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spirit_n artery_n blood_n vein_n 5,874 5 10.2889 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11815 Naturall philosophy, or, A description of the world, namely, of angels, of man, of the heauens, of the ayre, of the earth, of the water and of the creatures in the whole world.; Rerum naturalium doctrina methodica. English Scribonius, Wilhelm Adolf, fl. 1576-1583.; Widdowes, Daniel.; Wydowes, I. 1621 (1621) STC 22111; ESTC S971 34,963 68

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danger to be choaked The Heart is a fleshie part solid and well compacted almost like a Piramis it hath two ventricles the right and the left The right by an arteriall veine communicateth bloud to the lights This veine is so called of a proper substance and office From the left ventricle of the Heart ariseth Aorta the roote of all the Arteries These are hollow vessells in the Heart begotte and are thicke distributing spirits throughout the whole bodie The excrements of the principall parts of breathing be spittle and cough Spittle is a windie foame cast out of the brest and his parts If it bee avoyded with noyse it is called coughing Superfluitie of this matter is iudged by the coullor for red spittle is of bloud yellow of choller white of flegme and blacke of melancholy The lesse principall partes of breathing are the midrife and the mediastin The midrife is a thinne skin like perchment fastned ouerth wart to the sides and includeth the partes of the brest The mediastin is a double skinne in length deuiding the brest into two sides The vitall partes are those which serue to the preseruation of the spirits of liuing creatures and are appoynted to nourishment or generation The principall parts for the perfection of nourishment be the stomacke and the lyuer The Stomacke is a part like perchment sticking to the throat round but long and as it were twisted with many small threeds and it is the kitchen of nourishment to be concocted The throat is a channell full of nerues carrying meate from the mouth to the stomacke The Fibres are as it were very small threeds by benefit whereof the stomacke enioyeth her facultie These if they bee straight and right draw nourishment vnto them if crooked they are oblique or transuerse those retaine nourishment receiued these expell excrements The casting forth of excrements by the vpper parts of the stomacke is called vomit which expelleth that which aboundeth in the stomack yet such excrement is many times sent backe from other parts into the stomacke The liuer lyeth vpon the stomacke on the right side enclosing it with his laps and is a fleshy part of nourishment red like congealed bloud placed next vnder the Midrife In the Liuer is made the second concoction namely of nourishment in the belly turned into a red masse from the Liuer ariseth a hollow veyne the roote of all other veynes These are hollow partes round and guide the bloud vnto all the body the substance of these is thinner by six folde then the skin of the Arteries whose substance ought to be thicker for the vehement motion of the spirits That the office of the liuer may be made perfect by meanes of veynes other particles are allotted thereunto which receiue the abounding humors choller c. The Gall receiueth yellow choller and the Milt blacke The bladder of the Gall is a slimie part in the hollow part of the Liuer of the figure of a Peare the Milt is a long part like a shooe-sole on the left side ouer against the liuer but somewhat lower Water from the liuer is receiued by the reines and bladder The substance of the reines is thicke and solid flesh they sticke on both sides about the loynes and haue emulgent veynes arising from the hollow veine from the trench of the veynes hang downeward white narrow veynes guiding water from the reines vnto the bladder The bladder is a slimie part round and containing vrine in it Vrine is a whey separated from bloud in the reines and more fully purged in the bladder This in the bodie of a temperate man and sound is of a meane substance and in quantitie answereth the drinke receiued in the chollericke it is yellow or red His sediment is white smooth and equall without bubles c. A sound bodie is knowne by voyding vrine which in the morning is white and after something red For the one signifieth that it doth and the other that it hath concocted Vrine is of a meane substance betwixt thin and thicke Thin vrine argueth the weakenesse of the bodie and coldnesse predominant and rawnesse of the partes of concoction And this either remaineth the same or becommeth troubled That sheweth concoction is not yet begunne and therefore raw or This that it is but new begunne Thicke vrine like that of beasts noteth excesse of matter or concoction Vrine doth varie according to age or complexion or according to dyet and affections of the minde For the vrine of Infants for the most part is white and milkie the vrine of boyes is thicker and not so white the vrine of yong men is like golde and of olde men white and thin Touching complexions the chollerick haue orange coullour Phlegmatike pale and thicke the Sanguine red and meane The melanchollicke wan and thin Dyet changeth vrine as