Selected quad for the lemma: love_n

Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
love_n grow_v smile_v summer_n 3,477 5 14.7794 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17990 Madrigals to fiue voyces: newly published by Richard Carlton preist: batchelor in musique Carlton, Richard, ca. 1558-1638? 1601 (1601) STC 4649; ESTC S104897 27,179 172

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cantus_n madrigal_n to_o five_o voice_n new_o publish_v by_o richard_n carlton_n priest_n bachelor_n in_o music_n london_n print_v by_o thomas_n morley_n dwell_v in_o little_a saint_n helen_n 1601._o cum_fw-la privilegio_fw-la ad_fw-la imprimendum_fw-la solum_fw-la illustriac_n venerabili_fw-la viro_fw-la ro_o m_n thomae_n fermor_n armigero_fw-la norfolciensi_fw-la mvsica_fw-la ut_fw-la est_fw-la musarum_fw-la prima_fw-la generosissime_fw-la vir_fw-la it_o a_o eye_n speciali_fw-la gratia_fw-la indulget_fw-la summus_fw-la naturae_fw-la parens_fw-la quibuscum_fw-la tam_fw-la coeleste_fw-la donum_fw-la communicate_v et_fw-la quos_fw-la capit_fw-la vera_fw-la tantae_fw-la bonit_fw-la at_o be_v dulcedine_fw-la mens_fw-la enim_fw-la humana_fw-la qua_fw-la nihil_fw-la nobilius_fw-la ●oelum_fw-la quo_fw-la nihil_fw-la splendidus_fw-la elementa_fw-la quibus_fw-la nihil_fw-la utilius_fw-la arctam_fw-la cum_fw-la ea_fw-la vendicant_a assinitatem_fw-la cvius_fw-la vim_o ut_fw-la olim_fw-la mortuos_fw-la ab_fw-la inferis_fw-la revocasse_fw-la et_fw-la res_fw-la non_fw-la predit_n as_o tantum_fw-la sed_fw-la et_fw-la private_a as_o sensu_fw-la miris_fw-la modis_fw-la affecisse_fw-la legimus_fw-la it_o a_o nunc_fw-la undiquaque_fw-la cernimus_fw-la omnes_fw-la e●●_n saepis●ime_n tristiores_fw-la ad_fw-la gaudia_fw-la petulantes_fw-la ad_fw-la modes●iam_fw-la impios_fw-la ad_fw-la pietatem_fw-la excitasse_fw-la tentamenta_fw-la tamen_fw-la h●●_n et_fw-la prima_fw-la libamina_fw-la facultatis_fw-la meae_fw-la quaecunque_fw-la fuerint_fw-la tibi_fw-la volui_fw-la tum_fw-la optime_fw-la de_fw-la i_o merito_fw-la dedicare_fw-la tum_fw-la musices_n studiosissimo_fw-la censenda_fw-la committere_fw-la ut_fw-la et_fw-la animi_fw-la in_o te_fw-la mei_fw-la monumentum_fw-la refer_v posuerint_fw-la et_fw-la tam_fw-la sincero_fw-la perito_fw-la et_fw-la candido_fw-la commendat_fw-la a_o iudicio_fw-la aliorum_fw-la secura_fw-la censuras_fw-la minime_fw-la vereri_fw-la det_fw-la deus_fw-la ut_fw-la omne_fw-la tibi_fw-la ex_fw-la votis_fw-la faliciter_fw-la succedo_fw-la tui_fw-la obseruantissimus_fw-la richardus_fw-la carlton_n a_o preface_n to_o the_o skilful_a musician_n since_o i_o be_o come_v in_o the_o view_n of_o the_o world_n i_o have_v rather_o commit_v the_o first_o fruit_n of_o these_o my_o labour_n to_o your_o judicial_a opinion_n then_o general_o to_o the_o common_a censure_n of_o the_o ignorant_a know_v you_o will_v favourable_o conceal_v or_o amend_v what_o be_v amiss_o and_o give_v the_o rest_n their_o due_a if_o they_o shall_v deserve_v any_o thing_n at_o all_o i_o have_v labour_v somewhat_o to_o imitate_v the_o italian_a they_o be_v in_o these_o day_n with_o the_o most_o in_o high_a request_n yet_o may_v i_o not_o nor_o can_v forget_v that_o i_o be_o a_o english_a man_n so_o wish_v to_o you_o as_o to_o myself_o i_o end_v from_o norwich_n the_o xxviij_o of_o march_n 1601._o r._n c._n i._o cantus_n the_o love_n of_o change_n have_v change_v the_o world_n throughout_o ij_o ij_o &_o what_o be_v count_v ●_o good_a but_o that_o be_v strange_a new_a thing_n wax_v old_a old_a new_a all_o turn_v a_o bout_n turn_v a_o bout_n and_o all_o thing_n change_v ij_o except_o the_o love_n of_o