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A10405 The Byble in Englyshe that is to saye, the content of all the holye scrypture, bothe of the olde and newe Testament, truly translated after the veryte of the Hebrue and Greke textes, by the diligent studye of dyuers excellent lerned [men e]xperte in the fore[saide] tongues.; Bible. English. Great Bible. 1540 (1540) STC 2069; ESTC S121497 1,995,822 1,050

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And ye shall be brought vnto the heade rulers and kynges for my sake in wytnesse to them and to the gentyls But when they delyuer you vp take ye no thought howe or what ye shall speake For it shall be gyuen you euen in that same houre what ye shall speake For it is not ye that speake but the spirite of your father whiche speaketh in you The brother shall delyuer vp the brother to death the father the sonne And the chyldren shal aryse agaynst theyr fathers and mothers shal put them to death and ye shal be hated of all men for my name sake But he that endureth to the ende shall be saued But when they persecute you in this citye flee ye in to an other For verely I saye vnto you ye shall not go thorowe all the cityes of Israel tyll the sonne of man be come The discyple is not aboue the mayster nor the seruaunt aboue his lorde It is ynough for the disciple that he be as his mayster is and that the seruaunt be as his lorde is If they haue called the lorde of the house Beelzebub howe moche more shall they call them of his housholde so Feare them not therfore For there is nothynge close that shall not be opened nothyng hyd that shal not be knowen What I tell you in darkenesse that speake ye in lyghte And what ye heare in the eare that preache ye on the house toppes And feare ye not them whiche kyll the body but are not able to kyl the soule But rather feare hym which is able to destroy both soule and body in to hell Are not two lytell sparowes solde for a farthynge And one of them shall not lyght on the grounde wtout your father Yea euen al the heere 's of your head are nombred Feare ye not therfore ye are of more value then many sparowes Euery one therfore that shal knowledge me before men him wyl I knowlege also before my father which is in heuen But who soeuer shall denye me before men hym wyll I also denye before my father whiche is in heuen Thynke not that I am come to sende peace into the erth I came not to sende peace but a swerde For I am come to set a man at varyaunce agaynst his father the doughter agaynst her mother and the doughter in lawe agaynst her mother in law And a mans foes shall be they that are of his owne hausholde He that loueth father or mother more then me is not worthy of me And he that loueth sonne or doughter more then me is not worthye of me And he that taketh not his crosse and foloweth me is not worthy of me He that fyndeth his lyfe shall lose it and he that loseth his lyfe for my sake shal fynde it He that receyueth you receyueth me and he that receyueth me receyueth hym that sent me He that receyueth a prophet in the name of a prophet shal receyue a prophetꝭ rewarde And he that receyueth a ryghteous man in the name of a ryghteous man shall receyue a ryghteous mannes rewarde And who soeuer shall gyue vnto one of these lytell ones to drynke a cup of colde water onely in the name of a disciple verely I say vnto you he shall not lose his rewarde ¶ Iohn̄ Bapiyst sendeth his disciples vnto Christ. CAPI XI ANd it came to passe that when Iesus had made an ende of cōmaundyng his twelue disciples he departed thence to teache and to preache in theyr cityes ✚ When Iohn̄ beynge in pryson herde the wordes of Christ he sent two of his disciples and sayde vnto hym Arte thou he that shall come or do we loke for an other Iesus answered and sayde vnto them Go and shewe Iohn̄ agayne what ye haue herde and sene The blynde receyue theyr syghte the lame walke the lepers are clensed and the deafe heare the deade are reysed vp and the poore receyue the glad tydynges of the gospell And happy is he that is not offended by me And as they departed Iesus began to say vnto the people concernynge Iohn̄ What went ye out into the wyldernes to se A reede that is shaken with the wynd Or what went ye out to se a man clothed in softe rayment Beholde they that weare softe clothyng are in kynges houses But what wente ye out to se A prophet Uerely I say vnto you more then a prophet For this is he of whom it is wrytten Beholde I sende my messenger before thy face whiche shall prepare thy way before the. ⊢ ✚ Uerely I saye vnto you amonge them that are borne of women arose not a greater then Iohn̄ the Baptyst Notwithstandynge ☞ he that is lesse in the kyngdome of heuen is greater then he From the dayes of Iohn̄ Baptyst vntyll this day the kyngdom of heuen suffreth violence and the violent plucke it vnto them For al the prophettes and the lawe it selfe prophesyed ☞ vnto Iohn̄ And yf ye wyll receyue it this is Helyas whiche was for to come He that hath eares to heare let hym heare ⊢ But whervnto shall I lyken this generacyon It is lyke vnto chyldren whiche syt in the market places and call vnto theyr felowes and saye We haue pyped vnto you and ye haue not daunsed we haue mourned vnto you and ye haue not sorowed For Iohn̄ came neyther catynge nor drynkynge and ye saye he hathe the deuyll The sonne of man came eatynge and drynkynge and they saye beholde a glutton and an vnmeasurable drynker of wyne and a frende vnto publicans and synners And wysdome is Iustified of her chyldren ✚ Then began he to vpbrayde the cityes whiche moost of his myracles were done in bycause they repented not of theyr synnes Wo vnto the Chorasin Wo vnto the Bethsaida for yf the myracles which were shewed in you had bene done in the citye of Tyre or Sidon they had repented of theyr synnes long agone in sacke cloth and asshes Neuerthelesse I say vnto you it shall be easyer for Tyre and Sidon at the daye of iudgement then for you And thou Capernaum whiche ●ete lyfte vp vnto heuen shalte be broughte downe to hell For yf the myracles which haue bene done in the had bene shewed in Zodom they had remayned vntyll this daye Neuerthelesse I saye vnto you that it shall be easyer for the lande of Zodom in the day of iudgement thē for the. ⊢ ✚ At that tyme Iesus answered sayd I thanke the O father Lorde of heuen and earth bycause thou hast hyd these thynges from the wyse prudent hast shewed them vnto babes verely father euen so was it thy good pleasure All thynges are gyuē ouer vnto me of my father And no man knoweth the sonne but the father neyther knoweth any man the father saue the sonne and he to whom soeuer the sonne wyll open hym Come vnto me all ye that laboure and are
shall streyghte waye glorifie hym ✚ Lytell chyldren yet a lytell whyle am I with you Ye shall seke me and as I sayde vnto the Iues whyther I go thyther can ye not come Also to you saye I nowe A newe cōmaūdement gyue I vnto you that ye loue togyther as I haue loued you that euen so ye loue one another By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples if ye haue loue one to an other Symon Peter sayde vnto hym Lorde whyther goest thou Iesus answered hym whyther I go thou canst not folowe me nowe but thou shalte folowe me afterwardes ⊢ Peter sayd vnto him Lorde why can not I folow the now I wyll ieoperde my lyfe for thy sake Iesus answered hym wylte thou ieoperde thy lyfe for my sake Uerely verely I say vnto the the cocke shall not crow tyll thou haue denyed me thryse ¶ He armeth his disciples with consolacyon agaynst trouble and promyseth them the holy goost CAPI XIIII ✚ ANd he sayde vnto his disciples let not your hert be troubled Ye byleue in god byleue also in me In my fathers house are many mancions If it were not so I wold haue tolde you I go to prepare a place for you And if ☞ I go to prepare a place for you I wyl come agayne receyue you euen vnto my selfe that where I am there may ye be also And whyther I go ye knowe the way ye knowe Thomas sayeth vnto hym Lorde we knowe not whyther thou goest And howe is it possyble for vs to know the way Iesus sayeth vnto hym I am the way the trueth and the lyfe No man cometh vnto the father but by me If ye had knowen me ye had knowen my father also And nowe ye knowe hym and haue sene hym Philip sayeth vnto hym Lorde shew vs the father it suffyseth vs. Iesus sayeth vnto hym haue I bene so long tyme with you yet hast thou not knowen me Philip he that hath sene me hath sene the father And howe sayest thou then shewe vs the father Byleuest thou not that I am in the father and the father in me The wordes that I speake vnto you I speake not of my selfe But ☞ the father that dwelleth in me is he that doeth the workes Byleue me that I am in the father and the father in me Or els byleue me for the workes sake Uerely verely I say vnto you he that byleueth on me the workes that I do the same shall he do also and greater workes then these shal he do bycause I go vnto my father And what soeuer ye aske in my name that wyll I do that the father maye be gloryfyed by the sonne If ye shall aske any thynge in my name I wyll do it ⊢ ✚ If ye loue me kepe my cōmaundementes and I wyll praye the father and he shall gyue you an other comforter that he maye abyde w t you for euer euen the spirite of truth whom the world can not receyue bycause the worlde seeth him not neyther knoweth hym But ye knowe hym for he dwelleth with you and shal be in you I wyl not leaue you comfortles but wyl come to you Yet a lytel while and the world seeth me no more but ye seme For I lyue and ye shall lyue That day shall ye knowe that I am in my father and you in me and I in you He that hath my cōmaundementes and kepeth them the same is he that loueth me And he that loueth me shall be loued of my father and I wyll loue hym and wyll shewe myne owne selfe to hym Iudas sayeth vn to hym not Iudas Iscarioth Lorde what is done that thou wylte shewe thy selfe vnto vs and not vnto the worlde Iesus answered and sayd vnto hym yf a man loue me he wyll kepe my sayenges and my father wyll loue hym and we wyll come vnto hym and dwell with hym He that loueth me not kepeth not my sayenges And the worde which ye heare ▪ is not myne but the fathers which sent me These thynges haue I spoken vnto you beynge yet present with you But the comforter which is the holy goost whom my father wyl sende in my name he shall teache you all thynges and brynge all thynges to your remembraunce what soeuer I haue sayde vnto you Peace I leaue with you my peace I gyue vnto you Not as the worlde gyueth gyue I vnto you Let not your hertes be greued neyther feare Ye haue herde howe I sayde vnto you I go and come agayne vnto you If ye loued me ye wolde verely reioyce bycause I sayde I go vnto the father For the father is greater then I. And nowe haue I shewed you before it come that when it is come to passe ye myght bileue Hereafter wyl I not talke many wordes vnto you For the prynce of this worlde cometh hath nought in me But that the worlde may knowe that I loue the father And as the father gaue me commaundement euen so do I. ⊢ Aryse let vs go hence ¶ The true vyne the husbande man and the braunches A doctryne of loue a swete cōfort agaynst persecucyon CAPI XV. ✚ I Am the true vyne and my father is the husbande man Euery braunche that beareth not fruyte in me he wyll take awaye And euery braunche that beareth fruyte wyl he pourge that it maye brynge forthe more fruyte Nowe are ye cleane thorow the wordes whiche I haue spoken vnto you Abyde in me and I in you As the braunche can not beare fruyte of it selfe excepte it abyde in the vyne no more can ye excepte ye abyde in me I am the vyne ye are the braunches He that abydeth in me and I in hym the same bryngeth forth moche fruyte For without me can ye do nothynge If a man abyde not in me he is cast forth as a braunche and is wethered and men gather them and cast them into the fyre and they burne If ye abide in me my wordes abyde in you aske what ye wyll and it shall be done for you ⊢ Herein is my father glorified that ye beare moche fruyte and become my disciples As the father hath loued me euen so haue I also loued you Cōtinue ye in my loue If ye kepe my cōmaundementes ye shall abyde in my loue euen as I haue kepte my fathers commaundementes abyde in his leue These thyngꝭ haue I spoken vnto you that my ioy myght remayne in you and that youre ioye myght be full ✚ This is my cōmaundement that ye loue togyther as I haue loued you Greater loue hath no man then this that a man bestowe his lyfe for his frendes Ye are my frendes yf ye do what soeuer I cōmaunde you Henceforth call I you not seruauntes for the seruaunt knoweth not what his lorde doeth but you haue I called frendes for all thynges that I haue herde of my father haue I opened to
that thys saluacyon of God is sente to the gentyls and they shall heare it And when he had sayde these wordes the Iewes departed from him and had great despycyons among them selues And Paule dwelt two yeares full in hys lodginge and receaued all that came in vnto him preachyng the kigdome of God teachynge those thynges whiche concerne the Lorde Iesus with all confydence no man forbydding him ¶ Here endeth the Actes of the Apostles ❧ The Epistle of the Apostle Saynt Paule to the Romaynes ¶ Paule declareth hys loue towarde the Romaynes sheweth what the Gospell is with the frute therof and rebu keth the ●●astlynce of the Heathen CAPI I. ✚ PAule the seruaunt of Iesus Christe called to the offyce of an apostle put a part for y ● Gospell of God whiche he had promysed afore by hys prophetes in the holy scriptutures of his sonne which was borne ⚜ vnto hym of the seed of Dauid after the flesh and hathe bene declared to be the sonne of God with power after the sprere that sanctyfyeth sence the tyme that Iesus Chryste oure Lorde rose agayne from deeth by whom we haue receaued grace and Apostle shyp that obedience myght be geuen vnto the fayth in his name amonge all Heathen of whose nombre you be that are called of Iesu Chryste ⊢ To all you that be at Rome beloued of God and called sayntes Grace be with you and peace from God oure father and from the Lorde Iesus Chryste Fyrst verely I thanke my God thorowe Iesus Chryste for you all that youre fayth is spoken of in all the worlde For God is my wytnes whom I serue with my sprete in the Gospell of hys sonne that with out ceasynge I make mencyon of you alwayes in my prayers besechynge that by some meane at the last out tyme or other a prosperous iorney by the wyll of God myght fortune me to come vnto you For I longe to se you that I myght bestowe amōge you some spyritual gyfte to strength you withall that is that I myght haue consolacyon together with you through the cōmen faith whiche bothe ye and I haue I wolde that ye shulde knowe brethren howe that I haue often tymes purposed to come vnto you but haue bene let hytherto to haue some frute also amonge you as amonge other of the Gentyls I am detter both to the Grekes and to the vngrekes to learned and to the vnlearned So that as much as in me is I am redy to preache the Gospell to you that are at Rome also For I am not asshamed of the gospell of Christ because it is the power of God vnto saluacyon to euery one that beleueth to the Iewe fryst and also to the gentyle For by it is the ryghtewesnes of God opened ☞ frō fayth to fayth As it is wrytten the iust shal lyue by fayth For y ● wrath of God apeareth from heauen agaynste all vngodlynes and vnryghtewesnes of men whiche withholde the trueth in vnryghtewesnes seynge that it whiche may be knowen of God is manifest amonge them For God hath shewed it vnto thē Yee his inuisyble thinges that is to saye his eternall power and godhed are sene for as much as they are vnderstande by the workes from the creacyon of the worlde So that they are without excuse because that when they knewe God they glorified him not as God nether were thankfull but wexed full of vanities in theyr ymagynacyons and theyr folysh herte was blynded When they counted them selues wyse they became fooles and turned the glory of the immortal God vnto an ymage made not onely after the similitude of a mortal man but also of byrdes and foure foted beastes of crepynge beastes Wherfore God gaue them vp vnto theyr hertes iustes to vnclennes to defyle theyr owne bodies among thē selues which turned his trueth vnto a lye worshypped and serued the thinges that be made more then hym that made them which is blessed for euer Amen Wherfore God gaue them vp vnto shamfull lustes For euen theyr wemen dyd chaunge the naturall vse in to that whiche is agaynste nature And lyke wyse also the men left the natural vse of the woman and brent in theyr lustes one with another mē with men wrought filthynes and receaued to them selues the rewarde of theyr erroure as it was accordynge ▪ And as they regarded not to knowe God euen so God delyuered them vp vnto a lewde mynde that they shuld do those thinges whiche were not comly beinge ful of al vnrightteousnesse fornicacion wyckednes coueteousnes malycyousnes full of enuye murther debate disseȳte euyll cōdicyoned whysperers backbyters haters of God doers of wronge proude boasters bringers vp of euyll thynges disobedyent to father and mother without vnderstandynge couenaunte breakers vnlouynge trace breakers vnmerciful Which men though they knewe the ryghtewesnes of God ⚜ consydred nat howe that they which cōmyt suche thynges are worthy of deeth not only ⚜ they that do the same but also ⚜ they whyche haue pleasure in them that do them ¶ He rebuketh the Iewes whiche as touchynge synne are lyke the Heathen CAPI II. THerfore art thou inexcusable O man whosoeuer thou be that ☞ iudgest For in that same wherin thou iudgest another thou condemnest thy selfe For thou that iudgest doest euen the same selfe thynges But we are sure that the iudgement of God is accordynge to trueth agaynst thē which cōmyt luch thynges Thynkest thou this O thou man that iudgest them which do suche thynges and doest euen the very same thy selfe that thou shalt escape the iudgement of God Ether despysest thou the ryches of his goodnes and pacyence long sufferaunce not knowynge that the kyndnes of God leadeth the to repentaunce But thou after thy stubburnesse and herte that cannot repente heapest vnto thy selfe wrath against the daye of vengeaunce when shal be opened the ryghtewes iudgement of God whiche wyll rewarde euery man ☞ accordynge to his dedes that is to saye prayse honoure and immortalyte to them whiche contynue in good doyng and seke immortalyte But vnto them that are rebelles and that do not obeye the trueth but folowe vnryghteousnes shall come indignacyon and wrath trybulacyon and anguyshe vpon the soule of euery man that do the euyll of the Iew fyrst and also of the Gentyle To euery man that do the good shall come prayse and honoure and peace to the Iewe fyrst and also to the Gentyll For there is no respecte of parsonnes with God For whosoeuer hath synned without lawe shall also peryshe without lawe And as many as haue synned in the lawe shal be iudged by the law For in the syght of God they are not ryghteous whiche heare the lawe But the doers of the lawe shal be iustifyed For whā the Gentyls which haue not the lawe ☞ do of nature the thynges contayned in the lawe then they hauynge not the lawe are a
famous men and heades of the housholdes of theyr fathers And they transgressed agaynst the God of theyr fathers and went a horyng after the Gods of the people of the lande whom God destroyed before them God styrred vp the spirite of Phul kyng of Assyria and the spirite of Thiglath Pilneser kynge of Assiria caried them away euen the Rubenites the Gaddites and the halfe tribe of Manasse brought them vnto Halah Habor H●ra and to the ryuer Gōzan vnto this day ¶ The Genealogie of the sonnes of Leui. CAPI VI. THe sonnes of Leui Gerson Cahath and Merari The sonnes of Cahath Amram Izahar Hebron and Uziell The Chyldren of Amram Aaron Moses and Miriam The sonnes also of Aaron Nadab Abihu Eleazar and Ithamar Eleazer begat Phinehes ▪ Phinehes begat Abisua Abisua begat Boki Boki begat Uzi Uzi begat Zarahia And Zarahia begat Meraioth Meraioth begat Amaria Amaria begat Ahitob Ahitob begat Zadoc Zadoc begat Ahimaaz Ahimaaz begat Azaria Azaria begat Iohanam Iohanam begat Azaria whiche ministred in the temple that Salomon buylte in Ierusalem Azaria begat Amaria Amaria begat Ahitob Ahitob begat Zadoc and Zadoc begat Sallum Sallum begat Helkia and Helkia begat Azaria Azatia begat Saraia and Saraia begat Iehozedech And Iehozedech departed when the Lorde caried away Iuda and Ierusalem by the hande of Nabuchodonezer The sonnes of Leui Gersom Cahath and Merari And these be the names of the sonnes of Gersom Libni and Simhi And the sonnes of Cahath were Amram Izahar Hebron and Uziel The sonnes of Merari Mazli and Musi and these are the kynreds of Leui concernyng theyr fathers The son of Gersom was Lobni whose sonne was Iahath and his sonne Zemma and his sonne Ioah and his sonne Iddo and his sonne Zetah and his sonne Ieathrai The sonnes of Cahath Aminadab and his son Korah and his sonne Assyr and his son Elcana and his sonne Ebiasaph and his sonne Assir Chahath was his sonne and Uriell his son and Uzia his sonne and Saul was his sonne The sonnes of Elcana Amazai and Ahimoth Elcana The sonnes of Elcana Zophai whose son was Nahath his son Eliab Ieroham his son and Elcana his son and Samuel the sonne of hym And the sonnes of Samuel the eldest Uasni and Abia. The sonnes of Merari Mahlt and his sonne Libni and his sonne Sunhi his son Uza and his sonne Simha and his son Hagaia and his sonne Asaia And these be they whom Dauid set for to singe in the house of the Lorde after that the arke had test And they ministred before the dwellynge place and the Tabernacle of wytnesse with syngyrige vntyll Salomon had buylte the house of the Lorde in Ierusalem And then they wayted on theyr offyces accordynge to the order of them These are they that wayted with theyr chyldren of the sonnes of Cahath Heman a synger which was the sonne of Ioel the sonne of Semuell the sonne of Eirana the sonne of Ieroham the sonne of Elielithe sonne of Thoah the son of Zuph the sonne of Elcana the son of Mahath the son of Amasai the sonne of Elcana the sonne of Ioel the sonne of Asaria the son of zephania the sonne of Thahath the sonne of Assyr the sonne of Ebiasaph the sonne of Korah the son of Izahar the son of Cahath the sonne of Leui the sonne of Israel And his brother Asaph stode on his ryght hande and Asaph was the son of Barachia the sonne of Simha the sonne of Michaell the sonne of Basaaia the sonne of Melchia the sonne of Atham the son of Zarah the son of Adaia the son of Ethan the son of Zima the sonne of Sunhi the sonne of Iahath the sonne of Gersom the sonne of Leui. And theyr brethren the sonnes of Merari stode on the lefte hande euen Ethan the son of kysi the sonne of Abdi the sonne of Maluch the son of Hasabia the son of Amazia the son of Helkia the son of Amzi the son of Bani the son of Samer the son of Mahli the son of Musi the son of Merari the sonne of Leui. Theyr brethren also the Leuites were appoynted vnto all maner of seruyce of the tabernacle of the house of god But Aaron his sonnes burnt insence vpon the aulter of burnt offerynge ou the aulter of insence were appoynted for all that was to do in the place most holy and to make an attonement for them of Israel accordyng to all that Moses the seruaunt of God had cōmaunded These are the sonnes of Aaron Eleazar whose sonne was Phinehes and his sonne Abisua and his son Boki whose sonne was Uzi and his sonne Zerahia and the sonne of hym Merahioth and his sonne Amaria and the sonne of hym Ahitob and Zadoc his son and Ahimaaz his sonne And these are the dwellynge places of them thorowout theyr townes coostes euen of the sonnes of Aaron thorowout the kynred of the Caathites for so the lot fell for them And they gaue vnto them Hebron in the lande of Iuda and the Suburbes therof rounde aboute it But the felde of the citye and the villages perteynynge therto they gaue to Caleb the sonne of Iephune And to the sonnes of Aaron they gaue the cityes of refuge euen Hebron and Libna with theyr suburbes Iathir and Esthemoa with theyr suburbes and Hilen with her suburbes and Debir with her suburbes Asan and her Suburbes Bethsemes and her suburbes And out of the trybe of Beniamin Geba and her suburbes Alemeth and her suburbes Anathoth her suburbes all theyr cityes thorowout theyr kynreddes were xiii And vnto the sonnes of Cahath the remenaunt of the kyn of the trybe were cityes gyuen out of the halfe trybe of Manasse by lot euen ten cityes And the sonnes of Gersom thorowout theyr kynreddes had out of the tribe of Isarar out of the tribe of Asser and out of the tribe of Nephthall out of the trybe of Manasse in Basan thyrtene cityes And vnto the sonnes of Merari were gyuen by lot thorowout theyr kynreddes out of the trybe of Ruben and out of the tribe of Gad and out of the trybe of Zabulon twelue cityes And the chyldren of Israel gaue the Leuites cityes with theyr suburbes that by lot out of the trybe of the chldren of Iuda out of the trybe of the chyldren of Symeon and out of the trybe of the chyldren of Beniamin the cityes whiche they called by theyr names And they that were of the kynreddes of the sonnes of Cahath had cityes and theyr coostꝭ out of the trybe of Ephraim And they gaue vnto them cityes of refuge Sichem in mount Ephraim and her suburbes Gaser and her suburbes Iocmeam her suburbes Beth-horon and her suburbes Aialon her suburbes Geth Rimmon and her suburbes And out of the halfe tribe of Manasse Aner her suburbes Bileam and her suburbes for the kynred of the remenaunt of the sonnes of Cahath And vnto the sonnes of Gerson were gyuen out
wyse prudent sentences Hys name wente abrode in the Iles because of his peace he was beloued All landes marueled at his sōges prouerbes similitudes and at his peace and at the name of the Lorde God which is called the God of Israel He gathered golde as tynne he had as much syluer as leade He was moued in inordynate loue towarde wemen was ouercome in affeccyon He stayned his honoure and worshyppe yee hys posteryte defyled he also in bryngynge the wrathe of the Lorde vpon hys chyldren and sorowe after his ioye so y ● his kyngdome was deuyded Ephraim became an vnfaythfull and an vncōstāt kyngdome Neuertheles God forsoke not his mercy neyther was he vtterly destroyed because of his worckes y ● he shulde leaue him no posterite As for y ● sede that came vpō him which he loued he brought it not vtterly to naught but gaue yet a remnaūte vnto Iacob and a rote vnto Dauid out of hym Thus rested Salomon with his fathers and out of hys sede he left behynde hym a very foolyshnes of the people and such one as had no vnder standynge euen Roboam whiche turned awaye the people thorowe his councel and Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat which caused Israell to sinne and shewed Ephraim y ● way of vngodlynes In so much that theyr synnes and misdedes had the vpper hand so sore that at the last they were dryuen out of the land for the same Yee he sought out and brought vp all wyckednes tyll the vengeaunce came vppon them ¶ The prayse of Eliah Elizeas Hezekiah and Esaye CAPI XLVIII THEN stode vp Eliah the Prophet as a fyre and hys worde brente lyke a creshet He brought an honger vpon them and in hys zele he made them fewe in nombre For they might not away with the commaundementes of the Lorde Thorowe the worde of the Lord he shut the heauen and thre times brought he the fyre downe Thus became Eliah honorable in his wonderous dedes Who may make his boast to be lyke him One that was deed raysed he vp from deathe and i the worde of the hyest he brought hym oute of the graue agayne * He caste downe kinges destroyed them and the honorable from theyr seate Upon the mount Syna he herde the punyshment and vpon Horeb the iudgement of the vengeaunce He prophecyed recōpensynge vnto kynges ordeyned prophetes after hym He was taken vp in the storme of fyre in a charet of horses of the Lorde He was ordaned in the reprouynges in tyme to pacyfye the wrath of the Lorde to turne the hertes of the fathers vnto the chyldren and to set vp the trybes of Iacob agayne Blessed were they that saw the and were garnyshed in loue for we lyue in lyfe but after death we shall haue no such name Elias was couered in y ● storme but Helyseus was fylled with his sprete Whyle he lyued he was afrayed of no prynce and no man myght ouercome him There coulde no worde disceaue him after his death his body prophecied He dyd wonders in his lyfe in death were his workes maruelous For all this the people amended not nether departed they frō theyr synnes tyll they were caried away presoners out of the lāde and were scatred abrode in all countrees so that of them there ramayned but a very lytle people and a prynce vnto the house of Dauid Howe be it some of them dyd ryght and some heaped vp vngodlynes Hezekias made his cytie stronge conueyed water in to it dygged thorowe the stony rocke with yron made vp a well by the water syde In his tyme came Sennaheryb vp and sent Rabsakes lyft vp his hande agaynste Syon and defied thē with greate pryde Then trymbled theyr nettes and hādes so that they sorowed lyke a woman trauaylinge with chylde So they called vpon the Lorde which is mercyful and lyfte vp theyr handes before hym Immediatly the Lorde harde them out of heauen he thought nomore vpon theyr sinnes nor gaue them ouer to theyr enemyes but delyuered them by the hande of Esay the holy prophet He smote the hoost of y ● Assyrians and his angell destroyed thē For Hezekias had done the thynge y ● pleased the Lorde remayned stedfastly in the waye of Dauid his father as Esay the greate and faythful prophet in the syght of God had cōmaunded hym In his tyme the Sunne wente backwarde he lengthened the kinges lyfe With a ryghte sprete prophecyed ●e what shulde come to passe at the last and to suche as were sorowfull in Syon he gaue cōsolacion wher w t they myght cōfort them selues for euermore He shewed thynges y ● were ●or to come secrete or euer they came to passe ¶ Of Iosiah Hezethiah Dauid Ieremy Ezechiel zo●o babel Iesua Nehemiah Enoch and Ioseph CAPI XLIX THE remēbraunce of Iosias is lyke as whā the apothecary maketh many precious swete smellyng thynges together His remembraunce shal be swete as hony in all mouthes as the playenge of Musyck at a bancket of wyne He was appoynted to turne the people agayne to take awaye all abhomynacions of the vngodly He dyrected his herte vnto the Lorde and in the tyme of the vngodly he set vp the worshyp of God agayne All kynges except Dauid Hezechiah and Iosiah cōmytted wyckednes for euen the kynges of Iuda also forsoke the lawe of God For they gaue theyr horne vnto other theyr honoure and worshyppe also to a straunge people Therfore was the electe cyt●e of y ● Sanctuary brent with fyre the streates therof laye desolate wast in the hande of Ieremy for they intreated hym euell whiche neuertheles was a prohpet ordeyned frō hys mothers wombe y t he myght rote out breake of and destroye and that he myght builde vp and plant agayne Ezechiel sawe the glorye of the Lorde in a vysion which was shewed him vpon y ● charet of y ● Cherubins For he thought vpō the enemies in y ● rayne to do good vnto suche as had ordred theyr wayes a ryght And the bones of the twelue prophetes floryshed from out of theyr place for they gaue comforte consolatyon vnto Iacob delyuered thē faythfully Howe shall we prayse Zorobabel whiche was as a rynge in the rght hande So was Iesus also the sōne of Iosedec these men in theyr tymes buylded the house and set vp y ● ▪ Sanctuary of y ● Lorde agayne which was prepared for an euerlasting worshyp And Nehemias is all waye to be cōmended whiche set vp for vs the walles that were broken downe made the portes and barres agayne buylded our houses of the newe But vpon the earth is there no man created like Enoch for he was takē vp from the earth And Ioseph which was Lorde of hys brethren the vp holder of hys people his bones were couered and kepte Seth
in to a shyppe and passed ouer and came in to his owne citye And beholde they brought to hym a man sycke of the palsye lyenge in a bed And when Iesus sawe the fayth of them he sayde vnto the sicke of the palsye sonne be of good cheare thy synnes be forgyuen the. And beholde certayne of the Scrybes sayde within them selues this man blasphemeth And when Iesus sawe theyr thoughtes he sayde Wherfore thynke ye euyll in youre hertes Whyther is easyer to saye thy synnes be forgyuen the or to saye aryse and walke But that ye maye knowe that the sonne of man hath power to forgyue synnes in earth Then sayeth he vnto the sycke of the palsye Aryse take vp thy bed and go vnto thyne house And he arose departed to his house But the people that sawe it meruayled and glorified god which had gyuen suche power vnto men ⊢ ✚ And as Iesus passed forth from thence he sawe a man named Mathewe syttynge at the receyte of custome and he sayeth vnto hym folowe me And he arose and folowed hym And it came to passe as Iesus sat at meate in his house beholde many publicans also and synners that came sat downe with Iesus and his disciples And when the Pharises sawe it they sayd vnto his disciples why eateth your mayster with Publicans and synners But when Iesus herde that he sayde vnto them They that be stronge nede not the Phisician but they that are sycke Go ye rather and learne what that meaneth I wyl haue mercy and not sacrifice For I am not come to call the ryghteous but synners to repentaunce ⊢ ✚ Then came the disciples of Iohn̄ vnto hym sayeng Why do we and the Pharises fast for the most parte but thy disciples fast not And Iesus sayde vnto them Can the brydegromes chyldren mourne as longe as the brydegrome is with them But the dayes wyll come when the brydegrome shal be taken from them and then shall they fast No man putteth a pece of newe cloth in an olde garment For then taketh he awaye the pece from the garment the rent is made worse Neyther do men put newe wyne in to olde bottels els the bottels breake and the wyne runneth out and the bottels perysshe But they put newe wyne in to newe bottels and bothe are saued togyther ⊢ ✚ Whyle he thus spake vnto them beholde there came a certayne ruler and worshypped hym sayenge My doughter is euen nowe deceased but come and laye thy hande vpon her and she shall lyue And Iesus arose and folowed him and so dyd his disciples And beholde a woman whiche was dyseased with an yssue of blood twelue yeres came behynde hym and touched the hemme of his vesture For she sayd within her selfe yf I may touche but euen his vesture only I shal be safe But Iesus turned hym aboute and when he saw her he sayd Doughter be of good comforte thy fayth hath made the safe And the womā was made hole euen that same tyme ⊢ And when Iesus came in to the rulers house and saw the mynstrels and the people makynge a noyse he sayd vnto them get you hence for the mayde is not dead but slepeth And they laughed hym to scorne But when the people were put forth he wente in toke her by the hande ❀ and sayd damsel aryse the damsel arose And this noyse went abrode in to all the lande And when Iesus departed thence two blynde men folowed hym cryenge saynge O thou sonne of Dauid haue mercy on vs. And when he was come in to the house the blynde came to hym And Iesus sayth vnto them Byleue ye that I am able to do this They say vnto hym Lorde we byleue Then touched he theyr eyes sayenge accordynge to your fayth be it vnto you And theyr eyes were opened And Iesus charged them sayenge Se that no man knowe of it But they when they were departed spred abrode his name in all that lande As they wente oute beholde they brought to hym a dombe man possessed of a deuyl And when the deuyl was cast out the dombe spake And the peple merueyled saynge it was neuer so sene in Israel But the Pharises sayde He casteth out deuyls thorowe the prynce of deuyls And Iesus went aboute all cityes townes teachynge in theyr synagoges and preachynge the glad tydynges of the kyngdome healynge euery sycknes euery dysease amonge the people But when he sawe the people he was moued w t compassyon on them bycause they were destitute and scattered abrode euē as shepe hauynge no shepherde Then sayth he vnto his disciples the haruest truely is plenteous but the labourers are fewe Pray ye therfore the Lorde of the haruest that he wyll sende labourers in to his haruest ¶ Christ sendeth out his xii apostles to preache in I●●y● syueth them charge teacheth them and conforteth ●he●●● agaynst persecucyon and trouble CAPI X. ANd when his twelue disciples were called vnto hym he gaue them power agaynst vncleane spirites to cast them oute to heale all maner of syckenes all maner of dysease The names of the twelue apostles are these The fyrst Simon whiche is called Peter and Andrewe his brother Iames the sonne of Zebede and Iohn̄ his brother Philip and Barthylmew Thomas Mathew whiche had bene a ☞ Publican Iames the sonne ▪ of Alphe and Lebbeus whose syrname was Taddeus Simon of Canaan and Iudas Iscarioth whiche also betrayed hym Iesus sent forth these xii in nombre whom he cōmaunded sayenge Go not into the way of the gentyls and in to the citie of the Samaritans entre ye not But go rather to the lost shepe of the house of Israel Go and preache sayenge The kyngdome of heuen is at hande Heale the sycke clense the lepers rayse the deade cast out deuyls Frely ye haue receyued gyue frely Possesse not gold nor syluer nor ☞ brasse in your purses nor yet scryp towarde your iourney neyther two cotes neyther shoes nor yet a rodde For the workeman is worthy of his meate But to what soeuer citye or towne ye shall come enquyre who is worthy in it and there abyde tyll ye go thence And when ye come in to an house salute the same And yf the house be worthy let your peace come vpō it But yf it be not worthy let youre peace returne to you agayne And who soeuer shall not receyue you nor wyll heare your preachyng When ye depart out of the house or that citye shake of the dust of your feete Uerely I saye vnto you it shall be easyer for the lande of Zodom and Gomor in the day of iudgement then for that citye Beholde I sende you forthe as shepe amonge wolues Be ye therfore wyse as serpentes and innocent as doues But beware of men for they shall delyuer you vp to the counselles and shall scourge you in theyr Synagoges
