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A20217 The ruine of Rome: or An exposition vpon the whole Reuelation Wherein is plainly shewed and proued, that the popish religion, together with all the power and authoritie of Rome, shall ebbe and decay still more and more throughout all the churches of Europe, and come to an vtter ouerthrow euen in this life before the end of the world. Written especially for the comfort of Protestants, and the daunting of papists, seminary priests, Iesuites, and all that cursed rabble. Published by Arthur Dent, preacher of the word of God at South-Shoobery in Essex. Dent, Arthur, d. 1607.; Culverwell, Ezekiel, 1553 or 4-1631. 1603 (1603) STC 6640; ESTC S117456 184,102 332

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sheweth how the true Church should be gathered together and built by the preaching of the Gospell and all the wicked refused and cast out Secondly it describeth the builders that is ver all the faithfull Ministers which had and should resist Antichrist Thirdly ver 7.8 it sheweth how Antichrist should persecute the Preachers and professors of the Gospell vnto death and murther them by heapes Fourthly it sheweth that Papists Atheists and wicked worldlings ver 9.10 should reioyce in the death of Gods people and not vouchsafe them so much as the honor of buriall but send gifts one to an other for ioy that they were rid out of the earth Fiftly ver 11.12.13 it sheweth that notwithstanding the rage and fury of the world in persecuting them to death God would not onely receiue their soules to glorie but also raise vp others endued with the same spirit which should preach professe witnesse the same truth constantly continually euen vnto the ende of the world Lastly it sheweth vers that after the preaching of the Gospell some good time in this last age the seuenth Angel should blowe the trumpet and the worlde should end And there was giuen me a reede like vnto a rodde vers 1 and the Angel stood by saying Arise and measure the temple of God and the aultar and them that worship therein Here Iesus Christ giueth a reede vnto Iohn like vnto a rodde and thervpon he is commanded by an Angell to goe about the measuring of the temple the aultar c. By this measuring with a reede like a rodde is signified the restoring and building vp of Gods house which now was greatly ruinated and runne into decay through the long preuailing of Poperie Measuring with a reede is taken for the building vp of Gods Church after the decaied estate thereof both in Ezechiel Zachary and this Prophesie Iohn in the persons of all faithfull Ministers hath this measuring rodde giuen him because the church was to be restored and built vp by the Ministers and Ministrie of the Gospell The thing to be measured is the Temple the Aultar and them that worship therein This is an allusion to the legall worship whereby our spirituall worship is represented For by the materiall Temple is meant the spirituall Temple or Church of God By the Aultar of stone is meant the spirituall worship By them that worship therein with carnall sacrifices is meant all the true members of the Church which worship God in spirit and truth Now then both the Church the true worship and worshippers were all to be measured repaired and built vp by the ministrie of the word which all were decaied and almost laide waste by the Popes tyrannie But the court which is without the temple cast out and measure it not for it is giuen to the Gentiles and the holy citie shall they treade vnder foote two and fortie moneths Iohn is heere forbidden to measure and build vp the court which is without the tēple Wherby is ment all heretikes hypocrites worldlings all such as haue a place in the Church but are not of the Church This phrase of speech is taken from the olde shadowish worship as the rest before For in the temple of Ierusalem there was an outward court which was common to all good bad the holy place which was proper to the Priests and Leuites and the holy of holiest or most holy place where none might come but the high Priest onely Here is a reason added why the Lord God refuseth all Papists and hypocrites and all such as belong to the outward court onely and it is this that this outward court is giuen vnto the Gentiles that is to all false Christians and counterfaits in Religion which are members of the visible Church but haue nothing to do with the inuisible These are compared to Gentiles in two respects First in regard of prophanesse for they are as prophane as the Heathen Secondly in respect of persecuting the truth for hypocrites and Atheists are as forward in persecuting the people of God as the Heathen Emperours which persecuted the Church by the space of 300. yeares All comes to this that when the Church should bee gathered and built by the Preaching of the Gospell God would haue all Papists Atheists and hypocrites shut out Moreouer here is the second reason yeelded why the outward court should be cast out and not measured to wit because they should tread the holy Cittie vnder foote forty and two monethes That is they should persecute the Church all the time of Antichrists raigne For forty two moneths in this verse and 1260. dayes in the next verse and three dayes and a halfe verse 9. and time times and halfe a time in the 12. Chapter verse 14. and 1260 dayes Chapter 12. verse 6. doe signifie all one thing which is the short raigne of Antichrist for these moneths these dayes and these times doe euery one of them make three yeares and a halfe For who knoweth not that 42. monethes make iust three yeares and an halfe and that 1260. dayes maketh euen so much also and by time he meaneth a yeare by times two yeare and by halfe a time halfe a yeare Now the reason why Antichrists raigne is numbred by dayes monethes and halfe times all amounting but to three yeares and a halfe is to note the short continuance thereof for the comfort of the Church as appeareth more fully and plainely in sundry places of this Prophesie where it is set downe in plaine wordes that Antichrist should raigne but a short time for what is fiue or sixe hundred yeares in comparison of eternitie But here the Papists doe shew themselues most sottish and ridiculous in that they would gather frō hence that the Pope is not Antichrist for say they Antichrist shall raigne but three yeares and an halfe but the Pope hath raigned many yeares therefore the Pope is not Antichrist Now to answer the proposition of their argumēt taken from this place First it may bee answered that this place is not to be vnderstoode litterally but mistically as many other things in this booke Secondly here is a certaine number put for an vncertaine a definit number for an indefinit which also is vsuall in this booke as we heard before chapter 7 concerning the sealing of the Tribes of euery Tribe 12000. which maketh 144000. Now no man is so mad as to thinke there were iust so many sealed and neither more nor lesse Thirdly here is an allusion to Daniels weekes and other propheticall computatiōs wherin sometimes a day is put for a yere a weeke for 7. yeares as in Daniels seauens and a moneth for 30. yeares So then I conclude that it is extreame folly to interpret this place litterally The curious and friuolous interpretations of this place and such like in this booke by some writers I do of purpose omit as matters vntrue vnsound vniudiciall for I only in this booke seeke