change_n yet_o find_v i_o not_o that_o love_n of_o change_n that_o love_n of_o change_n in_o i_o but_o as_o i_o be_o i_o be_o ij_o so_o will_v i_o always_o be_v ij_o ij_o ij_o ii_o cantus_n content_n thyself_o with_o thy_o estate_n seek_v not_o to_o climb_v a_o above_o the_o sky_n for_o often_o love_n be_v mix_v with_o hate_n and_o betwixt_o the_o flower_n the_o serpent_n lie_v where_o fortune_n send_v her_o great_a joy_n there_o once_o possess_v they_o be_v but_o toy_n there_o once_z pos_fw-fr sest_z they_o be_v but_o toy_n where_o fortune_n send_v her_o great_a joy_n there_o once_o possess_v they_o be_v but_o toy_n there_o once_o pos_n sest_z they_o be_v but_o toy_n what_o thing_n can_v earthly_a pleasure_n give_v that_o breed_v delight_n when_o it_o be_v past_a or_o who_o so_o quiet_o do_v live_v but_o storm_n of_o care_n do_v drown_v at_o last_o this_o be_v the_o lone_a of_o worldly_a hire_n the_o more_o we_o have_v the_o more_o desire_n wherefore_o i_o hold_v he_o best_o at_o ease_n that_o live_v content_a with_o his_o estate_n and_o do_v not_o sail_n in_o worldly_a sea_n where_o i_o &_o thou_o do_v breed_v debate_n this_o noble_a mind_n even_o in_o a_o clown_n be_v more_o than_o to_o possess_v a_o crown_n iii_o cantus_n the_o self_n same_o thing_n that_o give_v i_o cause_n to_o die_v be_v only_o mean_n for_o which_o i_o life_n de-sire_n the_o self_n same_o can_v by_o which_o as_o dead_a i●●ie_n be_v only_o mean_v to_o kindle_v great_a fire_n the_o less_o i_o feel_v myself_o in_o hope_n to_o speed_n the_o more_o desire_v this_o want_n to_o hope_n do_v breed_v the_o less_o i_o feel_v myself_o in_o hope_n to_o speed_n the_o more_o desire_v this_o want_n of_o hope_n do_v breed_v of_o hope_n do_v breed_v the_o first_o part_n four_o cantus_n when_o flora_n fair_a the_o plea_n saunt_z tiding_n bring_v when_o flora_n fair_a the_o plea_n saunt_z tiding_n bring_v ij_o of_o summer_n sweet_a with_o herb_n and_o flower_n adorn_v ij_o the_o nightingale_n ij_o upon_o the_o hawthoren_n sing_v ij_o and_o boreas_n blast_n boreas_n blast_v the_o bird_n and_o beast_n have_v scorn_v ij_o the_o bird_n and_o beast_n have_v scor_n ned_a when_o fresh_a aurora_n with_o her_o colour_n paint_a ij_o mingle_a with_o spear_n of_o gold_n the_o sun_n appear_v mingle_v with_o spear_n of_o gold_n the_o sun_n ap_fw-mi pear_v the_o sun_n appear_v ing_z delight_v the_o heart_n that_o be_v with_o love_n ac_fw-la quaint_v and_o may_v maid_n have_v then_o their_o time_n of_o cheer_v ij_o of_o i_fw-mi ring_n the_o second_o part_n v._o cantus_n all_o creature_n then_o with_o summer_n be_v delight_v the_o beast_n the_o bird_n the_o bird_n the_o fish_n with_o scale_n of_o sil_fw-fr ver_fw-la ij_o then_o stately_a dame_n by_o lover_n be_v invite_v to_o walk_v in_o mead_n to_o walk_v in_o mead_n to_o walk_v in_o mead_n or_o row_n upon_o the_o river_n or_o row_n upon_o the_o river_n upon_o the_o river_n i_o all_o alone_a be_o from_o these_o joy_n exi_fw-la lead_v no_o summer_n grow_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smile_v no_o summer_n grow_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smi_fw-la lead_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smile_v ij_o i_o all_o alone_a be_o from_o these_o joy_n exi_fw-la lead_v no_o summer_n grow_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smile_v no_o summer_n grow_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smi_fw-la lead_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smile_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smile_v the_o first_o part_n vi_o cantus_n from_o stately_a tower_n ij_o king_n david_n