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A08562 A manuell or briefe volume of controuersies of religion betweene the Protestants and the Papists wherein the arguments of both sides are briefely set downe, and the aduersaries sophismes are plainely refuted. Written in Latine in a briefe and perspicuous method by Lucas Osiander, and now Englished with some additions and corrections.; Enchiridion controversiarum. English Osiander, Lucas, 1571-1638. 1606 (1606) STC 18880; ESTC S101908 177,466 558

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erred Galath 2 11 14. All admonitions and predictions of the changes of the Church of taking heede of 1 Iohn 2 18 c 1 cor 11 1● Math 7. 15 Act ●0 28 29 c 2 Thessal ● 2. 15. false teachers of diligent keeping of sound doctrine c were friuolous superfluous if ●t were impossible that the church shold err And why aboue all other Churches the Church of Rome whereof we now treate ●hould haue this speciall priuiledge that it ●annot erre there is not one sillable or title in ●he holy Scriptures Contrariwise our Aduersaries reason thus 1 The Church is the pillar and ground of truth 1 Timothie 3. 15. Therefore it cannot erre and consequently the Church of Rome neuer did erre An. 1. There are heer foure terms because the Antecedent speakes of the true Church in which alone is Saluation to bee had and which is the keeper of the writings of the Prophets and Apostles but the consequent speaketh of the Church of Rome which is indeede the company and Church of Babilon 2 It is a fallacie from that which is spoken but in some respect onely to the same taken absolutely Because the Church is the pillar and ground of truth that is so long as it maintaineth the truth followes the direction of Gods word But and if it swarue aside from the word of God it can no longer be called the pillar of truth 2 Christ promised to the Church the Spirit of truth Iohn 14 16 17 Therefore the Church cannot erre Answer 1. This promise did principallie pertaine to the Apostles in whom it was most exactly fullfilled and secondarily to the Church which holdeth the doctrine of the Apostles such as the Church of Rome is not at this day 2 It followeth not the holy ghost was given to the Church therefore the Church shall retaine it forever Or the spirit was given to the Church therefore the Church dooth alwaies follow the direction and guiding of the Spirit For neither did Christ so promise his holy Spirit that needs it must abide with the Church howsoever the Church behaue it selfe and turne aside from the revealed Word of God For so the Church of the Galatians coulde never haue been seduced 3 Christ prayed for the Church Father sanctifie them with thy truth c Ioh 17 17. therefore it cannot err Ans 1 Here bee foure termes The Antecedent speakes of the companie of the Elect or the inuisible as is plaine by the whole text the consequent of the visible Church 2. It is a fallacie from that which is spoken but in some respect to the same taken absoly For Christ speakes so adding withall a condition Thy Word is truth Therefore this promise is tyed to the obseruance of that worde as to a certaine condition 4 My Spirit which is vpon thee and my words which I have put in thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seede from henceforth for euermore Isai 59 21. Ans 1 If this promise had beene made without condition then it would follow that God had not kept his promise For these words doe immediately goe before They shall feare the name of the Lord from the West and his glory from the rising of the sunne or the East but the Easterne Churches have had a most miserable downe-fall long agoe This promise therefore is condtionall as if God should say I will not forsake thee for ever if thou forsake not me It is therefore a fallacy from that which is spoken but in some respect to the same taken absolutely 2 This promise belongeth to the Church which obeieth the word of God vnto which God will never be wanting with his spirit 5 The Comforter shall abide with you for ever Ioh 14 16. therefore the Church of Rome cannot erre Ans 1 What agreement is there between the Apostles witnesses against whom no exception can be taken the present Church of Rome as now it is vnder the kingdome of the Pope which differeth so much from the Church which Paul taught at Rome as light dooth from darkenesse 2 There is no good consequence from that which is spoken indefinitely to the same spoken definitely or determinately but in the Antecedent the speech is indefinite in the consequent definite There be therfore in this reason foure termes 6 Christ sayth that hee will abide with his Church vntil the end of the World Mat 28 20. Therefore the Roman Church cannot erre Simil. The Husband promised that hee would bee faithfull to his wife all his life lōg therefore she ca●not become an adultere Ans 1 There is more in the conclusion than in the Premisses for it followeth not Christ remaineth with his Church therfore the Church can in nothing swarue from Christ 2 Besides the Argument is from that which is spoken indefinitely to the same taken definitely 3. And there bee foure termes For Christ speakes of the true Church wherewith the present Church of Rome to which our Aduersaries wrest this promise hath no agreement besides the bare and naked name onely 7 The gates of Hell shall not overcome the Church Mat 16 18. Ans 1 Heere bee foure termes In the Antecedent the Church is meant which is built vpon Christ his Word and Sacramēts but in the consequent such a Church is meant as is built vpon the Pope and Traditions of men 2 As long as the Church remaineth vpon this Rocke that is Christ it is inuincible but not so if it make defection from the Gospell of Christ CHAP 8. Of the Bishop of Rome THe Papists being driven from their holds which have now beene treated of doe