Selected quad for the lemma: love_n

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love_n love_v neighbour_n self_n 2,652 5 9.4322 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16081 Here begynneth the pystles and gospels, of euery Sonday, and holy daye in the yere; Bible. N.T. English. Selections. 1538 (1538) STC 2966.3; ESTC S105508 96,318 158

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unto_o he_o soon_o why_o have_v thou_o thus_o deal_v with_o us._n behold_v thy_o father_n and_o i_o have_v seek_v the_o sorow_a &_o he_o say_v unto_o they_o how_o be_v it_o that_z you_o have_v seek_v i_o wist_v you_o not_o that_o i_o must_v go_v about_o my_o father_n business_n and_z they_o understode_v not_o the_o say_n that_o he_o speak_v to_o they_o and_z he_o wente_n with_o they_o and_o come_v to_o nazareth_n &_o be_v obedyent_n to_o they_o but_z his_o mother_n keep_v all_o these_o thing_n in_o she_o herte_fw-la and_o jesus_n increase_v in_o wysdome_n and_o age_n and_z in_o favour_n with_o god_n and_o man_n ¶_o the_o pystell_n on_o the_o second_o sondaye_n after_o the_o utas_z of_o the_o epy._n the._n xij_o chap_n to_o the_o romayn_v c_o brethren_n sing_v that_o we_o have_v dyvers_a gift_n accord_v to_o the_o grace_n that_o be_v give_v unto_o we_o if_o any_o man_n have_v the_o gift_n of_o prophesy_v let_v he_o have_v it_o that_z it_o be_v agre_v unto_o the_o faith_n let_v he_o that_o have_v a_o offyce_v wait_n on_o he_o offyce_v let_v he_o that_o teach_v take_v heed_n to_o his_o doctrine_n lete_fw-la he_o that_o exort_v gyve_v attendance_n to_o his_o exortacyon_n if_o any_o man_n gyve_v let_v he_o do_v it_o with_o synglenes_n let_v he_o that_o rule_v do_v it_o with_o dilygence_n if_o any_o man_n show_v mercy_n let_v he_o do_v it_o with_o cheer_n fullness_n let_v love_n be_v without_o dissymulacyon_n hate_v that_o which_o be_v evil_a and_o cleave_v unto_o that_o which_o be_v good_a be_v kind_n one_o to_o another_o with_o brotherly_a love_n in_o gyve_v honour_n go_v one_o before_o another_o let_v not_o the_o business_n which_o you_o have_v in_o hand_n be_v tedyous_a to_o you_o be_z fervent_a in_o the_o spiryte_n apply_v yourselves_o to_o the_o time_n rejoice_v in_o hope_n be_v pacyent_a in_o tribulacyon_n continue_v in_o prayer_n dystrybute_n unto_o the_o necessyte_n of_o the_o saint_n and_o dylygent_o to_o harbowre_v bliss_n they_o which_o persecute_v you_o bliss_n but_o curse_v not_o be_v merry_a with_o they_o that_o be_v merry_a weep_v with_o they_o that_o weep_v be_z of_o like_a affectyon_n one_o towards_o another_o be_v not_o high_a mind_v but_o make_v yourselves_o equal_a to_o they_o of_o the_o low_a sort_n ¶_o the_o gospel_n on_o the_o second_o sondaye_v after_o the_o utas_z of_o the_o epypha_n the._n ij_o chapter_n of_o johan._n a._n there_o be_v a_o marriage_n in_o cana_n a_o city_n of_o galyle_n &_o iesꝰ_n mother_n be_v there_o jesꝰ_n be_v call_v also_o &_o his_o discyple_n unto_o the_o marriage_n &_o when_o the_o wine_n fail_v jesꝰ_n mother_n say_v unto_o he_o they_o have_v no_o wine_n jesꝰ_n say_v unto_o she_o woman_n what_o have_v i_o to_o do_v with_o the_o my_o hour_n be_v not_o yet_o come_v his_o mother_n say_v unto_o the_o mynyster_n what_o so_o ever_o he_o say_v unto_o you_o do_v it_o there_o be_v stand_v vi_fw-la water_n pot_n of_o stone_n after_o the_o manner_n of_o purifyenge_a of_o the_o jew_n contain_v two_o or_o three_o fyrkyn_n a_o piece_n jesus_n say_v unto_o they_o fill_v the_o water_n pot_n &_o they_o fill_v they_o up_o to_o the_o hard_a brim_n &_o he_o say_v unto_o they_o draw_v out_o now_o &_o bear_v unto_o the_o governor_n of_o the_o feast_n &_o they_o bear_v it_o uuhan_o the_o ruler_n of_o the_o feast_n hade_fw-mi tastede_n the_o water_n that_o be_v turnede_v unto_o wine_n neither_o know_v whence_o it_o be_v but_o the_o mynyster_n which_o draw_v the_o water_n know_v he_o call_v the_o bride_n groom_n and_o say_v unto_o he_o all_o man_n at_o the_o beginning_n set_v forth_o good_a wine_n and_o when_o man_n be_v drink_v they_o that_o which_o be_v worse_o but_z thou_o have_v keep_v back_o the_o good_a wine_n untyll_o now_o this_o begin_v ning_a of_o miracle_n die_v jesus_n in_o cana_n of_o galyle_n &_o show_v his_o glory_n &_o his_o dysciple_n byleve_v on_o he_o ¶_o the_o pystell_n on_o the._n iij._n sunday_n after_o the_o utas_z of_o the_o epyphany_n the._n xij_o chap_n to_o the_o romayn_v brother_n be_v not_o wise_a in_o your_o own_o opynion_n recompense_n to_o no_o man_n evil_a for_o evell_a huyde_n afore_o hand_n thing_n honest_a in_o the_o sight_n of_o all_o man_n if_o it_o be_v possible_a yet_o on_o your_o part_n have_v peace_n with_o all_o man_n dere_o be_v love_v avenge_v not_o yourselves_o but_o gyve_v row_v i_o unto_o the_o wrath_n of_o god_n for_o it_o be_v write_v vengeance_n be_v my_o and_z i_o will_v reward_v say_v the_o lord_n therefore_o if_o thy_o enemy_n hungre_n feed_v hin_a if_o he_o thrust_v gyve_v he_o drink_v for_z in_o so_o do_v thou_o shall_v heap_v cool_v of_o fire_n on_o his_o heed_n be_v not_o over_o come_v of_o evil_a but_o overcome_v evil_a with_o goodness_n ¶_o the_o gospel_n on_o the_o thyrd_o sondaye_n after_o the_o ●as_v of_o the_o epypha_n the._n viij_o cha._n of_o matthew_n a_o when_o jesus_n be_v come_v down_o from_o the_o mountain_n moche_n people_n follow_v he_o &_o lo_o therre_v come_v a_o lepre_n and_o worshyp_v he_o sayenge_a master_v if_o thou_o wylte_n thou_o canst_v make_v i_o clean_o he_o put_v forth_o his_o hand_n and_o touch_v he_o say_v i_o will_v be_v thou_o clean_a &_o immediate_o his_o leprosy_n be_v cleanse_v &_o iesus_fw-la say_v unto_o he_o se_z thou_o tell_v no_o man_n but_z go_v and_o show_v thyself_o to_o the_o priest_n and_o offer_v the_o gyfre_v that_o moses_n command_v in_o wytuesse_v to_o then_o when_o jesꝰ_n be_v enter_v in_o to_o capernaun_n there_o come_v unto_o he_o a_o certain_a centurion_n beseech_a he_o and_o say_n master_n my_o servant_n iny_v syche_a at_o home_o of_o the_o palseye_n and_o be_v grevous_o pain_v and_o iesus_fw-la say_v unto_o he_o i_o will_v come_v and_o cure_v he_o the_o centuryon_n answer_v and_o say_v sir_n i_o be_o not_o worthy_a that_o thou_o shall_v come_v under_o the_o rofe_n of_o my_o house_n but_o speak_v the_o word_n only_o and_o my_o servant_n shall_v be_v healede_n for_z i_o also_o myself_o be_o a_o man_n under_o power_n and_z have_v souldyour_n under_o i_o &_o