of his sonne in the flesh so to foretell both of the affliction it selfe and also of the iust period and determination thereof And shall we not thinke that God hath the like care now for his church which then he had or hath he not as great and as prouident care for the good of his Church since the promised Messias was actually exhibited as before Yes assuredly and much more too for if his care and prouidence was so great for his Church being in her ward-ship and minoritie then much more now being come to her ripenesse and full age If when it was lesse glorious then much more now being farre more glorious Therefore now vnto vs he foretelleth by his seruant Iohn what shall be the estate of the Church vnto the end of the world and therefore Blessed is hee that heareth and readeth this booke sith it foretelleth of the Churches afflictions in this age by the whoore of Babylon and of the full end and determination thereof It sheweth iustly and precisely what the Church hath suffered since the Apostles times in seueral ages and what it shall suffer and also how all the enemies thereof shall shortly be troden vnder foote What can be more ioyfull or comfortable to all the people of God then to know afore-hand that Babylon shall fall Rome shall downe Antichrist the great persecutor of the Church shal be vtterly confounded and consumed in this world notwithstanding all plottes and policies crafts and deuises to the contrary notwithstanding all forces armies cunningly contriued and raised vp against the Church by Seminary Priests Iesuites Pope Cardinall and King of Spaine For all these in this age do very busily bestirre them and ransacke all corners of their wits to repaire the ruines of Rome and to make vp the breaches which are made in the walles of Babylon their great citie But alas all in vaine for it shall fall It shal fall It shal fall as Dagon before the presence of the Arke do what they can spight of their hearts maugre their beards it shall fall finally it shall without all hope of recouery for hath the Lord spoken it and shall it not come to passe or can any word of his euer fall to the ground Sith therefore the Iesuits and Secular Priests do so fiske about and croake in euery corner as greatly fearing the fall of their Babylon and the drying vp of their Euphrates it standes vs all in hand to be as resolute for Christ as they are for Antichrist and as studious to vphold the kingdome of God as they are to vphold the kingdome of the diuel And for this purpose it is very requisite and necessary that all the Lords people should be acquainted with this booke and armed against them with the things reueald in this Prophesie For this booke is a most precious Iewell which God hath bestowed vpon his Church in this last age and it is great pitie that all the seruants of God are not better acquainted with it especially in these times for now in this age is and shall be the very heate of the warre and brunt of the battell betwixt Papists and Protestants betwixt God and Belial betwixt the armies of Christ and the armies of Antichrist Now this Prophesie laieth all open and plainly telleth vs what shal be the issue and successe in the day of battaile which side shall haue the victory and which side shall goe downe And therefore very needfull it is that it should be expounded againe and againe and all the Lords people made throughly aaquainted with it For in this age wherein we liue this Prophesie can neuer be inough opened and beaten vpon that all good Protestants may bee armed with it against future times euen as it were with an armour of proofe S. Iohn plainly telleth the people of his time euen the Churches of Asia that they should be blessed by reading and studying this booke because they should thereby be both forewarned and forearmed against many eminent troubles and future dangers For saith he The time is at hand that is to say some things were euen then to be fulfilled For some matters foretold in this booke did begin to be fulfilled euen presently after they were shewed vnto Iohn for the mistery of iniquitie did euen then begin to worke The Church in the Apostles time had her conflicts The ten great persecutions began euen then to be raised vp Heresies shortly after beganne to spring and sprout Afterward by degrees the great Antichrist did approach towards his cursed seate And after all this S. Iohn foretelleth how hee should take possession of his abhominable and most execrable seate and sea of Rome How he should raigne and rule for a time as the Monarche of the world How he should preuaile against the Church and make warre against the Saintes How he should raigne but a short time and afterward come tumbling downe as fast as euer he rose vp and decrease as fast as euer he increased Therefore Blessed is he saith S. Iohn that diligently readeth and peruseth this booke that thereby hee may foresee all these thinges and bee armed against them For as the Heathen man saith Leuius laedit quicquid praeuideris antè Foreseeing daungers do least hurt Now to apply all this to our times I say they are twise happie that are studious and painfull in searching out the true sense and meaning of this Prophesie that thereby they may be strengthned against all the assaults of the Papists our professed enemies and the enemies of Gods Church and stick fast to the euerlasting truth of God knowing for a certaintie that these sonnes of Belial shall not long preuaile The date of their raigne is almost out and the time draweth on apace wherein both they and their king Abaddon shal be laide in the dust But I will now proceed to a new reasō to proue that this booke of the Reuelations ought not to be concealed but openly preached and published to the whole Church of God in this age My reason is taken out of the 22. chapter of this booke ver 10. in these words Seale not the words of the Prophesie of this booke for the time is at hand Here is a flat commandement from God that this booke and the doctrine of it may not be sealed vp that is to say kept close from the knowledge of Gods people but it must lie alwaies vnsealed that all men may open it read it and see what is in it for it is a borrowed speech taken from sealing of Letters For we all knowe that when Letters are sealed none may open them or reade them but onely those whom it doth concerne but if they be of purpose left vnsealed then any man may reade them without daunger So the Lorde willeth and commaundeth that this booke of the Reuelations should of purpose be left vnsealed that all the people of God might reade it studie it and knowe it If any man doubt whether the Metaphor
to whom he will make knowne all things that he hath heard of his Father But now let vs proceed to the third circumstance The third circumstance is the place where Iohn receiued this Prophesie and that is set downe to be the I le of Pathmos which as the Geographers write is a litle desart Iland lying in the Aegean sea wherein it is reported that Iohn the Apostle was banished by the Emperour Domitian about the yeare of our Lorde 96. and there receiued and writ this booke of the Apocalyps where note by the way that there is no place so obscure or vast wherein a godly mind may not aspire vp vnto heauen and receiue a great largesse of supernaturall things for Daniel in prison Peter in a Tanners house Paul in a broken shippe receiued a superabundant measure of grace more to be esteemed then all the golde of India Some write that this I le of Pathmos is accounted amongst the Ilands called Sporades which lye ouer against Asia and the Citie of Ephesus and was in the sight both of Europe and Affrica so that it seemed to bee as it were as middle seate or holy chaire out of the which Christ preached by Iohn from heauen to the whole world And indeed the counsels of God are wonderful and his goodnesse vnspeakeable which reuealeth so great mysteries to his faithful as it were out of the Romish prison and Babylonicall captiuitie Moreouer Iohn declareth the cause of his comming into the same Iland for hee saith he was there for the word of God and the testimonie of Iesus Christ that is for the preaching and constant profession of the Gospell of Christ Histories doo report that Iohn was apprehended in Asia and by souldiers ledde to Rome that hee might pleade his cause before the Emperour Domitian who most sauagely and cruelly condemned the innocent and caused him to bee put into a cauldron of hotte boiling Oyle out of the which when hee by miraculous prouidence escaped without harme hee was carried and conueied into the I le of Pathmos But immediately after Iohns banishment God met well inough with this persecuting Emperour Domitian For in the fifteenth yeare of his raigne hee was most cruelly and shamefully murthered by his owne seruants And thus much for the third circumstance Now it followeth to speake of the fourth circumstance which is the persons to whom this prophesie is written and that is set downe in the first chapter and first verse to bee all the seruants of God As many therefore as be the seruants of God must attend vnto this booke heare it reade it and remember it for to all such it is dedicated by the holy Ghost to all such it belongeth for all such it is written and recorded Some do falsely and foolishly imagine that it was giuen onely to Iohn and that it might likewise bee giuen to some speciall men as to some