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A11777 The holie Bible faithfully translated into English, out of the authentical Latin. Diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Greeke, and other editions in diuers languages. With arguments of the bookes, and chapters: annotations. tables: and other helpes ... By the English College of Doway; Bible. O.T. English. Douai. Martin, Gregory, d. 1582. 1609-1610 (1610) STC 2207; ESTC S101944 2,522,627 2,280

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holie persecution then bringing them forth of the fornace of Egypt in his strong hand as is recorded in the former age at last his Diuine Maiestie deliuered to them his perfect and eternal Law conteyned in two tables distributed into tenne preceptes teaching them their proper duties first towards himselfe their God and Lord then towards ech other Adding moreouer for the practise and execution therof other particular precepts of two sortes to witte Ceremonial prescribing certaine determinate maners and rites in obseruing the commandements of the first table pertaining to God and Iudicial lawes directing in particular how to fulfil the commandements of the second table concerning our duties towards our neighbours So we see the whole law is nothing els but to loue God aboue al and our neighboures as our selues The maner of performing al is to beleue and hope in one onlie Lord God honour and serue him alone who made al of nothing conserueth al wil iudge al and render to al men as they deserue and therfore fully to confirme this point he beginneth his commandements with expresse prohibition of al false and imaginarie goddes saying Exod. 20. v 3. Thou shalt not haue strange goddes after threates to the transgressours and recital of the other nine commandementes he concludeth v. 23. with repetition of the first saying You shal not make goddes of siluer nor goddes of gold shal you make to you 〈…〉 i● repeted and explaned Deut. 5. And in the next chapter Moyses 〈…〉 the people saith Heare Israel the Lord our God is one Lord. And God himselfe speaking againe sayth Exod. 23. See ye that I am onlie and there is no other God besides me The royal prophet Dauid 2 Reg. 22. and Psalm 17. who is God but our God and in sundrie other places the sene● doctrine of one God is grounded confirmed and established The Misterie of the B. Trinitie or of three Diuine Persons is no lesse true and certaine then that there is but one God though not so manifest to reason no● so expressly taught in the old Testament yet beleued then also and often in inuaded where God is expressed by names of the plural number as Elobim Elim Elah● Saddai Adonai Tsebaoth which import pluralitie of Persons in God who is b●●e one nature and substance Distinction also of Persons in God 〈…〉 ced Exod. 33. God saying I wil cal in the name of the Lord That is as S. Augustin and other fathers expound it the second Person by his grace maketh his seruants to cal vpon God More distinctly Psalm 2. The Lord said to me Thou art my Sonne I this day haue begotten thee Psalm 109. The Lord said to my Lord that is God the Father to God the Sonne who according to his diuinitie is the Lord of Dauid according to his humanitie the sonne of Dauid The same king Dauid maketh mention also of the third Person the Holie Ghost praying Psalm 50. Thy holie Spirit take not from me In the forme of blessing the people Num. 6. al three Persons some to be vnderstood in the name of our Lord thrise repeted our Lord the Father blesse thee and keepe thee Our Lord the Sonne shew his face to thee and haue mercie vpon thee Our Lord the Holie Ghost turne his countenance vnto thee and geue thee peace Of the Incarnation of the Sonne of God we haue in this age manie prophecies and figures Moyses euidently Deut. 18 forsheweth that after other prophets Christ the Sonne of God should come in flesh and redeme mankind as S. Peter teacheth Act. 3. Likewise in his Canticle and Blessing of the tribes Deut. 32 33 he speaketh more expresly of Christ and his Church then of the Iewes and thier Synagogue The starre prophecied by Balaam Num. 24. forshewed both to Iewes and Gentiles that Christ should subdue al nations Iosu● both in name and office was a manifest figure of IESVS Christ Also the Iudge and Kinges some in one thing some in an other most especially king Dauid and king Salomon were figures of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ The brasen serpent Num. 21. sign fied Christ to be crucified as him selfe expenndeth it Ioan. 3. Bri fly the whole Law was a pedagogue or conductor to bring men to Christ Galat. 3. and by him to know God and them selues to wit God omnipotent al perfect Creator of al our Father Redemer and Sanctifier and man his chief earthlie creature though of himselfe w●●k● and impotent yea through sinne miserable yet in nature of free condition indued wish vnderstanding to conceiue and discourse and with freewil to choose or refuse what liketh or displeaseth him For God appointing al creatures their offices ingraffed in al other thinges inuariable inclination to performe the same so that they could neither by vertue nor sinne make their state better not worse then it was created but ordaining Angels and men to a higher end of eternal felicitie left their wils free to agree vnto or to resist his precepts and counsels VVherupon Angels cooperating with Gods grace were confirmed in glorie and some reuoking were eternally damned Man also offending fel into damnable state but through penance may be saued if he cooperate with new grace of our Redemer which is in his choise to doe or omitte As when God gaue his people meate in the desert Exod. 16. he so instructed them how to receiue it and vse it without force or compulsion that he might proue them as himself speaketh whether they would walke in his law or no. And after making couenant with them Exod. 19. Deut. 26. required and accepted their voluntarie consent entring into formal contract or bargaine betwen him self and them he promising on the one partie to make them his peculiar people a priestlie kingdome and a holie nation they on the other partie promising loyaltie obedience and obseruation of his commandements saying Al thinges that our Lord hath spoken we wil doe For which cause Gods promises are conditional Deut. 7. if thou kepe his iudgements God wil keepe his couenant to thee Againe most plainly Deut. 11. Behold I sette before your sight this day benediction and malediction and Deut. 30. I cal for witnesses this day heauen and earth that I haue proposed to you life and death blessing and cursing Choose therfore life that thou mayest liue In al which it is certaine that Gods promise being firme mans wil is variable and so the euent not necessarie which made Caleb hoping of victorie to say Iosue 14. if perhaps our Lord be with me Neither doth Gods foreknowledge make the euent necessarie for he seeth the effect in the cause as it is voluntarie or casual yea God knoweth al before and some times fortelleth thinges vvhich conditionally vvould happen and in deed the condition fayling come not to passe as 1. Reg. 23. God answered that the men of Ceila would betray Dauid meaning if he staied there vvhich
and Zauan and Iacan The sonnes of Disan Hus and Aran. † These be the kinges that reigned in the Land of Edom before there was a king ouer the chidren of Israel Bale the sonne of Beor and the name of his citie Deneba † And Bale died and Iobab the sonne of Zare of Bosra reigned for him † And when Iobab also was dead Husam of the Land of the Themanes reigned for him † And Husam also died and Adad the sonne of Badad reigned for him who stroke Madian in the Land of Moab and the name of his citie was Auith. † And when Adad also was dead Semla of Masreca reigned for him † But Semla also died and there reigned for him Saul of Rohoboth which is situate besides the riuer † Saul also being dead Balanan the sonne of Achobor reigned for him † But this also died and Adad reigned for him whose cities name was Phau and his wife was called Meetabel the daughter of Matred the daughter of Mezaab † And Adad being dead there began to be dukes in Edom for kinges duke Thamna duke Alua duke Ietheth † duke Oolibama duke Ela duke Phinon † duke Cenez duke Theman duke Mabsar † duke Magdiel duke Hiram these be the dukes of Edom. ANNOTATIONS BECAVSE in diuers holie Scriptures and especialy in these bookes of Paralipomenon manie difficulties occurre concerning diuers persons and places as also differences of numbers and times in reconciling wherof the holie Fathers and Doctors haue much laboured making sometimes large commentaries to satisfie them selues and other diligent searchers of the truth to remoue the obloquies of detractors from the authoritie of holie Scripture whose learned explications of such obscurities if we should cite it would be ouer long and contratie to our purpose of brief Annotations here once for often we wil present to the vulgar reader certaine cleare and ordinarie rules by which the learned Diuines do reconcile such apparent contradictions First it is euident by sundrie examples that manie persons places and some other thinges had diuers names so are sometimes called by one name sometimes by an other Secondly which is more common manie were called by the same names and so must be distinguished by the differences of times places qualities or other circumstances Thirdly in genealogies and other histories children are not alwaies called the sonnes or daughters of their natural parentes but sometimes of legal fathers and sometimes also of those that adopted them for their children and sometimes of their grandfathers or former progenitors Fourthly sometime for mysterie sake an other number is expressed being true in the mystical sense differing from the precise number according to the historie As in the genealogie of Christ the Euangelist counteth thrise fourtene generations from Abraham to our Sauiour differing from the historie of the old Testament Fiftly euen in the historie it self sometimes holie Scripture counteth only the greater numbers ommitting the lesser and in some other addeth also the odde numbers Sixtly the Scriptures speake often by tropes as mentioning part for the whole or the whole for the part so by the figure Synechdoche Christ is said to haue bene three dayes dead that is one whole day and part of other two And some king liuing or reigning so manie yeares and part of an other and his successour reigning the other part ech part is countend to each of them for a whole yeare and so a yeare is added more then is in the precise number Seuenthly sometimes the sonnes reigned together with their fathers as Ioathan reigned his father Ozias yet liuing 4. Reg. 15. so both their reignes are sometimes counted sometimes their seueral yeares as euerie one reigned alone Eightly the times of vacances in the gouernment of the Iudges reignes of kinges and the like are sometimes omitted in calculation sometimes adioyned to the predecessor or successor Ninthly sometimes the holy Scripture mentioneth the only time that one liued or reigned wel as it were blotting out the rest with obliuion So Saul is sayd to haue reigned two yeares 1. Reg 13. VVho wel and euil reigned much longer Tenthly by error in writing wordes names and especially numbers may easely be changed and can not easely be corrected By these or other like meanes al the holie Scriptures may be defended though none ought to presume by his priuate spirit to vnderstand and expound al Sciptures which are hard not only by reason of their profound sense surpassing mans natural capacitie but also for that in outward apparence sometimes there seeme to be contradictions but in dede neither are nor can be vttered by the Holie Ghost the Spirit of truth Inditer of the whole sacred Bible And therfore we must relie vpon Gods Spirit speaking in his spouse the Church commended vnto vs by those Scriptures wherof we are sufficiently assured CHAP II. The names of Israels twelue sonnes 3. The geneologie of Iuda first in the right line to Dauid the seuenth sonne of Isai 16. then other genealogies of the same Iuda AND the chidren of Israel Ruben Simeon Leui Iuda Issachar and Zabulon † Dan Ioseph Beniamin Nephthali Gad and Aser † The sonnes of Iuda Her Onan and Sela. these three were borne to him of the Chananite the daughter of Sue And Her the firstbegotten of Iuda was euil before our Lord and he slewe him † And Thamar his daughter in law bare him Phares and Zara. † Therfore al the sonnes of Iuda were fiue † And the sonnes of Phares Hesron and Hamul † The sonnes also of Zara Zamri and Ethan and Eman Chalcal also and Dara together fiue † And the sonnes of Charmi Achar who trubled Israel sinned in the theft of the anathema † The sonnes of Ethan Azarias † And the sonnes of Hesron that were borne to him Ierameel and Ram and Calubi † Moreouer Ram begat Aminadab and Aminadab begat Nahasson the prince of the children of Iuda † Nahasson also begat Salma of whom was borne Booz † But Booz begat Obed who also begat Isai † And Isai begat the firstbegotten Eliab the second Abinadab the third Simmaa † the fourth Nathanael the fifth Raddai † the sixt Asom the seuenth Dauid † Whose sisters were Saruia and Abigail The sonnes of Saruia Abisai Ioab and Asael three † And Abigail beare Amasa whose father was Iether the Ismaelite † But Caleb the sonne of Hesron tooke a wife named Azuba of whom he begat Ierioth and her sonnes were Iaser and Sobab and Ardon † And when Azuba was dead Caleb tooke to wife Ephratha who bare him Hur. † Moreouer Hur begat Vri and Vri begat Bezeleel † After these thinges Hesron went in to the daughter of Machir the father of Galaad and tooke her when he was three score yeares old who bare him Segub † But Segub also begat Iair possessed three and twentie cities in the Land of Galaad † And he tooke
drinke the bloud of these men because in the peril of their liues they haue brought me the water And for this cause he would not drinke These thinges did the three most valiantes † Abisai also the brother of Ioab he was prince of three and he lifted vp his speare agaynst three hundred wounded and he was among three most renowned † and among the second three he the noble one and prince of them but yet vnto the three first he taught not † Banaias the sonne of Ioiada a most valiant man of Cabseel who had done manie factes he stroke the two ariel of Moab and he went downe and slewe the lion in the middes of the cisterne in the time of snow † And he storke the Aegyptian whose stature was of fiue cubites and which had a speare as the weauers beame he therfore went downe to him with a rod and by force tooke away the speare that he held in his hand and slewe him with his owne speare † These thinges did Banaias the sonne of Ioiada who was among the three valiantes most renowned † the first among thirtie but yet the three he raught not and Dauid made him of his counsel † Moreouer the most valiant men in the armie Asahel the brother of Ioab and Elchanan the sonne of his vncle of Bethlehem † Sammoth an Arortie Helles a Phalonite † Ira the the sonne of Acces a Thecaite Abiezer an Anathothite † Sobbochai an Husathite Ilai an Ahohite † Maharai a Netophathite Heled the sonne of Baana a Netophathite † Ethai the sonne of Ribai of Gabaath the children of Beniamin Banaia a Pharatonite † Hurai of the Torrent Gaas Abiel an Arbathite Azmoth a Bauramite Eliaba a Salabonite † The sonnes of Assem a Gezonite Ionathan the sonne of Sage an Ararite † Ahiam the sonne of Sachar an Ararite † Eliphal the sonne of Vr † Hepher a Mecherathi●e Ahia Phelonite † Hesro a Carmelite Naarai the sonne of Azbai † Ioel the brother of Nathan Mibahar the sonne of Agarai † Selet an Ammonite Naharai a Berothite the armour bearer of Ioab the sonne of Saruia † Ira a Iethreite Gareb a Iethreite † Vrias the Hetheite Zabad the sonne of Oholi † Adina the sonne of Sizaa Rubenite the prince of the Rubenites with him thirtie † Hanan the sonne of Maacha and Iosaphat a Mathanite † Ozia an Astarothite Samma and Iehiel the sonnes of Hotham an Arorite † Iedihel the sonne of Zamri and Ioha his brother a Thosaite † Eliel a Mahumite and Ieribai and Iosaia the sonnes of Elnaim and Iethma a Moabite Eliel and Obed and Iasiel of Masobia CHAP. XII VVho folowed dauid when he fled from Saul 23. And who came into Hebron to make him king THESE also came to dauid into Siceleg when as yet he fled from Saul the sonne of Cis the which were most valiant and excellent warriers † drawing the bowe and hurling with both handes stones in slinges and shooting arrowes directly of the brethren of Saul of Beniamin † The prince Ahiezer and Ioas the sonnes of Sammaa a Gabaathite and Iaziel and Phallet the sonnes of Azmoth and Beracha and Iehu an Anothothite † Samaias also a Gabaonite the most valiant amongst the thirtie and aboue the thirtie Ieremias and Ieheziel and Iohanan and Iezabad a Gaderothite † And Eluzai and Ierimuth and Baalia and Samaria and Saphatia an Haruphite † Elcana and Iesia and Azareel and Ioezer Iesbaam of Carehim † Ioela also and Zabadia the sonnes of Ieroham of Gedor † Yea and of Gaddi also there fled to Dauid when he lay hid in the desert most valiant men and the best warriers holding sheild and speare their faces as the faces of a lion nd swift as the roebuck●s on the mountaynes † Ezer the prince Obdias the second Eliab the third † Masmana the fourth Ieremias the fifth † Ethi the sixth Eliel the seuenth † Iohanan the eight Elzebad the ninth † Ieremias the tenth Machbanai the eleuenth † these of the children of Gad were the princes of his armie the meanest was captayne ouer an hundred souldiars and the greatest ouer a thousand † These are they which passed Iordan the first moneth when it vsed to flow ouer his bankes and they chased away al that dwelt in the valleis toward the east quarter and the west † And there came also of Beniamin and of Iuda to the hold wherin Dauid abode † And Dauid went out to mete them and sayd If you be come peaceably to me for to helpe me my hart be ioyned to you but if you lye in wayte against me for my aduersaries whereas I haue no iniquitie in my handes the God of our fathers see and iudge † But the spirit came on Amasai the prince among thirtie and he sayd We are thine ô Dauid and with thee ô sonne of Isai peace peace be to thee peace to thy helpers for thy God helpeth thee Dauid therfore receiued them and appoynted them princes of the band † Moreouer of Manasses there fled to Dauid when he came with the Philisthijms agaynst Saul to fight and he fought not with them because the princes of the Philisthimes taking counsel sent him backe saying with the peril of our head wil he returne to his lord Saul † Therfore when he returned into Siceleg there fled to him of Manasses Ednas and Iozabab and Iedihel and Michael and Ednas Iozabad and Eliu and Salathi the princes of a thousand in Manasses † These did ayde Dauid agaynst the rouers for they were al most valiant men and were made commanders in the armie † Yea and there came euerie day to Dauid to helpe him til it became a great number as it were the armie of God † This also is the number of the commanders of the armie which came to Dauid when he was in Hebron to transferre the kingdom of Saul to him according to the word of our Lord. † The children of Iuda bearing shield and speare six thousand eight hundred wel appoynted to battel † Of the children of Simeon valient men to ●ight seuen thousand one hundred † Of the children of Leui foure thousand six hundred † Ioiada also prince of the stocke of Aaron and with him three thousand seuen hundred † Sadoc also a young man of goodlie towardenes and the house of his father princes twentie two † And of the children of Beniamin the brethren of Saul three thousand for a great part of them as yet folowed the house of Saul † Moreouer of the children of Ephraim twentie thousand eight hundred valiant of strength men renowmed in their kinredes † And of the halfe tribe of Manasses eightene thousand euerie one by their names came to make Dauid king † Also of the children of Issachar men of vnderstanding that knewe al times to command what Israel should doe princes two hundred and al the rest of the tribe did folow their counsel † Moreouer of Zabulon such as went forth to battel stood in aray wel
of Israel should bring it in into the tabernacle of testimonie † For the most impious Athalia and her children haue destroyed the house of God and of al thinges that had bene sanctified in the temple of our Lord they adorned the temple of Baalim † The king therfore commanded and they made a chest and set it by the gate of our Lord on the out side † And it was proclaymed in Iuda and Ierusalem that euery man should bring the price to our Lord which Moyses the seruant of God appoynted ouer al Israel in the desert † And al the princes reioysed and al the people and going in they contributed into the chest of our Lord and cast in so that it was filled † And when it was time that they should bring the chest before the king by the handes of Leuites for they saw much money the kinges Scribe went in and he whom the high priest had appoynted they powred out the money that was in the chest recaried it to his place and so did they from day to day and there was gathered infinite money † Which the king and Ioiada gaue to them that ouersaw the workes of the house of our Lord but they hired with it hewers of stones and artificers of al workes to repayre the house of our Lord smithes also of yron and brasse that that which began to fal might be vpholden † And they that wrought did industriously and the breach of the walles was closed by their handes and they raysed the house of our Lord into the old state and made it stand firmely † And when they had accomplished al the workes they brought the rest of the money before the king and Ioiada of the which were made vessels of the temple to the ministerie and for holocaustes phials also and other vessels of gold and siluer and holocaustes were offered in the house of our Lord continually al the daies of Ioiada † But Ioiada became old being ful of dayes and died when he was an hundred and thirtie yeares old † And they buried him in the citie of Dauid with the kinges because he had done good with Israel and with his house † And after that Ioiada was dead the princes of Iuda went in and adored the king who being altered by their seruiceablenesse agreed to them † And they forsooke the temple of our Lord the God of their fathers and serued groues and sculptilles and there came wrath agaynst Iuda and Ierusalem for this sinne † And he sent them prophetes that they should returne to our Lord whom protesting they would not heare † The spirit of God therfore inuested Zacharias the sonne of Ioiada the Priest he stood in the sight of the people and sayd to them Thus sayth our Lord God Why transgresse you the precept of our Lord which thing shal not profit you haue forsaken our Lord that he should forsake you † Who being gathered agaynst him they threw stones according to the kinges commandement in the court of the house of our Lord. † And Ioas the king did not remember the mercie that Ioiada his father had done with him but he killed his sonne Who when he died sayd Our Lord see and require it † And when a yeare was come about the armie of Syria came vp against him it came into Iuda Ierusalem slewe al the princes of the people and al the pray they sent to the king into Damascus † And wheras there was come a very smal number of the Syrians our Lord deliuered into their handes an infinit multitude for that they had forsaken our Lord the God of their fathers on Ioas also they exercised ignomious iudgementes † And departing they left him in great diseases and his seruantes rose agaynst him for reuenge of the bloud of the sonne of Ioiada the priest they slewe him in his bed he dyed and they buried him in the Citie of Dauid but not in the kinges sepulchres † And there conspired against him Zabad the sonne of Semmaath an Ammonitesse Iozabad the sonne of Semarith a Moabitesse † Moreouer his children and the summe of money which was gathered vnder him the repayring of the house of God are writen more diligently in the Booke of kinges and Amasias his sonne reigned for him CHAP. XXV Amasias killeth those that slew his father 5. Besides his owne people hyreth souldiars of Israel but by aduise of a Prophete dismisseth them 11. and with his owne owerthroweth the Idumeans whose idols taken in battel 13. the dismissed souldiars in the meane time spoyling his countrie he adoreth 15. Contemning admonition 17. and prouoking the king of Israel to warre 22. is taken in battel and spoyled 27. Fearing treason in Ierusalem fleeth and is slaine in Lachis FIVE and twentie yeares old was Amasias when he began to reigne and he reigned nine and twentie yeares in Ierusalem the name of his mother was Ioaden of Ierusalem † And he did good in the sight of our Lord but yet not in a perfect hart † And when he saw his kingdom strengthned he put to death the seruantes that had slayne the king his father † but their children he slew not as it is writen in the Booke of the law of Moyses where our Lord commanded saying The fathers shal not be slayne for the children nor the children for their fathers but euerie one shal die in his owne sinne † Amasias therfore gathered together Iuda and appoynted them by families and tribunes and centurions in al Iuda and Beniamin and he numbred from twentie yeares vpward and found three hundred thousand of yong men that went forth to battel and held speare and shielde † He hyred also for wages of Israel an hundred thousand strong men for an hundred talentes of siluer † But a man of God came to him and sayd O king let not the host of Israel goe forth with thee for our Lord is not with Israel and al the children of Ephraim † and if thou thinke that battels consist in the force of an armie God wil make thee to be ouercome of the enemies for it perteyneth to God both to helpe and to put to flight † And Amasias sayd to the man of God What shal become then of the hundred talentes which I haue geuen the souldiars of Israel And the man of God answered him Our Lord hath wherby he is able to geue thee much more then this † Amasias therfore seperated the host that came to him out of Ephraim that they should returne into their place but they being wrath excedingly agaynst Iuda returned into their countrie † Moreouer Amasias brought forth his people confidently and went into the Vale of salt pittes and stroke the children of Seir ten thousand † And other ten thousand men did the children of Iuda take and bring to the steepe of a certaine rocke and cast them down headlong from the toppe who burst in sunder euerie one † But
The impious man diggeth euil and in his lippes fire burneth † A peruerse man raiseth contentions and one ful of wordes separateth princes An vniust man allureth his frende and leadeth him by a way not good † He that with astoinied eies thinketh wicked thinges byting his lippes bringeth euil to passe † A crowne of dignitie old age which shal be found in the wayes of iustice † Better is the patient then a strong man and he that ruleth his minde then the ouerthrower of cities † Lottes are cast into the bosome but they are ordered of our Lord. ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XVI 1. It perteineth to man to prepare the hart For the better vnderstanding of this and other hard places of holie Scripture this general rule euer approued by al Christians is most necessarie that al holie Scripture is true and certaine as being al indited by the Holie Ghost the Spirite of truth and so one place is neuer contrarie to an other though at first sight they may so seme to mans vnderstanding For by this place the Pelagians would proue that man can of himself without the helpe of Gods grace beginne a good thing though without this helpe he cannot performe it because it is here sayd that it petteyneth to man to prepare the hart that is ●o beginne a good thing But S. Augustin sheweth that it may not be so vnderstood the cause so it should be contrarie to that saying of our Sauiour VVithout me you can do nothing and that of S. Paul VVe are not sufficient to thinke anie thing of our selues as of our selues but our sufficiencie is of God VVhich tvvo euident places vvith otherlike do shevv that this place hath an other different sense from that vvhich the Pelagians gather An● so S. Augustin and other Fathers teach that the vvisman here affirmeth not that man of himself can prepare his hart or beginne a good vvorke but that it perteineth to man to prepare his hart presupposing helpe of Gods grace and hauing so begunne God also gouerneth the tongue and by more grace directeth it ●o speake those thinges vvel vvhich the hart purposed and disposed to be vttered vvithout vvhich helpe none is able neither to beginne anie meritorious vvorke nor to prosecute nor perfect that is vvel begunne The like sentence foloweth in the 9. verse The hart of man disposeth his vvay but it perteyneth to our Lord to direct his progresse signifying in both places that after a thing is vvel begunne vvhich can not be vvithout the helpe of Gods grace yet it can not procede vvel vvithout more grace stil directing and streingthning mans freevvil CHAP. XVII BEtter is a drie morsel with ioy then a house ful of victimes with brawling † A wise seruant shal rule ouer foolish children and diuide inheritance among bretheren † As siluer is tried by fyre and gold in the fournace so our Lord proueth the the harts † The euil man obeyeth an vniust tongue and the deceitful obeyeth lying lippes † He that despiseth the poore vpbraydeth his maker and he that reioyceth at an other mans ruine shal not be vnpunished † The crowne of oldmen the childrens children and the glorie of children their fathers † Eloquent wordes become not a foole nor lying lippes a prince † A most gratful pearle the expectation of him that expecteth whither soeuer he turneth himself he vnderstandeth wisely † He that concealeth offence seeketh frendshipes he that in other word repeteth it seperateth the confederate † Reprehension doth more profit with a wiseman then an hundred stripes with a foole † An euil man alwayes seeketh brawles but a cruel angel shal be sent against him † It is better to meete a beare when her yong are taken away then a foole trusting to himselfe in his owne follie † He that rendereth euil thinges for good euil shal not depart from his house † He that letteth water goe is the head of brawles before he suffer contumelie he forsaketh iudgement † He that iustifieth the impious and he that condemneth the iust both are abominable before God † What doth it profit a foole to haue riches wheras he can not buy wisdom He that maketh his house high seeketh ruine and he that refuseth to learne shal fal into euils † He loueth at al time that is a frend and a brother is proued in distresses † A foolish man wil clappe the handes when he is suretie for his freind † He that meditateth discordes loueth brawles and he that exalteth the doore seeketh ruine † He that is of a peruerse hart shal not finde good and he that turneth his tongue shal fal into euil † A foole is borne to his owne ignominie but neither shal the father reioyce in a foole † A ioyful minde maketh a florishing age a sorowful spirit dryeth vp the bones † The impious receiueth giftes out of the bosome that he may peruert the pathes of iudgement † In the face of the prudent wisdom shineth the eies of fooles are in the endes of the earth † A foolish sonne is the anger of the father and the sorow of the mother that bare him † It is not good to doe hurt to the iust nor to strike the prince which iudgeth right † He that moderateth his wordes is lerned and prudent and the lerned man is of a precious spirit † The foole also if he hold his peace shal be reputed wise and if he close his lippes a man of vnderstanding CHAP. XVIII HE seeketh occasions that wil depart from a frend he shal euer be subiect to reproch † A foole receiueth not the wordes of prudence vnlesse thou say those thinges which are in his hart † The impious when he shal come into the depth of sinnes contemneth but ignominie and reproch folow him † Deepe water wordes from the mouth of a man and a streame ouer flowing the fountaine of wisdom † To accept the person of the impious in iudgement is not good that thou decline from the truth of iudgement † The lippes of a foole mingle him with strife and his mouth prouoketh brawles † The mouth of a foole is his destruction and his lippes are the ruine of his soule † The wordes of the duble tongued as it were simple and the same come euen to the inner part of the bellie Feare casteth downe the slothful and the soules of the effeminate shal be hungrie † He that is soft and dissolute in his worke is the brother of him that destroyeth his owne workes † A most strong towre the name of our Lord the iust runneth to it and shal be exalted † The substance of the rich man a citie of his strength and as a strong wal compassing him
the ruines of them † Nurter thy sonne and he shal refresh thee and shal geue delightes to thy soule † When prophecie shal fayle the people shal be dissipated but he that keepeth the Law is blessed † A seruant can not be taught by wordes because he vnderstandeth that which thou sayst and contemneth to answer † Hast thou seene a man swifte to speake follie is rather to be hoped then his amendement † He that nourisheth his seruant delicatly from his childhood afterward shal feele him stubburne † An angrie man prouoketh brawles and he that is easie to indign 〈…〉 shal he more prone to sinne † Humiliation foloweth the proude and glorie shal receiue the humble of spirite † He that is partaker with a theefe hateth his owne soule he heareth one adiuring and telleth not † He that feareth man shal soone fal he that trusteth in our Lord shal be lifted vp † Manie seeke after the face of the prince the iudgement of euerie one commeth forth from our Lord. † The iust abhorre an impious man the impious abhorre them that are in the right way The sonne that keepeth the word shal be out of perdition CHAP. XXX Aright wiseman thinketh humbly of himself 4. knowing that Gods workes are inscrutable and perfect 8. desireth truth in al thinges mediocritie in riches 11. Abhorreth certaine sortes of men 1. 5. certaine execrable thinges 18. noteth certaine thinges hard to be knowen 21. other thinges intolerable 24. others admirable 32. the tongue dangerous THE wordes of the Gatherer the sonne of Vomiter The vision that the man spake with whom God is and who being strengthened by God abiding with him sayd † I am most foolish of men the wisedom of men is not with me † I haue not learned wisedom and haue not knowen the science of saints † Who hath ascended into heauen and descended who hath conteyned the spirit in his handes who hath bound the waters together as in a garment who hath raysed vp al the borders of the earth what is his name and what is the name of his sonne if thou know † Enerie word of God tryed by fyre is a buckler to them that hope in him † Adde not any thing to his wordes and so thou be reproued and found a lyer † Two thinges I haue asked thee denie them not to me before I dye † Vanitie and lying wordes make far from me Beggerie and riches geue me not geue only things necessarie for my sustenance † lest perhaps being filled I be allured to denie and may say Who is the Lord or being compelled by pouertie I may steale and forsweare the name of my God † Accuse not a seruant to his master lest perhaps he curse thee and thou fal † There is a generation that curseth their father and that blesseth not their mother † A generation that semeth to itself cleane yet is not washed from their filthines † A generation whose eies are loftie and the eielids therof set vp on high † A generation that for teeth hath swordes and chaweth with theyr grinding teeth that they may eate the needie out of the earth and the poore from among men † The horseleach hath two daughters that say Bring bring Three things are vnsatiable the fourth neuer sayth it sufficeth † Hel and the mouth of the matrice the earth which is not satisfied with water but the fyre neuer sayth it sufficeth † The eie that scorneth his father that despiseth the trauail of his mother in bearing him let the rauens of the torrents pick it out and the young of the eagle eate it † Three thinges are hard to me and of the fourth I am vtterly ignorant † The way of an eagle in the ayre the way of a serpent vpon a rocke the way of a shippe in the middes of 〈…〉 and the way of a man in youth † Such is also the way of an adulterous woman which eateth and wyping her mouth sayth I haue done no euil † By three thinges the earth is moued and the fourth it can not susteyne † By a seruant when he shal reigne by a foole when he shal be filled with meate † by an odious woman when she shal be taken in matrimonie by “ a bondwoman when she shal be heyre to her mistresse † There are foure the least thinges of the earth and they are wiser then the wise † The antes a weake people which prepareth in the haruest meate for themselues † The leueret a people not strong which placeth his bed in the rocke † The locust hath no king and they go our al by their troopes † The stellion stayeth on his handes 〈…〉 in kings houses † There are three thinges which 〈…〉 l and the fourth that goeth happely † The lyon the strongest of beastes shal feare at the meeting of none † the cocke gyrded about the loines and the ramme also the king against whom none can resist † There is that hath appeared a foole after that he was listed vp on high for if he had vnderstood he would haue layd his hand vpon his mouth † And he that strongly presseth the pappes to wring out milke strayneth out butter and he that violently cleanceth his nose wringeth out bloud he that prouoketh angers bringeth forth discordes ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXX 1. The vvordes of the Gatherer Some Interpreters take these foure Hebrew wordes Agur Iache Ithiel and Vcal conteined in this first verse to be proper names of men supposing that a certaine wiseman named Agur the sonne of Iache spake the sentences folowing in this chapter to his sonnes or scholars called Ithiel Vcal And so this supposed Agur not Salomon should be the auctor of this chapter But the old Interpreter whom S. Ierom approueth and foloweth translated the same wordes as noones appellatiues Neither doth anie ancient Father account this Agur amongst the writers of holie Scriptures And if there were a peculiar auctor of this chapter it is like the same should haue bene placed last and not before that which now foloweth and is by al men confessed to be Salomons And therfore we thinke it more probable with S. Beda and the common opinion that there vvas no other auctor of anie part of this booke besides King Salomon VVho is here called CONGREGANS the Gatherer because he gathered these excellent Parables and Prouerbes as the sonne of the Holie Ghost signified by the word IACHE povvring forth diuine sentences for instruction of ITHIEL VCAL that is of al those vvith vvhom God is by his grace and vvho are streingthened by God abiding vvith them 23. A bond vvoman vvhen she shal be heyre Of al thinges in this world it semeth most absurde that heresie doth dominiere ouer Catholique religion vvhich God some times and in some places suffereth for the greater merite of his elect CHAP. XXXI