the diseases departed frō them and the euyl spirites went out of them Then certayne of the vagab●nde Iewes exorcistes toke vpon them to cal ouer them whiche had euyll spirites the name of the Lord Iesus sayige We adiure you by Iesu whō Paul preacheth And there were seuen sōnes of one Sceua a Iewe chefe of y ● prestes whiche dyd so And the euyll spirite answered and sayd Iesus I know Paul I knowe but who are ye And the man in whom the euyll spirit was ranne on them ouercame them and preuailed against thē so y t they fledde out of that house naked and wounded And this was knowen to all the Iewes Grekes also which dwelt at Ephesus and feare came on them all the name of the Lorde Iesus was magnified And many that beleued came cōfessed shewed their workꝭ Many of thē which vsed curtoꝰ craftes brought their bokꝭ burned thē before all mē they coūted the price of thē foūde it l. M. siluerlingꝭ So mightely grewe y ● worde of God preuayled After these thiges were ended Paul purposed in y ● spirit whā he had passed ouer Macedonia Achaia to go to Ierusalē saying After I haue bene there I must also se Rome So sēt he into Macedonia two of thē y t ministred vnto hī euen Timotheus Erastus but he hī self remayned in Asia for a season The same tyme there arose no lytel a do aboute that waye For a certayne man named Demetrius a siluer smyth which made syluer shrynes for Diana was not a lytle beneficial vnto the craftes men Whō he called togyther w t the workmen of lyke occupacion and sayde Syrs ye know that by this craft we haue auaūtage Moreouer ye se ● here that not alone at Ephesus but almost thorow out al Asia this Paul hath perswaded and turned away much people saying that they be not Goddes whiche are made with handes So that not onely this oure craft cōmeth into parell to be set at nought but also that the tēple of the great Goddesse Diana shuld be despised her magnyficēce shulde be destroyed whom all Asia and the worlde worshyppeth When they herd these sayinges they were full of wrath cryed out sayinge Great is Diana of the Ephesiās And al the cite was on a rore they rushed into the comē hal w t one assent caught Gaius Aristarcus mē of Macedonia Pauls cōpaniōs Whē Paul wolde haue entred in vnto the people y ● disciples suffered him not But certayne of the chefe of Asia which were his frēdes sent vn to him desyringe him y t he wolde not preace into the comē hal Some therfore cryed one thyng some another the Congregacion was al out of quiet the more parte knewe not wherfore they were come togyther Some of the cōpany drue forth Alexāder the Iewes thrustyng hi forwardes Alexander beckened w t the hande wolde haue gyuen y ● people an answere Whē they knew that he was a Iewe there arose a shoute almost for the space of two houres of al men crying great is Diana of the Ephesians Whē the towne clarke had ceased the people he sayd ye men of Ephesus what mā is it that knoweth not howe that the cytie of y ● Ephesians is a worshipper of the great god desse Diana ☞ of the ymage which came from heauen Seinge then that nomā sayth here agaynst ye ought to be cōtēt and to do nothyng rashly for ye haue brought hyther these men which are nether robbers of churches nor yet despisers of youre goddesse Wherfore yf Demetrius the craftes men which are with hym haue a matter agaynst any mā the law is opē and there are rulers let them accuse one another But yf ye go aboute any other thyng it shal be determined in a lawful congregacion For we are in ●eopardy to be accused of this dayes vproure for asmuch as there is no cause wherby we may gyue a reckenyng of this concourse of people And when he had thus spoken he let the congregacion depart ¶ Paul goeth into Macedonia and into Grece At Troa● he raysed vp a deade body At Ephesus he calleth the elders of the Congregacyon togyther commy●●●th the kepynge of Gods flocke vnto them warneth them of false teachers ●●●keth his prayer with them and departeth to shyppe CAPI XX. AFter that the rage was ceased Paule called the disciples vnto him and toke his leaue of thē departed for to go into Macedonia And when he had gone ouer those parties had giuen thē a long exhortacion he came into Grece there abode iij. monethes And when the Iewes layde wayte for him as he was about to sa●e into Syria he purposed to returne thorowe Macedonia There accōpanyed him ito Asia Sop●ter of Berrea and of Thessalonia Aristarcus and Secūdus and Gayus of Derba Timotheus out of Asia Tychicus and Trophimus These goynge before taried vs at Troas And we sayled away from Philippos after the dayes of swete breade came vnto them to Troas in fyue dayes where we abode seuen dayes And vpō one of the Saboth dayes whā y ● disciples came togyther for to breke breed Paul preached vnto them redy to depart on the morow continued the preaching vnto to mydnyght And there were many lyghtes in the chambre where we were gathered togither and there sat in a wyndow a certayne yonge man named Euticus beyng fallē into a depe slepe And as Paul was preaching he was the more ouercome with slepe and fell downe from the thyrd lofte was takē vp deed But whan Paule went downe he fel on him embrased him and sayd make nothyng a do for his lyfe is in him So whē he was come vp agayne and had broken the bread eaten and talcked a long whyle euen tyll the mornyng at the last he departed And they brought the yong man alyue and were not a lytell comforted And we went afore to shyp and lowsed vnto Asson there to receyue Paule For so had he appointed and wolde him selfe go a fote When we were come togither at Asson we toke him in came to Mytilnes And we sayled thence and came the nexte daye ouer agaynst Chios And the nexte day we aryued at Samos taried at ●rogylon The nexte daye we came to Myleton for Paule had determined to sayle ouer by Ephesus because he wold not spende the tyme ī Asia For he hasted yf it were possyble for him to kepe at Ierusalem the daye of Pentecost And from Myleton he sent messaungers to Ephesus and called the elders of the congregacyon Whyche when they were come to hym he sayde vnto them Ye know from the fyrst daye that I came into Asia after what maner I haue bene with you at all ceasons seruynge the Lorde with all humblenes of mynde and with many teares and temptacions whiche happened vnto me by the
haue not receyued the spyryte of bondage to feare any more but ye haue receyued the spyryte of adopcyon wher by we crye Abba father The same spyryte certyfyeth our spyryte that we are the sonnes of God Yf we be sonnes then are we also heires the heyres I meane of God and heyres anexed wyth Chryste yf so be that we suffre wyth hym that we may be also gloryfyed together with him ⊢ ✚ For I suppose that the afflyccyons of this lyfe are not worthy of the glory whiche shall be shewed vpon vs. For the feruent desyre of the creature abydeth lokyng when the sonnes of God shall appeare because the creature is subdued to vanyte agaynste the wyll therof but for his wyll whyche hathe subdued the same in hope For the same creature shall be delyuered from the bondage of corruptyon into the gloryous lybertye of the sonnes of god For we know that euery creature groneth with vs also and trauayleth in payne euen vnto this tyme. Not onely it but we also whiche haue ☞ the fyrst frutes of the spyryte mourne in ourselues also and wayte for the adopcyon ⚜ of the chyldren of God euen the delyueraunce of our body ⊢ ✚ For we are sauyd by hope But hope that is sene is no hope For howe can a man hope for that which he seyth But and yf we hope for that we se not then do we with pacience abyde for it Lykewyse the spirite also helpeth our in firmyties For we knowe not what to desyre as we ought but the spyryte maketh intercessyon for vs with gronynges whyche can not be expressed And he that searcheth the hertes knoweth what is the meanynge of the spyryte for he maketh intercessyon for the Saynctes accordynge to the pleasure of God ⊢ ✚ We know that all thynges worke for the best vnto them that loue God whiche also are called of purpose For those whiche he knewe before he also ordayned before that they shuld be lyke fashyoned vnto the shape of hys sonne that he myght be the fyrste begotten sonne amonge many brethren More ouer whom he appoynted before them also he called And ☞ whom he hath called thē also he iustyfied and whom he iustyfied thē he also gloryfyed What shal we then say to these thinges yf God be on our side who can be agaynst vs which spared not his owne sonne but gaue him for vs al howe can it be that with him he shulde not gyue vs all thinges also Who shall lay any thynge to the charge of Goddes chosen it is God that iustyfyeth who is he that can condempne it is Christe whyche dyed yee rather whyche is rysen agayne whiche is also on the ryght hande of God and maketh intercessyon for vs. Who shall seperate vs from the loue of Gode shal tribulacion or anguyshe or persecucion eyther honger eyther nakednesse eyther parel eyther swearde As it is wrytten for thy sake are we kylled al day long and are counted as Shepe appoynted to be slayne Neuerthelesse in all these thynges we ouercome thorowe hym that loued vs. For I am sure that neyther death neyther lyfe neyther Angels nor rule nether power neither thynges present neyther thinges to come neither heygth neither loweth nether any other creature shal be able to depart vs from the loue of God whiche is in Christe ●esu our Lorde ⊢ ¶ Paul● complayneth vpon the hard hertes of the ●ewes that wolde not receyue Chryste and howe the Heythen a●● chosen in theyr slende CAPI IX I Saye the trueth in Chryste and lye not my canscyence also bearyng me wytnes by the holy ghoste that I haue great heuynesse and contynual sorowe in my hert For I haue wyshed my selfe to be cursed from Christ for my brethren my kynsmen as pertaynyng to the flesshe whiche are the Israelites To whome partayneth the adopcyon ⚜ of the chyldren and the glory and the couenauntes and the lawe that was gyuen the seruyce of God and the promises whose also are the fathers and they of whome as concernyge the flesshe Christe came whiche is God in all thynges to be praysed for euer Amen I speake not these thynges as thought the wordes of god had take none effect For they are not all Israelytes whyche are of Israel neither are they al chyldren straight way that are the sede of Abraham But in Isaac shall thy sede be called that is to say they whiche are the chyldren of the flesshe are not the children of God But they which be the chyldren of promesse are counted the sede For this is a worde of promes aboute this tyme wyl I come and Sara shal haue a sonne Not onely this but also Rebecca was w t chylde by one euen by our father Isaac For er the chyldren were borne when they had neither done good neither bad that the purpose of God by eleccyon might stāde it was sayde vnto her not by the reason of workes but by the caller the elder shall serue the yonger As it is wrytten Iacob haue I loued but Esau haue I hated What shall we say then is there any vnrightuousnes with God God forbyd For he sayeth to Moises I wyl shew mercy to whom soeuer I shew mercy and wyl haue compassyon on whomsoeuer I haue compassion So lyeth it not then in a mans wyll or cunnynge but in the mercye of God For the scripture sayeth vnto Pharao euen for thys same purpose haue I stered the vp to shewe my power on the and that my name myghte be declared thorowe out al the worlde So hath he mereye on whom he wyl and whom he wyll he maketh harde herted Thou wylte say then vnto me why then blameth he vs yet For who hath bene able to resyst his wyll But O man what ar●e thou whiche disputest with God ▪ Shall the worke say to the worke man why hast thou made me on this fashyon Hath not the potter power ouer the clay euē of the same ●ōpe to make one vessel vnto honoure and another vn to dyshonoure Euen so God wyllyng to shew his wrath and to make his power knowen suffered wyth longe pacyence the vessels of wrathe ordayned to dampnacyon and to declare the ryches of his glorye on the vessels of mercye whiche he had prepared vnto glorye whom also he called not of the Iewes onely but also of the Gentyls As he sayeth also to Ose● I wyll call them my people whiche were not my people and her beloued whiche was not beloued her to haue optained mercy yhat had not optayned mercy And it shal come to passe that in the place where it was sayd vnto them ye are not my people there shall they be called the chyldren of the lyuyng god But doctryne Let hym that exhorteth gyue attendaunce to his exhortacion If any man gyue let hym do it with synglenes Let him that ruleth do it with dilygence If any mā shewe mercy let hym do it with
world There is no feare in loue but perfecte loue casteth out feare for feare hath paynfulnes He y ● feareth is not perfecte in loue We loue hym for he loued vs fyrste If a man saye I loue God and yet hate his brother he is a lyer For howe can he that loueth not hys Brother whom he hath sene loue GOD whom he hath not sene And thys commaundement haue we of him that he whyche loueth God shulde loue his brother also ⊢ ¶ To loue God is to kepe his commoundementes Fayth ouercommeth the worlde Euerlastyng life ●o in the sonne of God Of the sonne vnto death CAPI V. WHosoeuer beleueth that Iesus is Christ is borne of God And euery one that loueth him whych begat loueth hym also whyche was begotten of him By this we know that we loue the chyldren of God when we loue God kepe his commaundementes For this is the loue of God that we kepe his cōmaundementes and his cōmaundemētes are not greuous ✚ For al that is borne of God ouercōmeth the worlde And this is the vyctory that ouercōmeth the world euē our fayth Who is it that ouercōmeth the world but he whiche beleueth that Iesus is the sonne of God This Iesus Christ is he that came by water bloude not by water onely but by water and bloud And it is the spirite that beareth wytnes because the spirite is trueth ⚜ For there are thre whiche beare recorde in Heauen the father the worde and holy Ghost And these thre are one And there are thre whiche beare recorde ⚜ in earth the spirit water bloude and these thre are one It we receyue the wytnes of mē the wytnes of God is greater For thꝭ is the witnes of god ⚜ that is greater whiche he testyfieth of his sonne He that beleueth on the sonne of God hath the wytnes in hym selfe ⊢ He that beleueth not god hath made him a lyar because he beleued not the recorde that God gaue of his sōne And this is that record how that god hath gyuen vnto vs eternal lyfe this life is in his sōne He that hath the sōne hath lyfe and he that hath not the sonne of God hath not lyfe These thynges haue I wryttē vnto you that beleue on the name of the sonne of god that ye maye knowe howe that ye haue eternal life and that ye may beleue on the name of the sōne of god And thys is the trust that we haue in him that yf we aske any thyng accordyng to his wyl he heareth vs. And yf we knowe that he heare vs what soeuer we aske we know that we haue the petycyons that we desyre of hym If any mā se his brother sine a synne not vnto death let him aske he shal gyue hym lyfe for thē that synne not vnto death Ther is a synne vnto death for which say I not y ● a mā shuld pray Al vnryghtuousnes is sine there is synne not vnto death We knowe that whosoeuer is borne of God synneth not but he that is begotten of God kepeth hym selfe and that wicked toucheth hym not We knowe that we are of God the worlde is al togyther set on wyckednes We knowe that the sonne of god is come and hath geuen vs a minde to know hym whiche is true and we are in hym that is true throughe hys sonne Iesus Chryste This same is very God and eternall lyfe Babes kepe youre selues from ymages AMEN He wryteth vnto a certayne lady reioyseth that her chyldren walcke in the trueth exhorteth them vnto lowe warneth thē to beware of such dysceauers as denye that Iosus Chryste came in the flessh prayeth them to contynue in the doctrine of Christ and to haue nothing to do with them that brynge not thye lernynge ❧ The Seconde Epystle of Sayncte Ihon. THe elder to the electe lady and her chyldren whome I loue in the trueth and not I onely but also all y ● hath knowē the trueth for the truthes sake which dwelleth in vs and shall be in vs for euer With vs shall be grace mercye and peace from God the father and from the Lorde Iesus Christ the sonne of the father in trueth loue I reioysed greatly that I founde of thy chyldren walkynge in trueth as we haue receaued a commaundement of the father And nowe beseche I the lady not as though I wrote a newe cōmaundement vnto the but that same whiche we haue had from the begynnynge that we shulde loue one another And thys is the loue that we shulde walke after hys commaundement This commaundement is that as ye haue hearde from the beginning ye shuld walke in it For many deceauers are entred into the worlde whiche confesse not that Iesus Christ is come in the flessh This is a deceauer and an Antichrist Loke on your selues that we loose not that we haue wrought but that we may haue a ful rewarde Whosoeuer transgresseth and bydeth not in the doctryne of Chryste hath not God He that endureth in the doctryne of Chryste hathe both the father and the sonne If there come any vnto you and bryng not this learnyng hym receaue not to house neyther byd hym God spede For he that byddeth hym God spede is partaker of hꝭ euyldedes ⚜ Beholde I haue tolde you before that ye shulde not be ashamed in the day of the lorde I had many thynges to wryte vnto you neuerthelesse I wolde not wryte with paper and inke but I trust to come vnto you and speake with you mouth to mouth that oure ioye may be ful The sonnes of thy electe sister grete the. AMEN ¶ He is glad of Gayus that he well●eth in the trueth exhorteth them to be souyng vnto the poore Chrysten in theyr perseruryon sheweth the vnkynde dealinge of D●otrophes adn the good reporte of Demetrius ❧ The thyrde Epystle of Saynct Ihon. THe elder vnto the beloued Gayus whome I loue in the trueth Beloued I wyssh in all thinges that thou prosperedste and faredst wel euen as thy soule prospereth For I reioysed greatly when the brethren came and testified of the trueth that is in the howe thou walckeste in the trueth I haue no greater ioye then for to heare Howe that my sonnes walcke in veritye Beloued thou doest faythfully what soeuer thou doeste to the brethren and to straungers which beare wytnes of thy loue before the congregacion Which brethren yf thou brynge for wardes of theyr iorney after a godly sorte thou shalt do well because that for hys names sake they wente forthe and toke nothyng of the Gentyls We therfore ought to receaue suche that we myght be helpers to the trueth I wrote vnto the congregacion but Diotrephes whiche loueth to haue the preempnence amonge them receaueth vs not Wherfore yf I come I wyll declare his dedes which he dothe iestyuge on vs with malycyous wordes neyther is ther with content Not onely he hym selfe receaueth not the brethren but also he forbyddeth them that wolde and
to me And when I was turned I sawe seuen golden cādelstickes in the myddes of the seuen candelstirkes one lyke vnto the sonne of man clathed with a lynnen garment downe to the fete and gyrde about the pappes with a golde gyrdle His heed his heares were whyte as white woll and as snowe hys eyes were as a flame of fyre hys fete lyke vnto brasse as thoughe they brent in a fornace his voyce as the sounde of many waters And he had in hys ryghte hande v●● starres And out of hys mouthe wente a sharpe two edged swearde And his face shone euen as the sonne in hys strength And when I sawe him I fel at his fole euen as deed And he layde hys ryghte hande vpon me saying vnto me feare not I am the fyrst and the last and am a lyue and was deed And beholde I am alyue for euermore and haue the keyes of hell and of deeth Wryte therfore the thynges whyche thou hast leue and the thynges whiche are the thinges which must be fulfylled hereafter the mystery of the. vi● starres whiche thou sawest in my right hande and the. vi● golden candelstyckes The. vi● starres are the messengers of the. vi● congregacyons And the seuen candelstyckes whiche thou sawest are the seuen congregacyons ¶ He exhorteth foure congregacyons 〈◊〉 amende and 〈◊〉 ▪ weth the rewarde of hym that ouercommeth CAPI II. VNto the messenger of the congregacyon of Ephesus wryte these thynges sayeth he that holdeth seuen starres in hys ryght hande and that walcketh in the myddes of seuen golden candelstickes I know thy worckes and thy labour and thy pacyence and howe thou cannest not forbeare them whiche are euyll and haste examyned them whyche saye they are Apostles and are not and hast foūde them lyars and hast suffred And hast pacyence and for my names sake haste labored and haste not faynted Neuertheles I haue sumwhat against the because thou hast lefte thy fyrste loue Remember therfore from whence thou arte fallen and repent and do the fyrst worckes Or elles I wyll come vnto the shortly and wyll remoue thy cādelsticke out of his place except thou repent But this thou hast because thou hatest the dedes of the Nicolaitans which dedes I also hate Let hym that hath eares heare what the spirite sayth vnto the congregacions To hym that ouercōmeth wyll I gyue to eate of the tree of lyfe whyche is in the myddes of the Paradyse of God And vnto the Angel of the congregacyon of Smyrna wryte These thynges sayth he that is fyrst and the laste whyche was deed and is a lyue I knowe thy workes tribulacyon and pouerte but thou art ryche And I knowe the ▪ blasphemy of them whyche call them selues Iewes and are not but are the congregacyon of Sathan Feare none of those thynges which thou shalt suffre Beholde the deuyl shal cast some of you into preson to tempte you and ye shall haue trybulacyon ten dayes Be faythfull vnto the deeth and I wyll geue the a crowne of lyfe Let hym that hathe eares heare what the spyryte sayth to the congregacyons He that ouercommeth shall not be hurte of the seconde deeth And to the messenger of the congregacion in Pergamos wryte Thys sayth he whiche hath the sharpe swearde wyth two edges I knowe thy worckes where thou dwellest euen where Sathans seat is and thou kepest my name hast not denyed my faythe And in my dayes Antipas was a faythfull wytnes of myne which was slayne amonge you where Sathan dwelleth But I haue a fewe thynges agaynste the because thou hast there them that maintaine the doctrine of Balam whiche taught in Balake to put occasyon of synne before the chyldren of Israell that they shulde eate of meate dedicate vnto ydoles and commyt fornicacyon Euen so hast thou them that maintayne the doctryne of the Nycolaytans which thyng I hate But be cōuerted or els I wyll come vnto the shortly and wyll fyght agaynste the with the swearde of my mouth Let hym that hath eares heare what the spirite saith vnto the cōgregacyons To hym that ouercōmeth wyll I geue to eate Manna that is hyd and wyll geue hym a whyte stone and in the stone a newe name wrytten which no man knoweth sauynge he that receaueth it And vnto the messenger of the congregacion of Thiatira write This sayth the sone of god which hath eyes lyke vnto a flamme of fyre and hys fete are lyke brasse I knowe thy worckes and thy loue seruyce fayth and thy pacyēce and thy dedes which are mo at the last then at the fyrst Notwithstandynge I haue a fewe thynges agaynst the because thou sufferest that woman Iesabel which called her selfe a Prophetise to teach and to deceaue my seruaūtes to make them commyt fornicacyon and to eate meates offered vp vnto ydols And I gaue her space to repente of her fornycacyon and she repented not Beholde I wyll cast her into a bed and them that commyt fornycacyon with her into great aduersyte excepte they turne from theyr deades And I wyl kyl her chyldren with deeth And all the congregacyōs shal knowe that I am he which searcheth the reynes hertes And I wyll geue vnto euery one of you acordynge vnto hys worckes Unto you I saye vnto other of them of Thiatira as many as haue not this lernynge and whyche haue not knowen the de●nes of Sathan as they saye I wyl put vpon you none other burthen but that whiche ye haue already Holde fast tyll I come and whosoeuer ouercommeth and kepeth my worckes vnto the ende to hym wyll I geue power ouer nacions and he shal rule them with a rodde of yron and as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to sheuers Euen as I receaued of my father so wyll I gyue hym the mornynge starre Let hym that hath eares heare what the spirite sayth to the congregacyons ¶ He instrueteth and enfourmeth the Angels of the co●● gregacyons declarynge also the rewarde of hym that ouercommeth CAPI III. ANd wryte vnto the messenger of the congregacyon that is at Sardis this sayth he that hath the seuen spyrites of god and the seuen starres I knowe thy workes thou hast a name that thou lyuest and thou art deed Be awake and strength the thynges which remayne that are redy to dye For I haue not foude thy workes perfaycte before ⚜ my God Remember therfore howe thou hast receaued and hearde and holde faste and repent If thou shall not watche I wyll come on the as a these 〈◊〉 thou shalte not knowe what houre I wyll come vpon the. Thou hast a fewe names in Sardys which haue not defyled theyr garmentes and they shall walcke with me in whyte for they are worthy He that ouercōmeth shal be thus clothed in whyte araye I wyl not put out his name out of the boke of lyfe and I wyll confesse hys name before my father and before hys
place And take the seconde bullocke and offre burntsacrifice vpō the wod of the groue whiche thou shalte cut downe Then Gedeon toke ten men of his seruauntes and dyd as the Lorde bad hym But bycause he durst not do it by day for feare of his fathers houshold of the men of the citye he dyd it by nyght And when the men of the citye were vp earlye in the mornyng Beholde the aulter of Baal was broken and the groue cut downe that was by it and the seconde bullocke offered vpō the aulter that was made And they sayde one to another Who hathe done this thynge and when they enquyred and asked they sayde Gedeon the sonne of Ioas hathe done this thynge Then the men of the citye sayd vnto Ioas bryng out thy sonne that he may dye bycause he hath destroyed the aulter of Baal cut downe the groue that was by it And Ioas sayde vnto all that stode by hym wyll ye entreate for Baal or wyll ye be his defēders ☞ he that hath medled against hym let hym dye or the mornynge If he be a God let hym be auenged of hym that caste downe his aulter And from that daye was Gedeon called ☞ Ierobaal bycause his father had sayd Let Baal be auenged of hym that hath broken downe his aulter All the Madianites therfore the Amalekites and they of the east were gathered togyther and went and pytched in the valey of Izreel But the spirite of the lorde came vpō Gedeon And he blewe a trompet and called Abiezar to folowe hym and sent messengers thorout al Manasses and called them which also dyd folowe hym And he sent messengers vnto Aser Zabulon and Nephthalim and they came to mete hym And Gedeon sayd vnto god yf thou wylt saue Israel in my hande as thou hast sayde Beholde I wyll put a fleece of wolle in the thresshynge place And yf the dewe come on the fleece only and it be drye vpon all the earthe besyde then shall I be sure that thou wylte saue Israel by my hande as thou saydest And it came so to passe For he rose vp early on the morow and thrust the fleece togyther and wrong the dewe therout fylled a bowle of water And Gedeon sayde agayne vnto God be not angrye with me that I speake once more For I wyll proue once agayne by the fleece Let it be drye onely vpon the fleece and dew vpon all the grounde And god dyd so that same nyght For it was drye vpon the fleece only and there was dew on all the grounde ¶ Gedeon with iii. hundred men ouercōmeth the Madianites Oreb and zeb are sleyne CAPI VII THen Ierobaal otherwyse called Gedeon and all the people that were with him arose vp early and pytched besyde the well of Harad so that the hooste of the Madianites were on the North syde of the rocke that boweth towarde the valey And the Lorde sayd vnto Gedeon the people that are with the are to many for me to gyue the Madianites into theyr handes leest Israell make theyr vaunte agaynst me saye myne owne hande hath saued me Nowe therfore make a proclamacyon in the eares of the people say Yf any man drede or be afrayde let hym returne get him soone from mount Gilead And there departed returned of the people xxii thousande there abode ten M. And the lorde sayd vnto Gedeon the people are yet to many bryng them downe vnto the water and I wyll trye them vnto the there And of whom I saye vnto the this shall go with the the same shal go with the. And who soeuer I say vnto the this shall not go with the the same shall not go So he broughte downe the people vnto the water the lorde sayd vnto Gedeon as many as lape the water with theyr tongꝭ as a dog doth put them by them selues and so do them that knele downe vpon theyr knees to drynke And the nombre of them that put theyr handꝭ to theyr mouthes and laped were thre hundred men But all the remenaunt of the people kneled downe vpon theyr knees to drynke water And the Lorde sayde vnto Gedeon By these iii. hundred men that laped water wyll I saue you and delyuer the Medianytes in to thyn hande And let al the other people go euery man vnto his place They therfore of the people toke vyrtayles with them theyr trompettes And he sent at the rest of Israel euery man vnto his tent and cōforted those thre hundred with hym And the hoost of Madian was beneth hym in a valeye And it fortuned that the same nyght the lorde sayde vnto hym Aryse get the downe vnto the hoost for I haue delyuered it in to thyne hande But and yf thou feare to go downe then go thou and Pharah thy lad downe to the hoost and thou shalte herken what they say and so shall thyne handes be stronge to goo downe vnto the hoost Then went he downe and Pharah his ladde euen harde vnto the men of armes that were in the hoost And the Madianytes the Amalekytes and al they of the East laye alonge in the valey lyke a multytude of Greshoppers and theyr Camelles were withoute nombre euen as the sande by the see syde in multytude And when Gedeon was come Beholde there was a mā that tolde a dreame vnto his neyghbour and sayde Beholde I dreamed a dreame and me thought that a loofe of barlye breade tombled into the hoost of Madiā and came vnto a tent and smote it that it fel and ouerturned it that the tent laye alonge And his felowe answered and sayde this is nothynge els saue the swerde of Gedeon the sonne of Ioas a man of Israell for in to his hande hath God deliuered Madian and all the hoost When Gedeon herde the tellynge of the dreame and the ☞ interpretacyon of the same he worshypped and returned vnto the hoost of Israell sayde Up for the lorde hath delyuered in to youre hande the hooste of Madian And he deuyded the thre hundred men in to thre companyes and gaue euerye man a Trompet in his hande with an emptye pytcher and lampes therin and sayd vnto them loke on me do lykewyse that when I come to the syde of the hooste euen as I do so do you When I blowe with a trompet and all that are with me blawe ye with trompettes also on euery syde of the hoost and say Here is the swerde of the Lorde and of Gedeon And so Gedeon and the thre hundren men that were with hym came vnto the syde of the hoost in the begynnynge of the mydle watch and raysed vp the watche men And they blewe with theyr trompettes brake the pytchers that were in theyr handes And all the thre companyes blewe with trom pettes and brake the pytchers and helde the lampes in theyr lefte handes and the trompettes in theyr ryght to blowe withall And they cryed the swerde of
Eliab and sayd ☞ Surely the Lordes anoynted is before hym But the lorde sayd vnto Samuel loke not on his facion or on the heyght of his stature bycause I haue refused him for God seyth not as man seyth For mā loketh on the outwarde apperaūce but god beholdeth the herte Then Isai called Abinadab made hym come before Samuel And he sayd neyther hath the Lorde chosen this Then Isai made Sāma come and he sayde neyther yet hath the Lorde chosen hym Agayne Isai made seuen of ▪ his sonnes to come before Samuel And Samuel sayd vnto Isai the lord hath chosen none of these And Samuel sayd vnto Isai are here al thy chyldren He sayd there is yet a lytel one behinde that kepeth the shepe And Samuel sayd vnto Isai sende and fet him for we wyl not syt downe tyl he be come hyther And he sent brought hym in And he was browne of an excellent beautye and well fauoured in syght And the Lorde sayde Aryse and anoynte hym for this is he Therfore Samuel toke the horne with the oyntment and anoynted him in the myddes of his brethren And the spirite of the Lorde came vpon Dauid from that day forwarde And Samuel arose vp and wente to Rama But the spirite of the Lorde departed frome Saul and an euyll spirite sent of the Lorde vexed hym And Sauls seruauntes sayde vnto hym beholde ▪ an euyl spirite sent of god vexeth the let our lorde therfore cōmaunde his seruauntes that are before the to seke a man that is a cōnyng player with an harpe that whē the euyll spirite sent of god cometh vpon the he may play w t his hande thou shalte be eased Saul sayd vnto his seruauntes prouyde me a man then that can playe well bryng hym to me Then answered one of his seruauntes sayd Beholde I haue sene the son of Isai the Bethleemite that can playe vpon instrumentes and is an actiue felowe and a mā of war and prudent in doynge of feates well made and the Lorde is with hym Wherfore Saul sente messengers vnto Isai sayd sende me Dauid thy son whiche is with the shepe And Isai toke an asse laden with breade a flacket of wyne a kyd and sent them by Dauid his son vnto Saul And Dauid came to Saul stode before hym he loued hym very wel and he was made his harnes bearer And Saul sent to Isai sayeng let Dauid remayne with me for he hath founde fououre in my syght And so it fortuned that when the euyll spirite sente of God came vpon Saul Dauid toke an harpe and played with his hande and so Saul was refresshed and dyd amende and the euyll spirite departed from hym ¶ Dauid ouercometh great Gol●ath CAPI XVII THe Philistines gathered theyr hoost to battayle and came togyther to Socoh whiche is in Iuda pytched bytwene Socoh Azekah in the coost of Dammim And Saul and the men of Israel came togyther pytched in the oke valley put them selues in aray to fyght agaynst the Philistines And the Philistines stode on an hyll on the one syde Israel stode on an hyll on the other syde there was a valey bitwene them And there came a man bytwene them both out of the tentꝭ of the Philistines named Goliath of Gath. vi cubites an handbredth longe and had an helmet of brasse vpon his heade and a coote of mayle aboute him And the weyght of his coote of mayle was fyue thousand spcles of brasse And he had bootes of brasse vpon his legges a shelde of brasse vpon his shoulders And the shafte of his speare was lyke a weuers beame And his speare head wayed vi hūdred s●cles of pron And one bearyng a shelde went before hym And he stode and cryed agaynst the hoost of Israel and sayde vnto them Why are ye come out in aray to battayle am not I a Philistine and you seruauntes to Saul chose ye a man from amonge you and let hym come downe to me And yf he be able to fyght with me and to beate me then wyll we be your seruauntes But yf I can ouercome hym and beate hym then shall ye be oure seruauntes and serue vs. And the Philistine sayde I defye the hoost of Israell this daye gyue me a man that we may fyght togyther When Saul and all Israel herde those wordes of the Philistine they were discouraged greatly afrayde Dauid was the son of an Ephrathite ❀ of vvhom mencyon is made before of Bethleem Iuda named Isai whiche had eyght sonnes And was an olde man in the dayes of Saul and came to age amonge mē And the. iii. eldest sonnes of Isai went and folowed Saul to the battayle And the names of his thre sonnes that went to battayle were Eliab the eldest the nexte Abinadab and the thyrde Sāma Dauid was the least And the thre eldest went after Saul Dauid also went and departed from Saul to fede his fathers shepe at Bethleem And the Philistine came forthe in the mornyng euenyng ☞ continued xl dayes And Isai sayde vnto Dauid his sonne take for thy brethrē an Epha of this parched corne these ten loues and bryng it vnto the hoost to thy brethren And cary these x. freshe cheses vnto the captayne and loke howe thy brethrēn fare ☞ fet out theyr pledge And Saul and they all the men of Israell were in the oke valey fightyng w t the Philistines And Dauid rose vp early in the mornyng lefte the shepe with a keper toke and wente as Isai had cōmaunded hym came within the compasse of the hoost And the hoost went out in aray and showted in the battayle for Israel the Philistines had put them selues in aray the one agaynst the other And Dauid toke downe the gere frō hym put them vnder the handes of the keper of the vessels ran into the hoost came saluted his brethrē And as he talked w t them beholde there stode a man in the myddes Goliath the Philistine by name of Gath out of the araye of the Philistines spake of the maner aboue rehersed that Dauid herde it And all the mē of Israel when they sawe the man ran away from hym and were sore afrayde And euery man of Israel sayd Sawe ye this man come forth euen to reuyle Israell is he come And to hym that beateth hym wyll the kyng gyue great ryches and wyll gyue hym his doughter therto yea make his fathers house free in Israel And Dauid spake to the men that stode by and sayde What shall be done to the man that beateth this Philistine and taketh away the shame frō Israell And what is this vncircūcysed Philistine that he shuld reuyle the host of the lyuyng god And the people answered hym after this maner saynge so shal it be done to the man that beateth hym And Eliab his eldest brother herde when he