flee to the authoritie of the Pope as to a sure sacred anchor For they imagine 1 that Christ appointed Peter as his Vicar in the Church 2. And gave vnto him both the dominiō over the whole Church and also the dominion of faith 3 that Peter was Bishop at Rome and gave the same authoritie of dominion to that sea or place 4 That the Bishops of Rome are his successours both in Power and Office And that therefore whatsoeuer proceedes out of their mouth of any point of Religion must needes be infallibly true and that all the faithfull or all Christians are bound to obey them From this rope platted of sand arise moreover these questions 1 Whether Christ have need of any such Vicar on earth 2 Whether Christ gave Peter authority power whereby he should beare rule over the rest of the Apostles and have the dominion of faith 3. Whether Peter were at Rome and did there constitute this order 4 Whether the Bishops of Rome be the successors of Peter the Apostle Question 1 Whether Christ have neede of any visible head or Vicar in his Church on Earth The Papists affirme and wee denie it for these reasons Christ had ill provided for his Church if he had ordained a man vniversall Vicar which might erre as beeing a man as
volume of Controuersies betweene the Protestants and the Papists CHAP. 1. Of the holy Scriptures The holy Scripture alone is the Iudge of all controuersies which arise in the Church and the most certaine rule of truth REASONS THE Prophet Isaie sendes vs in deciding of cōtrouersies of Religion to the law and to the testimonie Isai 8. 20. that is to the holy Scripture Christ in the controuersie of his person ●nd doctrine saith to the Pharisies Search ●he Scriptures c. they are they which te●tifie of mee Ioh. 5 39. Saint Paul greatly commendeth the holy Scriptures vnto vs saying The whole Scripture is giuen by inspiration of God and is profitable to teach to improue to correct and instruct in righteousnes that the man of God may bee absolute being made perfect vnto euery good worke 2 Timoth 3 16 17. The Citizens of Beraea iudged of Pauls Sermons opinions out of the Scriptures whether Paul taught such things as were agreeable to the holy Scriptures and are for that cause commended Act 17 11. Christ answered out of the Scriptures to the questions of the Pharisies Matthew 19 4 c. of the Sadducees Matth 22 31 c. of the perfect fulfilling of the law Luke 10. 26 27. of his diuinitie out of Psalme 110 Matthew 22 43 44. Whereas hee might haue confuted and confounded them with his miracles alone The Apostles confirmed all their assertions out of the Scriptures as did also the Euangelists Matthew speaketh often of the fulfilling of the Prophets and so decides the greatest controuersie that euer was concerning the Messias out of the writings of the Prophets So Peter also prooueth out of the holy Scripture that Iesus is the promised Messias the Sauiour of the worlde Acts 2 25 c. And Chapter 3. verse 18 c. and Chapter 4 verse 11 25 c. and Chap. 10 verse 43 Stephen fighteth against his aduersaries the Priests Pharisies Scribes with the weapons of the Scripture Acts 7. Paul in the controuersie of Religion which he had with the Iewes prouokes to the law and the writings of the Prophets Acts 24 14 and 26 22 27. The same Paul gathered the doctrine of Iustification out of the Scripture Romanes 1 2 3 4 and 10 Chapters Galath 3 and 4 Chapter and cleareth the controuersie of the person of our Sauiour out of the Scriptures Ephesians 4. Peter draweth Baptisme 1 Peter 3. 21 And other controuersed points betwixt the Iewes and the Christians out of the Scripture of the old ●estament The Epistle to the Hebrewesis wholly heerein occupied to proue the greatest controuersie of his time concerning Christ the only true high Priest out of the Scripture of the old Testament The same did likewise the ancient Fathers in the Church of God who confuted the Heretikes out of the holy Scripture and the ancient godly Counsels ouerthrew the Heretikes not by the opinions of men but by testimonies of the holy Scripture dulie waighed The Position of our Aduersaries The holy Scripture alone cannot be the Iudge of controuersies Their reasons are Because it is insufficient and containeth not all things which pertaine to faith Because it is obscure Because it is vncertaine and may be drawne either to this or that side Hence arise these questions following The first question Whether the Scripture be insufficient They affirme we denie that it is insufficient and that for these testimonies following These things are written saith Iohn that you might beleeue that Iesus is the Christ the Sonne of God and that in belieuing you might haue life through his name Ioh. 20. 31. Therefore those which belieue may attaine euerlasting life by those thinges which are left writtē in the holy Scriptures and so the Scripture is sufficient for the saluation of men Thou hast knowne the holy Scriptures of a childe saith Paul to Timothie which are able to make thee wise to saluation 2. Timothie 3. 