sit_v behold_v fair_a bethsabe_n who_o in_o a_o fountain_n naked_a fair_a bethsabe_n who_o in_o a_o fountain_n naked_a her_o golden_a lock_n against_o the_o sun_n unfould_v against_o the_o sun_n unfould_v in_o crystal_a wave_n the_o same_o do_v wash_v and_o shake_v and_o shall_v k_v in_o crystal_a wave_n the_o same_o do_v wash_v and_o shall_v ked_n not_o cynthia_n pale_a though_o she_o be_v clad_v in_o lil_n lie_n nor_o white_a snow_n that_o lie_v upon_o the_o mountain_n that_o lie_v upon_o the_o mountain_n nor_o venus_n bright_a nor_o dainty_a amarillis_n lis_fw-fr nor_o dainty_a ama_n rillis_fw-la amarillis_n lis_fw-fr do_v show_v more_o fair_a then_o she_o dydin_fw-mi the_o foun_fw-fr take_v than_o she_o do_v in_o the_o fountain_n than_o she_o do_v in_o the_o fountain_n foun_n take_v the_o second_o part_n vii_o cantus_n with_o her_o sweet_a lock_n with_o her_o sweet_a lock_n ij_o this_o king_n be_v so_o infla'md_a this_o king_n be_v so_o infla_fw-la m_v that_o he_o to_o wed_v this_o lady_n most_o desi_fw-la red_a that_o he_o to_o wed_v this_o lady_n most_o de_z sire_v by_o who_o great_a might_n by_o who_o great_a might_n the_o matter_n so_o be_v fra_z m_n that_o he_o pose_v her_o beauty_n most_o admi_a read_v he_o po_fw-la sest_z her_o beauty_n most_o ad_fw-la mire_v yet_o afterward_o that_o he_o to_o love_n con-sented_n ten_o thou_o sand_n tear_n he_o weep_v when_o he_o repen_v t_v ten_o thousand_o tear_n he_o weep_v when_o he_o repent_v when_o he_o repen_v t_v viii_o cantus_n like_a as_o the_o gentle_a hart_n itself_o bewray_v like_v as_o the_o gentle_a hart_n itself_o bewray_v in_o do_v gentle_a deed_n with_o frank_a delight_n in_o do_v gentle_a deed_n with_o frank_a de_fw-fr light_n even_o so_o the_o base_a mind_n it_o self_n this_fw-mi play_n in_o canker_a malice_n in_o canker_a malice_n &_o revenge_v full_a spite_n in_o canker_a malice_n &_o revengeful_a spite_n canker_a malice_n and_o revengeful_a spite_n the_o first_o part_n ix_o cantus_n nought_o under_o heaven_n so_o strong_o do_v all_o lure_n the_o sense_n of_o man_n and_o all_o his_o mind_n po_fw-es sesse_v as_o beauty_n lovely_a bait_v lovely_a bait_n as_o beauty_n lovely_a bait_n that_o do_v pro-cure_a great_a warrior_n oft_o their_o rigour_n to_o repress_v and_o mighty_a hand_n for_o get_v forget_v their_o manliness_n draw_v with_o the_o power_n of_o a_o
you_o dame_n for_o all_o your_o pride_n &_o mirth_n for_o all_o your_o pride_n and_o mirth_n your_o beauty_n shall_v be_v turn_v to_o earth_n ij_o your_o beauty_n shall_v be_v turn_v to_o earth_n be_v turn_v to_o earth_n finis_fw-la the_o table_n the_o love_n of_o change_n have_v chage_v the_o world_n i_o content_v thyself_o with_o thy_o estate_n two_o the_o self_n same_o thing_n that_o give_v i_o cause_n to_o die_v iii_o when_o flora_n fair_a the_o pleasant_a tiding_n 1._o part_n four_o all_o creature_n then_o with_o summer_n 2._o part_n v_o from_o stately_a tower_n king_n david_n sit_v 1._o part_n vi_o with_o her_o sweet_a look_n 2._o part_n vii_o like_a as_o the_o gentle_a hart_n itself_o bewray_v viii_o nought_o under_o heaven_n 1._o part_n ix_o so_o whilom_o learn_v 2._o part_n x_o sound_v sad_a note_n 1._o part_n xi_o let_v every_o sharp_a 2._o part_n xii_o if_o woman_n can_v be_v courteous_a xiii_o nought_o be_v on_o earth_n more_o sacred_a xiiii_o you_o gentle_a lady_n xv_o the_o witless_a boy_n that_o blind_a be_v to_o behold_v xvi_o who_o seek_v to_o captivate_v the_o free_a mind_n xvii_o who_o vow_v devotion_n to_o fair_a beauty_n shrine_n xviii_o the_o heathen_a god_n to_o love_n xix_o o_o vain_a desire_n xx_o even_o as_o the_o flower_n do_v