the tribes of Iacob † Blessed are they that saw thee and were honored in thy freindshipe † For we liue by life only but after death our name shal not be such † Elias was in dede hid in the whirlewind his spirit was complete in Eliseus in his daies he feared not the prince and no man ouercame him by might † Neither did any word ouercome him and his bodie prophecied being dead † In his life he did wonders and in death he wrought meruelous thinges † In al these thinges the people repented not and they departed not from their sinnes til they were cast out of their land and were dispersed into al the earth † And there was leaft a verie smal nation and a prince in the house of Dauid † Some of them did that which pleased God but others committed manie sinnes † Ezechias fenced his citie and brough in water into the middes thereof and digged a rocke with yron and built a wel for water † In his daies came vp Sennacherib and sent Rabsaces and lifted vp his hand against them and put forth his hand vpon Sion and became proude by his mightines † Then were their harts and hands moued and they were in sorow as trauailing wemen † And they inuocated our merciful Lord and spredding their handes they lifted them vp to heauen and the holie Lord God quickly heard their voice † He was not mindful of their sinnes neither did he geue them to their enemies but purged them by the hand of Isaie the holie prophete † He ouerthrew the campe of the Assirians and the Angel of our Lord destroyed them † For Ezechias did that which pleased God and went strongly in the way of Dauid his father which Isaie commanded him the great prophet and faithful in the sight of God † In his daies the sunne returned backward added life to the king † By a great spirite he saw the last thinges and comforted the mourners in Sion † For euer he shewed the thinges to come secret thinges before they came to passe ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XLVIII 10 VVho art vvritten Amongst other quarels Protestantes except against the authentical auctoritie of this booke because the auctor saith that Enoch and Elias shal come againe to appease the wrath of our Lord to reconcile the father to the sonne and to restore the tribes of Iacob But that this is no iust exception is clere by other holie Scriptures where the same vniforme doctrin of the whole Church is no lesse euident then in this booke For God himself saith the same also by the mouth of his prophet Malachie Behold I wil send you Elias the prophet before the day of our Lord come the great and dreadful Christ also sayth Elias in deede shal come and restore al thinges VVherupon S. Chrysostom after he hath shewed how terrible Antichrist shal be by reason of his temporal powre crueltie and wicked lawes he addeth Feare thou not He shal only haue force in the reprobate that perish For then also Elias shal come to fortifie the faithful Likewise the wordes in the Apocalips I wil geue to my two witnesses they shal prophecie a thousand two hundred and three score dayes were euer inuariably vnderstood by tradition from the first preachers of Christ as the ancient writer Aretas testifieth that Enoch and Elias shal come admonish al not to geue credite to the deceiptful wonders of Antichrist and that they shal trauel in this testimonie the space of three yeares and a half For 1260. dayes come very nere to that space of time CHAP. XLIX Praises of Iosias who like to Dauid and Ezechias tooke away occasions of idolatrie 8. Praises of Ieremie 10. Ezechiel 12. and the twelue Prophetes 13. Also of Zorobabel Iesus the sonne of Iosedech Nehemias Enoch Ioseph Seth Sem and Adam THE memorie of Iosias is according to the confection of perfume made by the worke of an apothecarie † His remembrance shal be sweete as honie in euerie mouth and as musick in banket of wine † He was directed by God into the repentance of the nation and he tooke away the abominations of impietie † And he gouerned his hart toward our Lord and in the daies of sinners he strengthened pietie † Except Dauid and Ezechias and Iosias al committed sinne † For the kinges of Iuda forsooke the law of the Highest and contemned the feare of God † For they gaue their kingdom to others and their glorie to a strange nation † They burnt the chosen citie of holines and made the waies thereof desolate in the hand of Ieremie † For they euil intreated him who was consecrated a prophet from his mothers wombe to ouerthrow and pluck vp and destroy and to build againe and renewe † Ezechiel who saw the sight of glorie which he shewed him in the chariote of Cherubs † For he made mention of the enemies in rayne to doe good vnto them that haue shewed right waies † And the bones of the twelue prophets wel may they spring out of their place for they haue strengthened Iacob and haue redeemed themselues in the fidelitie of power † How may we magnifie Zorobabel for he also was as a signet on the right hand † and so Iesus the sonne of Iosedec who in their daies built the house and erected the holie temple to our Lord prepared to euerlasting glorie † And Nehemias in the memorie of much time who erected vs our walles ouerthrowen and set vp the gates and lockes who built our houses † No man hath bene borne in the earth like to Henoch for he also was taken vp from the earth † Neither as Ioseph who was a man borne prince of his bretheren the stay of the nation the ruler of his bretheren the stay of the people † and his bones were visited and after death they prophecied † Seth and Sem obteyned glorie with men and aboue euerie soule in the beginning Adam CHAP. L. Praises of Simon the High Priest 27. Detestation of certaine persecuting aduersaries 29. With conclusion that the obseruers of this doctrine shal be wise and happie SIMON the sonne of Onias the high priest who in his life held vp the house and in his daies strengthned the temple † The height also of the temple was founded by him the duble building and high walles of the temple † In his daies the welles of waters flowed out and they were filled as the sea aboue measure † Who had care of his nation and deliuered it from perdition † Who preuailed to amplifie the citie who obteyned glorie in conuersing with the nation and amplified the entrance of the house and the court † As the morning starre in the middes of a cloude and as the ful moone he shineth in his dayes † And as the sunne shining so did he shine in the temple of God † As the rainbow that shineth among
that the vessels of gold siluer should be brought which Nabuchodonosor his father had caried away out of the temple that was in Ierusalem that the king and his Nobles might drinke in them and his wiues and concubines † Then were the golden and siluer vessels brought which he had caried away out of the temple that was in Ierusalem and the king and his nobles dranke in them his wiues and concubines † They dranke wine and praysed their goddes of gold and of siluer of brasse of yron and of wood and of stone † In the very same houre there appeared fingers as it were of the hand of a man writing ouer against the candlesticke in the vtter part of the wal of the kings palace and the king beheld the ioynts of the hand that wrote † Then was the kings face changed and his cogitations trubled him and the iunctures of his reynes were loosed and his knees were striken one against the other † The king therfore cried out mightely that they should bring in the magicians Chaldees and southsayers And the king speaking sayd to the wisemen of Babylon Whosoeuer shal read this writing and shal make the interpretation therof manifest vnto me shal be clothed with purple and shal haue a golden chayne on his necke shal be the third in my kingdom † Then al the kings wisemen going in could not neither read the writing nor declare the interpretation to the king † Wherewith king Baltassar was much trubled and his countenance was changed yea and his nobles were trubled † And the queene for the thing that had happened to the king and his Nobles entered into the house of the feast and speaking she sayd King for euer liue let not thy cogitations truble thee neither let thy face be changed † There is a man in thy kingdom that hath the spirit of the holie goddes in him and in the dayes of thy father knowlege and wisedom were found in him for king Nabuchodonosor also thy father appoynted him prince of the magicians inchanters Chaldees and southsayers thy father I say ô king † Because more ample spirit and prudence and vnderstanding interpretation of Dreames and shewing of secrets and solution of thinge bound were found in him that is in Daniel to whom the king gaue the name Baltassar Now therfore let Daniel be called and he wil tel the interpretation † Daniel therfore was brought in before the king To whom the king speaking said Art thou Daniel of the children of the captiuitie of Iuda whom my father the king brought out of Iewrie † I haue heard of thee that thou hast the spirit of the goddes and more ample knowlege and vnderstanding and wisedom are found in thee † And now there haue come in into my sight the wise magicians that they might read this writing and might shew me the interpretation therof and they could not declare me the sense of this word † Moreouer I haue heard of thee that thou canst interpret obscure thinges and resolue thinges bound if therfore thou be able to reade the writing to shew me the interpretation therof thou shalt be clothed with purple and shalt haue a cheyne of gold about thy necke shalt be the third prince in my kingdom † To which thinges Daniel answering sayd before the king Thy rewardes be they vnto thee and the giftes of thy house geue to an other but the writing wil I read thee ô king and the interpretation therof wil I shew to thee † O king God the most high gaue to Nabuchodonosor thy father kingdom and magnificence glorie and honour † And for the magnificence which he gaue to him al peoples tribes and tongues trembled and feared him whom he would he killed and whom he would he stroke and whom he would he exalted and whom he would he humbled † But when his hart was eleuated and his spirit obstinatly set to pride he was deposed from the throne of his kingdom and his glorie was taken away † And he was cast out from the sonnes of men yea and his hart was set with the beasts and with the wild asses was his habitation grasse also he did eate as an oxe and with the dew of heauen his bodie was embrewed til he knew that the Highest had powre in the kingdom of men and whomsoeuer it shal please him he wil raise vp ouer it † Thou also his sonne Baltassar hast not humbled thy hart wheras thou knowest al these thinges † but against the dominatour of heauen thou wast eleuated and the vessels of his house haue bene brought before thee and thou and thy nobles and thy wiues and thy concubins haue drunke wine in them the goddes also of siluer and of gold and of brasse of yron and of wood and of stone that see not nor heare nor feele thou hast praysed moreouer the God that hath thy breath in his hand and al thy wayes thou hast not glorified † Therfore from him is the ioynt of the hand sent which hath written this that is drawen † And this is the writing which is ordered MANE THECEL PHARES † And this the interpretation of the word MANE God hath numbred thy kingdom and hath finished it † THECEL thou art weighed in the balance and art found hauing lesse † PHARES thy kingdom is diuided and is geuen to the Medes and Persians † Then the king commanding Daniel was clothed with purple and a cheyne of gold was put about his necke it was proclamed of him that he had powre the third in the kingdom † The same night was Baltassar the king of Chaldee slaine † And Darius the Mede succeded into the kingdom being three score and two yeares old CHAP. VI. King Darius making Daniel one of the three chief rulers of his kingdom 4. and intending also to aduance him higher other princes accuse him for praying to God contrarie to the kings edict 16. wherupon he is cast into the lions denne 21. but is conserued without anie hurt 24. his accusers are deuoured by the lions and commandment is geuen that al men shal feare the God of Daniel IT pleased Darius and he appoynted ouer the kingdom Gouerners an hundred twentie to be in al his kingdom † And ouer them three princes of whom Daniel was one that the gouerners might render account to them the king might susteyne no truble † Daniel therfore passed al the princes and gouerners because there was the spirit of God more ample in him † Moreouer the king thought to appoynt him ouer al the kingdom wherupon the princes the gouerners sought to finde occasion against Daniel on the behalfe of the king and they could finde no cause nor suspicion because he was faithful and no fault nor suspicion was found in him † Those men therfore said We shal not finde against this same Daniel any occasion vnles perhaps in the law of his God † Then the princes and the
were subiect to strangers ruling ouer them and sometimes extremely afflicted with persecution yet they stil perseuered in the same fayth and religion had succession of Priestes and of one Highpriest with conseruation also of the royal line of Dauid euen to Christ our eternal King and Priest First therfore concerning Articles of fayth and religion the beleefe in one God was so generally confessed by the whole Iewish nation that their Priestes and Prophetes did vse it for a principle in confirmation of other pointes as wel doctrinal as moral So Malachie teaching that our neighbour is to be beloued God to be serued and his lawes to be kept Is there not one Father of vs al sayth he ch 2. v. 10. Hath not one God created vs Why then doth euerie one of vs despise his brother violating the couenant of our fathers More expresly Ieremie in his Epistle Baruc. 6. sheweth the vanitie and absurditie of manie goddes exhorting the people to serue the one omnipotent God saying to him sincerely in their bartes v. 5. Thou oughtest to be adored ô Lord. Likewise when the Magicians of Chaldea ascribed the knowlege of dreames to false goddes Daniel with the other three children ch 2. v. 18 prayed the God of heauen and the mystetie was reueled to Daniel and he declared and expounded the kings dreame Who therupon confessed to Daniel v. 47. In very dede your God is the God of goddes and Lord of kinges The same three children Daniel 3. were cast into the burning furnace and Daniel into the lions denne ch 6. 14. readie to dye for their fayth in one God For this fayth also Mardocheus as is written in the booke of Esther was persecuted and he with al the people were in extreme danger And the auctor of the booke of wisdome teacheth that one God is knowen by consideration of his creatures Al men are vaine sayth he ch 13. v. 1. that by thinges sene vnderstand not him that is neither attending to the workes agnise who was the workman So the auctor of Ecclesiasticus ch 1. v. 8. professeth There is one most high Creator omnipotent and mightie king and to be feared excedingly sitting vpon the throne the God of Dominion As for the high Mysterie of three Diuine Persons in one God not so commonly reueled in the old testament yet was it knowen and in some sorte vttered As Aggeus 2. v. 5. 6. I am with you fayth the Lord of hostes the word that I did couenant with you when you came out of the land of Aegypt and my Spirite shal be in the middes of yoa VVhere by the Lord of hosts u commonly vnderstood God the Father by his spirite God the Holie Ghost and the word may signifie God the Sonne of whose Incarnation the Prophete playnly speaketh in the next verses For in this consisteth the couenant betwen God and his people that they should kepe his word of precepts and commandments expressed in the law and he would send them the word his onlie Sonne the Second Diuine Person to redeme mankind Againe the same three Persons seme to be distinguished in diuers places God the Father is described according to mans smal capacitie Daniel 7. v. 9. thus Thrones were sette and THE ANCIENT OF DAYES sate his vesture white as snow and the heares of his head as cleane wool his throne flames of fire his wheeles fire kindled He is called Ancient of dayes not only because he is eternal for so are the other two Diuine Persons but this terme is attributed to the Father because in order he is the beginning from whom the other two Persons proceede The Sonne by generation the Holie Ghost from the Father and the Sonne by procession To God the sonne the same Prophet Daniel prayeth ch 9. v. 17. saying Now therfore heare ô our God the petition of thy seruant and his prayers and shew thy face vpon thy Sanctuarie which is desert for thyne owne sake that is for thyne owne merites which can only be vnderstood of that Diuine Person which is incarnate Zacharie 12. v. 10. God speaking by the prophet sayth I wil powre out vpon the house of Dauid and vpon the inhabitantes of Ierusalem the spirite of grace and of prayers which may easily be vnderstood to be the promise of the B. Trinitie but that which immediatly foloweth and they shal looke towards me whom they pearced can only be spoken by the Second Diuine Person who only is incarnate and was pearced in his Passion In the booke of wisdome is much written of wisdom increated a terme appropriated to God the Sonne especially ch 2. 7. 8. 9. and 10. The like in Ecclesiasticus ch 1. 4. 24. And ch 51. v. 14. is distinct mention of the Father the Sonne I haue inuocated sayth the auctor or anie faythful soule our Lord the Father of my Lord. There is likewise particular mention of the Holie Ghost in some places As 2. Esd 9. v. 20. Thou gauest them the good Spirite which should teach them for the office of internal teaching is appropriated to the Holie Ghost Ioan. 14. v. 17. and 16. v. 13. The Spirite of truth and he shal teach you al truth Ezec. 36. v. 27. I wil put my Spirite in the middes of you and wil make that you walke in my precepts Zach. 7. v. 12. The wordes which the Lord sent in HIS SPIRITE by the hand of the former Prophetes Sapient 1. v. 5. The Holie Ghost of discipline wil flye from him that feaneth Ecclesiasticus 1. v. 9. He created her in the Holie Ghost 24. v. 29. They that eate ME shal yet hunger and they that drinke ME shal yet thirst Where God calleth the Holie Ghost which is receiued by grace himselsef Because al three Diuine Persons are one God And that there be manie Dinine Persons in God who is one in substance is sufficiently signified by al those holie Scriptures where God is called by the name Elohim in the plural number especially seing this name hath also the singular number Eloha As Iob. 12. v. 4. 36. v. 2. Daniel 2. v. 28. Habacuc 1. v. 11. 3. v. 3. which last place semeth most painly to speake of the Sonne of God ELOHA MITHEMAN IAVO God wil come from Theman or from the South And therfore where this word Elohim is vsed in the plural number as in most places it is it signifieth pluralitie of Persons in God Christs Incarnation is more clerly foreshewed by Prophetes who aboue other consolations most especially comforted the people by their prophecies of Christ our Sauiour Ieremie 23. v. 5. I wil rayse vp to Dauid a iust branch and he shal reigne a king and shal be wise and he shal doe iudgement and iustice in the earth Ch. 31. v. 23. A woman shal compasse a man Christ though in bodie a litle infant yet in powre and wisedom was most perfect of al men euen when he was in his mothers
transgressed Morally ancient Fathers here note that albeit the life of the Patriarkes seemeth long to vs yet if we cōpare the same to eternitie it is nothing Neither by the iudgement of Philosophers may aniething be counted long that hath an end as Tullie bringing Cato wisely disputing sheweth the longest life to be but a short moment VVhereby againe we may see what losse we sustaine by sinne seeing if sinne had not benne we should al haue benne translated from earth to heauen and neuer haue dyed 24. VVas seene no more That Enoch and Elias are yet aliue is a constant knowne truth in the hartes and mouthes of the faithful saith S. Augustin in his first booke de peccat merit remiss c. 3. and confirmeth the same in diuers other places And it is testified by very many both Greeke and Latin Doctors S. Ireneus li. 5. S. Iustinus Martyr q. 85. ad Orthodoxos S. Hippolitus li. de Antichristo S. Damascen li. 4. de Orthodoxafide S. Hierom. epist 61. ad Pamach c. 11. S. Ambrose in Psalm 45. S. Chrysostom ho. 21. in Gen. ho. 58. in Mat. ho. 4. in epist 2. ad Thess ho. 22. in ep ad Heb. S. Greg. li. 14. Moral c. 11 ho. 12. in Ezech. S. Prosp li. vlt. de promis S. Bede in c. 9. Marc. Theophilact and O●cumenius in cap. 17. Mat. and others innumerable Touching Elias it is manifest in Scriptures that he shal come preach be slaine with an other witnes of Christ before the terrible day of Iudgement Of Enoch Moyses here maketh the matter more then probable saying of euerie one of the rest he dyed onlie of Enoch saith not so but that he appeared or vvas seene no more For which the seuentie two interpreters say And he vvas not found for God translated him VVhich can not signifie death but transporting or remouing to an other place VVhereto agreeth the author of Ecclesiasticus saying Enoch pleased God and vvas translated But most clearly S. Paul saith Enoch vvas translated that he should not see death and he vvas not found for God translated him VVith what plainer wordes can any man declare that a special person were not dead then to say He vvas translated or cōueyed away that he should not see death Neither is it a reasonable euasion to interprete this of spiritual death For so Adam being eternally saued as S. Irenaeus li. 3. c. 34. Epiphan con haeresim 46. S. Agu●●in epist 99. ad Euodium and others teach and the whole Church beleeueth was preserued from that death and so vndoubtedly were Seth and Enos being most holie and the rest here recounted as is most probable Neuertheles for further confutation of the contrarie opinion of Protestants the reader may also obserue the iudgement of S. Chrisostom who affirmeth that Though it be not a matter of faith vvhether Enoch be novv in Paradise from vvhence Adam and Eue vvere expelled or in some other pleasant place Dicunt tamen sacrae Scriprurae quod Deus transtulit eum quod viuentem transtulit eum quod mortem ipse non sit expertus The holie Scriptures say that God translated him and that he translated him aliue that he felt not or hath not experienced death And S. Augustin as expresly saith Non mortuus sed viuus translatus est He to vvit Enoch is translated not dead but aliue Yea he teacheth how his life is sustayned thus many thousand yeares vpon earth And sheweth moreouer that both Enoch and Elias shal dye For seing Enoch and Elias saith he are dead in Adam and carying the ofspring of death in their flesh to pay that debt are to returne to this life of common conuersation and to pay this debt vvhich so long is deferred Diuers reasons are also alleaged why God would reserue these two aliue First to shew by example that as their mortal bodies are long conserued from corrupting or decaying in like sorte Adam and Eue and al others not sinning should haue bene conserued and according to Gods promise neuer haue died but after some good time translated to heauen and indued with immortalitie Secondly to giue vs an argument of immortalitie which is promised after the general Resurrection For seing God doth preserue some mortal so long from al infirmitie we may assuredly beleue that he wil geue immortal eternal life of bobie and soule to his Sainctes after they haue payed the debt of death and are risen againe Thirdly these two one of the law of nature the other of the law of Moyses are preserued aliue to come amongst men againe towards the end of the world to teach testifie and defend the true faith and doctrin of Christ against Antichrist when he shal most violently oppugne persecute the Church Of Enoch it is said in the booke of Ecclesiasticus that he was translated vt det gentibus poenitenntiam that he geue repentance to the nations by his preaching reducing the deceiued from Antichrist And of Elias Malachie prophicieth that he shal come before the great and terrible day of our Lord and shal turne the hart of the fathers that is the people of the Iewes to the sonnes the Christians and of the sonnes the deceiued Christians to the fathers the ancient true Catholiques CHAP. VI. Mans sinnes cause of the deluge 4. Giants vvere then vpon the earth 8. Noe being iust vvas commanded to build the Arke 18. vvherin he vvith seuen persons more and the seede of other liuing things vvere saued AND after that men began to be multiplied vpon the earth had procreation of daughters † The sonnes of God seing the daughters of men that they were faire tooke to them selues wiues out of al which they had chosen And God said My spirit shal not remaine in man for euer because he is flesh his dayes shal be an hūdred twentie yeares † And Giants were vpon the earth in those dayes For after the sonnes of God did companie with the daughters of men and they brought forth children these be the mightie of the olde world famous men † And God seing the malice of men was much on the earth and that al the cogitation of their hart was bent to euil at al times † it repented him that he had made man on the earth And touched inwardly with sorrowe of hart † I wil saith he cleane take away man whom I haue created from the face of the earth from man euen to beastes from that which creepeth euen vnto the foules of the ayre for it repenteth me that I haue made them † But Noe found grace before our Lord † These are the generations of Noe Noe was a iust and perfect man in his generations he did walke with God † And he begat three sonnes Sem Cham Iapheth † And the earth was corrupted before God and was replenished with iniquitie † And when God had perceiued
a ribbe of his side to be his mate and vnseparable companion as man and wife ioyned in Mariage with Gods blessing for increase and multiplication As appeareth in the two first chapters of this booke But God hauing made man right he intangled him selfe ●● holie Scripture speaketh with infinite questions For the diuel enuying mans felicitie in●●gled our mother E●e with questions and lies and then by her first seduced and deceiued allured also Adam to the transgression of Gods commandment And so they lost original iustice which Adam had receiued for him selfe and al mankind and al proceeding from them by natural propagation are borne the children of wrath in original sinne contracted from Adam slaues of the diuel not only subiect to temporal death but also are excluded for euer from heauenly blisse and glorie except by Christs redemption particularly applied they be restored to grace iustice in this life And touching Adam and Eue whose sinne was not original but actual directly committed by them selues Gods mercie so reclamed them by new grace that they despared not as Cain and some orhers did afterwards but with hope of remission were sorie and penitent and accordingly receiued penance and redemption For God brought Adam from his sinne as holie writte testifieth and the same is collected of Eue God shewing the like signes of his prouident mercie towards them both of which we shal by and by note some for example Now let vs see the more principal points of faith and Religion professed and obserued by the Church of God before Noes floud First they beleeued in one Eternal and Omnipotent God who made the whole world and al things therin of nothing which is easely confessed of al that are not plaine Atheists and may be proued against them by reason And therfore Adam and other Patriarches could not erre in this Article nor others be ignorant therof except they were very wicked The Mysterie also of the Blessed Trinitie three Diuine Persons in one God though farre aboue the reach of mans reason yet was beleued more expresly by som● more implied by others and conserued from age to age by tradition at least amongst the chiefe heades and leaders wherupon Moyses afterwardes insinuated the same great Mysterie by diuers wordes and phrase● writing of God and his workes The two wordes God created if they be rightly considered importe so much For the word Elohim God in the plural number signifyeth pluralitie of Persons for manie Gods it can not signifie seeing there is but one God and the verbe bara created in the singular number signifyeth one God in nature and substance albeit three Persons For whatsoeuer God doth in creatures is the worke of the whole Trinitie though holie Scriptures do oftentimes appropriate some worke to one Diuine Person some to another which also proueth distinction of Persons in God So the wordes God created heauen and earth signifie the Father to whom powre is attributed In the beginning signifie the Sonne to whom wisdome is appropriated and the words The Sprite of God moued ouer the waters signifie the Holie Ghost by whose bountiful goodnes the waters were made fruictful Likewise Gods owne wordes Let vs make man signifie the pluralitie of Persons and Image and likenes in the singular number signifie one God Men also knew by faith manie things perteyning to them selues As that the bodie was made of the slime of the earth the soule not produced of anie thing formerly existing but created immediatly of nothing and naturally immortal that the soule of Adam was indued with grace and iustice that he fel from that happie state by yelding to tentation and breaking Gods commandment of abstinence that for the same sinne Adam and Eue were cast forth of Paradise and al mankind subiect to death and other calamities For remedie against sinne restauration to grace they beleeued in Christ promised to be borne of the womans seede who by his death should conquer the wicked serpent deliuer man from captiuitie and restore him to spiritual life And this is the cause of the perpetual enmitie betwen the woman especially the most blessed Virgin Mother of whom Christ tooke flesh and the serpent and betwen her seede the spiritual children of Christ and the serpents seede the whole companie of the wicked Of this battle and conquest Targhum Hierosolimitanum thus speaketh There shal be remedie and health to the children of wemen but to thee o serpent there shal be no medicine yea they shal tread thee vnder their feete in the latter dayes by the powre of Christ their King Likewise Gods familiar conuersation with diuers men in mans shape Gen. 2. 3. 4. 6. and 7. was a signe of Christs incarnation And The Sacrifices immolated did prefigurate his death in respect wherof it is said in the Apocalips The Lamb● was slaine from the beginniing of the world But more expresly S. Paul testifieth that Abel Enoch and Noe beleeued in Christ naming them for example of the first age and others of other times and in the end concludeth that manie more being approued by the same faith receiued not the promise to wit in their life time God prouiding that they without others of the new Law should not be consummate that is not admitted into heauenlie ioyes fruition of God vntil the way of eternal glorie were opened by our Lords Passion and As●ension Neither did the true seruants of God in those first dayes only beleeue in hart but they also professed their saith Religion by external Rites namely in offering of Sacrifice the most special homage seruice to God which is clerly testified cha 4. as wel bloudie in figure of Christs Passion as vnbloudie in figure of the holie Eucharist Also the accepting of the one rightly offered by Abel reiecting the other not donne sincerly by Cair was declared by external signes which Cain disdayning and enuying his brothers good worke knowing his owne to be naught of mere malice killed his brother Besides Sacrifice they had also other Rites in publique Assemblies praying and inuocating the name of our Lord in more solemne maner from Enos time and so forvvard according to that is recorded of him in the end of the fourth chapter for douteles Adam Abel and Seth did also pray and call vpon God and therfore it was some addition or increase of solemnitie in the seruice of God which is referred to Enos They had moreouer other ceremonies of the seuenth day particularly blessed and sanctified by God kept holie by Adam and other Patriarches as Abben Ezra witnesseth in his commentaries vpon the tenne commandements Of abstayning from meates for it semeth the more godlie sorte did eate no flesh before the floud which was after permitted Obseruation of cleane and vncleane beastes for Sacrifice Of peculiar places dedicated to religious vses where people mette together to pray Likwise diuers
diuining † To whom Iudas said What shal we answere my lord or what shal we speake or be able iustly to pretend God hath found the iniquitie of thy seruantes loe we are al bondmen to my lord both we he with whom the cup was found † Ioseph answered God forbid that I should so doe he that stole the cup the same be my bondman and goe you free vnto your father † And Iudas approching nearer said boldly I beseech thee my lord let thy seruant speake a word in thine eares and be not angrie with thy seruant for after Pharao thou art † my lord Thou didest aske thy seruantes the first time Haue you a father or a brother † and we answered thee my lord We haue a father an old man and a little boy that was borne in his old age whose brother by the mother is dead and his mother hath him only and his father loueth him tenderly † And thou saidst to thy seruants Bring him hither to me and I wil set myn eyes on him † We suggested to my lord The boy can not leaue his father for if he leaue him he wil die † And thou saidest to thy seruants Vnlesse your youngest brother come with you you shal no more see my face † Therfore when we were gone vp to thy seruant our father we told him al things that my lord did speake † And our father said Goe againe and bye vs a litle wheate † To whom we said we can not goe if our youngest brother shal goe downe with vs we wil set forward together otherwise he being absent we dare not see the mans face † Wherunto he answered You know that my wife bare me two † One went forth and you said A beast did deuour him and hitherto he appeareth not † If you take this also and ought befal him in the way you shal bring downe my hoare hayres with sorow vnto hel † Therfore if I shal enter to thy seruant our father and the boy be wanting wheras his life dependeth vpon the life of him † and he shal see that he is not with vs he wil dye thy seruants shal bring downe his hoare hayres with sorow vnto hel † Let me be thy proper seruant that did take him into my protection and promised saying Vnlesse I bring him againe I wil be guilty of sinne against my father for euer † I therfore thy seruant wil tary in steed of the childe in the seruice of my lord and let the childe goe vp with his brethren † For I can not returne to my father the childe being absent lest I stand by a witnes of the calamitie that shal oppresse my father CHAP. XLV Ioseph manifesteth himself to his bretheren Who being much terified he comforteth them and weeping embraceth euerie one 16. The bruite wherof coming to Pharao he congratulating commandeth Ioseph to cal his father with al his familie into Aegypt 21. So the eleuen brothers aresent away with gifies and prouision for Iacobs iourney 26. Al which the father vnderstanding is reuiued in spirite IOSEPH could no longer refrayne manie standing by in presence wherupon he commanded that al should goe forth and no stranger should be present at their acknowledging one of another † And he lifted vp his voice with weeping which the Aegyptians heard and al the house of Pharao † And he said to his Brethren I am Ioseph is my father yet liuing His brethren could not answer him being teribly astonyed out of measure † To whom gently he said Come hither to me And when they were come nere him I am quoth he Ioseph your brother whom you solde into Aegypt † Be not affraid neither let it seeme to you a hard case that you did sel me into these countries for God sent me before you into Aegypt for your preseruation † For it is two yeares since the famin begain to be vpon the earth and yet fiue yeares remaine wherin there can be neither earing nor reaping † And God sent me before that you may be preserued vp on the earth and may haue victuals to liue † Not by your counsail but by the wil of God was I sent hither who hath made me as it were a father to Pharao and lord of his whole house and prince in al the land of Aegypt † Make hast and get ye vp to my father and you shal say to him Thy sonne Ioseph willeth thus God hath made me lord of the whole land of Aegypt come downe to me tary not † And thou shalt dwel in the land of Gessen and thou shalt be nere me thou and thy sonnes and thy sonnes children thy shepe and thy heardes and al things that thou dost possesse † And there I wil fede thee for yet there are fiue yeares of famine remayning lest both thou perish and thy house al things that thou dost possesse † Behold your eyes and the eyes of my brother Beniamin doe see that it is my mouth that speaketh vnto you † Report to my father my whole glorie and al things that you haue seene in Aegypt make hast and bring him to me † And falling vpon the neck of his brother Beniamin embracing him he wept he also in like maner weeping vpon his neck † And Ioseph kissed al his brethren and wept vpon euerie one after which things they were bold to speake vnto him † And it was heard of and very famously reported abrode in the kings courte The brethren of Ioseph are come and Pharao was glad and al his familie † And he spake to Ioseph that he should command his brethren saying Loading your beasts goe into the Land of Chanaan † and take thence your father and kinne and come to me and I wil geue you al the good things of Aegypt that you may eate the marow of the land † Geue commandment also that they take waynes out of the land of Aegypt for the carage of their litle ones and wyues and say Take vp your father and make hast to come with al spede † Neither doe you leaue any thing of your houshould stuffe for al the riches of Aegypt shal be yours † And the sonnes of Israel did as it was commanded them To whom Ioseph gaue waynes according to Pharaos commandment and victuals for the way † He bad also to be brought vp for euery one two robes but to Beniamin he gaue three hundred peeces of siluer with fiue robes of the best † sending to his father as much money and rayment adding besides them he asses that should carie of al the riches of Aegypt and as many shee asses carying wheat for the iourney and bread † Therfore he dismissed his brethren and when they were departing he said to them “ Be not angrie in the way † Who going vp out of Aegypt came into the land of Chanaan to their father Iacob † And they told him saying Ioseph thy sonne is liuing and he ruleth in al the Land of Aegypt