prayse the O lorde amonge the nacyons wyll synge vnto thy name Whiche sheweth great saluacion for his kyng dealeth mercyfully with his anoynted euen with Dauid and with his seede for euermore ¶ The last cōmunicatyon of Dauid and the descryptyo● of the myghtye men to hym belongynge CAPI XXIII THese be ☞ the last sayenges of Dauid Dauid the son of Isai sayd And the mā which was made the anoynted of the god of Iacob the noble Psalmist of Israel sayde the spirite of the lord spake by me his word was in my tonge The God of Israell spake ☞ of me euen the moost myghtye of Israel sayde he that beareth rule ouer men oughte to rule iustly in the feare of God And as the mornyng lyght when the sonne is vp a mornyng in which are no cloudꝭ to let the brightnesse and as the grasse of the earth is by the vertue of the rayne ☞ Is not my house so with God For he hath made with me an euerlastyng couenaunt perfyte and sute in all poyntes and this is truely all my he●che and all my desyre that it growe But the vngodly man of Belial shal be as a thorne clene plucked vp whiche can not be taken w t handes But the mā that shall touche them must haue yron or a longe helue Or els muste they be burnt with fyre in the same place These be the names of the myghtye men whom Dauid had ☞ one that sat in the seat of wysdome beyng cheyfest among thre ▪ pleasaunt was he and strong he slue eyght hundred at one tyme. After hym was Eleazar the son of Dodi the son of Ahohi one of the thre worthyes with Dauid which defied the Philistines that were there gathered togyther to battayle Whē the men of Israell were gone vp he arose layde on the Philistines vntyl his hande was wery claue vnto the swerde And the Lorde gaue great victorye the same day And the people ❀ vvhiche had fled returned went after hym to run to the spoyle After hym was Sāma the son of Age the Hararite the Philistines gathered togyther besyde a towne where was a parcell of lande ful of rice the people fled from the Philistines But he stode in the myddes of the groūd and defended it slue the Philistines And the lorde gaue great victory These thre whiche were of the thyrtie cheyfe captaynes went downe to Dauid in the haruest tyme vnto the caue Adullā the hoost of the Philistines abode in the valey of Gyauntes And Dauid was then in an holde And the souldiours of the Philistines were in Bethleem And Dauid longed and sayde Oh that I had of the water that is in the wel by the gate of Bethleem for to drynke And the thre myghtye brake thorowe the hoost of the Philistines and fet water out of the well of Bethleem that was by the gate and toke brought it to Dauid Neuerthelesse he wolde not drynke therof but offred it vnto the lorde and sayde the Lorde forbyd that I shulde do so Is not this the blood of the mē that went in ieoperdye of theyr lyues and therfore he wolde not drynke it And these thynges dyd these thre myghtye men Abisai the brother of Ioab the sonne of Seruiah was cheyfe among the thre and he lyfte vp his speare agaynst thre hundred and slue them and had the name among the thre For he was nobler man then the thre and was theyr captayne Howbeit he atteyned not vnto ❀ the fyrst thre And Banaiahu the sonne of Iehoiada the son of a myghty man valyaunt in actes of Kabzeel slue two strong lyons euen lyons of Moab He went downe also slue a lyon in a pyt in tyme of snowe And he slue an Egyptian a goodly byg man whiche had a speare in his hande But he went downe to him with a staffe and plucked the speare out of the Egyptians hande and slue hym with his owne speare These thynges dyd Banatahu the son of Iehoiada and had the name among the thre worthyes He was honourable among thirtie but he atteyned not to the fyrst thre And Dauid made hym of his coūsell Asahel the brother of Ioab also was one of the thyrtie Thē Elhanam the son of Dodo of Bethleem Sāma the Haronite Elica the Harodite Helez the Paltite Ira the sonnes Akes the Thekoite Abiezer of Anathoth Meobnal the Husathite zelmon an Ahohite Maharai the Netophathite Heleb the sonne of Baanah an Netophathite Ithai the son of Ribai out of an hyl of the chyldren of Beniamin Banaiahu the Phirathonite Hedai of the ryuer of Gaas Abialbon the Arba●hice Asmaueth a Barhumite Elihaba a Saalbonite the sonnes of Iasen Ionathas Sāma the Hararite Ahiam the son of Sarer an Hararite Eliphelet the son of Aisbai the son of a Maachathite Eliam the son of Aithophel the Gilonite Hezrai y ● Carmelite Paarai the arbite Igall the son of Nathan of Zoba Banithe Gadite Zelec an Amonite Naharai a Berothite which was the harnes bere● of Ioab the sonne of Zaruia Ira the Iethrite Gareb the Iethrite Uria the Hethit thyrtye and seuen in all ¶ Dauid causeth the people to be nombred and therfore is Israell plaged with Pestilence so that in thre dayes there dyed ixi thousande CAPI XXIIII ANd agayne the Lorde was wrothe agaynst Israell and ☞ Dauid moued hym agaynst them in that he sayd go and nombre Israel and Iuda For the kyng sayde to Ioab the captayne of his hoost go thou abrode nowe thorowout all the trybes of Israell euen from Dan to Beer seba and nombre ye the people that I maye knowe the nombre of them And Ioab sayde vnto the kyng I beseche the Lorde thy God to make the people as many mo as they be yea an C. tymes so many mo that the eyes of my lorde the kyng may se them And what is the cause that my Lorde the kynge hath a lust to this thynge Notwithstandynge the kynges worde preuayled agaynst Ioab and agaynst the captaynes of the hoost And Ioab the captaynes of the hoost went out from the presence of the kyng to nombre the people of Israel And they passed ouer Iordan pytched in Aroer on the ryght syde of the Citye that lyeth in the myddes of the valey of Gad ouer agaynst Iazer And thē they came to Gilead to the nether lande where was a newe habitacion from thence they came to Dan Iaan aboute to Sidon came to the strong holde of Tyre and to all the cityes of the Heuites of the Cauanites then went out to the south of Iuda euen to Beer seba And so when they had bene abrode thorowout al the lande they returned to Ierusalem agayne after the ende of ix monethes and. xx dayes And Ioab delyuered vp the nombre sūme of the people vnto the kyng And there were in Israel ix C. thousande mē of myght that drewe swerdes And the men
do take the kyngꝭ away euery man out of his place put dukes in theyr rowmꝭ And do thou nombre the an hoost lyke the hoost that thou hast lost such horses such charetꝭ we wyll fyght agaynst them in the playne thou shalt se vs get the better of them And he herkened vnto theyr voyce dyd euen so And it fortuned that after the yere was gone aboute Benhadad nombred the Sirians went vp to Aphek to fyght agaynst Israel And the chydren of Israel were nombred with theyr hole nombre went they agaynst them the chyldren of Israel pytched before them lyke two lytell flockes of kyddes but the Sirians fylled the countrey And there came a man of God and sayd vnto the kyng of Israel thus sayth the Lorde Bycause the Sirians haue sayd the Lorde is but God of the hylles and not God of the valleys therfore wyll I delyuer all this great multitude in to thyne hande ye shall know that I am the lorde And they pytched one ouer agaynst the other seuen dayes it came to passe that in the seuenth day the battayle was ioyned And the chyldren of Israell slue of the Sirians an hundred thousande foote men in one day But the rest fled to Aphek into the citye And there fell a wall vpon xxvii M. of the men that were lefte And Benhadad fled and came into the citye frō chambre to chambre And his seruauntes sayde vnto hym Beholde we haue herde say that the kynges of the house of Israel are mercyfull kyngꝭ We wyll therfore put sacke cloth oboute our loynes ropes aboute our neckes go out to the kyng of Israel yf haplye he wyl saue thy lyfe And so they gyrded sacke cloth aboute theyr loynes put ropes about theyr heades came to the kynge of Israel and sayd Thy seruaunt Benhadad sayth I pray the let me lyue He sayde is he yet alyue he is my brother And they toke that worde for good lucke and hastely caught it out of his mouth and sayd Yea thy brother Benhadad He sayd go bryng hym hyther And Benhadad came out vnto hym and he caused hym to come vp in to the charet And he sayde vnto hym the cityes whiche my father toke from thy father I wyl restore agayne And thou shalte make streetes for the in Damasco as my father dyd in Samaria ☞ And I wyl make an appoyntment with the sende the awaye And so he made an appoyntment with hym and sente hym away And there was a certayne man of the chyldren of the prophets which sayd vnto his neyghboure in the worde of the Lorde smyte me I pray the. And the man wolde not smyte hym Then sayd he vnto him Bycause thou hast not herkened vnto the voyce of the Lorde beholde as soone as thou arte departed from me a lyon shall sley the. And 〈◊〉 came to passe that as soone as he was departed from hym a lyon foūde hym and slue him Then he founde an other man sayde smyte me I pray the. And the mā smote hym so that in smytynge he wounded hym So the prophet went forth wayted for the kyng by the way put hym selfe out of knowledge with asshes whiche he layde vpon his face And when the kyng came by he cryed vnto the kyng and sayd thy seruaunt went out in the myddes of the battayle And beholde there went away a man whom an other man brought vnto me and sayde kepe this man And yf he be myssed or lost thy lyfe shall go for his or els thou shalte paye a talent of syluer And as thy seruaunt had here and there to do he was gone And the kynge of Israell sayd vnto hym euen so shall thy iudgement he as y ● hast defined it thy self And he hasted toke the asshes awaye from his face the kyng of Israel knew hym that he was of the prophets And he sayd vnto hym thus sayth the Lorde bycause thou haste let go a man that ☞ is in my curse thy lyfe shal go for his life thy people for his people And the king of Israell went to his house way warde and in displeasure and came to Samaria ¶ Iezabell cōmaundeth to kyll Nabath for the vyneyarde that he refused to sell to Ahab Elia reproueth Ahab and he repenteth CAPI XXI AFter these thynges it chaunced that Naboth the Iezrahelite had a vyneyarde in Iezrahel harde by the palace of Ahab kynge of Samaria And Ahab spake vnto Naboth sayenge Gyue me thy vyneyarde that I may make me a garden of herbes therof ▪ bycause it lyeth so nyghe my house I wyll gyue the for it a better vyneyard then it is or rather yf it please the I wyl gyue the the worth of it in money And Naboth sayd to Ahab the lorde forbyd that from me that I shulde gyue the enheritaunce of my fathers vnto the. And Ahab came into his house heuy and euyll a payde bycause of the worde whiche Naboth the Iezrahelite had spoken to hym for he had sayde I wyll not gyue the the enheritaunce of my fathers And he layde hym downe vpon his bed and turned awaye his face ❀ to the vvall and wolde eate no bread But Iezabel his wyfe came to hym and sayd vnto hym Why is thy spirite so way warde that thou eatest no breade And he sayd vnto her For I spake vnto Naboth the Iezraelite and sayde vnto hym gyue me thy vyneyarde for money or els yf it please the I wyll gyue the an other vyneyarde for it And he answered I wyl not gyue the my vyneyarde And Iezabell his wyfe sayde vnto hym Doest thou thus gouerne the kyngdome of Israel vp and eate bread and set thyne hert at rest I wyl gyue the the vyneyarde of Naboth the Iezraelite And so she wrote a letter in Ahabs name and sealed it with his seale and sent the letter vnto the elders and to the nobles that were in his citye dwellynge with Naboth And she wrote in the letter sayeng proclayme a faste and set Naboth on hye among the people and set two vnthryftes before hym to beare ❀ false wytnesse agaynst hym saynge ☞ thou dydest blaspheme God and the kyng And then carye hym out and stone hym to death And the men of his citye that is to saye which dwelte in his citye dyd as Iezabel had sent vnto them and as it was wrytten in the letter whiche she had sent vnto them They proclaymed fastynge and set Naboth among the cheyfe of the people there came in two men the chyldren of Belial sat before hym And the two vnthryftie persones wytnessed agaynst Naboth in the presence of the people saynge Naboth dyd blaspheme god and the kyng And they caried hym out of the citye and stoned hym with stones that he dyed And then they sent to Iezabel sayenge Naboth is stoned to death And it fortuned whē Iezabell herde that Naboth was stoned to death she sayd to Ahab vp
take possessyon of the vyneyarde of Naboth the Iezraelite whiche he denyed to gyue the for money for Naboth is not alyue but deade And when Ahab herde that Naboth was deade he stode vp to go downe to the vyneyarde of Naboth the Iezraelyte and to take passessyon of it And the worde of the Lorde came vnto Elia the Thesbite sayenge vp go downe to mete Ahab kynge of Israell whiche is in Samaria For to he is gone downe to the vyneyarde of Naboth to take possessyon of it And therfore shalte thou say vnto hym thus sayth the lorde hast thou kyssed gotten possessyon And y ● shalte speake vnto hym saynge Thus sayth the lorde in the place where dogges lycked the bloode of Naboth shall dogges lycke euen thy bloode also And Ahab sayd to Elia hast thou foūde me O y ● myne enemye He answered I haue founde the for y ● arte euen ☞ solde to worke wyckednesse in the syght of the lorde Behold I wyll bryng euyll vpon the and wyll make cleane ryddaunce of thy posterite wyl destroy from Ahab euen hym that maketh water agaynst the wall hym that is shut vp lefte behynde in Israell and wyl make thyne house lyke the house of Ieroboam the son of Nebat lyke the house of Baasa the son of Ahia for the prouocaciō wherwith thou hast prouoked and made Israel to synne And of Iezabell spake the lorde sayenge dogges shal eate Iezabell in the passession of Iezrael And he that dyeth of Ahab in the towne hym shall dogges eate he that dyeth in the feldes him shal the foules of the ayre eate But there was none lyke Ahab which dyd euen sell hym selfe to worke wyckednesse in the syght of the Lorde and that bycause Iezabell his wyfe prycked hym forwarde He dyd excedynge abhominably in folowyng foule ydols accordyng to all thyngꝭ as dyd the Ammorites whom the lorde cast out before the chyldren of Israel And it fortuned that whē Ahab herde those wordes he rent his clothes and put sacke cloth aboute his flesshe and fasted laye in sacke cloth went ❀ bare fote And the worde of the Lorde came to Elia the Thesbyte sayenge Seest thou howe Ahab humbleth hym selfe before me bycause he so submytteth him selfe before me I wyll not bryng that euyl in his dayes But in his sonnes dayes wyll I bring euyl vpō his house And they cōtynued 〈◊〉 yere without war bytwene Siria Israel ¶ Foure hundred false Prophettes do counsell Ahab and Iehosaphat to warre agaynst Ramoth only Michea prophesyeth the trueth for whiche he i● smytten and putte in pryson Of Ahazia otherwyse called Ochosias CAPI XXII ANd in the thyrde yere dyd Iehosaphat the kynge of Iuda come downe to the kyng of Israel And the kyng of Israel sayd vnto his seruauntes knowe ye not that Ramoth in Gilead is oures and we syt styll and take it not out of the hande of the kynge of Siria And he sayde vnto Iehosaphat Wylte y ● come with me to battayle agaynst Ramoth in Gilead And Iehosaphat sayde vnto the kyng of Israel I wyll be as thou arte and my people shal be as thyne and my horses as thyne And Iehosaphat sayde vnto the kynge of Israel Aske counsel I pray the at the word of the Lorde to daye And then the kynge of Israel gathered the prophets togyther vpō a foure hundred men and sayd vnto them shal I go agaynst Ramoth in Gilead to battayle or shall I let it alone And they sayde go vp for the Lorde shall delyuer it in to the handes of the kynge And Iehosaphat sayd is there here neuer a prophet of the Lorde more that we myght enquyre of hym And the kyng of Israel sayd vnto Iehosaphat there is yet one man Michea the sonne of Iimla by whom we maye aske counsayle of the lorde But I hate hym for he doth not prophesye good vnto me but euyll And Iehosaphat sayd let not the kyng say so Thē the kyng of Israel called a chamberlayne and sayde fetche Michea the sonne of Iimla hyther atonce And the kyng of Israell and Iehosaphat the kyng of Iuda sat eyther in his seate and theyr apparel on them in the voyde place besyde the entryng in at the gate of Samaria and al the prophets prophesyed before them And Zedekia the son of Canaana made hornes of yron and sayde thus sayth the Lorde ▪ with these hornes shalt thou pushe the Sirians vntyl thou haue made an ende of them And all the Prophettes prophesyed euen so sayenge Go vp to Ramoth in Gilead and prosper for the Lorde shall delyuer it in to the kynges hands And the messenger that was gone to call Michea spake vnto hym sayenge Beholde the wordes of the prophets speake good vnto the kynge with one mouth let thy worde therfore I pray the be lyke the worde of euerye one of them to speake that which is good And Michea sayd as truely as the Lorde lyueth what soeuer the Lorde saythe vnto me that wyll I speake And so he came to the kyng and the kyng sayd vnto hym Michea ought we to go agaynst Ramoth in Gilead to battayle or to be styll He answered vnto hym go and prosper the Lorde shall delyuer it into the hande of the kynge And the kynge sayde vnto hym So and so many tymes do I charge the that y ● tel me nothynge but that whiche is true in the name of the lorde He sayd I saw all them of Israel scattered vpon the hylles as shape that haue not a shepheerde And the lorde sayd these haue no mayster let euery mā returne to his house in peace And the kyng of Israel sayde vnto Iehosaphat dyd I not tell the that he wolds prophesie no good vnto me but euyll And he sayde agayne heare thou therfore the worde of the lorde I sawe the lorde syt on his seate and all the hoost of heuen stode aboute hym on his ryght hande on his lefte And the Lorde sayde who shall persuade Ahab that he maye go and fal at Ramoth in Gilead And one sayd on this maner and an other on that And there came forth a certayn spirite and stode before the Lorde and sayd I wyll persuade hym And the Lorde sayde vnto hym wherwith And he sayde I wyll go out and be a false spirite in the mouth of all the prophettes He sayde thou shalte persuade hym and preuayle go forth then do euen so Nowe therfore beholde the Lorde hath put a lyenge spirite in the mouth of all these thy prophettes and the lorde hath sp●spoken euyll towarde the. But Zedekia the son of Canaana went to and smote Michea on the cheke and sayde When went the spirite of the lorde from me to speake vnto the And Michea sayde Beholde thou shalte se in that daye when thou shalt go frō chambre to chambre to hyde the. And the kynge of Israel sayde take Michea and carye hym
me thorowe therwith that these vncircumcysed come not and do me shame But his weapon berer wolde not for he feared excedingly So Saul caught a swerde and fell vpon it And when his ha●nes berer sawe that Saul was deade he fell on a swerde also and dyed And thus Saul and his thre sonnes and all they of his house dyed togyther And whē all the men of Israel that were in the valley ▪ sawe howe they fled and that Saull and his sonnes were deade they forsoke theyr cityes and ran away and the Philistines came and dwelte in them And it fortuned that on the morow when the Philistines came to strype the deade bodies they founde Saull his sonnes ouerthrowen in mount Gilboe And whē they had strypte hym they toke his heade and his harnesse and sent them in to the lande of the Philistines rounde aboute to shewe them vnto theyr ydols and to the people And they put his harnesse in the house of theyr God and set vp his heade in the temple of Dagon And when al they of Iabes in Gilead herde all that the Philistines had done to Saull they arose all the strongest of them and fet away the body of Saull and the bodyes of his sonnes and brought them to Iabes and buryed the bodyes of them vnder an ooke in Iabes fasted seuen dayes So Saul dyed for his trespasse that he trespassed agaynst the lorde in that he kepte not the worde of the lorde and in that he sought and asked counsayle of a womā that wrought with a spirite and asked not of the Lorde And therfore he slue hym and turned the kyngdom vnto Dauid the sonne of Isai. ¶ After the death of Saull is Dauid anoynted in Hebron The I●busites rebell agaynst Dauid from whiche he taketh the ●oure of Sion His men are nombred CAPI XI THen all Israell gathered them selues to Dauid vnto Hebron saynge Behold we be thy bones thy flesshe And more ouer in tyme past euen whē Saul was kyng thou leddest Israel out and in And the lorde thy God sayde vnto the thou shalte fede my people Israell and thou shalte be captayne ouer my people Israel Therfore came al the elders of Israel to the kyng to Hebron and Dauid made a couenaunt with them in Hebron before the Lorde And they anoynted Dauid kyng ouer Israel accordyng to the worde of the Lorde ☞ by the hande of Samuel And Dauid and all Israel went to Ierusalem whiche is Iebus where as were the Iebusites the enhabitours of the lande And the enhabitours of Iebus sayde to Dauid thou comest not here Neuerthelesse Dauid wan the castell of Sion whiche is called the citye of Dauid And Dauid sayde who so euer smyteth the Iebusites fyrst shall be the principall captayne and a Lorde So Ioab the sonne of Z●ruia wente fyrst vp and was made the cheyfe captayne And Dauid dwelt in the castell therfore they called it the citye of Dauid And he buylte the Citye on euery syde euen from Millo rounde about Ioab repayred the rest of the Citye And Dauid prospered and waxed great and the Lorde of hoostes was with hym These are the principall men of power whom Dauid had and that claue to hym in his kyngdom with all Israell to make hym kyng according to the word of the lorde vnto Israel And this is the nombre of the mighty men whom Dauid had Iasobeam the sonne of Hachmoni the cheyfe amonge thyrtye he lyfte vp his spere agaynst thre hundred and wounded them at one tyme. After hym was Eleazar his vncles son an Ahothyte whiche was one of thre myghtyest He was with Dauid at Pasdammin and there the Philistines were gathered togyther to battayle And ther was there a parcell of grounde full of barley and the people fled before the Philistines And ☞ they stepte forth in to the myddes of the felde and saued it and slue the Philistines And the lorde gaue a great victorye And the thre of the thyrtye cheyfe captaynes went to a rocke to Dauid in to the caue Adullam And the hoost of the Philistines abode in the valley of Rephaim And when Dauid was in the holde the Philistines watche was at Bethleē that same tyme. And Dauid longed and sayd Oh that one wolde gyue me drynke of the water of the well that is at the gate at Bethleem And the thre brake thorowe the hoost of the Philistines and drewe water out of the well that was by the ga●e at Bethleem and toke it brought it to Dauid Neuerthelesse Dauid wolde not drynke of it but rather offered it to the Lorde and sayde My God forbyd it me that I shulde do this thynge Shall I drynke the bloode of these men that haue put theyr lyues in ieoperdye for with the Ieoperdye of theyr lyues they brought it therfore he wolde not drynke it And this dyd these thre myghtyest And Ab●sai the brother of Ioab he also was captayne among thre for he lyft● vp his speare agaynst thre hundred and wounded them and had a name amonge the thre Yea amonge thre he was more honourable then the two for he was theyr captayne Howbeit he attaynted not vnto the ❀ fyrst thre Banaia the sonne of Iehoiaba the sonne of a verye stronge man dyd greater actes then Cabzeell for he slue two stronge lyons of Moab and went downe and slue a Lyon in a pyt in tyme of snowe And he slue an Egyptian whose stature was euen fyue cubytes longe and in the Egyptians hand was a speare lyke a weauers beame And the other went downe to hym with a waster plucked the speare out of the Egyptians hande and slue hym with his owne speare Soch thynges dyd Banaia the sonne of Iehoiada and had the name among the thre myghtest and was honourable amonge thyrtye but attayned not vnto the fyrst thre And Dauid made hym of his counsayle The other men of armes were these Asahell the brother of Ioab Elhanan his vncles sonne of Bethleem Sammoth the Harodite Helez the Pelonite Ira the sonne of I●kes the Thekoite Abieser the Anatothite Siba●ai the Husathite Ilai the Ahohite Maharai the Nethophathite Heled the son of Ba●na the Nethophatite Ithai the sonne of Ribai of Gibea that perteyneth to the chyldren of Beniamin Benaia the Phirathonite Hu●ai of the ryuers of Gaas Abiell the Arbathite Azmaneth the Baharumite Elihaba the Saalbonite The sonnes of Assem the Gezonite Iona than the sonne of Sage an Haraite Ahiam the sonne of Sacar the Ha●aite Eliphal the sonne of Ur. Hepher the Mecherathite Ahia the Pelonite Hezro the Carmelite Naari the sonne of Ezbai Ioell the brother of Nathan Mi●har the sonne of Hari Zelegam the Ammonite Naharai a Berothite the bearet of the harnesse of Ioab the son of Zeruia Ira the Iithrite and Gareb a Iethrite Uria the Hethite and Zahad the sonne of Ahlai Adina the sonne of Siza a Rubenite a captayne of the Rubenites and thyrtye with hym Hanan the Sonne of
Iuda loked aboute beholde the battayle was before and behynde and they cryed vnto the Lorde the preestes blewe with the trompettꝭ and the men of Iuda gaue a showte And as the men of Iuda showted it came to passe that God smote Ieroboam and all Israel before Abia and Iuda And the chyldren of Israel fled before Iuda and God deliuered them in to theyr hand And Abia and his people slue a great slaughter of them There fell downe wounded of Israell fyue hundred thousande chosen men And so the chyldren of Israell were broughte vnder at that tyme and the chyldren of Iuda preuayled bycause they leaned vnto the Lorde God of theyr fathers And Abia folowed after Ieroboam and toke cityes from hym Bethell with the townes belongynge therto Iesana with the townes that longed therto Ephrō with her townꝭ And Ieroboam recouered no strength agayne in the dayes of Abia. And ▪ the lorde plaged hym and he dyed But Abia waxed myghtye maryed xiiii wyues begat xxii sonnes xvi doughtes The rest of the actes of Abia his customes his sayengꝭ are wrytten in the storie of the prophet Iddo ¶ Of Asa kynge of Iuda CAPI XIIII SO Abia slepte with his fathers and they buryed hym in the Citye of Dauid and Asa his sonne reygned in his steade In whose dayes the lande was in quietnesse ten yere And Asa dyd that was good and ryght in the eyes of the Lorde his God for he toke away straung aulters the hyl aulters brake downe the ymages and cut downe the groues and cōmaunded Iuda to seke the lorde god of theyr fathers to do accordyng to the lawe cōmaundmentes And he put away out of all the cityes of Iuda the hyl aulters and the ymages and the kyngdom was quiet before hym And he buylt strong cityes in Iuda bycause the lande was in rest and he had no warre in those yeres For the lorde had gyued hym rest Therfore he sayd to Iuda let vs buylde these cityes and make aboute them walles towres gates and barres for the lande is yet in rest before vs bycause we haue sought the Lorde our God We haue sought hym and he hath gyuen vs rest on euery syde And so they buylte and it prospered with them And Asa had an armye of men that bare scheldes speares out of Iuda thre hundred thousande and out of Ben Iamin that bare scheldes and drewe bowes two hundred and. lxxx thousande all these were valiaunt men And there came out agaynst them Zarah the blacke Morian with an hoost of x. hundred thousande and thre hundred charettes and came as farre as Maresa And Asa went out before hym and they ioyned the battayle in the valley of Zephata besyde Maresa And Asa cryed vnto the Lorde his God and sayd Lorde it is no harde thynge with the to helpe eyther many or them that haue no power helpe vs therfore O Lorde God for we trust to the in thy name we go agaynst this multitude Thou arte the lorde our god and no man shall preuayle agaynst the. So the Lorde smote the blacke Moores before Asa Iuda and the blacke Moores fled And Asa and the people that was with hym folowed after them vnto Gerar. And the blacke Moores hoost was ouerthrowen that there was none of them lefte but were destroyed before the lorde before his hoost And they caryed away a myghty great pray And they smote all the cityes rounde aboute Gerar. For the feare of the Lorde came vpon them And they spoyled all the Cityes and there was excedynge moche spoyle in them They smote also the tentes of cattell and caryed awaye plentye of shepe and Camelles and returned to Ierusalem ¶ Kynge Asa by the monicion of the prophet Azaria sacrifyeth vnto the Lorde He depryueth his mother of her dominyon CAPI XV. ANd the spirite of God came on Azaria the sonne of Oded And he went out to mete Asa and sayd vnto hym heare me Asa and all Iuda and Beniamin The lorde is with you whyle ye be with hym and when ye seke hym he wyll be founde of you and agayne when ye forsake hym he also wyll forsake you And truely for a long ceason in Israel no man sought the true god no man regarded the preest that taught them no man cared for the lawe And when any man in his trouble dyd turne vnto the Lorde god of Israel and sought hym he was founde of them And in that tyme there was no peace to hym that dyd go out and in But great sedicyon was there among all the enhabitoures of the earth And nacyon was destroyed of nacyon and citye of citye for god dyd moue all aduet syte amonge them Play ye therfore the men and let not your handꝭ slacke for your worke shall be rewarded And when Asa herde those wordes and the prophesie of Azaria the son of Oded the prophet he toke courage and put awaye the abhominable ydolles out of all the lande of Iuda and Beniamin and out of the cityes whiche he wanne in mount Ephraim and renued the aulter of the Lorde that was before the porche of the Lorde And he gathered all Iuda and Beniamin the straungers with them out of Ephraim Manasse and Simeon For there fell many to hym oute of Israell when they sawe that the Lorde his god was with hym So they assembled at Ierusalem the thyrde moneth the fyftenth yeare of the reygne of Asa. And they offred vnto the lorde the same tyme of the spoyle whiche they had brought vii C. oxen and. vii M. shepe And they made a couenaunt to seke the lorde God of theyr fathers with al theyr herte and all theyr soule And who soeuer wolde not seke the lorde God of Israel shulde dye for it whyther he were small or greate man or woman And ☞ they sware vnto the Lorde with a loude voyce showtyng and blowynge with trompettes and shaulmes And all they in Iuda reioysed at the othe for they had sworne vnto the Lorde with all theyr herte sought hym with all theyr lust and he was founde of them And the Lorde gaue them rest rounde aboute on euery syde And kyng Asa put Maacha his mother out of auctoryte bycause she had made an abhominable ydoll ❀ of Priapus in a groue and Asa brake downe her ydoll and stamped it burnt it at the broke Cedron But all the hyll aulters were not taken away out of Israell though the herte of Asa was perfyte all his dayes And he brought in to the house of god the thynges that his father had dedicate and that he hym selfe had dedicate euen syluer golde Iuels And there was no more war vnto the xxxv yere of the reygne of Asa. ¶ Asa for feare of Baasa kynge of Israell maketh a couenaunt with Benhadad kynge of Siria CAPI XVI IN the. xxxvi yeare of the reygne of Asa came Baasa kyng of Israel vp agaynst Iuda buylte
the Lorde with these shalte thou ouerthrow Siria vntyl they be brought to nought And all the Prophettes prophesyed euen so sayenge Go vp to Ramoth in Gilead and it shall prospere with the for the lorde shall delyuer it in to the hande of the kyng And the messenger that went to call Michea spake to hym saynge Beholde the wordes of the prophettꝭ speake good to the kyng w t one assent let thy wordes therfore be lyke one of theyrs that thou speake that whiche is pleasaunt And Miceha sayd as truely as the Lorde lyueth euen what my God saythe that wyll I speake And when he was come to the kyng the kyng sayd vnto hym Michea shulde we go to Ramoth in Gilead to fyght or leaue of And he sayd go vp and all shall be well and they shal be delyuered in to your hande And the kyng sayd to hym So so many tymes do I charge the that y ● saye nothynge but the truthe to me in the name of the lorde Then he sayde I dyd se all them of Israell scattered in the mountaynes as shepe that haue no shepheerde And the lorde sayd these haue no mayster let them returne euery man therfore to his house in peace And the kynge of Israel sayd to Iehosaphat dyd I not tell the that he wolde not prophesye good vnto me but euyll But he sayde agayne therfore heare ye the worde of the Lorde I saw the Lorde syt vpon his seat and al the company of heuen stode on his ryght hande on his lefte And the Lorde sayde who shall deceyue Ahab kynge of Israel that he may go vp be ouerthrowen at Ramoth in Gilead And he sayd one sayth this an other that And there came out a spirite and stode before the Lorde sayde I wyll deceyue hym And the Lorde sayde vnto hym Wherin And he sayde I wyl go out and be a lyenge spirite in the mouth of all the prophettꝭ And the Lorde sayd thou shalte deceyue hym and shalte preuayle go out and do euen so And nowe therfore beholde the Lorde hath put a lyenge spirite in the mouthes of al these thy prophettes and the Lorde hath spoken euyl agaynst the. And Zedekia the son of Chanana wente to and smote Michea vpon the cheke sayd by what waye wente the spirite of the Lorde from me to speake with the And Michea sayd thou shalte se the day when thou shalte go in from chambre to chambre for to hyde thy selfe And the kynge of Israel sayde Take ye Michea brynge hym to Ammon the gouernoure of the citye and to Ioas the kynges sonne and ye shal say thus sayth the kyng Put this felowe in the pryson house fede hym with breade of affliction water of trouble vntyll I come agayne in peace And Michea sayde yf thou come agayne in peace then hath not the Lorde spoken to me And he sayde herken to●ye people euery one of you And so the kyng of Israel Iehosaphat the kynge of Iuda went vp to Ramoth in Gilead And the kyng of Israel sayd vnto Iehosaphat I must chaunge me when I go to the battayle but se that thou haue thyne owne apparell vpon the. And the kynge of Israell chaunged hym selfe they came to battayle But the kynge of Siria had cōmaunded the captaynes of the charettes that were with hym saynge se that ye fyght not agaynste small or greate saue agaynst the kynge of Israell onely And when the captaynes of the charettꝭ saw Iehosaphat they sayd it is the kynge of Israel therfore they compassed about hym to fyght But Iehosaphat cryed out and the Lorde helped hym and God chased them away from hym For it came to passe that whē the captaynes of the charettꝭ perceyued that it was not the kynge of Israell they turned backe agayne from hym And a certayne mā drewe a bowe with all his myght and smote the kynge of Israell bytwene the ioyntes of his habergeon And he sayd to his charet māturne thyne hande that thou mayst cary me out of the hoost for I am wounded And the battell ceased that daye Howbeit the kynge of Israel caused the charet to stande styll agaynst the Siria●s vntyll euen And about the tyme of the sonne goyng downe he dyed ¶ After Iehosaphat was rebuked by the prophet Iehu he called agayne the people to the honour ▪ ●●g● of the lorde god CAPI XIX AND Iehosaphat the kynge of Iuda came home agayne in peace to Ierusalem And Iehu the sonne of Hanam the seat went out to mete hym and sayd to kyng Iehosaphat Woldest thou helpe the vngodly and loue them that hate the Lorde Therfore is wrath come downe vpon the from before the Lorde Neuerthelesse there are some good actes founde in the in that thou haste ☞ hewen downe the groues out of the lande and hast prepared thyne herte to seke God And so Iehosaphat dwelt at Ierusalem and turned and went out to the people from Beer seba to mount Ephraim and brought them agayne vnto the Lorde God of theyr fathers And he set Iudges in the lande thorowout all the strong cityes of Iuda citye by citye and sayd to the Iudges take hede what ye do for ye execute not the iudgementes of man but of God whiche is with you in the iudgement Wherfore nowe let the feare of the lorde be vpon you and take hede and be doynge For there is no vnryghteousnesse with the lorde our God that he shulde haue any respecte of persones or take rewardes Moreouer in Ierusalem dyd Iehosaphat set of the Leuites and of the preestes and of the auncient fathers of Israel in the iudgement and cause of the Lorde And they returned agayne to Ierusalem And he charged them saynge Thus shal ye do in the feare of the Lorde with the truthe and a pure herte What cause soeuer come to you of your brethren that dwel in theyr cities bitwene blood blood bytwene lawe and cōmaundement bytwene statutes and ordinaunces ye shall warne them that they trespasse not agaynste the Lorde and so wrath come vpon you and on your brethren Thus do and ye shall not offende And beholde Amaria the hygh preest is amonge you in all matters of the Lorde and Zebadia the son of Ismael a ruler of the house of Iuda he is ouer suche busynesses as cōcerne the kynge there be offycers of the Leuites also before you Take courage to you therfore and he doynge manfully and the lorde shall be with suche as be good ¶ The merueylou●●●ittorye that the lorde gaue Iehosapha● kynge of Iuda agaynste the Moabites and the Chyldren of Ammon and them of Seir. CAPI XX. AFter this also it fortuned that the chyldren of Moab the chyldren of Ammō and with them other of the Ammonites came agaynst Iehosaphat to battayle And there came some that tolde Iehosaphat sayenge there cometh a great multitude agaynst the from the other syde the see and out of Siria And beholde they be in Hasason