15. All things that I haue heard of my Father haue I made knowne to you Iohn 15 15. The holy Scripture doth m●ke ●he man of God absolute and perfect to euery good worke 2 Timo 3 17. I kept back nothing but shewed you all the counsell of God Act 20 27. There can be moued no controuersie of Religion for which the Scripture hath not afore hand prouided a deciding or determining sentence therefore Saint Paul in the controuersie of Iustification calleth the Scripture prouident or fore-seeing Galath 3 8. Contrariwise our Aduersaries reason thus 1 The Apostles taught many things which are not written Answer 1. This is a begging of the question for this same thing is it which is denied Now a doubtfull thing ought not to bee proued by an other as doubtfull 2 The contrarie heereto is contained in the places of Scriptures before alleadged 3 The Apostles should heereby be conuinced of vnfaithfulnes as hauing kept back things necessary to saluation 4 Moreouer there is extant not one onely writing of an Apostle or Euangelist but more that that which is not contained in one may plainely be seene in other of the Apostles writings 2 I haue yet many thinges to say vnto you but you cannot beare them now Ioh. 16 12 Answer 1. It is a fallacie from that which is saide in some particular respect to the same spoken absolutely and generally in all respects for Christ speaketh of his Apostles not yet illuminated by his holy Spirit but he speaks not of them as beeing endued with the holie Ghost in the day of Pentecost That which the worde Now dooth plainely declare 2. While our Aduersaries argue from the Apostles not enlightened to the Church instructed by the writings of the Apostles there arise in the Syllogisme foure termes 3 Besides it was one manner of knowledge which the Apostles had before the day of Pentecost and an other after the receiuing of the holy Ghost therefore these different thinges ought not to bee confounded 3 Other thinges saith Saint Paul will I set in order when I come 1 Corinthians 11 34 therefore Paul did not write all things Answer Paul speakes of indifferent Ceremonies in the Church not of articles of Religion necessarie to saluation Their Argument therefore as the saying is is from the staffe to the corner 4 Manie thinges are not contained in the holy Scripture which are necessarie to faith Ans 1. This we denie it is the very thing in question therefore it is a begging of the question 2. Our Aduersaries play with the word Faith for they meane not a true and sauing faith whereof our question is but in a large sence they take the word Faith vnfitlie wrapping in the word Faith euery friuolous toy long after the Apostles time as it were yesterday obtruded vpon the Church of Christ and so from the two-fold signification of the word Faith there arise foure termes which hinder that there can be no iust conclusion 5 The Scripture saith nothing of Christs descension into hell Answere That is most false for the
17 11. Christ bids all in generall search the Scriptures Neither did hee giue this charge to the Priests alone but to others his hearers also Ioh 5 39. S. Peter willeth all euen Lay men too to be ready to giue an answer to euery man that asketh them a reason of the hope that is in them 1 Pet 3 15. which that they may do it is needfull that they learne it out of the Scripture Contrariwise our aduersaries reason thus 1 The Scripture hath many obscure things therefore the Lay people can reade it with profite Answ 1. Although all things be not to euery man plaine yet the people alwaies finde such things as they may vnderstand 1 those things which seeme hard by often reading become more easie 2 The Lay people by reading the Scriptures misvnderstood do easily fall into heresie it were better therefore they should refraine Ans 1. If they fall into heresie that comes accidentally not because they reade the Scriptures but because they read them not in such manner as they should do and doe preferre ●heir formerly conceiued opinions before the Scripture and wrest it to them 2 On the contrarie side good men and well minded hauing been deliuered frō herisie by reading the Scriptures haue returned to the truth 3 To whom it belongeth not to iudge of cōtrouersies to them neither doth it belong to read the Scriptures but it belongeth not to Lay-men to iudge of cōtrouersies therfore neither to read Ans 1 The Minor or second proposition is most false 2 Then had the Beraeans done amisse in reading and from thence deciding a controuersie then newely sprung vpp 3 Seeing euery one is bound to answer to God for himselfe it is needfull for euery Lay-man to proue all things and keepe that which is good 1 Thessa 5 21. 4 So should the order which discerneth betweene teachers learners be confounded Ans This we denie for a Lay hearer may try and examine those things he heareth by the Scripture remaine for all that a hearer still for he doth not therfore take vpon him the office of teaching in the church because he examineth the thinges which hee hath heard of his teacher by the touchston of the holy Scriptures As likewise the Beraeans became not therefore of the order of teachers because they iudged of the Sermons of Paul and Silas CHAP. 3 WHether the interpretation of the holy Scriptures bee to bee sought for from the Church of Rome This question arose from hence that the Papists seeing that wee did esteeme more of the holy Scripture than that we would suffer the authority thereof to be diminished and that the letter of the Scripture did manifestly make for vs did straight change the state of the question and said that the question was not of the authority of the Scripture but of the interpretation thereof the right of which interpretation they make to be so peculiar to the Church of Rome that they would binde vs to receaue any interpretations that should come from thence bee they neuer so absurd and false But we gainsay them herein and reiect the forged power wherby the Bishops of Rome make claime to the key of knowledge and interpretation as committed to them alone Reasons prouing our opinion Because the interpretations of the Papists contradict the euidences of holy Scripture as shall be most plainely prooued in his due place Because the greatest part of them are most vaine as for example that the eight Psalm is expounded by the Canonists as meant of the Pope which notwithstanding speakes of Christ alone as the Apostles and Christ himselfe haue interpreted it Because they affirme as by name Cusanus doth that if the minde and opinion of the Romane Church be changed that then the holy Ghost doth change his mind in the Scriptures too What an impious mad absurdity is this Many times they