i_o say_v to_o one_o go_v and_z he_o go_v and_z to_o another_o come_v and_o he_o come_v and_o to_o my_o servant_n do_v this_o and_z he_o do_v it_o when_o jesus_n hear_v that_o he_o meruaylede_v and_o say_v to_o they_o that_o follow_v he_o uere_o i_o say_v unto_o you_o i_o have_v not_o find_v so_o great_a faith_n no_o nat_n in_o israel_n i_o say_v therefore_o unto_o you_o that_o many_o shall_v come_v from_o the_o est_fw-la and_o west_n and_o shall_v rest_v with_o abraham_n isaac_n and_o jacobe_fw-la in_o the_o kingdom_n of_o heaven_n and_o the_o child_n of_o the_o kingdom_n shall_v be_v cast_v out_o in_o to_o the_o utter_a darkness_n there_o shall_v be_v weep_a and_o gnass●ing_v of_o tooth_n then_o jesus_n say_v unto_o the_o centureon_n go_z thy_o way_n and_o as_o thou_o haste_v bylevede_v so_o be_v it_o to_o the_o and_z his_o servant_n be_v heal_v the_o same_o hour_n ¶_o the_o pystell_n on_o the_o fourthe_a sondaye_n after_o the_o utas_z of_o the_o epyphanie_n the._n xiij_o chapter_n to_o the_o romayn_v b._n brothers_n owe_v nothing_o to_o any_o man_n but_o to_o love_v one_o another_o for_o he_o the_o love_v another_o fulfyl_v the_o law_n for_o these_o commandment_n thou_o shall_v not_o commyt_n advoutry_n thou_o shall_v not_o kyl_v thou_o shall_v not_o steel_n thou_o shall_v not_o bear_v false_a wytnes_n thou_o shall_v not_o desire_v a_o so_o forth_o if_o thor_n be_v any_o other_o commaundyment_n they_o be_v all_o comprehendyd_v in_o this_o sayenge_a love_n thy_o neighbour_n as_o thyself_o love_n hurt_v not_o his_o neighbour_n therefore_o love_n be_v the_o fulfylling_n of_o the_o law_n ¶_o the_o gospel_n on_o the_o fourthe_n sunday_n after_o the_o utas_z of_o the_o epiphanye_n the._n viij_o chapter_n of_o mathewe_n c._n vuhen_n jesus_n enter_v in_o to_o ashyp_n and_o his_o dyscyple_n follow_v he_o and_o behold_v there_o arise_v a_o great_a storm_n in_o the_o see_v in_z so_o moche_v that_o the_o ship_n be_v hide_v with_o wave_n and_z he_o be_v a_o sleep_v and_o his_o discyple_n come_v unto_o he_o and_o awake_v he_o say_v master_n save_v we_o we_o perysshe_n he_o say_v unto_o they_o why_o be_v you_o fearful_a o_o you_o of_o lytell_a faith_n then_o he_o arise_v and_o rebuke_v the_o wind_n and_o the_o see_v and_o there_o follow_v a_o great_a calm_n and_o the_o man_n marvel_v and_o say_v what_o man_n be_v this_o that_z both_o wind_n and_o see_v obey_v he_o ¶_o the_o pystell_n on_o the_o fyft_n sunday_n after_o the_o utas_z of_o the_o epiphanye_n the_o three_o chapter_n to_o the_o colossyans_n b._n brothers_n now_o as_o elect_v of_o god_n holy_a and_o belove_a put_z on_o tender_a mercy_n
kyndnes_n humbleness_n of_o mind_n mekenes_n long_o suffer_a forber_a one_o on_o ather_fw-la if_o any_o man_n have_v a_o quarrel_n to_o another_o even_o as_o chryst_n forgive_v you_o even_o so_o do_v you_o above_o all_o these_o thing_n put_v on_o love_n which_o be_v the_o bond_n of_o perfectness_n and_o the_o peace_n of_o good_a rule_n in_o your_o hertes_fw-la to_o the_o which_o peace_n you_o be_v call_v in_o one_o body_n and_z se_n they_o be_v thankful_a let_v the_o word_n of_o chryst_n dwell_v in_o you_o plenteous_o in_o all_o wysdome_n teach_v and_o exorte_v your_o own_o self_n in_o psalm_n and_o hymn_n and_o spyrytual_a song_n which_o have_v favour_n with_o they_o sing_v in_o your_o herte_n to_o the_o lord_n &_o all_o thing_n what_o so_o ever_o you_o do_v in_o word_n or_o deed_n do_v in_o the_o name_n of_o the_o lord_n jesu_n gyve_n thanks_n to_o god_n to_o father_n by_o he_o ¶_o the_o gospel_n in_o the._n v._o sondaye_n after_o that_o utas_z of_o epyphanye_n the._n fourteen_o chapter_n of_o mathewe_n g._n iesus_n say_v unto_o his_o disciple_n the_o kingdom_n of_o heaven_n be_v like_a unto_o a_o man_n which_o sow_v good_a seed_n in_o his_o field_n but_o while_o man_n sleep_v there_o come_v his_o foo_o and_o sow_v tare_n among_o the_o wheat_n and_o go_v his_o way_n when_o the_o blade_n be_v spring_v up_o and_o have_v bring_v forth_o fruit_n they_o appear_v the_o tare_n also_o the_o servant_n come_v to_o the_o householder_n &_o say_v unto_o hin_n sir_n sowede_v not_o thou_o good_a seed_n in_o thy_o close_o from_o whence_o they_o have_v it_o tare_n he_o say_v to_o they_o the_o envious_a man_n have_v do_v this_o then_o the_o seruaun_n ces_fw-fr say_v unto_o he_o uvylt_v thou_o they_o that_o we_o go_v &_o gather_v they_o &_o he_o say_v nay_o lest_o while_o you_o go_v about_o to_o wede_v out_o the_o tare_n you_o pluck_v up_o also_o with_o they_o the_o wheat_n by_o the_o rote_n let_v both_o grow_v together_o till_o harvest_n command_v in_o time_n of_o herue_v i_o will_v say_v unto_o my_o reaper_n gather_v you_o first_o the_o tare_n and_o bind_v they_o yn_v sheve_n to_o be_v burn_v but_o gather_v the_o wheat_n in_o to_o my_o barn_n ¶_o the_o pystel_n on_o the_o sunday_n after_o wedding_n go_v out_o call_v septuage_n the._n i._o pystel_n to_o the_o corynthy_n ans_fw-fr and_o the._n ix_o chapyter_n d._n brothers_n perceyve_v you_o not_o how_o that_o they_o which_o run_v in_o a_o course_n run_v all_o yet_o but_o one_o receyve_v the_o reward_n so_o run_v that_o you_o may_v optayne_n every_o man_n that_o provet_v maystres_n abstayn_v from_o all_o thing_n &_o they_o do_v it_o to_o obtain_v a_o corruptible_a crown_n but_z we_o to_o obtain_v a_o uncorruptyble_a crown_n i_o therefore_o so_o run_v not_o as_o at_o a_o uncertain_a thing_n so_o fight_n i_o not_o as_o one_o that_o beathet_n the_o air_n but_o i_o tame_v my_o body_n &_o bring_v he_o in_o to_o subieccyon_n lest_z after_o that_o i_o have_v preach_v to_o other_o i_o myself_o shall_v be_v a_o cast_v away_o brethren_n i_o will_v not_o that_o you_o shall_v be_v ignorant_a of_o this_o as_z your_o father_n be_v all_o under_o a_o cloud_n &_o all_o pass_v though_o row_n the_o see_v and_z be_v all_o baptyse_v under_o moses_n in_o the_o cloud_n and_z in_o the_o see_v and_z do_v all_o eat_v of_o one_o spiritual_a meat_n and_o do_v all_o drink_n of_o one_o manner_n of_o spiritual_a drink_n and_o they_o drink_v of_o that_o spyrytual_a rock_n that_o follow_v they_o which_o rock_n be_v chryste_n ¶_o the_o gospel_n on_o the_o sunday_n after_o wed_v go_v out_o call_v septuageumma_fw-la the._n xx_o chapyter_fw-mi of_o matthew_n a._n iesus_n say_v unto_o his_o disciple_n the_o kingdom_n of_o heaven_n be_v like_a unto_o a_o householder_n which_o go_v out_o er_o in_o the_o morning_n to_o