his father and preuayled and slue al his brethren with the swerde and dyuers of the Lordes of Israell Iehoram was two and thyrtye yere olde when he began to reygne he reygned eyght yere in Ierusalem And he walked in the way of the kynges of Israell lyke as dyd the house of Ahab for he had the doughter of Ahab to wyfe and he wroughte euyll in the eyes of the Lorde Howbeit the Lorde wolde not destroye the house of Dauid bycause of the couenaunt that he had made with Dauid as he promysed to gyue a lyght to hym and to his sonnes for euer In his dayes the Edomites rebelled when they were vnder the dominion of Iuda and made them selues a kyng And Iehoram went forth with his lordes and all his charettes were with hym and arose vp by nyght and smote the Edomites whiche compassed hym in and the captaynes of the charettes But Edom rebelled styll so that they wolde not be vnder the hande of Iuda vnto this daye That same tyme also dyd Libna departe from beyng vnder his hande Bycause Iehoram had forsaken the Lorde God of his fathers Moreouer he made hyll aulters in the cityes of Iuda caused the enhabitours of Ierusalem to commyt fornicacyon and prouoked Iuda to Idolatrie And there came a wrytyng to hym from Elia the prophet sayenge Thus sayth the Lorde God of Dauid thy father bycause thou hast not walked in the wayes of Iehosaphat thy father and in the wayes of Asa kynge of Iuda but walkedst in the wayes of the kynges of Israel hast made Iuda the dwelleis of Ierusalem to go a hooryng lyke to the hooredome of the house of Ahab hast sleyne thy brethren euē thy fathers house whiche were better then y u Beholde with a great plage wyll the Lorde smyte thy folke thy chyldren thy wyues and thy goodes And y u shalte suffre great payne euch a disease of thy bowels vntyl thy guttꝭ falout by reason of thy sycknes day by day And so the Lorde styrred vp agaynst Iehoram the spirite of the Philistines the Arabians that were besyde the blacke Moores And they came vp into Iuda wasted it caried away al the substaūce that was found in the kynges house and his sonnes and his wyues so that there was neuer a sonne lefte hym saue Iehoahaz whiche was the yongest among his sonnes And after all these thynges the lorde smote hym in his bowels with an vncurable disease And it came to passe that in processe of tyme euen after the ende of .ii. yere his guttes fell out in his sycknes so he dyed of very euyll dyseases And they made no ☞ burnynge for hym lyke the burnynge of his fathers When he began to reygne he was .xxxii. yere olde and reygned in Ierusalem .viii. yere and lyued wretchedly Howbeit they buryed hym in the citye of Dauid but not amonge the Sepulchres of the kynges ¶ Ahaziahu reygneth in the roume of Iehorain Ieh●● kynge of Israell kylleth Ahaziahu Athalia putteth to death all the the ●ynges lyu●ge onely Ioas ●●capcth CAPI XXII ANd the enhabitoures of Ierusalem made Ahaziahu his yonge son kyng in his steade For the men of warre that came w t the hoost of the Arabians had sleyne al his eldest sonnes And so Ahaziahu the son of Iehorā kyng of Iuda was made kynge ☞ Xlii. yere olde was he when he began to reygne he reygned one yere in Ierusalem His mothers name was Athalia the doughter of Amri And he walked also in the wayes of the house of Ahab for his mother by her coūsayle entysed hym to do wyckedly Wher fore he dyd that which was euyl in the syght of the lorde as did they that were of the house of Ahab for they were his coūsaylours after the death of his father to his destruccion And he walked after theyr counsayle and went with Iehorā son of Ahab kynge of Israel to fyght agaynst Hazael kyng of Siria at Ramoth in Gilead the Sirians smote Iorā And he returned to be healed in Iezreel of the woundes whiche were gyuen hym at Rama when he fought with Hazael kyng of Siria And Ahaziahu the son of Iehorā king of Iuda went downe to se Iehoram the son of Ahab at Iezreel bycause he was diseased And it came of God that Ahaziahu shulde be despysed for his comyng to Iehorā for when be was come he went out w t Iehorā agaynst Iehu the sonne of Nimsi whom the Lorde had anoynted to destroy the house of Ahab And so it came to passe that whē Iehu was executyng iustice vpon the house of Ahab had founde the lordes of Iuda the sonnes of the brethren of Ahaziahu that waytch on Ahaziahu he slue them And he sought Ahaziahu they caught hym where he was hyd in Samaria and brought hym to Iehu And when they had sleyne hym the buryed hym Bycause sayd they he is the son of Iehosaphat which sought the lorde with al his hert And the house of Ahaziahu had no power to kepe styll the kyngdome But when Athalia the mother of Ahaziahu sawe that her son was dead she arose destroye all the kynges ●eed in the kynred of the house of Iuda And Iehosabeath the doughter of the kyng toke Ioas the son of Ahaziahu stale hym from among the kynges sonnes that were ●ley●● put hym and his nurce in a preuy ●hambre And so Iehosabeath the doughter of kynge Iehoram the wyfe of Iehoida the preest the syster of Ahaziahu hyd hym fro Athalia that he was nor sleyne And so he was with them hyd in the house of God syxe yere And Athalia reygned ouer the lande ¶ Ioas the sonne of Ahaziahu is made kynge Athalia is put to death CAPI XXIII ANd in the seuenth yere Iehoiada beynge bolde toke the captaynes of hundredes Azariahu the son of Ieroham Ismael the sonne of Iehohanam Azariahu the sonne of Obed Maasiahu the son of Ada iahu and Elisaphat the sonne of Zichri and made a bonde with them And they wente aboute in Iuda and gathered the Leuites out of all the cityes of Iuda and the auncient fathers of Israel and they came to Ierusalem And al the congregacion made a bonde with the kynge in the house of God And he sayde vnto them beholde the kynges sonne muste reygne as the lorde hath sayde of the chyldren of Dauid This is it therfore that ye shall do The thyrde parte of you shall on the Sabboth come to the preestes Leuites and kepers of the porches And an other thyrde parte shall be by the kynges house and an other thyrde parte shall be at the gate of the foundacion all the people shall be in the courtes of the house of the Lorde But there shal none come into the house of the lorde saue the preestes they that ministre vnto the Leuitꝭ They shal go in for they are holy but al the people
straunger let the men of that place helpe hym with syluer and golde with good and cattell besyde that which they wyllynglye offer for the house of God that is at Ierusalem Then gat vp the principall fathers of Iuda and Ben Iamin and the preestes and Leuites and all they whose spirite God had raysed to go vp and to buylde the house of the Lorde whiche is at Ierusalem And all they that were aboute them strengthed theyr hande with vessels of syluer and golde with good and cattell and Iuels in so moche that euery one shewed hym selfe lyberall And kynge Cyrus brought forthe the vessels of the house of the Lorde whiche Nabuchodonozer had taken out of Ierusalem and had put in the house of his God Those dyd Cyrus the kynge of Persia brynge forthe by the hand of Mithridates the treasurer nombred them vnto Sesbazar the prince of Iuda And this is the nombre of them thyrtie chargers of golde a thousand changers of syluer nyne and twentye knyues thyrtye basyns of golde and of other syluer basyns foure hundred and ten and of other vessels a thousand All the vessels of golde syluer were v. M. and foure hundred All these dyd Sesbazar carye awaye with them that came vp out of the captiuite of Babilon vnto Ierusalem ¶ The nombre of them that returned from the captiuyte CAPI II. THese are the chyldren of the lande that went vp out of the captiuite whom Nabuchodonozer the kynge of Babilō had caried away vnto Babilon and came agayn vnto Ierusalem and in to Iuda euery one vnto his citye They that came with Zorobabel are these Iesua Nehemiah Saraea Re●laia Mardochai Bilsan Mispar Biguai Rehum Baana This is the nombre of the men of the people of Israel The children of Phares two thousand an hundred seuentye and two the chyldren of Saphatia thre hundred seuentye and two the chyldren of Arath seuen hundred seuenty and fyue the chyldren of the captayne of Moab amonge the chyldren of Iesua and Ioab two thousande eyght hundred twelue the chyldren of Elam a thousande two hundred fyfty foure the chyldren of Zathu nyne hundred and fourty fyue the chyldren of Zaccai seuen hundred and. lx the chyldren of Bani syxe hundred fourty and two the chyldren of Bebai syxe hundred and thre and twentye The chyldren of Asgad a thousand two hundred and two twentye the chyldren of Adonicam syxe hundred and syxtye and syxe The chyldren of Beguai two thousande fyftye syxe the chyldren of Adin foure hundred fyftie foure the chyldren of Ater of Hezekia nyntye eyght the chyldren of Bezai thre hundred and thre and twentye The chyldren of Iora an hundred and twelue The chyldren of Hasum two hundred and thre and twentye The chyldren of Gebar nyntye and fyue the chyldren of Bethleem an hundred and thre and twentye the men of Netopha syxe and fyftye The men of Anathoth an hundred and eyght and twentye The chyldren of Asmaueth two and fourtie The chyldren of Kiriath Iarim euen the children of Cephira and Beeroth seuen hundred and thre and fourtye The chyldren of Harama and Geba syxe hundred and one twentye The men of Michmas an hundred and two and twentye The men of Bethel Hai two hundred and thre and twentye The chyldren of Nebo two and fyftye The chyldren of Magbis an hundred and syxe and fyftye The chyldren of the other Elam a thousand two hundred foure and fyftye the chyldren of Harim thre hundred and twentye the chyldren of Lodhadid and Ono seuen hundred and fyue twentye the chyldren of Iericho thre hundred and fyue and fourtye the chyldren of Senaa thre thousande syxe hundred and thyrtye The preestes of the chyldren of Iedaia of the house of Iesua nyne hundred seuentye and thre the chyldren of Immer a thousande and two and fyftye the chyldren of Phashur a thousande CC. and. xlvii The chyldren of Harim a thousande and seuentene The Leuites The chyldren of Iesua Cadmiell of the chyldren of Hodauia seuenty and foure The syngers the children of Asaph an hundred and xxviii The chyldren of dore kepers The chyldren of Sallum the children of Ater the chyldren of Talmon the chyldren of Akub the childrē of Hatita the chyldren of Sobai al togyther an hundred and. xxxix The Nethenims the chyldren of Ziha the chyldren of Hasupha the chyldren of Tabaoth the chyldren of Ceros the Chyldren of Sieha The chyldren of Padon the chyldren of Lebanah the chyldrē of Hagaba the chyldren of Akub the chyldren of Hagab the chyldren of Samlai the chyldren of Hanan the chyldren of Giddell the chyldren of Gahar the chyldren of Rea●a the chyldren of Razin the chyldren of Necoda the chyldren of Gasam the chyldren of Usa the chyldren of Passeah the chyldren of Bessai the chyldren of Asna the chyldren of Mehunim the chyldren of Nephussim the chyldren of Bacbuc the chyldren of Hacuba the chyldren of Hathur The chyldren of Bazluth the chyldren of Mehira the chyldren of Harsa the chyldren of Barcom the chyldren of Sisara the chyldren of Thamah the chyldren of Neziah the chylden of Hatipha The chyldren of Salomons seruauntes the chyldren of Sotai the chyldren of Sophereth the chyldren of Peruda the chyldren of Iaala the chyldren of Darcon the chyldren of Giddel the chyldren of Sephatiah the chyldren of Hattil the children of Pochereth Hazbaim the chyldren of Ami. All the Nethimms and the chyldren of Salomons seruauntes were all togyther thre hundred nynetye two And these went vp from Thelmelah and from Thel Harsa Cherub Addon and Immer But they could not discerne theyr fathers house theyr seede whyther they were of Israell The chyldren of Delaia the chyldrē of Tobia the chyldren of Necoda syxe hundred and two fyftye And of the chyldren of the preestes The chyldren of Hebaia the chyldren of Hakoz the chyldren of Berzilai whiche toke one of the doughters of Berzilat the Gileadite to wyfe and was called after theyr name these sought theyr euidence among them that had the register of byrth were not found therin therfore were they put from the preesthode And ☞ Hathirsatha sayde vnto them that they shuld not eate of the most holy tyl there rose vp a preest to weare ☞ Urim Thumim The hole congregacion togyther was two fourtye thousande thre hundred thre score besyde theyr seruauntes and maydens of whom there were vii thousande thre hundred and seuen and thyrtye And there were amonge them two hundred syngynge men women Theyr horses were seuen hūdred and syxe and thyrtie Theyr Mules two hundred fyue and fourtye and theyr Camels foure hundred fyue and thyrtie Theyr Asses syxe thousande seuen hundred and twentye And certayne of the cheyfe fathers whē they came bycause of the house of the lorde at Ierusalē they offred them selues wylling for the house of god to set it in his place gaue golde after theyr abilite vnto the tresure of the worke
This is the beast that I sawe at the water of Cober Nowe when the Cherubyns went the wheles wente with them and when the Cerubyns shoke theyr wynges to lyfte them selues vpwarde the wheles remayned nat behynde but were with thē also Shortly when they stode these stode also And when they were lyfte vp the wheles were lyfte vp also with them for the sprete of lyfe was in the wheles Then the glory of the Lorde was lyfte vp from the thresholde of the temple remayned vpon the Cherubins And the Cherubyns flackred wyth theyr wynges lyfte them selues vp frō the earth so that I sawe when they wente and the wheles with thē And they stode at the easte syde of the porte that is in the house of the Lorde So the glory of the Lorde was vpon them Thys is the beast that I sawe vnder the God of Israel by the water of Cobar And I perceaued that it was the Cherubyns Euery one had foure faces and euery one foure wynges and vnder they re wynges as it were mens handes Nowe the fygure of theyr faces was euen as I had sene them by the water of Cober and so was the countenaunce of them Euery one in hys goynge wente strayght forwarde CAPI XI Who they were that seduced the people of Israel Againste these he prophecyeth shewynge them howe they shal be scatred abroade The rennynge of the herte of commeth God ▪ otherwyse can we nat walke in his commaūdementes He threteneth them that leaue vnto theyr owne councelles MOreouer the sprete of the Lorde lyfte me vp and brought me vnto the Easte porte of the Lordes house And beholde there were xxv mē vnder the dore amonge whome I sawe Iaayaniah the sōne of Azur and Pheltiah the sonne of Bananiah the rulers of the people Then sayde the Lorde vnto me Thou sonne of man these men ymagyn myschefe and a wycked councell take they in this cytie sayinge Tush there is no destruccyon at hande let vs buylde houses this Ierusalem is the cauldron and we be the flesh Therfore shalt thou prophecye vnto them yee prophecye shalt thou vnto them O sonne of man And with that fell the sprete of the Lorde vpō me and sayde vnto me Speake thus sayeth the Lorde On thys maner haue ye spoken O ye house of Israel and I knowe the ymagynacyons of youre hertes Many one haue ye murthured in thys cytie and fylled the stretes full of the slayne Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde God The sleyne me● that ye haue layed on the grounde in thys cytye are the flesh and thys cytye is the cauldron But I wyll brynge you out of it ye haue drawen out the swearde euē so wyll I also brynge a swearde ouer you sayeth the Lorde God I wyll dryue you out of thys cytie and delyuer you into your enemyes hande and wyll condemne you Ye shal be slayne in all the coastes of Israel I wyll be auenged of you to lerne you for to knowe that I am the Lorde Thys cytie shall not be youre cauldron neyther shall ye be the flesh therin but in y ● coastes of Israell wyll I punysh you that ye maye knowe that I am the Lorde in whose commaundementes ye haue nat walked not kepte his lawes but haue done after the customes of the Heathen that lye round aboute you Nowe whē I preached Pheltiah the sonne of Bananiah dyed Then fell I downe vpon my face cryed with a loude voyce sayeng O Lorde God wylt thou thē vtterly destroye all the remaūt in Israel And so y ● worde of the Lorde came to me on thys maner thou sonne of man thy brethren thy knyffolke and the holy house of Iuda whiche dwell at Ierusalem saye They be gone farre from the Lorde but the lande is geuen vs in possessyon Therfore tell them thus sayeth the Lorde God I wyll sende you far of amonge the Gentyles and skatre you amonge the nacyons and I wyll halowe you but a lytle in the landes where ye shall come Tell them also thus sayeth the Lorde God I wyll gather you agayne out of the nacyons and brynge you from the countryes where ye be scatered wyll geue you the lande of Israel agayne and thyther shall ye come And as for all impedimentes and all youre abhomynacyons I wyll take them awaye And I wyll geue you one herte and I wyll plāte a newe sprete within youre bowels That stony herte wyll I take out of youre bodye and geue you ☞ a flesshy hert that ye maye walke in my commaundementes and kepe myne ordinaunces and do thē that ye may be my people and I your God But loke whose hertes are dysposed to folowe theyr abhomynacyons and wycked lyuenges those mens dedes wyll I brynge vpon theyr owne heades sayeth the Lorde God After thys dyd the Cherubyns lyfte vp theyr winges and the wheles went with them and the glorye of the Lorde of Israel was vpon them So the glorye of the Lorde wente from the myddest of the cytie and stode vpon the mounte of the cytye towarde the east But the wynde toke me vp and in a vision which came by the sprete of God it brought me agayne into Caldea amonge the presoners Then the visyon that I had sene vanished away fro me So I spake vnto the presoners all the wordes of the Lorde which he had shewed me ¶ The parable of the vessels of the captyuytie The exposicyon of the parable by which the takynge of kyngs ●e●ikiah is signified Another parable wher by the dystresse of honger and thryst is sygnyfyed CAPI XII THE worde of the Lorde came vnto me sayinge Thou sonne of man thou dwellest in the myddest of a frowarde housholde whiche haue eyes to se and yet se nat eares haue they to heare and yet heare they nat for they are an obstinate houshold Therfore O thou sonne of man make thy gere rydy to flyt and go forth by fayre daye lyght that they maye se. Yee euen in theyr syght shalte thou go from thy place to another place yf paraduenture they wyl consydre that they be an vnobedyent housholde Thy gere that thou haste made redy to flyt withall shalt thou beare out by fayre daye lyghte that they maye se and thou thy self shalt go forth also at euē in theyr syght as a man dothe when he flytteth Dygge thorowe the wall that they maye se and beare thorowe it the same thynge that thou tokeste vp in theyr syght As for thy selfe thou shalte go forth in the darcke Hyde thy face that thou se not the earthe for I haue made the a shewtoken vnto the house of Israel Nowe as the Lorde commaunded me so I dyd the gere that I had made redy brought I oute by daye At euen I brake downe an hole thorowe the wall wyth my hande and when it was darcke I toke the gere vpon my shoulders and bare them out in theyr syght And in the mournynge came the worde of the
my kyngdome agayne so that I had yet greater worshyppe Then dyd I Nabuchodonosor loue magnifye and prayse the kyng of heauē for all his worckes are true and his wayes ryght As for those that go on proudly he is able to bryng them downe ¶ Balthazar Kynge of Babylon abusynge the vesselles of the Temple seyth an hande wrytynge in the wall The Sothe sayers called of the Kynge can not expounde the wrytynge Daniell is called whiche readeth it and interpreteth it also Balthasar beyng slayne Darius succedeth in his rowme CAPI V. KYNGE Balthazar made a greate Bancket to hys thousande Lordes wyth all these thousande he made greate chere and when he was droncken wyth wyne he commaunded to brynge hym the golden syluer vessels whiche his father Nabuchodonosor had takē out of the tēple at Ierusalem that the kyng and his Lordes with his quene concubynes myght drinke therout So they brought the golden vessell that was taken out of the temple of the Lordes house at Ierusalē Then the Kynge and his Lordes with his quene concubines dron●k out of them They droncke wyne and praysed their Idoles of golde syluer copper yrō wodde and stone In the very same houre there appeared fyngers as it had bene of a mans hāde writynge ryght ouer agaynste the candelstycke vpon the playne wall in the kynges palace the kyng sawe the palme of the hande th●● wrote Then chaūged the kyng his countenaūce and his thoughtes troubled him so that the ioyntes of his body shoke and hys knees smote one agaynste the other Wherfore the Kyng cryed myghtelye that they shulde brynge hym the Charmers Caldees and Coniurers of Deuylles The Kynge spake also to the wyse men of Babylon and sayde Who so can rede this wrytyng and shewe me the playne meaning therof shal be clothed with purple haue a cheyne of golde about his necke and rule the thyrde parte of my kyngdome Upon this came al the kynges wyse mē but they coulde neyther rede y ● wrytyng nor shewe the kyng what it signifyed Thē was the kyng sore afrayed in so muche y ● hys coloure chaūged his Lordes were sore vexed So by reason of thys matter that had happened to the kyng and his Lordes y ● Quene went vp her self into the bancket house and spake vnto y ● kyng sayinge O Kyng God saue thy lyfe for euer Let not thy thoughtes trouble the and let not thy countenaunce be chaunged For why there is a man in thy kyngdome that hath the sprete of the holy goddes within hym as it was sene in thy fathers dayes He hath vnderstāding wisdome lyke the goddꝭ Ye the kyng Nabuchodonosor thy father made this man chefe of y ● sothsayers charmers Caldees and deuyl cōiurers because that suche an aboundaunte sprete knowledge wysdome to expounde dreames to open secretes to declare harde dowtes was founde in him yee euen in Daniel whom the kyng named Balthazar Let this same Daniel be sente for and he shal tel what it meaneth Then was Daniell brought before the kyng So the kyng spake vnto Daniel and sayde Art thou that Daniel one of the prysoners of Iuda whom my father the Kyng brought out of Iewry I haue herde speake of the that thou hast the sprete of the holy goddes experience and vnderstandyng and that there hath bene great wysdome founde in y ● Now haue there bene brought me wyse connyng charmers to reade thys writyng and to shewe me the meanyng therof But they coulde not tel me what this matter signifyed Then hearde I say that thou canst expounde darcke thinges and declare harde doutes Well than yf thou canst reade thys wrytynge and shewe me the meaninge ther of thou shalt be clothed wyth purple haue a cheyne of golde about thy necke and rule the thyrd part of my kyngdome Daniell answered sayde before y e kyng As for thy rewardes kepe thē to thyself or gyue thy rych gyftes to another yet not thelesse I wyll rede y ● wrytyng vnto the kyng and shewe him y ● interpretacyon therof O kyng God the hyghest gaue vnto Nabuchodonosor thy father the dygnyte of a Kyng with worshyppe honour so that all people kynreddes tunges stode in awe feare of hym by reason of the hye estate that he had lent him For why he slew whom he wolde he smote whom it pleased him Againe whō he wolde he set vp and whom he lyst he put downe But because his hert was so proude and his stomake set so fast vnto wylfulnes he was deposed frō his kyngely trone and his magesty was taken from him He was shut out from among mē his hert was lyke a beastes hert and his dwellyng was wyth the wylde Asses he was fayne to eate grasse lyke an oxe and his body was wet with the dewe of the heuē tyl he knewe that the hyest God had power vpon the kingdomes of mē and setteth ouer them whom he lyst And thou his sōne O Balthazar for all this hast not submytted thyne herte though thou knewest al these thinges but hast magnyfied thyselfe aboue the Lorde of heauen so that the vessels of his house were brought before the that thou thy Lordes with thy quene and concubynes myght drincke wine therout And hast praysed the Idoles of syluer and golde copper and yron of wod and stone which neyther se heare nor vnderstād As for the God in whose hande consysteth the bredth and all thy wayes thou haste not loued hym Therfore is the palme of this hande sente hyther from him to token vp this wrytyng And this is the scrypture that is writen vp Mane Thetel Phares Now the interpretacyon of the thynge is this Mane God hath nombred the kyngdome and brought it to an ende Thetell thou art weyed in the balaunce and art founde to lyght Phares thy kyngdome is delt in partes and geuen to the Medes and Perses Then cōmaūded Balthazar to cloth Daniell wyth purple to hange a cheyne of gold aboute his necke and to make a proclamacion concernyng hym that he shulde be the ruler of the thyrde parte of his kyngedome The very same nyght was Balthazar the kynge of the Caldees stayne and Darius out of Media toke in the kyngdome beyng lxij yeare of age ¶ Daniel is made ruler ouer the Lordes The ymaginacion of an arte agaynste Daniell The proclamacion of the arte wherof Daniel is accused vnto the kyng as a transgressour He is put into a denne of Lions by the cōmaundement of the kyng He is delyuered by fayth in god Daniels accusars are put vnto the Lyons to be corne in sonder Darius by the proclamacyon of a decree magnyfyeth the God of Daniel CAPI VI. IT pleased Darius so set ouer his kyngdome an C. xx Lordes which shulde be in al his kyngdome about Aboue these he set thre Prynces of whom Daniell was one y e the Lordes myght geue accomptes vnto thē the kyng
doth that girdeth her selfe with sack because of her bryde grome For y ● meate drincke offering shal be taken away from the house of the Lord the prestes the Lordes ministtrs shal mourne The felde shal be wasted the lāde shal be in a myserable case for the corne shal be destroyed the swete wyne shal come to confusion and the oyle vtterly desolate The housbandmen and the wyne gardeners shal loke piteously make lamētacion for the wheat wyne barly and because the haruest vpon the felde is so cleane destroyed The grape gatherers shall make great mone when the vineyarde and fygtrees be so vtterly wasted Yee al the pōgarnettꝭ palmtrees apletrees and the other trees of the felde shall wyther away Thus the mery chere of the chyldren of men shall come to confusion Gyrdē you and make your mone O ye prestes mourne ye mynysters of the aulter go your way in and stepe in sacke cloth O ye officers of my God for the meat drinckofferyng shal be taken away from the house of your God Proclayme a fastyng call the cōgregacion gather the elders and all the inhabytours of the lande togyther into the house of the Lorde your God and crye vnto y ● Lorde alas alas for this day And why the day of the Lord is at hande and cōmeth as a destroyer from the almighty Shal not the meates be taken away before our eyes ☜ the myrth also and ioye from the house of our God The sede shal perysh in the groūde the garners shall lye wast the flores shal be broken downe for the corne shal be destroyed O what a syghynge make the euyll the bullockes are very euel lyking because they haue no pasture and the shepe are samyshed away O Lorde to the wyll I crye for the fyre hath consumed the goodly pastures of the wyldernesse the flame hath brent vp al the trees of the felde Yee the wylde beastes crye also vnto the for the water riuers are dryed vp the fyre hath consumed the pastures of the wyldernesse ¶ He propheryeth the commyng and cru●●●ye of theyr enemyes An exhort●cion to moue them to conuerte CAPI II. BLowe out the trompet in Syon crye vpon my holy hyll y ● all suche as dwell in the lāde may trēble at it for the day of the Lorde tōmeth is harde at hande a darcke day a gloomyng day a cloudy day yee a stormy daye lyke as the mornynge spredeth out vpon y ● hylles Namely a great mightye people suche as haue not bene sens the begynnyng neyther shall be after them for euer more Before hym shal be a consumyng fyre behynde him a burnynge flame The lande shal be as a garden of pleasure before him but behinde hym shall it be a very wast wyldernesse and there is no man that shall escape him They are to loke vpon lyke barbed horses rūne lyke horsmen They skyp vp vpon y ● hylles as it were the soūde of charettꝭ as y ● flame of fyre y ● consumeth y ● strawe as a myghty people redy to the batayle The tolke shal be afrayed of hym all faces shal be as blacke as a pot These shal rūne lyke gyauntes and leape ouer the walles lyke men of warre Euery man in his going shall kepe hys araye and not go out of hys Path. There shal not one driue another but eche shall kepe his owne waye They shall breake in at the wyndowes not be hurte They shal come into the cy●●e runne vpon the walles They shall clyme vp vpon the houses and slyppe in at the wyndowes lyke a thefe The earth shall quake before hym yee y ● heauens shal be moued ▪ The sunne the moone shal be darckened and the starres shall withdrawe theyr shyne The Lord shal shall shewe his voyce before his hooste for his hooste is great stronge and myghty to fulfyll his commaundement This is that great and maruelous fearefull daye of the Lorde And who is able to abyde it Now therfore sayeth the Lorde Turne you vnto me with all your hertes with fa●ynge wepynge and mournyng rent your hertes and not youre clothes Turne you vnto the Lord your God for he is gracyoꝰ and mercyfull long suffering and of greate compassion and redy to pardon wickednes Then no doute he also shall turne and forgeue and after his chastenynge he shall let your increase remayne ▪ for meat and drinckoffrīges vnto the Lord your God Blowe out with the trompet in Syon proclayme a fastynge call the congregacyon and gather the people together warne the congregaciō gather the elders brīge the chyldren suckelynges together Let the brydegrome go forth of hys chābre and the bryde out of her rloset Let the preastes serue the Lorde betwyxte the porche the aulter wepyng and saying be fauourable O Lord be fauourable vnto thy people let not thine heritage be brought to suche cōfusion lest the Hethen be Lordes therof Wherfore shuld they say among the Hethen where is now their God Then shal the Lorde be gelous ouer his lande and spare his people yee the Lorde shall answerre saye vnto his people Beholde I wyll sende you corne wyne oyle so that ye shall haue plēty of them I wyll no more geue you ouer to be a reprofe amōg the Hethen Againe as for him of the North I shal dryue him farre from you shut him out into a drye wast lande his face toward the east sce his hynder partes towarde the vtmost see The styncke of him shall go vp his filthy corruption shall fal vpon hym selfe because he hath dealt so proudly Feare not O lande but be glad reioyse for the Lord wyl do great thinges Be not ye afraied neither O ye beastes of the felde for the pastures shal be grene the trees shal beare theyr frute the fyg trees vyneyardes shall geue theyr increase Be glad then O ye chyldrē of Syon and reioyse in the Lorde your god for he hath ge uen you a teacher of rightuousnesse he it is y t shal sende you downe showers of rayne early late in the fyrst moneth so y t the garners shal be ful of corne the presses plentuous in wyne oile And as for the yeres that the greshoper locust blastyng caterpyller my grethost which I sēt among you haue eaten vp I shal restore thē to you againe so that ye shal haue ynough to eate be satisfied prayse the name of the Lord your God that so maruelously hath dealt with you And my people shal neuer be confounded any more Ye shal wel knowe y ● I am in the middest of Israel that I am the Lord your God ye that there is none other my people shal no more be brought to confusion After this wyll I poure out my sprete ☜ vpon al flesh your sōnes your daughters shal ꝓphecy