great schollers or deepe diuines which could tell how to vse it and how to weld it But wee see how grossely they erre for the holy Ghost saith it belongeth to all the seruants of God And moreouer chapter 1.11 Iohn is willed and commaunded to write all the things which hee sawe in sundrie visions in a booke together and to send it to the seuen Churches which are in Asia because the Lorde would haue it remaine in perfect record vnto the vse of the whole Church both that the Church might haue the custodie of this booke and also that it might bee a faithfull witnesse vnto the ende of the world that this booke was written and penned by Iohn the Apostle of whose truth and sinceritie the church had sufficient experience True it is indeede that there are but seuen churches named but vnder these seuen Churches all others are comprehended It had bene an infinite matter to recken vp all the particular Churches which were then in the world and to haue opened their seuerall estates therefore vnder these seuen Churches of Asia and their particular and seuerall estates the state of the vniuersall Church militant is laid open I conclude therfore that the whole doctrine of S. Iohns Reuelation appertaineth to the vniuersall Church of Christ throughout all the world and in all times and ages since it was written and recorded And that as all scripture is written for our instruction and comfort and as all scripture giuen by diuine inspiration is profitable to teach and conuince c so this booke of the Apocalyps is written for the speciall comfort and instruction of the Church in these last daies And so I do conclude this fourth point The fift circumstantiall point is the end and vse of this Prophesie chapter 1.1 which is to publish and blaze abroad the things which must shortly come to passe that is all things prophesied in this booke and to be fulfilled euen to the end of the world And whereas he saith that these things must come to passe hee doth vs to vnderstand how great the stablenesse and assurednesse of Gods determination is For looke what things are foreappointed by Gods determinate purpose they are altogether vnchaungeable for the Lord is God and he is not chaunged And he saith My determination shall stand and all my will shall come to passe And Christ saith Heauen and earth shall passe away but my word shall not passe It is therefore most certaine that euery particular thing contained in this prophesie shall bee fulfilled in Gods appointed time For God hath disclosed these things to his sonne Christ not to the end he should shut them vp againe in himselfe but that he should shewe them forth to the godly that the whole Church might fare the better by them It doth then stand vs all vpon to enquire and search into these things which must so shortly come to passe that thereby wee may bee strengthened and comforted against all future dangers And Christ saith Beholde I come shortly Blessed is hee that keepeth the words of the Prophesie of this booke But how shall we keepe them except wee knowe them and how shall wee know them except wee reade them and studie them If therefore we meane to bee partakers of this blessednesse wee must not onely esteeme this booke to bee very profitable but absolutely necessarie for all the seruants of God to be exercised in And if euer there were any time wherein it behoued to set forth to vrge and to beate in this doctrine to all the people of God then is it chiefly necessarie to bee done in this our time For this age of ours hath in the Popes kingdome many sharpe and quicke wits which commend with maruellous praises both the Pope and the Popish Church and buzze into the eares of the common people and vnlearned sorte many things cleane contrarie to the doctrine of the scriptures The Iesuites Priests are growne exceeding craftie and cunning The Papists are rich wealthy and full of armour and munition Poperie seemeth to make a head
againe and the Papists looke for a day It stands vs then all vpon which loue Christ and his Gospell that wee should be well appointed and throughly armed against them And for this purpose the Reuelation of S. Iohn is of great vse necessitie As I said before so I say againe that it is the Prophesie of our time written to this speciall ende that by it wee might bee both fore-warned and fore-armed If wee doo consider the whole matter of this booke wee shall easily finde out the vse and end of it For the excellent matter of it doth argue the excellent ende and vse of it Now then as concerning the generall matter of this booke here are to bee founde very large and liuely descriptions of the most glorious person of Christ chapter 1 and all his excellent offices both of King Priest and Prophet and also most notable descriptions of the Church and of the Ministers of it and of the persecutions and afflictions which it must of necessitie passe through in this world Also of Gods mercifull prouidence for his Church and most vigilant care ouer it in the middest of all extremities Here are set before our eyes very liuely descriptions of the Churches deadly enemies both of Sathan himselfe and his three great instruments the Romaine Emperour the Pope and the Turke Here are set downe all their cruell persecutions of the Church and their vtter ouerthrowe in the ende Here are described hell death the resurrection and the last iudgement Here also the very kingdome of heauen is at large described with all those great rewards infinite glory and endlesse felicitie which remaine for all the faithfull worshippers of God I conclude therefore that for as much as this Prophesie is of such excellent contents therefore the vse and necessitie of it must needes bee verie great And for this cause Iohn is willed and commaunded by Alpha and Omega chapter 1.19 to write the things which hee had seene the things that were and the things that shall come hereafter By the things which he had seene is meant that glorious vision mentioned in the first Chapter vers 13 14 15 16. wherein Iesus Christ did appeare vnto him in the middest of the seuen golden Candlestickes in most glorious manner as is there described And all this was in the I le of Pathmos where Iohn was first called and authorised to this worke and therfore he is willed first of all to record this vision which hee had alreadie seene By the things that are hee meaneth the present state of the seuen Churches of Asia which were then the most flourishing Churches in the world as they are described in the second and third Chapters and in them the estate of all other Churches By the things that shal be he meaneth all the prophesies of this booke which were to bee fulfilled in their time al those strange accidents which should come to passe in processe of time and the seuerall ages of the Church euen vnto the end of the world Thus we see how Iohn receiueth a precise commandement from the sonne of God to write things past present to come that they might stand in record vnto all posterities from generation to generation Thus much touching the fift circumstance which is the ende and vse of this booke Now followeth to speake of the last circumstantiall point which is the authoritie of this Prophesie which is strongly confirmed from the Author of it which is Iesus Christ and therefore it is called the Reuelation of Iesus Christ which God gaue vnto him chapter 1.1 And againe it is written I Iesus sent mine Angell to testifie these things in the Churches chapter 22 16. Here wee see plainely that Iesus Christ the very sonne of God the Alpha and Omega is the Author of this booke for hee subscribes his name vnto it and sets his hand and seale vnto it Needes therefore must the authoritie of it bee very great which commeth from so great a personage for looke what dignitie and authoritie he is of from whom the booke commeth of the same dignitie authoritie is the booke it selfe An other strong argument to confirme the authoritie of this booke may be taken from the protestation of Iesus Christ in these words I protest vnto euery man that heareth the words of the Prophesie of this booke chapter 22 18. if any man shall adde vnto these things God shall adde vnto him the plagues that are written in this booke And if any shall diminish of the words of the booke of this Prophesie God shall take away his part out of the booke of life Here wee see how Iesus Christ maketh the authoritie of this booke equall to all