hyrelabourer_n in_o to_o his_o vynyard_n and_o he_o agree_v with_o the_o labourer_n for_o apeny_n a_o day_n and_o send_v they_o in_o his_o vynyard_n and_o he_o go_v out_o about_o the_o three_o hour_n &_o see_v other_o stand_v idle_a in_o the_o market_n place_n and_z say_v unto_o they_o go_z you_o also_o in_o to_o my_o vineyard_n and_o what_o so_o ever_o be_v right_a i_o will_v gyve_v you_o and_z they_o go_v their_o way_n again_o he_o go_v out_o about_o the_o syxte_v and_o nine_o hour_n &_o die_v likewise_o and_o he_o go_v out_o abouthe_n the_o eleven_o hour_n and_o find_v other_o stand_v idle_a and_o say_v unto_o they_o why_o stand_v you_o here_o all_o the_o day_n idle_a they_o say_v unto_o he_o because_o no_o man_n have_v hire_v us._n he_o say_v unto_o theym_n go_v you_o also_o in_o to_o my_o vineyard_n &_o what_o soever_o shall_v be_v right_a that_o shall_v you_o receive_v uuhan_n even_o be_v come_v the_o lord_n of_o the_o vineyard_n say_v unto_o his_o steward_n call_v the_o labourer_n &_o gyve_v they_o their_o hire_n begin_v at_o the_o last_o till_o thou_o con_v to_o the_o first_o and_o they_o which_o be_v hire_v about_o the_o eleven_o hour_n cam_fw-la &_o receive_v every_o man_n a_o penye_n then_o come_v the_o first_o suppose_v that_o they_o shall_v receive_v more_o &_o they_o likewise_o receive_v every_o man_n a_o penny_n and_o when_o they_o have_v receive_v it_o they_o grudge_v against_o the_o good_a man_n of_o the_o house_n say_v these_o last_o have_v wrought_v but_o one_o hour_n &_o thou_o haste_v make_v they_o equal_a unto_o we_o which_o have_v bear_v the_o burden_n &_o hete_n of_o the_o day_n he_o answer_v to_o one_o of_o they_o say_v friend_n i_o do_v the_o no_o wrong_n do_v do_v thou_o not_o agree_v with_o i_o for_o a_o penny_n take_v that_o which_o be_v thy_o duty_n and_o go_v thy_o way_n i_o will_v gyve_v unto_o this_o last_o as_o moche_n as_o to_o the_o is_z it_o not_o lawful_a for_o i_o to_o do_v as_o i_o ly_v with_o my_o own_o be_v thin_a eye_n evil_a because_o i_o be_o good_a so_o the_o last_o shall_v be_v first_o &_o the_o first_o shall_v be_v last_o for_o many_o be_v call_v &_o few_o be_v choose_v ¶_o the_o pystel_n on_o the_o sondaye_n of_o lx_o the_o second_o pystel_n to_o the_o corinthyans_n and_o the._n xi_o chapyter_fw-mi g._n brothers_n suffer_v fole_n glad_o by_o cause_n that_o you_o yourselves_o be_v wise_a for_o you_o suffer_v even_o if_o a_o man_n bring_v you_o in_o to_o bondage_n if_o a_o man_n devour_v if_o a_o man_n take_v if_o a_o man_n exalte_v himself_o if_o a_o man_n smite_v you_o on_o the_o face_n i_o speak_v as_o concern_v rebuke_n as_o though_o we_o have_v be_v weak_a howbeyt_n wheryn_v so_o ever_o any_o man_n dare_v be_v bold_a i_o speak_v folysshe_o i_o dare_v be_v bold_a also_o they_o be_v hebrew_v so_o be_o i_o they_o be_v israelyte_n even_o so_o be_o i._o they_o be_v the_o seed_n of_o abraham_n even_o so_o be_o i._o they_o be_v the_o minyster_n of_o chry_v i_o speak_v as_o afole_v i_o be_o more_o in_o labour_n more_o abundant_a of_o the_o in_o stripe_n above_o measure_n in_o prison_n more_o plenteous_o in_o dethe_v oft_o of_o the_o jew_n fyve_o time_n receive_v i_o every_o tyme._n xl_o stripe_n save_v one_o thrice_o be_v i_o beat_v with_o rod_n i_o be_v once_o stone_v i_o suffrede_v thrice_o shype_a wreck_n night_n &_o day_n have_v i_o be_v in_o the_o depth_n of_o the_o see_v in_o iorne_v often_o in_o parel_n of_o water_n in_o apparel_n of_o robber_n in_o ieoperdye_n of_o min_fw-mi own_o nacyon_n in_o ieoperdye_n among_o the_o hethen_a i_o have_v be_v in_o parelle_n in_o cytye_n in_o parel_n in_o wilderness_n in_o parelle_n in_o the_o see_v in_o parelle_n among_o false_a brethren_n in_o labour_n &_o travail_v in_o watch_v of_o ten_o in_o hungre_n in_o thirst_v in_o fast_a often_o in_o cold_a &_o in_o nakedness_n beside_o the_o thing_n which_o out_o warde_o happen_v unto_o i_o i_o be_o cumber_v daily_o and_o care_v for_o all_o congregacyon_n uuho_n be_v sycke_n and_o i_o be_o not_o sycke_n who_o be_v hurt_v in_o faith_n and_o my_o heart_n burn_v not_o if_o i_o must_v needs_o rejoice_v i_o will_v rejoice_v of_o my_o infirmity_n god_n the_o father_n of_o our_o lord_n iesus_fw-la chry_v which_o be_v blyss_v for_o evermore_o know_v that_o i_o lie_v not_o ¶_o the_o gospel_n on_o the_o sondaye_n of_o lx_o the._n viij_o chapyter_fw-mi of_o luke_n a._n when_o moche_o people_n be_v gather_v to_o gyther_o and_o be_v come_v to_o jesꝰ_n out_o of_o the_o cytye_n he_o speak_v by_o a_o similitude_n a_o sour_a go_v out_o to_o sow_v his_o seed_n and_o as_o he_o sow_v some_o fall_v by_o the_o way_n side_n and_o it_o be_v tread_v under_o foot_n and_o the_o fowl_n of_o the_o air_n devour_v it_o up_o and_o some_o fall_v on_o stone_n and_o as_o soon_o
saluacyon_n let_v we_o gyve_v no_o man_n occasyon_n of_o evyll_n that_o in_o our_o offyce_v be_v find_v no_o fault_n but_o in_o all_o thiges_fw-ge let_v we_o be_v have_v our_o self_n as_o the_o minister_n of_o god_n i_o much_o pacyence_n in_o afflyccyon_n in_o necessyte_n in_z anguysshe_a in_o stripe_n in_o prysomment_fw-fr in_o strife_n in_o labour_n in_o watch_v in_o fast_v in_o pureness_n in_o knowledge_n in_o long_o suffer_a in_o kyndnes_n in_o the_o holy_a ghost_n in_o love_v unfeigned_a in_o the_o word_n of_o truth_n in_o the_o power_n of_o god_n by_o the_o armure_n of_o ryghtwysenes_n on_o the_o right_a hand_n &_o on_o the_o lift_v hand_n in_o honour_n &_o dishonour_n in_z evil_a report_n and_o good_a report_n as_z disceyvers_a &_o yet_o true_a as_z unknowen_a as_o dyenge_a and_o behold_v we_o yet_o live_v as_o chastened_a and_o nat_n kill_v as_o sorow_a and_o yet_o always_o merye_o as_o poor_a &_o yet_o make_v many_o rich_a as_o have_v nothing_o and_o yet_o possess_v all_o thing_n ¶_o the_o gospel_n on_o the_o first_o sunday_n in_o lent_n the_o iiij_o chapyter_fw-mi of_o matthew_n a._n when_o jesus_n be_v lede_n away_o of_o the_o spiryte_n in_o to_o wyldernes_n to_o be_v tempt_v of_o the_o devyl_n and_o when_o he_o have_v fast_v forty_o day_n &_o forty_o nyghte_n at_o the_o last_o he_o be_v a_o hunger_a then_o come_v unto_o he_o the_o tempter_n &_o say_v if_o thou_o be_v the_o soon_o of_o god_n command_v that_o these_o stone_n demade_v bread_n he_o answer_v and_o say_v it_o be_v write_v man_n shall_v not_o live_v only_o by_o bread_n but_z by_o every_o word_n that_o procee_v out_o of_o the_o mouth_n of_o god_n then_o