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spirit_n heart_n pray_v prayer_n 13,124 5 6.7659 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11271 A goodly dysputacion betwene a christen shomaker, and a popysshe parson with two other parsones more, done within the famous citie of Norembourgh. Translated out of [the] Germayne tongue into Englysshe. By Anthony Scoloker. Sachs, Hans, 1494-1576.; Scoloker, Anthony, fl. 1548. 1548 (1548) STC 21537.7; ESTC S117736 15,831 48

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expoūned by the Euangelist that he speaketh the same of the holygost whych all they shuld receyue that beleue in him Parson What I saye my thynke that thou smellest after Mātuanus that heretyke / wyth thy holyghost Shomaker Paule speaketh Do ye not knowe ● Cor. 3. that ye are the tēple of God and that the spyryte of God dwelleth in you And to the Gallath 4. Seynge ye are nowe become chyldren God hathe sente his spirite in to Gallat ● your hartes who calleth Abba that is be loued father He maketh vs ryghtuous accordyng to his mercy through the bath of renouacion / and the renewyng of the holyghost / whiche he hath powred haboūdauntly Timo● 4. in vs. And to the Romaynes in the. 5. chapter As the spirite nowe dwelleth Roman ● in you who hath raysed Iesus Christe from death parson I fynde no holy spirite in me you nor I are not noble inough therto Shomaker Wherfore are ye then called spiritual seyng you haue not the spyrite of God ye ought with good right to be called spyry●elease parson They be other maner of people then eyther you or I am whiche haue the spiryte of God Shomaker Ye ought not to haue respect vnto thē For God is no accepter of parsons It is Actes 10. also written The spirite of God shal rest Esay 66. ●pon a broken or weake harte Parson shewe me one I praye th● Shomaker Paull speaketh openly Who soeuer y● hath not the spyrite of Chryst perteyneth Rom. an 8. not to hym Parson Oh / trulye it is a very poore and myserable spirit / which ye Lutherians haue I thinke he is as blacke as a cole I praye the tell me what make ye wyth your holy ghost I beleue verely that he slepeth both nyght and daye by you for men can not so much as ones spye hym Shomaker Christ sayth Geue not that whych is Math. 7. holy to dogges neyther cast ye your pearles before swyne leaste they treade them vnder theyr fete Parson What are ye not ashamed to speake such ▪ Rude and Vncommelye woordes before me Shomaker I pray the sir domine be not displeased for it is the saying of holy scripture parson yea yea yea ye Lutherians speake much of Goddes woorde and it waxeth the ●enger the worse / I can not spye any amendement in none of you all Shomaker Christ say the Luk. 19. The kyngdome of God cōmeth not outwardly ▪ or wyth Luke 19. lokyng vp / that men myght poynt it wyth fyngers to sale here in thys or in that place is it / but it is inwardly in you that is it standeth not in outwarde workes Parson Men may perceaue that by your deuine seruyce Ye praye not nether go ye to the Churche nor to the dayly seruice nor in a maner to nothynge at all that good is Is then suche kyngdom Gods kyngdom amongest you Lutherians I beleue it is the great deuell of helles kyngdome Shomaker Christ speaketh The tyme shall come / Math. ● and is euen nowe that men shall praye no more vpon this moūtain nor at Ierusalē but shall praye only in spyryte and veryte Thys casteth downe and condem●neth your daylye seruice with also your numbred prayers For Chryste wholy and all abhorreth youre nombred prayers wyth youre outward mumblyng Where as he saythe Math. xv Thys people worshyp Math. 1● ●e wyth theyr lyppes but theyr harte is ●a●re from me ▪ parson And Christ sayth ye shall praye without Luke 18. ceasyng shomaker yea he meaneth to praye without ceasynge in the spyrite but Chryst dispyseth your prayer saying ye shall not make many wordes parson Gentle frende what is that for a prayer Math. 6. to praye in spirite and veritie teache me that same I praye the then shall I nede no more to say my mattēs nor myne other seruice shomaker Reade that lytle boke of Marten Luther intituled of the Christen lybertye which he dedicated to Pope Leo and there shall ye fynde it brefely declared parson I wolde rather that Luther wyth al hys bokes were burnt I neuer in all my lyfe dyd reade none of them nor yet wyll as I am aduysed shomaker What why doest thou iudge then parson Mary because he worshippeth not the saintes shomaker Chryst sayth Thou shalt onely worshyp thy lorde God and serue him onelye Math. 4. Parson Yea we must haue intercessours to god Shomaker Iohn sayth If any man haue synned we haue a mediatour by God / whiche is 1. Iohn ● Iesus Chryst who is ryghtuous who is also the peacemaker for oure sinnes Parson Yea thou speakest fayre wordes good fellowe but nede compelleth a man to begge yf thy legge were brokē / woldest thou not go to saint Wolfgange or if thou haddest the tothache woldest thou not pray to saīt Aposonia shomaker No trulye Chryst sayth come vnto me al Math. 11. ye that labour and are laden and I wyll case you Where then wyll we seke better helpe ye haue made Idoles of the saintes ād so ye haue seduced and brought vs frō Chryst Parson Yea I haue hearde wel Inough of you Lutheriās that ye do neuer fast / doth Luthers holy ghost teache you that shomaker We are not commaunded of God to fast but God hath lefte it free Chryst saith when thou wylt faste annoint thy head Math. 6. and wasshe thy Face he sayth not thowe shalt or tho● must faste lyke our Romysh stepfather doth Parson Yea but ye neuer do fast Shomaker I beleue that he handycraftes menne do faste better yea although they eate 4. tymes in a daye then all the pryestes and shauelyngs of the realme It is manyfeste Inough I nede not to speake any more therof Parson Holde thy peace then and let me speake as concernyng fastinge that is the least faute but ye Lutherians eate fletshe on the fryday that the deuell of hell mought blysse you Shomaker It is not forbydden of God to eate flesh and therfore is it not sīne / so farre fourth as the weake people are not therby offended Math. 15. Chryst saith That which goeth into the Mouthe defyleth not the Manne / but that which commeth oute of the mouth defyleth the Manne / as whooredome murther aduoutye theft false wytnesse bearing bacbyting c. And Paule 1 Corinthi What soeuer is sold in the market 1. Corinth that eate Parson yea saye what ye lyst but good olde customes whych haue bene kept and obserued aboue foure hondreth yeres / are not to be despysed Shomaker Chryst sayth Iohn in 14. I am the Iohan. 14. waye verytie / and the euerlastynge Lyfe / but he saith not I am the custom Their fore must we sticke and cleaue to the verytie whyche is Gods worde and euen god hym selfe which endureth for euer more / But custome commeth of men whyche are Math. 25. all lyers / as the. 115. psal saieth which Psalm 115 sayinge dothe whole and all ouerthrowe