Which when Iacob heard awaking as it were out of a heauie sleepe notwithstanding did not beleeue them † They on the contrarie side reported the whole order of the thing And when he sawe the waynes and al things that he had sent his spirit reuiued † and he said It sufficeth me if Ioseph my sonne be liuing yet I wil goe and see him before I dye ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XLV 24. Be not angrie in the vvay Trauelers in iourney are easily prouoked to anger and brawling especially if they auoide not probable occasions Therfore Ioseph admonisheth his brothers to beware therof lest in talking of him and how they had sold him to strangers some of them might accuse others and excuse themselues and so fal in to new offences S. Chris. ho. 64. in Gen. CHAP. XLVI Israel warranted in a vision from God goeth into Aegypt with al his famimlie 8. who are here recited 28. Ioseph meeting him in Gessen aduiseth him to tel Pharao that they are shepheards by their trade of life AND Israel taking his iourney with al things that he had “ came to the wel of the oath and killing there victimes to the God of his father Isaac † He heard him by a vision of the night calling him and saying vnto him Iacob Iacob To whom he answered Loe here I am † God said to him I am the most mightie God of thy father feare not goe downe into Aegipt for into a great nation wil I make thee there † I wil goe downe with thee thither and thence wil I bring thee returning Ioseph also shal put his handes vpon thine eyes † And Iacob rose vp from the wel of the oath and his sonnes tooke him vp with their little ones and wiues in the waynes which Pharao had sent to carie the old man † and al that he had possessed in the Land of Chanaan and he came into Aegypt with al his sede † his sonnes and nephewes daughters and al his progenie together † And these are the names of the children of Israel that entred into Aegypt him selfe with his children His first-begotten Ruben † The sonnes of Ruben Henoch and Phallu and Hesron and Charmi. † The sonnes of Simeon Iamuel and Iamin and Ahod and Iachin and Sohar and Saul the sonne of Chananitesse † The sonnes of Leui Gerson and Caath and Merari † The sonnes of Iuda Her and Onan Sela and Phares and Zara. And Her and Onan died in the land of Chanaan And there were sonnes borne to Phares Hesron and Hamul † The sonnes of Issachar Thola and Phua and Iob and Semron † The sonnes of Zabulon Sared Elon and Iahelel † These are the sonnes of Lia which she bare in Mesopotamia of Syria with Dina his daughter Al the soules of his sonnes and daughters are thirtie three † The sonnes of Gad Sephion and Haggi and Siuni and Esebon and Heri and Arodi and Areli † The sonnes of Aser Iamne and Iesua and Iessui and Beria Sara also their sister The sonnes of Beria Heber and Melchiel † these be the sonnes of Zelpha whom Laban gaue to Lia his daughter and these she bare to Iacob sixtene soules † The sonnes of Rachel Iacobs wife Ioseph and Beniamin † And there were sonnes borne to Ioseph in the Land of Aegypt which Aseneth the daughter of Putiphar priest of Heliopolis bare to him Manasses and Ephraim † The sonnes of Beniamin Bela and Bechor and Asbel and Gera and Naaman and Echi and Ros and Mophim and Ophim and Ared † these be the sonnes of Rachel which she bare to Iacob al the soules fourtene † The sonnes of Dan Husim † The sonnes of Nepthali Iaziel and Guni and Ieser and Sallem † These be the sonnes of Bala whom Laban gaue to Rachel his daughter and these she bare to Iacob al the soules seuen † Al the soules that entred with Iacob into Aegypt and that came out of his thighe besides his sonnes wiues “ sixtie six † And the sonnes of Ioseph that were borne to him in the land of Aegypt two soules Al the soules of the house of Iacob that entred into Aegypt were “ seuentie † And he sent Iudas before him to Ioseph that he should tel him and he should come into Gessen to meete him † Whither when he was come Ioseph addressing his chariot went vp to mete his father vnto the same place and seing him fel vpon his neck and as they embraced he wept † And his father said to Ioseph Now wil I die with ioy because I haue seene thy face and do leaue thee aliue † But he spake to his brethren and to al his fathers house I wil goe vp and wil tel Pharao and wil say to him My brethren and my fathers house that were in the Land of Chanaan are come to me † and the men are pastours of sheepe and their trade is to feede flockes their cattel and heardes and al that they could haue they haue brought with them † And when he shal cal you and shal say What is your trade † You shal answer We thy sernantes are pastours from our infancie vntil this present both we and our fathers And this you shal say that you may dwel in the Land of Gessen because he Aegyptians detest al pastours of sheepe ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XLVI 1. Came to the vvel of oath In this holie place called Bersebee that is vvel of oath where Abraham and Isaac had confirmed by oath their league with the Kings of the countrie and erected Altares Iacob also consulted God about his going into Aegypt and was commanded to goe with al that he had 26. Sixtie six 27. Seuentie The difficultie in these two verses concerning the number of Israelites that were at first in Aegypt with Iacob is easily explicated that iust sixtie six of his owne issue came in with him and himselfe being counted maketh sixtie seuen adding also Ioseph who was there before and his two sonnes Manasses and Ephraim borne there they were in al seuentie But a far greater difficultie remaineth for besides these seuentie persons the Septuagint Greeke Interpreters number and name fiue more to wit a sonne and a nephew of Manasses the first called Machir the other Galaad and two sonnes of Ephraim called Sutalaam and Taam and one nephew named Edem which number of seuentie fiue S. Steuen also citeth folowing the vulgar knowen Scripture of the Septuagint rather then the Hebrew text Now in what sense these fiue could be said to haue entred into Aegypt with Iacob being not then borne may some of them not borne during Iacobs life for Iacob liued but seuentene yeares in Aegypt chap 47. v. 28 and Ioseph being maried but nine yeares before for this was the second deare yeare after the seuen plentiful yeares his sonnes could not excede seuen or eight yeares when Iacob came to Aegypt and so being but 24. or 25. yeares old at his death could not then be grandfathers how therfore
he sette Ephraim before Manasses † And he said to Ioseph his sonne Behold I dye and God wil be with you and wil bring you backe into the land of your fathers † I doe geue thee one portion aboue thy brethren which I tooke out of the hand of the Amorrhean with my sword and bowe ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XLVIII 14. Streatching forth his right hand As nature hath made the right hand readier to moue stronger to worke and resist and apter to frame and fashion anie thing so generally we vse it more then the left And when we vse both handes at once we ordinarily applie the right hand to the greater and more excellent effect both in spiritual and corporal things As in confirmation of fidelitie or freindship in blessing writing fieghting playing and in most others things we vse the right hand either only or chiefly So the Patriarch Iacob laide his right hand vpon Ephraim knowing by prophetical spirite that he should be preferred before his elder brother Manasses Literally fulfilled in Iosue Ieroboam and other chief Princes of Ephraims issue And mystically in the Gentils being later called of God and yet preferred before the Iewes S. Cypri li. 1. c. 21. aduer Iudeos S. Amb. li. de Benedict Patriarch c. 1. S. Aug. li. 16. c. 42. de ciuit c. 14. Changing handes The mysterie of the Gentils excelling the Iewes in time of grace often prefigured by preferring the younger brother before the elder Abel before Cain Abraham before Nachor Isaac before Ismael Iacob himself before Esau and now Ephraim before Manasses is here further represented by Iacobs forming of a crosse with his armes laied one ouer the other when he blessed his two nephewes who otherwise might haue laied his right hand first vpon one and then vpon the other or haue caused them to change places but he wittingly crossed his armes and changed his handes or according to the Hebrew made his handes vnderstand that is by his handes made it to be vnderstood not only that the younger should be in place of the elder Ephraim before Manasses and much more the Gentiles before the Iewes but also that this greater Mysterie should be effected by Christ dying on a Crosse For what els could the verie crossing of his armes so wittingly and purposly done signifie but the forme and figure of Christs Crosse As els where the wood which young Isaac caried on his back vnto the mountaine prefigured the mattet or substance of the same Crosse Al accomplished when Christ was crucified wherby the Iewes were scandalized and the Gentiles called and saued Our Sauiour himselfe for telling that he being exalted to wit vpon the Crosse vvould dravv al vnto himself And S. Paul teaching that Christ sastned the hand vvriting that vvas against vs vpon the Crosse 16. The Angel that deliuereth me It is euident by this plaine text that Iacob was deliuered from euiles by an Angel and that he inuocated the same Angel to blesse his nephewes S. Basil li. 3. cont Eunom in initio sheweth by this place amongst others that an Angel is present with euerie one as a pedagogue and pastour directing his life S. Chrysostom also ho. 7. in land S. Pauli citeth this place in testimonie that proper Angels are deputed to protect men Yet Protestants say that this Angel must be vnderstood of Christ remitting their glosse to the. 31. ca. v. 13. and 32. v. 1. of Genesis where it can not be proued But the ancient Fathers teach the patronage Iuuocation of Angels grounded in holie Scripture Namely in this place and manie other places in the old Testament Also Mat 18. Act. 12. 1. Cor. 11. the like For example S. Iustinus Martyr in explic qq necess q. 30. affirming it for a knowen truth declareth that those Angels which receiue the charge of guardīg men cōtinew the same office either to both soule and bodie or to the soule after it is parted from the bodie S. Cyril of Alexandria lib. 4. cont Iulian. prope init shewing how God vseth the ministerie of holie Angels for mens saluation saith Hi noxias a nobis abigunt feras c. These Angels driue away noysome wildbeasts from vs and reskew those that are caught from their crueltie and teach what soeuer is laudable to make our passage free and not pestered when with vs they glorifie one soueraigne God S. Chrysostom ho. 60 in Math 18 S. Hierome vpon the same place S. Ambrose in Psal 38. S. Augustin li. 83. qq q. 79. li. Soliloq c 27. S Gregorie li. 4. c. 31. in 3 Iob S. Bernard ser 5. Dedicat. Eccles ser 12. in Psal 90. others so vniuersally teach the same that Caluin li. Instit c. 14. sect 38. dare not denie it and yet wil nedes doubt of it 16. Be my name called vpon them This place hath two good literal senses For first it importeth that Ephraim and Manasses were made participant among the Tribes of the blessings of Abraham Isaac and Iacob Secondly that God would blesse them for Abraham Isaac and Iacobs sake so Moyses praying for the whole people Exodi 32. besought God to remember Abraham Isaac and Israel and God was therwith pacified CHAP. XLIX Iacob replenished with the spirite of prophecie a litle before his death fortelleth his sonnes manie things that shal happen to their posteritie Chargeth some of them with faultes past blesseth euerie one 29. Appointeth where to burie him 32. and dyeth AND Iacob called his sonnes and said to them Come together that I may shew you the things that shal come to you in the last dayes † Come together and heare you sonnes of Iacob heare ye Israel your father † Ruben my first begotten thou art my strength and the begining of my sorow former in giftes greater in empyre † Thou art poured out as water encrease thou not “ because thou diddest ascend thy fathers bed and diddest defile his coutch † Simeon and Leui brethren “ vessels of iniquitie warring † Into their counsel come not my soule and in their congregation be not my glorie because in their furie they slew a man and in their wilfulnes they vndermined a wall † Cursed be their furie because it is stubborne and their indignation because it is hard I wil diuide them in Iacob and wil disperse them in Israel † Iudas thee thy brethren shal praise thy hand shal be in the neck of thyne enemies thy fathers children shal adore thee † A lions whelp Iudas to the pray my sonne thou didst ascend taking thy rest thou didst lye as a lion and as it were a lyonesse who shal raise him vp † “ The scepter shal not BE TAKEN away from Iudas and a duke out of his thigh til he doe come that is to be sent and the same shal be the expectation of the gentiles † Tying to the vineyard his colt and to the vine o my sonne his ●he asse “ He shal
that passeth to the naming halfe a sicle according to the measure of the temple A sicle hath twentee aboles The halfe part of a sicle shal be offered to the Lord. † He that is accounted in the number for twentie yeares and vpward shal giue price † The rich man shal not adde to halfe a sicle and the poore man shal diminish nothing † And the money being receiued which was contributed of the children of Israel thou shalt deliuer vnto the vses of the tabernacle of testimonie that it may be a monument of them before the Lord and he may be propitious to their soules † And our Lord spake to Moyses saying † Thou shalt make also a lauer with his foote of brasse to wash in and thou shalt set it betwen the tabernacle of the testimonie and the Altar And water being put into it † Aaron and his sonnes shal wash therin their handes and feete † when they are going into the tabernacle of testimonie and when they are to come vnto the Altar to offer on it incense to the Lord † lest perhappes they die it shal be an euerlasting law to him and to his seede by successions † And our Lord spake to Moyses † saying Take spices of principal and chosen myrrh fiue hundred sicles and of cinnamon halfe so much that is two hundred fiftie sicles of calamus in like maner two hundred fiftie † and of casia fiue hundred sicles after the weight of the Sanctuarie of oile of oliues the measure hin † and thou shalt make the holie oile of vnction an ointment compounded by the art of an vnguentarie † and therof thou shalt anoynt the tabernacle of testimonie and the arke of the testament † and the table with the vessel therof the candlesticke and the furniture therof the Altars of incense † and of holocauste and al the furniture that perteyneth to the seruice of them † And thou shalt sanctifie al and they shal be most Holie he that shal touch them shal be sanctified † Thou shalt anoynt Aaron and his sonnes and shalt sanctifie them that they may doe the function of priesthood vnto me † To the children of Israel also thou shalt say This oile of vnction shal be holie vnto me through your generations † The flesh of man shal not be anoynted therewith and you shal make none other after the composition of it because it is sanctified and shal be holie vnto you † What man soeuer shal compound such and shal giue therof to a stranger shal be abandoned out of his people † And our Lord said to Moyses Take vnto thee spices stactee and onycha galbanum of swete sauour and the clearest frankincense al shal be of equal weight † and thou shalt make incense compounded by the worke of an vnguentarie exactly tempered and pure and most worthie of sanctification † And when thou hast beaten al into verie smal pouder thou shalt set of it before the tabernacle of testimonie in the place where I wil appeare to thee Most Holie shal the incense be vnto you † Such confection you shal not make vnto your owne vses because it is holie to the Lord. † What man soeuer shal make the like to enioy the smel therof shal perish out of his people CHAP. XXXI Beseleel and Ooliab are deputed by our Lord to make the Tabernacle and the things belonging thereto 12. The obseruation of the sabbath day is againe commanded 18 And our Lord deliuereth to Moyses tvvo tables vvritten with the singer of God AND our Lord spake to Moyses saying † Behold I haue called by name Beseleel the sonne of Vri the sonne of Hur of the tribe of Iuda † and I haue replenished him with the spirit of God with wisdome vnderstanding and knowledge in al worke † to deuise whatsoeuer may be artificially made of gold and siluer and brasse † of marble and precious stones and diuersitie of wood † And I haue geuen him for his felow Ooliab the sonne of Achisamech of the tribe of Dan. And in the hart of euerie skilful man haue I put wisdome that they may make al things which I haue commanded thee † the tabernacle of couenant and the arke of testimonie and the propitiatorie that is ouer it and al the vessel of the tabernacle † and the table and the vessel therof the candlesticke most pure with the vessel therof and the Altares of incense † and of holocauste and al their vessel the lauer with his foote † the holie vestments in the ministerie for Aaron the priest and for his sonnes that they may execute their office about the sacred things † the oile of vnction and the incense of spices in the Sanctuarie al thinges which I haue commanded thee shal they make † And our Lord spake to Moyses saying † Speake to the children of Israel and thou shalt say to them See that you keepe my sabbath because it is a signe betwen me and you in your generations that you may know that I am the Lord which sanctifie you † Keepe you my sabbath for it is holie vnto you he that shal pollute it dying shal die he that shal doe worke in it his soule shal perish out of the middes of his people † Six dayes shal you doe worke in the seuenth day is the sabbath the holie rest to the Lord. Euerie one that shal doe any worke in this day shal die † Let the children of Israel keepe the Sabbath and celebrate it in their generations It is an euerlasting couenant † betwen me and the children of Israel and a signe perpetual for in six dayes the Lord made heauen and earth and in the seuenth he ceased from worke † And our Lord when he had ended such speaches in mount Sinai gaue vnto Moyses two stone tables of testimonie written with the finger of God CHAP. XXXII The people Aaron consenting make adore the image of a calfe 7. which God reue●ling to Moyses 11. be praieth our Lord for Abraham Isaac and Iacobs sake to spare the people and performe his promise 14. VVherwith God is pacified 15. Yet Moyses coming from the Mount and seeing the calfe and idolatrie throweth downe the tables and breaketh them 20. destroyeth the idol 21. blameth Aaron 27. causeth manie Idolaters to be slaine 31. and againe prayeth for the people AND the people seeing that Moyses made tariance ere he came downe from the mount being assembled against Aaron they sayd Arise make vs goddes that may goe before vs for what hath chanced to this Moyses the man that brought vs out of the Land of Aegypt we know not † And Aaron sayd to them Take the golden earlettes from the eares of your wiues and sonnes and daughters bring them to me † And the people did that he had cōmanded bringing the earlettes to Aaron † Which when he had receiued he formed them by founders worke and made of them “ a molten calfe And they sayd These are thy
the sonne of Vri the sonne of Hur of the tribe of Iuda † And hath filled him with the spirit of God with wisdome and intelligence and science and allearning † to deuise and to make worke in gold and siluer and brasse † and in grauing stones and in carpenters worke Whatsoeuer can be deuised artificially † he hath giuen in his hart Ooliab also the sonne of Achisamech of the tribe of Dan † both hath he instructed with wisedome to make the workes of a carpenter a tapester an embroderer of hyacinth and purple and scarlet twise died and silke and to weaue al thinges and to inuent al new things CHAP. XXXVI More being geuen then was needeful 6. Moyses made to be proclamed that no more should be offered 8. So the curtines 13. ringes 18. buckles 19. the couer 20. bordes 21. barres 35. a veile 36. pillers and a hanging are made readie BESEL●EL therfore and Ooliab and euerie wise man to whom our Lord gaue wisedome and vnderstanding to know how to worke artificially made the thinges that are necessarie for the vses of the Sanctuarie and which our Lord did command † And when Moyses had called them and euerie cunning man to whom our Lord had geuen wisedome and such as of their owne accord had offered themselues to the making of the worke † he deliuered al the donaries of the children of Israel vnto them Who being earnest about the worke the people daily in the morning did offer their vowes † Whereupon the arstificers being constrained to come † said to Moyses The people offereth more then is necessarie † Moyses therfore commanded proclamation to be made by the criers voice Let neither man nor woman offer anie more in the worke of the Sanctuarie And so they ceased from offering giftes † because the thinges that were offered did suffice and were ouer much † And al the wise harted men to accomplish the worke of the tabernacle made ten curtines of twisted silke and hyacinth and purple and scarlet twise died with varied worke and the art of embrodering † of which one had in length twentie eight cubites and in bredth foure there was one measure of al the curtines † And he ioyned fiue curtines one to an other and the other fiue be coupled to themselues one with an other † He made also loupes of hyacinth in the edge of one curtine on either side and in the edge of the other curtine in like maner † that the loupes might meete one against an other and might be ioyned eech with other † Whereupon also he did cast fiftie ringes of gold that might catch the loupes of the curtines and might be made one tabernacle † He made also eleuen curtines of goates haire to couer the roofe of the tabernacle † one curtine in length had thirtie cubites in bredth foure cubites al the curtines were of one measure † of which fiue he ioyned apart the other six apart † And he made fiftie loupes in the edge of one curtine and fiftie in the edge of an other curtine that they might be ioyned one to an orher † And fiftie buckles of brasse wherwith the roofe might be knitte together that of al the curtines there might be made one couering † He made also a couer for the tabernacle of rammes skinnes died redde an other couer ouer that of ianthin skinnes † He made also the bordes of the tabernacle of the wood setim standing † The length of one borde was ten cubites and the bredth contained one cubite and an halfe † There were two morteses throughout euerie borde that one might be ioyned to the other So made he in al the bordes of the tabernacle † Of the which twentie were at the south side against the South † with fourtie feete of siluer Two feete were put vnder one borde on either side of the corners where the morteses of the sides end in the corners † At that side also of the tabernacle that looked toward the North he made twentie bordes † with fourty feete of siluer two feete for euery borde † But against the west to witte at that side of the tabernacle which looketh to the sea he made six bordes † and two other at ech corner of the tabernacle behind † which were also ioyned from beneth vnto the toppe they grew together into one connexion So he made on either side at the corners † that there were in al eight bordes and had sixteene feete of siluer to witte two feete vnder euerie borde † He made also barres of the wood setim fiue to hold together the bordes of one side of the tabernacle † and fiue other to ioyne together the bordes of the other side and besides these fiue other barres at the west side of the tabernacle against the sea † He made also an other barre that might come by the middes of the bordes from corner vnto corner † And the bordeworke it selfe he plated with gold And their ringes he made of gold through which the barres might be drawen the which also themselues he couered with plates of gold † He made also a veile of hiacinth and purple scarlette and twisted silke with embrodered worke varied and distinguished † and foure pillers of the wood setim which with their heades he plated with gold casting their feete of siluer † He made also a hanging in the entrie of the tabernacle of hyacinth purple scarlet and twisted silke with the worke of an embroderer † and fiue pillers with their heades which he couered with gold and their feete he did cast of brasse CHAP. XXXVII Beseleel maketh the Arke 6. the Propitiatorie with Cherubimes 10. the Table vvith vessel belonging therto 17. the Candlesticke vvith bowles and branches 23. seuen lampes with snuffers 25. the Altar of incense 29. and compoundeth the incense AND Beseleel made also the arke of the wood setim hauing two cubites and an halfe in length and a cubite and an halfe in bredth the height also was of one cubite and an halfe and he plated it with the purest gold within and without † And he made to it a crowne of gold round about † casting foure ringes of gold at the foure corners thereof two ringes in the one side and two in the other † Barres also he made of the wood setim which he plated with gold † and which he put into the ringes that were at the sides of the arke to carie it † He made also the Propititorie that is the Oracle of the purest gold two cubites and an halfe in length and a cubite and an halfe in bredth † Two Cherubins also of beaten gold which he sette on either side of the Propitiatorie † One Cherub in the toppe of one side and the other Cherub in the toppe of the other side two Cherubins in each toppe of the Propitirtorie † spreading their winges and couering the Propitiatorie and looking one toward the other and toward it † He made also the table
said There are six hundred thousand footemen of this people sayest thou I wil geue them flesh to eate a whole moneth † Why shal a multitude of sheepe and oxen be killed that it may suffise for meate or shal al the fishes of the sea be gathered togeather for to fil them † To whom our Lord answered Why is the hand of the Lord vnable Now presently thou shalt see whether my word shal be accomplished in deede † Moyses therfore came and told the people the wordes of our Lord assembling seuentie men of the ancientes of Israel whom he caused to stand about the tabernacle † And our Lord descended in a cloude and spake to him taking a way of the spirit that was in Moyses and geuing to the seuentie men And when the spirit had rested on them they prophecied neither ceased they any more † And there had remained in the campe two men of the which one was called Eldad and the other Medad vpon whom the spirit rested for they also had bene enrolled and were not gone forth to the tabernacle † And when they prophecied in the campe there ran a boy and told Moyses saying Eldad and Medad do prophecie in the campe † Forthwith Iosue the sonne of Nun the minister of Moyses and chosen of manie said My Lord Moyses forbid them † But he said Why hast thou emulation for me O that al the people might prophecie and that our Lord would geue them his spirit † And Moyses returned and the ancientes of Israel into the campe † And a winde coming forth from our Lord taking quailes ouer the sea brought them and let them fal into the campe the space of one daies iourney on euerie side of the campe round about and they did flie in the ayre two cubites high ouer the earth † The people therfore rising vp al that day and the night and the next day gathered togeather a multitude of qualies he that did least ten cores and they dried them round about the campe † As yet the flesh was in their teeth neither had that kind of meate failed and behold the furie of our Lord being prouoked against the people stroke them with an exceding great plague † And that place was called The Sepulchres of concupiscence for there they buried the people that had lusted And departing from the Sepulchres of concupiscence they came vnto Haseroth and taried there CHAP. XII Marie and Aaron murmur against Moyses 6. whom God praiseth aboue other prophetes 10. Marie being stricken with leprosie Aaron confesseth his fault 13. Moyses prayeth for her and after seuen daies separation from the campe she is restored AND Marie and Aaron spake against Moyses for his wife the Aethiopian † and they said hath our Lord spoken by Moyses onlie hath he not spoken to vs also in like manner Which when our Lord had heard † For Moyses was the mildest man aboue al men that dwelt vpon the earth † immediatly he spake to him and to Aaron and Marie Goe forth you three onlie to the tabernacle of couenant And when they were come forth † our Lord descended in the piller of a cloude and stoode in the entrie of the tabernacle calling Aaron and Marie Who going vnto him † he said to them Heare my wordes If there shal be among you a prophete of the Lord in vision wil I appeare to him or in sleepe I wil speake ho him † But my seruant Moyses is not such an one who in al my house is most faythful † for mouth to mouth I speake to him and plainely and not by riddels and figures doth he see the Lord. Why therfore did you not feare to detract from my seruant Moyses † And being wrath against them he went away † the cloude also departed that was ouer the tabernacle and behold Marie appeared white with leprosie as it were snow And when Aaron had looked on her and saw her wholy couered with leprosie † he said to Moyses I besech thee my Lord lay not vpon vs this sinne which we haue foolishly committed † let not this woman be as it were dead and as an abortiue that is cast forth of the mothers wombe Lo now the one halfe of her flesh is deuoured with the leprosie † And Moyses cried to our Lord saying God I besech thee heale her † To whom our Lord answered If her father had spitte vpon her face ought she not to haue bene ashamed seuen daies at the least Let her be separated seuen daies without the campe and afterwards she shal be called againe † Marie therfore was shut forth without the campe seuen daies and the people moued not from that place vntil Marie was called againe CHAP. XIII From the desert of Pharan Moyses sendeth twelue men of euerie tribe one to view the Land of Chanaan 17. changeth Osee his name into Iosue 18. instructeth them which way to goe and what to note in the land 22. which they performe 26. and after fourtie dayes returne bringing with them fruites in token of the landes fertilitie 29. but in other respects the rest besides Caleb and Iosue discoureging the people make them to murmur AND the people marched from Haseroth pitching their tentes in the desert of Pharan † And there our Lord spake to Moyses saying † Send men that may view the Land of Chanaan which I wil geue to the children of Israel one of euerie tribe of the princes † Moyses did that which our Lord had commanded from the desert of Pharan sending principal men whose names be these † Of the tribe of Ruben Samua the sonne of Zechur † Of the tribe of Simeon Saphat the sonne of Huri † Of the tribe of Iuda Caleb the sonne of Iephone † Of the tribe of Issachar Igal the sonne of Ioseph † Of the tribe of Ephraim Osee the sonne of Nun. † Of the tribe of Beniamin Phal●● the sonne of Raphu † Of the tribe of Zabulon Geddiel the sonne of Sodi † Of the tribe of Ioseph of the scepter of Manasses Gaddi the sonne of Susi † Of the tribe of Dan Ammiel the sonne of Gemalli † Of the tribe of Aser Sthu● the sonne of Michael † Of the tribe of Nephthali Nahabi the sonne of Vapsi † Of the tribe of Gad Guel the sonne of Machi † These are the names of the men whom moyses sent to view the Land and he called Osee the sonne of Nun Iosue † Moyses therfore sent them to view the Land of Chanaan and said to them Goe vp by the south side And when you shal come to the mountaines † view the Land what it is and the people that are the inhabitantes therof whether they be strong or weake few in number or manie † the land it self whether it be good or badde what manner of cities walled or without walles † the ground fatte or barren wooddie or without trees Be of good courage and bring vs of the fruites of the Land And it was
the time when now the first ripe grapes are to be eaten † And when they were gone vp they viewed the Land from the desert of Sin vnto Rohob as you enter to Emath † And they went vp at the south side and came to Hebron where were Achiman and Sisai and Tholmai the sonnes of Enac for Hebron was built seuen yeares before Tanis the citie of Aegypt † And going forward as farre as the Torrent of cluster they cutte of a branch with the grapes therof which two men carried vpon a leauer They tooke of the pomegranates also and of the figges of that place † which was called Nehelescol that is to say the Torrent of cluster for that thence the children of Israel had caried a cluster † And the discouerers of the Land returning after fourtie daies hauing circuted al the countrie † came to Moyses Aaron and to al the assemblie of the children of Israel into the desert of Pharan which is in Cades And speaking to them to al the multitude they shewed the fruites of the Land † and reported saying We came into the Land to which thou didst send vs which in very deede floweth with milke and honie as by these fruites may be knowen † but it hath very strong inhabitantes and cities great and walled The stocke of Enac we saw there † Amalec dwelleth in the south the Hetheite and the Iebuseite and the Amorrheite in the mountaines but the Chananeite abideth beside the sea and about the streames of Iordan † Among these thinges Caleb appeasing the murmuring of the people that rose against Moyses said Let vs goe vp and possesse the Land because we may obtaine it † But the others that had bene with him said No we are not able to goe vp to this people because it is stronger then we † And they detracted from the Land which they had viewed before the children of Israel saying The Land which we haue viewed deuoureth her inhabitantes the people that we beheld is of a tall stature † There we saw certaine monsters of the sonnes of Enac of the gyantes kind to whom being compared we seemed as it were locustes CHAP. XIIII The mutinous murmuring people being vnplacable 11. God expostulateth their ingratitude threatneth to destroy them 13. Yet Moyses pacifieth his wrath 22. but so that al which were numbered coming from Aegypt except C●leb and Iosue shal die in the wildernes 31. and their children shal possesse the promised land 40. Then fighting contrarie to Moyses admonition are beaten and manie slaine by their enimies THERFORE al the multitude crying out wept that night † and al the children of Israel murmured against Moyses and Aaron saying † Would God we had died in Aegypt and in this vaste wildernesse would God we might die and that our Lord would not bring vs into this Land lest we fal by the sword and our wiues and children be ledde captiue Is it not better to returne into Aegypt † And one said to an other Let vs appoint a captaine and let vs returne into Aegypt † Which Moyses and Aaron hearing fel flatte vpon the ground before al the multitude of the children o● Israel † But Iosue the sonne of Nun and Caleb the sonne of Iephone who them selues also had viewed the land rent their garmentes † and spake to al the multitude of the children of Israel The Land which we haue circuted is very good † If our Lord be propitious he shal bring vs into it and deliuer vs a ground flowing with milke and honie † Be not rebellious against our Lord neither feare ye the people of this land for euen as bread so we may deuoure them al aide is gone from them our Lord is with vs feare ye not † And when al the multitude cried and would haue stoned them the glorie of our Lord appeared ouer the roofe of couenant in the sight of al the children of Israel † And our Lord said to Moyses How long wil this people detract me How long wil they not beleue me in al the signes that I haue done before them † I wil strike them therfore with pestilence and wil consume them but thee I wil make prince ouer a great nation and a stronger then this is † And Moyses said to our Lord That the Aegyptians from the middes of whom thou hast brought forth this people † and the inhabitantes of this Land which haue heard that thou Lord art among this people and art sene face to face and thy cloude protecteth them and in a piller of a cloude thou goest before them by day and in a piller of fire by night † may heare that thou hast killed so great a multitude as it were one man and may say † He could not bring in the people into the Land for which he had sworne therfore did he kil them in the wildernesse † Let therfore the strength of our Lord be magnified as thou hast sworne saying † The Lord is patient and ful of mercie taking away iniquitie and wicked deedes leauing no man innocent which visitest the sinnes of the fathers vpon the children vnto the third and fourth generation † Forgeue I besech thee the sinne of this thy people according to the greatnes of thy mercie as thou hast bene propitious to them since their going out of Aegypt vnto this place † And our Lord said I haue forgeuen it according to thy word † Liue I and the whole earth shal be replenished with the glorie of the Lord. † But yet al the men that haue sene my maiestie and the signes that I haue done in Aegypt and in the wildernesse and haue tempred me now ten times neither haue obeied my voice † they shal not see the Land for the which I sware to their fathers neither shal any of them that hath detracted me behold it † My seruant Caleb who being ful of an other spirit hath folowed me wil I bring in vnto this Land which he hath circuted and his seede shal possesse it † Because the Amalecite and the Cananeite dwel in the valleis To morrow remoue the campe and returne into the wildernesse by the way of the Redde sea † And our Lord spake to Moyses and Aaron saying † How long doth this vngratious multitude murmur against me I haue heard the complaintes of the children of Israel † Say therfore to them liue I sayeth our Lord According as you haue spoken I hearing it so wil I do to you † In this wildernesse shal your carcasses lie Al you that are numbered from twentie yeares vpward and haue murmured against me † you shal not enter into the Land ouer the which I haue lifted vp my hand to make you inhabite it except Caleb the sonne of Iephone and Iosue the sonne of Nun. † But your litle ones of whom you said that they should be a pray to the enemies wil I bring in that they may see the Land that hath misliked you †