other the Oracles of God to the which it is not lawfull for any man to adde or detract vnder paine of condemnatiō It maketh much also for the authoritie of this booke that S. Iohn doth so often repeate reiterate and inculcate his owne name I Iohn I Iohn I Iohn I Iohn the Apostle I Iohn the Euangelist I Iohn the Diuine Shewing by all these repetitions how needfull a thing it was that the faithfull should bee throughly instructed who he was euen one of the Lambes twelue Apostles and therefore to be voide of all suspition and doubt concerning the authoritie of this booke and not once to imagine it to bee any inuention of man or faigned deuice sith it was penned by so great an Apostle Moreouer the authoritie of this Prophesie is confirmed by foure reasons in the last chapter The first is the affirmatiō of the Angell who saith chapter 22.6 7 8. These words are faithfull true The second is the authoritie of the most high God himselfe in these wordes vers 6 The Lorde God of the holy Prophets sent his Angell to shewe vnto his seruants the things which must shortly bee fulfilled The third is the testimonie of Iesus who pronounceth them blessed which keepe the words of this Prophesie For saith he Behold I come shortly vers 7 Blessed is hee that keepeth the words of his Prophesie The fourth and last is the witnesse of Iohn in these words I am Iohn which heard and sawe these things vers 8 Now it may bee demaunded what is the cause that here are so many things heaped vp for the confirmation of the authoritie of this booke Surely wee must thinke there is some speciall cause and reason of it For the holy Ghost dooth not vse to deale so much and so earnestly in a matter but vpon great cause We may easily gather what the cause is This booke painteth out the whore of Babylon and the whole kingdome of the great Antichrist together with all Sathans cunning and sleight therein and for this cause Sathan hath laboured especially to weaken the credit and authoritie of this booke Hee by some meanes in olde time preuailed thus farre that euen among some Churches of true Christians the authoritie and truth of it was doubted
The Minister of Smyrna was a very rare excellēt man although a poore man to the worldward For Christ saith thus vnto him I know thy pouertie but thou art rich that is rich in grace and the manifolde gifts of the spirit Thou hast done great seruice to the church Thou hast imploied thy gifts to the good of many Thou takest great pains in thy ministrie art greatly blessed in thy labors for thou hast an excellent flocke a notable good people and therefore I cannot but greatly commend both thee and them The Minister of Philadelphia was also a very worthy and notable man For although his gifts were not so great as some others yet was he very painefull and faithfull in a little of whom it is said Thou hast a litle strength and hast kept my word and hast not denied my name that is thou art very constant in the profession and practise of Christian religion And therevpon Christ promiseth to blesse his labours For saith hee I will make them of the sinagogue of Sathan which call themselues Iewes and are not but do lye Beholde I say I will make them that they shall come and worship before thy feete and shall knowe that I haue loued thee Here we do plainely see how Christ promiseth to blesse this mans ministerie for his painefulnesse and diligence although hee was not of the greatest gifts For men of greatest gifts are not alwaies most blessed in their labors For God doth commonly worke the greatest things by weake meanes that all glory might redound vnto him and no flesh might boast in his sight For otherwise if men of greatest gifts should alwaies bee most blessed in their labours and winne most soules vnto God then wee would be readie to ascribe that to men their gifts which is proper vnto God and so this praise and glorie should be somewhat eclipsed Thus wee see what excellent men the Ministers of Smyrna and Philadelphia were and what excellent people they had in their charges But on the contrarie the Pastor and the people of Sardis and Laodicea are discommended for all things and commended for nothing Indeede the Minister of Sardis had a great name for learning and other good gifts but he was growne very idle negligent did little good with his gifts Of whom it is said Thou hast a name that thou liuest but thou art dead That is there was no spirit in him no life of grace his gifts waxed rustie for want of vse hee was fallen asleepe he was fallen away from the grace of God hee was nothing the man which he had bene Therefore hee is admonished to awake and strengthen the things which remaine which were readie to die The Minister of Laodicea the people also were growne luke-warme neither hot nor colde they were become carelesse and secure not caring greatly which end went forward in Gods matters so they might enioy the present profits and pleasures of this life Concerning the Pastors and people of Ephesus Pergamus and Thyatira they are partly commended and partly discōmended These three were reasonable good Ministers had many good parts in thē and tooke paines in their charges although there be some faults found with them For the Minister of Ephesus is commended for sixe things for labour for patience for zeale for wisedome for sinceritie for courage but discōmended for leauing his first loue that is for reuolting or somewhat going back or rather indeed for cooling in the loue zeale of God The Minister of Pergamus people also are greatly commended for their constant profession of the truth in the middest of manifolde troubles the very heate of persecution For the rage of the enemies grew so fierce against the profession and professors of the Gospell that Antipas the Pastor of Pergamus as some suppose was put to death For Christ saith thus of this church Thou dwellest where Sathās throne is and yet thou keepest my name and hast not denied my saith euen in those daies when Antipas my faithful Martyr was slaine among you where Sathan dwelleth But yet notwithstāding this church is found fault withal for some few things that is two grosse faults the one for suffering the doctrine of Balaam to be broached there by the instruments of Sathan the other that they maintained the doctrine of the Nicolaitans The doctrine of Balaam did vphold the lawfulnes of eating things sacrificed to Idols of committing fornication for he taught Balac the King of Moab thus to put a stumbling blocke before the children of Israel The doctrine of the Nicolaitanes did vphold the common vse of women that is that women might be made common These two most grosse and absurd doctrines were suffred and maintained in the church of Pergamus As concerning the church of Thyatira they are greatly commended for the loue and seruice to the church for their faith patience manifold workes and especially for their constant proceeding in religion and godlinesse and that with increase For of this church it is said I knowe thy loue and seruice and faith and thy patience and thy workes and that they are moe at the last then at the first But this church is discommended for suffering the wicked woman Iezabel that is a false Prophetesse which was craftily crept into this church to teach seduce the people of God in that congregatiō teaching the same false doctrine that Balaā did at Pergamus which was that it was lawfull to commit fornication and to eate meates sacrificed vnto Idolls Hitherto concerning the praises and dispraises of the churches Now followeth to speake of the admonitions First the Church of Ephesus hauing fallen from their first loue is admonished to remember from whence they were fallen to repent and to do their first workes Also the church of Smyrna is admonished and exhorted to stand fast in the midst of those persecutions troubles which should be raised vp against it by the Emperour Traianus and continue for the space of tenne yeares They are therefore exhorted and encouraged by our Lorde Iesus not to feare the things which they should suffer for although the diuel and his instruments should haue scope to persecute and imprison them for ten daies that is ten yeares according to prophetical account yet if they did continue faithfull to the death they should haue the crowne of life The church of Pergamus suffering and maintaining the doctrine of Balaam and the Nicolaitanes is admonished to repent and amend The Church of Thyatira which suffered the false doctrine of Iezabel is admonished to looke to her selfe and to hold fast the truth of Religion Sardis being dull and dead is admonished to awake and strengthen the things which remaine that were readie to die Philadelphia is admonished to holde that which they had that no man take their crowne Laodicea being neither hotte nor colde but luke-warme is admonished to be zealous and amend And although they