weether_o xxi_o finis_fw-la altus_fw-la madrigal_n to_o five_o voice_n new_o publish_v by_o richard_n carlton_n priest_n bachelor_n in_o music_n london_n print_v by_o thomas_n morley_n dwell_v in_o little_a saint_n helen_n 1601._o cum_fw-la privilegio_fw-la ad_fw-la imprimendum_fw-la solum_fw-la illustriac_n venerabili_fw-la viro_fw-la ro_o m_n thomae_n fermor_n armigero_fw-la norfolciensi_fw-la mvsica_fw-la ut_fw-la est_fw-la musarum_fw-la prima_fw-la generosissime_fw-la vir_fw-la ita_fw-la eye_n speciali_fw-la gratia_fw-la indulget_fw-la summus_fw-la naturae_fw-la paten_n quib●scum_fw-la tam_fw-la coeleste_fw-la donum_fw-la communicate_v et_fw-la quos_fw-la capit_fw-la vera_fw-la t●ntae_fw-la bonitatis_fw-la dulcedine_fw-la mens_fw-la enim_fw-la humana_fw-la qua_fw-la nihil_fw-la nobilius_fw-la coelum_fw-la quo_fw-la nihil_fw-la splendidius_fw-la elementa_fw-la quibus_fw-la ni●il_fw-la utilius_fw-la arctam_fw-la cum_fw-la ea_fw-la vendicant_a affinitatem_fw-la cvius_fw-la vim_o ut_fw-la olim_fw-la mortuos_fw-la ab_fw-la inferis_fw-la reucc●sse_fw-la et_fw-la res_fw-la non_fw-la preditas_fw-la tantum_fw-la sed_fw-la et_fw-la private_a as_o sensu_fw-la m●_n be_v modis_fw-la a●●cc●sse_fw-la legimus_fw-la ita_fw-la nunc_fw-la undiquaque_fw-la cernimus_fw-la omnes_fw-la e●m_fw-la saepissime_fw-la tristiores_fw-la ad_fw-la gaudia_fw-la petulan●es_fw-la ad_fw-la 〈◊〉_d impios_fw-la ad_fw-la pietatem_fw-la excitasse_fw-la tentamenta_fw-la tamen_fw-la haec_fw-la et_fw-la prima_fw-la lib●mina_fw-la facultatis_fw-la meae_fw-la quaecunque_fw-la fuerint_fw-la tibi_fw-la volui_fw-la tum_fw-la optime_fw-la de_fw-la i_o merito_fw-la dedicare_fw-la tum_fw-la musices_n studio●●ssimo_fw-la censenda_fw-la committere_fw-la ut_fw-la er_fw-ge 〈…〉_o mei_fw-la monumentum_fw-la refer_v posuerint_fw-la et_fw-la tam_fw-la s●ncero_fw-la perito_fw-la er_fw-mi candido_fw-la commendata_fw-la iudicio_fw-la aliorum_fw-la secura_fw-la censur_fw-la as_o minime_fw-la vereri_fw-la det_fw-la deus_fw-la ut_fw-la omne_fw-la tibi_fw-la ex_fw-la votis_fw-la faliciter_fw-la succedo_fw-la tui_fw-la obseruantissimus_fw-la richardus_fw-la carlton_n a_o preface_n to_o the_o skilful_a musician_n since_o i_o be_o come_v in_o the_o view_n of_o the_o world_n i_o have_v rather_o commit_v the_o first_o fruit_n of_o these_o my_o labour_n to_o your_o judicial_a opinion_n then_o general_o to_o the_o common_a censure_n of_o the_o ignorant_a know_v you_o will_v favourable_o conceal_v or_o amend_v what_o be_v amiss_o and_o give_v the_o rest_n their_o due_a if_o they_o shall_v deserve_v any_o thing_n at_o all_o i_o have_v labour_v somewhat_o to_o imitate_v the_o italian_a they_o be_v in_o these_o day_n with_o the_o most_o in_o high_a request_n yet_o may_v i_o not_o nor_o can_v forget_v that_o i_o be_o a_o english_a man_n so_o wish_v to_o you_o as_o to_o myself_o i_o end_v from_o norwich_n the_o xxviij_o of_o march_n 1601._o r._n c._n i._o altus_fw-la the_o love_n of_o change_n have_v change_v the_o world_n through_o out_o ij_o the_o world_n throughout_o and_o what_o be_v count_v good_a but_o that_o be_v strange_a count_v good_a but_o that_o be_v strange_a new_a thing_n wax_n old_a old_a new_a all_o turn_v about_o all_o turn_v a_o bout_n a_o bout_n &_o all_o thing_n change_v and_o all_o thing_n change_v except_o the_o love_n of_o change_n yet_o find_v i_o not_o that_o love_n of_o change_n in_o i_o that_o love_n of_o change_n in_o i_o but_o as_o i_o be_o ij_o but_o as_o i_o be_o so_o will_v i_o all_o way_n be_v so_o will_v i_o all_o way_n be_v ij_o so_o will_v i_o all_o way_n be_v all_o way_n be_v ii_o altus_fw-la content_n thyself_o