speake ought els but that which the Lord commandeth † Balac therfore said Come with me into an other place whence thou mayest see part of Israel and canst not see the whole from thence curse them † And when he had brought him into a high place vpon the toppe of the mountaine Phasga Balaam builded seuen altares laying thereon calues and rammes † he said to Balac Stand here beside thy holocaust whiles I goe to meete him † Whom when our Lord had mette and had put the word in his mouth he said Returne to Balac and thus thou shalt speake to him † Returning he found him standing beside his holocauste and the princes of the Moabites with him To whom Balac said What hath the Lord spoken † But he taking vp his parable said Stand Balac and harken heare thou sonne of Sephor † God is not as man that he may lie nor as the sonne of man that he may be changed Hath he said then and wil he not doe hath he spoken and wil he not fulfil † I was brought to blesse the blessing I am not able to stay † There is no Idol in Iacob neither is there simulachre to be seene in Israel The Lord his God is with him and the sound of the victorie of the king in him † God hath brought him out of Aegypt whose strength is like to the vnicorne † There is no South saying in Iacob nor diuination in Israel In their times it shal be said to Iacob and Israel what God hath wrought † Behold the people shal rise vp as a lionesse and as a lion shal raise it self It shal not lie downe til it deuoure the pray and drinke the bloud of the slaine † And Balac said to Balaam neither curse nor blesse him † And he said Did I not tel thee that whatsoeuer God should command me that would I doe † And Balac said to him Come and I wil bring thee to an other place if happely it please God that thence thou mayest curse them † And when he had brought him vpon the toppe of the mountaine Phogor which looketh to the wildernesse † Balaam said to him Build me here seuen altares and prepare as manie calues and rammes of the same number † Balac did as Balaam had said and he laide the calues and the rammes on euerie altar CHAP. XXIIII Balaam forced by the euidence of truth though not conuerted in wil to serue God whom he confesseth to be omnipotent prophecieth stil more good of Israel 10. wherefore Balac interrupteth him and he answereth plainly that God almightie wil haue it so 15. And so proceeding he prophecieth of CHRIST 20. Also of Amalacheites Cineites and Italians AND when Balaam had seene that it pleased our Lord that he should blesse Israel he went not as before he had gone to seeke Southsaying but directing his countenance against the desert † and lifting vp his eies he saw Israel abiding in their tentes by their tribes and the spirit of God coming vehemently vpon him † taking vp his parable he said Balaam the sonne of Beor hath said The man hath said whose eye is stopped † The hearer of the wordes of God hath said he that hath beholden the vision of the Omnipotent he that falleth and so his eies are opened † How beautiful are thy tabernacles ô Iacob and thy tentes ô Israel † As wooddie valleis as watered gardens beside the riuers as tabernacles which the Lord hath pitched as cedres by the waters side † Water shal flow out of his bucket and his seede shal be into manie waters For Agag shal his king be taken away and his kingdom shal be taken away † God hath brought him out of Aegypt whose strēgth is like to the rhinocerote They shal deuoure nations his enimies and breake their bones and pearce them with arrowes † Lying he hath slept as a lion and as a lionesse whom none shal be bold to rayse vp He that blesseth thee him self also shal be blessed he that curseth thee shal be reputed accurst † And Balac being angrie against Balaam clapping his handes together said To curse mine enemies I called thee whom thou contrariewise hast blessed the third time † returne to thy place I was determined verily to honour thee magnifically but the Lord hath depriued thee of the honour appointed † Balaam made answer to Balac did I not say to thy messengers whom thou didst send to me † If Balac would geue me his house ful of siluer and gold I can not passe the word of the Lord my God to vtter of my owne minde either any good or euil but whatsoeuer the Lord shal say that wil I speake † But yet going to my people I wll geue thee counsel what thy people shal doe to this people in the last time † Therfore taking vp his parable againe he said Balaam the sonne of Beor hath said The man whose eye is stopped hath said † the hearer of the wordes of God hath said who knoweth the doctrine of the Highest and seeth the visions of the Omnipotent who falling hath his eies opened † I shal see him but not now I shal behold him but not neere A STARRE SHAL RISE out of Iacob and a rodde shal arise from Israel and shal strike the dukes of Moab and shal waist al the children of Seth. † And Idumea shal be his possession the inheritance of Seir shal come to their enemies but Israel shal doe manfully † Of Iacob shal he be that shal rule and shal destroy the remaines of the citie † And when he had seene Amalec taking vp his parable he said Amalec the beginning of Gentiles whose latter endes shal be destroyed † He saw also the Cineite and taking vp his parable he said Thy habitation in deede is strong but if thou build thy nest in a rocke † and thou be chosen of the stocke of Cin how long shalt thou be able to continew For Assur shal take thee † And taking vp his parable againe he spake Alas who shal liue when God shal doe these thinges † They shal come in galleies from Italie they shal ouercome the Assyrians and shal waist the Hebrewes and at the last them selues also shal perish † And Balaam rose and returned into his place Balac also returned the way that he came CHAP. XXV By carnal fornication manie are drawen to spiritual For which twentie foure thousand are slaine 10. Phinees his Zele in stabbing to death two fornicators is commended by God and rewarded AND Israel at that time abode in Settim and the people fornicated with the daughters of Moab † who called them to their sacrifices And they did eate and adore their goddes † And Israel was professed to Beelphegor and our Lord being angtie † said to Moyses Take al the princes of the people and hang them vp against the sunne on gibbettes that my furie may be auerted from Israel † And Moyses said to the Iudges of Israel
Israel † And the children of Israel did euil in the sight of our Lord and serued Baalim † And they left our Lord the God of their fathers that had brought them out of the Land of Aegypt and folowed strange goddes and the goddes of the peoples that dwelt round about them and adored them and they prouoked our Lord to anger † leauing him and seruing Baal and Astaroth † And our Lord being wrath against Israel deliuered them into the handes of ransackers who tooke them and sold them to the enemies that dwelt round about neither could they resist their aduersaries † but whither soeuer they had meant to goe the hand of our Lord was vpon them as he spake and sware to them and they were vehemently afflicted † And our Lord raysed vp Iudges that should deliuer them from the handes of the wasters but neither would they heare them † fornicating with strange goddes and adoring them They did quickly forsake the way in the which their fathers had gone and hearing the commandementes of our Lord they did al thinges contrarie † And when our Lord raysed vp Iudges in their daies he was moued with mercie and heard the groninges of the afflicted and deliuered them from the slaughter of the wasters † But after the Iudge was dead they returned and did much worse things then their fathers had done folowing strange goddes seruing them and adoring them They left not their inuentions and the verie hard way by which they were accustomed to walke † And the furie of our Lord was angrie against Israel said Because this nation hath made my couenāt frustrate which I had made with their fathers hath cōtemned my voice † I also wil not destroy the nations which Iosue did let alone and died † that in them I may trie Israel whether they wil keepe the way of the Lord and walke in it as their fathers kept it or no. † Our Lord therfore left al these nations and would not quickly ouerthrow them neither deliuered them into the handes of Iosue CHAP. III. The people associating them selues with Gentiles against whom they ought to fight 8. are inuaded by forraine kinges 9. but repenting are deliuered by Othoniel 12. Falling againe afflicted and repenting 15. are deliuered by Aod 21. secretely killing Eglon their enemie 31. After him Samgar defendeth Israel against the Philisthimes THESE are the Nations which our Lord left that in them he might instruct Israel and al that had not knowen the warres of the Chananeites † that afterward their children might lerne to fight with their enemies and to be accustomed to warre † the fiue princes of the Philisthimes and the Chananeite and Sidonian and Heueite that dwelt in mount Libanus from mount Baal Hermon to the entring into Emath † And he left them that in them he might trie Israel whether they would heare the commandementes of our Lord which he had commanded their fathers by the hand of Moyses or not † Therfore the children of Israel dwelt in the middes of the Chananeite and Hetheite and Amorrheite and Pherezeite and Heueite and Iebuseite † and they tooke their daughters to wiues and them selues gaue their owne daughters to their sonnes serued their goddes † And they did euil in the sight of our Lord and forgat their God seruing Baalim and Astaroth † And our Lord being wrath against Israel deliuered them into the handes of Chusan Rasathaim the king of Mesopotamia and they serued him eight yeares † And they cried to our Lord who raysed them vp a sauiour and deliuered them to witte Othoniel the sonne of Cenez the yonger brother of Caleb † and the Spirit of our Lord was in him and he iudged Israel And he went forth to fight and our Lord deliuered into his handes Chusan Rasathaim the king of Syria and oppressed him † And the land rested fourtie yeares and Othoniel the sonne of Cenez died † And the children of Israel added to doe euil in the sight of our Lord who strengthned against them Eglon the king of Moab because they did euil in his sight † And he ioyned to him the children of Ammon and Amalec and he went and stroke Israel and possessed the Citie of palmes † And the children of Israel serued Eglon the king of Moab eightene yeares † and afterward they cried to our Lord who raysed vp vnto them a sauiour called Aod the sonne of Gera the sonne of Iemini who vsed both handes for the right And the children of Israel sent by him presentes to Eglon the king of Moab † Who made him self a two edged sword hauing in the middes a hafte in length the palme of a hand and was girded therwith vnder his cassocke on the right thigh † And he presented the giftes to Eglon the king of Moab And Eglon was exceeding grosse † And when he had presented the giftes vnto him he brought his felowes on the way that came with him † And returning from Galgal where the Idols were he said to the King I haue a secrete message to thee ô king And he commanded silence and al being gone forth that were about him † Aod went in to him and he sate in a sommer chamber alone and he said A word from God I haue to thee Who forthwith rose out of his throne † And Aod put forth his left hand and tooke the dagger from his right thigh and fastened it into his bellie † so mightely that the haft folowed the blade in the wound and was closed vp fast with the most fatte grease Neither did he plucke out the dagger but as he had striken so leift it in the bodie and forthwith by the secrete partes of nature the ordure of the bellie came forth † But Aod shutting the doores of the chamber very diligently and locking them sure † went out by a posterne doore And the kinges seruantes going in saw the doores of the chamber shut and they said Peraduenture he purgeth his bellie in the sommer chamber † And expecting long til they were ashamed and seeing that no man did open they tooke a key and opening they found their lord on the earth lying dead † But Aod whiles they were trubled escaped and passed by the Place of Idols whence he had returned And he came into Seirath † and forthwith the trumpet sounded in the mount of Ephraim and the children of Israel went downe with him him self going in the front † Who said to them Folow me for our Lord hath deliuered our enemies the Moabites into our handes And they went downe after him and occupied the fordes of Iordan which bring ouer into Moab and they suffered no man to passe † but they stroke the Moabites at that time about ten thousand al stoute and strong men none of them could escape † And Moab was humbled that day vnder the hand of Israel and the Land rested eightie yeares † After him was Samgar the sonne of Anath who stroke of the
according to al the benefites that he had done to Israel CHAP. IX Abimelech Gedeons concubins sonne killeth his brethren 7. onlie the yongest escapeth by aparable expostulateth the iniurie donne to his fathers house 23. Shortly the Sichemites detest Abimelech 26. Ga●l conspireth against him but is ouercome 50. Finally Abimalech is wounded to death by a woman AND Abimelech the sonne of Ierobaal went into Sichem to his mothers brethren and spake to them and to al the kinred of the house of his mothers father saying † Speake to al the men of Sichem whether is better for you that seuentie men haue dominion ouer you al the sonnes of Ierobaal or that one man haue dominion ouer you and withal consider that I am your bone and your flesh † And his mothers brethren spake of him to al the men of Sichem al these wordes and inclined their hartes after Abimelech saying He is our brother † And they gaue him seuentie weight of siluer out of the temple of Baalberit Who hyred therewith vnto him self needie men and vagaboundes and they folowed him † And he came into his fathers house in Ephra and murdered his brethren the sonnes of Ierobaal seuentie men vpon one stone and there remayned Ioatham the youngest sonne of Ierobaal and was hidde † And al the men of Sichem assembled together al the families of the citie of Mello and they went made Abimelech king beside the oke that stood in Sichem † Which being told to Ioatham he went and stoode in the toppe of mount Garizim and lifting vp his voice he cried and said Heare me ye men of Sichem so as God may heare you † “ The trees went to anointe a king ouer them and they said to the oliue tree Reigne ouer vs. † Which answered Can I forsake my fatnes which both goddes do vse and men and come to be promoted among the trees † And the trees said to the figge tree Come and take the kingdome ouer vs. † Which answered them Can I forsake my sweetenes and my most sweete fruites and go to be promoted among the other trees † And the trees spake to the vine Come and reigne ouer vs. † Which answered them Can I forsake my wine that chereth God and men be promoted among the other trees † And the trees said to the rhamnus Come and reigne ouer vs. † Who answered them If in deede you make me your king Come and rest vnder my shadow but if you meane it not let there fyre issue forth of the rhamnus and deuoure the ceders of Libanus † Now therfore if you haue wel and without sinne appointed Abimelech king ouer you and haue dealt wel with Ierobaal and with his house and haue requitted him the like for his benefites who fought for you † and put his life in dangers that he might deliuer you from the hand of Madian † who now are risen against my fathers house and haue killed his sonnes seuentie men vpon one stone and haue made Abimelech the sonnè of his handmaide king ouer the inhabitantes of Sichem because he is your brother † If therfore you haue dealt wel and without fault with Ierobaal and his house reioyse this day in Abimelech and reioyse he in you † But if vniustly let there fyre issue forth from him and consume the inhabitantes of Sichem and towne of Mello and let there fire goe forth from the men of Sichem and from the towne of Mello and deuoure Abimelech † Which thinges when he had said he fled and went into Bera and dwelt there for feare of Abimelech his brother † Abimelech therfore reigned ouet Israel three yeares † And our Lord sent a verie euil spirit betwen Abimelech and the inhabitantes of Sichem Who began to detest him † and to lay the wickednes of the murdering of the seuentie sonnes of Ierobaal and the sheading of their bloud vpon Abimelech their brother and vpon the rest of the princes of the Sichimites that had holpen him † And they sette an ambushment against him on the toppe of the mountaines and whiles they taryed for his coming they committed robberies taking prayes of them that passed by and it was told Abimelech † And Gaal the sonne of Obed came with his brethen and passed into Sichem At whose coming the inhabitantes of Sichem taking courage † issued forth into the fieldes wasting the vineyardes and treading the grapes and gathering companies of musicions went into the temple of their god and in their bankettes and cuppes cursed Abimelech † Gaal the sonne of Obed crying Who is Abimelech and what is Sichem that we should serue him Is he not the sonne of Ierobaal and hath made Zebul his seruant prince ouer the men of Empor the father of Sichem Why then shal we serue him † would God that some man would geue this people vnder my hand that I might take Abimelech out of the way And some said to Abimelech Gather together a multitude of an armie and come † For Zebul the prince of the citie hearing the wordes of Gaal the sonne of Obed was very wrath † and sent messengers secretely to Abimelech saying Behold Gaal the sonne of Obed is come into Sichem with his brethren and rayseth the citie against thee † Arise therfore in the night with the people that is with thee and lie hidde in the field † and betimes in the morning at sunne rysing sette vpon the citie And when he issueth forth against thee with his people do to him what thou shalt be able † Abimelech therfore arose with al his armie in the night and laide ambushementes nere to Sichem in foure places † And Gaal the sonne of Obed went forth stoode in the entrance of the gate of the citie And Abimelech rose and al his armie with him from the place of the ambushmentes † And when Gaal had seene the people he said to Zebul Behold a multitude cometh downe from the mountaines To whom he answered Thou seest the shadowes of the mountaines as it were heades of men and with this errour thou art deceiued † Againe Gaal said Behold there cometh downe people from the nauel of the land and one trouppe cometh by the way that looketh to the oke † To whom Zebul said Where is now thy mouth wherwith thou didst speake Who is Abimelech that we should serue him Is not this the people which thou didst despise Goe forth and fight against him † Gaal therfore went the people of the Sichimites looking on and fought against Abimelech † who pursewed him fleeing and driue him into the citie and there were slaine of his part manie vnto the gate of the citie † and Abimelech sate in Ruma but Zebul expelled Gaal and his companions out of the citie neither did he suffer them to abide in it † Therfore the day folowing the people went forth into the field Which being told to Abimelech † he tooke his armie and diuided
may come againe and teach vs what we ought to doe concerning the child that shal be borne † And our Lord heard Manue praying and the Angel of our Lord appeared againe to his wife sitting in the field but Manue her husband was not with her Who when she had seene the Angel † hastened and ranne to her husband and she told him saying Behold “ the man hath appeared to me whom I saw before † Who rose and folowed his wife and comming to the man said to him Art thou he that didst speake to the woman And he answered I am † To whom Manue when sayd he thy word shal be fulfilled what wilt thou that the child doe or from what shal he keepe him self † And the Angel of our Lord said to Manue From al thinges which I haue spoken to thy wife let him refraine him self † and whatsoeuer groweth of the vineyard let him not eate wine and sicer let him not drinke let him not eate any vncleane thing and whatsoeuer I haue commanded her let him fulfil and keepe † And Manue said to the Angel of our Lord I besech thee that thou condescend to my petitions and let vs make to thee a kidde of goates † To whom the Angel answered If thou constraine me I wil not eate thy breade but if thou wilt make holocaust offer it to our Lord. And Manue knew not that it was an Angel of our Lord. † And he said to him What is thy name that if thy word shal be fulfilled we may honour thee † To whom he answered Why askest thou my name which is merueilous † Manue therfore tooke a kidde of the goates and the libamentes and put them vpon a rocke offering to our Lord who doeth meruelous thinges and he and his wife looked on † And when the flame of the altar ascended into heauen the Angel of our Lord ascended together in the flame Which when Manue and his wife had seene they fel flatte on the ground † and the Angel of our Lord appeared to them no more And forthwith Manue vnderstood that it was an Angel of our Lord † and he said to his wife Dying we shal die because we haue seene God † To whom his wife answered If our Lord would haue killed vs he would not haue taken of our handes holocaustes and libamentes neither would he haue shewed vs al these thinges nor haue told vs these thinges that are to come † She therfore bare a sonne and called his name Samson And the child grewe and our Lord blessed him † And the Spirit of our Lord beganne to be with him in the campe of Dan betwixt Saraa and Esthaol ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XIII 10. The man hath appeared Al ancient fathers and Catholique writers say this was an Angel which appeared in the forme of a man and it is plaine by the text Yet some protestantes wil haue this person to be Christ the eternal vvord of God VVho afterwardes became man And neuertheles where by by v. 16. he admonisheth Manue to offer sacrifice to God they note that he sought not his ovvne honour but Gods vvhose messenger he vvas either plainly contradicting themselues or els teaching Arrianisme as though the Sonne of God were not God or inferiour to God the Father CHAP. XIIII Samson desirous to marrie a Philisthime woman 5. by the way killeth a lion 8. In whose mouth after few dayes finding honey 12. he proposeth therof a riddle to the Philisthiims for a wager 15. which reueling to his wife she telleth it to his aduersaries 19. He killeih and spoyleth thirtie men so payeth the wager and his wife taketh an other man SAMSON therfore went downe into Thamnatha and seeing there a woman of the daughters of the Philisthims † he went vp and told his father and his mother saying I saw a woman in Thamnatha of the daughters of the Philisthijms which I besech you take for me to wife † To whom his father and mother said Is there not a woman among the daughters of thy bretheren and in al my people that thou wilt take a wife of the Philisthijms which are vncircumcised And Samson said to his father Take this for me because she hath pleased mine eyes † But his parentes knew not that the thing was done of our Lord and he sought an occasion against the Philisthims for at that time the Philisthiims had dominion ouer Israel † Samson therfore went downe with his father and mother into Thamnatha And when they were come to the vineyardes of the towne there appeared a lions whelpe cruel and roaring and mette him † And the Spirit of our Lord came vpon Samson and he tore the lion as if he should teare a kidde into peeces hauing nothing at al in his hand and this thing he would not tel to his father and mother † And he went downe and spake to the woman that had pleased his eies † And after some dayes returning to take her he went aside to see the carcasse of the lion and behold there was a swarme of bees in the mouth of the lion and a honie combe † Which when he had taken in his handes he did eate in the way and coming to his father and other he gaue them part who also them selues did eate neither would he for al that tel them that he had taken the honie from the bodie of the lion † His father therfore went downe to the woman and made his sonne Samson a feast for so yong men were accustomed to doe † When the citizens therfore of that place had seene him they gaue him thirtie companions to be with him † To whom Samson spake I wil propose you a riddle which if you shal solue me within the seuen dayes of the feast I wil geue you thirtie sindones and as many coates † but if you shal not be able to solue it you shal geue me thirtie sindones and cotes of the same number Who answered him Propound the riddle that we may heare it † And he said to them Out of the eater came forth meate and out of the strong issued forth sweetenes neither could they for three dayes solue the proposition † And when the seuenth day was come they said to the wife of Samson Speake to thy husband and vse perswasion to him that he tel thee what the riddle signifieth Which thing if thou wilt not doe we wil burne thee and thy fathers house haue you therfore called vs to the bridal that you might spoyle vs † Who shed teares before Samson and complained saying Thou hatest me and louest me not therfore the probleme which thou hast propounded to the sonnes of my people thou wilt not expound to me But he answered I would not tel it to my father and mother and can I tel it to thee † The seuen daies therfore of the feast she wept before him and at the length the seuenth day for that she molested him he expounded it Who
borders of Beniamin in the South and they shal say to thee The asses are found which thou dist goe to seeke and thy father letting goe the asses is careful for you and sayeth What shal I doe concerning my sonne † And when thou shalt depart thence and passe farder and tha●t come to the oke Thabor three men going vp to God into Bethel shal finde thee there one carying three kiddes and an other three manchettes of bread and an other carying a flagon of wine † And when they haue saluted thee they wil geue thee two loaues and thou shalt take them of their hand † After these thinges thou shalt come into the hil of God where the garrison of the Philisthiimes is and when thou shalt be entered there into the citie thou shalt meete there a flocke of prophetes coming downe from the excelse and before them psalterie and tymbrel and ●halme and harpe and themselues prophecying † And the Spirit of our Lord shal sease vpon thee and thou shalt prophecie with them and shalt be changed into an other man † Thefore when al these signes shal chance to thee doe whatsoeuer thy hand shal finde because our Lord is with thee † And thou shalt goe downe before me into Galgala for I wil come downe to thee that thou mayest offer oblation and immolate pacifique victimes seuen daies shalt thou expect til I come to thee and I wil shew thee what thou must doe † Therfore when he had turned away his shoulder to depart from Samuel God changed vnto him another hart and al these thinges came in that day † And they came to the foresaid hil and behold a troupe of prophetes meeting him the Spirit of our Lord seased vpon him and he prophecied in the middes of them † And al that had knowen him yesterday and the day before seing that he was with the prophetes did prophecie said to ech other What thing hath happened to the sonne of Cis what is Saul also among the prophetes † And one answered an other saying And who is their father therefore it was turned into a prouerbe What is Saul also among the prophetes † And he ceased to prophecie and came to the excelse † And Sauls vncle sayd to him and to his seruant Whitherwent you who answered To seeke the asses which when we had not found we came to Samuel † And his vncle sayd to him Tel me what Samuel sayd to thee † And Saul sayd to his vncle He told vs that the asses were found But concerning the word of the kingdom which Samuel had spoken to him he told him not † And Samuel called together the people to our Lord in Maspha † And sayd to the children of Israel Thus sayth our Lord the God of Israel I brought Israel out of Aegypt and deliuerd you from the hand of the Aegyptians and from the hand of al the kinges which afflicted you † But you this day haue reiected your God who only hath saued you out of al your euils and tribulations and you haue said Not so but appoint a king ouer vs. Now therefore stand before our Lord by your tribes and by your families † And Samuel brought al the tribes of Israel and the lotte fel on the tribe of Beniamin † And he brought the tribe of Beniamin and the kinreds thereof and it fel vpon the kindred of Metri and it came vnto Saul the sonne of Cis. They therfore sought him and he was not found † And after these thinges they consulted our Lord whether he would come thither And our Lord answered Behold he is hid at home † They ranne therefore and tooke him from thence and he stood in the middes of the people and he was higher then al the people from the shoulder and vpward † And Samuel said to al the people Certes you see whom our Lord hath chosen that there is not the like to him in al the people And al the people cried and sayd God saue the King † And Samuel spake to the people the law of the kingdom and wrote it in a booke and layd it vp before our Lord and Samuel dismissed al the people euerie one into his owne house † But Saul also departed vnto his house into Gabaa and there went with him part of the armie they whose hartes God had touched † But the children of Belial sayd What shal this fellow be able to saue vs and they despised him and brought him not presentes but he dissembled as though he heard not CHAP. XI Ammonites fighting against Iabes Galaad and the citie readie to yelde 5. Saul gathereth an armie 11. ouerthroweth the enimie 14. and is established King AND it came to passe as it were a moneth after Naas the Ammonite ascended and began to fight against Iabes of Galaad And al the men of Iabes sayd to Naas Make a league with vs and we wil serue thee † And Naas the Ammonite answered them In this wil I make a league with you that I may plucke out the right eyes of you al and may make you a reproch●● al Israel † And the ancientes of Iabes sayd to him Graunt vnto vs seuen daies that we may send messengers vnto al the coastes of Israel and if there shal not be that may defend vs we wil come forth to thee † The messengers therefore came into Gabaa of Saul and they spake these wordes in the hearing of the people and al the people lifted vp their voice and wept † And behold Saul came folowing oxen out of the field and sayd What ayleth the people that they weepe And they told him the wordes of the men of Iabes † And the Spirit of our Lord seased on Saul when he had heard these wordes and his furie was exceding wrath † And taking both the oxen he cutte them into peeces and sent them into al the coastes of Israel by messengers saving Whosoeuer shal not goe forth and folow Saul and Samuel so shal it be done to his oxen Therefore the feare of our Lord inuaded the people and they went forth as it were one man † And he numbered them in Bezec and there were of the children of Israel three hundred thousand and of the men of Iuda thirtie thousand † And they sayd to the messengers that came Thus shal you say to the men that are in Iabes Galaad To morow when the sunne shal waxe hote you shal haue relife The messengers therefore came and told the men of Iabes Who were glad † And they said In the morning we wil come forth to you and you shal doe to vs whatsoeuer shal please you † And it came to passe when the morow was come Saul sette the people into three partes and entered into the middes of the campe in the morning watch and stroke Ammon vntil the day waxed hote and the rest were dispersed so that there were not left among them two together † And the people sayd to Samuel
speake against vs. These thinges did Dauid and this was decreed of him al the daies that he dwelt in the countrie of the Philistians † Achis therefore did credite Dauid saying Manie euils hath he wrought against his people Israel Therefore he shal be my seruant for euer CHAP. XXVIII The Philistians fighting against Saul Dauid promiseth fidelitie to Achis 3. Saul destroyeth magicians 6. but God not answering him 7. seeketh a woman that hath a Pithon spirite 12. willeth her to raise vp Samuel 15. who appearing fortelleth him that he and his sonnes shal die the next day AND it came to passe that in those daies the Philistijms gathered together their companies that they might be prepared to battel against Israel and Achis sayd to Dauid Knowing know thou now that thou shalt goe forth with me in the campe thou and thy men † And Dauid sayd to Achis Now thou shalt know what thy seruant wil doe And Achis sayd to Dauid And I wil appoint thee keper of my head al daies † And Samuel was dead and al Israel mourned for him and buried him in Ramatha his citie And Saul tooke al the magicians and soothsayers out of the land † And the Philistijms were gathered together and came and camped in Sunam and Saul also gathered together al Israel and came into Gelboe † And Saul saw the campe of the Philistijms and feared and his hart was afrayd excedingly † And he consulted our Lord and he answered him not neither by dreames nor by priestes nor by prophetes † And Saul sayd to his seruantes Seeke me a woman that hath a pithonical spirite and I wil goe to her and wil aske by her And his seruantes sayd to him There is a woman that hath a pithonical spirite in Endor † He therefore changed his habite and was clothed with other garmentes and he went himselfe and two men with him and they came to the woman in the night and sayd to her Deuine vnto me in the pythonical spirite and raise me vp whom I shal tel thee † And the woman sayd to him Loe thou knowest what great thinges Saul hath done and how he hath raysed the magicians and sothsayers out of the land why therefore doest thou lye in waite for my life that I may be slaine † And Saul sware vnto her in our Lord saying Our Lord liueth there shal no euil happen vnto thee for this thing † And the woman sayd to him Whom shal I rayse vp to thee Who sayd Raise me vp Samuel † And when the woman had seene Samuel she cried out with a loud voice and sayd to Saul Why hast thou deceiued me for thou art Saul † And the King sayd to her Feare not what sawest thou And the woman sayd to Saul I saw Goddes coming out of the earth † And he sayd to her What maner of forme hath he who sayd An old man is come vp and he is clothed with a mantel And “ Saul vnderstood that it was Samuel and he bowed himselfe vpon his face on the earth and adored † And Samuel sayd to Saul why hast thou disquieted me that I should be raised vp And Saul sayd I am in great distresse for the Philistijms fight against me and God is departed from me and would not heare me neither in the hand of prophetes not by dreames therefore I haue called thee that thou shouldest shew me what I shal doe † And Samuel sayd Why askest thou whereas our Lord is departed from thee and is passed to thine aduersarie † For our Lord wil doe to thee as he spake in my hand and he wil cut thy kingdome out of thy hand wil geue it to thy neighbour Dauid † because thou hast not obeyed the voice of our Lord neither didst thou the wrath of his furie in Amalec Therefore that which thou sufferest hath our Lord done to thee this day † And our Lord wil geue Israel also with thee into the handes of the Philistijms and to morow thou and thy sonnes shal be with me yea the campe also of Israel wil our Lord deliuer into the handes of the Philisthijms † And forthwith Saul fel stretched forth on the ground for he feared much the wordes of Samuel and there was no strength in him because he had not eaten bread al that day † That woman therefore went vnto Saul for he was very much trubled and sayd to him Behold thy handmaide hath obeied thy voice and I haue put my life in my hand and I heard the wordes which thou spakest to me † Now therefore heare thou also the voice of thy handmaide and I wil set before thee a morsel of bread that eating thou mayest recouer strength and be able to goe on thy iourney † Who refused and sayd I wil not eate But his seruantes and the woman forced him and at length hearing their voice he arose from the ground and sate vpon the bed † And that woman had a pasture fed calfe in the house and s●e made hast and killed him and taking meale kneded it and baked azimes † and sette before Saul and before his seruantes who when they had eaten rose vp and walked al that night ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXVIII 14. Saul vnderstood that it vvas Samuel It is not defined nor certaine whetherthe soule of Samuel appeared or an euil spirit tooke his shape and spake to Saul S. Augustin li. 2. q. 3. ad Simplician proposeth both the opinions as probable VVhere first he sheweth that Samuels soule might appeare either brought thither by the euil spirite which is not so much to be merueled at as that our Lord and Sauiour suffered him self to be sette vpon the pinnacle of the temple and to be caried into a high mountaine by the diuel yea to be taken prisoner bound whipped and crucified by the diuels ministers or els that the spirite of the holie prophet was not raised by force of the inchantment or anie powre of the diuel but by Gods secrete ordinance vnknowen to the pythonical woman and to Saul and so appeared in the kings presence and stroke him with diuine sentence Againe he answereth that there may be a more easie and readie sense of this place to wit that Samuels spirite or soule was not in deede raised but an imaginarie illusion made by the diuels inchantment which semed to be Samuel and which the Scripture calleth by the name of Samuel as pictures or images are commonly called those persons or thinges which they represent So when we behold pictures in a table or on a wal we say this is Cicero that is Salust that Achilles that is Rome To this effect S. Augustin discourseth more at large in the place before cited But in an other worke written after de cura pro mortuis gerenda c. 15. teaching that soules of the dead appeare sometimes to the liuing he saieth expresly Samuel the prophet being dead foretold suture thinges to King Saul yet liuing Though some be of