explaine not the Scripture but wrest it violently shamefully to vphold their own toyes contrary to the text of Scripture The gifts of God such as the interpretation of the Scripture is one are not tyed to certaine persons places for God distributes these his gifts to euery man as he will 1 Corinth 12 ●1 It is no where read that the whole Church is tied to the meaning of the Romaine Church but to the meaning of the holy Scripture which doth expound it selfe most clearely Contrariwise our Aduersaries doe argue 1 If we beleeue the Romane Church that it hath conuayed vnto vs the true proper books of the Bible and not counterfait and forged thē must wee belieue her also in the interpretation which she bringeth of the holy Scripture Ans 1. It is one thing to beare witnes of the truth of the sacred books and an other thing Simil ●t is one thing to acknowledge the Seals hanged to a Testament and another to expound it contrary to the Teuor of the letter to expound them So the Iewes are witnesses of the Canonicall books of the olde Testament yet we accept not of their Talmudicall interpretations 2 Moreover the interpretations of the Papists do contradict that same Scripture wherof they beare witnesse 2 The Scribes and Pharises sit in Moses chaire all therefore whatsoeuer they bid you obserue that obserue and do Mathew 23 2 3. Ans 1 The Pharisies were to be believed not simply in all things but when they sate in the chaire of Moses that is when they taught the truth out of the law of Moses It is therfore a fallacie from that which is spoken but in part and some respect to that which is absolutely spoken 2 They were to be hearkened vnto when they taught Moses but in the meane while Christ said also Take heede of the leaven of the Pharisies Now Christ by the leaven of the Pharisies meant their false doctrine as S. Mathew expressely witnesseth cap. 16 v. 12. that is Christ did reiect the Pharisies false interpretatiō of the Scripture So then wee must distinguish betweene the scripture it self which the Papists handle their false interpretatiō or humane traditiōs wherwith they defile it 3 God would have thē punished with death which would not obey the judgment of the high Priest Devter 17 12. Ans 1 Moses speaketh not of matters of faith but of civill government betweene bloud and bloud betweene plea and plea betweene plague and plague as the wordes of Moses are verse 8 in which matters for publike peace sake it was necessary there should be some order appointed for ending of controversies For the high Priest at that time was the highest Iudge from whom no man might appeale 2 It was not in the high Priests choise to judge as hee pleased but hee was tyed to the lawe of the Lord according to which he gave sentence In like sort is the Popetyed to it too 4 The Priests lippes shall preserue knowledge they shall seeke the law at his mouth for he is the messenger of the Lord of Hosts c
not have beene the true and Catholicke Church but the Arrians should have been the Catholick Church for that they far exceeded in nūber the rest which were the true Christians In this sence therefore wee deny the consequence The Antecedent also is not true because as before I sayde the Church of Rome doth not consent with the Church of the Apostles nor yet with the Church of the Fathers And therefore they haue not that vniuersality of multitude whereof they boast 5 If the Church of Rome bee not the true Church then for some ages together Christ had beene without a spouse but Christ never was without a spouse Therefore c. An 1. From a speciall to a generall arguments are drawen only affirmatively It is no good consequence therefore the church of Rome consisting of Popes Cardinalls Bishops Priests and others of the same ranke who withstood the heauenly truth were not the spouse of Christ therefore Christ had no spouse 2. I deny the maior or first propositiō For there were also other Churches as the Greeke Church which alwaies gainsayd the Bishop of Rome and wherein Christ might haue his spouse The argument therefore proceedes from an insufficient enumeration or reckoning vp of the parts to the whole 3 In the visible erronious Church of Rome there was the spouse of CHRIST hidden to the eye of the World all glorious within Psal 45 13 or the inuisible companie of belieuers Ans so Christ neuerthelesse had his Spouse On the contrarie side that we haue the Church of God with vs we proue Because to us agreeth the definition of the church therefore the church which is the thing defined agreeth to vs also 1. For in our Church the vncorupt ministerie of the word and Sacraments dooth flourish for witnesse whereof wee haue the holy scripture nay our Aduersaries thēselues who hither to coulde neuer shewe out the Scripture that there is any thing in our Ministerie doctrine or administration of the Sacramentes contrarie to Christ or his Apostles Therefore wee are the true Church Because our Church in respect both of the Word and Sacraments is comformable to the Church described in the writings of the New testament vnder the Apostles Contrariwise our Aduersaries do reason thus 1 The Protestants belieue not all thinges which the Church of Rome dooth Therefore they are not the true Church Ans 1. There is more in the Conclusion than in the premises For no more followeth thence than that we do not agree with the Church of Rome in all things which who will deny But wee may not for that cause be thought not to be the true Church 2 It is a begging of the question For whether they which gaine-say the Churh of Rome do gaine-say the true Church that is the thing in controversie 2 The Protestants Church dooth not agree with the Church of the Fathers in all thinges Therfore they are not the true Church of Christ Ans 1. This argument is too common and agrees to both sides For by the same reason it may be