with_o thy_o estate_n ij_o seek_v not_o to_o climb_v above_o the_o sky_n ij_o for_o often_o love_n ij_o be_v mix_v with_o hate_n &_o betwixt_o the_o flower_n the_o serpent_n lie_v where_o for_o tune_n send_v her_o great_a joy_n her_o great_a test_n joy_n there_o once_o pos_fw-fr sest_z they_o be_v but_o toy_n ij_o be_v but_o toy_n where_o fortune_n send_v her_o grea-test_n joy_n her_o great_a test_n joy_n there_o once_o possess_v they_o be_v but_o toy_n ij_o be_v but_o toy_n what_o thing_n can_v earthly_a pleasure_n give_v that_o breed_v delight_n when_o it_o be_v past_a or_o who_o so_o quiet_o do_v live_v but_o storm_n of_o care_n do_v drown_v at_o last_o this_o be_v the_o lone_a of_o worldly_a hire_n the_o more_o we_o have_v the_o more_o desire_n wherefore_o i_o hold_v he_o best_o at_o ease_n that_o live_v content_a with_o his_o estate_n and_o do_v not_o sail_n in_o worldly_a sea_n where_o i_o &_o thou_o do_v breed_v debate_n this_o noble_a mind_n even_o in_o a_o clown_n be_v more_o than_o to_o possess_v a_o crown_n iii_o altus_fw-la the_o self_n same_o thing_n that_o give_v i_o cause_n that_o give_v i_o cause_n to_o die_v be_v only_a mean_n for_o which_o i_o life_n de_fw-mi sire_n the_o self_n same_o can_v by_o which_o as_o dead_a i_o lie_v be_v only_o mean_v to_o kindle_v great_a fire_n the_o less_o i_o feel_v myself_o in_o hope_n to_o speed_n to_o speed_v the_o more_o desire_v this_o want_n of_o hope_n do_v breed_v the_o less_o i_o feel_v myself_o in_o hope_v to_o speed_v to_o speed_v the_o more_o desire_v this_o want_n of_o hope_n do_v breed_v this_o want_n of_o hope_n do_v breed_v the_o first_o part_n four_o altus_fw-la when_o flora_n fair_a the_o plea_n saunt_z tiding_n bring_v when_o flora_n fair_a the_o plea_n saunt_z tiding_n plea_n saunt_z tiding_n brin_v ge_v when_o flora_n fair_a the_o plea_n sant_z tiding_n bring_v of_o summer_n sweet_a with_o herb_n and_o flower_n ador_n n_v of_o summer_n sweet_a with_o herb_n and_o flower_n adorn_v the_o nightingale_n upon_o the_o hawthorne_n sing_v sing_v ge_v upon_o the_o hawthorne_n sing_v sing_v and_o boreas_n blast_n the_o bird_n and_o beast_n have_v scorn_v the_o bird_n and_o beast_n have_v scorn_v the_o bird_n and_o beast_n have_v scorn_v and_o beast_n have_v scorn_v when_o fresh_a au_n rora_fw-la with_o her_o colour_n pain_n ted_n ij_o aurora_n with_o her_o colour_n paint_v mingle_v with_o spear_n of_o gold_n the_o sun_n appear_v mingle_v with_o spear_n of_o gold_n the_o sun_n appear_v ij_o appear_v delight_v the_o heart_n delight_v the_o heart_n the_o heart_n that_o be_v with_o love_n acquaint_v with_o love_n acquain_o t_v and_o may_v maid_n have_v they_o their_o time_n of_o cheer_v of_o cheer_v and_o may_v maid_n have_v then_o their_o time_n of_o cheer_v of_o cheer_v the_o second_o part_n v._o altus_fw-la all_o creature_n then_o with_o summer_n be_v delight_v the_o beast_n the_o bird_n the_o beast_n the_o bird_n the_o fish_n with_o scale_n of_o silver_n the_o fish_n with_o scale_n of_o silver_n scale_n of_o silver_n then_o stately_a dame_n by_o lover_n be_v invi-ted_n by_o lover_n be_v in-ui_a t_v to_o walk_v in_o mead_n to_o walk_v in_o mead_n to_o walk_v in_o mead_n or_o row_n upon_o the_o ri_fw-es ver_fw-la or_o row_n upon_o the_o rive_a or_o row_n upon_o the_o ri_fw-es ver_fw-la i_o all_o alone_a be_o from_o these_o joy_n exile_v no_o summer_n grow_v where_o love_v yet_o never_o smile_v yet_o never_o smile_v no_o summer_n grow_v where_o love_v yet_o never_o smile_v no_o summer_n grow_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smi-led_n where_o love_n yet_o never_o smi_fw-la lead_v yet_o never_o smile_v