and of the straunge accidents and euents which followed vpon the opening of euerie seuerall seale For in this chapter sixe of the seales are opened by the Sonne of God and the mysteries thereof disclosed vnto Iohn that he might declare thē to the Church for the comfort and instruction thereof This chapter containeth sixe principall things arising from the seuerall opening of the six seales and they are these vers 1.2 vers 3.4 vers 5.6 vers 7.8 vers 9.10.11 The spreading of the Gospell Great persecutions following therevpon Famine Pestilence Complaints of the Martyrs vers Fearefull vengeance vpon the worlde for sheading the bloud of Gods Saints vers 1 After I beheld when the Lambe had opened one of the seales and I heard one of the foure beastes say as it were the noise of thunder Come and see Now after all these former matters Iohn did verie intentiuely fixe his eye vpon the Lambe being now about to open and vnclaspe the first seale of the booke and all on the sudden hee was admonished and stirred vp by one of the Cherubins that he should drawe neare and come vp and take knowledge of these great and important matters which were now to be reuealed vnto him And to the end that he might be throughly awaked and stirred vp to attention in so waightie matters it is saide that the voice of the Angell which spake vnto him was like the voice of a thunder So that hereby Iohn was throughly rowsed fitted and prepared to receiue these heauenly visions Therefore I beheld and loe there was a white horse vers 2 and he that sate on him had a bowe and a crowne was giuen vnto him and he went forth conquering that he might ouercome Iohn keeping his eye steadie vpon the Lambe hauing now opened the first seale doth in a vision see a white horse c. By this white horse is meant the ministerie of the worde of God and the first preaching of the Gospell by Christ and his Apostles and the successors in the Primatiue Church chapter 19.11 The white horse is taken in this sense in the 19. chapter of this Prophesie where our Lorde Iesus beeing vpon this white horse beateth downe all his enemies before him For who is able to resist his worde and the ministrie of it In the first chapter of the Prophesie of Zacharie our Lord Iesus purposing to build vp his church being in a very ruinous estate after the captiuitie is brought in by the Prophet on horsebacke both for the reedifying of his Church and also for the punishment of the Babilonians his enemies and the enemies of his people In the 45. Psalme the church the spouse saieth thus to her beloued husbande Christ Gird the sworde vpon thy thigh ô thou mightie one the sworde of thy glorie and comely beautie and with thy comely beautie ride on prosperously for the businesse of truth and of meeke righteousnesse c. Now in all these places of the scripture wee do plainely see that when Christ goeth about either to broach his Gospell or build vp his Church or to be reuenged on the enemies thereof hee is brought in on horsebacke And this doth strongly confirme and warrant this exposition seeing it is not any imagined sense or new deuice of mans braine but such a sense as other places of scripture will verie fully beare out Moreouer if wee doo seriously consider and deepely weigh the purpose and intendment of the holy Ghost in all this it will not a little helpe and further this exposition For the chiefe scope and drifte of all is to describe the state of the Church from the Apostles time to the ende of the worlde chapter 1.1 For this Prophesie serueth to shewe vnto Iohn the thinges that must shortlye come to passe Now wee all knowe by blessed experience that the first estate of the Church did consist in the preaching of the Gospell by Christ and his Apostles and therfore this must needs be vnderstood of that time estate of the church For Iesus Christ is he that sitteth vpon this white horse that is by the ministery of his Gospell he conquereth and subdueth the nations vnder him There may bee three reasons alledged why this horse is saide to be of a white colour First because the doctrine of the Gospell which was preached by Christ and his Apostles was pure and sincere being without all spots and blots of error and heresie For the white colour in the scripture doth signifie puritie sinceritie innocency ioy glory and beautie Secondly because the doctrine of Christ and his Apostles was full of ioy and comfort As it is saide of Samaria after Phillip had set the Gospell abroache there that there was great ioy in that Citie Thirdly because the ministery of Christ and his Apostles was very glorious and beautifull as it is written How beautifull are the feete of them which bring the glad tydings of peace c. And againe with thy comely beautie ride on prosperously for the businesse of truth c. If any man demaund a reason of Christs sitting on horse-backe and riding forth on horse-backe I answere that it doth most fitly represent that maruellous swiftnesse wherewith the light of the Gospell should be carried and spread not only throughout all Iudea Samaria and Galile but also throughout all the kingdomes of the world For is it not a wonder to consider how swiftly and as it were on horseback and also how farre ouer the Heathen nations within a fewe yeares after Christs ascention the doctrine of the Gospell was preached and of multitudes imbraced He rode forth indeed prosperously and swiftly vpon this white horse euen the ministrie of the Gospell for the businesse of truth and of meeke righteousnesse and his right hande wrought fearefull things as saith the Psalmist Moreouer it is here saide that Iesus Christ hath a bowe in his hand And in the 45. Psalme from whence it seemeth all these phrases and speeches are borrowed hee is saide to haue sharpe arrowes in his hande whereby he pierceth the heart of his enemies Now this bowe and arrowes doo signifie the piercing power of the Gospell whereby the world hath bene subdued vnto Christe For all the arrowes of the Gospell which Christ shooteth out of this bowe which is euen the tongue of his ministers doo sticke in the hearts of men yea they pierce into all the secret places of the soule For the ministrie of the Gospell is liuely and mightie in operation sharper then any two edged sworde and entreth through euen vnto the deuiding asunder of the soule and the spirit of the ioynts and the marrowe and is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart Heere is yet further mention made of a crowne which was giuen vnto Christ and that hee went forth conquering that hee might ouercome This crowne signifieth the victorie which he getteth ouer the worlde with his bowe and arrowes For the Psalmist
corrupted For trees in the scripture signifie men and all greene grasse was burnt that is the fresh fruites of grace did wither apace and drie vp for as error and heresie did preuaile so truth and godlinesse did decaie All this hath relation to the heresies of Sabellius Manicheus Marcion Fotinus Paulus Samosatenus Nestorius Nouatus Diodorus Appollinaris Pelagius and many others which about this time which was foure hundred yeares after Christ beganne to spring vp and grow apace And the seconde Angell blew the Trumpet vers 8 and as it were a great mountaine burning with fire was cast into the sea and the third part of the sea became blood c. Vppon the blowing of the seconde Trompet by the seconde Angell heere appeareth a great mountaine burning with fire Whereby is meant some great and notable heresies as that of Arrius which troubled and wasted the Church for the space of three hundred yeares being greatly fauoured of sundrie Emperours and other great Potentates in the earth by meanes whereof it continued and ouerspread so long Also this may be referred to other great and notable Arch heresies as that of Donatus Macedonius Eutiches Valentinus and such like which all are heere compared to a mountaine for their hugenesse and greatnesse and to a burning mountaine