proved that the Papists are not the Church because their Church which they cannot deny hath much fallen away from the Church of the Fathers 2 the church of the Fathers is not the sampler of Churches but the Church of the Apostles to which it is sufficient that our Church is like 3 The Prodestants doctrine is new It is but few yeares agoe since it first sawe the light Therefore their Church is not the true Church Answ 1. This is a begging of the question For that same is the matter in controversie 2. Our doctrine is not new but renued 3. There are therefore foure termes in the Argument For in the Maior proposition the worde Newe is taken for that which is simply and altogether new in the Minor for the refined and renued ministerie of the Word reformed according to the rule of the most anciēt doctrine of the Prophets Christ and the Apostles 4 The Church ought to have vnitie but so hath not the Church of the Protestants for it is rent and devided into parts and schismes Ans 1 Heere be foure termes For in the Maior proposition by the word Church are meant those which in truth and deede are the Church in the minor those which are in the outward company of the Church or those which have mingled themselves amongst our Church when as in truth they be not of our opiniō And these sever themselues from the true Church of them who maintaine the truth and stirre vp Schismes Of such sort of men Saint Iohn saith They went out from vs but they were not of vs for if they had been of vs they would have continued with vs 1 Iohn 2 19 2 It is a fallacie taking that for a cause which is not a cause Because the Church is not the cause of tumults and schismes but Schismatickes are the cause therof Otherwise the Church of Corinth had not beene the true church seeing Paul writeth There must be heresies among you 1 Corinth 11 19. Question 2 Whether we must grant that there is an inuisible Church The Papists acknowledge onely a visible Church which same they tye to the Pope Cardinalls Bishops c. rather than to the hearers But wee in this visible companie of them that heare the Word and vse the Sacraments doe believe that there is an other companie inuisible to the eies of men not in respect of the members persons themselues but in respect of the intēt of their hart and their fayth which is only known vnto God And that for these reasons Because wee believe the holy Catholicke Church but faith is the ground and evidēce of things which are not seene Heb 11 1. Because those which are in the visible Church may a great part of them be hypocrites betweene such and the true beleeuers God alone doth discerne vnto vs the hearts of men are not knowne and the Church doth iudge of secret ●gings 1. Christ knowes his sheepe Ioh 10. 14 27 2 The foundation of God remaineth sure and hath this seale The Lord knoweth who are his Timo. 2. 19. Because we haue the thing it selfe the invisible Church deciphered by examples in the holy Scriptures 1 For a long time hath Israel beene without the true God and without priest to teach and without law but there Christ was not altogether deprived of his Spouse but though the ministerie were corrupted he had his invisible Church 2. Chron. 15. 3. 4. 2 I will leaue vnto me saith the Lord seven thousand men in Israel which haue not bowed the knee vnto Baal 1. Ki. 19. 18. But this company could not then be perceived with bodily eyes but was invisible and only knowne vnto God as is gathered out of verse 10 and 14. ● At the time of Christs comming into th● world when the publick Ministerie of the Word was corrupted God had his inuisible Church Marie Ioseph Zacharie Elizabeth the wise men that came frō the East Simeon
Anna c. He is not a Iewe which is one outward neither is that Circumcision which is outward in the flesh But he is a Iewe which is one within and the circumcision is of the hart whose praise is not of mē but of God Rom. 2 28 29. Now how God in the time of Poperie the publick Ministerie of the word being corrupted had his inuisible Church is thus declared There were a cōpany of baptized Infants which were a great part of the Church but Note By this declaration it appeares t●at we doe not condemne our godly ancestours who liued in the time of Poperie the Church was neuer at any time without baptized children seeing that Baptisme euen vnder the raigne of Antichrist remained in the Church There were alwaies godly intelligēt mē which gaine-said the Pope sometimes open●y sometimes secretly See the booke inti●uled Catal●gus testium veritatis and those who gaine-said him had them which appro●ed their iudgement although by reason of the tyrannie of the Bishops of Rome they durst not openly make profession thereof There were also many simple men whose harts were more pure thā were the mouthes of their teachers The simpler sort had the chiefe fundamentall points of Christian Religion in the Lords praier the Creede and the ten Commaundements whereby they might bee instructed to a true faith a right inuocating of God and an holy life They heard the Passion of Christ read out of the stories of the Euangelists as also the rehearsing of the Gospels They might therfore out of the text neglecting the glosses of their Preachers learn those things which are necessarie to saluation They confirmed their faith by receauing the holy Supper of the Lord which though it was maimed of the one kinde the cup being quite taken frō them yet were not they in fault who were cōstrained to endure that tyrannie The Masse and other idolatrous seruice by the speciall prouidence of God were celebrated in the Latine tongue for which cause the Lay people were the lesse partakers of their idolatrie which vnderstoode not what was done They had Christ the foundation It is credible therefore that in their agonie the stubble that was built vpon the foundation was consumed but thēselues