opinion saieth he that Samuel himself appeared not but some euil spirit tooke his similitude And this last iudgement of S. Augustin is much confirmed first by the wordes of this text literally and plainly affirming that Samuel appeared and spake to Saul and Saul to him and that Saul vnderstood or●nevv not only thought imagined or supposed that it vvas Samuel Secondly this apparition came sooner preuenting the inchantment and in better order then the pithonical woman expected as appeareth by her answer saying she saw God or an excellent person ascending in comelie maner and attyre whereas euil spirites vsed to appeare as the Rabbins testifie in vglie bodies with the heeles into the ayer and head downward Thirdly the Author of Ecclestasticus ch 46. amongst the prayses of Samuel the prophet saieth he slept or died and certified the King and shevved to him the end of his life VVhere it semeth clere that the same person that died denounced Gods wil and sentence to Saul Moreouer if it had bene an illusion of an euil spirite it would hardly seme anie praise at al. Fourthly the diuel could not naturally foretel that Saul and his sonnes with manie of the people should be slaine the next day and Dauid reign● after him neither is it probable that God reueiled such secretes to euil spirites wherby men might take more occasion to folow nicromancie Fiftly most Fathers and Doctors are of the same iudgement S. Iustinus Martyr Dialogo cum Triphone S. Basil Epist 80. ad Eustathium S. Ambrose li. 1. in Luc. 1. S. Hierom. in Isaiae 7. Iosephus li. 6. c. 15. Antiq. and manie other old and late writers The chiefest argument for the other opinion is the authoritie of Tertullian li. de anima Procopius and Eucherius vpon this place and the vncertaine authors Questionum apud Iustinum q. 52. lib. de mirabil Sac. Script and Quest vet Testamenti q. 27. apud Augustinum tomo 3. et 4. As for the Protestantes denying that soules once parted from their bodies can appeare to anie aliue S. Augustin confuteth them both by this example of Samuel supposing the booke of Ecclesiasticus to be Canonical Scripture and of Moyses being dead and Elias yet liuing whom they hold also to be dead both appearing with Christ in his transfiguration Mat. 17. CHAP. XXIX Dauid going with the Philistijms towards the warre 4. the princes vrge and force the king to send him back THEREFORE al the companies of the Philistijms were gathered together into Aphec and Israel also camped vpon the fountaine which was in Iezrahel † And the princes in dede of the Philistijms marched in hundreds and thousandes but Dauid and his men were in the last companie with Achis † And the princes of the Philistijms sayd to Achis What meane these Hebrewes And Achis sayd to the princes of the Philistijms Doe you not knowe Dauid which was the seruant of Saul the king of Israel and is with me manie daies or yeares and I haue not found any thing in him since the day that he fled to me vntil this day † But the princes of the Philistijms were angrie against him and sayd to him Let this man returne and abide in his place wherein thou hast appointed him and let him not goe downe with vs into battel lest he become an aduersarie to vs when we shal beginne to fight for how can he otherwise pacifie his lord but in our heades † Is not this Dauid to whom they sang in dances saying Saul hath strooke his thousandes Dauid his ten thousandes † Achis therefore called Dauid and sayd to him The Lord liueth thou art iust and good in my sight and thy going out thy coming in is with me in the campe and I haue not found in thee anie euil since the day that thou camest to me vntil this day but thou pleasest not the nobles † Returne therefore and goe in peace and offend not the eies of the princes of the Philistijms † And Dauid sayd to Achis For what haue I done and what hast thou found in me thy seruant since the day that I haue beene in thy sight vntil this day that I may not come and fight against the enemies of my lord the King † And Achis answering spake to Dauid I know that thou art good in my sight as an Angel of God but the princes of the Philistijms haue sayd He shal not goe vp with vs into battel † Therefore arise in the morning thou and the seruantes of thy lord which came with thee and when you are risen in the night and it shal beginne to waxe light goe foreward † Dauid therefore arose in the night he and his men that they might sette foreward in the morning and returne to the land of the Philistijms and the Philistijms went vp into Iezrahel CHAP. XXX Dauid returning to Siceleg findeth it burned and spoiled and himself in danger of the people 7. By our Lords warrant be pursueth the enemie 11. taketh a guide 17. recouereth al that was taken away 22. and rewardeth the souldiars also those that stayed with the baggage 25. making it a lawe for the time to come shat the keepers of the baggage shal haue like share with those that fight in battel AND when Dauid and his men were come to Siceleg the third day the Amalecites had made an inuasion on the south side into Siceleg and had strooken Siceleg and burnt it with fire † And had led away wemen captiue out of it from the lesse vnto the great and had not killed any man but had led them with them and went on their iourney † When Dauid therefore and his men were come to the citie and had found it burnt with fire and their wiues and their sonnes and their daughters to be led away captiue † Dauid and the people that was with him lifted vp their voices and mourned til teares fayled them † For the two wiues also of Dauid were led away captiue Achinoam the Iezraelite and Abigail the wife of Nabal of Carmel † And Dauid was strooken very sad for the people would haue stoned him because the soule of euerie man was bitterly affected vpon their sonnes and daughters but Dauid was strengthened in our Lord his God † And he sayd to Abiathar the priest the sonne of Achimelech Applie vnto me the Ephod And Abiathar applied the Ephod to Dauid † and Dauid consulted our Lord saying Shal I pursue these theeues and shal I take them or no And our Lord sayd to him Pursue them for thou shalt take them without doubt take from them the praye † Dauid therefore went himselfe and the six hundred men that were with him and they came vnto the Torrent Besor some being wearie stayed † But Dauid himself and foure hundred men pursued for two hundred stayed who being wearie could not passe the Torrent Besor † And they found an Aegyptian in the field and brought him to Dauid and they gaue
prophetes about foure hundred men and he sayd to them Shal I goe into Ramoth Galaad to fight or sitte stil Who answered Goe vp and our Lord wil geue it into the kinges hand † And Iosaphat sayd Is there not here some prophete of our Lord that we may aske by him † And the king of Israel sayd to Iosaphat There is one man leaft by whom we may aske our Lord but I hate him because he doeth not prophecie vnto me good but euil Micheas the sonne of Iemla To whom Iosaphat sayd Speake not so ô king † The king of Israel therfore called a certaine eunuch and sayd to him Make hast and bring hither Micheas the sonne of Iemla † And the king of Israel and Iosaphat the king of Iuda sate eche in his throne clothed with royal attyre in a court beside the doore of the gate of Samaria and al the prophetes prophecied before them † Sedecias the sonne of Chanaana made him self hornes of yron and sayd Thus sayth our Lord With these shalt thou strike Syria til thou destroy it † And al the prophetes in like maner prophecied saying Ascend into Ramoth Galaad and goe prosperousely our Lord wil deliuer it into the Kinges handes † But the messenger that went to cal Micheas spake to him saying Behold the wordes of the prophetes with one mouth preach good thinges to the king let thy word therfore be like to theirs and speake good thinges † To whom Micheas sayd Our Lord liueth whatsoeuer our Lord shal tel me that wil I speake † He therfore came to the king and the king sayd to him Micheas shal we goe into Ramoth Galaad to sight or sitte stil To whom he answered Ascend and goe prosperousely and our Lord wil deliuer it into the kinges handes † But the king sayd to him I adiure thee agayne and agayne that thou speake not to me but that which is true in the name of our Lord. † And he sayd I saw al Israel dispersed in the mountaynes as sheepe not hauing a shepeheard and our Lord sayd These haue no maister let euerie man returne into his house in peace † Therfore the king of Israel sayd to Iosaphat Did I not tel thee that he doeth not prophecie me good but alwaies euil † But he adding sayd Therfore heare the word of our Lord I saw our Lord sitting vpon his throne and al the hoste of heauen assisting him on the right hand and on the left † and our Lord sayd Who shal deceiue Achab the king of Israel that he may goe vp and fal in Ramoth Galaad And one sayd these maner of wordes and an other otherwise † And there came forth a spirit and stood before our Lord and sayd I wil deceiue him To whom our Lord spake Wherein † And he sayd I wil goe forth and be a lying spirit in the mouth of al his prophetes And our Lord sayd Thou shalt deceiue and shalt preuayle goe forth and doe so † Now therfore behold our Lord hath geuen the spirite of lying in the mouth of al thy prophetes that are here and our Lord hath spoken euil agaynst thee † And Sedecias the sonne of Chananna came and smote Micheas on the cheeke and sayd Hath the Spirit of our Lord leaft me and hath it spoken to thee † And Micheas sayd Thou shalt see in that day when thou shalt enter into thy chamber within the chamber to be hid † And the king of Israel sayd Take Micheas and let him tarie with Amon the gouernour of the citie and with Ioab the sonne of Amelech † and tel them Thus sayth the king Cast this man into prison and feede him with bread of tribulation and water of distresse til I returne in peace † And Micheas sayd If thou returne in peace our Lord hath not spoken in me And he sayd Heare al ye peoples † Therfore the king of Israel went vp and Iosaphat the king of Iuda into Ramoth Galaad † The king of Israel therfore sayd to Iosaphat Take armour and goe into the battel and put on thyne owne garmentes Moreouer the king of Israel changed his habite and went into the battel † And the king of Syria had commanded the princes of his chariotes thirtie and two saying You shal not fight agaynst any lesser or greater but agaynst the king of Israel onlie † When therfore the princes of the chariotes had seene Iosaphat they suspected that he was the king of Israel and making a violent assault they fought agaynst him Iosaphat cried out † And the princes of the chariotes perceiued that he was not the king of Israel and they ceased from him † And a certaine man bent his bow directing the arrow at al aduenture and by chance he stroke the king of Israel betwen the lunges and the stomacke But he sayd to his cochere Turne thy hand and carrie me out of the armie because I am greuousely wounded † The battel therfore was fought that day and the king of Israel stood in his chariote agaynst the Syrians and he died in the euening the bloud of the wound ranne into the middes of the chariote † and the herauld sounded in al the armie before the sunne sette saying Euerie man returne into his citie and into his countrie † And the king died and was carried into Samaria and they buried the king in Samaria † and washed his chariote in the poole of Samaria and the dogges licked his bloud and they washed the raynes of the bridle according to the word of our Lord which he had spoken † But the rest of the wordes of Achab and al that he did and the house of yuorie that he built and of al the cities that he built are not these thinges written in the Booke of the wordes of the daies of the kinges of Israel † Achab therfore slept with his fathers and Ochozias his sonne reigned for him † But Iosaphat the sonne of Asa began to reigne ouer Iuda the fourth yeare of Achab the king of Israel † Fiue and thirtie yeares old was he when he began to reigne and fiue and twentie yeares he reigned in Ierusalem the name of his mother was Azuba the daughter of Salai † And he walked in al the way of Asa his father and he declined not from it and he did that which was right in the sight of our Lord. † But yet he tooke not away the excelses for as yet the people did sacrifice and burnt incense in the excelses † And Iosaphat had peace with the king of Israel † But the rest of the wordes of Iosaphat and his workes which he did and his battels are not these thinges written in the Booke of the wordes of the daies of the kinges of Iuda † Yea and the remnant of the effeminate which remayned in the daies of Asa his father he tooke out of the land † Neither was there then a king appoynted in Edom. † But king Iosaphat had made nauies
of Basan vnto Baal Hermon and Sanir and mount Hermon for the number was great † And these were the princes of the house of their kinred Epher and Iesi and Eliel and Esriel and Ieremia and Odoia and Iediel most valiant men and mightie and renowned princes in their families † But they forsooke the God of their fathers and fornicated after the goddes of the peoples of the land whom God tooke away before them † And the God of Israel raysed vp the spirit of Phul king of the Assyrians and the spirit of Thelgathphalnasar king of Assur and he transported Ruben and Gad and the halfe tribe of Manasses and brought them into Lahela and into Habor and to Ara and to the riuer of Gozan vntil this day CHAP. VI. The genealogies of Leui 4. with the right line of Aaron by Eleazar to Iosadech high priest in the captiuitie of Babylon 16. other progenies of his three sonnes Gerson Caath and Merari 31. with their offices in the temple 49. only Aarons sounes admitted to priesthood 54. Particular possessions of the Leuites dwelling amongst the other tribes THE sonnes of Leui Gerson Caath and Merari † The sonnes of Caath Amram Isaar Hebron and Oziel † The children of Amram Aaron Moyses and Maria. The sonnes of Aaron Nadab and Abiu Eleazar and Ithamar † Eleazar begat Phinees and Phinees begat Abisue † and Abisue begat Bocci Bocci begat Ozi † Ozi begat Zaraias and Zaraias begat Maraioth † Moreouer Meraioth begat aMARIAS and Amarias begat Achitob † Achitob begat Sadoc and Sadoc begat Achimaas † Achimaas begat Azarias Azarias begat Iohanan † Iohanan begat Azarias the same is he that executed the priestlie office in the house which Salomon built in Ierusalem † And Azarias begat Amarias and Amarias begat Achitob † and Achitob begat Sadoc and Sadoc begat Sellum † Sellum begat Helcias and Helcias begat Azarias † Azarias begat Saraias and Saraias begat Iosedec † Moreouer Iosedec went forth when our Lord transported Iuda and Ierusalem by the handes of Nabuchodonosor † The sonne then of Leui Gerson Caath and Merari † And these be the names of the sonnes of Gerson Lobni and Semei † The sonnes of Caath Amram and Isaar and Hebron and Oziel † The sonnes of Merari Moholi and Musi And these are the kinredes of Leui according to their families † Gerson Lobni his sonne Iahath his sonne Zamma his sonne † Ioah his sonne Addo his sonne Zara his sonne Iethrai his sonne † The sonnes of Caath Aminadab his sonne Core his sonne Asir his sonne † Elcana his sonne Abiasaph his sonne Asir his sonne † Thahath his sonne Vriel his sonne Ozias his sonne Saul his sonne † The sonnes of Elcana Amasai and Achimoth † and Elcana The sonnes of Elcana Sophai his sonne Nahath his sonne † Eliab his sonne Ieroham his sonne Elcana his sonne † The sonnes of Samuel the first begotten Vasteni and Abia. † And the sonnes of Merari Moholi Lobni his sonne Semei his sonne Oza his sonne † Sammaa his sonne Haggia his sonne Asaia his sonne † These are they whom Dauid appointed ouer the singing men of the house of our Lord since the Arke was placed † and they ministred before the tabernacle of testimonie singing vntil Salomon built the house of our Lord in Ierusalem and they stood according to their order in the ministerie † And these are they which aslisted with their sonnes of the sonnes of Caath Hemam singing man the sonne of Ioel the sonne of Samuel † the sonne of Elcana the sonne of Ieroham the sonne of Eliel the sonne of Thohu † the sonne of Suph the sonne of Elcana the sonne of Mahath the sonne of Amasai † the sonne of Elcana the sonne of Iohel the sonne of Azaries the sonne of Sophonias † the sonne of Thahath the sonne of Asir the sonne of Abiasaph the sonne of C'ore † the sonne of Isaar the sonne of Caath the sonne of Leui the sonne of Israel † And his brother Asaph who stood on his right hand Asaph the sonne of Barachias the sonne of Samaa † the sonne of Michael the sonne of Basaia the sonne of Melchia † the sonne of Athanai the sonne of Zara the sonne of Adaia † the sonne of Ethan the sonne of Zamma the sonne of Semei † the sonne of Ieth the sonne of Gerson the sonne of Leui. † And the children of Merari their brethren on the left hand Ethan the sonne of Cusi the sonne of Abdi the sonne of Maloch † the sonne of Hasabia the sonne of Amasia the sonne of Helcias † the sonne of Amasai the sonne of Boni the sonne of Somer † the sonne of Moholi the sonne of Mosi the sonne of Merari the sonne of Leui † Their brethren also the Leuites which were ordained for al the ministerie of the tabernacle of the house of our Lord. † But Aaron and his sonnes burnt incense vpon the altar of holocaust and vpon the altar of incense for euerie worke of Sancta Sanctorum and to pray for Israel according to al thinges which Moyses the seruant of God had commanded † And these are the sonnes of Aaron Eleazar his sonne Phinees his sonne Abisue his sonne † Bocci his sonne Ozi his sonne Zarahia his sonne † Meraioth his sonne Amarias his sonne Achitob his sonne † Sadoc his sonne Achimaas his sonne † And these are their habitations by the townes and confines to witte of the sonnes of Aaron according to the kinredes of the Caathites for they were fallen to them by lotte † They gaue therfore to them Hebron in the Land of Iuda and the suburbes therof round about † but the fieldes of the citie and the townes to Caleb the sonne of Iephone † Moreouer to the sonnes of Aaron they gaue cities to flee vnto Hebron and Lobna and the suburbes therof † Iether also and Esthemo with the suburbes therof yea Helon and Dabir with their suburbes † Asan also Bethsemes their suburbes † And of the tribe of Beniamin Gabee and the suburbes therof Almath with the suburbes therof Anothoth also with the suburbes therof al the cities thirtene by their kinredes † And to the children of Caath the residue of their kinred they gaue of the halfe tribe of Manasses in possession ten cities † Moreouer to the children of Gerson by their kinredes of the tribe of Issachar of the tribe of Aser and of the tribe of Nephthali and of the tribe of Manasses in Basan thirtene cities † And to the sonnes of Merari by their kinredes of the tribe of Ruben and of the tribe of Gad and of the tribe of Zabulon they gaue by lot twelue cities † Also the children of Israel gaue to the Leuites cities and their suburbes † and they gaue by lot of the tribe of the children of Iuda of the tribe of the children of Simeon and of the tribe of the children of Beniamin these cities which they called by their names † and to them that were of
gathered together of the prophetes four hundred men and sayd to them Shal we goe into Ramoth Galaad to fight or sitte stil But they sayd Goe vp say they and God wil deliuer it into thy hand † And Iosaphat sayd Is there not here a prophete of our Lord that we may enquire also of him † And the king of Israel sayd to Iosaphat There is one man of whom we may aske wil of our Lord but I hate him because he doth not prophecie me good but euil at al times and it is Micheas the sonne of Iemla And Iosaphat sayd Speake not in this maner ô king † The king of Israel therfore called one of the Eunuches and sayd to him Cal quickly Micheas the sonne of Iemla † Moreouer the king of Israel and Iosaphat the king of Iuda sate in their thrones clothed with kinglie attyre and they sate in the court beside the gate of Samaria and al the prophetes before them † But Sedecias the sonne of Chanaana made him hornes of yron and sayd Thus sayth our Lord With these shal● thou strike Syria til thou destroy it † And al the prophetes in like manner prophecied and sayd Goe vp into Ramoth Galaad and thou shalt prosper and our Lord wil deliuer them into the kinges hand † And the messenger that went to cal Micheas sayd to him Behold the wordes of al the prophetes with one mouth tel the king good thinges I besech thee therfore that thy word also dissent not from them and that thou speake prosperous thinges † To whom Micheas answered Our Lord liueth whatsoeuer my God shal say to me that wil I speake † He therfore came to the king To whom the king sayd Micheas shal we goe into Ramoth Galaad to fight or sit stil To whom he answered Goe ye vp for al thinges shal fal out prosperous and the enemies shal be deliuered into your handes † And the king sayd Agayne and agayne I adiure thee that thou speake not to me but that which is true in the name of our Lord. † But he sayd I saw al Israel disperst in the mountaynes as sheepe without a shepheard and our Lord sayd These haue no maisters let euerie man returne into his house in peace † And the king of Israel sayd to Iosaphat did I not tel thee that this man did not prophecie me anie good but these thinges that be euil † But he sayd Heare ye therfore the word of our Lord I saw our Lord sitting in his throne and al the host of heauen assisting him on the right hand on the left † And our Lord sayd who shal deceiue Achab the king of Israel that he may goe vp and fal in Ramoth Galaad And when one sayd in this maner and an other otherwise † there came forth a spirit and stood before our Lord and sayd I wil deceiue him To whom our Lord sayd wherin wilt thou deceiue him † But he answered I wil goe forth and wil be a lying spirit in the mouth of al his prophetes And our Lord sayd Thou shalt deceiue and shalt preuaile goe forth and doe so † Now therfore behold our Lord hath geuen the spirit of lying in the mouth of al thy prophetes and our Lord hath spoken of thee euil thinges † And Sedecias the sonne of Chanaana came and stroke the cheeke of Micheas and sayd which way passed the spirit of our Lord from me that it should speake to thee † And Micheas sayd Thou thy self shalt see in that day when thou shalt enter into chamber out of chamber to be hid † And the king of Israel commanded saying Take Micheas and lead him to Amon the gouernour of the citie and to Ioab the sonne of Amelech † And you shal say Thus sayth the king Cast this felow into prison and giue him a litle bread and a litle water til I returne in peace † And Micheas sayd If thou returne in peace our Lord hath not spoken in me he sayd Heare al ye peoples † Therfore the king of Israel and Iosaphat the king of Iuda went vp into Ramoth Galaad † And the king of Israel sayd to Iosaphat I wil change my habite and so I wil goe to the fight but be thou clothed with thine owne garmentes And the king of Israel changing his habit came to the battel † And the king of Syria had commanded the captaynes of his horsemen saying Fight not agaynst the least or agaynst the greatest but agaynst the king of Israel only † Therfore when the princes of the horsemen saw Iosaphat they sayd This is the king of Israel And they compassed him fighting but he cried to our Lord and he holpe him and turned them away from him † For when the captaynes of the horsemen saw that is was not the king of Israel they lea●t him † And it chanced that one of the people shot an arrow at aduenture and stroke the king of Israel betwen the necke and the shoulders and he sayd to his cocher Turne thy hand and carie me out of the battel because I am wounded † And the fight was ended in that day moreouer the king of Israel stood in his chariote agaynst the Syrians vntil euening and died at the sunne sette CHAP. XIX Iosaphat being reproued by a prophet for yelding help to Achab 5. appoynteth Iudges in seueral cities admonishing them to doe iustice 8. exhorteth Priestes and Leuites to execute their sunctious carefully 11. Amarias High Priest directing and ruling in thinges belonging to God Zabedias general captayne gouerneth the kinges affayres AND Iosaphat the king of Iuda returned into his house peaceably into Ierusalem † Whom Iehu the sonne of Hanani the Seer mette and sayd to him To the impious man thou geuest ayde and to them that hate our Lord thou art ioyned in frendship and therfore thou didst deserue in deed the wrath of our Lord † but good workes are found in thee for that thou hast taken away the groues out of the land of Iuda and hast prepared thy hart to seeke our Lord the God of thy fathers † Iosaphat therfore dwelt in Ierusalem and he went forth to the people agayne from Bersabee vnto mount Ephraim and recalled them to our Lord the God of their fathers † And he appoynted iudges of the land in al the fensed cities of Iuda in euerie place † and commanding the iudges he sayd Take heede what you doe for you exercise not the iudgement of man but of our Lord and whatsoeuer you shal iudge it shal redound to you † Let the feare of our Lord be with you and with diligence doe al thinges for there is no iniquitie with the Lord our God nor acception of personnes nor desyre of giftes † In Ierusalem also Iosaphat appoynted Leuites and Priestes and princes of families of Israel that they should iudge the iudgement and cause of our Lord to the inhabitantes therof † And he commanded them saying Thus shal you doe in the feare of our Lord
his mother was Azuba the daughter of Selahi † And he walked in the way of his father Asa neither declined he from it doing the thinges that were pleasing before our Lord. † But yet the excelses he tooke not away and as yet the people had not directed their hart to our Lord the God of their fathers † But the rest of the actes of Iosaphat the first and the last are writen in the wordes of Iehu the sonne of Hanani which he disposed into the Bookes of the kinges of Israel † After these thinges Iosaphat the king of Iuda entered frendshipe with Ochozias the king of Israel whose workes were most impious † And he was partaker to make shippes which should goe into Tharsis and they made a nauie in Asiongaber † And Eliezer the sonne of Dodau of Maresa prophecied to Iosaphat saying Because thou hast had a league with Ochozias our Lord hath strooken thy workes and the shippes are broken neither could they goe into Tharsis CHAP XXI Iosaphat dieth and Ioram succeding killeth his owne brethren and some other chiefe men 6. reigneth wickedly 8. Edom and Lobua reuolt from him 12. Elias by letters forwarneth him of plagues 16. which falling vpon him he dieth after two yeares languishing and horrible disease AND Iosaphat slept with his fathers was buried with them in the Citie of Dauid and Ioram his sonne reigned for him † Who had brethren the sonnes of Iosaphat Azarias and Iahiel and Zacharias and Azarias and Michael and Saphatias al these were the sonnes of Iosaphat the king of Iuda † And their father gaue them manie giftes of siluer and of gold and pensions with the most fensed cities in Iuda but the kingdom he deliuered to Ioram because he was the first begotten † And Ioram rose ouer the kingdom of his father and when he had established himself he slew al his brethren with the sword and certain of the princes of Israel † Two and thirtie yeare old was Ioram when he began to reigne and he reigned eight yeares in Ierusalem † And he walked in the waies of the kinges of Israel as the house of Achab had done for Achabs daughter was his wife and he did euil in the sight of our Lord. † But our Lord would not destroy the house of Dauid for the couenant which he had made with him and because he had promised that he would geue him a lampe and to his sonnes for euer † In those daies Edom rebelled from being subiect to Iuda and made them selues a king † And when Ioram had passed with his princes and al the horsemen that were with him he rose in the night and stroke Edom which had compassed him and al the captaynes of his horsemen † But yet Edom rebelled from being vnder the dominion of Iuda vntil this day at that time Lobna also reuolted from being vnder his hand For he had forsaken our Lord the God of their fathers † moreouer he built also excelses in the cities of Iuda and he made the inhabitantes of Ierusalem to fornicate and Iuda to transgresse † And there were letters brought him from Elias the prophete in which was Writen Thus sayth our Lord the God of Dauid thy father Because thou hast not walked in the waies of Iosaphat thy father in the waies of Asa the king of Iuda † but hast gone by the waies of the kinges of Israel and hast made Iuda to fornicate and the inhabitantes of Ierusalem hauing imitated the fornication of the house of Achab moreouer also hast killed thy brethren the house of thy father better men then thou † behold our Lord wil strike thee with a great plague with al thy people and children and thy wiues and al thy substance † And thou shalt be sicke of a very sore disease of thy bealie til thy vital partes come forth by litle and litle euerie day † Our Lord therfore raised vp agaynst Ioram the spirit of the Philisthianes and of the Arabians which are borderers to the Aethiopians † and they went vp into the Land of Iuda and wasted it and they spoyled al the substance that was found in the kinges house moreouer also his sonnes and wiues neither was there a sonne left him but Ioachaz who was the yongest † And beside al these thinges our Lord stroke him with an incurable disease of the bealie † And when day succeded day and the spaces of times passed about the circuite of two yeares was complete and soe being wasted with a long comsumption soe that he voyded euen his very bowels he was ridde of the disease and of his life together And he died in an exceding vile infirmitie the people made him not exequies according to the maner of burning as they had done to his anceters † He was two and thirtie yeares old when he began to reigne and he reigned eight yeares in Ierusalem And he walked not rightly and they buried him in the Citie of Dauid but yet not in the sepulchre of the kinges CHAP. XXII Ochozias reigning one yeare 3. is slaine together with Ioram king of Israel by king Iehu 10. Athalia killeth the kinges children onlie Ioas being saued by his aunt and vsurpeth the kingdom six yeares AND the inhabitantes of Ierusalem made Ochozias his least sonne king for him for al the elders that had bene before him the rouers of the Arabians had slayne which inuaded the campe and Ochozias the sonne of Ioram the king of Iuda reigned † Two and fourtie yeares old was Ocohzias when he began to reigne and he reigned one yeare in Ierusalem and the name of his mother was Athalia the daughter of Amri † But he also went by the waies of the house of Achab for his mother forced him to doe impiously † He therfore did euil in the sight of our Lord as the house of Achab for they were his counselers after the death of his father to his destruction † And he walked in their counfels And he went forth with Ioram the sonne of Achab king of Israel into battel agaynst Hazael king of Syria into Ramoth Galaad and the Syrians wounded Ioram † Who returned to be cured into Iezrael for he had taken manie woundes in the foresayd battel Therfore Ochozias the sonne of Ioram king of Iuda went downe te visit Ioram the sonne of Achab in Iezrael being sicke † For it was the wil of God agaynst Ochozias that he should come to Ioram and when he was come he should goe out also against Iehu the sonne of Namsi whom our Lord anoynted to destroy the house of Achab. † When Iehu therfore ouerthrew the house of Achab he found the princes of Iuda and the sonne of the brethren of Ochozias which serued him and he slewe them † Searching also for Ochozias himself he tooke him lying hid in Samatia and being brought vnto him he killed him and they buried him because he was the sonne of Iosaphat who had sought our Lord in
punishing oftenders in that behalfe 3. Reg. 15. 4. Reg. 18. 23. they did the same without preiudice of the High Priestes suprem●cie in spirituall causes and their godlie actes make nothing for the English Paradox of Laiheadshippe For superior authoritie and ordinarie povvre is not proued by factes good or euil but rather by Gods ordinance and institution For as the factes of vsurpers make no lawfull prescription so neither the factes of good men do change Gods general ordinance and law But are done either by waie of execution or sometimes by dispensation Often also by commission and special inspiration of God As king Dauid by dispensation did eate the holie bread which was ordained for Priests onlie 1. Reg 21. He disposed of Priestes and Leuites offices about the Arke of God Par. 15. 19. by way of execution according to the law And of the like offices in the Temple when it should be built 1. Par. 23. 24. 25. 26. by diuine inspiration And Salomon by commission from God deposed Abiathar the High Priest from his office and put Sadoc in his place 3. Reg. 2. VVherefore albeit good kinges did excellentlie well in calling together the Priestes and disposing them in their offices for execution of Gods seruice yea in commanding what they should do 4. Reg. 18. 19. 22. and in punishing Priestes 4. Reg. 23. yet they did such thinges as Gods Commissioners not as ordinarie Superiors in spiritual causes and still the ordinarie subordination made by the law Deut. 17. Num. 27. stood firme and inuiolable the High Priest supreme Iudge of all doubtes in faith causes and quarels in religion when other subordinate inferior Iudges varied in their iudgmentes Of which offices Malachias the Propher cap. 2. admonished Priestes in his time that whereas they were negligent not performing their dutie their sinne was the greater for that their authoritie stil remained and the perpetual Rule of the lavv that the lippes of the Priest shal kepe knowlege and they other men generally shal require the law of his mouth because he is the Angel of the Lord of hostes And al Princes others were to receiue the law at the priestes hād of the Leuitical Tribe This vvas the vvarrant of stabilitie in truth of the Synagogue in the old Testament Much more the Church and Spouse of Christ vvhose excellencie and singular priuileges Salomon describeth in his canticle of canticles hath such vvarrant Of this spouse al the Prophets write that more pla●nlie then of Christ himselfe forseing more aduersaries bending their forces against her as S. Augustine obserueth then against Christ her head And the same holie father in manie places teacheth that she neither perisheth nor loseth her beutie for the mixture of euil members in respect of whom she is blacke but fayre in respect of the good Canti● 1. Notwithstanding therfore sinners remaining within the Church schismatikes and heretickes breaking from the Church stil she remaineth the pillar and firmament of truth the virgin daughter of Sion THE ARGVMENT OF THE BOOKES OF ESDRAS ESDRAS a holie Priest and Scribe of the stocke of Aaron by the line of Eleazar vvriteth the historie of Gods people in and presently after their captiuitie in Babilon vvhich Nehemias an other godlie Priest prosecuteth vvhose booke is also called the second of Esdras because in the Hebrevv and Greke they are but one booke relating the acts of them both The other two books called the third and fourth of Esdras touching the same matter are not in the Hebrew nor receiued into the Canon of holie Scripture though the Greke Church hold the third booke as Canonicall and pla●eth it first because it conteyneth thinges donne before the other In the two here folowing vvhich are vndoubtedly holie Scripture S. Ierom sayth that Esdras and Nehemias to witte the Helper and Comforter from God restored the Temple and built the walles of the citie adding that al the troope of the people returning into their countrie also the description of Priestes Leuites Israelites Proselites and the workes of walles and to wres diuided by seueral families aliud in cortice praeferunt aliud in medulla retinent shew one thing in the barke kepe an other thing in the marrow signifying that this historie hath both a literal and a mystical sense According to the letter this first booke shevveth the reduction of Gods people from Babylon In the first six chapters In the other soure their instruction by Esdras after their returne THE FIRST BOOKE OF ESDRAS CHAP. I. Cyrus king of Persia moued by divine inspiration releaseth Gods people from captiuitie with license to returne and build the Temple in Ierusalem 7. restoring the holie vessel which Nabuchodonesor had taken from thence IN THE first yeare of Cyrus king of the Persians that the word of our Lord by the mouth of Ieremie might be accomplishd our Lord raysed vp the spirit of Cyrus king of Persians and he made proclamation in al his kingdom yea by wryting saying † Thus sayth Cyrus king of the Persians Al the kingdomes of the earth hath the Lord the God of heauen geuen me he hath commanded me that I should build him a house in Ierusalem which is in Iewrie † Who is there among you of al his people His God be with him Let him goe vp into Ierusalem which is in Iewrie and build the house of the Lord the God of Israel he is the God that is in Ierusalem † And let al the rest in al places whersoeuer they dwel let euery man of his place helpe him with siluer and gold and substance and cattel besides that which they offer voluntarily to the temple of God which is in Ierusalem † And there rose vp the princes of the fathers of Iuda and Beniamin the Priestes and Leuites and euerie one whose spirit God raysed vp to goe vp to build the temple of our Lord which was in Ierusalem † And al that were round about did helpe their handes in vessels of siluer and of gold in substance and beastes in furniture besides those thinges which they had offered voluntarily † King Cyrus also brought forth the vessels of the temple of our Lord which Nabuchodonosor had taken of Ierusalem and had put them in the temple of his God † But Cyrus the king of Persians brought them forth by the hand of Mithridates the sonne of Gazabar numbred them to Sassabasar the prince of Iuda † And this is the number of them Phials of gold thirtie phials of siluer a thousand kniues twentie nine goblettes of gold thirtie † goblettes of siluer of the second order foure hundred tenne other vessels a thousand † Al the vessels of gold and siluer fiue thousand foure hundred Sassabasar tooke al with them that went vp from the transmigration of Babylon into Ierusalem CHAP. II. The names and number of special men which returned vnder the conduct of Zorobabel into lerusalem 66.