vpō me sayth the Lorde vntyl the tyme y ● I stand vp for I am determyned to gather the people to brynge the kyngdomes together that I may poure out myne anger ye all my wrothful dysplesure vpō thē For all y e worlde shall be cōsumed w t the fire of my gelousi And thē wyl I clēse y ● lippes of the peple y ● they may euerychone call vpn the name of the Lorde serue hym with one shoulder Suche as I haue subdued and my chyldren also whom I haue scatered abrode shall brynge me presentes beyonde the waters of Etheopia In that tyme shalt thou no more be confounded because of all thy ymagynacyons wher thorow thou haddest offended me for I wyll take awaye the proude boosters of thyne honour from the so that thou shalt no more triumphe because of my holy hill In y ● also wyll I leaue a small poore symple people which shall trust in the name of y ● Lord. The remnaunt of Israell shall do no wyekednes nor speake lyes nether shall there any disceatful tunge be foūde in theyr mouthes For they shal be fed take theyr rest no mā shal make thē afrayed Geue thākes O daughter Syon be ioyfull O Israel reioyce and be glad from thy whole herte O daughter Ierusalē for the Lorde hath takē awaye thy punyshment and turned backe thyne enemyes The kynge of Israell euen the Lorde hym selfe is with the so that thou nedest nomore to feare any mysfortune In that tyme it shal be sayde to Ierusalem feare nat to Syon let nat thyne handes be slacke for the Lorde thy God is with the it is he that hath power to saue he hath a special pleasure in the a meruelous loue towarde the yee he reioyseth ouer the with gladnesse Such as haue bene in heuynesse wyll I gather together and take out of thy congregacyon as for the shame and reprofe that hath bene layed vpō the it shal be farre frō the. And lo in that tyme wyll I destroye all those that vexe the I wyll helpe the lame and gather vp the cast awaye yee I wyl get them prayse and honoure in al landes where they haue bene put to shame At the same tyme wyl I brynge you in at the same tyme wyl I gather you I wyl get you a name and a good reporte amonge all people of the earth when I turne backe youre captiuite before youre eyes sayeth y ● Lorde ¶ The ende of the prophecye of Sophony ¶ The boke of the Prophete Aggeus ¶ The tyme of the Prophecye of Aggeus An ethartacyon to buylde the temple agayne CAPI I. IN the seconde yeare of kynge Darins in the. vj. moneth the fyrst daye of the moneth came the worde of y ● Lorde by the Prophete Aggeus vnto zorobabell the sonne of Salatyell the price of Iuda and to Iesuathe sōne of Iosedech the hye prest sayinge Thus speaketh the Lorde of hoostes and sayeth This people doth saye The tyme is nat yet come to buylde vp the Lordes house Then spake the Lorde that by pr●●hete Aggeus and sayde Ye youre selues can fynde tyme to dwell in syled houses shall this lye wast Considre nowe youre ow●e wayes for oure hertes sayeth y ● Lorde of hoostes ye sowe much but ye bring litle ī ye care but ye haue not ynough ye drynck but ye are nat fylled ye decke your selues but ye are nat warme he that earneth any wages putteth it in a broken purse Thus sayeth the Lorde of hoostes Cōsydre your owne wayes in your hertes get you vp to the mountayne fetch wod buylde vp y ● house that it maye be acceptable vnto me y ● I may shewe myne honour sayeth y ● Lorde Ye loked for much lo it is come to lytle though ye bryng it home yet do I blowe it awaye And why so sayeth y ● Lorde of hoostes Euen because y ● my house lyeth so wast ye renne euery mā vnto his owne house Wherfore y ● heauē is forbyden to geue you any dewe the earth is forbydden to geue you encrease I haue called for a drouth bothe vpō y ● lande vpō the moūtaynes vpō corne vpō wyne and vpō oyle vpon euery thynge y ● the grounde bryngeth forth vpō men and vpon catell yee and vpon all handy laboure Nowe whē zorobabel the sonne of Salathiel Iesua the sōne of Iosidech the hye preste with the remnaūt of the people herde the voyce of the Lord theyr God and the wordes of y ● prophete Aggeus lyke as the Lorde theyr God had sent hym the people dyd feare the Lorde Then Aggeus the Lordes angel sayde in the Lordes message vnto the people I am with you saieth the Lorde So the Lorde waked vp the sprete of zorobabel the sōne of Salathiel y ● prince of Iuda the sprete of Iesua y ● sōne of Iosedech the hye prest the sprete of y ● remnaūt of all the people y ● they came laboured in the house of the Lorde of hoostes theyr God ¶ He sheweth that the goodlynes of the secōde temple shall excede the fyrst be cause of the commynge of Chryste CAPI II. VPON the. xxiiij daye of the. vi moneth in y ● seconde yeare of kynge Darius the. xxj daye of the seuenth moneth came the worde of y t Lorde by the prophete Aggeus sayeng speake to zorobabel y t sōne of Salathiel prynce of Iuda to Iesua the sōne of Iosedech y ● hye preste to the resydue of y ● people saye Who is left among you y ● sawe thys house in her fyrste bewtye But what thyncke ye now by it Is it not in your eyes euē as though it were nothinge Neuerthelesse be of good ●●ere O zorobabel sayeth y ● Lorde be of good cōforte O Iesua y ● sonne of Iosedech hye preste take good hertes vnto you also all ye people of y ● lande sayeth the Lorde of hoostes do accordynge to y e worde for I am with you sayeth y e Lorde of hoostes lyke as I agreed w t you whē ye came out of y ● lande of Egpt my sprete shal be among you feare ye not For thus sayeth the Lorde of hostes yet once more wyll I shake heauen earth the see and the drye lande yee I wyl moue all Heathen and the cōforte of al Heathen shal come and so wyl I fyll thys house with honoure sayeth y ● Lorde of hoostes The syluer is myne the golde is myne sayeth the Lorde of hoostes Thus the glory of the last house shal be greater thē the fyrst sayeth the Lorde of hoostes and in this place wyll I geue peace sayeth the Lorde of hoostes The. xxiiij daye of the nynth moneth in the seconde yeare of kynge Darius came the worde of the Lorde vnto the prophete Aggeus sayenge Thus sayeth the
poudre are wasted away Howle● O ye oke trees of Baasan for the myghtye stronge wodde is cut downe Men maye here the shepherdes mourne for their glory is destroyed Mē may here y ● lions whelpes rore for y ● pride of Iordane is wasted away Thus fayeth the Lorde my God Fode the shepe of the slaughter whiche shal be slayne of those that possesse thē yet they take it for no synne but they that sell them saye The Lord be thācked I am rych yee their owne shepherdes spare them not Therfore wyl I nomore spare those that dwell in the lande ●sayeth the Lorde but lo. I wyll deliuer the people euery mā into his neighbours hand and into the hande of his kynge that they maye smyte the lande and out of theyr handes I wyll not delyuer them I my selfe fed the slaughter shepe a pore flocke verely and toke vnto me two staues the one I called louyng mekenes the other I called wo and so I kepte the shepe Thre shepherdes destroyed I in one moneth for I myght not a waye with them neyther had they any delyte in me Then sayde I I wyll fede you nomore the thyng that dyeth let it dye and that wyll perysh let it perysh and let the remnaūt eate euery one the flesshe of his neighbour I toke also my louyng meke staff and brake it that I myght disanul the couenaūt whiche I made with all people And so it was broken in that day Then the poore symple shepe that had a respecte vnto me knewe therby that it was the worde of the Lorde And I sayde vnto them yf ye thynke it good bryng hyther my pryce yf no then leaue So they wayed downe xxx syluer pēs the value that I was prysed at And the Lorde sayde vnto me cast it vnto the potter a goodly pryce for me to be valued at of them and I toke the. xxx syluer pens and cast them to the potter in the house of the Lorde Then brake I my other staf also namely wo that I might lowse the brotherhead betwyxte Iuda Israell And the Lorde sayde vnto me Take to the also y ● staffe of a foolyshe shepherde for lo I wyll rayse vp a shepherde in the lande which shal not seke after the thiges that be lost nor care for suche as go astraye he shall not heale the woūded he shall not norysh the thynge that is whole but he shall eate the fleshe of suche as be fat teare their clawes in peces O Idols shepherd that leaueth the flocke The swerde shal come vpon his arme vpō his right eye Hꝭ arme shal be clene dryed vp his ryght eye shal be sore blynded ¶ Of the destruc●●on and buyldynge agayne of Ierusalē CAPI XII THe heuy burthen which the Lorde hath deuysed for Israell Thus sayeth the Lorde whiche spred the heauens abroade layde the foundacyon of the earth and gyueth man the breath of lyfe Beholde I wyl make Ierusalem a cuppe of surfet vnto all the people that are rounde aboute her Yee Iuda him self also shal be in the sege against Ierusalem At the same tyme wyll I make Ierusalem an heuy stone for all people so that al such as lyfte it vp shal be torne and rente and all the people of the earth shal be gathered together agaynst it In that daye sayeth the Lorde I wyll make al horses abashed and those that ryde vpon them to be out of theyr wyttes I wyl opē myne eyes vpon the house of Iuda and smyte all y ● horses of the people with blyndnesse And the prynces of Iuda shall saye in theyr hertes The inhabyters of Ierusalem shal geue me cōsolacyon in the Lord of hoostes theyr God In that tyme wyl I make y ● princes of Iuda lyke an hote burnyng ouen with wood and lyke a cresset of fyre among the strawe so that they shall consume al the people rounde aboute them both vpon the ryght hāde and the left Ierusalem also shal be inhabyted agayne namely in the same place where Ierusalem standeth The Lorde shall preserue the tētes of Iuda lyke as a fore tyme so that the glory of y ● house of Dauyd the glory of the cytesyns of Ierusalem shal be but lytle regarded in cōparyson of the glory of Iuda In that day shal the Lorde defende the cytesyns of Ierusalem so that the weakest then among them shal be as Dauid and the house of Dauid shal be lyke as Gods house as the Angell of the Lorde before them At the same tyme wyll I go aboute to destroye all such people as come agaynst Ierusalem Moreouer vpon the house of Dauid and vpon the cytesyns of Ierusalem wyl I poure out the sprete of grace and prayer so y ● they shall loke vpō me whō they haue pearsed they shal bewepehi as mē mourne for their onely begotten sonne yee be sory for him as mē are sory for their fyrst chylde Then shall there be a great mournynge at Ierusalem lyke as the lamentacion at Adremnon in the felde of Maggadon And the lande shall be wayle euery kynred by thē selues The kynred of the house of Dauid thē selues alone their wiues by thē selues The kinred of the house of Nathā them selues alone their wiues by thē selues The kinred of y ● house of Leui thē selues alone their wiues by thē selues The kynred of the house of Semei them selues alone theyr wyues by them selues In lyke maner all the other generaciōs euery chone by thē selues alone and their wiues by them selues ¶ Of the well of grace and truthe Of the cleue ryddaunce of Idolatrye and of false prophetes CAPI XIII IN that tyme shall the house of Dauyd and the cytesyns of Ierusalem haue an open well to washe of synne and vnclennesse And then sayeth the Lorde of hostes I wyll destroye the names of the Idoles les out of the lande so that they shal nomore be put in remembraunce ⚜ As for the false prophetes also and the vncleane sprete I shal take them out of the lāde So that yf any of them prophecie any more hys owne father mother that begat him shal say vnto him Thou shalt dye for thou speakest lyes vnder the name of the Lorde yee his owne father and mother that begat him shal woūde him whē he prophecieth And then shall those prophetes be confounded euery one of his visiō when he prophecieth nether shall they weare sackclothꝭ any more to disceaue men with all But he shall be fayne to say I am no Prophet I am an husbāde man for so am I taught by Adā fro my youth vp And if it be sayde vnto him how came these woūdes then ī thyne hādes He shal answere Thus am I wounded in the house of myne owne frendes Aryse O thou swearde vpō my shepherde and vpon the Prince of my peple sayeth the Lord of hostes Smyte the
laden and I wyll ease you Take my yocke vpon you and learne of me for I am meke and lowly in herte and ye shall fynde rest vnto your soules For my yocke is easy and my burden is lyght ⊢ ¶ The disciples plucke the ●●●es of corne Chryst healeth the dryed hande helpeth the possessed that was blynde dombe and sheweth who is his brother syster and mother CAPI XII AT that tyme Iesus went on the Sabboth dayes thorowe the corne and his disciples were an hungred and began to plucke the eares of corne and to eate But when the Pharises sawe it they sayd vn to hym Beholde thy disciples do that which is not lawfull ❀ for them to do vpon the Sabboth day But he sayd vnto them Haue ye not red what Dauid dyd when he was an hungred they that were with hym Howe he entred in to the house of god and dyd eate the shewe breades whiche were not lawfull for hym to eate neyther for them whiche were with hym but onely for the preestes Or haue ye not red in the lawe how that on the Sabboth dayes the preestes in the temple breake the Sabboth and are blamelesse But I say vnto you that in this place is one greater then the temple Wherfore yf ye wyst what this meaneth I requyre mercy and not sacrifice ye wolde not haue condemned innocentes ⊢ For the sonne of man also is lorde euen of the Sabboth day And he departed thence and went in to the synagoge and be holde there was a man which had his hande dryed vp And they asked hym sayenge Is it lawful to heale vpon the Sabboth dayes that they myght accuse hym And he sayd vn to them whiche of you wyll it be that shall haue a shepe and yf it fall into a pyt on the Sabboth day wyll he not take it and lyfte it out Howe moche more then is a man better then a shepe Wherfore it is lawfull to do a good dede on the Sabboth dayes Then sayth he to the man stretche forthe thy hande And he stretched it forthe And it was restored vnto helth lyke as the other ✚ Then the Pharises went out and helde a counsel agaynst hym howe they myght destroy hym But when Iesus knewe it he departed thence moche people folowed hym and he healed them all charged them that they shulde not make hym knowen that it myghte be fulfylled whiche was spoken by Esay the prophet whiche sayeth Beholde my chylde whom I haue chosen my beloued in whom my soule delyteth I wyll put my spirite vpon hym and he shall shewe iudgement to the gentyls He shall not stryue nor crye neyther shall any man heare his voyce in the stretes a brosed reed shal he not breake and smokyng flaxe shall he not quenche tyll he sende forth iudgement vnto victorye and in his name shall the gentyls trust ⊢ Then was brought to hym a blynde and dombe man that was vexed with a deuyll he healed hym in so moch that the blynd and dombe both spake sawe And all the people were amased sayde Is not this that sonne of Dauid But when the Pharises herde it they sayd This felow dryueth the deuyls none otherwyse out but by the helpe of Belzebub the cheyfe of the deuyls But when Iesus knew theyr thoughtꝭ he sayd vnto them Euery kyngdome deuyded agaynst it selfe shall be brought to nought And euery citye or house deuyded agaynst it selfe shall not stande And yf Satan caste out Satan then is he deuyded agaynst hymselfe How shall then his kyngdome endure Also yf I by the helpe of Belzebub cast oute deuyls by whose helpe do your chyldren cast them out Therfore they shal be your iudgꝭ But yf I cast out the deuyls by the spirite of God then is the kyngdome of God come vn to you Or els howe can one entre in to a stronge mannes house and spoyle his Iuels excepte he fyrst bynde the stronge man and then spoyle his house ✚ He that is not with me is agaynst me And he that gathereth not with me scattereth abrode Wherfore I saye vnto you all maner of synne and blasphemye shall be forgyuen vnto men but the blasphemye agaynst the spirite shal not be forgyuen vnto men And who soeuer speaketh a worde agaynst the sonne of man it shall be forgyuen hym But whosoeuer speaketh agaynste the holy goost it shal not he forgyuen hym neyther in this worlde nor in the worlde to come Eyther make the tree good and the fruyte good or els make the tree euyll his fruyte euyll For the tree is knowen by his fruyte O generacyon of vypers howe can ye speake good thynges when ye your selues are euyl For out of the aboundaūce of the herte the mouth speaketh A good mā out of the good treasure of the herte bryngeth forthe good thynges And an euyll man out of euyl treasure bryngeth forth euyl thynges But I say vnto you of euery ydle worde that men shall haue spoken they shal gyue accountes in the daye of iudgement For out of thy wordes thou shalte be iustified and out of thy wordꝭ thou shalte be condemned ⊢ ✚ Then certayne of the scribes and of the pharises asked hym sayenge Mayster we wyll se a sygne of the. But he answered and sayd to them The euyll and aduouterous generacion seketh a sygne and there shall no sygne be gyuen to them but the sygne of the prophet Ionas For as Ionas was thre dayes and thre nyghtes in the whales belly so shall the sonne of man be thre dayes thre nyghtes in the herte of the earth The men of Niniue shall ryse in the iudgement with this nacion condemne it bycause they amended at the preachynge of Ionas Beholde here is one greater then Ionas The quene of the south shall ryse in the iudgement with this generacion and shal condemne it for she came from the vttermost partes of the world to heare the wysdome of Salomon And beholde in this place is one greater then Salomon When the vncleane spirite is gone out of a man he walketh thorowout drye places sekyng rest and fyndeth none Thē he sayth I wyll returne in to my house from whence I came out And when he is come he fyndeth it emptye and swepte and garnysshed Then goeth he taketh vnto hym seuen other spirites worse then hym selfe and so entreth he in and dwelleth there And the ende of that man is worse then the begynnynge Euen so shal it be also vnto this froward generacion Whyle he yet talked to the people behold his mother and his brethren stode without desyryng to speake with hym Then one sayd vnto hym Beholde thy mother thy brethren stande without desyrynge to speake with the. But he answered and sayde vnto hym that had tolde hym Who is my mother or who are my brethrē And he stretched
Aramathia named Ioseph whiche also was Iesus disciple He wente to Pilate and begged the body of Iesus Then Pilate cōmaunded the body to be delyuered And when Ioseph had taken the body he wrapped it in a cleane lynnen cloth and layd it in his new tombe which he had hewen out euen in the rocke rolled a great stone to the dore of the sepulcre and departed And there was Mary Magdalen the other Mary syttyng ouer agaynst the sepulcre The next day that folowed ☞ the day of preparynge the hygh preestes Pharises came togyther vnto Pilate sayeng Syr we remember that this deceyuer sayd whyle he was yet alyue After thre dayes I wyll aryse agayne Cōmaunde therfore that the sepulcre be made sure vntyll the thirde daye lest his disciples come and steale hym away and say vnto the people he is rysen from the deade the laste errour shal be worse thē the fyrst Pilate sayd vnto them Ye haue the watche go your way make it as sure as ye can So they wente and made the sepulcre sure with watche men and sealed the stone ⊢ ¶ The resurreccion of Christ. The hygh preestes gyue the souldiours money to say that Christ was 〈◊〉 o●● of his graue Christ appeareth to his disciples and sendeth them forth to preache and to baptyse CAPI XXVIII ✚ VPon an ☞ euenyng of the Sabbothes whiche dawneth the fyrste daye of the Sabbothes came Mary Magdalen and the other Mary to so the sepulcre And beholde there was a great earth quake For the angell of the lorde descended from heuen and came and rolled backe the stone from the dore and sat vpon it His countenaunce was lyke lyghtenynge and his rayment whyte as snowe And for feare of hym the kepers were astonyed and became as deade men The angell answered and sayde vnto the women feare ye not For I know that ye seke Iesus whiche was crucified he is not here he is rysen as he sayd Come se the place where that the lorde was layde go quicklye and tell his disciples that he is tysen agayne from the deade And beholde he goeth before you in to Galile there ye shall se hym Lo I haue tolde you ⊢ ✚ And they departed quycklye from the sepulcre with feare and greate ioye and dyd runne to brynge his disciples worde And as they went to tell his disciples beholde Iesus met them sayenge All hayle And they came and helde hym by the feete and worshypped hym Then sayde Iesus vnto them be not afrayde ☞ Go tell my brethren that they go in to Galile and there shall they se me When they were gone beholde some of the kepers came in to the citye and shewed vnto the hygh preestes all the thynges that had happened And they gathered them togyther with the elders and toke counsell and gaue large money vnto the souldyours sayenge Say ye that his disciples came by nyght stole hym away whyle ye slepte And yf this come to the rulers cares we wyll persuade hym and saue you harmelesse So they toke the money and dyd as they were taughte And this sayenge is noysed among the Iues vnto this daye ⊢ ✚ Then the .xi. disciples went awaye in to Galile in to a mountayne where Iesus had appoynted them And when they sawe hym they worshypped hym But some douted And Iesus came spake vnto them sayeng All power is gyuen vnto me in heuen and in earth Go ye therfore and teache all nacions baptisyng them in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holy goost Teachyng them to obserue al thynges what soeuer I haue cōmaunded you And lo I am with you alwaye euen vntyll the ende of the worlde ⊢ ¶ Here endeth the Gospell of Saynt Mathew ¶ The Gospell of Saynt Marke ¶ The O●●yer of Iohn̄ the Baptyst The baptyme of Chryst his fastyng his preachyng the callyng of Peter Andrewe Iames and Iohn̄ Chryst healeth the man with the vncleane spirite helpeth Peters mother in lawe clenseth the leper CAPI Primo ✚ THe begynnyng of the Gospell of Iesu Chryst the sonne of God as it is wrytten in the Prophettes Beholde I sende my messenger before thy face whiche shall prepare thy way before the. The voyce of a cryer in the wyldernes prepare ye the way of the lorde and make his pathes streyght Iohn̄ dyd baptyse in the wyldernes and preached the baptyme of repentaunce for the remyssyon of synnes And all the lande of Iurye they of Ierusalem went out vnto hym and were all baptised of hym in the ryuer Iordan confessyng theyr synnes Iohn̄ was clothed with camels heere with a gyrdell of a skyn about his loynes And he dyd eate locustes wylde hony preached sayenge He that is stronger then I cometh after me whose shoo latchet I am not worthy to stoupe downe vnlose I haue baptised you with water but he shall babtyse you with the holy goost ⊢ And it came to passe in those dayes that Iesus came from Nazareth of Galile and was baptised of Iohn̄ in Iordan And assone as he was come vp out of the water ☞ he sawe heuen open ☞ the spirite descendyng vpō hym like a doue And there came a voyce frō heuen Thou arte my dere son in whom I delyte And immediatly the spirite droue hym into wyldernes and he was there in the wyldernes xl dayes was tempted of Satā was with wylde beastes And the angels ministred vnto hym After that Iohn̄ was taken Iesus came in to Galile preachynge the gospel of the kyngdom of god sayeng The tyme is come the kyngdom of God is at hande repente and byleue the Gospell As he walked by the see of Galile he sawe Simon Andrew his brother castyng nettꝭ into the see for they were fysshers And Iesus sayd vnto them folowe me and I wyl make you to become fyshers of mē And streyght waye they forsoke theyr nettes and folowed hym And when he had gone a lytell further thence he saw Iames the sonne of Zebede Iohn̄ his brother which also were in the ship mendyng theyr nettes And anone he called them And they lefte theyr father Zebede in the shyp with the hyred seruauntes and folowed hym And they came in to Capernaum and streyght way on the Sabboth dayes he entred in to the Synagoge and taughte And they were astonyed at his learnynge For he taughte them as one that had auctoryte and not as the Scribes And there was in theyr Synagoge a man vexed with an vncleane spirite and he cryed sayenge Alas what haue we to do with the thou Iesus of Nazareth Arte thou come to destroye vs I knowe the what thou arte euen that holy one of God And Iesus rebuked hym sayenge Holde thy peace and come oute of the man And when the vncleane spirite had torne hym and cryed with a loude voyce
had the wethered hande aryse stande in the myddes And he sayeth vnto them whyther is it lawfull to do good on the Sabboth dayes or to do euyl to saue lyfe or to kyll but they helde theyr peace And when he had loked rounde about on them with anger mournyng on the blyndnes of theyr hertes he sayth to the man stretch forth thyne hande And he stretched it out And his hande was restored euen as hole as the other ⊢ And the Pharises departed and streyght way gathered a counsell with them that belonged to Herode agaynste hym that they myght destroy hym But Iesus auoyded w t his disciples to the see And a great multitude folowed hym frome Galile and frome Iurye and from Ierusalem and from Idumea and from beyonde Iordane and they that dwelled aboute Tyre Sidon a great multitude of men which whē they had herde what thynges he dyd came vnto hym And Iesus cōmaunded his disciples that a shyp shulde wayte on hym bycause of the people leest they shulde thronge hym For he had healed many in so moche that they preased vpon hym for to touche him as many as had plages And when the vncleane spirites sawe hym they fel downe before hym cryed sayenge thou arte the sonne of God And he straytely charged them that they shulde not make hym knowen And he wente vp in to a mountayne and calleth vnto hym whom he wolde and they came vnto hym And he ordeyned the twelue that they shulde be with hym and that he myght sende them forthe to preache and that they myght haue power to heale sycknesses and to cast out deuyls And he gaue vnto Simon to name Peter And he called Iames the sonne of Zebede and Iohn̄ Iames brother and gaue them to name Boanarges which is to say the sonnes of thonder And Andrewe and Philip Bad thylmewe and Mathew and Thomas and Iames the son of Alphene and Thaddeus Simon of Canaan and Iudas Iscarioth whiche also betrayed hym And they came in to the house and the people assembled togyther agayne so that they had not leysure so moche as to eate breade And when they that belonged vnto him herde of it they went out to laye handes vpon hym For they sayde he is mad And the Scribes which came downe from Ierusalem sayde He hath Belzebub hy the cheyfe deuyll casteth he out deuyls And he called them vnto hym and sayd vnto them in parables Nowe can Satan dryue out Satan And yf a realme be deuyded agaynst it selfe that realme can not endure And yf an house be deuyded agaynst it selfe that house can not contynue And yf Satan make insurreccyon agaynst hym selfe and be deuided he can not contynue but hath an ende No man can enter in to a strong mannes house and take awaye his goodes excepte he fyrst bynde the strong man and then spoyle his house Uerely I say vnto you all synnes shall be forgyuen vnto mennes chyldren and blasphemies wherwith so euer they haue blasphemed But he that speaketh blasphemye agaynst the holy goost hath neuer forgyuenesse but is in daunger of eternall damnacyon For they sayde he hath an vncleane spirite There came also his mother and his brethren stode without sent vnto hym to cal hym oute And the people sat aboute hym sayd vnto hym beholde thy mother and thy ☞ brethren seke for the without And he answered them sayenge Who is my mother my brethren And when he had loked rounde aboute on his disciples whiche sat in compasse aboute hym he sayd Beholde my mother and my brethren For who soeuer dothe the wyll of God the same is my brother and my syster and mother ¶ The parable of the sower Chryst stylleth the tempest of the see whiche obeyed hym CAPI IIII. ✚ ANd he began agayne to teache by the see syde And there gathered togyther vnto hym moch people so greatly that he entred into a shyp and sat in the see and all the peple was by the see syde on the shore And he taught them many thynges by parables and sayde vnto them in his doctryne Herken to beholde there went out a sower to sowe And it fortuned as he sowed that some fell by the way syde and the foules of the ayre came deuoured it vp Some fell on stony grounde where it had not moch earth and immediatly sprange vp bycause it had not depth of earth but as soone as the sonne was vp it caught heate and bycause it had not rotynge it wethered away And some fell amonge thornes and the thornes grewe vp and choked it it gaue no fruyte And some fell vpon good ground and dyd yelde fruyte that sprang vp and grewe brought forth some thyrtye folde some syxtye folde and some an hundred folde And he sayde vnto them he that hath eares to heare let hym heare ⊢ And when he was alone they that were aboute hym with the twelue asked him of the parable And he sayd vnto them To you is it gyuen to knowe the mystery of the kyngdome of God But vnto them that are without al thynges happen by parables that when they se they may se and not discerne and when they heare they may heare and not vnderstand lest at any tyme they shulde turne and theyr spn̄es shulde be forgyuen them And he sayd vnto them knowe ye not this parable and howe then wyll ye know all other parables The sower soweth the worde And they wherof some be rehearsed to be by the waye syde are those where the worde is sowen And when they heare Satan cometh immediatly and taketh away the worde that was sowen in theyr hertes And likewyse the other that receyue seede in to the stony ground are they whiche when they heare the worde at once receyue it with gladnesse yet haue no tote in them selues so endure but a tyme anone when trouble and persecucion aryseth for the wordes sake they fall immediatly There be other also that receyue seede in to thornes those are soche as heare the worde and the cares of this worlde and the deceytfulnesse of ryches the lustes of other thynges entre in and choke the worde and it is made vnfruytfull other there be that haue receyued seede in to a good grounde they are soche that heare the worde and receyue it so that one corne doth bryng forth thyrtye some sixtye some an hundred And he sayde vnto them is the candle lyghted to be put vnder a busshell or vnder the table Is it not lyghted to be put on a candelstycke For there is nothyng so preuy that shall not be opened neyther hath it ben so secret but that it shal come abrode Yf any man haue eares to heare let hym heare And he sayde vnto them take hede what ye heare With what measure ye meate with the same shall other men measure vnto you agayne And vnto you that
and after thre dayes aryse agayne And he spake that sayenge openly And Peter toke hym asyde and began to chyde hym But he turned aboute and loked on his discyples and rebuked Peter sayeng Go after me Satan For thou sauerest not the thynges that be of God but the thynges that be of men And when he had called the people vnto hym with his discyples also he sayd vnto them Whosoeuer wyll folowe me let hym forsake hym selfe take vp his crosse and folowe me For who soeuer wyll saue his lyfe shall lose it But who soeuer shall lose his lyfe for my sake and the Gospels the same shall saue it For what shall it profette a man yf he wynne all the worlde and loose his owne soule or what shall a man gyue to redeme his soule withall agayne Who soeuer therfore shall be a shamed of me and of my wordes in this aduouterous and synfull generacyon of hym also shall the sonne of man be ashamed when he cometh in the glorye of his Father with the holye Angels ¶ The transfiguracyon The ●una●yhe is healed The disputacyon who shulde be the greatest Offences are forbydden CAPI IX ANd he sayde vnto them Uerely I saye you There be some amonge them that stande here whiche shall not taste of death tyll they haue sene the kyngdome of God come with power And after syxe dayes Iesus taketh Peter and Iames and Iohn̄ and leadeth them vp into an hygh mountayne out of the waye alone and he was transfygured before them And his rayment dyd shyne became verye whyte euen as snowe so whyte as no fuller can make vpon the earth And there apeared vnto them Elias with Moses they talked with Iesu. And Peter answered and sayeth to Iesu Mayster here is good beynge for vs let vs make also thre tabernacles one for the and one for Moses and one for Elyas For he wyst not what he sayd for they were afrayde And there was a cloude that shadowed them And a voyce came out of the cloude sayeng This is my beloued sonne heare him And sodenly when they had loked round aboute they saw no man more then Iesus only with them And as they came downe from the hyll he charged them that they shulde tel no man those thynges that they had sene tyl the son of man were rysen from death agayne And they kepte that sayenge with them and demaunded one of another what the rysynge from death agayne shulde meane And they asked hym sayenge why then saye the Scrybes that Elyas muste fyrst come He answered and sayde vnto them Elyas verely when he commeth fyrste restoreth all thynges And the son of man as it is wrytten of hym shall suffer many thynges and be set at nought But I saye vnto you that Elias is come and they haue done vnto hym what soeuer they wolde as it was wrytten of hym And when he came to his discyples he sawe moche people aboute them and the scrybes disputyng with them And streyght waye all the people when they behelde hym were amased and ran to hym and saluted hym And he asked the Scrybes what dyspute ye amonge them ✚ And one of the companye answered and sayde Mayster I haue brought vnto the my sonne whiche hath a dombe spiryte And when soeuer he taketh hym he teareth hym and he fometh and gnassheth with his teethe and pyneth away And I spake to thy disciples that they shulde caste hym out and they coulde not He answereth hym and sayeth O faythlesse nacyon howe long shall I be with you How longe shall I suffer you Brynge hym vnto me And they brought hym vnto hym And assoone as the spiryte sawe hym he tare hym And he fell downe on the groūde walo wyng and fomynge And he asked his father howe longe is it ago synce this hapned hym And he sayde of a chylde and ofte tymes it hath caste hym in to the fyre and into the water to destroy him But yf thou canst do any thyng haue mercy on vs and helpe vs. Iesus sayd vnto hym yf thou couldest byleue all thynges are possyble to hym that byleueth And streyght waye the father of the chylde cryed with teares sayenge Lorde I byleue helpe thou myne vnbylefe When Iesus sawe that the people came runnyng togyther vnto hym he rebuked the foule spirite sayeng vnto hym Thou dombe and deafe spiryte I charge the come out of hym and entre nomore into him And the spiryte when he had cryed and rent hym sore came out of hym he was as one that had ben deade in so moch that many sayde he is deade But Iesus caught his hande lyfte hym vp and he rose And when he was come in to the house his discyples asked hym secretly why coulde not we cast hym out And he sayd vnto them this kynd can come forth by nothyng but by prayer and fastyng ⊢ ✚ And they departed thense and toke theyr iourney thorowe Galile and he wolde not that any man shulde knowe it For he taught his discyples and sayde vnto them the son of man shall be delyuered into the handes of men and they shall kyll hym and after that he is kylled he shall aryse agayne the thyrde daye But they wyste not what he sayde and were afrayde to aske hym And he came to Capernaum And when he was come in to the house he asked them what was it that ye disputed amonge youre selues by the waye And they helde theyr peace for by the waye they had reasoned amonge them selues who shulde be the cheyfest And when he was set downe he called the twelue to hym sayde vnto them yf any man desyre to be fyrst the same shall be laste of all and seruaunt to all And he toke a chylde and set hym in the myddꝭ of them and when he had taken hym in his armes he sayde vnto them whosoeuer receyueth any soche a chylde in my name receyueth me And whosoeuer receyueth me receyueth not me but hym that sent me ⊢ Iohn̄ answered hym saynge ✚ Mayster we sawe one cast out deuyls in thy name and he foloweth not vs and we forbad hym bycause he foloweth vs not But Iesus sayde forbyd hym not For there is no man which yf he do a myracle in my name can lyghtly speake euyl of me For he that is not agaynst vs is on our parte Whosoeuer shall in my name gyue you a cup of water to dryncke by cause ye belonge to Chryst verely I saye vnto you he shall not lose his rewarde And who soeuer shall offende one of these lytell ones that byleue in me it were better for him yf a mylstone were hanged about his necke and he were caste in to the see Wherfore ☞ yf thy hande hynder the cut it of It is better for the to entre in to lyfe maymed then hauynge two handes to go in to hell in to fyre that neuer shall be quenched where theyr
