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A10173 Protestants demonstrations, for Catholiks recusance All taken from such English Protestant bishops, doctors, ministers, parlaments, lawes, decrees, and proceedings, as haue beene printed, published, or allowed among them in England; since the cominge of our king Iames into this kingdome: and for the most parte within the first six or seuen yeares thereof. And euidentlie prouinge by their owne writings, that english Catholiks may not vnder damnable syn, co[m]municate with English Protestants, in their seruice, sermons, or matters of religion: and soe conuincinge by the[m]selues, their religio[n] to be most damnable, & among other things, their ministery to bee voide, false & vsurped. Broughton, Richard, attributed name. 1615 (1615) STC 20450; ESTC S112509 81,861 158

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he ther reproueth haue thus con●eated of them it will bee pardonable in Catholicks to thinke of them as themselues doe and reporte and soe wee may not communicate with such hereticks especially when D. Couell againe writeth the like in this Couell des of Hooker pag. 24. maner The begynnings the proceedings the end of them both in England and Scotland serue to this end that order may cease Therefore they are hereticks And to passe ouer this generall state of heresie whereof they are thus manifestly conuicted by their owne testimonie I will breefely sett downe how by their owne confessionalsoe they are guiltie of diuers other particular and singular heresies errors and paradoxes in Religion suffered allowed and maintayned amonge them and soe consequently for that cause alsoe not to bee communicated with in matters of Religion some of them bee recorded or mayntayned by these protestants M. Ormerod setteth downe one of their doctrines in Ormer dial 1. these words children of hereticks and of such as by excommunication are cut from the church may not bee baptized By which opinion ioyned with their other protestant doctrines before the children of all protestants must needs bee damned because there is noe saluation without baptisme Their Bishop of Winchester D. Bilson Bilson suru p. 541. 552. writeth these I doe not finde any scriptures that allowe the Saincts deceas●d the same place of glorie where Christ now is at the right hand of God in the highest heauens till the laste day come Then if noe scriptures teach yt protestants receauing noe other rule cannot beleeue yt and soe by D. Couells sentence they dissolue that communion Couell ag Burg. p. 90. of Sainsts which wee professe to beleeue as an article of Gods truthe The doctrine of Christs discēt into hell is an article of our Creede the protestants censure puritans for heretick for denying of yt yett M. Ormerod a professed writer against puritans condemninge them of many heresies teacheth this doctrine The beleeso Ormer dial ● Ormer pa. ganot pag. of Christ discending into hell to fetch prisoners t●ence is like the fable of Hercules greing to hell to setch thence Theseus Pirothous and Cerberus Thus hee hath written with publicke applau●e and priuiledge of this Article of our faith Therefore M. Parkes setteth downe their protestants Parkes p. 92 opinion herein in this maner Christs discent into hell is noe Article of our Creede but an intruded fable a patch which some Cobl●r or patcher patched to the Creede it is against the Analogie of our faith it ingēdreth many incōueniences many absurde opinions friuolous fables and p●antasticall visions The common opinion of protestants in their arguments against transsubstantiation Christs reall presence in the blessed sacrament of the altar is that the true naturall properties of a bodie cannot bee seperated from yt Yett M. Powell with priuiledge writeth thus The Powell de Antich pa. 499. bodie of Christ after his resurrection had not the naturall properties of a bodie Then by thei● doctrine yt was not a true bodie and soe noe true resurrection and that article of our Creede also is publickly denyed and soe there is noe resurrection of the bodie as followeth by S. Paules doctrine and reasoning thus by their owne translation if Christ bee not risen thē is our preaching 1. Corint 15 v. 14. 17. 18 vayne and your faith alsoe is vayne and if Christ bee not raised your saith is vaine you are yett in your synnes And soe they which are a sheepe in Christ are perished And soe there is noe Resurrection of the bodie noe immortalitie of the soule by this doctrine for a thinge perished is not but hath ceased to bee Therefore M. Parkes writeth of these protestant as before they strike at mayne points of saith shaking the Parkes epi. dedic foundation it self● and calling in que●tion heauen and hell the diuinitie and humanitie yea the verie soule and saluation of our sauiour himselfe And to make it apparant that they generally giue way to all infidelitie The same M. Powell highely commended by D. Sutcliffe writeth thus with publicke approbation it is noe more certaine Powell pref l. de Antic● that God is in heauen Crea●or of visible inuisible things and Iesus Christ the tru● m●ss●●● then that the pope of Rome is the greate Antichrist and the papall church the synagoge of Antichrist But I haue made euident demonstration before by their owne testimonies that it is soe far from truth or apparance thereof that the pope is Antichrist or the papall church