i_o all_o a_o lone_a be_o from_o these_o joy_n exile_v no_o summer_n grow_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smile_v yet_o never_o smile_v no_o summer_n grow_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smile_v no_o summer_n grow_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smi-led_n where_o love_n yet_o never_o smi_fw-la lead_v yet_o never_o smile_v the_o first_o part_n vi_o altus_fw-la from_o stately_a tower_n ij_o from_o stately_a tower_n king_n david_n sit_v behold_v fair_a bethsabe_n who_o in_o a_o fountain_n naked_a naked_a
sail_n in_o worldly_a sea_n where_o i_o &_o thou_o do_v breed_v debate●_n this_o noble_a mind_n even_o in_o a_o clown_n be_v more_o than_o to_o possess_v a_o crown_n iii_o tenor_n the_o self_n same_o thing_n that_o give_v i_o cause_n to_o die_v ij_o be_v only_o mean_v for_o which_o i_o life_n desire_n ij_o the_o self_n same_o can_v by_o which_o as_o dead_a i_o lie_v be_v only_a mean_n to_o kindle_v great_a fire_n ij_o the_o less_o i_o feel_v myself_o in_o hope_v to_o speed_v the_o more_o desire_v this_o want_n of_o hope_n do_v breed_v the_o less_o i_o feel_v myself_o in_o hope_n to_o speed_n the_o more_o desire_v this_o want_n of_o hope_v do_v breed_v this_o want_n of_o hope_n do_v breed_v the_o first_o part_n four_o tenor_n when_o flora_n fair_a the_o plea_n saunt_z tiding_n bring_v the_o plea_n saunt_z tiding_n bring_v when_o flora_n fair_a the_o pleasant_a tiding_n bring_v when_o flora_n fair_a the_o pleasant_a tiding_n bring_v of_o summer_n sweet_a with_o herb_n and_o flower_n adorn_v of_o summer_n sweet_a with_o herb_n and_o flower_n adorn_v the_o nightingale_n upon_o the_o hawthorn_n sing_v upon_o the_o hawthorne_n sing_v upon_o the_o haw_v thorn_n and_o boreas_n blast_n and_o boreas_n blast_n the_o bird_n &_o beast_n have_v scorn_v the_o bird_n and_o beast_n have_v scor_n ned_a when_o fresh_a aurora_n with_o her_o colour_n paint_a when_o fresh_a aurora_n with_o her_o colour_n paint_v with_o her_o colour_n pain_n t_v mingle_v with_o spear_n of_o gold_n the_o sun_n ap_fw-mi pear_v mingle_v with_o spear_n of_o gold_n the_o sun_n appear_v the_o sun_n appear_v delight_v the_o heart_n the_o heart_n that_o be_v with_o love_n acquain_o ted_a and_o may_v maid_n have_v then_o their_o time_n of_o chee-ring_n maid_n have_v then_o their_o time_n of_o cheer_v and_o may_v maid_n have_v then_o their_o time_n of_o i_fw-mi ring_n the_o second_o part_n v._o tenor_n all_o creature_n then_o with_o summer_n be_v de-ligh-ted_n the_o beast_n the_o bird_n the_o beast_n the_o bird_n the_o bird_n the_o fish_n with_o scale_n of_o sil_fw-fr ver_fw-la and_o the_o fish_n with_o scale_n of_o silver_n the_o fish_n with_o scale_n of_o sil_fw-fr ver_fw-la then_o stately_a dame_n by_o lover_n be_v invite_v to_o walk_v in_o mead_n to_o walk_v in_o mead_n to_o walk_v in_o mead_n or_o row_n upon_o the_o river_n or_o row_n up_o upon_o the_o ri_fw-la ver_fw-la or_o row_n upon_o the_o river_n or_o row_n upon_o the_o river_n i_o all_o alone_a be_o from_o these_o joy_v these_o joy_n exile_v no_o summer_n grow_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smile_v no_o summer_n grow_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smi_fw-la lead_v where_o love_v yet_o never_o smi_fw-la lead_v smi_fw-la lead_v where_o love_v yet_o never_o smile_v i_o all_o alone_a be_o from_o these_o joy_v these_o joy_n exile_v no_o summer_n grow_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smile_v no_o summer_n grow_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smi_fw-la lead_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smi_fw-la