was sayde of some that Iohn̄ was rysen agayne from death and of some that Elias had appeared and of some that one of the olde Prophets was rysen agayne And Herode sayde Iohn̄ haue I beheaded but who is this of whom I heare suche thynges and he desyred to se hym And the apostles returned and tolde hym all that they had done And he toke them and wente asyde in to a solitarye place nygh vnto the citie that is called Bethsaida which when the people knewe they folowed hym And he receyued them and spake vnto them of the kyngdome of God and healed them that had nede to be healed And when the day began to weare away then came the twelue and sayde vnto hym sende the people away that they may go in to the townes and nexte villages and lodge and get meate for we are here in a place of wyldernesse But he sayde vnto them Gyue ye them to eate And they sayde We haue no mo but fyue looues and two fysshes excepte we shuld go bye meate for all this people And they were aboute a fyue thousande men And he sayd to his disciples Cause them to syt downe by fyfties in a company And they dyd so and made them al to syt downe And he toke the fyue looues and the two fysshes and loked vp to heuen and blessed them and brake and gaue to the disciples to set before the people And they al dyd eate and were satisfied And there was taken vp of that remayned to them twelue baskettes full of broken meate And it fortuned as he was alone prayeng his disciples were with hym he asked them sayenge Who say the people that I am They answered and sayde Iohn̄ Baptyst Some say Elias And some saye that one of the olde Prophettes is rysen He sayde vnto them But whom saye ye that I am Symon Peter answered and sayde Thou arte the Christ of God And he warned and cōmaunded them that they shulde tell no mā that thynge sayeng The son of man must suffre many thynges and be reproued of the elders and of the hygh preestes and scribes be sleyne and ryse agayne the thyrde day And he sayde to them all yf any man wyll come after me let hym denye hym selfe and take vp his crosse dayly and folowe me ☞ For who soeuer wyll saue his lyfe shal lose it But who soeuer doth lose his lyfe for my sake the same shall saue it For what aduauntageth it a man yf he wynne the hoole world and loose hym selfe or run in damage of hym selfe For who so is ashamed of me and of my wordes of hym shall the sonne of man be ashamed when he cometh in his maiestye and in the maiestye of his father and of his holy angels I tell you of a trueth ☞ There be some standyng here whiche shall not taste of death tyll they se the kyngdome of God And it fortuned that about an eyght dayes after these sayenges he toke Peter and Iohn̄ and Iames and wente vp in to a mountayne to pray And as he prayed the fassyon of his countenaunce was chaunged and his garment was whyte and shone And beholde there talked with hym two men which were Moses and Elias that appeared in the maiestye spake of his departynge whiche he shulde ende at Ierusalem But Peter and they that were with hym were heuy with slepe And when they awoke they sawe his maiestye and two men standyng with hym And it chaunced as they departed frome hym Peter sayde vnto Iesus Mayster it is good beynge here for vs Let vs make also thre tabernacles one for the and one for Moses and one for Elias and wyst not what he sayde Whyle he thus spake there came a cloude and ouershadowed them they feared when they were come in to the cloude And there came a voyce out of the cloude sayenge This is my deare son heare him And as soone as the voyce was past Iesus was founde alone And they kepte it close tolde no mā in those dayes any of those thynges whiche they had sene And it chaunsed that on the nexte day as they came downe from the hyll moche peple met hym And beholde a mā of the company cryed out sayenge Mayster I beseche the beholde my son for he is all that I haue and se a spirite taketh hym sodeynly he cryeth and ❀ he knocketh and teareth hym that he fometh agayne and with moche payne departeth from hym when he hath rent hym and I besought thy disciples to cast hym oute and they coulde not Iesus answered sayd O faythlesse and croked nacion how long shall I be with you and shall suffre you Brynge thy sonne hyther As he was yet a comynge the fende rent hym and tare hym And Iesus rebuked the vncleane spirite and healed the chylde and delyuered hym to his father And they were all amased at the myghtye power of god But while they wondred euery one at all thynges whiche he dyd he sayd vnto his disciples Let these sayengꝭ synke downe in to youre eares For it wyll come to passe that the sonne of man shal be delyuered in to the handes of men But they wyst not what that worde mente and it was hyd from them that they vnderstode it not And they feared to aske hym of that sayenge And there entred a thoughte amonge them whiche of them shulde be the greatest When Iesus perceyued the thought of theyr hertes he toke a chylde and set hym harde by hym and sayde vnto them Who soeuer receyueth this chylde in my name receyueth me And who soeuer receyueth me receyueth hym that sent me For he that is least amonge you all the same shal be great And Iohn̄ answered and sayde Mayster we sawe one castynge oute deuyls in thy name and we forbad hym bycause he folowed not with vs. And Iesus sayde vnto hym forbyd ye hym not For he that is not agaynst vs is with vs. And it fortuned when the tyme was come that he shulde be receyued vp he set his face to go to Ierusalem and sent messengers before hym And they wente and entred in to a citye of the Samaritans to make redye for hym And they wolde not receyue hym bycause his face was as though he wolde go to Ierusalem When his disciples Iames and Iohn̄ sawe this they sayd Lorde wylte thou that we cōmaunde fyre to come downe from heuen consume them euen as Elias dyd Iesus turned about and rebuked them sayenge ye wote not what maner a spirite ye are of For the son of man is not come to destroy mennes lyues but to saue them And they went to an other towne ✚ And it chaunsed that as they were walkyng in the way a certayne man sayd vnto hym I wyll folowe the whyther soeuer thou wylt go Iesus sayd vnto hym Foxes haue holes and byrdes of the ayre haue nestes but the
wyll be fulfylled euen in earth also as it is in heuē Our dayly bread gyue this day And forgyue vs our synnes For euen we for gyue euery mā that trespasseth vs. And leede vs not in to temptacyon But delyuer vs frō euyll And he sayde vnto them ✚ Yf any of you shall haue a frende shall go to hym at mydnight say vnto hym frende lende me thre looues for a frende of myne is come out of the way to me and I haue nothyng to set before hym and he within answere and saye trouble me not the dore is now shut and my chyldren are with me in the chamber I can not ryse gyue the. I saye vnto you though he wyll not aryse and gyue hym bycause he is his frende yet bycause of his importunite he wyll aryse and gyue hym as many as he nedeth And I say vnto you Aske and it shall be gyuen you Seke and ye shal fynde Knocke and it shall be opened vnto you For ☞ euery one that asketh receyueth and he that seketh fyndeth to hym that knocketh shall it be opened If the son shall aske bread of any of you that is a father wyll he gyue hym a stone Or yf he aske fysshe wyll he for fysshe gyue hym a serpent Or yf he aske an egge wyll he offer hym a scorpion If ye then beyng euyl can gyue good gyftes vnto your chyldren howe moche more shall your father of heuen gyue the holy spirite to them that desyre it of hym ⊢ ✚ And he was castyng out a deuyll and the same was dombe And when he had caste out the deuyll the dombe spake and the people wondred But some of them sayde He casteth oute deuyls thorowe Belzebub the cheyfe of the deuyls And other tempted hym and requyred of hym a sygne from heuen But he knowynge theyr thoughtes sayd vnto them Euery kyngdome deuyded agaynst it selfe is desolate and one house doth fall vpon an other If Satan also be deuyded agaynst hym selfe howe shall his kyngdome endure Bycause ye say that I cast out deuyls thorowe Belzebub If I by the helpe of Belzebub cast out deuyls by whose helpe do your chyldrē cast them out Therfore shal they be your iudges But yf I with the fynger of God caste oute deuyls no doubte the kyngdome of God is come vpon you When a stronge man armed watcheth his house the thynges that he possesseth are in peace But when a stronger thē he cometh vpon hym and ouercometh hym he taketh from hym all his harnesse wherin he trusted and deuideth his goodes He that is not with me is agaynst me And he that gathereth not with me scattereth abrode When the vncleane spirite is gone out of a mā he walketh through drye places sekyng rest And when he fyndeth none he sayeth I wyll returne agayne vnto my house whence I came out And when he cometh he fyndeth it swepte and garnyshed Then goeth he and taketh to him seuen other spirites worse then hym selfe and they enter in and dwell there And the ende of that man is worse then the beginnyng And it fortuned that as he spake these thynges a certayne woman of the company lyfte vp her voyce and sayd vnto him Happy is the wombe that bare the and the pappes whiche gaue the sucke But he sayd Yea happy are they that heare the worde of God and kepe it ⊢ When the people were gathered thycke togyther he began to saye This is an euyll nacyon they seke a sygne and there shall no sygne be gyuen them but the sygne of Ionas the prohet For as Ionas was a sygne to the Niniuites so shall also the son of man be to this nacyon The quene of the southe shall ryse at the iudgement with the men of this nacyon condemne them for she came frō the vttermost partes of the earth to here the wysdome of Salomon And beholde a greater then Salomon is here The men of Niniue shall ryse at the iudgement with this nacion and shall condemne them for they were broughte to repentaunce by the preachynge of Ionas And beholde a greater thē Ionas is here ✚ No man lyghteth a candell and putteth it in a preuy place neyther vnder a busshell but on a candelstycke that they whiche come in may se the lyght The lyght of the body is the eye Therfore when thyne eye is syngle all thy body also shal be full of lyght But yf thyne eye be euyll thy body also shall be full of darknesse Take hede therfore that the lyght whiche is in the be not darknesse If all thy body therfore be cleare hauyng no parte darke then shall it all be full of lyght euen as when a candell doeth lyght the with bryghtnesse ⊢ And as he spake a certayne Pharise besought hym to dyne with hym and Iesus wente in and sat downe to meate When the Pharyse sawe it he meruayled that he had not fyrst washed before dyner And the Lorde sayde vnto hym Nowe do ye Pharyses make cleane the out syde of the cup and the platter but youre inwarde parte is ful of ●●uenyng and wyckednesse Ye fooles dyd not he that made that whiche is without make that whiche is within also Neuerthelesse ☞ gyue almesse of that ye haue and beholde all thynges are cleane vnto you But wo vnto you Pharyses for ye tythe mynte and rewe and all maner herbes and passe ouer iudgement and the loue of God These oughte ye to haue done and yet not to leaue the other vndone Wo vnto you Pharyses for ye loue the vppermoost seates in the Synagoges and gretynges in the market Wo vnto you Scribes and Pharises ye ypocrites for ye are as graues which appere not and the men that walke ouer them are not ware of them Then answered one of the lawyers and sayd vnto hym Mayster thus sayenge thou puttest vs to rebuke also And he sayd Wo vnto you also ye lawyers for ye lade men with burdens which they be not able to beare and ye youre selues touche not the packes with one of your fyngers Wo vnto you ye buylde the sepulcres of the Prophettes and youre fathers kylled them truely ye beare wytnes that ye alowe the dedꝭ of your fathers for they kylled them and ye buylde theyr sepuleres Therfore sayd the wysdom of god I wyll sende them Prophettes and apostles and some of them they shall they and persecute that the bloode of al Prophettes whiche is shed from the begynnyng of the worlde may be requyred of this generacyon from the bloode of Abell vnto the bloode of Zachary whiche perysshed bytwene the aulter the temple Uerely I saye vnto you it shal be requyred of this nacyon * Wo vnto you lawyers for ye haue taken awaye the keye of knowledge ye entred not in your selues and them that came in ye forbad When he thus spake vnto them the lawyers the Pharises began to waxe busye
thorowe dispayre The see and the water shall rore mennes hertes shall fayle them for feare and for lokynge after those thynges whiche shall come on the earth For the powers of heuen shall moue And then shal they se the sonne of man come in a cloude with power and great glorye When these thynges begyn to come to passe then loke vp and ☞ lyfte vp your heades for your redempcyon draweth nygh And he shewed them a similitude behold the fygge tree and all the trees whē they shut forth theyr buddes ye se and knowe of youre owne selues that sommer is then nyghe at hande So lykewyse ye also when ye se these thynges come to passe be sure that the kyngdome of God is nyghe Uerely I saye vnto you this generacion shall not passe tyll al be fulfylled Heuen and earth shall passe but my wordes shall not passe ⊢ ✚ Take hede to your selues lest at any tyme youre hertes be ouercome with surfettyng and dronkennes and cares of this lyfe and so the daye come vpon you vnwares For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the hole earth Watche ye therfore contynually praye that ye maye escape all these thynges that shall come and that ye maye stande before the son of man ⊢ In the daye tyme he taught in the temple and at nyght he wente out and abode in the mount that is called Olyuete And all the people came in the mornynge to hym in the temple for to heare hym ¶ Chryst is betrayed They eate the Eastet lambe The institucyon of the sacrament They stryue who shall be greatest he reproueth them He prayeth thre tymes vpon the mount They take hym and brynge hym to the hygh preestes house Peter denyeth hym thryse ● they brynge hym before the counsell CAPI XXII ✚ THe feast of swete breade drewe nygh whiche is called Easter and the hyghe Preestes and Scribes sought howe they might kyl him for they feared the peple Then entred Satan in to Iudas whose syr name was Iscarioth whiche was of the nombre of the twelue and he wente his way and comoned with the hyghe Preestes and offycers howe he myghte betraye hym vnto them And they were glad and promysed to gyue hym money And he consented and soughte oportunyte to betraye hym vnto them when the people were awaye Then came the daye of swete breade when of necessyte Passeouer must be offered And he sent Peter and Iohn̄ sayenge Go and prepare vs the Passeouer that we maye eate they sayde vnto hym Where wylte thou that we prepare And he sayde vnto them Beholde when ye enter in to the citye there shall a man mete you bearyng a pytcher of water hym folowe into the same house that he entreth in and yeshall and lamented hym But Iesus turned backe vnto them and sayd Ye doughters of Ierusalem wepe not for me but wepe for yourselues and for your chyldren For beholde the dayes wyll come in the whiche they shal say happy are the bareyne the wombes that neuer bare the pappes whiche neuer gaue sucke Then shall they begyn to saye to the mountaynes fall on vs and to the hylles couer vs. For yf they do this in a grene tree what shal be done in the drye And there were two euyll doers led with hym to be slayne And after that they were come to the place whiche is called Caluarye there they cruci●●ed hym and the euyl doers one on the right hande and the other on the lefte Then sayde Iesus Father forgyue them for they wote not what they do And they parted his rayment and cast lottes And the people stode and behelde And the rulers mocked hym with them sayeng he saued other men let hym saue him selfe yf he be very Chryst the chosen of God The souldyours also mocked hym and came and offred hym vyneygre and sayde yf thou be that kynge of the Iues saue thy selfe And a superscripcyon was wrytten ouer hym with letters of Greke and Latyn and Ebrue This is the kynge of the Iues. And one of the euyll doers whiche were hanged rayled on hym sayenge If thou be Chryst saue thy selfe and vs. But the other answered and rebuked him sayeng Fearest thou not God seynge thou arte in the same damnacyon We are ryghteously punysshed for we receyue accordyng to our dedes But this man hath done nothyng amysse And he sayd vnto Iesus Lorde remembre me when thou comest in to thy kyngdome And Iesus sayd vnto hym Uerely I say vnto the to day shalt thou be with me in Paradise And it was aboute the syxte houre And there was darknesse ouer al the earth vntyl the nynth houre and the son was darkened And the vayle of the temple dyd rent euen thorow the myddes And when Iesus had cryed with a loude voyce he sayde Father in to thy handes I cōmende my spirite And when he thus had sayde he gaue vp the goost When the Centurion saw what had happened he glorified God sayenge Uerely this was a ryghteous man And all the people that came togyther to that syght and sawe the thynges whiche had happened smote theyr brestes and returned And al his acquayntaunce and the women that folowed hym from Galtle stode a farre of beholdynge these thynges And beholde there was a man named Ioseph a counsellour he was a good man and a iust the same had not consented to the counsell and dede of them which was of Aramathia a citye of the Iues whiche same also wayted for the kyngdome of God he wente vnto Pylate and begged the body of Iesus and toke it downe and wrapped it in a lynnen cloth and layde it in a sepulcre that was hewen in stone wherin neuer mā before was layde ⊢ And that day was the preparynge of the Sabboth and the Sabboth drewe on The women that folowed after whiche had come with hym from Galile behelde the sepulcre and howe his body was layde And they returned and prepared swete odours and oyntmentes but rested the Sabboth daye accordynge to the cōmaundement ¶ The women come to the graue Chryst apeareth vnto the two dyscyples that go towarde Emaus standeth in the myddest of all his dyscyples openeth theyr vnderstandyn●e in the Scripture gyueth them a charge and ascendeth vp to heuen CAPI XXIIII ✚ BUt vpon ☞ the fyrst daye of the Sabbothes very early in the mornyng they came vnto the sepulcre and broughte the swete odoures whiche they had prepared other women with them And they founde the stone rowled awaye from the Seulcre and they wente in but founde not the bodye of the Lorde Iesu. And it happened as they were amased therat Beholde two men stode by them in shynynge garmentes And as they were afrayde ▪ and bowed downe theyr faces to the earth they sayde vnto them Why seke ye the lyuynge amonge the deade He is not here but is
came after me went before me for he was before me And of his fulnes haue al we receyued euen ☞ grace for grace For the lawe was gyuē by Moses but grace and trueth came by Iesus Chryst. ☞ No man hath sene God at any tyme. The onely begotten sonne which is in the bosome of the father he hath declared hym ⊢ ✚ And this is the recorde of Iohn̄ when the Iues sent preestes and Leuites from Ierusalem to aske hym what arte thou And he confessed and denyed not and sayd playnly I am not Chryst. And they asked hym what then Arte thou Elias And he sayeth ☞ I am not Arte thou that Prophet And he answered no. Thē sayd they vnto hym what arte thou that we maye gyue an answere to them that sent vs. What sayest thou of thy selfe He sayd I am the voyce of a cryer in the wyldernes make streyght the way of the Lorde as sayd the prophet Esaias And they whiche were sent were of the Pharises And they asked hym and sayd vnto hym Why baptisest thou then yf thou be not Chryst nor Elias neyther that Prophet Iohn̄ answered them sayenge I baptyse with water but there standeth one amonge you whō ye knowe not he it is which though he came after me was before me whose shoo latchet I am not worthy to vnlose These thynges were done in Bethabara beyonde Iordan where Iohn̄ dyd baptyse ⊢ ✚ The nexte day Iohn̄ seeth Iesus commynge vnto hym and sayeth beholde the lambe of God whiche taketh away the synne of the worlde This is he of whom I sayde After me cometh a man whiche went before me for he was before me and I knewe hym not but that he shulde be declared to Israel therfore am I come baptysyng with water And Iohn̄ bare recorde sayenge I sawe the spirite descende from heuen lyke vnto a doue and abode vpon hym and I knew him not But he that sent me to baptyse in water the same sayde vnto me vpon whome thou shalte se the spirite descende and tary styl on hym the same is he which baptyseth with the holy goost And I sawe bare recorde that he is the sonne of god ⊢ The nexte day after Iohn̄ stode agayne and two of his disciples And he behelde Iesus as he walked by and sayeth beholde the lambe of God And the two disciples herde hym speake they folowed Iesus And Iesus turned aboute sawe them folowe hym and sayeth vnto them what seke ye They sayde vnto hym Rabbi whiche is to saye yf one interprete it Mayster where dwellest thou He sayeth vnto them Come and se. They came and sawe where he dwelte and abode with hym that daye For it was aboute the tenth houre One of the two which herde Iohn̄ speake and folowed hym was Andrewe Symon Peters brother The same founde his brother Symon fyrst and sayeth vnto hym we haue founde Messias whiche is by interpretacyon anoynted and brought hym to Iesus And Iesus behelde hym and sayde thou arte Symon the sonne of Ionas thou shalte be called Cephas whiche is by interpretacyon a stone The day folowynge Iesus wolde go into Galile and founde Philip and sayeth vnto hym folowe me Philip was of Bethsaida the citye of Andrewe Peter Philip founde Nathanael and sayeth vnto hym We haue founde hym of whom Moses in the lawe and the Prophettes dyd wryte Iesus the sonne of Ioseph of Nazareth And Nathanaell sayde vnto hym Can there any good thyng come out of Nazareth Philip sayeth vnto hym Come and se. Iesus sawe Nathanaell comynge to hym and sayeth of hym Beholde a ryght Israelyte in whome is no gyle Nathanaell sayeth vnto hym whence knowest thou me Iesus answered and sayd vnto hym Before that Philip called the when thou wast vnder the fygge tree I sawe the. Nathanael answered and sayd vnto hym Rabbi thou art euen the very sonne of god thou arte the kynge of Israel Iesus answered and sayd vnto hym Bycause I sayde vnto the I sawe the vnder the fygge tree thou byleuest Thou shalte se greater thyngꝭ then these And he sayeth vnto hym Uerely verely I say vnto you hereafter shall ye se heuen open and the angels of God ascendynge and descendyng ouer the sonne of man ¶ Chryst turneth the water in to wyne and dryueth the byers and sellers out of the temple CAPI II. ✚ ANd the thyrd day was there a mariage in Cana a citye of Galile and the mother of Iesus was there And Iesus was called and his disciples vnto the maryage And when the wyne fayled the mother of Iesus sayth vnto him they haue no wyne Iesus sayth vnto her woman what haue I to do with the myne houre is not yet come His mother sayeth vnto the ministers what soeuer he sayeth vnto you do it And there were standyng there vi waterpot●es of stone after the maner of the purifieng of the Iues conteynynge two or thre fyrkyns a pece Iesus sayeth vnto them fyll the water pottes with water And they fylled them vp to the brym And he sayeth vnto them drawe out nowe and beare vnto the gouernoure of the feaste And they bare it When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was turned vnto wyne and knew not whence it was But the ministers whiche drue the water knew He calleth the brydegrome sayth vn to hym Euery mā at the begynnyng doth set forth good wyne ☞ when men be dronke then that which is worse But thou hast kept the good wyne vntyll nowe This begynnyng of myracles dyd Iesus in Cana of Galile and shewed his glory and his disciples byleued on hym ⊢ After this he went downe to Capernaum he his mother and his brethren and his disciples and there contynued not many dayes ✚ And the Iues easter was euen at hande and Iesus went vp to Ierusalem and found syttynge in the temple those that solde oxen shepe and doues chaungers of money And when he had made as it were a scourge of small coordes he droue them all out of the temple with the shepe and oxen and powred out the chaungers of money and ouerthrew the tables and sayd vnto them that solde doues Haue these thyngꝭ hence and make not my fathers house an house of marchaundyse And his disciples remēbred it that is wryten the zele of thyne house hath euen eaten me Then answered the Iues and sayd vnto hym what token shewest thou vnto vs seynge that thou doest these thynges Iesus answered and sayd vnto them destroy this temple and in thre dayes I wyll teare it vp Then sayde the Iues. xlvi yeres was this temple a buyldyng and wylt thou reare it vp in thre dayes But he spake of the temple of his body As soone therfore as he was rysen from death agayne his disciples remembred that he thus had sayd And they byleued the scripture and the wordes whiche Iesus had sayde When he was in
Ierusalem at Easter in the feast daye many byleued on his name when they sawe his myracles whiche he dyd But Iesus dyd not commyt hym selfe vnto them bycause he knewe all men and neded not that any mā shulde testifie of hym For he knewe what was in man ⊢ ¶ The cōmunicacyon of Chryst with Ni●ddem●s The doctrine baptym of Iohn̄ what wytnes he teareth of Christ CAPI III. THere was a man of the pharises named Nicodemus a ruler of the Iues. The same came to Iesus by nyght and sayd vnto hym Rabbi we knowe that thou arte a teacher come from god for no man coulde do suche myracles as thou doest excepte God were with hym Iesus answered and sayde vnto hym Uerely verely I say vnto the excepte a man be borne from aboue he can not se the kyngdome of God Nicodemus sayeth vnto hym ☞ howe can a man be borne when he is olde Can he enter in to his mothers wombe be borne agayne Iesus answered Uerely verely I say vnto the excepte a mā be borne of water of the spirite he can not enter in to the kyngdome of God That whiche is borne of the flesshe is flesshe and that whiche is borne of the spirite is spirite Meruayle not thou that I sayde to the ye must be borne from aboue The wynde bloweth where it lysteth and thou hearest the sounde therof but canst not tell whence it cometh whyther it goeth So is euery one that is borne of the spirite Nycodemus answered and sayd vnto him howe can these thynges be Iesus answered sayde vnto hym arte thou a mayster in Israel and knowest not these thynges Uerely verely I saye vnto the We speake that we do knowe and testifie that we haue sene and ye receyue not our wytnesse If I haue tolde you earthly thynges and ye byleue not how shall ye byleue yf I tell you of heuenly thynges And no man ascendeth vp to heuen but he that came downe frome heuen euen the sonne of man whiche is in heuen And as Moses lyfte vp the serpent in the wyldernesse euen so must the son of man be lyfte vp that who soeuer byleueth in hym peryshe not but haue eternall lyfe ⊢ ✚ For God so loued the worlde that he gaue his onely begotten son that who soeuer byleueth in hym shuld not perisshe but haue euerlastyng lyfe For God sent not his son in to the worlde to condemne the worlde but that ☞ the worlde through hym myght be saued He that byleueth on hym is not condemned But he that byleueth not is condemned all redy bycause he hath not byleued in the name of the onely begotten son of God And this is the condemnacyon that lyght is come in to the worlde and men loued darkenesse more then lyght bycause theyr dedes were euyll For euery one that euyll doeth hateth the lyght neyther cometh to the lyght leest his dedes shulde be reproued But he that doth truth cometh to the lyght that his dedes maye be knowen howe that they are wrought in God ⊢ After these thynges came Iesus and his disciples in to the lande of Iurye and there he taryed with them ☞ and baptysed And Iohn̄ also baptised in Enan besyde Salim bycause there was moche water there they came and were baptysed For Iohn̄ was not yet cast in to pryson ✚ And there arose a questyon bytwene Iohn̄s disciples and the Iues aboute purifienge And they came vnto Iohn̄ and sayd vnto hym Rabbi he that was with the beyonde Iordan to whom thou barest wytnes beholde the same baptiseth all men come to hym Iohn̄ answered and sayd A man can receyue nothynge excepte it be gyuen hym from heuen Ye youre selues are wytnesses howe that I sayde I am not Chryst but am sente before hym He that hath the bryde is the brydegrome But the frende of the brydegrome whiche standeth and heareth hym reioyseth greatly bycause of the bryde gromes voyce This my ioye therfore is fulled He must encreace but I must decreace He that cometh from on hygh is aboue al He that is of the earth is earthly and speaketh of the earth He that cometh from heuen is aboue al and what he hath sene and herde that he testifieth and no man receyueth his testimonye He that hath receyued his testimonye ☞ hath set to his seale that God is true For he whom God hath sent speaketh the wordes of God For ☞ God gyueth not the spirite by measure vnto hym The father loueth the sonne and hath gyuen all thynges into his hande He that byleueth on the sonne hath euerlastynge lyfe He that byleueth not the sonne shall not se lyfe but the wrath of God abydeth on hym ⊢ ¶ The louynge cōmunicacyon of Christ with the woman of Samaria by the welles syds How he healeth the rulers son CAPI IIII. AS soone as the Lorde knewe howe the Pharises had herde that Iesus made and baptised mo disciples then Iohn̄ though that Iesus hym selfe baptised not but his disciples he lefte Iuery and departed agayne in to Galile For it was so that he must nedes go thorowe Samaria ✚ Then came he to a citye of Samaria which is called Sichar besydes the possessyon that Iacob gaue to his sonne Ioseph and there was Iacobs well Iesus then beynge werye of his iourney sat thus on the well And it was aboute the syxte houre and there came a womā of Samaria to drawe water Iesus sayth vnto her gyue me drynke For his disciples were gone awaye vnto the towne to bye meate Then sayeth the woman of Samaria vnto hym howe is it that thou beyng a Iue askest drynke of me whiche am a Samaritane For the Iues medle not with the Samaritans Iesus answered and sayde vnto her yf thou knewest the gyfte of God and who it is that sayeth to the gyue me drynke thou woldest haue asked of hym and he wolde haue gyuen the water of lyfe The womā sayeth vnto hym Syr thou hast nothyng to drawe with and the well is depe from whence then hast thou that water of lyfe Arte thou greater then our father Iacob which gaue vs the well and he hym selfe dranke therof and his chyldren and his cattell Iesus answered sayde vnto her who soeuer drynketh of this water shal thyrst agayne But ☞ who soeuer drynketh of the water that I shal gyue hym shal neuer be more a thyrst but the water that I shall gyue hym shall be in hym a well of water spryngynge vp in to euerlastyng lyfe The woman sayeth vnto hym Syr gyue me of that water that I thyrst not neyther come hyther to draw Iesus sayeth vnto her Go call thy husbande and come hyther The woman answered and sayde vnto hym I haue no husbande Iesus sayde vnto her Thou hast well sayde I haue no husbande For thou haste had fyue husbandes and he whome thou nowe hast is not thy husband In that
you Ye haue not chosen me but I haue chosen you and ordeyned you to go bryng forth fruyte that your fruyte shulde remayne that what soeuer ye aske of the father in my name he may gyue it you ⊢ ✚ This commaunde I you that ye loue togyther If the worlde hate you ye knowe that he hated me before he hated you If ye were of the worlde the worlde wolde loue his owne Howbeit bycause ye are not of the worlde but I haue chosen you oute of the worlde Therfore the worlde hateth you Remember the worde that I sayde vnto you the seruaunt is not greater then the lorde If they haue persecuted me they wyll also persecute you If they haue kepte my sayeng they wyl kepe youres also But all these thynges wyll they do vnto you for my names sake bycause they haue not knowen hym that sent me If I had not come and spoken vnto them they shuld haue had no synne but nowe haue they nothynge to cloke theyr synne withall He that hateth me hateth my father also Yf I had not done amonge them the workes whiche none other man dyd they shuld haue had no synne But nowe haue they both sene hated not onely me but also my father But this happeneth that the sayenge myght be fulfylled that is wrytten in theyr lawe they hated me without a cause ⊢ ✚ But when the conforter is come whom I wyll sende vnto you from the father euen the spirite of trueth whiche procedeth of the father he shall testifie of me And ☞ ye shal beare wytnesse also bycause ye haue bene with me from the begynnynge CAPI XVI ¶ Consolacyon agaynst trouble Prayers are herde thorowe Chryst. THese thynges haue I sayde vnto you bycause ye shulde not be offended They shall excommunicate you yea the tyme shall come that who soeuer kylleth you wyll thynke that he doeth God seruyce And suche thynges wyll they do vnto you bycause they haue not knowen the father neyther yet me But these thynges haue I tolde you that when the tyme is come ye may remember them that I tolde you ⊢ These thynges sayd I not vnto you at the beginnyng bycause I was present with you ✚ But nowe I go my waye to hym that sent me and none of you asketh me whyther I go But bycause I haue sayde suche thynges vnto you your hertes are full of sorowe Neuerthelesse I tell you the trueth it is expedient for you that I go awaye For yf I go not awaye that comforter wyll not come vnto you But yf I departe I wyl sende hym vnto you And when he is come he wyll rebuke the worlde of synne of ryghteousnes and of iudgement Of synne bycause they byleue not on me Of ryghteousnesse bycause I go to my father and ye shal se me no more Of iudgement bycause the prynce of this worlde is iudged alredy I haue yet many thynges to saye vnto you but ye can not beare them awaye nowe Howbeit when he is come whiche is the spirite of trueth he wyl leade you in to al trueth He shall not speake of hym selfe but what so euer he shall heare that shall he speake and he wyll shewe you thynges to come He shall glorifie me for he shall receyue of myne and shall shewe vnto you All thynges that the father hath are myne Therfore sayd I vnto you that he shall take of myne and shewe vnto you ⊢ ✚ After a whyle ye shall not se me and agayne after a whyle ye shall se me For I go to the father Then sayde some of his disciples bytwene themselues What is this that he sayth vnto vs after a whyle ye shal not se me and agayne after a whyle ye shall se me and that I go to the father They sayd therfore what is this that he sayth after a whyle we can not tell what he sayeth Iesus perceyued that they wolde aske him and sayde vnto them Ye enquyre of this bytwene your selues bycause I sayde after a whyle ye shall not se me and agayne after a whyle ye shall se me Uerely verely I say vnto you ye shall wepe lament but contrary wyse the worlde shall reioyse Ye shall sorow but your sorowe shall be turned to ioye A woman when she trauayleth hath sorowe bycause her houre is come but as soone as she is delyuered of the chyld she remembreth no more the anguysshe for ioy that a man is borne in to the worlde And ye nowe therfore haue sorowe but I wyll se you agayne and your hertes shall reioyse and your ioye shall no man take from you ⊢ And in that day shal ye aske me no questyon ✚ Uerely verely I say vnto you What soeuer ye shall aske the father in my name he wyll gyue it you Hytherto haue ye asked nothynge in my name Aske and ye shall receyue that your ioy may be full These thynges haue I spoken vnto you by prouerbes The tyme wyll come when I shall no more speake to you by prouerbes But I shall shewe you playnly from my father At that day shall ye aske in my name And I say not to you that I wyll speake vnto my father for you For the father hymselfe loueth you bycause ye haue loued me and haue byleued that I came out frō god I went out from the father and came in to the worlde Agayne I leaue the worlde and go to the father His disciple sayde vnto hym lo nowe talkest thou playnly and speakest no prouerbe Nowe are we sure that thou knowest all thynges and nedest not that any man shulde aske the any questyon Therfore byleue we that thou camest from God ⊢ Iesus answered them Nowe ye do byleue Beholde the houre draweth nyghe and is alredy come that ye shall be scattered euery man to his owne and shall leaue me alone And yet am I not alone For the father is with me These wordes haue I spoken vnto you that in me ye myghte haue peace For in the worlde shall ye haue tribulacyon but be of good cheare I haue ouercome the worlde ¶ The moost harty and louynge prayer of Chryst vnto his father for all suche as receyue the trueth CAPI XVII ✚ THese wordes spake Iesus and lyfte vp his eyes to heuen and sayd father the houre is come glorifie thy sonne that thy sonne also maye glorifie the as thou hast gyuen hym power ouer all flesshe that he shulde gyue eternal lyfe to as many as thou hast gyuen hym This is lyfe eternall that they myght knowe the the onely true God and Iesus Chryst whom thou hast sent I haue glorified the on the earth I haue finisshed the worke whiche thou gauest me to do And nowe glorifie thou me O father with thyne owne selfe with the glorye which I had with the or the worlde was I haue declared thy name vnto the men which thou gauest me oute of the