finding Gabelus gaue him his hand writing and receiued of him al the money † And he told him of Tobias the sonne of Tobias al thinges that were done and made him come with him to the mariage † And when he was entered into Raguels house he found Tobias sitting at the table and he leaping vp they kissed ech other and Gabelus wept and blessed God † and sayd The God of Israel blesse thee because thou art the sonne of a verie good man and iust and that feareth God and doth almes deedes † and blessing be geuen vpon thy wife and vpon your parentes † that you may see your children and your childrens children vnto the third fourth generation and your seede be blessed of the God of Israel who reigneth fereuer and euer † And when al had sayd Amen they went to the feast but with the feare of our Lord also did they celebrate the feast of the mariage CHAP. X. The parentes lament the long absence of their sonne Tobias 8 whom when Raguel can not perswade to stay longer 11. he wisheth much good vnto him and his wife admonishing her to be dutiful in al thinges BVT when Tobias taried long “ because of the mariage Tobias his father was careful saying Why thinkest thou doth my sonne tarie or why is he held there † Is Gabelus dead thinkest thou and no man wil restore him the money † And he began to be sorowful exceedingly him selfe and Anna his wife with him and they began both to weepe together because their sonne did not returne to them the day appointed † His mother therfore wept with discomfortable teares and sayd Woe woe is me my sonne why sent we thee to goe to a strange countrie the light of our eies the staffe of our old age the comforte of our life the hope of our posteritie † We hauing al things together in thee onlie ought not to haue let thee goe from vs. † To whom Tobias said Hold thy peace and be not trubled our sonne is safe that man with whom we sent him is faithful ynough † Howbeit she could by no meanes be comforted but dayly running out looked about and went about al waies by which there seemed hope he would returne that she might see him a far of if it were possible coming † But Raguel sayd to his sonne in law Tarie here and I wil send a messenger to Tobias thy father that thou art in health † To whom Tobias sayd I know that my father my mother do now count the dayes and their spirite is tormented in them † And when Raguel desired Tobias in manie wordes and ●e by no meanes would heare him he deliuered Sara vnto him and the halfe part of al his substance in men seruantes wemen seruantes in cattel in camels and in kine and in much money and dismist him safe and ioyful from him † saying The holie Angel of our Lord be in your iourney and bring you through safe and that you may finde al thinges wel about your parentes and myn eies may see your children before I die † And the parentes taking their daughter kissed her and let her goe † admonishing her to honour her father and mother in law to loue her husband to rule the houshold to gouerne the house and to shewe her selfe irreprehensible ANNOTATIONS CHAP. VI. VII VIII IX X. 1. Taried long because of the Mariage Out of this example of a holie Mariage betwen yong Tobias and Sara described in the fiue precedent chapters some special good lessons may be briefly gathered for the instruction consolation of such as are to marie or be already maried Not that either al or onlie the same obseruations perteyne now to christian Mariage but that al Christianes may see how orderly godlie persons proceded in making and performing this holie contract in the old Testament and therby lerne that more perfection is required in Christian Matrimonie being now as then it is was not a holie Sacrament signifying the Vnion betwen Christ his Church and geuing peculiar Grace to the parties if themselues hinder it not to beare more easily the incident burdens and rightly to fulfil the proper duties of man and wife according to the godlie instruction of the Roman Catechisme Al that we shal here note may be reduced to two heades or principal partes For in this Mariage there were certaine necessarie and as it were essential pointes without which it had not benne a lawful nor right contract Other accessarie ceremonies and Rites were also very conuenient for the more solemnitie and better performance therof As the like of both sortes are now but more perfect in Christian Mariages In the former kind first of al the end of Mariage was proposed by the Angel and desired by the parties chap. 6. v. 22. c. 8. v. 9. not for pleasure but for children and posteritie by vvhich God might be blessed and serued Secondly Mariage must be betvven lavvful personnes For the seruantes of God could not lawfully match neither with Infideles nor with ouer nere kinred but in conuenient degrees and that ordinarily in the same Tribe ch 6. v. 11. ch 7. v 14. as the law of Moyses prescribed Thirdly the parties must geue and expresse their mutual consent and the good wil of parentes was also requisite ch 7. v. 10. 15. 20. These principal pointes premised for the due solemnization other Rites were also adioyned First Raguel the maides father gaue his daughter taking her by the right hand and so deliuered her into the right hand of Tobias ch 7. v 15. as with vs the father or nere freind of the woman geueth her to be maried to such a man Secondly her father prayed that it might wel succede ibidem and so do al freindes now especially the Priest by the publique prayers of the Church The third rite the couenantes of Mariage were made with assigment of dawrie also vvritten ch 7. v. 16 sealed as the Hebrew and Greke text witnesse The fourth Inuitation of freindes to the Mariage ch 8. v. 2. ch 9. v 3. The fifth They made a feast which commonly dured seuen dayes but here fourtene ch 8 v. 23. for the duble ioy of the mariage and expulsion of the diuel But though the feast continued long yet was it most moderate and sober vvith feare of our Lord they celebrated the feast of the Mariage ch 9. v 1● Plato a heathen Philosopher li. 6 de le●ibus prescribeth what temperance in meate drinke and what modestie of behauiour are required in mariage feastes VVhose eccellent sentence F. Serarius in Tob. 10. reciteth The sixth rite the bringing of the bride to her chamber chap 7 v 19 the Catholique Church hath a particular forme of blessing the bridal chamber The seuenth Tobias Sara obserued three dayes continencie after the Mariage ch 6. v. 18. ch 8. v. 4. which now is commended by way of
counsel not of precept The eight Tobias obserued that which the Angel aduised him in burning the liuer of the fish vpon coales in their chamber ch 6. v. 19. ch 8 v. 2. So deuout persons commonly obserue that which spiritual men exhort them vnto though it be not a commandment The ninth Priuate prayer of the new maried persons ch 6. v 18. c. 8. v. 4. The tenth the sending away of the spouse to her husbands house or dwelling place with good wishes due payment of the promised dawrie and godlie admonitions by her parentes ch 10. v. 10. 11. 12. 13. CHAP. XI ●eauing Sara with the rest of the companie and the flocke to folow the Angel Raphael and Tobias goe before 5. are ioyfully receiued 8. Tobias annointeth his fathers eyes with the fishes gal and he seeth 18. Sara arriueth seuen dayes after with her familie and cattle AND when they returned they came to Charan which is in the middeway agaynst Niniue the eleuenth day † And the Angel said Brother Tobias thou knowest how thou didest leaue thy farher † If it please thee therfore let vs goe be ore and let the families folow softly after vs together with thy wife and with the beastes † And when this pleased him that they should goe Raphael said to Tobias Take with thee of the gal of the fish for it shal be necessarie Tobias therfore tooke of that gal and they departed † But Anna sate beside the way dayly in the toppe of a hil from whence she might see afar of † And whiles she watched his coming out of that place she saw afar of and by and by perceiued her sonne coming and running she told her husband saying Behold thy sonne cometh † And Raphael said to Tobias But when thou art entred into thy house forthwith adore our Lord thy God and geuing thankes to him goe to thy father and kisse him † And immediatly annointe vpon his eies of this gal of the fish which thou cariest with thee For know thou that forthwith his eies shal be opened and thy father shal see the light of heauen and shal reioice in the sight of thee † Then ranne the dogge before which had beene with them in the way and coming as it were a messenger with the fawning of his tayle reioysed † And his father that was blind rysing vp began to runne stumbling with his feete and geuing a seruant his hand went to meete his sonne † And receiuing him kissed him with his wife and they began both to weepe for ioy † And when they had adored God and geuen thankes they sate downe together † Then Tobias taking of the gal of the fish annoynted his fathers eies † And he stayed as it were almost halfe an houre the white ble●●●h began to come out of his eies as it were the skine of an egge † Which Tobias taking drewe from his eies and immediatly he receiued sight † And they glorified God to wit himselfe and his wife and al that knewe him † And Tobias said I blesse thee Lord God of Israel because thou hast chastised me and thou hast saued me and behold I see Tobias my sonne † After seuen dayes also came in Sara his sonnes wife and al the familie safe and cattel and the camels and much money of his wiues and that money also which he had receiued of Gabelus † and he told his parentes al the benefites of God which he had done to him by the man that conducted him † And Achior and Nabath Tobias sisters sonnes came reioysing at Tobias and congratulating him for al good thinges that God had shewed towards him † And for seuen daies making good chere they reioysed al with great ioy CHAP XII Old Tobias and his sonne offer the half of al the goodes which they had newly receiued to Raphael for his wages 6. VVho then declareth to them that he was sent from God to helpe them 15. and that he is an Angel ●0 He parteth ● way and they render thankes to God THEN Tobias called to him his sonne and sayd to him What may we geue to this holie man that is come with thee † Tobias answering sayd to his father Father what reward shal we geue him or what can be worthie of his benefittes † He hath led me and brought me agayne safe he receiued the money of Gabelus he caused me to haue my wife and the euil spirit he chased from her he made ioy vnto her parentes my self he deliuered from being deuoured of the fish thee also he hath made to see the light of heauen and we are replenished with al good things by him What can we geue him worthie for these things † But I beseech thee my father that thou desire him if perhaps he wil voutsafe to take vnto him the one halfe of al thinges which are brought † And they calling him to wit the father and the sonne tooke him aside began to desire him that he would voutsafe to accept the halfe part of al thinges that they had brought † Then he sayd to them secretely Blesse ye the God of heauen and before al that liue confesse to him because he hath done mercie with you † For to hide the secrete of a king is good but to reueale confesse the workes of God is an honorable thing † Prayer is good with fasting and almes rather then to lay vp treasures of gold † because almes deliuereth from death and that is it which purgeth sinnes and maketh to finde mercie and life euerlasting † But they that committe sinne and iniquitie are enemies to their owne soule † I open therfore vnto you the truth and I wil not hide from you the secrete word † When thou didst pray with teares and didst burie the dead and leaft thy dinner and didest hide the dead by day in thy house and by night didst burie them “ I offered thy prayer to our Lord. † And because thou wast acceptable to God it was necessarie that tentation should proue thee † And now our Lord sent me to cure thee and to deliuer Sara thy sonnes wife from the diuel † For I am Raphael an Angel one of the seuen which assist before our Lord. † And when they had heard these thinges they were trubled trembling fel vpon the ground on their face † And the Angel sayd to them Peace be to you feare not † For when I was with you by the wil of God I was so blesse ye him and sing to him † I seemed indeede to eate with you and to drinke but I vse an inuisible meate and drinke which can not be seene of men † It is time therfore that I returne to him that sent me but blesse ye God and tel al his maruelous workes † And when he had sayd these things he was taken from their sight and they could see him no more † Then prostrate for three houres vpon their
thou know that we are ignorant of what doest thou vnderstand that we know not † There are both oldmen and ancientes among vs much elder then thy fathers † Is it a great matter that God should comforth thee but thy naughtie wordes hinder it † Why doth thy hart eleuate thee and as thinking great thinges hast thou estonied eies † Why doeth thy spirit swel agaynst God to vtter such wordes out of thy mouth † What is man that he should be without spot and that the borne of a woman should appeare iust † Behold among his sainctes none is immutable and the heauens are not cleane in his sight † How much more is man abominable and vnprofitable who drinketh iniquitie as it were water † I wil shew thee heare me that which I haue seene I wil tel thee † Wisemen confesse and hide not their fathers † To whom onlie the earth was geuen and stranger hath not passed by them † The impious is proud al his daies and the number of the yeares of his tyrannie is vncertaine † The sound of terrour is alwaies in his eares and when there is peace he alwaies suspecteth treason † He beleueth not that he may returne from darkenesse to light looking round about for the sword on euerie side † When he shal moue himself to seeke bread he knoweth that the day of darkenesse is prepared in his hand † Tribulation shal terrifie him and distresse shal compasse him as a king that is prepared to battel † For he hath stretched his hand against God and is strengthened against the Omnipotent † He hath runne against him with necke set vp right and is armed with a fatte necke † Fatnesse hath couered his face and from his sides there hangeth tallow † He hath dwelt in desolate cities and in desert houses that are brought into hillockes † He shal not be enriched neither shal his substance continew neither shal he put his roote in the earth † He shal not depart out of darkenes the flame shal drie his boughes and he shal be taken away with the spirit of his owne mouth † He shal not beleeue vainely deceiued with errour that he may be redemed with anie price † Before his daies be accomplished he shal perish and his handes shal wither † His cluster in the first flower shal be hurt as a vine and as the oliue tree casting his flower † For the congregation of the hypocrite is barren and fire shal deuoure their tabernacles which gladly take giftes † He conceiued sorow and hath brought forth iniquitie and his wombe preprareth guiles CHAP. XVI Iob moued by his importune freindes 4. expostulateth their seueritie 12. further describeth his afflictions and appealeth to Gods iudgement that he suffereth more then his sinnes deserue BVT Iob answering sayd † I haue heard often times such things heauie conforters you are al. † Shal wordes ful of winde haue an end or is anie thing trublesome to thee if thou speake † I also could speake thinges like to you and would God your soule were for my soule † I also would confort you with wordes and would wag my head vpon you † I would strengthen you with my mouth and would moue my lippes as sparing you † But what shal I doe If I speake my paine wil not rest and if I hold my peace it wil not depart from me † But now my sorow hath oppressed me and al my limmes are brought to nothing † My wrinkles giue testimonie against me and a false speaker is raysed vp against my face contradicting me † He hath gathered his furie vpon me and threatening me hath gna●hed against me with his teeth mine enemy hath beheld me with terrible eies † They haue opened their mouthes vpon me and exprobating haue strooken my cheke they are filled with my paines † God hath shut me vp with the wicked man and hath deliuered me to the hands of the impious † I sometime that welthie one sodenly am broken he hath held my necke broken me and set me to himself as it were a marke † He hath compassed me with his speares he hath wounded my loynes he hath not spared and hath powred out on the earth my bowels † He hath cut me with wound vpon wound he hath come violently vpon me as it were a giant † I haue sowed sackcloth vpon my skinne and haue couered my flesh with ashes † My face is swollen with weeping and my eyeliddes are dimme † These thinges haue I suffred without the iniquitie of my hand wheras I had cleane prayers to God † Earth couer not my bloud neither let my crie find place in thee to be hid † For behold my witnesse is in heauen and he that knoweth my conscience on high † My freindes ful of wordes mine eie distilleth vnto God † And would God a man might so be iudged with God as the sonne of man is iudged with his companion † For behold the short yeares passe away and I walke the path by the which I shal not returne CHAP. XVII For the greuousnes of his paine Iob expecteth speedie death 4. chargeth his freindes with folie for holding only remuneration in this life 6. himself hopeth happie rest in the other World MY spirit shal be extenuated my daies shal be shortened and the graue only remaineth for me † I haue not sinned and mine eie abideth in bitternesse † Deliuer me and set me beside thee and let anie mans hand fight against me † Thou hast made their hart far from discipline and therfore they shal not be exalted † He promiseth a praye to his felowes and the eies of his children shal faile † He hath set me as it were for a prouerbe of the comon people and I am an example before them † Mine eie is dimne for indignation and my members are brought as it were to nothing † The iust shal be astonied vpon this and the innocent shal be raised vp against the hypocrite † And the iust shal hold his way and with cleane handes shal adde strength † Be al you therfore conuerted and come and I shal not finde among you anie wiseman † My daies haue passed my cogitations are dissipated tormenting my hart † Night they haue turned into day and againe after darkenesse I hope for light † If I shal expect hel is my house and in darkenesse I haue made my bed † I haue sayd to rottenes Thou art my father my mother and my sister to wormes † Where is now then my expectation and my patience who considereth † Al my thinges shal descend into most deepe hel there at the least shal I haue rest thinkest thou CHAP. XVIII Baldad setteth vpon Iob againe chargeing him with present impatience and former impietie 6. and that therfore he suffereth worthie punishment BVT Baldad the Suhite answering sayd † How long wil ye speake vaunting wordes vnderstand ye first and so let vs speake † Why
continew his grace and protection against the malice of the enimie 5. Recounteth Gods mercie in deliuering him from falling into tentations 6. prayeth for the same in old age or weakenes of bodie and spirite 20. and promiseth perpetual gratitude and praises A Psalme for Dauid of the sonnes of Ionadab and the former captiues IN thee ô Lord I haue hoped let me not be confounded for euer † in thy iustice deliuer me and receiue me Incline thine eare to me and saue me † Be vnto me for a God protector and for a fensed place that thou maist saue me Because thou art my firmament and my refuge † My God deliuer me out of the hand of the sinner and ou● of the hand of him that doth aganst the law and of the vniust Because thou art my patience ô Lord my hope from my youth † Vpon thee haue I bene confirmed from the wombe from my mothers bellie thou art my protector In thee is my singing alwaies † I was made to manie as a wonder and thou art a strong helper † Let my mouth be filled with praise that I may sing thy glorie al the day thy greatnes † Reiect me not in the time of olde age when my strength shal ●aile forsake me not † Because mine enimies haue said to me and they that watched my soule consulted together † Saying God hath forsaken him pursew and take him because there is none to deliuer † O God be not farre from me my God haue respect to mine ayde † Let them be confounded and fayle that detract from my soule let them be couered with confusion and shame that seeke euils to me † But I wil alwaies hope and wil adde vpon al thy praise † My mouth shal shew forth thy iustice al the day thy saluation Because I haue not knowne lerning I wil enter into the powres of our Lord † ô Lord I wil be mindful of thy iustice onely † O God thou hast taught me from my youth and vntil now I wil pronounce thy meruelous workes † And vnto ancient age and olde age ô God forsake me not Vntil I shew forth thy arme to al the generation that is to come Thy might † and thy iustice ô God euen to the highest great meruailes which thou hast done ô God who may be like to thee † How great tribulations hast thou shewed me manie and euil and turning thou hast quickened me and from the depthes of the earth thou hast brought me backe againe † Thou hast multiplied thy magnificence and being turned thou hast comforted me † For I also wil confesse to thee in the instruments of Psalme thy truth ô God I wil sing to thee on the harpe holie one of Israel † My lippes shal reioyce when I shal sing to thee and my soule which thou hast redemed † Yea and my tongue al the day shal meditate thy iustice when they shal be confounded and ashamed that seeke euils to me PSALME LXXI By way of prayer the Psalmist prophecieth Christs coming our King and Iudge 4. the deliuerer of mankind from the thraldom of the diuel ● the greatnes of his spiritual kingdom in the Gentiles 16. and his continual glorie and praise Concerning Salomon O God giue thy iudgement to the king and thy iustice to the sonne of the king To iudge thy people in iustice and thy poore in iudgement † Let the mountains receiue peace for the people and the litle hilles iustice † He shal iudge the poore of the people and shal saue the children of the poore and he shal humble the calumniator † And he shal continew with the sunne and before the moone in generation and generation † He shal descend as rayne vpon a fleece and as droppes distilling vpon the earth † There shal rise in his dayes iustice and aboundance of peace vntil the moone be taken away † And he shal rule from sea vnto sea and from the riuer euen to the ends of the round world † Before him shal the Aethiopians fal downe and his enimies shal lick the earth † The kinges of Tharsis and the Ilands shal offer presentes the kings of the Arabians and of Saba shal bring giftes † And al kinges of the earth shal adore him al nations shal serue him † Because he shal deliuer the poore from the mightie and the poore which had no helper † He shal spare the poore and needy and he shal saue the soules of the poore † From vsuries and iniquitie he shal redeme their soules and their name shal be honorable before him † And he shal liue and there shal be giuen him of the gold of Arabia and they shal adore it alwaies al the day they shal blesse him † And there shal be a firmament in the earth in the toppes of mountanes the fruite therof shal be extolled farre aboue Libanus and they shal florish of the citie as the grasse of the earth † Be his name blessed for euer before the sunne his name is permanent And al the tribes of the earth shal be blessed in him al nations shal magnifie him † Blessed be our Lord the God of Israel who only doth meruelous thinges † And blessed be the name of his maiestie for euer and al the earth shal be filled with his maiestie Be it be it † The praises of Dauid the sonne of Iesse are ended PSALME LXXII The royal prophet first professing the vnspeakable goodnes of God 2. in the person of the weake complaineth that the wicked prosper and the iust are afflicted 15. reprehendeth the murmuration for though we can not comprehend the secrete iudgements of God 18. yet they are most iust 25. So with desire to rest in God he promiseth euer to praise him A Psalme to Asaph HOW good is God to Israel to them that are of a right hart † But my feete were almost moued my steppes almost slipped † Because I haue had zele vpon the wicked seing the peace of sinners † Because there is no respect to their death and stabilitie in ther plague † In the labours of men they are not and with men they shal not be scourged † Therfore hath pride helde them they are couered with their iniquitie and impietie † Their iniquitie hath proceded as it were of fatte they haue passed into the affection of the hart † They haue thought and haue spoken wickednes they haue spoken iniquitie on high † They haue sette their mouth vnto heauen ad their tongue hath passed in the earth † Therfore wil my people returne here and ful daies shal be found in them † And they haue saide How doth God know and is there knowledge in the highest † Loe the sinners them selues and they that abounde in
that he might saue al the meeke of the earth † Because the cogitation of man shal confesse to thee and the remanes of the cogitation shal keepe festiual day to thee † Vowe ye and render to our Lord your God al ye that round about him bring giftes To the terrible † and him that taketh away the spirite of princes terrible to the kinges of the earth PSALME LXXVI Anie faithful deuout person meditating Gods benefites 7. examineth his cōscience that nothing be in his soule that may offend God Who is alwayes readie to forgeue 11. and therfore he stil reneweth his purpose to serue God sincerly 15. particularly remembring the deliuerie of Israel from Aegypt Vnto the end for Idithun a psalme to Asaph † VVith my voice I haue cried to our Lord with my voice to God and he attended to me † In the day of my tribulation I sought God with my handes in the night before him and I was not deceiued My soule refused to be comforted † I was mindeful of God and was delighted and was exercised and my spirite fainted Myne eies preuented the watches I was trubled spake not † I thought vpon old daies and the eternal yeares I had in minde † And I meditated in the night with my hart and I was exercised and I swept my spirite Why wil God reiect for euer or wil he not adde to be better pleased as yet † Or wil he cutte of his mercie for euer from generation vnto generation † Or wil God forget to haue mercie or wil he in his wrath keepe in his mercies And I sayde Now haue I begune this is the change of the right hand of the Highest † I haue bene mindful of the workes of our Lord because I wil be mindful from the beginning of thy meruelous workes † And I wil meditate in al thy workes and in thy inuentions I wil be exercised † O God in the holie is thy way what God is great as our God † thou art the God that doest meruelous thinges Thou hast made thy powre knowne among peoples † thou hast with thine arme redemed thy people the children of Iacob and Ioseph † The waters saw thee ô God the waters saw thee and they were afrayd and the depthes were trubled † A multitude of the sounding of waters the cloudes gaue a voice For in deede arrowes doe passe † the voice of thy thunder in a wheele Thy lightenings shined to the rounde world the earth was moued and trubled † Thy way in the sea and thy pathes in many waters and thy steppes shal not be knowne † Thou hast conducted thy people as sheepe in the hand of moyses and Aaron PSALME LXXVII The royal prophet exhorting the people to attend 5. reciteth manie great benefites of God towards their forefathers whose ingratitude often rebellion and chatisement he stil noteth 9. as in their entrance into the land of Chanaan 12. also before the same in Aegypt and in the desort 42. How God plagued the Aegyptians 52. protected and conducted his people into the promised land 56. where likewise they often offended were punished 65. yet were stil conserued 69. and the tribe of Inde exalted in king Dauid Vnderstanding to Asaph MY people attend ye to my law incline your eare vnto the wordes of my mouth † I wil open my mouth in parables I wil speake propositions from the beginning † How great thinges haue we heard and haue knowne them and our fathers haue told vs. † They were not hid from their children in an other generation Telling the prayses of our Lord and his powers and his meruelous workes which he hath done † And he raised vp a testimonie in Iacob and made a law in Israel How great thinges he commanded our fathers to make the same knowne to their children † that an other generation may know The children that shal be borne and shal rise vp and shal tel their children † That they may put their hope in God and may not forget the workes of God and may seeke after his commandmentes † That they become not as their fathers a peruerse generation and exasperating A generation that hath not directed their hart their spirit hath not bene faithful towards God † The children of Ephrem bending and shooting with bow were turned in the day of battel † They kept not the testament of God and in his law they would not walke † And they forgate his benefites and his meruelous workes which he shewed them † Before their fathers he did meruelous thinges in the land of Aegypt in the filde of Tanis † He diuided the sea brought them through and he made the waters to stand as in a bottle † And he conducted them in a cloude by day and al the night by light of fire † He stroke the rocke in the desert and gaue them water to drinke as in a great depth † And he broughtforth water out of the rocke and made waters runne downe as riuers † And they added as yet to sinne vnto him they prouoked the Highest to wrath in the place without water † And they tempted God in their hartes so that they asked meats for their liues † And they spake euil of God they saide Can God prepare a table in the desert † Because he stroke the rocke and waters ranne torrentes flowed Can he also giue bread or prepare a table for his people † Therfore our Lord heard and made delay and fire was kindled in Iacob and wrath ascended vpon Israel † Because they beleued not in God nor hoped in his saluation † And he commanded the cloudes from aboue and opened the gates of heauen † And he rayned them Manna to eate and bread of heauen he gaue to them † Bread of Angels did man eate he sent them victuals in abundance † He transported the Southwinde from heauen and in his powre he brought in the Southwestwinde † And he rayned vpon them flesh as dust and as the sand of the sea fethered fowles † And they fel in the middes of their campe about their tabernacles † And they did eate and were filled excedingly and their desire he brought to them † They were not defrauded of their desire As yet their meats were in their mouth † And the wrath of God ascended vpon them And he killed their fat ones and the chosen of Israel he hindered † In al these things they sinned as yet and they beleued not in his meruelous workes † And their daies failed in vanitie and their years in hast † When he slew them they sought him and they returned and early they came to him † And they
Iacob and his place they haue made desolate † Remember not our old iniquities let thy mercies quickly preuent vs because we are become exceding poore † Help vs ô God our sauiour and for the glorie of thy name ô Lord deliuer vs and be propicious to our sinnes for thy names sake † Lest they say perhaps amongst the Gentiles where is their God and be notified in the nations before our eies The reuenge of the bloud of thy seruants which hath benne shed † let the groning of thefettered enter in thy sight According to the greatnes of thine arme possesse thou the children of them that are put to death † And render to our neighboures seuenfold in their bosome their reproch where with they haue reproched thee ô Lord. † But we thy people and the sheepe of thy pasture wil confesse to thee for euer Vnto generation and generation we wil shew forth thy praise PSALME LXXIX The Prophet prayeth for the release of Israel in great tribulation 15. forsheweth the coming of Christ to redeme man from sinne and from thraldome of the diuel † Vnto the end for them that shal be changed testimonie to Asaph a Psalme † Thou that rulest Israel attend that conductest Ioseph as a sheepe Which sittest vpon the cherubs be manifest † before Ephraim Beniamin and Manasses Raise vp thy might and come to saue vs. † O God conuert vs and shew thy face we shal be saued † O Lord the God of hostes how long wilt thou be angrie vpon the prayer of thy seruant † Thou wilt feede vs with the bread of teares and giue vs drinke with teares in mesure † Thou hast made vs to be a contradiction to our neigh boures and our enimies haue scorned vs. † O God of hosts conuert vs and shew thy face and we shal be saued † Thou didst transport the vineyeard out of Aegypt thou didst cast out the Gentiles and plantedst it † Thou wast the guide of the way in the sight therof thou didst plant the rootes therof and it filled the earth † The shadow of it couered the mountanes and the bowghes of it the ceders of God † It extended her branches euen to the sea and her boughes vnto the riuer † Why hast thou destroyed the hedge therof and al that passe by the way doe plucke it † The boare of the wood hath destroyed it and the singular wilde beest hath eaten it † O God of hoasts returne regard from heauen and see and visite this vineyeard † And perfite it which thy right hand hath planted and vpon the sonne of man whom thou hast confirmed to thee † Thinges burnt with fyre and digged doune at the increpation of thy countenance shal perish † Let thy hand be vpon the man of thy right hand and vpon the sonne of man whom thou hast confirmed to thee † And we depart not from thee thou wilt quicken vs and we wil inuocate thy name † O Lord the God of hoastes conuert vs and shew thy face and we shal be saued PSALME LXXX Al men are inuited to celebrate festiual dayes 6. which were instituted in memorie of benefites receiued 9. the deuent shal be protected and the negligent leift in distresse † Vnto the end for wine presses a Psalme to Asaph him self † REioice to God our helper make Iubilation to the God of Iacob † Take ye Psalme and giue timbrel pleasant Psalter with the harpe † Sound ye with trumpet in the new moone in the notable day of your solemnitie † Because it is a precept in Israel and iudgement to the God of Iacob † He put it for a testimonie in Ioseph when he came out of the Land of Aegypt he heard a tongue which he knew not He turned away his backe from burdens his handes serued in baskettes † In tribulation thou didest inuocate me and I heard thee I heard thee in the secret of the tempest I proued thee at the water of contradiction † Heare ô my people and I wil contest thee Israel if thou wilt heare me † There shal be no new God in thee neither shalt thou adore a strange God † For I am the Lord thy God which brought thee out of the land of Aegypt dilate thy mouth and I wil fil it † And my People heard not my voice and Israel attended not to me † And I let them alone according to the desires of their hart they shal goe in their owne inuentions † If my people had heard me if Israel had walked in my wayes † I had for nothing perhaps humbled their enimies and had laide my hand vpon those that afflict them † The enimies of our Lord haue lied to him and their time shal be for euer † And he fedde them of the fatte of corne and out of the rocke with honie he filled them PSALME LXXXI The Prophet declareth 2. that God reprehendeth vniust Iudges and Magistrates premonisheth them of his seuere eternal punishment 8. wherto the prophet conforming his wil prayeth for the same † A Psalme to Asaph GOd stood in the assemblie of goddes and in the middes he iudgeth goddes † How long iudge ye iniquitie and accept ye the persons of sinners † Iudge ye for the needie and the pupil iustifie ye the humble and the poore † Take away the poore and deliuer the needie from the hand of the sinner † They knew not neither did they vnderstand they walke in darkenesse al the fundations of the earth shal be moued † I saide Yow are goddes and the sonnes of the highest al. † But you shal die as men and fal as one of the princes † Arise ô God iudge the earth because thou shalt inherite in al the Gentiles PSALME LXXXII The Church impugned by al sortes of enimies 10. prayeth God to confound them as the hath donne diuers the like 17. wherby some shal be conuerted † A Canticle of Psalme to Asaph O God who shal be like to thee hold not thy peace neither be thou appeased ô God † For behold thine enimies haue made a sound they that hate thee haue lifted vp the head † They haue taken malignant counsel vpon thy people and they haue deuised against thy saincts † They haue saide Come and let vs destroy them out of the nation and let the name of Israel be remembred no more † Because they haue deuised with one consent they haue together made a couenant against thee † The tabernacles of the Idumeians and the Ismahelites Moab and the Agarens † Gebal and
day soeuer I am in tribulation incline thine eare to me In what day soeuer I shal inuocate thee heare me speedely † Because my dayes haue vanished as smoke and my bones are withered as a drie burnt firebrand † I am striken as grasse and my hart is withered because I haue forgotten to eate my bread † For the voyce of my groning my bone hath cleaued to my flesh † I am become like a pellicane of the wildernes I am become as a nightcrow in the house † I haue watched and am become as a sparow solitarie in the housetoppe † Al the day did mine enemies vpbrayde me and they that praysed me sware against me † Because I did eate ashes as bread mingled my drinke with weeping † At the face of thy wrath and indignation because lifting me vp thou hast throwne me downe † My daies haue declined as a shadow and I am withered as grasse † But thou ô Lord endurest for euer and thy memorial in generation and generation † Thou rysing vp shal haue mercie on Sion because it is time to haue mercie on it because the time cometh † Because the stones therof haue pleased thy seruantes and they shal haue pittie on the earth therof † And the Gentiles shal feare thy name ô Lord and al the kinges of the earth thy glorie † Because our Lord hath built Sion and he shal be seene in his glorie † He hath had respect to the prayer of the humble and he hath not despised their petition † Let these thinges be written vnto an other generation and the people that shal be created shal praise our Lord. † Because he hath looked forth from his high holie place our Lord from heauen hath looked vpon the earth † That he might heare the gronings of the fettered that he might loose the children of them that are slayne † That they may shewforth the name of our Lord in Sion and his praise in Ierusalem † In the assembling of the people together in one and kinges to serue our Lord. † He answered him in the way of his strength Shew me the fewnes of my daies † Cal me not backe in the halfe of my daies thy yeares are vnto generation and generation † In the beginning ô Lord thou didst found the earth and the heauens are the workes of thy hands † They shal perish but thou art permanent and they shal al waxe old as a garment And as a vesture thou shalt change them and they shal be changed † but thou art the selfe same and thy yeares shal not faile † The children of thy seruantes shal inhabite and their seede shal be directed for euer PSALME CII Thankes to God for priuate 6. and publike benefites 17. His mercie iustice and other proprieties are immutable 20. Angels and al other creatures are inuited to praise him † To Dauid himself MY soule blesse thou our Lord and al thinges that are within me his holie name † My soule blesse thou our Lord and forget not al his retributions † Who is propitious to al thine iniquities who healeth al thine infirmities † Who redemeth thy life from deadly falling who crowneth thee in mercie and commiserations † Who replenisheth thy desire in good thinges “ thy youth shal be rewed as the eagles † Our Lord doth mercies and iudgement to al that suffer wrong † He made his waies knowne to Moyses his willes to the children of Israel † Our Lord is pitieful and merciful long suffering and very merciful † He wil not be angrie alwayes neither wil he threaten for euer † He hath not done to vs according to our sinnes neither according to our iniquities hath he rewarded vs. † For according to the height of heauen from the earth hath he strengthned his mercie vpon them that feare him † As far as the East is distant from the West hath he made our iniquities far from vs. † As a father hath compassion of his children so hath our † Lord compassion on them that feare him † because he hath knowen our making He remembred that we are dust † man his daies are as grasse as the floure of the filde so shal he florish † Because the spirit shal passe in him and he shal not stand and he shal know his place no more † But the mercie of our Lord from euerlasting and vnto euerlasting vpon them that feare him And his iustice is vpon the childrens children to them that keepe his testament † And are mindful of his commandmentes to doe them † Our Lord hath prepared his seate in heauen and his kindom shal haue dominion ouer al. † Blesse our Lord al ye his Angels mightie in powre doing his word that feare the voice of his wordes † Blesse our Lord al ye his hoastes you his ministers that doe his wil. † Blesse ye our Lord al his workes in euerie place of his dominion my soule blesse thou our Lord. ANNOTATIONS PSALME CII 5 Thy youth shal be renevved as the Eagles Aristotel and Plinie write that an Eagle decayeth not nor euer dieth by old age but the vpper part of her beake st l growing at last h●ndereth her from eating and so she dieth of fam●ne Saadias and other Hebrew Rabbins reporte that an Eagle euerie tenne yeares washeth herselfe ●n the sea as in a ba●h then flying very hiegh burneth her fethers in the elemental fire new fethers growing she becometh fresh as in her first youth t●l at last about an huadred yeares old she is not able to rise from the water and so is drowned S. Augustin more probably affirmeth that in long time her ●e●ke growing long and stopping her mouth that she can not eate she breaketh the vpper hooked part therof against a stone and so receiueth meate and recouereth strength as in her youth But whatsoeuer is the natural propert e of this kinglie birde the Royal Prophet here instructeth vs by the s●nilitude of her long life or by the renouation of her streingth that iust men Gods seruantes are spiritually renouated in Christ the principal rocke on who● the Church al the faithful are built either by receiuing new streingth by his grace in their soules after they are weakened by sinne as S. Ierom and Eu hymius expound this place or by restauration of their bodies glorified in the resurrection as S. Augustin teacheth or by both as most Catholique Doctors vnderstand it For one sense of holie Scripture excludeth not an other Especially when one is subordinate to the other As here these two senses do very wel concurre seing the state of the bodie after the resurrection dependeth vpon the state of the soule at