the_o devyl_n take_v hin_a up_o in_o to_o the_o holy_a cyte_v &_o let_v he_o on_o a_o pynacle_n of_o the_o temple_n and_o say_v unto_o he_o if_o thou_o be_v the_o soon_o of_o god_n cast_v thyself_o down_o for_o it_o be_v write_v he_o shall_v gyve_v his_o angel_n charge_v over_o the_o &_o with_o their_o hand_n they_o shall_v hold_v the_o up_o that_o thou_o dassh_v not_o thy_o foot_n against_o a_o stone_n jesus_n say_v to_o he_o this_o be_v write_v also_o thou_o shall_v not_o tempt_v thy_o lord_n god_n the_o devyl_n take_v he_o up_o again_o and_o let_v he_o in_o to_o a_o exceed_a high_a mountain_n and_z she_o wed_v he_o all_o the_o kingdom_n of_o the_o world_n and_o all_o the_o glory_n of_o they_o &_o say_v unto_o he_o all_o these_o will_v i_o gyve_v the_o if_o thou_o will_v fall_v down_o &_o worship_n i_o then_o say_v jesus_n unto_o he_o avoid_v satan_n for_o it_o be_v write_v thou_o shall_v worship_n thy_o lord_n god_n and_o he_o only_o shall_v thou_o serve_v ¶_o the_o pystell_n on_o the_o second_o sunday_n in_o lent_n the_o first_o pystel_n to_o the_o tessalovyans_n the_o four_o chap_n a_o we_o beseech_v you_o brother_n &_o exorte_v you_o in_o the_o lord_n jesꝰ_n that_o you_o increase_v more_o &_o more_o even_o as_o you_o have_v receive_v of_o we_o how_o you_o ought_v to_o walk_v &_o to_o please_v god_n you_o remember_v what_o commandment_n we_o give_v you_o in_o the_o name_n of_o the_o lord_n jesu_n christ_n for_o this_o be_v thewyl_n of_o god_n even_o that_o you_o shall_v be_v holy_a and_o that_o you_o shall_v abstain_v from_o fornicacyon_n that_o every_o one_o of_o you_o shall_v know_v how_o to_o keep_v his_o vessel_n in_o holiness_n and_o honour_n and_o not_o in_o the_o lust_n of_o concupyssen_n as_o do_v the_o heathen_a which_o know_v not_o god_n that_o no_o man_n go_v to_o far_o and_o defraud_v his_o brother_n in_o bargayn_v because_o the_o lord_n be_v a_o venger_n of_o all_o such_o thing_n as_z we_o tell_v you_o before_o time_n &_o testyfy_v unto_o you_o for_z god_n have_v not_o callede_n we_o unto_o unclennes_n but_o unto_o holiness_n in_o chryst_n jesꝰ_n our_o lord_n ¶_o the_o gospel_n on_o the_o second_o sunday_n in_o lent_n the._n xv_o chapter_n of_o mathewe_n c._n iesus_n go_v thene●_n and_o depart_v in_o to_o the_o cost_n of_o tyre_n and_o sydon_n and_o behold_v a_o woman_n which_o be_v a_o cananite_n come_v out_o of_o the_o same_o cost_n &_o try_v unto_o he_o say_n have_v mercy_n on_o ●…orde_n the_o soon_o of_o davyd_v my_o daughter_n be_v petyous_o vex_v with_o a_o devyl_n and_o he_o give_v she_o never_o aword_n to_o answer_v then_o come_v to_o he_o his_o dyscy●les_n &_o beseech_v he_o say_v send_v she_o away_o for_z she_o follow_v we_o cryenge_a he_o answer_v &_o say_v i_o be_o not_o send_v but_z unto_o the_o lose_v sheep_n of_o the_o house_n of_o israel_n then_o she_o come_v and_o worshyp_v he_o say_n master_v sucker_n i_o he_z answer_v &_o say_v it_o be_v not_o good_a to_o take_v the_o child_n bread_n &_o to_o cast_v it_o to_o the_o whelp_n she_o answer_v and_o say_v it_o be_v truth_n nevertheless_o the_o whelp_n eat_v of_o the_o crumb_n which_o fall_v from_o their_o master_n table_n then_o jesꝰ_n a_o swered_a &_o say_v unto_o she_o o_o woman_n great_a be_v thy_o faith_n be_v it_o to_o the_o even_a as_o thou_o desyre_a &_o her_o daughter_n be_v make_v hole_n even_o at_o that_o same_o hour_n ¶_o the_o pystel_n on_o the._n iij._n sondaye_n in_o lent_n to_o the_o ephesyans_n the._n v._o chapyter_n a._n brother_n be_v you_o follower_n of_o god_n as_o dear_a child_n &_o walk_v in_o love_n even_o as_o chryste_n love_v we_o &_o give_v hin_a self_n for_o we_o a_o offer_n &_o a_o sacryfyce_n of_o aswete_a saver_n to_o god_n so_o that_o fornicacyon_n &_o all_o unclennes_n or_o covetousness_n be_v not_o once_o name_v among_o you_o as_z it_o become_v saint_n neither_o fylthynes_n neither_o folysshe_n talk_v neither_o je_a which_o be_v not_o comely_a but_o rather_o gyve_n of_o thanks_n for_o this_o you_o know_v that_o no_o wromonger_n other_o unclean_a person_n or_z covetous_a person_n which_o be_v the_o worshypper_n of_o image_n have_v any_o inherytaunce_n in_o the_o kingdom_n of_o chryste_n and_o of_o god_n let_v no_o man_n deceyve_v you_o with_o vain_a word_n for_z through_o such_o thing_n come_v the_o wrath_n of_o god_n upon_o the_o child_n of_o unbyleve_n be_v not_o therefore_o companion_n with_o they_o you_o be_v one_o darkness_n but_o be_v now_o light_v in_o the_o lord_n walk_v as_o child_n of_o light_n for_o the_o fruit_n of_o the_o spiryte_n is_z in_o all_o goodness_n ryghtwysnes_n and_o truth_n ¶_o the_o gospel_n on_o the._n iij._n sunday_n in_o lent_n the._n xi_o chapyter_fw-mi of_o luke_n c._n iiesus_fw-la be_v a_o cast_a out_o a_o devyll_n which_o be_v dumb_v and_o it_o follow_v when_o the_o devyl_n be_v go_v out_o the_z dumb_v speak_v and_o the_o people_n wonder_v some_o of_o they_o say_v he_o cast_v out_o devylles_n by_o the_o power_n of_o belzebub_n the_z cheyfe_a of_o the_o devylles_n &_o other_o tempt_v he_o seek_v of_o he_o a_o sign_n from_o heaven_n he_o know_v their_o thought_n and_o say_v un_fw-mi to_o they_o every_o kingdom_n at_o debate_n within_o itself_o shall_v be_v desolate_a and_o one_o house_n shall_v fall_v upon_o a_o other_o so_o if_o satan_n be_v divide_v with_o in_o himself_o how_o shall_v his_o kingdom_n endure_v because_o you_o say_v that_o i_o cast_v out_o devylles_n by_o the_o power_n of_o belzebub_n if_o i_o by_o the_o power_n of_o belzebub_n cast_v out_o devyls_n by_o who_o power_n do_z your_o child_n cast_v they_o out_o therefore_o shall_v they_o be_v your_o judge_n but_o if_o i_o with_o the_o fynger_n of_o god_n cast_v out_o devylles_n no_o doubt_n the_o kingdom_n of_o god_n be_v come_v upon_o you_o when_o a_o strong_a man_n arm_v watch_v his_o house_n that_o he_o possess_v is_z in_o peace_n but_o when_o a_o strong_a than_o he_o come_v upon_o he_o and_o overcom_v he_o he_o take_v from_o he_o his_o harney_n wherein_o he_o trust_v and_o divyde_v his_o good_n he_o that_o be_v not_o with_o i_o be_v against_o i_o and_z he_o that_o gathe_v r_v not_o with_o i_o scatter_v when_o the_o unclean_a spirit_n be_v go_v out_o of_o a_o man_v he_o walk_v through_o waterlese_n place_n seek_v rest_n and_z when_o he_o find_v none_o he_o say_v i_o will_v ceturne_v again_o unto_o my_o house_n when_o see_v i_o come_v out_o and_z when_o he_o come_v he_o find_v it_o sweep_v and_o garnyssh_v then_o go_v he_o and_o take_v seven_o other_o spiryte_n with_o he_o worse_o than_o himself_o &_o they_o entre_fw-fr in_fw-la &_o dwell_v there_o and_o the_o end_n of_o the_o man_n be_v worse_a than_o the_o beginning_a it_o fortune_v as_o he_o thus_o speak_v a_o certain_a woman_n of_o the_o company_n lyfte_v up_o her_o voice_n and_o say_v unto_o he_o happy_a be_v the_o womb_n that_o bear_v the_o &_o the_o pap_n which_o give_v the_o suck_n &_o he_o say_v happy_a be_v they_o that_o