because the Church was almost burnt vp thereby For this word Mountaine is sometimes in the scripture put for any let or hinderance to true Religion as is error and heresie Zach. 4.7 Luk. 3.5 Therefore it is saide that it was cast into the sea that is these great heresies were cast vppon the worlde in Gods wrath and heauie indignation for the sea is put for the worlde Chapter 4. Verse 6. Chapter 13. Verse 1. Chapter 21. Verse 1. for as the sea is full of rocke sands syrts waues stormes and tempests so it fareth with this present euill world Moreouer it is saide that the third part of the sea became blood that is all Europe or some great part of the worlde was corrupted and infected with these great heresies vers 9 And hee saith in the next verse that the third part of the shippes were destroyed that is a great number of Marriners and ship-maisters as well as land men were infected with these heresies and died of them and in them vers 10 Then the third Angell blew the Trompet and there fell a great starre from heauen burning like a torch and it fell into the third part of the riuers and into the fountaines of waters Starres in this booke are put for the Ministers of the Gospel as we haue heard out of the first Chapter and the reason why Then it followeth that the falling of this starre from heauen doth most fitly signifie and set foorth the declining and fall of the Pastors of the Church and their corrupting of the true doctrine which is meant by the fresh riuers and pure fountaines into which it fell This starre hath his name of the effect vers 11 for it is called Wormewood because through the fall of it the sweete waters into which it fell were turned into bitternesse and men died of them that is the pure doctrine was corrupted which turned to the destruction of many And the fourth Angell blewe the Trumpet vers 12 and the third part of the Sunne was smitten and the third part of the Moone and the third part of the starres so that the third part of them was darkned c. This darkning of the Sunne Moone and starres doth signifie that great darknes which was brought vppon the Church by such teachers as did daily more and more degenerate Three things are generally to be obserued in the blowing of these first foure trumpets First that the plagues here mentioned are specially to be vnderstood of spirituall plagues Secondly that there is a progression from lesser to greater in these plagues Thirdly that in euery one there is mentioned but a third part destroyed which plainly sheweth that although the Church was greatly annoyed and pestred with these errors and heresies yet it was not destroyed and brought to vtter desolation for the full setting vp of Antichrist was not yet come All these errors and heresies which were thus cast vpon the world and did spring and grow apace in all places did as it were make way for Antichrist and as it were stirrops hoist and helpe him vp into his cursed chaire By the stories of the Church and course of times it seemeth that the holy Ghost pointeth at those manifolde heresies which sprung vp in the Church after the first three hundred yeares especially after the death of Constantine the great who procured peace to the Church destroied Idolatrie and set vp true religion in his daies Now after his raigne and the raigne of Theodosius that good Emperour Constantius Iulianus Arcadius Honorius and many other wicked Emperours succeeded by whose meanes all thinges in the Church grew worse and worse yet this one thing is to bee obserued that all truth of religion was not vtterly extinct and put out till the full loosing of Sathan which was a thousand yeares after Christ as wee shall plainely see when wee come to the 20. chapter concerning the binding of Sathan for a thousand yeares For sure it is that the maine principles and groundes of Religion continued in the Church till this full loosing of Sathan which was about the time of Pope Siluester the seconde that monster as afterwarde wee shall heare But now in the meane time wee see what heresies sprung vp what corruption grew and encreased more and more what darknesse began to ouerspread a third part of the world these things grew worse and worse euen vntill by these meanes the great Antichrist came to bee possessed of his cursed seate and Sea of Rome which was about some 600. yeares after Christ And I behelde and heard one Angell flying in the middest of heauen saying with a loud voice Woe woe vers 13 woe to the inhabitants of the earth because of the sounds to come of the three Angels which were yet to blowe the trumpets Because the iudgements which were to be executed hereafter vpon the blowing of the next three trumpets were farre more dreadfull and horrible then any that went before therefore here is a speciall Angell or messenger of God sent of purpose to giue warning thereof and to proclaime openly in the Church three fearfull woes which should come vpon the inhabitants of the earth that is all earthly minded men as worldlings Papists and Atheists at such time as the next three Angels should blowe the trumpets The first of these three great woes is to bee vnderstood of the Papacie The second of Turcisme The third of the last iudgement As if hee should haue said Woe vnto the worlde because of Poperie Woe vnto the worlde because of Turcisme Woe vnto the world because of the last iudgement Woe vnto the worlde for Poperie because thereby men should be punished in their soules Woe
conclude that when God hath decreed the vtter ouerthrow of Rome wee must not aske this question how can it be or which way shall it be brought about For the scriptures doe teach that God in all ages hath done the greatest exploits either by himselfe alone without meanes or else by weake meanes or contrary to all meanes By himselfe without meanes hee ouerthrew the Moabits Ammonites and them of mount Seir which made warre against good king Iehosaphat By himself he destroied Pharaoh his army in the red Sea By himselfe hee ouerthrew Iericho that great citie By himselfe hee slew the huge army of the Assyrians that made warre against Ezechias By himselfe hee smote the great and dreadfull army of the Ethiopians before Asa and before Iudah By himselfe hee smote the Syrians which besieged Dothan the citie where the prophet Elisha was By weake meanes hee ouerthrew the innumerable army of the Midianites euen by Gedeons three hundred By weake meanes he slew a garrison of the Philistines euen by Ionathan and his armour-bearer By weake meanes he ouerthrew the kings of Sodome thereabouts euen by Abraham his family He ouerthrew Goliah by Dauid Sisera by Iael Abimilech by a woman Contrary to meanes hee saued the three children from burning being in the fire Contrary to meanes hee saued Ionas from drowning being cast into the sea Contrary to meanes hee preserued Daniel from deuouring being cast into the Lions denne Contrary to meanes hee kept the Israelites from drowning being in the bottome of the sea Contrary to meanes and to all expectation hee caused the Sunne to stand still at noone day whilest he overthrew the fiue kings of Canaan by Iosuah Therefore I conclude that forasmuch as God in all ages hath effected the most strange and admirable things either by himselfe without meanes or by very weake meanes or contrary to all meanes therefore it is in vaine to aske this question how or by what meanes shall Rome bee destroyed for it is inough for vs to know that it shall be destroyed and come to vtter desolation And in my iudgement the holy ghost hath so often so plainely affirmed this that no man should any more make any doubt of it or once call it into question For what can bee more plaine then to say Rome is fallen Rome shall fall Great hailestones like talants shall fall vpon it It shall goe to perdition It shall fall to destruction It shall bee cast downe like a great milslone into the bottome of the sea It shall be burnt with fire It shall bee made desolate and naked It shall bee without inhabitants All the popish sort both high low shall with great mourning lamentation bewaile the desolatiō therof Their armies shall come to Armageddon The beast the false prophet shall bee taken their captaines souldiours slaine by infinit heapes their carkases made meate for the foules of the aire If all this be not plaine inough I cannot tell what can bee plaine inough True it is indeed the holy Ghost doth not name Rome