his Sinagoge that they haue proued that church to bee the true church of Christ and the Pope to bee the true lawfull vicar of Christ supreame heade of his holy catholicke Church on earth and to whome all Christians in the worlde doe owe obedience in religeous busines Therefore these protestants by their owne published and priuiledged writing haue denyed God And Christ Iesus is not the true Messias by their doctrine Then noe meruayle though D. Feild D. Willet Feild l. 3. e 3 p. 139. will Antil p. 13. Po●ell l de Artichrist p. 494 c. apud parkes pa. sect 23. M. Powell and others deny the virginitie of our ladie for shame I omitt their vnseemely word● and others write Dauid is still in hell to this day when they teach that Christ delyuered none from thence neither is the Messias Yett other protestants sette all men at libertie to beleeue and lyue as they list to bee turkes Iewes pagans or whatsoeuer for they shall all bee saued not withstanding by Christ whome they haue these dishonored and denyed The words of the protestant Author of the booke called Suruey c. bee these The english protestants Suru of cō B pa. 119. teache that Christ hath actually and effectually redeemed all men whatsoeuer Therefore by them all men turkes Iewes pagans c. must needs bee saued because an act and effect acted and effected cannot bee vnacted or vneffected M. Wotton seing how other protestants had ouerthrowne the lawe and Religion of Christ laboureth for himselfe likewise to euacuate the promise to Abraham and the lawe of Moyses and leaue all mankinde in originall syn contracted from Adam and writeth thus Circumcision was not prouided for remedie of originall Wottō def of perk pag. 447. sinne any more then for actuall neither did it remedie the one or the other The like heresies and detestable errors publickly printed and priuiledged amonge them as alsoe their Authors and mayntayners are too many to bee alleadged therefore to giue some coniecture of the rest I will propose one Doctor and Professor of diuinitie in their church a man highly commended in protestants iudgment whoe to omitt all other his bookes and erroneous places in them in one onely place of his publickly warranted and priuiledged Antilogie This professor Doctor Willet writeth thus Tyndalls Willet Antil pag. 203 opiniōs are sounde good
ministery wee are all one wee are all of one faithe VVee are ministers of the worde by one order wee preache one faith and substance of doctrine Then which nothing was euer more truly said or written Willet Antilog pag. 15. 20. Your greate Controuertist D. Willet writeth thus amonge protestants of ●ngland there is noe difference or diss●nt in any substantiall point of faith As for puritans and Caluinio-papists they are termes of papists deuisinge D. Georg● Abb. sup pa. 90. 106. 236. 237. Povvell sup pag. 48. 52 Your present protestant Archbishop of Canterbury is soe confident herein that hee vseth thes wordes Noe Goliath against vs can proue the contrary D. Powell with publicke approbation hath thes wordes Noe reformer euer distinguished betweene protestants and them of the reformed church The puritans doe not affirme the diuision betweene protestants and them to bee in substantiall points non but papists affirme that protestants and puritans differ in substantiall points of faith and hee lyeth which saith they differ in substantiall poyntes Like are the testimonies of others But thes are fullie sufficient in this place Therefore seeing I am to alleadge onelie causes and reasons essentiall and substantiall in Religion from thes your english protestant Bishops and doctors why their countrie Catholicks may not by their owne doctrines and proceedings communicate with them in matters of Religion It is euident that noe english protestant or puritane may or in conscience ought to denie any such authoritie to bee cited in this treatise or any conclusion truelie and scientificallie deduced from such their allowed principles for in soe doeinge by their generall graunt before hee should become a papist and a recusant to communicate with protestants or a blasphemous Goliah vncircumcised philistine or a lyer by their owne censure and Iudgment which would bee new and vrgent causes to auoide all spirituall communion with such men Wherevppon presuminge that noe aduersarie will soe muche disable my studyes in diuinitie and artes subordinate vnto yt But that I am able from graunted and allowed principles to deduce necessarie and vndemiable Conclusions I therefore doe confidentlie name this worke A booke of english protestants Demonstrations for English Catholicks recusancie Because the moste iust causes of Catholicks refusall to communicate with protestan●s in Religion are euidentlie proued by those protestants them selues in this Treatise And soe in all obedient and humble manner I take my leaue I rest and hope to continue for euer in all dutifull and beseeminge obedience and loue to our moste blessed Sauiour his Holie church and Religion his maiestie my dearest countrie and your Lordships the moste honorable portion thereof as I haue before professed and obliged myselfe by attestation and bonde vnuiolable PROTESTANTS DEMONSTRATIONS FOR CATHOLICKS RECVSANCIE The first particular protestant Demonstration why english Catholicks may not communicate in spirituall thinges with protestants is because by their owne testimonies yt would bee