man_n of_o the_o pha_o rese_n name_v nichodemꝰ_n a_o ruler_n among_o the_o jew_n he_o come_v to_o jesꝰ_n by_o night_n &_o say_v unto_o he_o master_n we_o know_v that_o thou_o be_v a_o teacher_n which_o be_v come_v from_o god_n for_o no_o man_n can_v do_v such_o miracle_n as_o thou_o do_v except_o god_n be_v with_o he_o jesus_n answer_v and_o say_v unto_o he_o uere_o very_o i_o say_v unto_o the_o except_z that_o a_o man_n be_v bear_v a_o new_a he_o can_v not_o see_v the_o kingdom_n of_o god_n nichodemus_n say_v unto_o he_o how_o can_v a_o man_n be_v bear_v when_o he_o be_v old_a can_v he_o entre_fw-fr in_o to_o his_o mother_n womb_n &_o be_v bear_v again_o jesus_n answer_v uere_o very_o i_o say_v unto_o she_o except_z that_o a_o man_n be_v bear_v of_o water_n &_o of_o the_o spirit_n he_o can_v not_o entre_fw-fr in_o to_o the_o kingdom_n of_o god_n that_o which_o be_v bear_v of_o the_o flesh_n be_v flesh_n and_o that_o which_o be_v bear_v of_o the_o spirit_n be_v spirit_n marvel_v not_o that_o i_o say_v to_o the_o you_o must_v be_v bear_v a_o new_a the_o wind_n blow_v where_o he_o ly_v &_o thou_o hear_v his_o sound_n but_z thou_o can_v not_o tell_v whence_o he_o come_v &_o whither_o he_o go_v so_o be_v every_o man_n that_o be_v bear_v of_o the_o spirit_n nichodemus_n answer_v and_o say_v unto_o he_o how_o can_v the_o see_v thing_n be_v jesus_n answer_v and_o say_v unto_o he_o arte_fw-la thou_o a_o master_n in_o israel_n &_o know_v not_o these_o thing_n uere_o very_o i_o say_v unto_o the_o we_o speak_v that_o we_o know_fw-mi and_o testify_v that_o we_o have_v see_v &_o you_o receive_v not_o our_o wytnes_n if_o i_o have_v tell_v you_o erthly_a thing_n &_o you_o have_v not_o byleve_v how_o shall_v you_o byleve_v if_o i_o shall_v tell_v you_o heavenly_a thing_n and_o no_o man_n have_v ascend_v up_o to_o heaven_n but_z he_o that_o come_v down_o from_o even_o that_o be_v to_o say_v the_o soon_o of_o man_n which_o be_v in_o heaven_n and_o as_o mose_n lyft_v up_o the_o serpent_n in_o wyldernes_n even_o so_o must_v the_o soon_o of_o man_n be_v lyft_v up_o that_o no_o man_n which_o byleve_v in_o he_o perish_v but_o have_v eternal_a lif_n ¶_o the_o pystel_n on_o corpus_n chry_v day_n the_o first_o pystel_n to_o the_o corynthyans_n &_o the._n xi_o chapter_n e._n brethren_n that_o which_o i_o give_v unto_o you_o i_o receive_v of_o the_o lord_n for_o the_o lord_n jesus_n chry_v the_o same_o night_n in_o the_o which_o he_o be_v betray_v take_v bread_n and_o thank_v and_o break_v and_o say_v take_v you_o and_o eat_v you_o this_o be_v my_o body_n which_o be_v break_v for_o you_o this_o do_v you_o in_o the_o remembrance_n of_o i_o after_o the_o same_o manner_n he_o take_v the_o cup_n when_o supper_n be_v do_v sa_o yenge_a this_o cup_n be_v the_o new_a testament_n in_o my_o blood_n this_o do_v as_o oft_o as_o you_o drink_v it_o in_z the_o remembrance_n of_o i_o for_o as_o often_o as_o you_o shall_v eat_v this_o bread_n &_o drink_v of_o this_o cup_n you_o shall_v show_v the_o lord_n dethe_v till_o he_o come_v wherefore_o who_o so_o ever_o shall_v eat_v of_o this_o bread_n or_o drink_v of_o the_o cup_n unworthe_o shall_v be_v guilty_a of_o the_o body_n &_o blood_n of_o the_o lord_n let_v a_o man_n therefore_o examyn_v himself_o &_o so_o let_v he_o eat_v of_o the_o bread_n &_o drink_n of_o the_o cup_n for_z he_o that_o et_v and_o drink_v unworthe_o eat_v &_o drynk_v his_o own_o dampnacyon_n because_o he_o makethe_v no_o difference_n of_o the_o lord_n body_n ¶_o the_o gospel_n on_o corpus_n christ_n day_n the._n vi_fw-la chapyter_v of_o johan._n f_o iesus_n say_v unto_o his_o discysciple_n and_o to_o the_o company_n of_o the_o jew_n my_o flesh_n be_v meat_n in_o deed_n &_o my_o blood_n be_v drink_v in_o deed_n he_o that_o eat_v my_o flesh_n &_o drynk_v my_o blood_n dwell_v in_o i_o and_o i_o in_o he_o as_o the_o lyve_a father_n have_v send_v i_o even_o so_o live_v i_o by_o my_o father_n &_o he_o that_o eat_v i_o shall_v live_v by_o i_o this_o be_v the_o bread_n which_o come_v from_o heaven_n not_o as_o your_o father_n have_v eat_v mamna_n &_o be_v deed_n he_o that_o eat_v of_o this_o bread_n shallyve_a ever_o ¶_o the_o pystel_n on_o the_o first_o sunday_n after_o trinite_a sunday_n the._n iiij_o chap_n of_o the_o first_o pystel_n of_o johan_n b._n most_o dear_a belove_a brethren_n god_n be_v love_n in_o this_o appear_v the_o love_n of_o god_n to_o we_o ward_n because_o that_o god_n send_v his_o only_o beget_v soon_o in_o to_o the_o world_n that_o we_o may_v live_v through_o he_o herein_o be_v love_n not_o that_o we_o love_v god_n but_o that_o god_n love_v we_o and_o send_v his_o soon_o to_o make_v agreement_n for_o our_o sin_n dere_o bylove_v if_o god_n so_o love_v we_o we_o ought_v also_o to_o lou_z one_z another_z no_o man_n have_v see_v god_n at_o any_o time_n if_o we_o love_v one_o another_o god_n dwell_v in_o we_o and_o his_o love_n be_v perfect_a in_o us._n hereby_o know_v we_o that_o we_o dwell_v in_o he_o &_o he_o in_o we_o because_o he_o have_v give_v we_o of_o his_o spiryte_n and_o we_o have_v see_v and_o do_v testyfye_v that_o the_o father_n send_v his_o soon_o which_o be_v the_o savyour_fw-mi of_o the_o world_n who_o soever_o confess_v that_o jesus_n be_v the_o soon_o of_o god_n in_o high_a dwellethe_v god_n &_o he_o in_o god_n and_o we_o have_v know_v &_o byleve_v the_o love_n that_o god_n have_v to_o us._n god_n be_v love_n and_z he_o that_o dwell_v in_o love_n dwellethe_v in_o god_n and_o god_n in_o he_o here_z in_o be_v the_o love_n parfyte_n in_o we_o that_o we_o shall_v have_v trust_n in_o the_o day_n of_o judgement_n for_o as_o he_o be_v even_o so_o be_v we_o in_o this_o world_n there_o be_v no_o fear_n in_o love_n but_o parfyte_n love_n cast_v out_o all_o fear_n for_o fear_n have_v paynfulnes_n he_o that_o fear_v be_v not_o parfyte_n in_o love_n uve_fw-fr love_v he_o for_z he_o love_v we_o first_o