sonne of Iephone did stand against the enemie and stayed the nation from sinnes and appeased the murmuring of malice † And they two being appointed were deliuered out of danger from among the number of six hundred thousand footemen to bring them into their inheritance into the land that yeldeth milke and honie † And our Lord gaue strength to Caleb himself and his strength continued euen vntil old age so that he went vp into the high place of the land his seede obteyned inheritance † That al the children of Israel might see that it is good to obey the holie God † And al the iudges by their name whose hart was not corrupted which were not turned away from our Lord † that their memorie might be blessed and their bones spring out of their place † and their name continew for euer the glorie of the holie men remayning vnto their children † The beloued of our Lord his God Samuel the prophet of our Lord renewed the empire and anoynted princes in his nation † By the law of our Lord he iudged the congregation and the God of Iacob saw and in his fidelitie was proued a prophet † And he was knowen faithful in his wordes because he saw the God of light † and inuocated our Lord omnipotent in assaulting the enemies besetting him on euerie side in the oblation of an immaculate lambe † And our Lord thundered from heauen and in great sound he made his voice heard † and he descomfited the princes of the Tyrians and al the dukes of the Philisthiims † and before the time of the end of his life and the world he gaue testimonie before our Lord and his Christ money and what soeuer besides vnto the verie shoes he tooke not of al flesh and no man accused him † And after this he slept and he notified to the king and shewed him the end of his life and he exalted his voice out of the earth in prophecie to take cleane away the impietie of the nation CHAP. XLVII Praises of Nathan 2. Dauid 14. and Salomon in whose progenie 21. notwithstanding his fal 27. the royal scepter remained for Dauids sake though for his and the peoples sinnes tenne tribes were cut of and fel into schisme AFTER these thinges arose Nathan the Prophet in the daies of Dauid † And as the fatte separated from the flesh so was Dauid from the children of Israel † He plaied with lyons as it were with lambes and with beares he did in like maner as with lambes of sheepe in his youth † Did not he kil the giant and tooke away reproch from his nation † In lifting vp his hand with a stone of the sling he ouerthrew the boasting of Goliah for he inuocated our Lord the omnipotent and he gaue in his right hand to take away the man strong in battel and to exalt the horne of his nation † So in ten thousand did he glorifie him and praised him in the blessinges of our Lord in offering to him a crowne of glorie † for he destroyed the enemies on euerie side and rooted out the Philisthijms the aduersaries euen vntil this present day he brake their horne for euer † In euerie worke he gaue confession to the Holie one and to the Highest in the word of glorie † From al his hart he praised our Lord loued God that made him and gaue him might against his enemies † and he made singers to stand before the altar and by their sound he made sweete tunes † And in the solennities he gaue honour and adorned the times euen to the end of his life that they should praise the holie name of our Lord and magnifie the holines of God in the morning † Our Lord purged his sinnes and exalted his horne for euer and he gaue him a testament of the kingdom and the seate of glorie in Israel † After him arose a wise sonne and for him did he ouerthrowe al the might of the enemies † Salomon reigned in dayes of peace to whom God subdewed al his enemies that he might build an house in his name and prepare holines for euer as thou art instructed in thy youth † And thou art replenished as a riuer with wisdom and thy soule discouered the earth † And thou didst multiplie darke sayinges in comparisons thy name was bruited to the ilandes far of and thou wast beloued in thy peace † The landes merueled at the songes and prouerbes and comparisons and interprerations † and at the name of our Lord God whose name is God of Israel † Thou didst gather gold as copper and filledst siluer as lead † and bowdest thy thighes to wemen thou hast had power on thy bodie † thou hast made a blotte in thy glorie and profaned thy seede to bring wrath to thy children and thy follie to be kindled † to make the kingdom diuided and a stubburne kingdom to reigne of Ephraim † But God wil not leaue his mercie and he wil not corrupt no● abolish his owne workes neither wil he destroy from the stocke the nephewes of his elect and he wil not corrupt the seede of him that loueth our Lord. † But he gaue a remnant to Iacob and to Dauid of the same stocke † And Salomon had an end with his fathers † And he leaft after him of his seede the follie of the nation † and Roboam hauing litle wisedom who turned away the nation by his counsel † and Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat who made Israel to sinne and made a way of sinning to Ephraim and their sinnes did abound very manie † They remoued them away from their land very far † And he sought al iniquities til there came defense vnto them and he ●id them from al sinnes CHAP. XLVIII Praises of Elias 13. Eliseus 19. Ezechias 23. and Isaias AND there arose Elias the prophet as it were fire and his word burnt as a litle torche † Who brought famine vpon them and they prouoking him in their enuie were made fewe for they could not abide the preceptes of our Lord. † By the word of our Lord he stayed heauen and he brought downe fire from heauen thrise † So was Elias magnified in his meruelous workes And who can so glorie like vnto thee † Who didst rayse vp the dead from hel from the lotte of death in the word of our Lord God † Who didst cast downe kinges to destruction and didst easily breake their might and the glorious from their bed † Who hearest iudgement in Sina and in Horeb iudgementes of defence † Who anoyntest kinges to repentance and makest prophetes successoures after thee † Who wast receiued in a whirlewind of fire in a chariot of fierie horses † “ Who art written in the iudgements of times to appeale the wrath of our Lord to reconcile the hart of the father to the sonne and to restore
desolation among al peoples into which our Lord hath dispersed vs. † And we are made vnderneath and not aboue because we haue sinned to the Lord our God in not obeying his voice † To the Lord our God iustice but to vs and to our fathers confusion of face as is this day † Because our Lord hath spoken vpon vs al these euils that are come vpon vs † and we haue not besought the face of the Lord our God to returne euerie one of vs from our most wicked waies † And our Lord hath watched in euils and hath brought them vpon vs because our Lord is iust in al his workes which he hath commanded vs † and we haue not heard his voice to walke in the precepts of our Lord which he hath geuen before our face † And now ô Lord God of Israel which brought out thy people out of the Land of Aegypt in a strong hand and in signes and in wonders and in thy great strength and in a mightie arme and madest thee a name as is this day † we haue sinned we haue done impiously we haue dealt vniustly ô Lord our God in al thy iustices † Let thy wrath be turned away from vs because we are left a few among the nations where thou hast dispersed vs. † Heare ô Lord our prayers and our petitions and bring vs our for thine owne sake and grant vs to fynde grace before their face that haue led vs away † that al the earth may know that thou art the Lord our God and that thy name is inuocated vpon Israel and vpon his stocke † Looke ô Lord from thy holie house vpon vs and incline thine eare and heare vs. † Open thine eies see because the dead that are in hel whose spirite is taken from their bowels shal not geue honour and iustification to our Lord † but the soule that is sorowful for the greatnes of euil and goeth crooked and weake and the eyes fayling and the hungrie soule geueth glorie and iustice to thee their Lord. † For not according to the iustices of our fathers doe we powre out prayers and aske mercie before thy sight ô Lord our God † but because thou hast sent thy wrath and thy furie vpon vs as thou hast spoken by the hande of thy seruants the prophets saying † Thus sayth our Lord Bowe downe your shoulder your necke and doe workes for the king of Babylon and you shal sitte in the land which I haue geuen to your fathers † But if you wil not heare the voice of the Lord your God to worke for the king of Babylon I wil make you to faile out of the cities of Iuda and from without Ierusalem † and I wil take from you the voice of mirth and the voice of ioy and the voice of the bridegrome and the voice of the bride and al the land shal be without foote steppe that inhabite it † And they heard not thy voice to worke for the king of Babylon and thou hast established thy wordes which thou spakest by the handes of thy seruants the prophets that the bones of our kinges and of our fathers should be transported out of their place † and behold they are cast forth in the heare of the sunne and in the frost of the night and they are dead in verie sore paines in famine and by sword and by casting forth † And hast made the temple in which thy name was there inuocated as it is this day for the iniquitie of the house of Israel and of the house of Iuda † And thou hast done in vs ô Lord our God according to al thy goodnes and according to al that thy great compassion † as thou spakest by the hand of thy seruant Moyses in the day that thou didst command him to write thy law before the children of Israel † saying If you wil not heare my voice this great multitude shal be turned into a verie litle one among the Gentiles whither I wil disperse them † because I know that the people wil not heare me for it is a people of a stiffe necke and they shal be conuerted to their hart in the land of their captiuitie † and they shal knowe that I am the Lord their God and I wil geue them a hart and they shal vnderstand and eares and they shal heare † And they shal praise me in the land of their captiuitie and shal be mindful of my name † And they shal turne away them selues from their hard backe and from their malignant workes because they shal remember the way of their fathers that sinned against me † And I wil recal them backe into the land which I sware to their fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob and they shal haue the dominion therof and I wil multiplie them and they shal not be lesned † And I wil establish vnto them an other testament euerlasting that I be their God and they shal be my people and I wil no more moue my people the children of Israel from the land that I haue geuen them CHAP. III. VVith further confession of their sinnes 8. they acknowledge their iust captiuitie 12. because they haue left true wisdome 16. which was geuen to their fathers 23. not to rich men or mightie giants 29. but to those that serue God 34. whom the starres obey 36. with a cleare prophecie of Christ. AND now ô Lord omnipotent God of Israel the soule in distresses the pensiue spirite cryeth to thee † heare Lord and haue mercie because thou art a merciful God and haue mercie vpon vs because we haue sinned before thee † Because thou sittest for euer and shal we perish euerlastingly † O Lord omnipotent God of Israel heare now the prayer of the dead of Israel and of their children that haue sinned before thee and haue not heard the voice of the Lord their God and euils haue stoocke fast to vs. † Remember not the iniquities of our fathers but remember thy hand and thy name in this time † because thou art the Lord our God and we wil praise thee ô Lord † because for this end thou hast geuen thy feare in our hartes and that we may inuocate thy name and may praise thee in our captiuitie because we are conuerted from the iniquitie of our fathers which haue sinned before thee † And behold we are in our captiuitie this day wherby thou hast dispersed vs into reproch and into malediction and into sinne according to al the iniquities of our fathers which haue reuolted from thee ô Lord our God † Heare Israel the commandments of life harken with your eares that you may know prudence † What is the matter Israel that thou art in the land of the enemies † Thou art waxen old in a strange land thou art defiled with the dead thou art reputed with them that goe downe into hel † Thou hast forsaken the fountaine of wisdom † for if thou
throne in the firmament AND IT came to passe in the thirtith yeare in the fourth in the fifth if the moneth when I was in the middes of the captiues beside the riuer Chobar the heauens were opened and I saw the visions of God † In the fifth of the moneth the same is the fifth yeare of the transmigration of king Ioachin † the word of our Lord was made to Ezechiel the sonne of Buzi priest in the land of the Chaldees by the riuer Chobar and there the hand of our Lord was made vpon him † And I saw and behold a whirlewinde came from the North and a great clowde a fire inuoluing and brightnes round about it out of the middes therof as it were the forme of amber that is out of the middes of the fire † and out of the middes therof the similitude of soure * liuing creatures and this was their look the similitude of a man in them † There were four faces to one and foure winges to one † Their feete streight feete and the sole of their foote as the sole of a calues foote and sparkes as the forme of glowing bra●●● † And the handes of a man vnder their winges in foure partes 〈…〉 ey had faces and winges by the foure partes † And the winges of them were ioyned one to an other They returned not when they went but euerie one went before his face † And the similitude of their countenance the face of a man and the face of a lyon on the right hand of them foure and the face of an oxe on the lefe hand of them foure and the face of an eagle ouer them foure † And their faces and their winges were streched out aboue two winges of euerie one were ioyned and two couered their bodies † and euerie one of them walked before his face where the force of the spirite was thither they went neither did they returne when they went neither did they returne when they walked † And the similitude of the liuing creatures their looke as it were of coales of burning fire as it were the resemblance of lampes This was the vision running in the middes of the liuing creatures brightnes of fire and from the fire lightening going forth † And the liuing creatures went and returned after the similitude of glistering lightning † And when I beheld the liuing creatures there appeared one wheele vpon the earth by the liuing creatures hauing foure faces † And the shape of the wheeles and the worke of them as it were apparence of the sea and one similitude of them foure and their apparence and worke as if it were a wheele in the middes of a wheele † By their foure partes going they went and they returned not when they walked † There was a stature also to the wheeles and height and a fearful forme and the whole 〈…〉 was ful of eies round about them foure † And when the liuing creatures walked the wheeles also walked together by them and when the liuing creatures were lifted vp from the earth the wheeles also were lifted vp together † Whithersoeuer the spirit went thither the spirit going the wheeles also were lifted vp withal folowing it for the spirit of life was in the wheeles † With them going they went and with them standing they stood and with them lifted vp from the earth the wheeles also were lifted vp together folowing them because the spirit of life was in the wheeles † And a similitude ouer the heades of the liuing creatures of the firmament as it were the sight of christal dreadful and streched out ouer their heades aboue † And vnder the firmament the winges of them streight one toward an other euerie one with two winges couered his bodie and the other was couered in like maner † And I heard the sound of the winges as it were the sound of manie waters as it were the sound of the high God when they walked it was as the voice of multitude as the sound of a campe and when they stood their winges were let downe † For when a voice was made aboue the firmament that was ouer their head they stood and let downe their winges † And aboue the firmament that hung ouer their head as it were the forme of the sapphire stone the similitude of a throne and vpon the similitude of the throne a similitude as it were the shape of a man aboue † And I saw as it were the forme of amber as the resemblance of fire within it round about from his loines vpward and from his loines downward I saw as it were the resemblance of fire glistering round about † As the forme of the bow when it is in a clowde on a day of rayne this was the forme of the brightnes round about CHAP. II. The Prophet terrified with the vision is encoreged by Gods spirite 3. And is sent to preach 9. penance and the seruice of God THIS was the vision of the similitude of the glorie of our Lord. And I saw and I fel on my face and I heard the voice of one speaking And he said to mee Sonne of man stand vpon thy feete and I wil speake with thee † And the spirit entered into me after that he spake to me and he sette me vpon my feete and I heard him speaking to me † and saying Sonne of man I send thee to the children of Israel to nations apostates wich haue reuolted from me they and their fathers haue transgressed my couenant euen vnto this day † And they are children of an hard face and of an hart that can not be tamed to whom I send thee and this thou shalt say to them Thus saith our Lord God † If perhaps they at the least wil heare and if perhaps they wilcease because it is an exasperating house and they shal know that there was a prophet in the middes of them † Thou therfore ô sonne of man feare them not neither be afrayd of their wordes because the incredulous and subuerters are with thee and thou dwellest with scorpions Feare not their wordes and of their lookes be not afrayd because it is an exasperating house † Thou therefore shalt speake my wordes to them if perhaps they wil heare and be quiet because they are prouokers to anger † But thou sonne of man heare whatsoeuer I speake to thee be not exasperating as it is an exasperating house open thy mouth and eate whatsoeuer I geue thee † And I looked and behold an hand sent to me wherin was a rowled booke and he spred it before me which was writen within and without and there were writen in it lamentations and a song and woe CHAP. III. Against a stubborne people to whom he must preach 8. the prophet is streingthened 12. by increase of spirite 17. charged to execute his office 22. But first to be silent for a time AND he said to me Sonne of man whatsoeuer
thou shalt finde eate eate this volume and going speake to the children of Israel † And I opened my mouth and he fed me with that volume † and he said to me Sonne of man thy bellie shal eate and thy bowels shal be filled with this volume which I geue thee And I did eate it and it was made in my mouth sweete as honie † And he said to me Sonne of man goe to the house of Israel and thou shalt speake my wordes to them † For not to a people of profound speach and of an vnknowne tongue art thou sent to the house of Israel † Neither to manie peoples of profonnd speach of an vnknowne tongue whose wordes thou canst not heare and if thou were sent to them they would heare thee † But the house of Israel wil not heare thee because they wil not heare me for al the house of Israel is of a shameles forehead and hard harted † Behold I haue made thy face stronger then their faces and thy forehead harder then their foreheads † As the adamant and as the flint stone haue I made thy face feare them not neither be afrayd of their face because it is an exasperating house † And he said to me Sonne of man al my wordes which I speake to thee take in thy hart and heare with thine eares † And goe enter into the transmigration to the children of of thy people and thou shalt speake to them and shalt say to them Thus saith our Lord God if perhaps they wil heare and be quiet † And the spirit tooke me vp and I heard behinde me the voice of a great commotion Blessed be the glorie of our Lord from his place † and the voice of the winges of liuing creatures striking one against an other the voice of wheeles folowing the liuing creatures and the voice of a great commotion † The spirit also lifted me tooke me vp I went away bitter in the indignation of my spirit for the hand of our Lord was with me strengthening me † And I came to the transmigration to the heape of new corne to them that dwelt by the riuer Chobar and I sate where they sate and I taried there seuen dayes mourning in the middes of them † And when seuen dayes were passed the word of our Lord was made to me saying † Sonne of man a watchman to the house of Israel haue I geuen thee and thou shalt heare the word out of my mouth and shalt tel it them from me † If when I say to the impious Dying thou shalt dye thou tel him not nor speake that he may be turned away from his impious way and liue the same impious man shal dye in his iniquitie but his bloud I wil requyre at thy hand † But if thou denounce to the impious and he be not conuerted from his impietie and from his impious way he verely shal dye in his iniquitie but thou hast deliuered thy soule † Yea and if the iust shal be turned from his iustice shal doe iniquitie I wil lay a stumbling blocke before him he shal dye because thou hast not told him he shal dye in his sinne and his iustices which he hath done shal not be in memorie but his bloud I wil require at thy hand † But if thou warne the iust that the iust sinne not and he doe not sinne liuing he shal liue because thou hast warned him and thou hast deliuered thy soule † And the hand of our Lord was made vpon me and he said to me Rising goe out into the fielde and there I wil speake with thee † And rising I went out into the filde and behold the glorie of our Lord stood there as it were the glorie which I saw by the riuer Chobar and I fel on my face † And the spirit entered into me and set me vpon my feete and he spake to me and sayd to me Goe in and be shut vp in the middes of thy house † And thou sonne of man behold bandes are geuen vpon thee and they shal binde thee in them and thou shalt not goe forth from the middes of them † And I wil make thy tongue cleaue to the roofe of thy mouth and thou shalt be dumme not as a man controwling because it is an exasperating house † But when I shal speake to thee I wil open thy mouth and thou shalt say to them Thus saith our Lord God He that heareth let him heare and he that is quiet let him be quiet because it is an exasperating house CHAP. IIII. The future siege of Ierusalem is discribed in a bricke 4. The time of captiuitie of Israel and of Iuda is signified by sleeping 390. dayes on the left side and fourtie on the right 9. Famine is also signified by bread sprinkled with dung AND thou sonne of man take thee a bricke thou shalt put it before thee and thou shalt draw in it the citie of Ierusalem † And thou shalt lay siege against it and shalt build munitions and cast vp a bancke and pitch campes against it and place engines round about † And thou take thee an yron frying panne and thou shalt set it as an yron wal betwen thee the citie and thou shalt set thy face stedely toward it and it shal be besieged and thou shalt compasse it which is a signe to the house of Israel † And thou shalt sleepe vpon thy left side and shalt put the iniquities of the house of Israel vpon it according to the number of the daies that thou shalt sleepe vpon it and thou shalt take their iniquitie † And I haue geuen thee the yeares of their iniquitie according to the number of daies three hundred and ninetie daies and thou shalt beare the iniquitie of the house of Israel † And when thou hast accomplished these thinges thou shalt sleepe vpon thy right side the second time and thou shalt take the iniquitie of the house of Iuda fourtie daies a day for a yeare a day I say for a yeare I haue geuen thee † And thou shalt turne thy face to the siege of Ierusalem and thine arme shal be streched out and thou shalt prophecie against it † Behold I haue compassed thee with bandes and thou shalt not turne thy self from thy side vnto the other side til thou accomplish the daies of thy siege † And thou take thee wheate and barley and beanes and lintiles and millet and fitches and thou shalt put them into one vessel and make thee loaues according to the number of the daies that thou shalt sleepe vpon thy side three hundred and ninetie daies shalt thou eate it † And thy meate that thou shalt eate shal be in weight twentie staters a day from time to time thou shalt eate it † And water by measure thou shalt drinke the sixt part of an hin from time to time thou shalt drinke it † And as hearth baken barley bread thou shalt eate
faces one face the face of a Cherub and the second face the face of a man and in the third the face of a lyon and in the fourth the face of an eagle † And the Cherubs were lifted vp the same is the liuing creature that I had sene by the riuer Chobar † And when the Cherubs walked the wheeles also went together by them and when the Cherubs lifted vp their winges to be raysed vp from the earth the wheeles rested not but also were besyde them † Those standing they stood and with them lifted vp they were lifted vp For the spirit of life was in them † And the glorie of our Lord went forth from the threshold of the temple and stood ouer the Cherubs † And the Cherubs lifting vp their winges were exalted from the earth before me and they going forth the wheeles also folowed and it stood in the entry of the east gate of the house of our Lord and the glorie of the God of Israel was ouer them † The same is the liuing creature which I saw vnder the God of Israel by the riuer Chobar and I vnderstood that they were Cherubs † Foure faces to one and foure winges to one and the similitude of a mans hand vnder their winges † And the similitude of their faces the same faces which I had seene by the riuer Chobar and the lookes of them and the sway of euerie one to goe before his face CHAP. XI Against falseprophetes affirming that the people should not be caried into captiuitie 4. Ezechiel prophecieth that they shal not escape it 13. Pheltias a falseprophet dieth 14. and God promiseth to conserue some reliques 19. and to geue a new spirite in their hartes AND the spirite lifted me vp and brought me into the east gate of the house of our Lord which looketh to the rysing of the sunne and behold in the entrie of the gate fiue and twentie men and I saw in the middes of them Iezonias the sonne of Azur and Pheltias the sonne of Banaias the princes of the people † And he said to me Sonne of man these are the men that conceiue iniquitie and deuise most wicked counsel in this citie † saying Were not houses builded of late This is the caldron and we the flesh † Therfore prophecie of them prophecie thou sonne of man † And the spirit of our Lord fel vpon me and said to me Speake Thus saith our Lord So haue you spoken ô house of Israel and the cogitations of your hart I know † Very manie haue you killed in this citie and you haue filled the wayes therof with the slaine † Therfore thus saith our Lord God Your slaine whom you haue layd in the middes therof these are the flesh and this is the caldron and I wil bring you out of the middes therof † The sword you haue feared and the sword I wil bring vpon you saith our Lord God † And I wil cast you out of the middes therof and I wil geue you into the hand of the enemies and wil doe iudgements in you † You shal fal by the sword in the borders of Israel wil I iudge you and you shal knowe that I am the Lord. † This shal not be as a caldron to you and you shal not be as flesh in the middes therof in the borders of Israel I wil iudge you † And you shal know that I am the Lord because you haue not walked in my precepts haue not done my iudgments but you haue done according to the iudgements of nations that are round about you † And it came to passe when I prophecied Pheltias the sonne of Banaias died and I fel vpon my face crying with a lowd voice sayd Alas alas alas ô Lord God makest thou a consumation of the remnant of Israel † And the word of our Lord was made to me saying † Sonne of man thy bretheren thy bretheren thy kinsmen al the house of Israel al to whom the inhabitantes of Ierusalem haue sayd Depart ye far from our Lord the land is geuen to vs in possession † Therfore thus sayth our Lord God Because I haue made them far of in the Gentils and because I haue dispersed them in the landes I wil be a litle sanctification to them in the landes to which they are come † Therfore speake Thus sayth our Lord God I wil gather you out of the peoples and vnite you out of the landes wherin you are dispersed I wil geue you the ground of Israel † And they shal goe in thither and shal take away al the offences and al the abominations therof out of it † And I wil geue them one hart and wil geue a new spirite in their bowels and I wil take away the stonie hart out of their flesh and wil geue them a fleshie hart † that they may walke in my precepts and keepe my iudgements and doe them and they may be my people and I may be their God † Whose hart walketh after their offences and abominations their way wil I lay on their head sayth our Lord God † And the Cherubs lifted vp their winges and the wheeles with them and the glorie of the God of Israel was ouer them † And the glorie of our Lord ascended from the middes of the citie stood ouer the mount that is on the east side of the citie † And the spirite lifted me vp and brought me into Chaldee to the transmigration in a vision in the spirite of God and the vision which I had seene was taken vp from me † And I spake to the transmigration al the wordes of our Lord which he had shewed me CHAP. XII By prouiding furniture for a iourney and carying it from one place to an other 5. and flying through a hole in the wal 10. the prophet signifieth that the king and people shal goe into captiuitie 17. By eating as if he were trubled foresheweth their famine 21. Al which shal come quickly AND the word of our Lord was made to me saying † Sonne of man thou dwelest in the middes of an exasperating house which haue eyes to see and see not and eares to heare and heare not because it is an exasperating house † Thou therfore ô sonne of man make thee vessels of transmigration and thou shalt flitte by day before them and thou shalt flitte out of thy place to an other place in their sight if perhaps they wil behold because it is an exasperating house † And thou shalt carie forth thy vessels as the vessels of one flitting by day in the sight of them and thou shalt goe forth at euen before them as one goeth forth that flitteth Before their eyes dig to thee through the wall and thou shalt goe forth through it † In their sight on shoulders thou shalt be caried in the darke thou shalt be caried out thou shalt couer thy face shalt not see the earth because I haue
And thou sonne of man mourne in contrition of the loynes and in bitternes mourne before them † And when they shal say to thee Why mournest thou thou shalt say For the bruite because it cometh and euerie hart shal melt al handes shal be dissolued and euerie spirit shal be weakened and waters shal runne by al knees behold it commeth and it shal be done saith our Lord God † And the word of our Lord was made to me saying † Sonne of man prophecie and thou shalt say Thus saith our Lord God Speake The sword the sword is sharpened and fourbished † To kil victims it is sharpened to glitter it is fourbished thou that mouest the scepter of my sonne hast cut downe euerie tree † And I gaue it to be made smooth that it may be held with the hand this is a sharpened sword and this is forbished that it may be in the hand of the slayer † Crie and howle ô sonne of man because this same is made in my people in al the captaines of Israel that fled they are deliuered to the sword with my people therfore strike vpon the thigh † because it is proued and that when it shal ouerthrow the scepter it shal not be saith our Lord God † Thou therfore ô sonne of man prophecie strike hand against hand and let the sword be dubled let the sword of the slaine be tripled this is the sword of great slaughter that maketh them to be astonied † and to pine in hart multiplieth ruines In al their gates haue I geuen the truble of the sword sharpe and furbished to glitter addressed to slaughter † Be thou sharpened goe to the right hand or to the left whithersoeuer the appetite of thy face is † Yea and I wil clappe hand to hand and wil fil mine indignation I the Lord haue spoken † And the word of our Lord was made to me saying † And thou sonne of man put thee two wayes that the sword of the king of Babylon may come both shal come forth out of one land and he shal take coniecture with the hand in the head of the way of the citie shal he choose it † Thou shalt make way that the sword may come to Rabbath of the children of Ammon and to Iuda into Ierusalem most fenced † For the king of Babylon stood in the high way in the head of two wayes seeking diuination shufling arrowes he asked the idols tooke counsel of intralles † On his right hand was made diuination vpon Ierusalem to sette engins to open the mouth in flaughter to eleuate the voice in howling to set engins against the gates to cast vp a rampier to build munitions † And he shal be as it were consulting the oracle in vaine in their eies imitating the rest of sabbathes but he shal remember the iniquitie to take it † Therfore thus saith our Lord God For that you haue remembred your iniquitie and haue reueled your preuarications and your sinnes haue appeared in al your cogitations for that I say that you remembred you shal be taken by hand † But thou prophane impious prince of Israel whose day prefixed cometh in the time of iniquitie † Thus saith our Lord God Take away the myter take of the crowne is not this it that extolled the humble and humbled the high † Iniquitie iniquitie iniquitie wil I put it and this was not done til he came to whom iudgement belongeth and I wil deliuer it to him † And thou sonne of man prophecie and say Thus saith our Lord God to the children of Ammon and to their reproch and thou shalt say Sword sword draw out thyselfe to kil fourbish thy selfe to slaye and to glitter † When vaine thinges were sene for thee and lies were diuined that thou mightest be geuen vpon the neckes of the wounded impious whose day prefixed cometh in the time of iniquitie † Returne to thy scabbard in the place wherin thou wast created in the land of thy natiuitie I wil iudge thee † and wil powre out vpon thee mine indignation in the fire of my furie wil I blow vpon thee and wil geue thee into the handes of men vnwise framing destruction † Thou shalt be foode for the fire thy bloud shal be in the middes of the land thou shalt be forgotten because I the Lord haue spoken CHAP. XXII For diuers enormious sinnes 14. Ierusalem and al Israel shal be plaged 25. namely false prophets priestes rauening princes and wicked people AND the woord of our Lord was made to me saying † And thou sonne of man doest thou not iudge doest thou not iudge the citie of bloud † And thou shalt shew her al her abominations and shalt say Thus saith our Lord God The citie shedding bloud in the middes of it that her time may come and that hath made idols against herselfe that she might be polluted † In thy bloud which is shed by thee thou hast offended and in thine idols which thou hast made thou art polluted and thou hast made thy dayes to approch and hast brought the time of thy yeares therfore haue I geuen thee a reproch to the Gentils and a mockerie to al landes † Those that are nere and that are far from thee shal triumph ouer thee thou filthie one noble great in destruction † Behold the princes of Israel euerie one in his arme haue bene in thee to shede bloud † Father and mother they haue abused with contumelies in thee the stranger they haue calumniated in the middes of thee the pupil and widow they haue made sorowful in thee † My sanctuaries you haue despised and my sabbathes you haue polluted † Detracting men haue bene in thee to shede bloud and vpon the mountaynes they haue eaten in thee they haue wrought wickednes in the middes of thee † The fathers shame they haue discouered in thee the vncleannes of the menstruous woman they haue humbled in thee † And euerie one hath wrought abomination vpon his neighbours wife and the father in law hath polluted his daughter inlaw wickedly the brother hath oppressed his sister the daughter of his father in thee † They haue taken giftes in thee to shede bloud thou hast taken vsurie and ouerplus and didst calumniate thy neighbours couetously and thou hast forgotten me saith our Lord God † Behold I haue wrong my handes vpon thy couetousnes which thou hast done and vpon the bloud that hath bene shed in the middes of thee † Why shal thy hart abide or shal thy handes preuaile in the dayes which I shal make to thee I the Lord haue spoken and wil doe it † And I wil disperse thee into nations wil scatter thee into landes and wil make thy vncleannes to faile from thee † And I wil possesse thee in the sight of the Gentils and thou shalt know that I am the Lord. † And the word of our Lord was made to me saying † Sonne of
wayes and their inuentions haue I iudged them † And they went in to the Nations vnto which they entered and haue polluted my holie name when it was said of them This is the people of the Lord and out of his land they are come forth † And I haue spared my holie name which the house of Israel polluted among the Gentiles to which they entered in † Therfore thou shalt say to the house of Israel Thus saith our Lord God not for your sake wil I doe it ô house of Israel but for my holie name which you haue polluted in the Nations to which you entered † And I wil sanctifie my great name that is polluted among the Gentiles which you haue polluted in the middes of them that the Gentils may know that I am the Lord saith our Lord of hostes when I shal be sanctified in you before them † For I wil take you out of the Gentils and wil gather you together out of al the landes and wil bring you into your land † And I wil powre out vpon you cleane water and you shal be clensed from al your contaminations from al your idols wil I clense you † And I wil geue you a new hart and wil put a new spirit in the middes of you and wil take away the stonie hart out of your flesh and wil geue you a fleshie hart † And I wil put my spirite in the middes of you and I wil make that you walke in my precepts keepe my iudgements and doe them † And you shal dwel in the land which I gaue to your fathers and you shal be my people and I wil be your God † And I wil saue you from al your contaminations and I wil cal for corne and wil multiplie it and wil not put famine vpon you † And I wil multiplie the fruite of the tree and the ofsprings of the filde that you beare no more the reproch of famine among the Gentils † And you shal remember your most wicked wayes and your studies not good and your iniquities and your wicked deedes shal displease you † Not for you wil I doe it saith our Lord God be it knowne to you be ye confounded and ashamed vpon your wayes ô house of Israel † Thus saith our Lord God In the day that I shal clense you from al your iniquities and shal make the cities to be inhabited and shal repayre the ruinous places † and the desert land shal be tilled which once was desolate in the eyes of euerie wayfaringman † they shal say This land vntilled is become as a garden of pleasure and the desert cities and destitute and vndermined haue sitten fenced † And the Nations whatsoeuer shal be left round about you shal know that I the Lord haue builded the destroyed thinges and planted the vntilled places that I the Lord haue spoken and done it † Thus saith our Lord God As yet in this shal the house of Israel finde me that I wil doe for them I wil multiplie them as a flocke of men † as a holie flocke as the flocke of Ierusalem in the solemnities therof So shal the desert cities be ful of flockes of men and they shal know that I am the Lord. CHAP. XXXVII By dead bones rising to life which also signifieth the general resurrection 11. is prophecied the reduction of the Iewes from captiuitie 15. the kingdoms of Iuda and Israel shal be reduced into one kingdom 23. in figure that al Nations shal be vnited in Christ. THE hand of our Lord was made vpon me and brought me forth in the spirite of our Lord and left me in the middes of a filde that was ful of bones † And he led me about through them on euerie side there were verie manie vpon the face of the filde and exceeding drie † And he sayd to me Sonne of man thinkest thou these bones shal liue And I sayd Lord God thou knowest † And he sayd to me Prophecie of these bones and thou shalt say to them Drie bones heare ye the word of our Lord. † Thus saith our Lord God to these bones Behold I wil put spirite into you and you shal liue † And I wil geue sinowes vpon you and wil make flesh to grow vp ouer you and wil strech a skine on you and I wil geue you spirite and you shal liue you shal know that I am the Lord. † And I prophecied as he had commanded me and there was made a sound when I prophecied and behold a commotion and bones came to bones euerie one to his iuncture † And I saw and behold vpon them sinowes and flesh was growen vp and a skinne was strerched out in them aboue and they had noe spirite † And he sayd to me Prophecie to the spirite prophecie sonne of man thou shalt say to the spirite Thus saith our Lord God Come spirite from the foure windes and blow vpon these slaine and let them be reuiued † And I prophecied as he had commanded me spirit entered into them they liued they stood vpon their feete an armie passing great † And he sayd to me Sonne of man Al these bones are the house of Israel They say our bones are withered our hope is perished and we are cut of † Therfore prophecie and thou shalt say to them Thus sayth our Lord God Behold I wil open your graues and wil bring you out of your sepulchers ô my people and wil bring you into the land of Israel † And you shal know that I am the Lord when I shal haue opened your sepulchres and shal haue brought you out of your graues ô my people † and shal haue geuen my spirite in you and you shal liue and I shal make you rest vpon your ground you shal know that I the Lord haue spoken and done it saith our Lord God † And the word of our Lord was made to me saying † And thou sonne of man take thee one peece of wood and write vpon it Of Iuda and of the children of Israel his felowes and take an other peece of wood and write vpon it Of Ioseph the wood of Ephraim and of al the house of Israel and of his selowes † And ioyne them one to the other for thee into one peece of wood and they shal be into an vnion in thy hand † And when the children of thy people shal say to thee speaking Doest thou not declare vnto vs what thou meanest by these † Thou shalt speake to them Thus saith our Lord God Behold I wil take the peece of wood of Ioseph which is in the hand of Ephraim and the tribes of Israel that are adioyned to him and I wil geue them together with the peece of wood of Iuda and wil make them into one peece of wood and they shal be one in his hand † And the peeces of wood wherupon thou shalt write in thy hand