an act and offence vnreasonable irreligious and damnable THAT it is not lawfull for any Catholicke or member of the Romane church to communicate in Religion and spirituall thinges with the protestants of England I demonstrate by their owne testimonies And first argue thus Noe professors of Religion may lawfully and with securitie forsake that church and communion in which by the testimonie of aduersaries themselues there is saluation and many haue beene by that profession glorious Saints to communicate with a new Religion whereof there is noe such hope or certaine expectation But the state of Catholicks by communicating w●th protestants and forsakinge vnion with the church of Rome should bee in this ●erplexitie euen by thes protestants confession Therefore they may not in conscience forsake communion with the Romane church to ioyne with thes protestants in such busines The fi●st proposition is euidently true for good thinges and certaine may not bee left and forsaken for thinge● either euill or vncertainely good And that men may not communicate in a straunge Religion is confirmed by D. Couell and M. Hull prouinge yt by many Couell exā ●a 200. 201 Hul. Rom. ●ol p. 30. 31 32. 33. 34. Sutcliff exā of petit pa. 10. 11. Povvel ref ●pist apolo●●tic pag. ●5 23. 26. 27. 100. 114 112. 113. c. Feild pa. 27 pag. 182. examples and testimonies of scriptures and antiquitie T●at wee may not communi●ate ●ith men of a diuers Religion D. Sutcliffe telleth vs that such communion is reproued by the authoritie both of the fathers of the church and of aun●i●nt Christian Emp●rors The like hee testifieth of Holy scriptures M. Powell is plentifull in this matters and not needfull to bee cited no● man of learninge and conscience affirminge communion in a false or contrary Religion to bee lawfull The minor proposition of certaintie of saluation in the Roman church is thus confirmed by thes protestants D. Feilds wordes bee thes the Romane and la●ine church continued the true church of God euen till our tyme and againe in this maner Wee doubt not but the church of R●me in which the Bishop thereof exalt●d himselfe was not withstanding● the true c●urch of God that is hel● a sauing profession of the truthe in Christ and by force thereof conuerted many contryes from error to truthe D. Couell writeth thus in the name of them all Protestants Couell def of hooke pa. 68. doe gladly acknowledge them of the Romane church to bee t●● family of ●hesus Christ they of Rome Were still are in the church it ●● straunge for any man to deny them of Rome to bee of the church Wee affirme them of the Romane church Couell supr pag 73. 76. to bee partes of the church of Christ and that those that lyue and dye in that church may bee saued Yett both hee and D. Feild giue this sentence Couell sup pag. 76. Feild p. 69. Feild pag. 182. there i● noe saluation remission of synnes or hope of eternall life out of the church D. Feild further telleth vs that diuers of the Romane church euen of the best learned that coulde not pleade Ignorance bee saued and Saints in heauen Their Bishop Barlowe hath written how greate difficultie it is for princes to bee saued Barl. ag a name l●sse Cathol Willet An. pag. 144. Speede Theat of greate Britan yett D. Willet writeth thus it is not denyed by any protestant but many renowned kinges and Queenes of the Romane faithe are Saincts in heauen The names of our moste holy kinges and Queenes of England which M. Speede in his late Theater of greate Britanie relateth to haue forsaken their Crownes and kingdomes to become pore Monkes Nunnes in that church and Religion and to bee chronicled for all posterities to haue beene moste holy one ●arthe and now glorious Saints in heauen are too many to bee recited Therefore seing thes protestants assure vs that the church of Rome is the true church of Christ they that liue and dye in yt come to heauen and many
noe spiri●uall communion to bee had with them both propositions are graunted an● proued by ●heses protestants before and further may bee confirmed by these words of D. Feild for the ma●or proposition There is and allwayes hath beene a visible church Feild pa 21 and that not consistinge of some fo●e scattered Christians without order of ministery or vse of sacraments for all this vve doe moste Willingly yeeld vnto And againe in this maner In the Feild sup pag. 25. church of God is fovvnde an entire profession of the sauing truth of God Order of holy ministery sacraments by vertue thereof a●ministred and a blessed vnitie and fellovvship of the people of God c. vnder the commaunde of lavvfull pastors and guides And againe in his second booke hee Feild l. 2. ca. 2. p. 40. maketh this a note vnseperable an vnion or connexion of men in profession and vse of sacraments vnder lavvfull pastors Therefore demonstration being made by these protestants themselues that their Church soe termed by them wanteth these things which is the second proposition The Conclusion that their Congregation or pretended church is noe church or not the true church is manifestly true and soe not to bee communicated within Religion Further from soe well agreing protestants in all essentiall things as they teache vs I argue thus Noe societie or companie of men affirmed by themselues or men agreing with them in all essentiall and materiall points of Religion to bee noe church or not the true church can in conscience bee taken and esteemd by others differing from them in Religion to bee the true church and to bee communicated with in sermons seruyce Sacraments c. But the english protestants are in this condition Therfore they haue not the true church nor may bee communicated with in such things The maior proposition is euidently true for noe testimonie is greater to a man then his owne iudgment vnderstanding and conscience and of others not differinge beinge an internall lawe and direction vnto all men The minor Couell def of Hooke pag 65. 