if_o a_o man_n say_v i_o love_v god_n and_o yet_o hate_v his_o brother_n he_o be_v a_o liar_n how_o can_v he_o that_o love_v not_o his_o brother_n who_o he_o have_v see_v love_n god_n who_o he_o have_v not_o see_v and_o this_o commandment_n have_v we_o of_o he_o that_o he_o which_o love_v god_n shall_v love_v his_o brother_n also_o ¶_o the_o gospel_n on_o the_o first_o sondaye_n after_o trinyte_n sondaye_n the._n xuj_o chapter_n of_o luke_n d_o iesus_n put_v forth_o a_o parable_n unto_o his_o dyscyple_n say_v there_o be_v a_o certain_a scotfree_a man_n which_o be_v clothe_v in_o purple_a &_o fine_a reins_n &_o fare_v de_o cyous_o every_o day_n and_o there_o be_v a_o certain_a beggar_n name_v lazarus_n which_o lie_v at_o his_o gate_n full_a of_o sore_n desyre_a to_o be_v refressh_v with_o the_o crumb_n which_o fall_v from_o the_o scotfree_a man_n board_n never_o theles_o that_o dog_n come_v &_o lyck_v his_o sore_n and_o it_o fortune_v that_o the_o beggar_n die_v &_o be_v carry_v by_o the_o angel_n in_o to_o abraham_n bosom_n the_o rich_a man_n also_o die_v &_o be_v bury_v and_o be_v in_o hell_n in_o torment_n he_o lift_v up_o his_o eye_n and_o see_v abraham_n a_o far_o of_o and_o lazarus_n in_o his_o bosom_n and_o cry_v &_o say_a father_n abraham_n have_v mercy_n on_o i_o and_z send_v lazarꝰ_n that_o he_o may_v dyppe_v the_o tip_n of_o his_o fynger_n in_o water_n and_z coal_n my_o tongue_n for_z i_o be_o torment_v in_o this_o flambe_v but_o abraham_n say_v unto_o he_o soon_o remember_v that_o thou_o in_o thy_o life_n time_n receavede_v thy_o pleasure_n &_o contrary_a wise_n lazarꝰ_n pain_n now_o therefore_o be_v he_o comfort_v &_o thou_o be_v punyssh_v beyond_o all_o this_o bytwene_v you_o and_o we_o there_o be_v a_o great_a space_n set_v so_o that_o they_o which_o will_v go_v from_o hence_o to_o you_o can_v not_o neither_o may_v come_v from_o then_n to_o us._n then_o he_o say_v i_o pray_v the_o therefore_o father_n send_v he_o to_o my_o father_n house_n for_z i_o have_v fyve_o brother_n for_o to_o warn_v they_o lest_z they_o also_o come_v in_o to_o this_o place_n of_o tourment_n abraham_n say_v unto_o he_o they_o have_v mose_n and_o the_o prophet_n let_v they_o hear_v they_o and_o he_o say_v nay_o father_n abraham_n but_o if_o one_o come_v unto_o they_o from_o the_o deed_n they_o will_v repent_v he_o say_v unto_o he_o if_o they_o here_o nat_n moses_n &_o the_o ꝓphete_n neither_o will_v they_o byleve_v though_o one_o rise_v from_o death_n again_o ¶_o the_o pystell_n on_o the._n ij_o sunday_n after_o trinyte_n
sondaye_v the_o first_o pystel_n of_o iohn_n &_o the._n iij._n chapyter_n c._n marvel_v not_o my_o brethren_n though_o the_o world_n hate_v you_o we_z know_v that_o we_o be_v translate_v from_o death_n unto_o life_n because_o we_o low_o the_o brother_n he_o that_o love_v not_o his_o brother_n abide_v in_o dethe_v uuho_o soever_o hate_v his_o brother_n be_v a_o mansleer_n &_o you_o know_v that_o no_o mansleer_n have_v eternal_a life_n abide_v in_o he_o hereby_o perseave_v we_o the_o love_n of_o god_n in_o that_o he_o give_v his_o life_n for_o us._n and_o therefore_o ought_v we_o also_o to_o gyve_v our_o lyve_n for_o our_o brethren_n uuho_o soever_o have_v this_o word_n good_a and_o see_v his_o brother_n have_v need_v &_o shuttethe_v up_o his_o compassyon_n from_o he_o how_o dwell_v the_o love_n of_o god_n in_o hin_n my_o babe_n let_v we_o not_o love_v in_o word_n neither_o in_o tongue_n but_z in_o deed_n and_o in_o verity_n ¶_o the_o gospel_n on_o the._n ij_o sunday_n after_o trinite_a sunday_n the._n fourteen_o chapter_n of_o luke_n d._n iesus_n put_v forth_o a_o similitude_n to_o his_o discyple_n sayenge_a a_o certain_a man_n ordain_v agreat_a supper_n and_o bad_a many_o &_o send_v his_o servant_n at_o supper_n time_n to_o say_v to_o they_o that_o be_v bydden●_n come_v for_z all_o thyngꝭ_n be_v now_o ready_a &_o they_o all_o at_o one_o begin_v to_o make_v excuse_v the_o first_o say_v unto_o he_o i_o have_v buy_v a_o town_n and_z i_o must_v needs_o go_v &_o see_v it_o i_o pray_v the_o have_v i_o excuse_v and_o another_o say_v i_o have_v buy_v fyve_o yoke_n of_o ox_n &_o i_o go_v to_o prove_v they_o i_o pray_v the_o have_v i_o excuse_v the_o three_o say_v i_o have_v marry_v a_o wife_n and_o therefore_o i_o can_v not_o come_v and_o that_o servant_n go_v &_o bring_v his_o master_n word_n thereof_o then_o be_v the_o good_a man_n of_o the_o house_n displease_v and_o say_v to_o his_o servant_n go_v out_o quycke_o in_o to_o the_o stretes_n &_o quarter_n &_o bring_v in_o hither_o the_o poor_a &_o the_o maim_a &_o the_o halt_n &_o the_o blind_a and_o the_o servant_n say_v lord_n it_o be_v do_v as_o thou_o command_v &_o yet_o there_o be_v room_n and_o the_o lord_n say_v to_o the_o servant_n go_v out_o in_o to_o the_o high_a way_n &_o hedge_n &_o compelle_fw-fr they_o to_o come_v in_o that_z my_o house_n may_v be_v fill_v for_z i_o say_v unto_o you_o that_z none_o of_o these_o which_o be_v bydden_a shall_v taste_v of_o my_o supper_n ¶_o the_o pystel_n on_o the._n iij._n sunday_n after_o trinyte_n sunday_n the_o first_o pystel_n of_o peter_n &_o the._n v._o chap._n b._n brothers_n submyt_v yourselves_o under_o the_o mighty_a hand_n of_o god_n that_o he_o may_v exalte_n you_o when_o the_o time_n be_v come_v cast_v all_o your_o care_n to_o he_o for_z he_o carethe_v for_o you_o be_v sober_a and_o watch_v for_z your_o adversary_n the_o dyvel_a as_o a_o roar_a lion_n walk_v about_o seek_n who_o he_o may_v devour_v who_o resyste_v steadfast_a in_o the_o faith_n remember_v that_o you_o do_v but_o fulfil_v the_o same_o afflyccyon_n which_o be_v appoint_v to_o your_o brother_n that_o be_v in_o the_o world_n the_o god_n of_o all_o grace_n which_o call_v you_o unto_o his_o eternal_a glory_n by_o christ_n ie_fw-fr sus_fw-la shall_v his_o own_o self_n after_o you_o have_v suffer_v a_o lytel_n afflyccyon_n make_v you_o ꝑfite_n shall_v settle_v strength_n &_o stablysshe_v you_o to_o he_o be_v glory_n and_o dominion_n for_o ever_o &_o while_o the_o world_n enduret_n amen_n ¶_o the_o gospel_n on_o the_o three_o sunday_n after_o trinyte_n sunday_n the._n xv_o chapyter_fw-mi of_o luke_n a._n the_o publycanes_n &_o the_o sinner_n resort_v unto_o jesꝰ_n to_o hear_v he_o and_o the_o pharyses_n &_o scrybe_n murmur_v say_v he_o receive_v to_o his_o ꝯpany_n sinner_n and_o eat_v with_o they_o they_o put_v he_o forth_o this_o