as feared God were preserued from the daungerous haile Our sauior Christ sheweth the cause why the godly are so desirous to appeare and why the vngodly are so lothe to come before Christ Of the first sort he saith Iohn 3 21 He that doth truth commeth to the light that his deeds might be made manifest that they are wrought acording to God Hee is like the poore true meaning man molested wrongfully that neuer ceaseth soliciting the iudge that he may haue a daye of hearing like the widdow that cryed Luke 18 3 Auenge me 〈…〉 20 c. of the other he saith Euerie one that doth euil hateth the light and commeth not to the light least his deedes should be reproued Hee is like the guiltie defendant calling for respite of iudgement like the diuels that cried let vs not bee tormented before the time Matth 8 29 But Paule speaketh not of the certeinty of any definite time but rather of the general appearance and so of the impossibility of any mans exemtion from being accomptable in his Stewardship Luke 16 13 The scripture mentioneth one account of a bad Steward but least any man should thinke that that parable should only warrant the account of bad men Paule putteth the question out of controuersie that our account shal be generall for he saith flatly we shal al appear Actes 25 9 Acts 25 10 Wilt thou go vp to Ierusalem and there be iudged of these matters before me sayde Festus to Paule Paule might appeare to Ceasars iudgement seate because hee was a Romaine borne Therefore Festus saide Wilt thou Acts 22 28 c. but wil we or nil we euerie mothers childe of vs shal appeare where Christ hath summoned vs. Then let not the badde stand stil at the weake state they are in Gene 41.20 like Pharaos leane kine nor the good cease to goe on in their pilgrimage like strangers on the earth but like Iosua going towarde Canaan say I and my housholde will serue the Lord. Iosua 14 15 When Salomon had seene all the inconueniences of the sluggardes Vineyarde Prou. 24 32 he tooke it for a warning And wee are verie happy menne if wee haue the grace to take heede of that which is foretolde vs. When Felix heard Paule dispute of his appearance to come Actes 24 26 he trembled and so do the diuels with all the wicked but few examine themselues with Ieremie who saide What haue I done Ierem. 8 6 Gene 42 21 Except it be when it is too late like Iosephes brethren in the famine which said one to another we haue vtterly sinned against our brother in that we sawe the anguish of his soule when he be sought vs and wee woulde not heare him Gen 42 21 Gene 3 1 therefore is this trouble come vpon vs. The serpent was iustlie called the subtellest beast in the fielde and sinne the sonne is like the diuell his father loth is it to come in his owne likenesse but as the diuell came to Saule in the shape of Samuel Sam. 1 28 Eccle 10 11 so commeth sinn not like a serpent but like the subtil serpent that stingeth without hissing Serpents come closely that men may not perceiue them so shal they first feele their sin and then see that they haue sinned when they cannot amend the matter But se how Pauls epistle coms running like the messenger to Iob Iob 1 14 saith he is dead I am escaped to tel thee See here a message is come from the dead Paule to admonish vs to bee carefull to liue wel while we are heere that wee may meet with him in his ioye elsewhere Eccles 10.7 The hart of a wise man is at his right hand saith Salomon vz he is ready to follow al good admonitions When men are vppon the Sea in danger they wil cast al away to keep their life Acts 27 38 Apoc 13 1 Iames 1 8 Luke 11 8 we should leaue al things willingly for the life to come What is the world but as an incōstant sea what are the troubles heere but as tempests there what is the Church afflicted but as a ship tossed what are christian men but carefull marriners striuing against storm stream to ariue safe in the hauen of Heauen Actes 27 9 Acts 14 22 Sailing was very dangerous in Pauls long voyage by Sea but yet he wafted on And we must trauel through many troubles to the kingdome of Christ Actes 14 21 As Paules fellowe sailers wished for the day so al christians desire the true light Psal 42 2 Therefore saieth Dauid When shal I come and appeare beefore God as though he thought euery minute to bee a moneth vntill the iudgement day were come This maketh the spouse so inquisitiue after him Cant 3 3 that she is questioning with as many as meet her Saw ye him whom my soule loueth The church woulde not see Christ Luke 19 3 Heb 12 1 as Philip Andrewe saw him nor as Zacheus saw him nor as the cloud of witnesses saw him but so in his kingdome Math 17 2 as Moses and Elias sawe him in his glorie vppon Mount Thabor Take heed watch pray for ye know not when the time shall be Math 13 33 saith our Sauiour Christ to the dysciples because we know not the daie of appearance therefore wee are often warned to watch that we may be ready like the mariner that waiteth on the winde and tide like the smith that smiteth whiles the yron is hot and as birdes breed while summer lasteth The speech of Abraham to the rich man in hel concerneth vs now while we are out of hel Sonne remember that thou in thy life time haddest pleasure Luke 16 25 Psal 95 8 The Psalmist saith we must heare God while it is to day vz while we may and in another Psalme I will pay my vowes now saith the prophet teaching men to take their present opportunitie Psal 116 12 to giue God his dutie other waies they may soothe vppe themselues Psal 116.14 with Beholde O Lorde how that I am thy seruaunt but cannot saye and the sonne of thy handmaide while they are not at hande to doe his beheastes Christ saide watch Math 25 13 for ye know not when the houre wil come because we know not at what houre Christ will come therfore it is reason to be ready euery houre and the last houre is vnknowne to vs that wee might account euery houre to be the last hower yet as before the Wall falleth downe some stones drop out of it and cliftes appeare as before the flame mounteth some smoake is seene And as before the mightye thunderbolt a flashe of lightning flieth out so wee