saued as it were by the fire of tentation tribulation 1 Cor. 3. Contrariwise our Aduersaries reason 1 Yee are the light of the World a City that Note 〈◊〉 this 〈◊〉 our Aduersaries should proue that the church is onely visible but they proue nothing els but that the church is visible which is not questioned is set on an hill cannot be hid also no man lighteth a candle and putteth it vnder a bushell c. Mat. 5 14 15. therefore the Church is visible Ans 1. I graunt the whole reason if by the Church be meant the externall publick Ministerie 2 It is a fallacie from that which is spoken in some respect to the same taken absolutely for in that the Church is said to be visible that is true in some respect onely that is not in respect of the inward man but of the outward publick Ministerie 2 That the Church is visible and that the Church is inuisible be contradictories therefore if it be granted that the Church is visible the inuisible is ouerthrowne Ans Contradictions are not vnlesse they be spoken of the same things and in the same respect but that Church is called visible in one respect and inuisible in another for it is visible in respect of the externall companie of them that heare the Word and vse the Sacraments but it is inuisible in respect of the inward man and true faith which is knowne to God alone as before I said 3 Vnlesse the Church bee visible there will not bee an apparent and free accesse to the Church for any man which ought notwithstanding continually to be so Answer 1. There is an equiuocation in the worde Church First it is taken for the publick Ministerie of the Word and Sacraments and so I grant the whole reason Secondly it is taken for those which doe truly beleeue the Word and rightly vse the Sacraments and so the conclusion is to be denied 2 By that which hath beene sai● it appeareth that the Antecedent speaketh of the former the consequent of the later acceptiō of the Church and so there bee foure termes in the Syllogisme 4 Christ bids vs heare the Church Matthew 18. Which if it bee inuisible cannot bee found out Answer 1. I answere to this reason as to the former 2 Our Aduersaries haue more in the conclusion than in the premisses For thus much followeth that there is a certaine visible church or that in some meaning the church is visible but that there is onely a visible Church there is neuer a word in the place cited 5 The Fathers did oppose the authoritie of the visible Church against Heretikes therefore there must needes be a visible Church Ans 1. It is a fallacie supposing that for a cause which is not For they did not oppose the authority of the Church against the Heritikes for that it was either visible or inuisible but because at that time it preserued the sacred bookes and the sincere profession of the Doctrine 2 Neither did the Fathers seeke to represse the Heritikes by the onely authoritie of the Church but stroue against them with the authoritie of the Scripture Question 3. Whether the Church may erre Our Aduersaries denie it hoping that if it appeare as in truth it doth that the Church in ancient times was at Rome and if that the Church cannot erre that they shall easily without any adoe free themselues from all crime of falshoode by the bare name of the Church being free from all errour But we denie it for these reasons Because the promises of preseruing the purity of the Church are conditionall and not absolute as if yee continue in my word yee are verily my Disciples Ioh 8. 31. Because where the thing doth testifie the contrarie there no plea hath place But we haue examples ready at hand both in the olde and new Testament that the Church hath erred 1. The Church of the olde Testament a● concerning the publick Ministerie hath often erred as in the Wildernes when i● worshipped the Calfe in the time of the Iudges it oftentimes fell away from the true seruice of God The like happene● vnder the gouernment of King Ahab i● the time of Ieremie and of Christs comming in the flesh 2. In the new Testament the Church erred 1 In the Church of Corinth many doubted of the Resurrection of the dead 2 The Galathians swarued from the Apostolick doctrine of Paul in the article of Iustification 3 The Church of Pergamus fauoured the Nicholaitans Reuelation 2 15. 3. At this day the Church of Rome doth erre in many things which hereafter shall be made to appeare as cleare as the noon day The particular members of the Church are not free from error as it is plaine that Peter
indefinite proposition which in this place is but a particular into an vniuersall thus feede my sheepe therefore feede all my sheepe 2 Heere are foure termes The word feede in the Antecedent is to do the office of a Minister of the Gospell but in the Consequent it is to be a Prince and to exercise dominion 4 Christ payed tribute for Peter and not for the rest of the Apostles Matth 17 27 Therefore Peter was Prince of the Apostles An. This is a Doctor like exposition to pay tribute that is to make a Prince for Peter that is Peter These dotages of the Papists declare how absurdly for want of proofes they scrape together any thing to bleare the eies of the vnlearned 5 Peter after the manner of a Prince lifted vp his voice on the day of Pentecost when the rest of the Apostles held their peace as it were for reuerence sake to him Act 2 14 4 8. Ans This is a fallacie putting that for a cause which is not a cause because the Apostles might giue Peter this honour either for his age or eloquence and not because they acknowledged him for their Prince and head 6 In the Counsell of the Apostles Peter first of all gaue his voice Act 15 7 Therefore he was Prince of the Apostles Ans 1 The voice of Peter is described but whether he first of all gaue his voice or some other before him that is not written therefore there is more in the Consequent than in the Antecedent on this