symylytude_n to_o they_o sayenge_a what_o man_n of_o you_o have_v a_o hondred_a sheep_n if_o he_o lose_v one_o of_o they_o do_v not_o leave_v nynty_a and_o nine_o in_o the_o wyldernes_n and_o go_v after_o that_o which_o be_v lose_v untyl_o hefind_v he_o and_o when_o he_o have_v find_v he_o he_o put_v he_o on_o his_o shoulder_n with_o joy_n &_o as_o soon_o as_o he_o come_v home_o he_o call_v together_o his_o lover_n and_o neighbour_n say_v unto_o they_o rejoice_v with_o i_o for_z i_o have_v find_v my_o sheep_n which_o be_v lose_v i_o say_v unto_o you_o that_z likewise_o joy_n shall_v be_v in_o heaven_n over_o one_o sinner_n that_o repent_v more_o they_o over_o nynethy_o &_o nine_o just_a person_n which_o need_v no_o repentance_n gyther_o what_o woman_n havynge_v x._o groat_n if_o she_o lose_v one_o do_v not_o light_v a_o candle_n &_o sweep_v the_o house_n &_o seek_v diligent_o till_o she_o find_v it_o and_o when_o she_o have_v find_v it_o she_z call_v her_o lover_n &_o her_o neighbour_n sayenge_a rejoice_v with_o i_o for_z i_o have_v find_v the_o groat_n which_o i_o have_v lose_v likewise_o i_o say_v unto_o you_o joy_n be_v make_v in_o the_o presence_n of_o the_o angle_n of_o god_n over_o one_o sinner_n that_o repent_v ¶_o the_o pystel_n on_o the._n iiij_o sondaye_v after_o trinyte_n sunday_n the._n viij_o chapter_n to_o the_o romayn_v d._n brethren_n i_o suppose_v that_o the_o afflyccyon_n of_o this_o life_n be_v not_o worthy_a of_o the_o glory_n to_o come_v which_o shall_v be_v show_v upon_o we_o also_o the_o feruente_a desire_n of_o the_o creature_n abide_v look_v when_o the_o son_n of_o god_n shall_v appear_v because_o the_o creature_n be_v subdue_v to_o vanity_n against_o their_o will_n but_z for_o his_o will_n which_o subdue_v they_o in_o hope_n for_o the_o very_a creature_n shall_v be_v delyver_v from_o the_o bondage_n of_o corruption_n in_z to_o the_o glorious_a lybertye_n of_o the_o son_n of_o god_n for_z we_o know_v that_o every_o creature_n groan_v with_o we_o also_o and_o travayl_v in_o pain_n even_o unto_o this_o time_n not_o they_o only_o but_o even_o we_o also_o which_o have_v the_o first_o fruyte_n of_o the_o spyrite_n mourn_v in_o ourselves_o and_o wait_v for_o he_o adopcyon_n &_o look_v for_o the_o delyveraunce_n of_o our_o body_n ¶_o the_o gospel_n on_o the._n iiij_o sondaye_v after_o trinyte_n sunday_n the._n vi_fw-la chapyter_v of_o luke_n f._n iesus_n say_v unto_o his_o discyple_n be_v you_o merciful_a as_o your_o father_n be_v merciful_a judge_v not_o &_o you_o shall_v not_o be_v judge_v condemn_v not_o and_o you_o shall_v not_o be_v condemn_v forgyve_v and_o you_o shall_v be_v forgyven_v gyve_v and_o it_o shall_v be_v give_v unto_o you_o good_a measure_n press_v down_o shake_v together_o and_o running_a over_o shall_v man_n gyve_v unto_o your_o bosom_n for_o with_o what_o measure_n you_o meat_n with_o the_o sane_a shall_v man_n mete_v to_o you_o again_o &_o he_o put_v four_o a_o simylytude_n unto_o they_o can_v the_o blind_a lead_v the_o blind_a do_v they_o not_o both_o then_o fall_v in_o to_o the_o dyche_n the_o dyscyple_a be_v not_o above_o his_o master_n every_o man_n shall_v be_v ꝑfecte_n if_o he_o be_v as_o his_o master_n be_v uuhy_fw-mi sey_v thou_o a_o mote_n in_o thy_o brother_n eye_n and_z consydereste_n not_o the_o beam_n that_o be_v in_o thy_o own_o eye_n either_o how_o can_v thou_o say_v to_o thy_o brother_n brother_n let_v i_o pull_v out_o the_o mote_n that_o be_v in_o thy_o eye_n when_z thou_o perceave_v not_o the_o beam_n that_o be_v in_o thy_o own_o eye_n ypocrite_n cast_v out_o the_o beam_n out_o of_o thy_o own_o eye_n first_o &_o then_o shall_v thou_o see_v ꝑfecte_o to_o pull_v out_o the_o mote_n out_o of_o thy_o brother_n eye_n ¶_o the_o pystel_n on_o the._n v._n sunday_n after_o trinite_a sunday_n the_o first_o pystel_n of_o peter_n and_o the._n iij._n chapyter_n a._n brother_n be_v you_o all_o of_o one_o mind_n one_o suffer_v with_o another_o love_n as_o brother_n be_v petyfull_a be_v courteous_a not_o render_a evil_n for_o evil_n neither_o rebuke_n for_o rebuke_v but_o contrary_a wise_n bless_v remember_a that_o you_o be_v thereunto_o call_v even_o that_o you_o shall_v be_v heyer_n of_o blessing_n if_o any_o man_n long_o after_o life_n &_o lovethe_v to_o see_v good_a day_n let_v hin_n refrain_v his_o tongue_n from_o evil_n &_o his_o lip_n that_o they_o speak_v not_o gyle_v let_v hin_n eschew_v evil_a &_o do_v good_a let_v hin_n seek_v peace_n and_o ensue_v it_o for_z the_o eye_n of_o our_o lord_n be_v over_o the_o righteous_a &_o his_o ear_n be_v open_v unto_o their_o prayer_n but_o the_o fear_n of_o our_o lord_n behold_v they_o that_o do_v evyll_n moreover_o who_o be_v he_o that_o will_v har_z i_o you_o if_o you_o follow_v that_o which_o
heaven_n be_v like_a unto_o treasure_n hide_v in_o the_o field_n the_o which_o a_o man_n find_v and_o hide_v it_o &_o for_o joy_n thereof_o go_v &_o sell_v all_o that_o he_o have_v &_o by_v that_o field_n again_o the_o kyngdom_n of_o heaven_n be_v like_a unto_o a_o merchant_n se_fw-la king_n after_o good_a peerless_a which_o when_o he_o have_v find_v one_o precyous_a pearl_n go_v and_o sell_v all_o that_o he_o have_v and_o buy_v it_o again_o the_o kingdom_n of_o heaven_n be_v like_a unto_o a_o net_n cast_v in_o to_o the_o see_v that_z gader_v of_o all_o kynde_n of_o fish_n which_o when_o it_o be_v full_a man_n draw_v to_o land_n and_o sit_v and_o gather_v the_o good_a in_o to_o their_o vessel_n and_o cast_v the_o bad_a away_o so_o shall_v it_o be_v at_o the_o end_n of_o the_o world_n the_o angel_n shall_v come_v and_o sever_v the_o bad_a from_o the_o good_a and_o shall_v cast_v they_o in_o to_o a_o furnace_n of_o fire_n there_o shall_v be_v wail_a and_o gnasshing_n of_o tooth_n jesus_n say_v unto_o theym_a have_v you_o understand_v all_o these_o thing_n they_o say_v you_o sir_n then_o say_v he_o unto_o they_o therefore_o every_o scribe_n which_o be_v teach_v unto_o the_o kingdom_n is_z like_o a_o householder_n which_o bring_v forth_o out_z of_o his_o treasure_n thing_n both_o new_a and_o old_a ¶_o the_o pystel_n on_o mary_n magdaleyn_n day_n proverb_n xxxi_o au_o woman_n of_o power_n &_o verity_n if_o a_o man_n culde_v find_v the_o value_n of_o she_o be_v far_o above_o pearl_n the_o herte_n of_o her_o husband_n trust_v in_o she_o that_o he_o nedethe_v not_o spoil_n she_o render_v he_o good_a &_o not_o evil_a all_o