but it is apparant by the circumstances that all these places must needes bee vnderstood of Rome of Romish power and of the Romish armies For there can be no other soūd sense giuen of them as all diuine writers and interpreters doe affirme both new olde And therefore I conclude that S. Iohn in this prophesie could not speake more plainly except hee should haue named Rome For hee nameth Babylon He nameth the great citie which then raigned ouer the kings of the earth He nameth the citie situate vpon seauen hils Hee nameth the citie which had seauen seuerall gouernments And therefore out of all doubt hee meaneth Rome Well then sith it is so that Rome and all Romish power and authoritie shall fall flat downe and come to vtter destruction and desolation in this life let all men take heed how they ioine with Rome how they ioyne with the Romish Church and how they receiue the beasts marke for assuredly they shal al be destroyed together both in this life in that which is to come as wee shall heare by and by Let all wise men therefore and all such as haue any care of their saluation follow the wholesome counsell and aduise of the holy ghost which saith Goe out of her my people that yee be not partakers of her sinnes and that yee receiue not of her plagues for her sins are come vp to Heauen and God hath remembred her iniquities Our onely wisdome then wil be to seperate our selues from the whore of Babylon that is from the Church of Rome and to ioyne our selues with all speed to the true Church of God that is the Church of the Protestants for this shall stand and florish the other shall fall downe and perish But what then shall wee bee sory for the fall of Babylon and the ruine of Rome No no. The holy Ghost counselleth vs greatly to reioyce in her destruction and ouerthrow saying O Heauens reioyce ouer her and ye holy Apostles Prophets because God hath giuen your iudgement on her We are therefore to be so far from mourning lamenting for the desolation of Rome as the kings merchants mariners other her friends as that it ought to be the very ioy and reioicing of our hearts For S. Iohn saith that not onely the holy Angels Prophets Apostles Martyrs shall reioyce at the destruction of Rome but also all the Saints and the whole bodie of the Church And therfore he saith that after the vtter ouerthrow of Rome He heard a great voice of a great multitude in Heauen saying Hallelu-iah that is praise yee the Lord for hee hath condemned the great whore which did corrupt the earth with her fornication and hath auenged the bloud of his seruants shed by her hand And againe saith S. Iohn they said Hallelu-jah Hallelu-jah Hallelu-jah thrise together therby expressing the great ioy thāksgiueing for the destruction and ouerthrow of the great whore and euen so ought all that loue God that loue the Church and that loue the truth greatly to reioyce in the destruction of Rome because this monster shall no longer oppresse the Israell of God And sure it is that the more zealous godly that a man is the more he will rejoice at the destruction of Popery for a man cannot loue God and his church that doth not laugh in the destruction of that Antichristian and bloudy kingdome Let no man heere say this is crueltie this is want of charitie and want of pittie to laugh in the destruction of any or to reioice at other mens harmes But the most wise God saith Reward her euen as she hath rewarded you and giue her double according to her works and in the cup that shee hath filled to you fill her the double In asmuch as shee glorified her selfe and liued in
haue heard before chapter 1.18 By the chaine in his hand is meant the doctrine of the gospell The time when Sathan was thus taken bound was when Christ first preached the Gospell and his Apostles after him to all nations The cause why hee was now bound and chained vp was for that hee had a long time seduced all nations and raigned as King and Lord ouer the Gentiles and greatly seduced the Iewes also The time of his imprisonment is set downe to be a thousand yeeres that is all the time frō the preaching of Christ and his Apostles vntill Gregory the seauenth other monstrous Popes which did let Sathan loose againe Which space of time is guessed by the learned to be a thousand yeeres or thereabouts But heere it is to bee obserued that this binding of Sathan is not to bee taken simply and absolutely as though Sathan was so bound and chained vp for this thousand yeere that hee could not seduce at all or doe no mischiefe at all after the preaching of the Gospell by Christ and his Apostles I say this is not to bee taken simply but afrer a sort that is that hee could not so generally and vniuersally seduce all nations as hee had in former time before the comming of Christ For otherwise it is well knowne that euen after Christs time hee did greatly persecute the Church bring in many errors and heresies and harden and blind many mens hearts but yet all this was nothing in comparison of that which hee had wrought in former ages when hee was euen as it were the god of the world and the Gentiles worshipped him as God as the Apostle teacheth that all the worship of the heathen nations was the worship of diuels And againe that God in times past suffered all the Gentiles to walke in their owne waies And then was Sathan a great prince indeede But now commeth a chaine for him For Christ preacheth the Gospell and sendeth foorth his disciples vvith power and therevpon saith I saw Sathan fall downe like lightning For the preaching of the Gospell beateth downe the kingdome of Sathan and sinne Moreouer it is to be noted that notwithstanding all Sathans power and might craft and subteltie yet this Angell vvhich hath the key of the bottomlesse pit doth apprehend him and shut him vp and seale the dore vpon him so that he cannot get abroad to seduce so generally as in former time But S. Iohn saith that after a thousand yeeres he must be loosed for a little season that is the time vvherein the great Antichrist should beare the sway vvhich vvas some 4. or 5. hundred yeeres For the Gospell did preuaile in some measure in the world a thousād yeeres after Christ the principles groūds of true religion cōtinued in the church vntil the ful loosing of Sathan though vvith many blotts corruptions and abuses For after the first six hundred yeeres the cleere sinceritie of the truth vvas much dimmed vvith errors and heresies but yet the maine grounds dyd remaine till the full expiration of the thousand yeeres Now vve know that the Gospell hath bene preached in these last daies aboue three score yeeres Therefore it followeth that the strength of Popery continued not much aboue 500. yeeres Which heere the holy Ghost for our comfort calleth a little season chapter 11.2 of vvhich vve haue heard before and therefore I doe heere omit it And I saw seates and them that sate vpon them ver 4 and iudgement was giuen vnto them And I saw the soules of them that were beheaded for the witnesse of Iesus and for the word of God and which did not worship the beast neither his Image neither had taken his marke vpon their foreheads or on their hands and they liued and raigned with Christ a thousand yeere But the rest of the dead men shall not liue againe ver 5 vntill the thousand yeeres be finished this is the first resurrection Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection For on such the second death hath no power ver 6 But they shal be the Priests of God and of Christ and shall raigne with him a thousand yeere Heere now is set foorth the state of the Church millitant for the space of the thousand yeere wherein Sathan vvas chained vp For it is sayd heere that the Church dyd grow and flourish yea and greatly exercise her power and aucthoritie during that time And therefore Saint Iohn saith that he saw seates and they sate vpon them and iudgement was giuen vnto them Whereby he meaneth that the Apostles and their successors had their chaires seates and consistories vvherein they did both preach the vvord and execute the Church censures as the Scribes and Phariseies beefore had sit in the chaire of Moises and I take it the latter part of the fourth verse is to be referred to the first clause to vvit that the Church dyd liue and raigne with Christ a thousād yeeres Which is not to be vnderstood of the Church triumphant as some doe take it all the rest of this fourth verse but of the flourishing