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spirit_n father_n name_n son_n 14,571 5 5.9519 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16364 An honest godlye instruction and information for the tradynge, and bringinge vp of children, set furth by the Bishoppe of London co[m]maundyng all scholemaisters and other teachers of youthe within his diocese, that they neither teach, learne reade, or vse anye other maner of A B C, catechisme or rudimentes, then this made for the first instruction of youth. Mense Ianuarij. 1556. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. Bonner, Edmund, 1500?-1569. 1555 (1555) STC 3281; ESTC S116175 7,465 57

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An honest godlye instruction and information for the tradynge and bringinge vp of Children set furth by the Bishoppe of London Cōmaundyng all scholemaisters and other teachers of youthe within his Diocess that they neither teach learne reade or vse anye other maner of ABC Catechisme or rudimentes then this made for the first instruction of youth Mense Ianuarii 1556. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum FOrasmuch as it is a meritorious dede to instruct youth in vertuous thinges which youth of it selfe is propēse and readye withoute anye teacher to take and embrace vice vnthriftines and all maner noughtinesse it is thought good seyng of late daies the youth of this realme hath ben nouseled with vngodlie Catechismes and pernicious euil doctrine whiche is to be feared they wyl not forget in as much as the new vessel lōg doth kepe the sent or sauoure of the firste liquoure wherwith it was seasoned accordinge to the olde prouerbe Quo semel est imbuta recens seruabit odorem testa diu And that also the youthe muste haue some honest introduction and entrye in thinges cōuenient for them to learne that is to saye bothe to knowe the letters with ioyninge of them together and thereby the soner made apt to go further bothe in readynge and also in wrytynge it is thoughte good I saye seynge the elder age is prouided for in necessary doctrine already set furthe that the saide youth should also haue some helpe herin For which purpose here briefly is set furthe for them aswell letters of diuerse sortes commonlye vsed in this realme as also syllables and ioyninge of the sayde letters together And as for woordes sentences and matters suche is here in this behalfe set also furth as is iudged to be most necessary apte and requisite for the sayde youth to learne As fyrste to know how to blesse them selues mornynge and euening to say also the Pacer noster the Aue Maria the Crede the Confiteor with the rest to answere the Priest at Masse to saye grace at diner and supper To say the de profundis To know and learne vpon the boke and by harte the ten commaundementes of almightie God geuen in the olde lawe The two cōmaundementes of God expressed in the Gospel The .vii. principal vertues The .vii. woorkes of mercye bodely The .vii. workes of mercy gostly or spiritual The .vii. giftes of the holy ghost The .viii. beatitudes The .vii. sacramentes To knowe by the boke thereby to auoyde the seuen deadly synnes All these thinges ioyntly in Latin and in Englishe for the youth to learne therby to reade bothe the tounges are set furth by the Bishoppe of London to be taught by all the scholemasters vnto the youthe within his sayde Diocese of London Straythe chargyng and commaūding al the said scholemasters and all maner of other persons within hys sayde diocesse neither to teache learne reade or vse any other maner of ABC Catechisme or rudimentes then this made for the first instruction of youth ✚ A.a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.k.l.m.n.o.p.q.r.r.s.s.t.v.u.w.x.y.z. .2.9 est Amen A. B.C.D.E.F.G.H.I.K.L.M.N.O P.Q.R.S.T.U.W.X.Y.Z. A.a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.k.l.m.n.o.p.q.r.s.s.t.v.u. x.y.z. A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.I.K.L.M.N.O.P.Q.R.S.T.V.X.Y.Z. A. a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.k.l.m.n.o.p.q.r.s.s.t.v.u.x.y.z A. B.C.D.E.F.G.H.I.K.L.M.N.O.P.Q.R.S.T.V X.Y.Z. Uowels a. e. i. o. u. Diphthonges ae ae ę oe oe au au eu eu Syllables ab eb ib ob ub ac ec ic oc uc ad ed id od ud af ef if of uf ag eg ig og ug ba be bi bo bu ca ce ci co cu da de di do du fa fe fi fo fu ga ge gi go gu Short writing ā am an ē em en est i im in ō om on ū um un ¶ The maner of blessing IN the name of the father ✚ and of the sonne ✚ of the holy ghoste ✚ So be it Into thy handes O Lord I do commit my spirit thou o Lord the God of truth haste redemed me So be it By thys sygne of the crosse ✚ let euery wicked thing flee farre awaye and by the same signe let euerye thinge that is good be saued By the signe of the holye crosse ✚ O Lorde oure God deliuer vs from our enemies So be it O Iesu of Nazareth Kinge of the Iewes sonne of god haue mercye vpon me So be it Our Lordes Praier OUre father whiche arte in heuen halowed be thy name ii Thy kyngdome come iii. Thy wyll be done in earth as it is in heauen iiii Geue vs this day our daylie breade v. And forgeue vs our trespasses as we forgeue thē that trespasse against vs. vi And let vs not be led into temptation vii But deliuer vs frō euill So be it ¶ The Salutation of the Angell HAyle Marye ful of grace oure Lorde is wyth thee blessed art thou amongest women and blessed is the fruite of thy wombe So be it The 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 Articles of the faith I Beleue in God the father almightie maker of heauen and earth ii And in Iesus Christ his onelye sonne oure Lorde iii. Whiche was conceyued by the holye ghost borne of the virgin Marie iiii Suffered vnder Ponce Pilat was crucified dead buried and descended into hel v. The third day he rose againe from deth vi He ascended into heauen and sitteth on the ryghte hande of god the father almightie vii Frō thence he shall come to iudge y e quicke and the deade viii I beleue in the holie ghost ix The holy Catholike churche x. The Communion of sainctes The forgeuenes of sinnes xi The resurrection of the fleshe xii And the life euerlastinge So be it ¶ To helpe the prieste at Masse ¶ The virsicle And let vs not be led into temptation The answers But deliuer vs from euyll The versicle Confesse to our Lord that he is good Answere For his mercie is for euer ¶ The Confiteor I Do confesse to God to blessed Marye to all sainctes to you that I haue synned verye greatlye in thoughte in speche in omission and in dedes by myne owne fault Therfore I praie holye Mary al the sainctes of god you to praye for me ¶ The Miserea●ur ALmyghtye God haue mercy vpon you and forgeue you al your sinnes deliuer you from all euil saue confirme you in goodnes and brynge you to euerlasting life So be it ¶ The versicle Oure helpe is in the name of our Lorde ¶ The answere Who hath made heauen and earth ¶ The versicle The name of oure Lord be blessed ¶ The answere Frō hēsefurth now and for euermore iii. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. iii. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. iii. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. ¶ The versicle Oure Lorde be with you ¶ The answere And with thy spirite ¶ The antheme The woordes folowynge are of the holye ghospel of Matthew Mark Luke Iohn ¶ The Answer● Glory be to the o lord ¶ Uersicle By all the worldes of worldes Answere So be it ¶ Uersicle Oure Lorde be wyth you Answere And wyth thy spirite ¶ Uersicle Lifte vp your