East † And behold the glorie of the God of Israel went by the East gate and he had a voice as the voice of manie waters the earth shined at his maiestie † And I saw a vision according to the forme which I had seene when he came to destroy the citie and the shape according to the sight which I had seene by the riuer Chobar and I fel vpon my face † And the maiestie of our Lord went into the temple by the way of the gate that looked to the East † And the spirite lifted me vp and brought me into the inner court and behold the house was filled with the glorie of our Lord. † And I heard one speaking to me out of the house a man stood by me † said to me Sonne of man the place of my throne and the place of the steppes of my feete where I dwel in the middes of the children of Israel for euer and the house of Israel shal no more pollute my holie name they and their kinges in their fornications and in the ruines of their kinges and in the excelses † Who haue built their threshold by my threshold and their posts by my posts and there was a wal betwen me and them and they polluted my holie name in the abominations which they did for the which thing I consumed them in my wrath † Now therfore let them repel their fornication and ruins of their kinges far from me and I wil dwel in the middes of them alwayes † But thou sonne of man shew to the house of Israel the temple and let them be confounded at their iniquities and let them measure the frame † and be ashamed of al thinges that they haue done The figure of the house and of the frame therof the goings out the comings in and al the description therof and al the precepts therof and al the order therof and al the lawes therof shew to them and thou shalt write in their eyes that they may keepe al the descriptions therof and the preceptes therof and let them doe them † This is the law of the house in the toppe of the mount Al the border therof round about is holie of holies this then is the law of the house † And these are the measures of the altar by the most true cubite which had a cubite and a palme in the bosome therof was a cubit a cubite in bredth and the limite therof euen to the brimme therof and round about one palme this also was the trench of the altar † And from the bosome of the ground to the lowest brimme two cubits and the bredth of one cubite from the lesser brimme vnto the greater brimme foure cubits and the bredth of one cubite † And Ariel it self of foure cubits and from Ariel vpward foure hornes † And Ariel of twelue cubits in length by twelue cubits of bredth four square with equal sides † And the brimme of fourtene cubits of length by fourtene cubits of bredth in the foure corners therof and the crowne round about it of halfe a cubite and the bosome therof of one cubite round about and the steppes therof turned to the East † And he said to me Sonne of man thus saith our Lord God These are the rites of the altar in what day soeuer it shal be made that holocaust may be offered vpon it and bloud powred out † And thou shalt geue to the Priestes and Leuites that are of the seede of Sadoc that approch to me saith our Lord God that they offer to me a cal●e of the heard for sinne † And taking of his bloud thou shalt put it vpon the foure hornes therof and vpon the foure corners of the brimme and vpon the crowne round about and thou shalt clense and expiate it † And thou shalt take the calfe that is offered for sinne and thou shalt burne him in a seperate place of the house without the sanctuarie † And in the second day thou shalt offer a bucke of goates vnspotted for sinne and they shal expiate the altar as they did expiate in the calfe † And when thou shalt haue accomplished expiating it thou shalt offer a calfe of the heard vnspotted and a ramme of the flocke vnspotted † And thou shalt offer them in the sight of our Lord and the priests shal cast salt vpon them and shal offer them an holocaust to our Lord. † Seuen dayes shalt thou make a bucke goate for sinne dayly and a calfe of the heard and a ramme of the cattel vnspotted shal they offer † Seuen dayes shal they expiate the altar and shal clense it and they shal fil his hand † And the dayes being expired in the eight day so forth the priests shal make your holocausts vpon the altar and those which they offer for peace and I wil be pacified toward you saith our Lord God CHAP. XLIIII The East gate of the Sanctuarie shal be alwayes shut 5. The incircumcised shal not enter into the sanctuarie 10. nor the Leuites that haue serued idols but shal do other seruice belonging to sacrifices 15. and the children of Sadoc shal do the priestlie functions 17. obseruing the prescribed rites therof AND he turned me to the way of the vtter sanctuarie which looked toward the East and it was shut † And our Lord said to me This gate shal be shut it shal not be opened and man shal not passe through it Because our Lord the God of Israel is entered in through it and it shal be shut † for the prince The prince himself shal sit in it to eate bread before our Lord by the way of the gate of the entrie shal he enter in by the way therof he shal go out † And he brought me by the way of the North gate in the sight of the house and I saw and behold the glorie of our Lord filled the house of our Lord and I b fel on my face † And our Lord said to me Sonne of man c set thy hart and see with thine eyes heare with thine eares al thinges that I speake to thee concerning al the ceremonies of the house of our Lord and concerning al the lawes therof and thou shalt set thy hart in the wayes of the temple by al the goings out of the sanctuarie † And thou shalt say to the house of Israel that exasperateth me Thus saith our Lord God Let al your wicked deedes suffice you ô house of Israel † because you bring in strange children vncircumcised in hart and vncircumcised in flesh to be in my sanctuarie and to pollute my house you offer my breades the fatte and the bloud and you dissolue my couenant in al your wicked abominations † And you haue not kept the precepts of my sanctuarie and you haue set keepers of my obseruances in my sanctuarie to your owne selues † Thus saith our Lord God Euerie stranger
and hath spared his people † And our Lord answered and sayd to his people Behold I wil send you corne and wine and oyle and you shal be replenished with them and I wil geue you no more to be a reproch in the Gentils † And him that is from the North I wil make far from you and I wil expel him into a land vnpassable desert his face against the east sea and his extreme part to the last sea his stinke shal ascend his rotennes shal ascend because he hath done proudly † Feare not ô land reioyce be glad because our Lord hath magnified to doe † Feare not ye beastes of the region because the beautiful thinges of the desert are sprung because the tree hath brought his fruite the figtree and the vine haue geuen their vigour † And ye children of Sion reioyce and be ioyful in the Lord your God because he hath geuen you a doctor of iustice and he wil make the early and the late showre to descend to you as in the beginning † And the floores shal be filled with wheare and the presses shal ouerflow with wine and oyle † And I wil render you the yeares which the locust the bruke and the blast and the eruke hath eaten my great strength which I haue sent vpon you † And you shal eate eating and shal be filled and you shal praise the name of the Lord your God that hath done meruels with you and my people shal not be confounded for euer † And you shal know that I am in the middes of Israel I the Lord your God and there is none besides and my people shal not be confounded for euer † And it shal be after this I wil powre out my spirit vpon al flesh and your sonnes your daughters shal prophecie your ancients shal dreame dreames and your yong men shal see visions † Yea and vpon my seruants and handmayds in those dayes I wil powre out my spirit † And I wil geue wonders in heauen and in earth bloud and fire and vapour of smoke † The sunne shal be turned into darkenes and the moone into bloud before the great and horrible day of the Lord doth come † And it shal be euerie one that shal inuocate the name of the Lord shal be saued because in mount Sion and in Ierusalem shal be saluation as our Lord hath sayd and in the residew whom our Lord shal cal CHAP. III. After the conuersion of the Iewes to Christ 2. shortly foloweth the general Iudgement 3. where euerie one according to their desertes shal receiue expressed here in parabolical speach 7. 19. the wicked euerlasting paine 18. 20. and the blessed eternal ioy BECAVSE loe in those dayes and in that time when I shal conuert the captiuitie of Iuda and Ierusalem † I wil gather together al Nations wil lead them into the valley of Iosaphat and I wil plead with them there vpon my people and myne inheritance Israel whom they haue dispersed in the nations and haue diuided my land † And vpon my people they haue cast lot and boy they haue geuen to be a strumpet and wench they haue sould for wine that they might drinke † But what is to me and to you ô Tyre and Sidon and al the border of the Palesthines what wil you render me reuenge and if you doe reuenge against me I wil soone render you quickly recompence vpon your head † For my siluer and my gold you haue taken and my desiderable thinges and most beautiful you haue caried into your temples † And the children of Ierusalem you haue sold to the children of the Greekes that you might make them far of from their coasts † Behold I wil rayse them vp out of the place wherin you haue sold them and I wil turne your retribution vpon your owne head † And I wil sel your sonnes your daughters into the handes of the children of Iuda and they shal sel them to the Sabaeans a nation far of because our Lord hath spoken † Proclaime ye this in the Gentils sanctifie battel rayse vp the strong let them come let al the men of warre come vp † Cut your ploughes into swordes and your spades into speares Let the weake say That I am strong † Breake out and come al ye nations from round about and be gathered together there wil our Lord make al thy strong ones to be slaine † Let them arise and let the Gentils ascend into the valley of Iosaphat because there I wil sit to iudge al nations round about † Put in the sithes because the haruest is ripe come and descend because the presse is ful the presses runne ouer because their malice is multiplied † Peoples people 's in the valley of d concision because the day of our Lord is nigh in the valley of concision † The sunne and the moone are darkened and the starres haue withdrawen their shining † And our Lord wil roare out of Sion and out of Ierusalem he wil geue his voice and the heauens the earth shal be moued and our Lord the hope of his people and the strength of the children of Israel † And you shal know that I am the Lord your God dwelling in Sion my holy mount and Ierusalem shal be holie strangers shal passe through it no more † And it shal be in that day the mountaines shal distil sweetnes and the hilles shal flow with milke and through al the riuers of Iuda shal runne waters a fountaine shal issue out of the house of the Lord and shal water the torrent of thornes † Aegypt shal be into desolation Idumea into a desert of perdition for that they haue done vniustly against the children of Iuda and haue shed innocent bloud in their land † And Iewrie shal be inhabited for euer and Ierusalem vnto generation and generation † And I wil clense their bloud which I had not clensed and the Lord wil dwel in Sion THE PROPHECIE OF AMOS AMOS a heardesman of Thecua in the tribe of Zabulon was indued with the spirite of prophecie about the same time with Osee and Ioel in the reigne of Ozias king of Iuda and of Ieroboam sonne of Ioas king of Israel in Metaphores and other obscure speaches agreable to his pastoral education but profound in sense prophecieth especially against the kingdom of Israel and diuers Gentiles partly also against Iuda foreshewing their afflictions for their sinnes but at last the vocation of al Nations to Christ with abundance of spiritual graces in his Church CHAP. I. In the reigne of Iozias in Iuda and of Ieroboam in Israel this prophet Amos 3. threatneth Damascus 6. Gaza 8. Azotus and other Philistians 9. Tyre 11. Idumea 13. and Ammon for their obstinacie in sinne abusing his long patience THE wordes of Amos who was among the pastours of Thecua Which he saw vpon
God sent him to them the people feared at the face of our Lord. † And Aggeus the messenger of our Lord of the messengers of our Lord spake saying to the people I am with you sayth our Lord. † And our Lord raysed vp the spirit of Zorobabel the sonne of Salathiel duke of Iuda and the spirit of Iesus the sonne of Iosedec the grandpriest and the spirit of the rest of al the people and they went in and did the worke in the house of the Lord of hostes their God CHAP. II. They are encoreged to procede in building the temple 6. with promise that Christ by his personal presence wil bring more glorie to this then was in the former temple 11. Their former slacknes in this worke was the cause of their wantes 19. and now they shal haue abundance IN the foure and twenteth day of the moneth in the sixth moneth in the second yeare of Darius the king † In the seuenth moneth the one and twentith of the moneth the word of our Lord was made in the hand of Aggeus the prophet saying † Speake to Zorobabel the sonne of Salathiel the duke of Iuda to Iesus the sonne of Iosedec the grand priest and to the rest of the people saying † Who among you is left that saw this house in the first glorie therof what do you see this same now Why is it not so as if it were not in your eyes † And now take courege Zorobabel saith our Lord and take courege Iesus the sonne of Iosedec grand priest and take courege al ye people of the land saith the Lord of hostes and doe because I am with you sayth the Lord of hosts † the word that I did couenant with you when you came out of the Land of Aegypt and my spirit shal be in the middes of you feare not † Because thus sayth the Lord of hosts As yet there is one litle while and I wil moue the heauen the earth and the sea and the drie land † And I wil moue al nations AND THE DESIRED OF AL NATIONS SHAL COME and I wil fil this house with glorie sayth the Lord of hosts † Mine is the siluer and mine is the gold sayth the Lord of hostes † “ Great shal be the glorie of this last house more then of the first sayth the Lord of hosts and in this place wil I geue peace sayth the Lord of hosts † In the foure and twentith of the ninth moneth in the second yeare of Darius the king the word of our Lord was made to Aggeus the prophet saying † Thus saith the Lord of hosts Aske the priests the law saying † If a man take sanctified flesh in the skirt of his garment and touch with the skirt therof bread or broth or wine or oile or any meate shal it be sanctified And the priests answering said No. † And Aggeus sayd If one polluted on a soule touch any of al these shal he be contaminated And the priests answered and sayd he shal be contaminated † And Aggeus answered and sayd So this people and so this nation before my face sayth our Lord and so al the worke of their handes al that they haue offered there shal be contaminated † And now set your hartes from this day and vpward before there was stone layd vpon stone in the temple of our Lord. † When you went to an heape of twentie bushels they became ten and entered into the presse to presse out fiftie flagons they became twentie † I stroke you with the burning winde and with the blast and with haile al the workes of your handes and there was none among you that returned to me saith our Lord. † Set your hartes from this day and hence forward from the foure and twenteth day of the ninth moneth from the day that the fundations of the temple of our Lord were layd lay it vpon your hartes † Is there the seede now abreward and as yet the wine and the figtree and the pomegranate and the oliue tree hath not florished from this day I wil blesse † And the word of our Lord was made the second time to Aggeus in the foure and twentith of the moneth saying † Speake to Zorobabel the duke of Iuda saying I wil moue the heauen and also the earth † And I wil ouerthrow the throne of kingdoms wil destroy the strength of the kingdom of the Gentils and I wil ouerthrow the chariote and the rider therof and the horses shal come downe and the riders of them euerie one by the sword of his brother † In that day sayth the Lord of hosts I wil take thee ô Zorobabel sonne of Salathiel my seruant saith our Lord and wil put thee as a signet because thee haue I chosen sayth the Lord of hosts ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. 10. Great shal be the glorie VVhen according to the prophets exhortation the temple vvas built againe Esdras ch 3. v 12 vvriteth that such ancient men as had sene the former lamented because this nevv one vvas not so excellent as the former had bene vvhich is also clere by other places of holie scripture For amongst other differences Salomons temple had in height and in breadth an hundred and twentie cubites 2 Paral. 3. v. 4. this nevv temple had but sixtie cubites 1 Esd 6. v. 3. Likevvise balomons temple vvas built of stones hevved and perfectly polished 3. Reg 6. v. 7. vvhich vvere also couered on the innerside vvith seeling vvorke of ceder vvood v. 18. This nevv temple vvas built of rugh and vnpolished stones 1. Esd 5. v. 8 As for the same temple long after enlarged and adorned by Herod it continued not long in that state the chiefest glorie therof vvas by our Sauiours presence therin vvhen he vvas presented by his mother and ioyfully receiued into the armes of Simeon and often preached there And therfore S. Augustin proueth li. 18. c. 45. ciuit that the prophet here foreshevveth the glorie of Christs mystical temple faithful Christian soules of al nations in whom God dwelleth by grace of the nevv Testament farre more glorious in liuing stones then that temple vvhich king Salomon built or that vvhich vvas restored after the captiuitie THE PROPHECIE OF ZACHARIAS ZACHARIAS the sonne of Barachias and nephew of Addo beginning two monethes after Aggeus exhorteth also to reedifie the Temple and sheweth by diuers visions that the Church shal floorish partly in that time of the old Synagog but much more after Christs coming whos 's first and chiefe promulgators of his Gospel shal be of the Iewish nation but the farre greatter number shal be of the Gentiles the Iewes for their obstinacie reiected Yet they also in the end shal returne to Christ CHAP. I. The prophet exhorteth the people to conuert to God and not to imitate the euil examples of their fathers 7. by a vision of an horseman and diuers
I WIL BRING MY SERVANT THE ORIENT † Because loe the stone that I layd before Iesus vpon one stone there be seuen eyes behold I wil graue the grauing therof sayth the Lord of hosts I wil take away the iniquitie of that land in one day † In that day sayth the Lord of hosts euerie man shal cal his frende vnder the vine and vnder the figtree CHAP. IIII. In a vision of a candlestike and candles 3. and of two oliue trees is prophecied the vocation of the Gentils 11. and lastly of the Iewes AND the Angel returned that spake in me and he raysed me vp as a man that is raysed out of his sleepe † And he sayd to me What seest thou And I sayd I saw and loe a candlesticke al of gold and the lampe therof vpon the head of it and the seuen lights therof vpon it and seuen funnels for the lights that were vpon the head therof † And tow oliue trees vpon it one on the right hand of the lampe and one on the left hand therof † And I answered and I sayd to the Angel that spake in me saying What are these thinges my Lord † And the Angel that spake in me answered and sayd to me Why knowest thou not what these thinges are And I sayd No my Lord. † And he answered and sayd to me saying This is the word of our Lord to Zorobabel saying Not in an host nor in strength but in my spirit sayth the Lord of hosts † Who art thou ô great mountayne before Zorobabel into a plaine and he wil bring forth the principal stone and wil make grace equal to the grace therof † And the word of our Lord was made to me saying † The handes of Zorobabel haue founded this house and his handes shal perfite it and you shal know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me to you † For who hath despised litle dayes and they shal reioyce and shal see the stone of tinne in the hand of Zorobabel These are the seuen eyes of our Lord that runne through out the whole earth † And I answered and sayd to him What are these two oliuetrees on the right hand of the candlestike and on the left hand therof † And I answered the second time and sayd to him What are the two branches of oliuetrees that are beside the two beaks of gold in which are the funnels of gold † And he sayd to me saying Why knowest thou not what these are And I sayd No my Lord. † And he sayd These are two sonnes of oyle which assist the dominatour of the whole earth CHAP. V. In a vision of a flying booke theeues and sweares are threatned 5. in an other vision is foreshewed that the Iewes shal be blind and obdurate AND I turned and lifted vp myne eyes and I saw and behold a volume flying † And he sayd to me What seest thou And I sayd I see a volume flying the length therof of twentie cubits and the breadth therof of ten cubits † And he sayd to me This is the malediction that goeth forth vpon the face of the earth because euerie theefe as is there written shal be iudged and euerie swearer by it in like maner shal be iudged † I wil bring it forth sayth the Lord of hosts and it shal come to the house of the theefe and to the house of him that sweareth by my name falsly it shal abide in the middes of his house and shal consume it and the timber therof and the stones therof † And the Angel went out that spake in me and he sayd to me Lift vp thine eyes and see what is this that goeth forth † And I sayd What is it And he sayd This is an amphore going forth And he sayd This is their eye in al the earth † And behold a talent of lead was caried and loe one woman sitting in the middes of the amphore † And he sayd This is impietie And he threw her in the middes of the amphore and cast a lumpe of lead vpon the mouth therof † And I lifted vp mine eyes and saw and behold two wemen coming forth and spirit in the winges of them and they had winges as the winges of a kite and they lifted vp the amphore betwen the earth and the heauen † And I sayd to the Angel that spake in me Whither do these carie the amphore † And he sayd to me That a house may be built for it in the land of Sennaar and it may be established and set there vpon the foundation therof CHAP. VI. In a vision of chariots is foreshewed the succession of foure monarchies 11. In crownes set on the high priests head the Kingdom and Priesthood of Christ 15. and the rewards of them that receiue him AND I turned and lifted vp mine eyes and saw and behold foure chariots coming forth from the middes of two mountaines the mountaines mountaines of brasse † In the first chariot red horses in the second chariot blacke horses † and in the third chariot white horses and in the fourth chariot speckled horses strong † And I answered and sayd to the Angel that spake in me What are these thinges my Lord † And the Angel answered and sayd to me These are the foure windes of heauen which goeforth to stand before the Dominatour of al the earth † That in which were the blacke horses went forth into the land of the North and the white went forth after them and the speckled went forth to the land of the South † But they that were strongest went out and sought to goe and to runne about through out al the earth And he sayd Goe walke through out the earth and they walked through out the earth † And he called me and spake to me saying Behold they that goe forth into the land of the North haue made my spirit to rest in the land of the North. † And the word of our Lord was made to me saying † Take of the transmigration of Holdai and of Tobias and of Idaias and thou shalt come in that day and shalt enter into the house of Iosias the sonne of Sophonias who came out of Babylon † And thou shalt take gold and siluer shalt make crownes and thou shalt set on the head of Iesus the sonne of Iosedec the grand priest † and thou shalt speake to him saying Thus sayth the Lord of hosts saying BEHOLD A MAN ORIENT IS HIS NAME and vnder him shal spring vp and shal build a temple to our Lord. † And he shal build a temple to our Lord and shal beare glorie and shal sit and rule vpon his throne and he shal be a priest vpon his throne and the counsel of peace shal be betwen them two † And the crownes shal be to Helem and Tobias and Idaias and Hem the sonne of Sophonias a memorial in the
himself worse to the Iewes then his father † Which thinges when Iudas vnderstood he cōmanded the people that day and night they should inuocate our Lord that as alwayes now also he would helpe them † as who were afrayed to be depriued of the law their countrie the holie temple and that he would not suffer the people that had of late taken breath a litle while to be againe subdued to the blasphemous nations † Al therfore doing it together and crauing mercie of our Lord with weeping fastinges being prostrate for three dayes continually Iudas exhorted them to prepare them selues † But he with the ancients consulted before the king should bring his armie to Iurie and winne the citie to goe out and to committe the euent of the thing to the iudgement of our Lord. † Committing therfore the power and charge of al to God the creatour of the world and hauing exhorted his companie to fight manfully and to stand euen to death for the lawes the temple the citie their countrie and citizens he placed his armie about Modin † And hauing geuen a signe to his companie of the victorie of God with most valient yong men piked out by night setting vpon the kings court in the campe he slew foure thousand men and the greatest of the elephants with them that had bene placed thereupon † and he filled the campe of the enemies with exceeding feare and perturbation and the thinges being prosperously atcheiued they departed † And this was done when the day appeared the protection of our Lord helping him † But the king hauing taken a taste of the hardines of the Iewes attempted the difficultie of the places by policie † and he moued his campe to Bethsura which was a strong hold of the Iewes but he was put to flight he fel he was diminished † And to them that were within Iudas sent necessaries † But one Rhodocus of the Iewes armie vttered the secretes to the enemies who being sought for was apprehended and shut vp † Againe the king had talke with them that were in Bethsura he gaue the right hand he tooke it he went away † He ioyned battel with Iudas he was ouercome And as he vnderstood that Phillippe rebelled at Antioch who was left ouer the affayres dismayed in mynde intreating the Iewes and yelding vnto them he sweareth concerning al thinges that seemed reason being reconciled he offered sacrifice honoured the temple and gaue hosts † He embraced Machabeus made him gouernor prince from Ptolemais euen to the Gerrenians † But after as he came to Ptolemais the Ptolemaians tooke greuously the couenant of amitie being offended lest perhaps they would breake their league † Then Lysias went vp to the iudgement seate and declared the reason and appeased the people and returned to Antioch and in this maner the kinges iorney and returne proceded CHAP. XIIII Demetrius hauing taken certaine holdes from Antiochus 3. Alcimus lately deposed from the office of high priest 6. accuseth good men of disloyaltie 11. others also incense Demetrius 12. Wherupon Nicanor being sent into Iurie maketh Alcimus againe highpriest 18. hath peace with Iudas conuersing with him most familiarly 26. But by Alcimus suggestion seeketh to deliuer him into the king ●andes 30. otherwise threatneth to prophane the temple 34. The priestes pray God to protect them 37. Razias being accused and pursued 41. in extreme distresse killeth himself with meruelous corege of spirite BVT after the space of three yeares Iudas vnderstood and they that were with him that Demetrius the sonne of Seleucus with a strong multitude and with shippes was come vp by the port of Tripolis to commodious places † and held the countries against Antiochus and his gouernor Lysias † And one Alcimus that had bene highpriest but voluntarily was contaminated in the time of the confusion considering that there was saftie for him by no means nor accesse to the altar † came to king Demetrius in the yeare an hundred fiftie offering him a crowne of gold a palme besides these Talloes which seemed to be of the temple And that same day in deede he held his peace † But hauing gotten a commodious time for his madnes being called of Demetrius to counsel and asked on what thing and counsels the Iewes rested he answered † They of the Iewes that are called Assidians of whom Iudas Machabeus is captaine nourish battels and moue seditions neither doe they suffer the realme to be quiet † For I also being defrawded of my ancestours glorie I meane of the high priesthood am come hither † principally in deede keping fidelitie to the kings commodities but secondly also prouiding for my citizens forby their naughtines al our stocke is not a little vexed † But al these thinges being knowen ô king prouide I pray thee both for the countrie for our stocke according to thy humanitie published to al men † For as long as Iudas is aliue it is vnpossible that there be peace to the affayres † And such thinges being sayed of him the other freinds also behauing themselues as enemies against Iudas incensed Demetrius † Who forthwith sent Nicanor chiefe ouer the elephants captaine into Iurie † geuing him commission that he should take Iudas himselfe but them that were with him he should disperse make Alcimus the high priest of the greatest temple † Then the nations which had fled from Iudas out of Iurie ioyned them selues by troupes with Nicanor esteming the miseries and calamities of the Iewes the prosperities of their owne affayres † The Iewes therfore hauing heard of Nicanors coming the assemblie of the nations being sprinkled with earth besought him that ordayned his people to kepe them for euer and that protecteth his portion by euident signes † And the captaine commanding forthwith they remoued from thence and they came together to the castel of Dessau † And Simon the brother of Iudas had ioyned battel with Nicanor but he was made afrayd with the sodaine coming of the aduersaries † Neuertheles Nicanor hearing the manlines of Iudas companions and greatnes of courege that they had for the conflicts of their countrie was afrayde to make tryall by bloud † Wherfore he sent Posidonius and Theodotius Mathias before to geue and take the right handes † And when there was long consultation of these thinges and the captaine himself had moued it to the multitude there was one sentence of them al to accord vnto amitie † Therfore they appointed a day wherin they might secretly deale among them selues and seates were brought forth and sette for euery one † But Iudas commanded armed men to be in places conuenient lest perhaps some mischefe might sodainly arise from the enemies they made agreable communication † Nicanor abode at Ierusalem and did nothing vniustly and the flockes of the multitudes that had bene gathered together he diminished † And he esteemed Iudas alwayes deare from the
●yp ●●p 76. in fine S. Aug. Tract 12. 13. in Ioan. :: The same credite is geuen to God speaking by Moyses as if he had spoken immediatly by himself S. Hiero. in Epist ad Philem. :: The first of al Canticles sacred or prophane Origen ho. 6. in Exod. :: God only suffered them to goe into the sea For they went of their owne accord supposing they might folowe where the Israelites went before S. Aug. ser 89. de temp :: Musical instrumēts vsed before the law of Moyses in the seruice of God :: These things chanced to them in figure 1. Cor. 10. :: The wholsome wood of the Crosse made the bitter sea of gentiles swete Theodoret. q. 26. in Exod. The same Church Religion in this age as in the former Beleefe in one God Three diuine Persons Strength or power the Father vvisdome the Sonne Spirite the Holie Ghost Christ promised to Abraham Rom. 9. To Isaac And to Iacob Christ prefigured by Abraham By Melchisedech By Isaac Iacob Ioseph Iob. Moyses And manie other things Prophecie of Christ Iob. 19. Sacrifice Altares Churces dedicated Vowes Priesthood Priuilege of Priests VVhere is no sacrifice no priest is required Circumcision Penance Gen. 44 Mariage Degrees of cōsanguinitie Pluralitie of wiues lawful sometimes neuer of husbands Blessings Signe of the Crosse Ceremonies Musical instruments Baptisme prefigured 1. Cor. 10. The B. Sacrament Priesthood of the new Testament Traditions Tythes Forme of iustice Precepts Raising seede to the brother Abstinence Freewil Mans industry necessarie God tempteth nor to euil Faith and good workes together iustifie and are meritorious but neither of them alone Iet 2. Heb. 11. Heb. 1● Perfection in this life Foure principal merites of Abraham 1. Prompt obedience 2. Faith without staggering 3. Propagation of faith and religion 4. Perfect obedience Other iust men Isaac Iacob He spake truth in mystical sense Ioseph Iob. Moyses Nu. 12. Exo. 32. Election is of Gods mercie Predestination excludeth not ordinary meanes Sinne is the cause of reprobation Pharao and other Aegyptians hardned their owne harts God did only permitte them to obdurate themselues Protection Inuocation of Angels and Patriarches S. Aug li 16 c. 36. 〈◊〉 Adoration of creatures Swearing by creatures Ominous speach Dreames Images Reliques Deuotion to holie places Figure of Christ crosse Iosue 24. Funeral offices 2. Reg. ● Place dedicated for burial Mourning 40 dayes Exequies of seuen dayes Special place of burial rightely desired No soule before Christ entred into heauen Diuers places in hel Act. 7. v. 16. Luc. 16. Resurrection Mat. 22 General Iudgement ● Pet. 2. ●p Iud. Eternal punishment of the wicked and ioy of the blessed Heb. 11. Continuance of the Church notwithstanding breathes from it Abraham neuer contaminate in Religion Thare and Nachor reduced from idolatrie Abraham publikly professed his faith Sem. Sale Heber Melchisedech Manie professors of true Religion Breaches from the Church Moabites and Ammonites Nachors progenie Ismaelites Gal. 4. 2. Paral. 12 16. 28. Madianites Idumeans Heb. 12. Idolatrie stil increasing yet the Church continued yea also increased The Church of Christ in the new Testamēt alwayes visible and great The same Scriptures forshew Christ and his Church Multitude of progenie promised to Abraham pertaineth to the Church of Christ Gen. 13. 〈◊〉 17. 22. Apoc. 7. Very absurde to say the Church of Christ was at anie time obscure Succession of spiritual gouernets during the law of nature Iob. 19. Priesthood Moyses law established in Aarons seede Ex. 28. Nu. ● Moyses chiefe in spiritual and temporal gouernment The beginning of the fourth age The second parte of this booke How the Israelites were sustained in the desert prepared to receiue the Law :: God least it in their wil to be content with ynough or to couere more yet suffered them not to haue more when it came to measurin●g v. 18. 2. Cor. 8. :: These birdes by Gods prouidence came from other places to the children of Israel Nu. 11. v. 31. :: By their wo●dering at the duble quātitie it appeareth they intended not to gather so much :: By anticipation Moyses writeth here the commadment geuen when the Tabernacle and Arck were finished Exo. 〈◊〉 :: This Relique was put in a golden vessel Heb 9. though it was infinitly inferior to Christs flesh ●● 6 yea inferior to the flesh●● anie glorified Sainct Manna so called of Man-hu It was a figure of the Eucharist li. 3. c 37. ●o 45 T●●●26 Ioan. 6. v. 25. 41. 49. 51. 55. Twelue miracles in Manna Psal 77. v 25 〈◊〉 li. 1. c 12 cont Occol●m● ● 〈◊〉 li. ● c 12 par●●m 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. No miracle in Protestants Communion Al the said miracles are more eminent in the B. Sacrament 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. :: If this ceremonie of holding vp his handes was of such importance in the law of nature why do Heretikes deride the same and the like in the Catholique Church VVheras also our Sauiour lifting vp his hands blessed his disciples Luc. 24 S Damascen also teacheth li 4. c. 12 Oxthox that this exten●ion of his handes prefigured the Crosse of Christ And now it representeth the same :: Cohen in Hebrew signifieth Pri●●e o● P●●●st which offices in the law of nature were often ioyned in one person :: Manifold wisdome wherof Daniel prophecieth c. 12. v. 4 in Christian gentils was here prefigured in Iethio a gentil :: To whom Moyses willingly yelded Origen in hunc locum Morally Superiors are admonished by Moyses example to lerne of a●●e man that which is good 5. Chrysostom ●o de fer●nd●s reprehensio●●b● ● :: To this place which was their 12 mansion they came the 47. day after they parted from Aegypt And the third day folowīg which was the ●o the law was geuen in mount Sinay S. Hierom. Epist 1. ad Fabiolam :: God would haue their free consent els it were not a perfect couenant Theodoret. q 35 in Exod. :: In this couenant God promiseth particular loue Priestlie function wherby they might better serue him and effectual grace and sanctitie :: The people promise loyaltie to God and to keepe his commandements :: So Angels Saincts offer our prayers other good workes to God though he know al things before hand :: The people and al inferior clergie also are to kepe their limites and to lerne Gods wil of their superiors Agreement of old and new mysteries The third part of this booke 〈◊〉 Diuine Lawes M 〈…〉 l and Iudicial :: In Hebrew 〈◊〉 in Greke 〈◊〉 in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in English a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This com 〈…〉 and 〈…〉 e one of the nine folowing Catech. Ro. p 3 q. 9. The Epistle on wenesday in the third weeke of Lent :: This and other ceremonial precepts are determinate lawes for obseruing the cōmandments of the first table pertaining to God Protestants charge al Catholiques to be Idolaters They abuse their
of the Israelites t from the mediterranean sea of Palestin v to the riuer Euphrates Exo. 23. v. 31. Beut 11. v. 24. vv eruel enimies more like to most cruel beastes then to men x yea so cruel as none els in the world are like vnto them y The Prophet now prayeth for the coming of Christ which he saw in spirite z The Church of the old testament in her best state wanted the perfection which the Church of Christ hath a Christ our Messias most commonly calleth by this title The Sonne of man b So thy vinyard can not indure if it be stil afflicted and trodden downe c Christ working by Gods powre redresseth almiseries d The same is the 8. and the 15. verse with litle alteration and here repeted the third time In which we also pray for three thinges first to be purged and conuerted from sinne second to be illuminated by Christ the Image of God Thirdly to be sanctified and saued in eternal glorie to haue the fruition of the most blessed Trinitie Inuitation to celebrate festiual dayes deuoutly the 7. key a This Psalme perteyneth not only to the old testament but also to the new b Gods seruants oppressed with tribulations c to be songue by Asaph a chief master of musike d Make readie al these musical instruments e In the Calendes or first day of euerie moneth in remembrance of Gods prouidence and perpetual gouernment of al creatures :: The feast of Neomenia f and most especial solemnitie in the first day of the seuenth moneth in memorie of Isaac conserued from death in whom God promised Abraham to multiplie his seede and to blesle al nations Gen. 17 v. 21. c 21. v 12. c 22. v. 18. :: Feast of trumpetes g The people of Israel signified by Ioseph as Psal 79. v. 2. :: In memorie of this benefite Pasch was instituted h God deliuered the same people from their vntolerable bondage of carying burdens in baskettes from geathering straw making brickes and other seruitude Exo 1. v. 14 c. 5. v. 7. i The admonition of God to the people k yet after so great benefites thou didst murmure and contradict me Exo. 17. Num. 20. l Seriously admonish thee m Man by free wil may choose whether he wil obey or no. :: The feast of Pentecost in memorie of the lawe n This was an other great benefite to geue an expresse law for their instruction o Obseruing my commandments aske what thou wilt and I wil geue it thee Pom. 1. ● 24. p Very easely q of my freewil and liberalitie without necessitie or obligation r The wicked that promise to serue God and do it not shal be in eternal torments In the meane time God bestowed these benefites vpon them for the iusts sake Admonition to Magistrates the. 7. key a The wordes of the prophet admonishing al magistrates that when they sitte in iudgement or determine anie cause God who is there and euerie where present b attendeth their processe and therfore it behoneth them to be aduised what they doe euen as if they heard God speaking as here foloweth c The wordes of God though not vttered sensibly yet in effect intimated by his law according wherto he wil procede in iudgement against vniust Iudges d Such iudges procede in grosse ignorance not caring to vnderstand but content to walke in darknes e Ye are so euil disposed that you would turne al vpside downe instifying the wicked and condemning the iust f For your office which you participate of me you are certaine goddes vpon earth g But when you die you shal find that you are men subiect to Gods iudgement h yea your punishment wil be greuous and importable for the mightie shal mightely suffer torments Sap. ● i Againe the wordes of the prophet praying God k that eing he is Lord of al he wil iudge al. Persecuters of the Church confounded or conuerted the 6 key a Seing none is like to thee ô God b shew thy powre and maiestie c be not silent d The cruel persecuters are most insolent e and proud f That there be no more anie faithful people g anie Catholiques leift aliue h The progenie of Esau i the seede of Ismael k descending from the elder sonne of Lot l the issue of Abraham by Agar who falsly cal them selues Sarascens as if they were of Sara m People of Gebal a citie of Syria n of the other sonne of Lot o those that first oppugned the Israelites after they were parted from Aegypt Exo. 17. p The Philistians q and Tyrians al nere neighboures and some of them nere akine to the Israelites were their great enimies r Others also coming further of ioyned against Gods people in figure that al heretikes and other infidels conspire together against Catholiques ſ The Psalmist therfore prayeth and withal prophecieth that God wil at last destroy them as he did Madian Num 31. Iudic. 6. 7. t Sisara captaine general v for Iabin king of Asor nere Cisson Iudic. 4. v. 7. 23. w Within the territorie of Manasses Ios 17. which they inuaded x slaine and not buried y These foure princes of the Madianites were slaine by Gedeons forces Iudic. 7. 8. z By foure similitudes the prophet describeth the punishment that shal fal vpon persecuters :: By foure similitudes the prophet describeth the punishment that shal fal vpon persecuters 1. 2. 3. 4. a God by punishing seeketh the conuersion of sinners not their eternal death b But such as be stil obstinate and finally impenitent do perish for euer c God only the creator of heauen and earth is properly called LORD VVhose essential and incommunicable name is VVHICH IS Exo. 3. v. 14. 6. v. 3. Eternal glorie the 10. key a For men afflicted in this vale of miserie b By the children of Core not being musitians but porters in the temple 1. Par. 26. S. Augustin here and in other titles of Psalmes vnderstandeth the faithful children of Christ c The glorious mansions in heauen which God hath prepared for the iust d Vehement desires do sometimes depriue vs of external sense e The mind reioycing in hope the bodie is also recreated releeued and reuiued which before was dulle and heauie f As sparowes by natural instinct seeking habitations finde houses to dwel in g and turtles haue nestes wherin to lay their young ones so faithful soules seeke to dwel in heauen and in the meane time to lay vp good workes within the Catholique Church out of which sayth S. Augustin in this place how good soeuer workes do seme as when paganes and heretikes feede the hungrie cloth the naked receiue strangers into their houses visite the sicke comforte prisoners being not laid in the nest conculcabuntur conterentur non seruabuntur non custodientur they shal be trodde vnder foote they shal be bruised in peeces they shal not be conserued they shal not be kept but