power ouer you For ☞ ye are not vnder the lawe but vnder grace What then Shall we synne because we are not vnder the law but vnder grace God forbyd ✚ Knowe ye not howe that to whom soeuer ye commit youre selues as seruauntes to obey his seruaūtes ye are to whō ye obey whether it be of synne vnto death or of obediēce vnto rightuousnes God be thāked that thoughe ye were the seruauntes of synne ye haue yet obeyed with hert vnto the rule or the doctryne that ye be brought vnto Ye are then made fre from synne and are become the seruauntes of ryghtuousnes ⊢ ✚ I speake grosly because of the infyrmitie or your fleshe As ye haue gyuen your members seruauntes to vnclennes and to iniquitye from one iniquitye to another euen so nowe gyue ouer your members seruauntes vnto ryghtuousnes that ye maye be sanctyfied For when ye were the seruaūtes of sine ye were not vnder rightuousnes What frute had ye then in those thynges wherof ye are nowe shamed For the ende of those thinges is death But nowe are ye desyuered frome synne and made y ● seruaūtes of God haue youre fruyte to be sanctifyed and the ende uerlastynge lyfe For the rewarde of synne is death but eternal lyfe is the gyft of God thorowe Iesus Christe our Lorde ¶ Chryste hath deliuered vs from the lawe and death ●ani sheweth what the flesshe and outward man is and calleth is the lawe of the membres CAPI VII KNow ye not brethrē I speake to them y ● know the lawe howe that the law hath power ouer a man as longe as it endureth For the woman whiche is in subieccyon to a man is bounde by the lawe to the man as longe as he lyueth But yf the man be dead she is loosed from the lawe of the man So then yf whyle the man liueth she couple her selfe with another man she shal be counted a wedlocke breaker But yf the man be deade she is fre from the lawe of the husbande so that she is no wedlocke breaker though she couple her selfe with another man Euen so ye also my brethren are dead cōcernyng the lawe by the body of Chryst that ye shulde be coupled to another I meane to him that is rysen agayne from death that we shulde bryng forth frute vnto God For when we were in the fleshe the iustes of synne whiche were steryd vp by the lawe raygned in our mēbers to bryng forth frute vnto death But nowe are we delyuered from the lawe and deade vnto it wherunto we were in bondage that we shulde serue in a new conuersacion of the spyryte and not in the olde conuersacyon of the letter What shal we say then is the law sinne God forbyd neuertheles I knewe not ●ine but by the law For I had not knowen what lust had mente excepte the lawe had sayde thou shalte not lust But synne toke an occasyon by the meanes of the commaundement and wrought in me all maner of concupyscence For verely without the law sinne was deade I once lyued without lawe But whē the commaundement came synne reuyued and I was deade And the very same commaundemente whyche was ordayned vnto lyfe was founde to be vnto me an occasyon of death For synne toke occasyon by the meanes of the commaundemente and so dysceaued me and by the same flewe me Wherfore the lawe is holy and the commaundement holy iust and good Was that then whiche was good made death vnto me God forbyd Naye it was synne that synne myght appeare by it which was good to worcke death in me that synne by the cōmaundement myght be out of measure synfull For we knowe that the lawe is spiritual but I am carnall ☞ solde vnder synne because ☞ I alowe not that which I do For what I wold that to I not but what I hate that do I. If I do nowe that whiche I wolde not I consent vnto the lawe that it is good So then nowe it is not I that do it but synne that dwelleth in me For I know that in me that is to saye in my flesshe dwelleth no good thynge For to wyll is presente with me but I fynde no meanes to perfourme that whiche is good For the good that I wolde do I no● but the euyl whiche I wold not that do I. Yf I do that I wolde not then is it not I that do it but synne that dwelleth in me I fynde then by the Lawe that when I wolde do good euyll is presente wyth me For I delyte in the lawe of God after the inwarde man But I se another lawe in my members rebellynge agaynste the lawe of my mynde and subduyng me vn to the lawe of synne whyche is in my members O wretched man that I am who shall delyuer me from thys bodye subdued vnto death I thanke God thorowe Iesus Christ our Lorde So then with the mynde I serue the lawe of God but with the fleshe the lawe of synne ¶ The lawe of the spyryte gyueth lyfe The spyryte of God maketh vs Gods chyldren and heyres with Chryste The aboundaune ●our of God can not 〈◊〉 seperated CAPI VIII ✚ THere is then no dampnacyon to them which are in Chryst Iesu whych walke not after the fleshe but after the spyryte For the lawe of the spyryte of lyfe thorowe Iesus Christe hath made me fre from the lawe of synne and death For what the lawe could not do in as much as it was weake because of the fleshe that perfourmed God and sent his sonne in the symylitude of synful flesshe and ☞ by synne damned synne in the flesshe that the ryghtuousnes of the lawe myght be fulfylled in vs whyche walke not after the flesshe but after the spyryte For they that are carnall are carnally minded ●ut they that are spiritual are ghostly mynded To be carnally mynded is death But to be spiritually mynded is lyfe peace ⊢ Because that the flesshy mynde is enemite agaynste God for it is not obedyente to the lawe of GOD neyther can be So then they that are in ☞ the flesshe can not please God But ye are not in the flesshe but in the spiryte yf so be that the spirite of God dwell in you If any mā haue not the spirite of Christ the same is none of his If Christe be in you the body is dead because of synne but the spiryte is lyfe for ryghtuousnesse sake Wherfore yf the spirite of hym that raysed vp Iesus from deathe dwell in you euen he that raysed vp Christe from death shall quycken your mortall bodyes because of his spirite that dwelleth in you ✚ Therfore brethren we are detters not to the fleshe to lyue after the flesshe For yf ye lyue after the flesshe ye shall dye But yf ye thorowe the spyryte do mortyfye the dedes of the bodye ye shall lyue For as many as are led by the spyryte of God they are the sonnes of God For ye
confermed afore of God vnto Chryste warde to make the promes of none effecte For yf the inheritaunce come of the lawe it commeth not nowe of promes But God gaue it vnto Abraham by promes Wherfore thē serueth y ● law The lawe was added because of trāsgressiō tyl y ● seed came to whom the promes was made it was ordeyned by Angels in the hande of a mediator A mediator is not a mediator of one But God is one Is the lawe then agaynst the promes of God God forbyd For yf there had bene a lawe geuen whiche coulde haue geuen lyfe then no doute ryghtewesnes shulde come by the lawe But the scrypture ❧ The epystle of Saynt Paul the apostle vnto the Ephesyans ¶ The euerlastynge ordynaunce and eleccyon of God in sauynge all men thorowe Chryste Iesus his sonne we are ordened vnto good workes The dominion of Chryste CAPI I. PAul an apostle of Iesus Chryst by the wyl of God To the Saynctes whiche are at Ephesus and to them whiche beleue on Iesus Chryste Grace be with you peace from God oure father and from the Lorde Iesu Chryste Blessed be God the father of oure Lorde Iesus Chryst whiche hath blessed vs with all maner of spirituall blessynge in heuenly thynges by Chryste accordynge as he had chosen vs in him before the foundacions of the worlde were layde that we shuld be holy and without blame before him thorowe loue which ordeyned vs before thorow Iesus Christ to be heyres vnto him selfe ' accordynge to the good pleasure of hys wyll to the prayse of the glorye of his grace where with he hath made vs accepted thorow the beloued By whom we haue redempcyon thorowe his bloude euen the forgeuenes of synnes accordynge to the ryches of hys grace wher of he hathe ministred vnto vs aboundantly in all wysdome and prudence And hathe opened vnto vs the mystery of hys wyll accordynge to hys good pleasure whiche he had purposed in hym selfe to haue it declared when the tyme was ful come that he myght set vp all thynges perfectly by Chryste bothe the thynges whiche are in heuen and the thynges which are in earth euen by hym by whom we are made heyres and were therto predestinate accordynge to the purpose of hym by whose power al thinges are wrought accordynge to the purpose of hys owne wyll that we whiche before beleued in Christ shulde be vnto the prayse of his glorye In whom also ye beleue for asmuche as we haue harde the worde of trueth euen the Gospel of your saluacyon wherin when ye had beleued ye were sealed with the holy spirit of promes which is the earnest of our in herytaūce for the recoueringe of the purchased possessiō vnto y ● prayse of his glory Wherfore I also after that I hearde of the fayth which ye haue in the Lorde Iesu and loue vnto all the Saynctes cease not to geue thanckes for you makynge mencyon of you in my prayers that the God of oure Lorde Iesus Christ the father of glory may geue vnto you the spyryte of wysdome and of reuelacion by the knowledge of him selfe and lyghten the eyes of youre myndes that ye maye knowe what the hope is where vnto he hathe called you and howe ryche the glory is of his inherytaunce vpon the sainctes what is y ● exceding greatnes of his power to vs warde which beleue according to the workyng of that his myghty power whiche he wrought in Christe when he raysed him from the deed and set hym on hys ryght hande in heauenly thynges aboue all rule and power and myght and domynyon and aboue euery name that is named not in this worlde onely but also in the worlde to come and hathe put al thynges vnder his fete and hathe made hym aboue all thynges the heed of the congregacyon whiche is hys body and the fulnes of hym that fylleth all in all ¶ Paul sheweth them what maner of people they were before theyr conuersyon and what they are nowe in Chryste CAPI II. AND you hathe he quyckened where as ye were deed in ●reaspasses synnes in the whiche in tyme passed ye walked according to the course of this worlde euen after the gouerner that ruleth in the ayer the spirit that nowe worketh in the chyldren of vnbelefe amonge whom we al had oure conuersacyon also in tyme past in the lustes of oure flesshe and fulfylled the lustes of oure flesshe and fulfylled the wyll of the flesshe and of the mynde and ☞ were by nature the chyldren of wrath euen as well as other But God which is rych in mercy for his great loue wherwith he loued vs euen whē we were deed by synnes quickened vs together in Chryst by garce are ye saued and raysed vs vp together with hym and made vs sytte together with him amonge them of heauen in Christe Iesu. That in tyme to come he myght shewe y ● exceadynge ryches of hys grace in kyndnes to vs warde thorow Chryst Iesu. For by grace are ye made safe thorowe fayth that not of youre selues It is the gyfte of God and cōmeth not of workes lest any mā shuld boast him selfe For we are his worckmanshyppe created in Christ Iesu vnto good workes whych god ordayned that we shulde walke in them Wherfore remēbre that ye beyng in tyme passed Gentyls in the flesshe were called vncircumcysyon from that whiche is called circumcision in the flesshe whiche circumcisyon is made by handes Remembre I say that at that tyme ye were without Christe beyng al●ātes frō the cōmē welth of Israel straungers frō the testamentes of the promes and had no hope were without God in this worlde But nowe by the meanes of Christ Iesu ye whiche somtyme were farre of are made nye by the bloude of Christ. For he is our peace whiche hath made of both one and hathe broken downe the wall that was a stoppe bitwene vs and hath also put awaye thorowe hys flesshe ☞ the cause of hatred euen the lawe of commaundemētes cōtayned in the law wrytten for to make of ●wane one newe man in hym selfe so makyng peace and to reconcile both vnto God in one body thorow the crosse slew hatred thereby and came preached peace to you whiche were a farre of to them that were ny● For thorow hī we both haue an entraūce in one spirite vnto the father ✚ Nowe therfore ye are not straungers foreners but cytesyns with the sayntes and of the housholde of God and are bylt vpon the foundacion of the Apostles and Prophetes Iesus Christ him selfe beynge the head corner stone in whom what buyldyng soeuer is coupled togyther it groweth vnto an holy temple in the Lorde in whom ye also are buylt togyther to be an habitacion of God thorow the ⚜ holy ghost ⊢ ¶ He sheweth the cause of hys presonmente desyreth them not to saynte because of his
trouble and prayeth God to make them stedfast in his spirits CAPI III. FOr thys ●ause I Paule am a prysoner of Iesus Christ for you Heythen If ye haue hearde of the ministracyon of the grace of God which is gyuen me to you ward for by reuelacyon shewed he the mystery vnto me as I wrote afore in fewe wordes wherby when ye reade ye may vnderstande my knowledge in the mystery of Christ whiche mistery in tymes passed was not opened vnto the sōnes of men as it is nowe declared vnto his holy Apostles and Prophetes by the spyrit that the Gentyls shulde be inheritours also of the same body partakers of his promes in Christ by the meanes of the Gospell wherof I am made a mynyster accordynge to the gyfte of the grace of God whiche is gyuen vnto me after the workyng of his power Unto me the least of al saynctes is this grace gyuen that I shulde preache amonge the Gentylles the vnsearcheable ryches of Chryste and to make al men se what felowshyppe of the mysterye is * whyche frome the begynnyng of the worlde hath bene hyd in God whych made al thynges thorow Iesus Chryste to the intente that nowe vnto the rulers and powers in heauenly thynges might be knowen by the congregacion the manyfold wysdome of God accordyng to the eternall purpose whiche he wrought in Christ Iesu our Lord by whom we haue boldnesse and entraūce with the confydence whiche is by the fayth of him ✚ Wherfore I desyre that ye faynt not because of my trybulaciōs that I suffre for your sakes whiche is youre prayse For this cause I bowe my knees vnto the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ whiche is father ouer all that is called father in Heauen and in earth that he wolde graunt you accordynge to the ryches of hys glorye that ye may be strengthed with myght by his spirite in the inner man that Christ may dwell in your hertes by fayth that ye beyng roted and groūded in loue myght be able to comprehende wyth all Saynctes what is that bredth and length deepth and heyth and to knowe the excellente loue of the knowledge of Christ that ye myght be fulfylled with al fulnes whiche commeth of God Unto hym that is able to do excedynge aboūdantly aboue al that we aske or thinke accordyng to the power that worketh in vs be prayse in the cōgregacyon by Iesꝰ Christ thoroweout all generacyons from tyme to tyme. Amen ¶ He exhorteth them vnto mekenes to laye asyde the olde conuersacyon of gredy lustes and to walcke in a newe lyfe CAPI IIII. I Therfore whyche am a prysonner of the Lordes exhorte you that ye walke worthy of the vocacyon wherwith ye are called with all lowlynes and mekenes wyth humblenes of mynde forbearynge one another thorowe loue and be diligent to kepe the vnite of the spirite thorow the bonde of peace beynge one body and one spirite euen as ye are called in one hope of your callynge Let there be but one Lorde one fayth one baptyme one God and father of all whyche is aboue al thorow al and in you all ⊢ ✚ Unto euery one of vs is gyuen grace accordynge to the measure of the gyfte of Christ. Wherfore he sayeth whan he went vp an hye he ledde captiuitye captyue and gaue gyftes vnto men That he ascended what meaneth it but that he also descended fyrste into the lowest partes of the earth He that descēded is euen the same also that ascended vp aboue all heauens to fulfyl al thynges And the very same made some Apostles some Prophetes some Euangelystes some Shepherdes and Teachers to the edifying of the saynctes to the worke and ministracyon euen to the edifying of the body of Chryst tyll we al come to the vnyte of fayth and knowledge of the sonne of God vnto a perfecte man vnto the measure of the full perfecte age of Chryste ⊢ That we hence forth shulde be no more chyldren waueryng and caried about with euery wynde of doctryne by the wylynes of men thorowe craftynes wherby they laye a wayte for vs to deceyue vs. But let vs folowe the trueth in loue and in all thynges growe in hym whiche is the heade euen Christ in whom yf all the body be coupled knet togyther thorowe out euery ioynt wherwith one mynistreth to another accordynge to the operacyon as euery parte hath his measure he increseth the body vnto the edifying of it self thorowe loue ✚ This I say therfore and testyfye thorow the Lord that ye hence forth walke not as other Gentylles walcke in vanyte of their mynde while they are blynded in their vnderstandyng beyng farre from a godly lyfe by the meanes of the ignorancy that is in them because of the blyndnes of theyr hertes whiche beyng past repentaunce haue gyuen them selues ouer vnto wantōnes to worke all maner of vnclennes euen with gredines But ye haue not so learned Christ If so be that ye haue hearde of him haue bene taught in him as the truth is in Iesu as concernynge the conuersacyon in tyme past to laye from you that olde man whych is corrupte accordynge to the deceauable lustes ⊢ ✚ To be renued also in the spirite of your mynde to put on that new man which after God is shapen in rightuousnes and true holynes Wherefore put awaye lyinge and speake euery man trueth vnto hys neyghboure for as muche as we are members one of another ☞ Be angrye and synne not let not the sōne go downe vpon your wrath neyther giue place vnto the backbiter Let hym that stole steale nomore but let him rather labour with his handes the thyng whiche is good that he may giue vnto him that nedeth ⊢ Let no fylthy communicacion procede out of your mouth but that whiche is good to edyfy withal as oft as nede is that it may mynyster grace vnto the hearers And greue not ye the holy spiryte of God by whom ye are sealed vnto the daye of redempcyon Let all bytternes and fearsnesse and wrath and rorynge and cursed speakyng be put awaye from you with all malycyousnes Be ye curteous one to another mercyful forgeuyng one another euen as God for Christes sake hath forgeuen you ¶ He exhorteth them vnto loue warneth them to be ware of al vnclennesse He teacheth howe women shuld obey their husbandes and howe louyngly men ought to intreate they● wyues CAPI V. BE ye therfore folowers of God as dere chyldren and walke in loue euen as Christe loued vs and gaue hym selfe for vs an offerynge and a sacrycye of a swete sauer to God As for fornicacyon and al vnclēnes or couetousnes let it not be once named amonge you as it becommeth sanctes or fylthynes or folyshe talkynge or testyng which are not comly but rather gyuynge of thankes For this ye know that no whoremonger ether vncleane person or couetous person which is
myght walke worthy of the Lord that in all thynges ye may please beynge fruteful in all goad workes and encreasynge in the knowledge of God strēgtned withat might thorowe hys gloryous power vnto all pacyence and longe sufferyng with ioyfulnes ⊢ geuyng thākes vnto the father which hath made vs mete to be partakers of the inheritaunce of sayntes in lyght Which hath delyuered vs from the power of derknes and hath translated vs into the kyngdome of his dere sonne by whom we haue redepcion thorow his blode euē the for gyuenes of synnes whyche is the ymage of the inuisible God fyrst begotten of al creatures For by him were al thinges created that are in heauen and that are in erth vylible and inuisible whether they be maiesty or Lordshyp eyther rule or power Al thynges were created by hym for him and he is before al thynges and by him al thynges haue theyr beyng And he is the heade of the body euen of the congregacyon he is the begynnyng and fyrst begottē of the dead that in all thinges he myght haue the preeminence For it pleased the father that in him shulde all fulnes ●wel by hym to reconcyle al thyng vnto hym self to set at peace by him thorow the bloud of his crosse both thynges in heauen and thinges in earth And you which were somtyme farre of and enemyes because your myndes were set in euyll worckes hath he nowe yet reconcyled in the body of hys flesshe thorow death to make you holy and vnblameable with out faute in his owne syght yf ye contynue grounded and stablysshed in the fayth and be not moued awaye from the hope of the Gospell wherof ye haue herde howe that it is preached amonge all cratures which are vnder heauen wherof I Paule am made a mynister Nowe ioy I in my suffrynges for you and fulfyl that whiche is behynde of the passyons of Christ in my flesshe for his bodyes sake which is the congregacyon wherof I am made a minyster accordyng to the ordinaunce of God which ordynaunce was gyuen me vnto you warde to fulfyll the worde of God that mystery which hath bene hyd sence the worlde beganne sence the begynnyng of generacyons but now is opened to his Sainctes to whom God wolde make knowen what the glorious riches of this mistery is amonge the Gentyls whiche ryches is Christ in you the hope of glory whom we preach warnyng all men and teachynge all men in as wysdome to make all men perfect in Christ Iesu. Wherin I also laboure and stryue euen as farforth as his strength worketh in me myghtely ¶ What greate care Paule toke for all Congregacyons He eruorteth thē to be sted fast in Christe to be ware of 〈◊〉 teachers and worldely wysdome and descrybeth● the 〈◊〉 Prophetes CAPI II. FOr I wolde that ye knewe howe great care that I haue for you and for them that are at Laodicia and for as many as haue not sene my person in the flesshe that their hertes myght be comforted whan they are knet togyther in loue and in al riches of full vnderstādyng for to know the mystery of god the father of Chryste in whom are hyd al the treasures of wysdome and knowledge This I say lest any man shuld begyle you with entisyng wordes For though I be absent in the flesshe yet am I with you in the spirit ioyinge and be holdynge your order and your stedfast fayth in Christe As ye haue therfore receyued Christ Iesu the Lorde euen so walke ye in him so that ye be roted buylt in hym and stablished thorow fayth as ye haue learned therin be plentutuous with geuyng thankes ✚ Beware least any man spoyle you thorowe Pholosophy and dysceatful vanytye after the tradicyon of men and after the ordynaunces of the worlde and not after Christ. For in him dwelleth at the fulnes of the god head bodely ye are ●●plete in him whiche is the head of al rule and power by whō also ye are circūcysed with circūcisyd whych is done without handes for asmuch as ye haue put of the synful body of the flesshe thorow the circūcision that is in Chryst in that ye are buried with him thorow bap tyme in whom ye are also rysen agayne tho rowe fayth that is wrought by the operacy on of God whiche raysed him from death And ye whā ye were dead thorow synne and thorowe the vncyrcumcysion of youre flesshe hath he guyckened with hym hath forgyuen vs all our trespaces ⊢ and hathe put out the hāde wrytyng that was against vs contayned in the law wrytten and that hath he taken out of the way and hath faste ned it to his crosse and hath spoyled rule and power and hath made a shewe of them openly and hath tryumphed ouer them in his owne person Let no man therfore trouble your cōscyen ce aboute meate and dryncke or for a pece of an holy daye or of the newe Mone or of the Saboth dayes whiche are shaddowes of thīges to come but the body is in Christ. Let no man make you shot at a wronge marcke by the hūblenes holynes of angels in the thynges which he neuer sawe beyng causelesse puft vp with his fleshly mynde and holdeth not the head wherof al the body by ioyn tes and couples receyueth norysshment and is knet together and increaseth with the increasyng that commeth of God Wherfore yf ye be dead with Christ from the ordinaūces of the world why as though ye yet lyued in the world are ye led with tradicions Touche not tast not handle not whiche al peryshe thorowe the very abuse after the commaundementes and doctrynes of men which thynges outwardly haue the symilitude of wysdome by superstycion and humblenes and by hurting of the body and in that they do the flesshe no worshyppe vnto the nede therof ¶ He putteth them in remembraunce of the spirytuall resurreccyon to laye asyde all maner of corrupte lyuyng to be frutefull in all godlynisie and vertue and sheweth all degrees their duetye CAPI III ✚ IF ye be then rysen agayne with Chryste seke those thiges which are aboue where Christe sytteth on the ryght hande of God Set youre affeccyon on thinges that are aboue and not on thynges whiche are on the earth For ye are dead and your lyfe is hyd with Christ in God When soeuer Chryste which is our lyfe shal shewe him selfe then shall ye also appere with him in glory ⊢ ☞ Mortyfie therfore your earthy membres fornycacion vnclennes vnnaturall lust euyll coucupyscence and couetousnes which is worshyppyng of ydoles for which thynges sake the wrathe of God vseth to come on the chyldren of vnbelefe amonge whom ye walcked somtyme when ye lyued in them But nowe put ye also awaye from you all such thinges wrath fearsnes maliciousnes cursed speaking filthy cōmunicacion out of your mouth Lye not one to another
euery good ⚜ worke which is in you towarde Iesus Christ. For we haue great ioy consolacion in thy loue because that by the brother the saintes hertes are comforted Wherfore though I might be bold ī Christ to cōmaūde the y ● which was thy dewtye to do yet for loues sake I rather beseche the though I be as I am euē olde Paul now a presoner of Iesu Christ. I beseche the for my sonne Onesimus whō I haue begottē in my bōdes which in tyme passed was to y ● vnprofitable but now ꝓfitable both to the to me whō I haue sent home againe Thou therfore receyue hī that is to say mine owne vowels whō I wolde fayne haue retayned w t me y ● ī thy stead he myght haue ministred vnto me in y ● bondes of the Gospell Neuerthelesse without thy mynde wolde I do nothing that the good which thou doest shuld not be as it were of necessyte but willyngly For happly he therfore departed for a season that thou shuldest receyue him for euer not now as a seruaūt but aboue a seruaūt euen a brother beloued specially to me but how much more vnto the both in the fleshe and also in the Lord If thou coūt me therfore a felowe receyue him as my selfe If he haue done the any hurt or oweth the ought y ● lay to my charge I Paul haue written it with myne owne hande I wyl recompence it So that I do not say to the how that thou owest vnto me euē thyne owne self also Euē so brother let me enioy the in the Lorde Cōforte my vowels in the Lord. Trustynge in thyne obediēce I wrote vnto the knowyng that thou wylt also do more then I say Moreouer prepare me lodgīg for I trust y ● thorow the helpe of your prayers I shal be gyuen vnto you There salute the Epaphras my felowe prisoner in Christ Iesu Marcus Aristarcus Demas Lucas my helpers The grace of our Lord Iesu Christ be with your spirite Amen ¶ Sente frome Rome by Onesymus a Seruaunte ❧ The epystle of Saynt Paule the Apostle vnto the Hebrues ¶ How God deals louyngely with them of the olde tyme in sendyng them his Prophetes but much more mercy hath he shewed vs in that he sent vs his owne sonne Of the most excellent glory of Iesus Christ which in al thynges is lyke to hys father CAPI I. GOd in tyme paste diuersly many wayes spake vnto y ● fathers by prophetꝭ but in these last dayes he hath spokē vnto vs by his owne sonne whom he hath made heyre of all thynges by whome also he made the worlde Whiche sonne beynge the bryghtnes of his glory and the very ymage of his substaunce rulynge all thynges with the worde of hys power hath by hys owne persone pourged oure synnes and sytteth on the ryghte hande of the maiestye on hye beyng so moche more excellent then the Angels as he hath by inherytaunce obteyned a more excellent name then they For vnto whiche of the Angels sayde he at any tyme Thou arte my sonne this daye haue I begotten the And agayne I wyll be his father and he shal be my sonne And agayne when he bryngeth in the fyrste begotten sonne into the worlde he sayth And let al the angels of God worship him And vnto the Angels he sayth He maketh hys Angels spirytes and hys minysters a flamme of fyre But vnto the sonne he sayth thy seate O God shal be for euer and euer The scepter of thy kingdome is a right scepter Thou hast loued rightuousnes and hated iniquytie Wherfore God euen thy God hath anoynted the with the oyle of gladnes aboue thy felowes And thou Lorde in the beginnyng hast layde the foundacyon of the earth And the heauens are the workes of thy hādes They shall peryshe but thou endurest But they all shal wexe olde also as doth a garment as a vesture shalt thou chaūge them they shal be chaunged But thou art euē the same and thy yeres shal not fayle ⊢ Unto whych of the angels sayde he at any tyme Syt on my ryght hāde tyll I make thyne enemyes thy fote stole Are they not al ministring spirites that are sent to minister for their sakꝭ which shal be heyres of saluacyon ¶ He exhorteth vs to be obedient vnto the 〈◊〉 lawe whiche Christe hath gyuen vs and not to be offended at the infyrmytie and lowe degre of Christ because it was necessary that for our sakes he shulde take suche au vmble state vpon hym that he myght be lyke vnto his brethren CAPI II. WHerfore we oughte to gyue the more hede to the thinges that are spoken vnto vs lest at any tyme we perysh For yf the worde whiche was spoken by angels was stedfast and euery transgressyon and disobedience receyued a iust recompence of reward howe shall we escape yf we despyse so great saluacion whyche at the first began to be preached of the Lorde hym selfe was confyrmed vnto vs warde by thē that hearde it God bearyng wytnes therto both with sygnes won●ets also with diuers miracles gyftes of the holy ghost accordyng to his owne wyll For vnto the angels hath he not subdued the worlde to come wherof we speake but one in a certayne place wytnessed saying What is mā that thou art myndfull of him Or the sōne of man that thou visitest hym Thou madest him a lytle lower then the angels thou hast crowned him with honour glory and hast set him aboue the worckes of thy handes Thou hast put al thynges in subieccyon vnder his fete In that he put al thynges vnder him he left nothyng that is not put vnder hym Neuerthelesse we se not yet all thynges subdued vnto him but him that was made lesse then the Angels we se that it was Iesus whych is crowned wyth glory honour for the suffryng of deth that he by the grace of God shulde cast of death for all men For it became him for whom are all thinges and by whom are al thynges after that he had brought many sonnes vnto glory y ● he shulde make the Lorde of their saluacion perfecte thorowe affliccions For both he that sanctifieth and they whyche are sanctifyed are all of one For whych causes sake he is not asshamed to call them brethren sayinge I wyll declare thy name vnto my brethren in the myddes of the Congregacyon wyll I prayse the. And agayne I wyll put my trust in him And agayne beholde here am I the chyldren whom God hath gyuen me For as much then as the chyldrē are partetakers of flesshe bloude he also him selfe lyke wyse toke parte wyth them that thorowe death he myght expell hym that had lord shyppe ouer death that is to say the deuyl and that he myght delyuer them which thorow feare of death were all there lyfe tyme subdued vnto bondage For he in no place taketh on him the Angels but the
but geueth grace vnto the lowlye Submit your selues therfore to God but resyst y ● deuyll and he wyll flye from you Drawe nye to God he wyll drawenye to you Clēfe your hādes ye synners pourge your hettes ye wauerynge mynded Suffre affliccions and mourne wepe Let youre laughter be turned to mournyng and your ioye to heuynes Humble youre selues in y ● sight of y ● lorde he shal lyft you vp Backbyte not one another drethren He y ● backbyteth his brother he that iudgeth his brother backbyteth the lawe and iudgeth the lawe But and yf thou iudge the lawe thou are not an obseruer of the lawe but a iudge There is one lawe geuer and iudge whiche is able to saue and to destroye What art thou that iudgest another Go to nowe ye that saye todaye and tomorowe let vs go into such a cytie and contynue there a yeare bye sell and wynne yet cannot ye tell what shall happen on y e morowe For what thinge is your lyfe It is euen a vapour that apereth for a lytel time and then vanyssheth a waye For that ye ought to saye yf the Lord wyll and yf we lyue let vs do this or yt. But now ye reioyce in your boastynges All soch reioysynge ys euyll Therfore to hym y t knoweth how to do good and doth yt not to hym it is synne ¶ He threteneth the wycked ryche men exhorteth vnto pacyence to beware of swerynge One to knoweledge his ●autes to another one to praye for another and one to laboure to brynge another to the trueth CAPI V. GO to nowe ye ryche men Wepe and howle on youre wretchednes that shal come vpon you You re ryches is corrupte your garmentes are motheaten Your gold and syluer is cankered and the rust of them shal be a wytnes vnto you shall eat youre flesshe as it were fyre ye haue heaped treasuere to gether ⚜ euē wrath to your selues in youre last dayes Beholde the hyre of the labourers whiche haue reaped downe your feldes whiche hyre is of you kept backe by fraude cryeth and the cryes of them whyche haue reaped are entred into y e eares of the Lorde Sabbaoth Ye haue lyued in pleasure on the earthe and bene wantan Ye haue norysshed youre hertes as ☞ in a daye of slaughter ye haue cōdempned and kylled the iust and he hathe not resysted you ✚ Be paciēt therfore brethren vnto the cōmynge of the Lorde Beholde the husbāde man wayteth for the precyous frute of the earth and hathe longe pacyence ther vpon vntyll he receaue that early and the latter rayne Be ye also pacient therfore settle your hertes for the commynge of the Lorde draweth nye Grudge not one agaynst another brethren lest ye be damned Beholde the iudge stādeth before the dore Take my brethren the Prophetes for an ensample of sufferynge aduersytie of pacience whiche spake in the name of the Lorde ⊢ Beholde we counte them happy which endure Ye haue harde of the pacyence of Iob haue knowen what ende the Lorde made For the Lorde is very petyfull and mercyfull But aboue all thynges my brethren sweare not ▪ nether by heauē nether by erth nether any other othe Let your yee be yee and youre naye naye lest ye fall into ypocrisy If any of you be vexed let hym praye If any of you be mery let hym synge Psalmes If any be diseased amonge you let him call for the elders of the congregacyon and let them praye ouer him and anoynte him with oyle in the name of the Lorde and the prayer of fayth shall saue the sycke and the Lorde shal rayse him vp and yf he haue cōmytted synnes they shal be forgeuen him ✚ Knowledge youre fautes one to another and praye one for another that ye may be healed For the feruent prayer of a ryghteous man auayleth muche Helyas was a man mortall euen as we are and he prayed in his prayer that it myght not rayne and is rayned not on the earth by the space of thre yeares syx monethes And he prayed agayne and the heauen gaue rayne and the earth brought forth her frute Brethren yf any of you do erre from the trueth and another conuerte him let the same knowe that he whiche conuerteth the synner frō goynge a straye out of his waye shall saue a soule from deeth and shal hyde the multytude of synnes ¶ The ende of the epystle of Saynte Iames. ❧ The fyrst Epistle of Saynt Peter the Apostle ¶ He sheweth that thorowe the aboundaunt mercy of God we are begotten agayne to a lyuely hope and howe fayth muste be tryed howe the saluacyon in Chryst is no Newes ▪ but a thyng prophecyed of olde He exhorteth the to a godly conuersacyon for so muche as they are nowe borne a newe by the worde of God CAPI I. PEter an Apostle of Iesu Chryste to them that dwell here and there as straūgers thorowout Pontus Galacia Capadocya Asia and Bethynia electe according to the for knowledge of God the father thorowe the sanctifynge of the spirit vnto obedience and spryncklynge of the bloude of Iesus Chryste Grace be with you and peace be multiplyed Blessed be God the father of oure Lord Iesus Christ which accordyng to his aboundant mercy begat vs agayn vnto a lyuely hope by that that Iesus Christ rose agayne from death to an inherytaunce immortall and vndefyled and that peryssheth not reserued in heauen for you whyche are kepte by the power of God thorowe fayth vnto saluacion whyche is prepared alredy to be shewed in the last tyme in the whyche ye reioyse though now for a season yf nede requyre ye are in heuines thorow manifold temptacions that the trial of your fayth beyng much more precious then golde that perisheth risheth though it be tried with fyre might be founde vnto laude glory honour at the appearyng of Iesus Chryst whom ye haue not sene yet loue hym in whom euē nowe though ye se him not yet do you beleue and reioyce with ioy vnspeakable and gloryous receyuynge the ende of your fayth euen the saluacyon of your soules Of which saluacion haue the Prophetes enquyred and searched whyche Prophesyed of the grace that shuld come vnto you searchynge when or at what tyme the spirit of Christ whiche was in them shuld sygnyfye whiche spirit testyfyed before the passyons that shuld happen vnto Christ and the glory that shulde folowe after vnto whiche Prophetes it was also declared that not vn to them selues but vnto vs they shuld minister the thinges which are now shewed vn to you of thē which by the holy ghost sente downe frō heauen haue in the Gospell preached vnto you the thingꝭ which the angels defyre to beholde Wherfore gyrde vp the loynes of youre mide be sober trust perfectly on the grace that is brought vnto you by the declaryng of Iesus Christ as