lead_v smi_fw-la lead_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smile_v the_o first_o part_n vi_o tenor_n from_o stately_a tower_n from_o stately_a tower_n ij_o king_n david_n sit_v behold_v behold_v fair_a bethsabe_n who_o in_o a_o fountain_n naked_a fair_a bethsabe_n who_o in_o a_o fountain_n naked_a her_o golden_a lock_n a_o against_o the_o sun_n unfould_v against_o the_o sun_n unfould_v against_o the_o sun_n unfould_v in_o crystal_a wave_n the_o same_o do_v wash_v &_o shall_v k_v in_o crystal_a wave_n the_o same_o do_v wash_v &_o shall_v k_v not_o cynthia_n pale_a though_o she_o be_v clad_v in_o lylle_n nor_o white_a snow_n that_o lie_v upon_o the_o mountain_n nor_o venus_n bright_a nor_o dainty_a amarillis_n lis_fw-fr nor_o dainty_a amarillis_n do_v show_v more_o fair_a more_o fair_a then_o she_o do_v in_o the_o fountain_n the_o fountain_n than_o she_o do_v in_o the_o foun_n take_v than_o she_o do_v in_o the_o fountain_n the_o second_o part_n vii_o tenor_n with_o her_o sweet_a lock_n with_o her_o sweet_a lock_n with_o her_o sweet_a lock_n with_o her_o sweet_a lock_n this_o king_n be_v so_o in-sla_a m_v that_o he_o to_o wed_v this_o lady_n most_o de-si_a read_v to_o wed_v this_o lady_n most_o desire_v most_o de_fw-fr sire_v by_o who_o great_a might_n the_o matter_n so_o be_v from_o med_a the_o matter_n so_o be_v frame_v that_o he_o pose_v her_o beauty_n most_o admire_v most_o add_v mire_v yet_o afterward_o that_o he_o to_o love_n consen-ted_n ten_o thousand_o tear_n he_o weep_v when_o he_o repent_v ten_o thousand_o tear_n he_o weep_v ten_o thousand_o tear_n he_o weep_v when_o he_o repent_v when_o he_o repen_v t_v viii_o tenor_n like_a as_o the_o gentle_a hart_n itself_o bewray_v like_v as_o the_o gentle_a hart_n itself_o bewray_v itself_o bewray_v in_o do_v gentle_a deed_n with_o frank_a de_fw-fr light_n gentle_a deed_n with_o frank_a de_fw-fr light_n even_o so_o the_o base_a mind_n itself_o display_v in_o canker_a malice_n in_o canker_a malice_n and_o revengeful_a spite_n in_o canker_a malice_n and_o revengeful_a spite_n &_o revenge_n bookful_n spite_n the_o first_o part_n ix_o tenor_n nought_o under_o heaven_n so_o strong_o do_v al-lure_n the_o sense_n of_o man_n and_o all_o his_o mind_n posesse_v his_o mind_n posesse_v as_o beauty_n lovely_a bait_n as_o beauty_n lovely_a bait_n that_o do_v pro_fw-la cure_n great_a warrior_n oft_o their_o rigour_n to_o repress_v and_o mighty_a hand_n forget_v their_o manliness_n forget_v their_o manliness_n draw_v with_o the_o power_n of_o a_o heart_n rob_v eye_n of_o a_o heart_n rob_v eye_n draw_v with_o the_o power_n of_o a_o hart_n rob_v eye_n and_o wrap_v in_o fetter_n and_o wrap_v in_o fetch_a ters_n of_o a_o golden_a tress_n of_o a_o golden_a tress_n that_o can_v with_o melt_a plea_n sans_o moll_n li-fie_a that_o can_v with_o melt_a plea_n sans_o mollifye_v their_o harden_a heart_n enurde_v to_o blood_n and_o cruelty_n the_o second_o part_n x._o tenor_n so_o whilom_o learn_v that_o mighty_a jewish_a swain_n that_o jewish_a swain_n so_o whilom_o learn_v that_o mighty_a jewish_a swain_n each_o of_o who_o lock_n do_v match_v a_o man_n of_o might_n do_v match_v a_o man_n of_o might_n to_o lay_v his_o spoil_n before_o his_o lemon_n train_n before_o his_o lemon_n train_n so_o also_o do_v that_o great_a oetean_a knight_n that_o great_a oetean_a knight_n for_o his_o love_n sake_n his_o lion_n skin_n undight_a and_o so_o do_v warlike_a antonye_n anto_n nigh_o neglect_v the_o world_n whole_a rule_n for_o cleopatra_n sight_n such_o wondrous_a powre_fw-fr have_v woman_n fair_a aspect_n aspect_n to_o captive_a man_n and_o make_v