wise Peters voice is the first that is mentioned therefore no man gaue any voice before him 2 It seemeth rather that others spake before him by these words next going before When there had been great disputation c. Whence it appeareth that some had spoken their mindes before Peter 3 out of this place it might rather be proued that Iames was the Prince of the Apostles for that he their voices being gathered gaue the definitiue sentence the argument therefore of the Papists is most fond 7. The Fathers and Writers of the Church haue acknowledged Peter to bee the Prince of the Apostles Answer If any of them did so they had it frō vncertaine reports contrarie to the meaning of the Scripture Neither ought the error of a few to be any preiudice to the truth 2 They gaine-saide the Primacie of Peter Augustine on the 16 of Matthew Cyprian in his Epistles Gregorie the great others Now in the second place let vs treate also of Dominion of faith with the Papists is that power or prerogatiue whereby the Pope may as please him determine and iudge of articles of Religion the power of knowledge or dominion of faith Wee denie that such a power was granted by Christ to Peter or any other man and that for these reasons Because it is Christ alone of whom the heauenly Father hath said heare him Math. 3 17 and 17 5 and there is one Maister or Doctor Math 23 8. Though that we or an Angell from heauen should preach vnto you otherwise than that which we haue preached vnto you let him be accursed Galat 1 8. Christ and Paul had not done well in sending their hearers vnto the Scriptures wheras rather they should haue sent them vnto Peter if wee must stand to the Popes iudgement Peter himselfe sends vs to the word of the Prophets and teacheth vs to attend to the word and not to himselfe as for any personall priuiledge 2 Pet 1 19. Peter in his Sermons and Epistles neuer taught any thing by such an absolute peculiar power or authoritie but confirmed all his assertions out of the holy Scripture as is to be seene Act. 2 4 10 and 15 Chap. By this meanes there had beene no neede of the Counsell of the Apostles but Peter alone should haue beene asked what hee would infallibly define Paul would not seeme to haue receiued anie thing from Peter as concerning his doctrine wherein hee had offended if the dominion of faith had beene committed to Peter Galat. 1 11 12 c. It may not be thought that such a dominion on of faith was committed vnto Peter because that hee was blame worthie and went not the right way to the truth of the Gospel Galat. 2 11 14. Contrariwise our Aduersaries reason thus 1 I will giue vnto thee the keyes of the Kingdome of heauen Matth 16 19 Therefore Peter had the key of knowledge and the dominion of faith Ans 1. There is more in the Consequent than in the Antecedent for it followeth not the keyes were given to Peter therefore power was given him to appoint and constitute what he pleased in doctrine faith 2 There are foure termes In the Antecedent the keyes are taken for that part of the ministery which consisteth in binding and loosing of sinnes in the consequent it is mistaken for authority to determine and constitute any thing what seemeth good in doctrine 3 The keyes did not only belong to Peter but to the rest of the Apostles also vnto whom Christ promised the keyes vnder the person of Peter who had answered for all And Christ gave authority alike to all to retaine to remit sinnes Mar 18 18 Ioh 20 23 which Panormitan also doth aduertise vs of 2 Christ prayed for Peter that his faith should not fayle Luke 22 32 therefore Peter received the Dominion of fayth Ans 1 Christ speaketh of Peters denying of him from which by his prayer for him he reclaimed Peter and did not suffer him to perish with Iudas To argue then from a particuler case to all the actions of Peter is very absurde 2 If to pray for a mans perseverance be all one as to give him the dominion of faith then because Christ prayed for the perseverance of all those that should heare and believe in him through the preaching of the Apostles Ioh 17 20 it would follow that he had committed vnto all them the dominion of faith which is absurde There are therefore in this argument foure termes 3 Christ sayd to Peter when thou art conuerted strengthen thy brethren Luke 22 32. Therfore the dominion of faith was given to Peter Ans 1 Christ speakes of such a strengthening whereby he that hath beene tempted knowes how to strengthen them which are tempted in the like manner But concerning the dominion of Faith there is not one title Againe therfore heer are foure terms 2 Every man that strengtheneth his brother should by the same reason as the Papists heer argue have the dominion of faith assured vnto him 3 And so also Peter could not have beene blame-worthy if hee had Gal 2 11 14. obtained the dominion of faith but hee ought rather to have chid Paul that reproved him 4 Vpon this Rocke I will builde my Church and the gates of hell shall not overcome it Math 16 18. Therefore it must needes bee that Peter received an infallible dominion of Faith Ans 1 If Peter had beene that most firme and sure Rock then