angels Let hym that hath eares heare what the spirite saith vnto the congregacyons And wryte vnto the angell of the congregacyon of Phyladelphia this sayth he that is holy and true which hath the keye of Dauid whyche openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth know thy worckes Beholde I haue set before the an open dore and no man can shut it for thou hast a lytell strength and hast kept my sayinges and hast not denyed my name Beholde I make them of the cōgregacyon of Sathan whiche call them selues Iewes and are not but do lye Eeholde I wyll make them that they shall come and worshyppe before thy fete and shall knowe that I haue loued the. Because thou hast kept the wordes of my pacience therfore I wyll kepe the from the houre of temptacyon which wyll come vpō all the worlde to tempte them that dwell vpon the earth Beholde I come shortely Holde that whiche thou haste that no man take awaye thy crowne Hym that ouercommeth wyll I make a pyller in the temple of my God and he shall go nomore out And I wyll wryte vpon him the name of my God and the name of the cytye of my God newe Ierusalem whiche commeth downe out of heauen frō my God and I wyl wryte vpon hym my newe name Let hym that hathe heares heare what the spirite sayeth vnto the congregacyons And vnto the messenger of the congragacyon whiche is in Laodicia wryte This sayth Amen the faythful and true wytues the begynnynge of the creatures of God I knowe thy workes that thou acte neyther colde nor hotte I wolde thou were colde or hotte So then because thou art betwene both and nether colde nor hote I wyl spewe the out of my mouth because thou sayest I am ryche and increasyd with goodes and haue nede of nothynge and knowest not howe y u art wreched and miserable poore and blynde and nakyd I councel the to bye of me golde tryed in the tyre that y ● mayest be ryche whyte rayment that thou mayst be clothed that thy filthy nakednes do not appere and anoynte thyne eyes w t eye salue that thou mayest se. As many as I loue I rebuke chastē Be feruent therfore and repente Beholde I stande at the dore and knocke If any mā heare my voyce and open the dore I wyll come into hym and wyll suppe with hym and he with me To hym that ouercōmeth wyll I graunte to syt with me in my seate euen as I ouercam and haue sytten with my father in his seate Lette hym that hathe eares heare what the spirit sayth vnto the ●angregacyons ¶ He seeth the heauen open and the sente and one syttynge vpon it ▪ but ▪ xx●ii● seates about it with ▪ xxi●●i ●●ders syt●●●g vpon thē and foure beastes praysing God daye and nyght CAPI IIII. A ✚ Fter this I loked beholde a dore was open in heauen the fyrst voyce whiche I hearde was as it were of a trompet talkynge w t me whiche sayde come vp hyther I wyll shewe the thinges whiche muste be fulfylled here after And immediatly I was in the spirit behold a seate was set in heauen and one sate on the seate And he that sat was to loke vpon lyke vnto a Iasper stone and a sardine stone And there was a rayne bowe about the seate in syght lyke to an Emeralde And aboute the seate were xxiiij seates And vpō the seates xxiiij elders syttyng clothed in whyte rayment had on theyr heades crownes of Golde And out of the seate proceded lyghtnynges and thondringes and voyces and ther were seuen lampes of fyre burnynge before the seate which are the seuē spirites of God And before y e seate ther was a see of glasse lyke vnto cristall and in the myddes of the seate and roūde about the seate were foure beastes ful of eyes before and behynde And the fyrst beast was lyke a lyon the seconde beast lyke a calfe and the thyrde beast had a face as a man the fourth beast was lyke a flyinge Egle. And the foure beastes had eche one of thē v● wynges about hym and they were full of eyes within And they had no rest daye nether nyght sayinge Holy holy holy Lorde God almyghtye whiche was and is and is to come And when those beastes gaue glory and honour thankes to him y ● sat on the seate which lyueth for euer euer the xx●●●● elders fell downe before hī y t sat on the trone and worshypped hym that lyueth for euer and euer ⊢ and cast theyr crownes before y e trone sayinge thou arte worthy O Lorde ⚜ our God to receaue glory honoure and power for y ● haste created all thynges for thy wylles sake they are and were created ¶ He seeth the lambe openynge the boke and therfore the foure beastes the. xx●i●● elders the angels praise the lambe and do hym worshyppe CAPI V. AND I sawe the ryght hāde of hym y e sat in the trone a boke wrytten with in and on the backsyde sealed w t seuen seales And I sawe a stronge angell whiche preached w t a lowde voyce Who is worthy to open the boke and to lose the seales therof And no man in heauen nor in earth neyther vnder the earth was able to open the boke neyther to loke theron And I wepte much because no man was founde worthy to opē and to reade the boke nether to loke theron And one of the elders sayde vnto me wepe not Beholde a lyon of the trybe of Iuda the rote of Dauid hathe obtayned to open the boke to lose the seuen seales therof And I behelde and lo in the myddes of the seate and of the foure beastes and in the myddes of the elders stode a lābe as though he had bene kylled hauynge seuen hornes and seuen eyes which are the seuē spirites of God sent into all the worlde And he came and toke the boke out of the ryght hande of hym that sate vpon the seate And whē he had takē the boke the foure beastes xxiiij elders fell downe before the lābe hauing euery one of thē harpes golden vialles full of odours whiche are the prayers of saynctes and they songe a newe songe saying y u art worthy to take the boke and to open the seales therof for thou waste kylled hast redemed vs by thy bloude out of al kynredes tōges people nacions and hast made vs vnto our God kynges prestes and we shall raygne on the earth And I behelde and I herde the voyce of many angels about the trone oboute the beastes the elders and I hearde thousand thousandes saying w t a lowde voyce Worthy is the lambe that was kylled to receaue power ryches and wysdome strength and honour glory and blessynge And all the creatures whiche are in heauen on the earth and vnder the earth in the
crownes and vpō hys heade the name of blasphemy And the beast whiche I sawe was lyke a catte of the mountayne and his fete were as the fete of a beare and hys mouth as the mouth of a ly on And the dragon gaue hym hys power hys seate and great auctoryte I saw one of his heades as it were wounded to death and his deadly wounde was healed And al the world wōdred at the beast and they worshypped the dragon whiche gaue power vn to the beast they worshyiped the beast sayinge who is like vnto the beast who is able to warre with him And there was gyuē vnto him a mouth that spake great thynges and blasphemies and power was giuen vnto hym to do xlij monethes And he opened his mouth vnto blasphemy agaynst God to blaspheme hys name and his tabernacle and thē that dwel in heauen And it was gyuen vnto hym to make warre with the Sayntes and to ouer come them And power was giuen him ouer all kynred and tonge and nacion al that dwel vpon the erth worshypt him whose names are not written in the boke of lyfe of the lambe whiche was kylled from the begynning of the world If any man haue an eare let him heare He that ledeth into captiuite shal go into captiuite he that killeth with a swearde must be kylled with a swearde Heare is the pacyence and the fayth of the Saynctes And I behelde another best cōmyng vp out of the earth and he had two hornes like a lambe and he spake as dyd the Dragon And he dyd all that the fyrst beast coulde do in hys presence and he caused the earth and them whiche dwelt therin to worshyppe the fyrst beast whose deadly wounde was healed And he dyd great wonders so that he made fyre come downe from heuen into the earth in the syght of men And deceyued thē that dwel on the erth by the meanes of those sygnes whiche he had power to do in the syght of the beast saying to them that dwelt on the erth that they shuld make an ymage vnto the beast whiche had the wounde of a swearde and dyd lyue And he had power to gyue a spirit vnto the ymage of the beast that the ymage of the beast shulde speake and shuld cause that as many as wolde not worshyp the ymage of the beast shuld be killed And he made al both small and great rych and pore fre and bonde to receyue a marke in their ryght hādes or in their forheades And that no man myght bye or sel saue he that had the marke or the name of the beast eyther the nōbre of his name Here is wysdome Let hym that hath wyt count the nōbre of the beast For it is the nōbre of a man and his nombre is sixe hondreth threscore and syxe CAPI XIIII ¶ The lambe stondeth vpon the mount Syon and the vndesyled congregacyon with him The angel exhorteth to the fcare of God and tilleth of the fall of Babylon ANd I loked and lo a lambe stode on the mount Syon and with hym an C and xliuj thousand hauyng his ⚜ name and his fathers name wryten in their forhedes And I herd a voice from heuen as the soūd of many waters and as the voice of a great thondre And I herde the voyce of harpers harpyng w t their harpes And they sōge as it were a new sōge before the seate before y ● foure beestes the elders no man coulde lerne that sōge but the. C. xliiij M. which were redemed frō the earth These are they whiche were not defyled w t wemen for they are virgyns These folowe the lambe whyther soeuer he goeth These were redemed from men beynge the fyrst frutes vnto God to the lābe in their mouthes was founde no gile For they are without spot before the trone of God And I saw another angel flye in the middes of heuē hauyng the euerlastyng gospel to preache vnto them that syt dwel on the erth and to all nacyons kynredes tōges people saying with a loude voyce Fere God gyue honour to him for the houre of his iudgement is come worshyp him that made heauen and erth the see fountaynes of water And there folowed another angel saying Babylon is fallē is fallē that great cytie for she made al nacions dryncke of the wyne of her fornicacion And the thyrd angel folowed thē saying with a loude voyce If any mā worshyppe the beast his ymage receyue his marcke in his forhead or in his hāde the same shall dryncke the wyne of the wrath of god which is powred in the cup of his wrath And he shal be punyshed in fyre brymstone before the holy angels and before the lambe And the smoke of their torment ascēdeth vp euermore And they haue no rest day nor nyght whiche worshyp the beast his ymage whosoeuer receyueth the prynt of hys name Here is the pacience of sainctes Here are they that kepe the commaundementes the fayth of Iesu. And I herde a voyce from heuen saying vnto me wryte Blessed are the dead which hereafter dye in the Lord euen so sayeth the spirit that they rest from their labours but their workes folow them And I loked and behold a white clowde and vpon the clowde one syttynge lyke vnto the sonne of man hauyng on hys head a golden crowne in his hande a sharpe syckle And another angell came out of the temple cryinge with a loude voyce to hym that sate on the cloude Thrust in thy sykle and repe for y ● tyme is come to repe for the corne of the erth is rype And he that satte on the cloude thrust in his sycle on the earth the erth was reped And another angell came out of the temple which is in heuen hauyng also a sharpe syckle And another angell came out frō the aulter which had power ouer fyre and cryed w t a loude crye to hym that had the sharpe sykle and sayd thrust in thy sharpe sykle and gather the clusters of the earth for her grapes are rype And the angel thrust in his sykle on the erth and cut downe the grapes of the vyneyarde of the earth cast thē into the great wynefat of the wrath of God and the winefat was troden without the cytie bloude came out of the fat euen vnto the horsse brydels by the space of a thousande vj. C. furlonges CAPI XV. ¶ He seyth seuen Angelles hauynge seuen Uyalles full of wrathe ANd I saw another signe in heuē great maruaylous seuen angels hauinge the seuen laste plages for in them is fulfylled the wrath of God And I sawe as it were a glassye see mingled with fyre them that had gottē victory of the beast of hys ymage of his marke and of the nombre of his name stande on the glassye see hauynge the harpes of God and they songe
fountaynes without the citie and they dyd helpe hym For there gathered many of the people togyther and stopt al the welles and the broke that ranne thorow the myddes of the lande sayenge Why shal the kyngꝭ of Assur come and fynde moch water And Hezekia wente to lustelye and buylte vp all the wall where it was broken and made ordynaunce vpon the towres and to the other wal without and repayred Millo in the citye of Dauid made many dartes and sheldes And he set captaynes of war ouer the people and gathered them togyther to hym in the large strete of the gate of the Citye and spake tentellye to them sayenge Plucke vp your hertes be stronge Be not afrayde nor discouraged for the kynge of Assur and for al the multitude that he hath with hym for there be mo with vs then with hym With hym is an arme of flesshe But with vs is the lorde our god for to helpe vs to fyght our battayls And the people toke a courage thorowe the wordes of Hezekia kyng of Iuda After this dyd Sennacherib kynge of Assur sende of his seruauntes to Ierusalem but he hym selfe remayned besyde Lachis hauyng all his power with hym vnto Hezekia kyng of Iuda vnto al Iuda that were at Ierusalem sayenge Thus sayeth Sennacheryb Kynge of Assur wherein do ye trust O ye that dwell in Ierusalem which is beseyged Doth not Hezekia entyce you to gyue ouer your selues vnto death hunger thyrst sayenge the lorde our god shal ryd vs out of the hande of the kynge of Assur Hath not the same Hezekia put downe his hygh places and his aulters and cōmaunded Iuda and Ierusalem sayenge Ye shall worshyp before one aulter and burne incense vpon the same Knowe ye not what I and my fathers haue done vnto the people of all landꝭ● were the Gods of the people of other landes able or myghtye to saue theyr landes out of my hande which of all the gods of those nacyons that my fathers destroyed coulde delyuer his peple out of myne hande And shal your god be able to delyuer you out of myne hand wherfore now let not Hezekia deceyue you nor persuade you of this fassyō nor yet byleue hym For as no God among all nacions kyngdomes was able to ryd his peple out of myne hande and out of the hande of my fathers howe moche lesse shal your gods be able to kepe you out of myne hande And yet mo thynges dyd his seruauntes speake agaynst the Lorde God and agaynst his seruaunt Hezekia And Sennacherib also wrote a letter to rayle on the Lorde God of Israel and spake agaynst hym saynge● as the gods of the nacions of other landes haue not bene able to delyuer theyr people out of myne hande Euen so shal not the God of Hezekia delyuer his people out of myne hande And they cryed w t a loude voyce in the Iues speche vnto the peple of Ierusalem that were on the wall to feare them and to make them faynt heried and that they myght so take the citye And they spake agaynst the god of Ierusalem as agaynst the Gods of the nacions of the earth which were the worke of the handes of men But Hezekia the kyng the prophet Isal the son of Amoz prayed agaynst the blasphemye cryed vp to heuen And the Lorde sent an angel which destroyed all the men of war and the lordes and captaynes of the hoost of the kyng of Assur that he turned his face agayne with shame towarde his owne lande And when he was come into the house of his God they that came of his owne body slue hym there w t the swerde And so the lorde saued Hezekia the enhabitours of Ierusalem out of the hande of Sennacherib kynge of Assur and from the hande of all other and maynteyned them on euery syde And many brought offerynges vnto the Lorde to Ierusalem presentes to Hezekia kyng of Iuda so that he was magnifyed in the syght of all nacions from thence forth In those dayes Hezekia was sycke vnto the death and prayed vnto the Lorde which answered hym and shewed hym a wonderful myracle But Hezekia dyd not agayne vnto God accordyng to it that he had shewed hym for his herte arose there came wrath vpon hym and vpon Iuda and Ierusalem Notwithstandyng Hezekia submytted hym selfe after that his herte was rysen vp he the enhabitours of Ierusalem the wrath of the Lorde came not vpon them in the dayes of Hezekia And Hezekia had excedynge mocherychesse and honoure And he gat hym treasures of syluer and golde precious stones spices sheldes and of all maner pleasaunt Iuelles made store houses for the fruytes of corne for wyne and oyle and stalles for al maner of beastes and foldes for shepe And he made hym cityes and had of shepe and oxen great aboundaunce For God had gyuen hym substaunce excedynge moche This same Hezekia stopped the vpper water spryngꝭ of Gihon brought them downe to the west syde of the citie of Dauid And Hezekia prospered in all his workes And when the prynces of Babilon sent vnto hym Ambassadoures to enquyre of the wondre that chaūced in the lande God lefte hym to trye hym that all that was in his herte myghte be knowen The rest of the dedes of Hezekia and his goodnesse beholde they are wrytten in the vision of Isai the prophet the sonne of Amoz in the boke of the kynges of Iuda and Israel And Hezekia slepte with his fathers and they buried him in the most worthy place of the sepulchres of the sonnes of Dauid and all Iuda and the enhabytours of Ierusalem dyd him worshyp at his death And Manasse his sonne reygned in his steade ¶ Manasse is taken prysoner and after that he rometh 〈◊〉 ▪ he destroyeth the I●●lles he dyeth and after hym succedeth ●●uion which is kylled of his owne people and Ios●a his son reygneth in his steade CAPI XXXIII MAnasse was xii yere olde when he began to reygne and he reygned iv yere in Ierusalem But he dyd euyll in the syght of the Lorde lyke vnto the abhominacions of the hethen whom the Lorde cast out before the chyldren of Israel For he went to buylte the hylaulters whiche Hezekia his father had broken downe And he reared vp aulters for Baalim made groues and worshypped all the hoost of heuen serued them And he buylt aulters in the house of the lord where as the Lorde yet had sayd In Ierusalem shal my name be for euer And he buylt aulters for all the hoost of heuen in the two courtes of the house of the lord And he burnt his chyldren in fyre in the valley of the sonne of Hinnom He was a sorcerer he regarded the cryenge of byrdes vsed inchauntment maynteyned workers with spirites Sears of fortunes and wrought moche euyll in the syght of the Lorde to angre hym withall And he put
the carued ymage an Idoll whiche he had made in the house of God Of which house God had sayd to Dauid and to Salomon his sonne in this house and in Ierusalem whiche I haue chosen before all the tribes of Israell wyll I put my name for euer and wyll no more bryng the seate of Israel from of the land which I haue ordeyned for your fathers If so be that they wyll be diligent and ▪ do all that I haue cōmaunded them in all the lawe and statutes and ordinaunces by the hande of Moses And so Manasse made Iuda the enhabytours of Ierusalem to er●e to do worse then the hethen whom the lorde destroyed before the chyldren of Israell And the Lorde spake to Manasse to his people but they wolde not regarde Wherfore the Lorde brought vpon them the captaynes of the hoost of the kyng of the Assirians whiche toke Manasse in holde and bounde hym with cheynes and caryed hym to Babilon And when he was in tribulacyon he besought the Lorde his god and humbled hym selfe excedyngly before the god of his fathers and made intercessyon to hym and god was entreated of hym and herde his prayer and brought hym agayne to Ierusalem in to his kyngdome And then Manasse knewe that the Lorde was God After this he buylte a wall without the citye of Dauid on the west syde of Gihon in the valley as they come to the fysshe gate and rounde aboute ☞ Ophel and brought it vp of a very great heyght put cāptaynes of wat in all the strong cityes of Iuda And he toke away straunge Gods and ymages out of the house of god and al the aulters that he had buylte in the mounte of the house of God and in Ierusalem and cast them out of the citye And he repared the aulter of the Lorde sacrificed theron peace offerynges and thank offeryng and charged Iuda to serue the lorde god of Israel Neuer thelesse the people dyd offce styl in the hylaul ters howbeit vnto the lorde theyr god onely The rest of the actes of Manasse and his prayer vnto his god and the wordes of the Seats and of them that spake to hym in the name of the Lorde God of Israel Beholde they are wrytten in the sayenges of the kynges of Israell And his prayer and howe that he was herde and al his synnes and his trespasse and the places where he made hyll aulters and set vp groues and ymages before he was ●●ekened Beholde they are wrytten amonge the say●nges of the Sears And Manasse slepte with his fathers they buryed hym in his owne house and Amon his sonne reygned in his towme Amon was two and twentye yere olde when he began to reygne and reygned two yere in Ierusalem But he dyd euyll in the syght of the Lorde lyke as dyd Manasse his father for Amon sa crificed to all the carued ymages which Manasse his father had made serued them submytted not hym selfe before the Lorde as Manasse his father had mekened hym selfe But Amon trespassed greatly And his owne seruauntꝭ conspired agaynst hym slue hym in his owne house But the peple of the lande slue al them that had cōspired agaynst kynge Amon. And the same peple of the lande made Iosia his sonne kynge in his rowme ¶ Ios●● destroyeth the Idols and restoreth the temple in whiche the boke of the lawe is f●●nde He sendeth to Hulda the Prophettesse for counsell CAPI XXXIIII IOsia was eyght yere olde when he began to reygne and he reygned in Ierusalem xxxi yeare And he dyd that whiche was ryght in the syght of the Lorde and walked in the wayes of Dauid his father and bowed neyther to the ryght hande nor to the lefte In the eyght yere of his reygne when he was yet a Chylde he began to seke after the God of Dauid his father And in the twelfth yere he began to pourge Iuda and Ierusalem from hylaulters groues carued ymagꝭ and ymages of mettal and they brake downe the aulters of Baalim euen in his presence other ymages that were in greater honoure then they he caused to be destroyed And the groues carued ymages ymages of mettal he brake made dust of them and strawed it vpon the graues of them that had offered to them And he burnt the bones of the preestes vpon the aulters of them clensed Iuda and Ierusalē And euen so dyd he in the cityes of Manasse Ephraim Simeon vnto Nephthal● And in the wyldernes of them rounde about he plucked a sondre the aulters the groues and dyd beate them and stampe them to powder and dyd beate downe al the ymages thorowout all the lande of Israel and returned to Ierusalem agayne In the xviii yeare of his reygne when he had pourged the lande and the Temple he sent Saphan the sonne of Amaziahu and Maasiah the gouernour of the citye and Ioah the son of Ioahaz the recorder to repayre the house of the lorde his God And when they came to Elkia the hygh preest they delyuered them the money that was brought in to the house of God whiche the Leuites that kepte the entries had gathered of the hande of Manasse and Ephraim of all that yet remayned in Israel and of all Iuda and Beniamin of the enhabitoures of Ierusalem And they put in the handes of the workemen that had the ouersyght of the house of the Lorde and they gaue it to the labourers that wroughte in the house of the Lorde to repayre and amende the house Euen the maso●s carpenters gaue they it to get stone and tymbre for couples and for beames of the houses whiche the kynges of Iuda had destroyed And the men dyd the worke faythfully And the ouerseers of them to courage them forwarde were Iahath and Obadiahu Leuites of the chyldren of Merari and Secharia Mesullam of the chyldren of the Cahathites and other of the Leuites whiche all coulde skyl of instrumentes of musycke And ouer the berers of burdens ouer al that wrought in whatsoeuer worke manshyp it were were there scribes offycers and porters of the Leuites And when they brought oute the money that was brought in to the house of the Lorde Helkia the preest found the boke of the lawe of the Lorde gyuen by Moses And Helkia answered sayd to Saphan the Scrybe I haue founde the boke of the law in the house of the lorde and Helkia gaue the boke to Saphan And Saphan caryed the boke to the kyng and brought the kyng worde agayn saynge all that was cōmytted to thy seruaūtes that do they And they haue gathered togither the money that was founde in the house of the Lorde and haue delyuered it in to the handꝭ of the ouerseers of the worke in to the handes of the workmen And then Saphan the scribe shewed the kynge sayenge Helkia the preest hath gyuen me a boke and Saphan red in it before the kynge And it
the Potters house and there shall I tel the more of my mynde Nowe whē I came to the Potters house I founde hym makynge hys worke vpon a whele The vessell that the Potter made of claye brake amonge his handes So he beganne a newe and made another vessell accordynge to hys mynde Then sayde the Lorde thus vnto me May nat I do with you as thys Potter dothe O ye house of Israel sayeth the Lorde Be holde ye house of Israell ye are in my hande euen as the claye in the Potters hande When I take in hande to rote out to destroye or to waste awaye any people or kyngdome yf that people agaynst whom I haue thus deuysed conuerte from theyr wyckednes I repēte of the plage that I deuysed to brynge vpon thē Agayne when I take in hande to buylde or to plante a people or a kyngdome yf the same people do euell before me and heare nat my voyce I repente of the good that I deuise to do for them Speake nowe therfore vnto whole Iuda and to thē that dwell at Ierusalem Thus sayeth the Lorde Beholde I am deuysynge a plage for you and am takynge a thynge in hande agaynste you Therfore let euery man turne from hys euell waye take vpon you the thynge that is good and do ryght But they sayde Nomore of this we wyll folowe oure owne ymaginacions and do euery mā accordyng to the wylfulnesse of his owne mynde Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde Aske amonge the Heathen yf any mā hath harde suche horryble thynges as the daughter of Syon hath done Shal nat the snowe that melteth vpon the stony rockes of Libanus moysten the feldes Or maye the sprynges of waters be so grauē awaye that they runne nomore geue moystnesse nor make frute full But my people hath so forgotten me that they haue made sacryfyce vnto vayne Goddes And whyle they folowed theyr owne wayes they are come out of the hye strete and gone into a fote waye nat vsed to betrodē Where thorowe they haue brought theyr lande into an euerlastynge wyldernesse and scorne So that whosoeuer trauayleth therby shal be abashed and wagge theyr heades with an Easte wynde wyll I scater them before theyr enemye And when theyr destruccyon commeth I wyll turne my backe vpon thē but nat my face Then sayde they come let vs ymagin sumthing agaynste this Ieremy For ☞ the prestes shall nat be destitute of the lawe nether shal the wyseman be destitute of councel nor the prophetes destitute of the worde of God Come and ☞ let vs smyte hym with the tonge and let vs make all his wordes Cōsydre me O Lorde and heare the voyce of myne enemyes shal they recompence euell for god for they haue dygged a pyt for my soule Remembre how that I stode before the to speake good for them and to turne awaye thy wrath from them Therfore let theyr chyldren dye of hunger and let them be oppressed with the swearde Let theyr wyues be robbed of theyr chyldren and become wyddowes let theyr husbaundes be slayne let theyr yonge men be kylled with the swearde in the felde Let the noyse be herde out of theyr houses when the murtherer commeth sodēly vpon them For they haue dygged a pyt to take me and layed snares for my fete Yet Lord thou knowest all theyr councell that they haue deuised to sleye me Forgeue nat theyr wyckednes and let nat theyr synne be put out of thy syght but let them be iudged before the as the gyltie Thys shalt thou do vnto them in the tyme of thy indygnacyon ¶ He prophecyeth the destruccyon of Ierusalem for the cōtempt and despysynge of the worde of God CAPI XIX THVS sayde the Lorde Go thy waye and bye the an erthen pytcher and bryng forth the Senatours and chefe preastes into the valley of the chyldren of Hennom whiche lyeth before the dore that is made of brycke and shewe them there the wordes that I shall tell the and saye thus vnto them Heare the worde of the Lorde ye kynges of Iuda and ye cytesyns of Ierusalem Thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes the God of Israel Beholde I wyll brynge suche a plage vpon this place that the eares of all that heare it shall glowe And that because they haue forsaken me and vnhalowed this place and haue offred in it vnto straunge goddes whom neyther they theyr fathers nor the kynges of Iuda haue knowen They haue fylled thys place also with the bloude of innocētes for they haue sett vp an aulter vnto Baal to burne theyr chyldren for a burnt offerynge vnto Baal whiche I neyther commaunded nor charged them neyther thought once there vpon Beholde therfore the tyme commeth sayeth the Lorde that this place shal nomore be called Topheth nor the valley of the chyldren of Hennō but the valley of slaughter For in this place wyll I sleye the Senatours of Iuda and Ierusalem and kyll them downe with the swearde in the syght of theyr enmyes and of them that seke theyr lyues And theyr deed carcases wyll I geue to be meate for the foules of the ayre and beestes of the felde And I wyl make thys cytie so desolate and despysed that who so goeth there by shall be abashed and ●east vpon her because of all her plages I wyll fede them also with the fleshe of theyr sonnes theyr daughters Yee euery one shall eate vp another in the besegynge and straytnesse wherwith theyr enemyes that seke theyr lyues shall kepe them in And y ● pitcher shalt thou breake in the syght of the mē that shal be with the and saye vnto them Thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes Euen so wyll I destroye this people and cytie as a man breaketh an earthen vessell that cannat be made whole agayne In Topheth shall they be buryed for they shal haue none other place Thus wyll I do vnto thys place also sayeth the Lorde and to them that dwel therin yee I wyll do to this cytie as vnto Topheth For the houses of Ireusalem and the houses of the kynges of Iuda shal be defyled lyke as Topheth because of al the houses in whose parlers they dyd sacryfyce vnto all the Hooste of heauen and powred drynke offerynges vnto straunge goddes And so Ieremy ca● from Topheth where the Lorde had sente hym to prophecie and stode in the courte of the house of the Lorde and spake to all the people Thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes the God of Israel Beholde I wyll brynge vpon this cytie vpon euery towne aboute it al the plages that I haue deuised agayne them for they haue bene obstynate and wolde nat obeye my warnynges ¶ Ieremy is smytten and east into preson for preachyng of the worde of God He prophecyeth the captyuyi●e of Babylon He complayneth that he is a mockynge stoche for the worde of God He is compelled by the sprete to preache the worde CAPI XX. WHen Phashur
the preste the sonne of Emer chefe in the house of the Lorde harde Ieremy preache so sted fastly he smote Ieremy put hym in the stockes that are by the hye gate of Ben Iamin in the house of the Lorde The nexte daye folowynge Phashur brought Ieremy out of the stockes agayne Then sayde Ieremye vnto hym The Lorde shall call the nomore Phashur that is excellente and increasynge but Magor that is fearfull and afrayed euery where For thus sayeth the Lorde beholde I wyll make the afrayed euen thy selfe and all that fauoure the whiche shall perysh with the swearde of theyr enemyes euen before thy face And I wyll geue whole Iuda vnder the power of the kynge of Babylon which shal carye some vnto Babylon presoners and sleye some with the swearde Moreouer all the substaunce of thys lande all theyr precyous and gorgeous workes all costlynesse and all the tresure of the Kynges of Iuda wyll I geue into the handes of theyr enemyes whiche shall spoyle them carie them vnto Babylon But as for the O Phashur thou shalt be caryed vnto Babylon with all thyne housholde and to Babylon shalt thou come where thou shalt dye and be buryed thou and all thy fauourers to whom thou hast preached lyes O Lorde If I am disceaued thē hast thou disceaued me thou haste dealte strongly and hast preuayled and makest me strong agayn All the daye longe am I despysed and laughen to scorne of euery man because I haue now preached longe agaynst malycious Tyranny shewed thē of destruccyon For the which cause they cast the worde of the Lord in my teeth and take me euer to the worst Wherfore I thought from hence forth nat to speake of him nor to preach any more in his name But the worde of the Lorde was a very burnynge fyre in my herte and in my bones whiche when I wolde haue stopped I myght nat For why I harde so many derisions blasphemies yee euen of myne owne companions and of suche as were conuersaunte with me whiche wente aboute to make me afrayed sayinge vpon hym let vs go vpon hym to feare hym and make hym holde his tonge that we maye ouercome him and be auenged of hym But the Lorde stode by me lyke a myghtye gyaunte therfore my persecutours fell and coulde do no thynge They shall be sore confounded for they haue done vnwysely they shall haue an euerlastynge shame And nowe O Lord of Hostes thou righteous sercher whiche knowest the reynes and the very hertes let me se thē punished for vnto the I commytte my cause Synge vnto the Lorde and prayse him for he hathe delyuered the soule of the oppressed frō the hande of the vyolent Cursed be the day wherin I was borne vnhappye be the daye wherin my mother brought me forth Cursed be the man that brought my father the tydinges to make him glad saying thou haste gotton a sonne Lette it happen vnto that man as to the cyties whiche the Lorde turned vp syde downe when he had hearde longe the wycked rumoure of them because he slewe me nat as sone as I cam out of my mothers wombe and because my mother was nat my graue her self that the byrth myght nat haue come out but remayned styll in her Wherfore cam I forth of my mothers wombe To haue experience of laboure and sorowe and to leade my lyfe with shame CAPI XXI He ꝓphecieth that zadekiah shall be takē ● the cytie burned THESE are the wordes y ● the Lorde spake vnto Ieremy what tyme as kyng Zedekiah sent vnto him Phashur the sonne of Melchias and Sophonias the sonne of Maasias preste sayinge Aske councell at the Lorde we praye the of oure behalfe for Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babylon besegeth vs yf the Lorde peraduenture wyll deale with vs accordynge to his meruelous power take hym from vs. Then spake Ieremy Geue Zedekias this answere Thus sayeth the Lorde God of Israel beholde I wyll turne backe the weapens that ye haue in youre handes wherwith ye fyght agaynste the kynge of Babylon the Caldees which besege you roūde aboute the walles and I wyll brynge them together into the myddest of this cyrie and I myselfe wyll fyght agaynst you with an outstretched hande with a myghtie arme in greate displeasure and terrible wrath wyll smyte them that dwel in this cytie ye bothe men and catell shall dye of a greate pestilence And after thys sayeth the Lorde I shall delyuer Zedekias the kyng of Iuda and his seruantes his people and suche as are escaped in the cytie from the pestilence swearde and honger into the power of Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babylon Yee into the handes of theyr enemyes into y ● handes of those that folowe vpō theyr lyues which shal smyte thē w t the swearde they shal nat pytie them they shal nat spare them they shall haue no mercy vpon them And vnto this people y u shalt saye Thus sayeth the Lorde beholde I laye before you the waye of lyfe and deathe Who so abydeth in thys cytie shal perish ether with the swearde with honger or with pestilēce But who so goeth out to holde on the Chaldees parte that besege it he shall saue hys lyfe and shall wynne his soule for a praye For I haue set my face agaynste this cytie sayeth the Lorde to plage it and to do it no good It must be geuen into the hande of the kynge of Babylon and be brent with fyre And vnto the house of the kynge of Iuda saye thus Heare the worde of y ● lorde O thou house of Dauid for thus saieth the Lorde Ministre ryghteousnes and that soone delyuer the oppressed from violente power or euer my terryble wrath breake out lyke a fyre and burne so that no man maye quench it because of the wyckednes of your ymaginacyons Beholde sayeth the Lorde I wyll come vpō you that dwell in the valleies rockes and feldes and saye Tush who wyl make vs afrayed or who wyll come into oure houses For I wyll vyset you sayeth the Lorde because of the wyckednes of your inuencyons wyll kyndle suche a fyre in youre wod as shall consume all that is aboute you ¶ He exorteth the Kynge of Iuda to iudgemēt and ryghteousnes Why Ierusalem to brought into captyuyte The death of Selum the sonne of Iosua is prophecyed CAPI XXII THus sayde the Lorde Goo downe into the house of the kynge of Iuda and speake there these wordes and saye Heare the worde of the Lorde thou kynge of Iuda that syttest in the kyngly seate of Dauid thou and thy seruaūtes and thy people that go in and out at thys gate Thus the Lorde commaundeth kepe equyte and ryghteousnesse delyuer the oppressed from the power of the vyolent do nat greue nor oppresse the straunger the fatherlesse nor the wyddowe shedde no innocent bloude in thys place And yf ye kepe