estate of the Church militant during the time of Sathans captiuitie for all the faithfull do after a sort liue raigne with Christ euen heere in the earth when they ouercome the world by faith and subdue Sathan sinne by the power of grace Now where it is said that Iohn saw the soules of them that were beheaded for the witnesse of Iesus c. It is to bee vnderstood of those which in the time of the persecuting empire and growing of the papacie vvere slaine for the truth For the second beast which is the dominion of Popes raigned not in those thousand yeere in the which Sathan vvas bound but yet did grow by degrees towards their height and vsed great tyrannie against the seruants of God before Sathans full loosing The Chiliasts or Millenaries doe fondly gather from this scripture that after the ouerthrow of Antichrist the Lord Iesus would come raigne vvith the faithfull heere a thousand yeeres vpon the earth and that in this time that Christ should so raigne as a great and glorious king vpon the earth his subiects should enioy all manner of earthly pleasures and delights This foolish error is confuted by the words that follovv in the text as wee shall see afterward Whereas hee saith the rest of the dead shall not liue againe It is to bee vnderstood of such as were spiritually dead that is such as did despise the Gospell which vvas preached those thousand yeeres were not thereby reuiued and quickened vnto eternall life but did still remaine as men dead in sinnes and trespasses Therefore the meaning of S. Iohn is that as in the thousand yeeres many that heard Christ and his Apostles and their successors were raised vp from the death of sinne to the life of righteousnesse so many others were not quickened by their doctrine but stil dwelt in their sinnes
whom hee calleth the rest of the dead and hee saith these shall not liue againe meaning the life of God or the life of grace and whereas hee addeth vntill the thousand yeeres be finished he meaneth neuer or not at all for so the word vntill is often taken in the scriptures and it is sure that after the expiration of the thousand yeeres they did not liue the life of God and the life of the spirit For then the diuell was let loose vpon the world to worke his pleasure and to seduce with all efficacie of error and iniquitie Whereas it is said this is the first resurrection he meaneth the rising from sinne to the life of righteousnesse which was in the thousand yeeres of the gospells preaching and therefore hee addeth that he is blessed that hath part in the first resurrection c. and saith that all such shall raigne with Christ a thousand yeers Which is meant of the raigne of the faithfull euen vpon earth for the space of that thousand yeeres in which Sathan was bound but yet excludeth not their eternall glory in the heauens ver 7 And when the thousand yeeres are expired Sathan shall bee loosed out of his prison ver 8 And shall goe out to deceiue the people which are in the foure corners of the earth euen Gog and Magog to gather them together to battaile whose number is as the sand of the sea ver 9 And they went vp vnto the plaine of the earth and they compassed the tents of the Saints about and the beloued cittie But fire came downe from God out of heauen and deuoured them Now S. Iohn telleth vs that after the determination of the thousand yeeres Sathan shall be let loose vpon the world for their vnthankfulnesse and contempt of the Gospell to seduce and deceiue euen as much as euer hee did No maruaile therefore that the two great and monstrous heresies of Popery and Mahometrie did now beginne mightely to grow and increase in the world For what other thing can bee looked for after this letting loose of Sathan But wee are to obserue that as Sathan was bound by degrees through the ministery of Christ and his Apostles and their immediat successors so also he was loosed by degrees by the preuailing of heresies till the great Antichrist was hatched and brought into the possession of his cursed chaire For Sathan was not fully loosed till the yeere of our Lord 998. At what time Siluester the second came to bee Pope who was in league with the Diuell Stories doe report that at his death hee called for the Cardinals and confessed that hee had familiaritie with the Diuell and how hee had giuen himselfe vnto him body and soule so that hee might come to the papall dignitie After him succeeded sundry other Popes which were notorious monsters some of them murderers some poisoners some sorcerers some coniurers By whom the diuell was fully loosed all light of the gospell and true religion being in a manner cleane put out most abhominable Idolatrie all manner of villany spreading ouer the face of the earth therefore S. Iohn saith that Sathan being thus fully loosed hee went forth to deceiue the people which were in the foure corners of the earth euen Gog and Magog c. This seducing by Sathan heere spoken of is the same with that which is spoken Chapter 13. onely this excepted that this of Gog and Magog is more generall Wee reade there how all nations kindreds and tongues were made to worship the image of the beast and to receiue his marke but that is to bee extended no further then to those kingdomes which were subiect to the papacie But heere by these armies of Gog and Magog are vnderstood all the chiefe enemies of the Church in these last daies since the loosing of Sathan both open and secret both Turk and Pope for the Turk is an open enemie the Pope a more close enemie Gog signifieth couered Magog vncouered wherby is noted the Pope the Turk For the Pope cōmeth couered vnder the name of Christ and Christs vicar Peters successor c. But the Turk commeth vncouered for hee openly denieth and impugneth Christ Moreouer the names of Gog and Magog are heere set downe to note of what countries these chiefe enemies should spring to wit out of Scithia Siria Arabia Italy and Spaine For Magog was the sonne of Iapheth Gen. 10. ver 2. of whom came the Sythians Gog was the name of a great Captaine in the lesser Asia which built a citie and named it after his owne name Gogkartah that is the citie of Gog. And it is put in the prophesie of Ezechiel for the whole region of the lesser Asia and Siria Whereby the prophet did foretell that the great enemies of the Church should arise out of those coasts As in very truth they did for out of Egipt Scithia Siria and the lesser Asia did spring vp Ptolomeus Silencus Antigonus Cassander and the rest of Alexanders posteritie which vexed and oppressed the Iewes by the space of 294. yeeres euen vntill the comming of the Messias at what time the deuided Greeke empire was ouerthrowen and translated to the Romanes Furthermore it is to bee noted that the prophet Ezechiell saith that Gog is the chiefe prince of Mesech and Tuball By Mesech hee meaneth Arabia and by Tuball Italy and Spaine noting thereby the countries and kingdomes from whence the great persecutors of the Church from the returne out of the captiuitie of Babylon vntill the comming of the Messias should arise For assuredly those enemies were collected of diuers nations but serued chiefely vnder the princes of Asia the lesser of Siria and of Scithia Now then to conclude Gog and Magog in Ezechiell are put for the princes of those coūtries which were the chiefe Captaines in gathering great and mightie armies vnto battaile against the children of Israell after they were come out of the captiuitie of Babylon And the prophet there in one summe vnder the armies of Gog and Magog comprehendeth all the enemies that fought against them from time to time after the captiuitie vnto the comming of Christ And now for the application of this vnto the enemies of the Church vnder the Gospell wee must first note that through this booke the figures and phrases of speech are taken out of the law the prophets Now therefore when the Lord would set foorth in one summe all the enemies of the Church which Sathan mustereth after the time of his loosing out of prison before the comming of Christ to iudgement there is no one place more fit to set foorth all these armies then those armies of Gog and Magog therefore the names euen Gog and Magog are heere brought in to set foorth these huge ar●ies of the Turk and of the Pope and of all the enemies of the Church in these last daies which should gather thēselues to battaile being in number as the sand of the sea as S. Iohn saith