Saffron or Cassia causeth Orange coullour Vrine of those that fast long is yellow of those that eate too much it is white The lesse principall partes of concoction are the gutts and mesenterion The gutts are long round hollow and are knit to the lower part of the stomacke These are thicke or thin The thinner are the three vppermost as Duodenum Ieiunum and Ileos Duodenum is the vppermost gut twelue fingers long The Ieiunum beginneth where the Duodenum beginneth to turne vnto rundells Ileos is a thin gut hauing in wrapped windings The thicker guts of a thicker skin are Caecum Colon and Rectum The blinde gut is thicke large and short hauing but one mouth The Colon hath many turnings The right goeth straight to the Tuell The excrement of the belly if it be but softly compact and made at the appointed time and somewhat yellow and not much smelling argueth good concoction If it be red it argueth that much choller floweth in the stomacke if it be white it sheweth cruditie and want of choller Blew sheweth mortification and cold of the inward parts Too thicke or thin egestion argueth bad concoction if fattish or slimie it noteth a consumption Aboue all in these things it must be obserued what meate hath lately beene receiued The guts are wrapped about with the Mesenterion which is a skin in the end full of kernells and wouen with many thin veines which meeting together make a multiplying of Vena porta in the hollow of the Liver Thus of the common partes of all creatures their kindes follow All Creatures are reasonable or vnreasonable They which want reason are Beasts who liue on Land or in Water Those which liue on the earth mooue on the earth or in the ayre Beasts mouing on the earth are fourefooted or creeping Fourefooted Beasts bring forth yong shaped as themselues or eggs Those that bring forth liuing Creatures some haue solide feete and some clouen feete They haue solide feete who want hornes as Horses Mules and Asses c. The clouen footed Beasts for the most part haue hornes as the Oxe Goate Hart c. Land Beastes bringing forth eggs are the Crocodiles and some which haue a shell Frogges Liserts and some Serpents haue foure feete Creatures creeping on the earth are all kinde of Wormes Ants Earwigs to whom may bee added Spiders Lice Gnatts and such other Fowles are hotter and dryer then Creatures liuing onely on the land and all of them bring forth egges and haue but two feete They haue either whole feete or clawes Geese Duckes Swannes haue whole feete to rowe in the water Other Birds for the most part haue clawes as Doues Swallowes Hennes Sparrowes c. The insect of Fowles are Waspes Bees Hornetts Gnatts Flies These Creatures are they which liue vpon the earth those that liue in the water are Fishes or of that kinde as the Sea-Horse the Sea-Dog c. Fishes many of them are like to Creatures liuing on the earth in their parts but they haue not so much bloud therefore they are colder and moyster Fishes are soft or hard the soft haue scales or onely a skin Of the scalie be the Carpe the Pearch Of the slimie be Eelles The harder fishes haue plates as the Crabbe the Lobster c. Or shells as Oysters Mussells c. MAn is a Creature that hath reason and as he is most excellent so hath he a more perfect shape in bodie then others His members are formed and beginne to appeare distinctly about the sixt and twentieth day And they are all perfect in Males at thirtie dayes and in Females at six and thirtie dayes About this time the Childe beginneth to liue and to feele The Male is moued in the third month but the female in the fourth month then it is nourished and increased till the ninth month and after the ninth month when it is growne great it is brought forth This is the forming and procreating of Man for whose sake all other Creatures were made FINIS
bloud Any of these if they fayle of their proper nature are not fit to be in the bodie but are become vnnaturall Humours are of the first and second sort The first are hot or colde and moyst and dry Bloud is hot and moyst and it is a thin red humour and sweete With this the other partes be chiefly nourished amongst whom this is the chiefe The faults of this is in substance as putrifaction or mixture of vicious humors or in qualitie as too thicke or too thin or is affected with some other badnesse The humour that is hot and dry is choller this is a thinne yellow pale and bitter humour His vse is to helpe the expelling facultie and chiefly in the Guts Gall besides nature through adustion is yellow like an egge yolke in the stomacke it is like rustie brasse The colde and moyst is phlegme which is a tough slimie and whitish humour and tastles If this haue a fuller concoction it is turned into bloud His vse is to moysten the ioynts When it declineth from his proper nature it is salt or tart according to his mixture The colde and dry humour is blacke choller This is a thicke blackish tart bitter humour It serueth to strengthen the stomacke that it may more easily retaine and receiue meate When it declineth from his proper nature by immoderate burning it hath diuers kindes Humours of the second sort are begotten of the first being wrought with concoction they are like dew or glew Dew is a humor contained in the