strife a dead letter 2. Christ condemneth the Traditions of men Matth 15 3 c. But the Pope diggeth out of their graves Traditions long since buried commendeth them highly and bindeth mens consciences vnder the paine of excommunication to obserue them 3. Christ saith out of the heart proceede evill thoughts Matth 15 19. so that the heart is as a corrupt fountaine The Pope saith man is not so corrupted by the fall of our first parents but that hee hath still free-will as well to good as to evill 4. Christ so expoundeth the lawe that it is impossible for vs to keepe it Luke 10 27. with all thy soule with all thy strength c. But the Pope saith the law of GOD may be fulfilled by man 5. Christ received them which believed as Thy faith hath made thee whole Luke 7 50. But the Pope contendeth that faith alone iustifieth not but that we have neede of good workes to our iustification 6. Christ saith when yee have done all that is commanded you say wee are vnprofitable seruants Luk 17 10. The Pope saith consecrated persons over and aboue the fulfilling of the law do also workes of supererogation which they may bestow vpon others as having no neede of them themselves 7. Christ saith verely verely I say vnto you hee that believeth in me hath life everlasting loh 6 40 47. But the Pope layeth at him with a curse who perswadeth himselfe that hee ought certainely to believe without doubting that he is the heire of eternall life 8 Christ sayth that that goes into the mouth defileth not a man Matth 15 11. The Pope saith that a man is defiled by eating the meates which he hath forbidden 9. Christ sayth Drink ye all of this Mat 26 27. The Pope saith Drinke not all but onely Priests So likewise the life of Christ the Pope are directly opposite but wee will not treate of that now Because hee exalteth himselfe against all that is called God For he takes vpon him to alter the Word of God and the Sacraments as is prooued in this whole booke throughout The Pope sits in the Temple of God as a tyranne captiuating Emperours Kings Princes and the Consciences of men vnder his tyrannie The Pope sheweth himselfe as if he were God which hee hath done in accepting of the flatteries of his retainers which are contained in the Canon Lawe and in the books of the Canonists as followeth 1. That the Pope can doe all things above law contrarie to lawe and without lawe Bald. ad caput cum super num 1o. Extr de caus posses et propt 2. That he hath the same consistorie and the See Baldus in C. cum super de causa Propt et pos Lib cerem Pon. 1 li. tit 7. same tribunall seate with God 3. That to him is given all power in Heaven and in earth 4. If the Pope neither respecting his owne nor his brethrens saluation should by heapes drawe innumerable soules with him into the pit of hell c. yet may no man say vnto him what doest thou Distinct 40 cap Si Papa 5 The Pope is god Felinus as also in the Canon lawe Distinct 96 cap. Satis 6 The Pope is the Christ or anointed of the Lord. 7 The Pope may change the forme of the Sacraments delivered by the Apostles Archidiaconus 8 The Pope can doo those things on earth which God can doo in Heaven August Berovius in C. cum tu num 1 de vsuris 9 The Pope hath no peere but God the same Berovius in Rubric de offic de leg n. 10. And many other things which it were ouerlong to rehearse If the Pope approove not these glozing flatteries why doth he not condemne them why doth hee not forbid them why doth hee not accurse them As Herod therfore which rejected not the impious acclamations of the people was therefore guiltie of their blasphemies before God and perished very miserably so the Pope in that he condemneth not the impious flatteries of the Canonists he approueth them is guiltie of eternall damnation and shall bee tormented with Herod for ever in Hell The comming of the kingdome of Poperie is by the working of Satan with miracles and lying wonders whereof all Popery hath been and yet is full as wee reade that manie such lying wonders haue beene of old descried and punished by the Magistrates The Pope worshippeth his God Mauzzim that is the masse with gold silver pretious stones as Daniel prophecied of Antichrist And if the hire of money were denied the masse would fall to the ground of his owne accord The Pope cares not for the desires of Women but forbiddeth mariage vnto Priests And therefore maintaineth a doctrine of deuills 1 Tim 4 3. Hee hath taken away the daily sacrifice withdrawing those praiers frō Christ which he hath caused to be offered vnto Saints And hath defiled the true worship of God with mens traditions and superstitions and intolerable idolatrie This was doubtles to abolish the daily sacrifice These and such other things declare that the Pope is not the successour of Peter nor the Vicar of Christ but the Antichrist whō the Lord Iesus shall consume with the spirit of his mouth c. 2 Thessal 2 8. Hitherto therefore we have maintained the authority of the holy Scriptures against the vaine Traditions of the Papists against Enthusiasmes or inspirations councells not rightly celebrated the counterfaite name of the Church and the falsely pretended authoritie of the Pope of Rome The Popes them selues then are not the Iudges of controuersies but the partie accused before the tribunal of the Church the Church is the Iudge the voice of the Church is the Scripture which alwaies speaketh by the rule whereof ●ll whosoever they bee are bound to give ●nswere and make their account vnto God ●t is therefore good reason that no other rule ●f truth should bee accepted of sauing the ●cripture according to which all opinions ●nd constitutions are to bee examined and ●dged in the Church CHA. 9 Of Freewill QVESTION 1. OVR Aduersaries that they might the more strongly vrge iustificatiō by works doe falsely affirme 1 that a man not regenerated or conuerted 2 even after the fall of Man hath remaining in him so much power 3. in his will vnderstanding 4. in matters spirituall and such as pertaine to the saluation of the soule that he can begin his conuersion 5 of and by himselfe and so deserue a more plentifull grace of iustification This we denie for these reasons ensuing Because the Scripture calleth vnregenerate men dead men 1. And you that were dead in sinnes and trespasses c. Ephesians 2 1. 2. When we were dead by sinnes hee quickned vs. verse 5. 3. Give your selues vnto God as they whic● are alive from the dead Rom 6 13. Because the Scripture compares our will vnto servitude 1. Impenitent sinners are holden captiue of Sathan at his will 2 Tim. 2 26. 2. If you continue in my