75 pag. 74. Couell exā pag. 3 Ormerod pict purit k. 1. Ormer dial 1. Feild episc dedicat of the church Couell def pa. 50. cont Burg. p. 60. Wottō def p. 442. c. D. Abbotag Hill p. 101. 102. 236. 237. 247. doue persu p. 32. mort satisf p. 18. Sutcl ag kell pag. 42 i● ill Antil p. 15. Middl. pap pa. 201 Wottō def is thus proued by these their soe well agre●ng protestants themselues whose sentence is thus sett downe by D. Couell in these words The statute congregations of England ar● noe true churches And againe in these termes the protestant church of England is noe church at all And further thus the protestants of England haue noe forme of a church M. Ormerod l●kewise doth thus register their Censure against themselues in this order The protestant church is not the true church of Christ. And thus againe the protestant church in England is not the true church it hath not soe much as the outward face and shew of the true church Then because D. Feild with others assure vs there is no● part of heauenly doctrine more necessarie in these daies then to knovv the church and true sponse of Christ and that there is noe saluation remission of synnes or hope of eternall life out of the church This must needs bee a moste necessarie essentiall and materiall point in Religion otherwise nothing is or can bee necessarie essentiall or materiall wherefore seinge their protestant Archbishop of Canterbury their protestant Bishop of Peterborough their Doctors Morton Sutcliffe Willet Wotton Povvell Middleton and all protestants as they teach doe hold that they all agree in euery essentiall point none but papists and lyers affirme the contrary and noe Goliath can proue yt they all agree and must conclude that the protestants haue noe church p. 28. Cou●ll ag apologet epist. pag. 48. 52. c. or not the true church And soe noe spirituall communion is to bee had with them The 6. particular protestant demonstration for Catholicks iust Recusancie is Because English protestants by their owne testimonies are hereticks and moste notorious hereticks FVRTHER I proceede in this matter with this demonstration noe societie companie or fellowship of men that by their owne testimonies or hereticks may bee communicated with in spirituall things But these english protestants are such therefore not to bee communicated with in such busines The maior proposition is thus proued by these protestants Their Bishop D. Doue writeth thus This proposition noe hereticks nor Scismaticks are Doue persuas pag. to bee communicated withall is vndoubtedly true because it is grounted vppon scripture Tit. 3. Ioh. ●p 2. Rom. 16. M. Hull teaceth by many examples Hull Rom. pol. p. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Ormer pag p. 51. Powell cons pag. 8. in concl Sutcl exam of petit p. 9. and testimonies of scriptures and antiquitie in this maner Wee may not communicate vvith hereticks and men of a diuers Religion M. Ormerod is of the same opinion M. Powell writeth thus With Idolaters hereticks good men ought to haue no● communion D. Sutcliff handleth this point more at lardge and first citeth the Loadicean councell can 31. 32. 33. which doth directly condemne communion vvith hereticks either in Mariadge or in prayer And hee further speaketh thus The fourth councell of Cathage cap. 70. forbiddeth cleargie men all festings and fellovvship vvith hereticks and Scismaticks Alsoe against communion with such people hee citeth these scriptures Deuter 13. Psal 16. Deut. 16. Deut. 29. Sutcl sup pa. 5. 6. 7. 8. Zephan 1. Matth 7. Matth. 16 Gal 5. Apocal. 2. num 16. Iosue 23. 2. Corinth 6. And calleth euen the tolleration of any false hereticall Religion repugnant to R●asons of Religion and holy scriptares Hee telleth further such communion is reproued by the authoritie both of the fathers of the church and of auntient christian Emperors For fathers hee citeth S. Athanasius Gregorie Nazianeen sup pa. 10. 11. cap. 3. Hierome Augustine Ambrose Irenaeus Dionysius Heraclas Optatus of Meleuit And addeth thus Eusebius l. 7. hist c. 6. by the authoritie of Dyoninisius and Heraclas prou●th that such as conuerso vvith hereticks are excommunicate For Emperors hee alleadgeth the degrees of these primatiue pag. 11. christiā Emperors Constātine Gratian Valentinian Theodosius Arcadius Honorius Martianus and Iustinian And to conclude that all protestants will seeme to bee of the same opinion the protestant Author of the booke Abridgmēt An. 1605. pag. 18. named Abridgment of a booke of the ministers of Lincoln dioces writeth thus By the iudgment of the godly learned of all churches and ages vvho haue constantly taught and giuen testimonie to this truth that Christians are bounde to cast of the cer●monies and r●ligeous customes of pagans Ievves Idolaters and hereticks and carefully to shun all conformitie vvith them And for this Sup. pa. 18. 19. 20.