hollownes of the members and ioyned to their substance like dew with which they are nourished Glew is a humour immoderately congealed and being firmely fastned to the members beginneth to bee changed vnto their substance of which change it is called Cambium and carni fornis like the flesh Now follow the spirits which are a fluent part of the bodie most thin and begotten of the bloud of the heart The spirits are the chiefe instrument and as it were the Chariot of the soules faculties for with most speedie and swift motion it carrieth them ouer all the bodie Spirits hauing roote in the heart be either absolute or rude and to be finished in other partes Vitall spirits be absolute in the heart and are of a firie nature and from the heart by arteries are spred in the bodie by whose communication all partes doe liue Spirits to be perfected in other parts bee Animall which from the heart be carryed into the braine and there made subtell by nerues flowing vnto all the other parts and this is the Chariot of functions or faculties of all liuing Creatures Parts containing are more solid which are sustained by themselues all these either are as a stay or couering The stay to other parts is eyther bone or gristle Bone is the hardest and dryest part and stay to all the bodie Bones are knit together by ligaments which are like hard and thicke threeds being as bandes to the bones of the bodie Gristles are somewhat softer then the bones and sustaine all other partes The couering of the other parts is the skin which is tender without bloud and couereth the whole bodie The membrane is tender skin couering some parts There is yet in these parts a common excrement of concoction which is sweat and is a moystnesse of the veynes expelled by secret pores of this is to be seene a diuerse coullour according to the die of the moystnesse or matter thereof the vsuall is watrish through the white substance of the channels through which it runneth But if the pores be large and open that without delay and long change it may slide through them especially if for some all action of minde or disease it become thinner then is it speedily expelled and tainted with some other coullour c. Therefore from the coullour of sweate the bodies constitution may be knowne Colde sweate is worse to be liked then hot but either is bad if they be vnequall Also the containing parts afore-named are animall or vitall and each of these are more or lesse principall Animall parts are in which the animall parts are most exercised as sence and motion together or alone The chiefe member of motion and sence is the braine contained in the head whose substance being hurt it is danger to loose both sence and motion The Braine is softer then the other partes white and couered with a double skinne closely The skin of the braine is eyther called Pia or Dura mater The scalpe is a thicke bone couering the whole head and hath vpon it a skin with hayres The scalpe is distinguished with certaine seames in certaine partes which are true or fayned c. The excrements of the braine are eyther thicke or thin The thin are teares bursting from the braine by the angles of the eyes The greater the flesh of those angles be so much more plentifull be teares chiefly if the complexion be colde and moyst as of women Teares be caused by heate which openeth or colde which presseth the flesh and causeth teares The thicker excrements which are expelled from the brayne eyther are by the eares or nose In the eares is a moyst excrement of the brayne gathering and rotting in their hollownesse That of the nose is a thicker excrement then that of the briane which although it be like flegme yet it is altogether of another nature The pithe of the backe bone is neare to the nature of the braynes excrement saue that it is harder and something hotter The backe is bonie round and in his length hath twentie foure ioynts The Nerves are lesse principall partes of sence and motion which if they be out of order the partes in which these be become vnfit to moue Nerves or sinewes are thin partes round c. white much like to thicke threeds Some are softer some harder The softer are of more vse of which are six paire by two and two from the brayne arriuing to other parts First to the eyes Secondly To mooue the eyes Thirdly to the tongue and taste Fourthly to the pallet and skin of the mouth Fiftly to the hearing The sixt to the mouth of the stomack by which sense and motion descend Hard Nerves haue a duller facultie and lesse seruing to the senses of which are thirtie paire which by couples come from the marrow of the backe bone by whose conduct the backe easily executeth his faculties Of the partes to breath The principall parts of breathing are in the brest being eyther Lightes or Heart wherefore these being touched breathing is immediately hurt and such wounds be deadly The Longes are a spongious and thin part soft and like foame of congealed bloud declining something to the right side Breath is brought vnto the Lightes by a rough Arterie knit to the roote of the tongue This Arterie is a long channell made of many gristle rings on a row which endeth in the Lightes If any thing fall into the hollownesse of this the breath is hindred and there is