the_o day_n of_o her_o life_n she_o seek_v wool_n &_o fla_fw-mi xe_n and_o do_v as_o her_o hand_n serve_v she_o she_o be_v like_o a_o merchant_n s●●y_n that_o bring_v her_o vytayle_n from_o far_o she_o rise_v your_o day_n and_o gyve_v meat_n to_o her_o household_n and_o food_n to_o her_o maiden_n she_o considere_v a_o ground_n and_o buy_v it_o and_z of_o the_o fruit_n of_o her_o hand_n plant_v a_o vine_n she_o gird_v her_o loin_n with_o strength_n &_o courage_v her_o arm_n she_o ꝑceave_v that_o her_o huswfry_n be_v ꝓfytable_a &_o therefore_o do_v not_o put_v out_o her_o c●●ell_n by_o night_n she_o set_v her_o finger_n to_o the_o splendle_n &_o her_o hand_n catch_v hold_v on_o the_o dystaffe_n she_o open_v herhande_o to_o the_o poor_a &_o stretch_v out_o her_o hand_n to_o the_o nedye_n she_o fear_v not_o lest_o the_o cold_a of_o snow_n shall_v hurt_v her_o house_n for_z all_o her_o household_n be_v double_o clothe_v she_o make_v her_o gay_a ornament_n of_o byce_n &_o purple_n be_v her_o apparel_n her_o husband_n be_v have_v in_o honour_n in_o the_o gate_n as_z he_o sit_v with_o the_o elder_n of_o the_o land_n she_o make_v linen_n &_o sell_v it_o &_o deliver_v a_o girdle_n to_o the_o merchant_n strength_n &_o glory_n be_v her_o raiment_n &_o she_o laugh_v in_o the_o late_a day_n she_o open_v her_o mouth_n with_o wysdome_n &_o the_o law_n of_o ryghteousnes_n be_v on_o her_o tongue_n she_o have_v a_o eye_n to_o her_o household_n &_o eat_v not_o bread_n yd_o her_o child_n arise_v &_o blyss_v she_o &_o her_o husband_n commend_v she_o many_o doughter_n have_v do_v excellent_o but_o thou_o haste_v pass_v they_o al._n favour_n be_v a_o deceavable_a thing_n &_o beauty_n be_v vanyte_v but_o a_o woman_n that_o fear_v god_n she_o shall_v be_v praise_v gyve_v she_o of_o the_o fruit_n of_o her_o hand_n &_o let_v her_o work_n praise_v she_o in_o the_o gate_n ¶_o the_o gospel_n on_o mary_n magdaleyn_n day_n the._n seven_o chapter_n of_o luke_n e_o one_o of_o the_o pharyses_n desire_v jesꝰ_n that_o he_o will_v eat_v with_o he_o and_z he_o come_v in_o to_o the_o pharyse_n house_n &_o sit_v down_o to_o meat_n and_o behold_v a_o woman_n in_o that_o city_n which_o be_v a_o sinner_n as_o soon_o as_o she_o know_v that_o jesꝰ_n sit_v at_o meat_n in_o the_o pharyse_n house_n she_o bring_v a_o alabaster_n box_n of_o ointment_n &_o she_o stand_v at_o his_o foot_n behind_o hin_n weep_v and_o begin_v to_o wasshe_v his_o foot_n with_o tear_n &_o do_v wipe_v they_o with_o the_o ear_n of_o her_o heed_n &_o kiss_v his_o foot_n and_o anoint_a they_o with_o ointment_n when_o the_o pharyse_n which_o bid_v he_o to_o his_o house_n see_v that_o he_z speak_v within_o himself_o sayenge_a if_o this_o man_n be_v a_o prophet_n he_o will_v sure_o have_v know_v who_o &_o what_o manner_n woman_n this_o be_v which_o touch_v he_o for_z she_o be_v a_o sinner_n and_o jesus_n answer_v and_o say_v unto_o he_o simon_n i_o have_v somewhat_o to_o say_v unto_o the_o and_z he_o say_v master_v say_v on_o there_o be_v a_o certain_a lender_n which_o have_v two_o debtor_n the_o one_o ought_v fyve_o houndred_a pen_n and_o the_o other_o fyfty_a when_o they_o have_v nothing_o to_o pay_v he_o forgive_v they_o both_o uuhiche_n of_o they_o tell_v i_o will_v love_v he_o moo_v simon_n answer_v and_o say_v i_o suppose_v that_o he_o to_o who_o he_o forgive_v moo_v and_z he_o say_v unto_o he_o thou_o have_v true_o judge_v and_o he_o turn_v to_o the_o woman_n and_z say_v unto_o simon_n see_v thou_o this_o woman_n i_o enter_v in_o to_o thy_o house_n and_z thou_o give_v i_o not_o water_n to_o my_o foot_n but_z she_o have_v wasshte_v my_o foot_n with_o tear_n and_o wipe_v then_o with_o the_o hear_v of_o her_o heed_n thou_o give_v i_o not_o kiss_v but_o she_o sense_n the_o time_n i_o come_v in_o have_v not_o cease_v to_o kiss_v my_o foot_n my_o heed_n with_o oil_n thou_o dydeste_v not_o anoint_v and_o she_o have_v anoint_a my_o foot_n with_o ointment_n uuherfore_o i_o say_v unto_o the_o many_o sin_n be_v forgyven_v she_o because_o she_o love_v moche_n to_o who_o less_o be_v forgyven_v the_o same_o do_v less_o love_n and_o he_o say_v unto_o she_o thy_o sin_n be_v forgyven_v the._n and_o they_o that_o sa●e_v at_o meat_n with_o he_o begin_v to_o say_v within_o then selue_o uuho_n be_v this_o which_o forgyve_v even_o sin_n &_o he_o say_v to_o the_o woman_n thy_o faith_n have_v save_v the_o go_z in_o peace_n ¶_o the_o pystell_n on_o saint_n james_n day_n the_o apostle_n the_o second_o chapter_n to_o the_o ephesyans_n d_o brother_n now_o you_o be_v nomore_o stranger_n and_o foreigner_n but_o citizen_n with_o the_o saint_n and_z of_o the_o household_n of_o god_n and_o be_v bylte_n upon_o the_o foundacyon_n of_o the_o apostle_n and_o ꝓphete_n jesus_n chryst_n be_v the_o heed_n corner_n stone_n in_o who_o every_o build_v couple_v together_o growethe_v unto_o a_o holy_a temple_n in_o the_o lord_n in_o who_o you_o also_o be_v bylte_n together_o &_o make_v a_o habitacyon_n for_o god_n in_o the_o spirit_n ¶_o the_o gospel_n on_o saint_n james_n day_n the_o apostle_n the._n xx_o chapter_n mathewe_n c_o there_o come_v to_o jesus_n the_o mother_n of_o zebede_n child_n with_o her_o son_n worshyp_a he_o &_o desyre_v a_o certain_a thing_n of_o he_o he_o say_v unto_o she_o what_o will_v thou_o have_v she_o say_v unto_o he_o grant_v that_o these_o my_o two_o son_n may_v sit_v one_o on_o the_o right_a hand_n and_o the_o other_o on_o thy_o left_a hand_n in_z thy_o kyndome_n jesꝰ_n answer_v &_o say_v you_o wot_v not_o what_o you_o ask_v be_v you_o able_a to_o drink_v of_o the_o cup_n that_o i_o shall_v drink_v of_o &_o to_o be_v baptyse_v with_o the_o bapty_a i_o that_o i_o shall_v be_v baytyse_v with_o they_o answer_v to_o he_o that_o we_o be_v he_o say_v unto_o then_o you_o shall_v drink_v of_o my_o cup_n &_o shall_v be_v baptyse_v with_o the_o baptyme_n that_o i_o shall_v be_v baptyse_v with_o but_z to_o sytte_n on_o my_o right_a hand_n &_o on_o my_o lyfte_a hand_n be_v not_o i_o to_o gyve_v but_o to_o then_o for_o who_o it_o be_v pmpare_v of_o my_o father_n ¶_o the_o pystel_n on_o faint_a anne_n day_n awoman_n of_o power_n &_o veryte_n etc._n etc._n you_o shall_v find_v this_o pystell_n on_o faint_a mary_n magdaleyn_n day_n f._n lxvi_o ¶_o the_o gospel_n on_o saint_n amnes_fw-la day_n the_o first_o echapiter_n of_o mathewe_n a_o this_o be_v the_o book_n of_o the_o generation_n etc._n etc._n