they_o all_o the_o world_n re_fw-mi iect_n and_o make_v they_o all_o the_o world_n reject_v the_o first_o part_n xi_o tenor_n a_o elegy_n in_o memorial_n of_o the_o death_n of_o that_o honourable_a knight_n sir_n john_n shelton_n sound_v sad_a note_n with_o rewfull_a moan_v tune_v every_o strain_n with_o tear_n and_o weep_a conclude_v each_o close_n with_o sigh_n with_o sigh_n ij_o and_o groan_v sing_v but_o your_o song_n no_o music_n keep_n no_o music_n keep_v save_v direful_a sound_n of_o dismal_a word_n shelton_n be_v slay_v shelton_n be_v slay_v be_v slay_v shelton_n be_v slay_v with_o fa_z tall_a sword_n the_o second_o part_n xii_o tenor_n let_v every_o sharp_a let_v every_o sharp_a let_v every_o shar●_n every_o sharp_a in_o sharp_a tune_n in_o sharp_a tune_n figure_n the_o too_o sharp_a death_n he_o have_v endure_v let_v every_o flat_a ij_o every_o flat_a show_v flat_a the_o ri_fw-es gor_o of_o fortune_n spite_n ij_o to_o all_o enure_a &_o in_o his_o death_n ij_o ij_o and_o in_o his_o death_n and_o fortune_n tell_v that_o neither_o death_n nor_o fate_n that_o neither_o that_o neither_o death_n nor_o fate_n do_v well_o ij_o nor_o fate_n do_v well_o that_o ij_o 3_o say_v death_n have_v lose_v by_o he_o devour_v the_o chief_a of_o all_o his_o kingdom_n glory_n say_v fortune_n by_o her_o sudden_a lower_a have_v hide_v her_o honour_n in_o death_n story_n yet_o say_v for_o all_o that_o they_o can_v do_v he_o live_v where_o neither_o have_v to_o do_v 4_o he_o live_v although_o his_o loss_n lament_v of_o prince_n &_o country_n to_o both_o precious_a he_o live_v who_o honour_n be_v imprint_v in_o virtue_n roll_n foe_n to_o the_o vicious_a he_o live_v at_o rest_n in_o heaven_n high_a throne_n who_o here_o on_o earth_n his_o friend_n bemoan_v xiii_o tenor_n if_o woman_n can_v be_v courteous_a when_o they_o listen_v if_o woman_n can_v be_v courteous_a when_o they_o listen_v and_o when_o they_o listen_v disdainful_a &_o unkind_a if_o they_o can_v bear_v affection_n in_o their_o fist_n if_o they_o can_v bear_v of_o fection_n in_o their_o fist_n and_o sell_v their_o love_n as_o they_o the_o market_n find_v it_o be_v not_o amiss_o
et_fw-la tam_fw-la s●ncero_fw-la perito_fw-la et_fw-la candido_fw-la commendata_fw-la indicio_fw-la aliorum_fw-la secura_fw-la censuras_fw-la minime_fw-la vereri_fw-la det_fw-la deus_fw-la ut_fw-la omne_fw-la tibi_fw-la ex_fw-la votis_fw-la faliciter_fw-la succedo_fw-la tui_fw-la obseruantissimus_fw-la richardus_fw-la carlton_n a_o preface_n to_o the_o skilful_a musician_n since_o i_o be_o come_v in_o the_o view_n of_o the_o world_n i_o have_v rather_o commit_v the_o first_o fruit_n of_o these_o my_o labour_n to_o your_o judicial_a opinion_n then_o general_o to_o the_o common_a censure_n of_o the_o ignorant_a know_v you_o will_v favourable_o conceal_v or_o amend_v what_o be_v amiss_o and_o give_v the_o rest_n their_o due_a if_o they_o shall_v deserve_v any_o thing_n at_o all_o i_o have_v labour_v somewhat_o to_o imitate_v the_o italian_a they_o be_v in_o these_o day_n with_o the_o most_o in_o high_a request_n yet_o may_v i_o not_o nor_o can_v forget_v that_o i_o be_o a_o english_a man_n so_o wish_v to_o you_o as_o to_o myself_o i_o end_v from_o norwich_n the_o xxviij_o of_o march_n 1601._o r._n c._n i._o bassus_n the_o love_n of_o change_n have_v change_v the_o world_n throughout_o ij_o the_o world_n throughout_o &_o what_o be_v count_v good_a but_o that_o be_v strange_a new_a thing_n wax_v old_a old_a new_a all_o turn_v a_o bout_n all_o turn_v a_o bout_n and_o all_o thing_n change_v ij_o except_o the_o love_n of_o change_n yet_o find_v i_o not_o that_o love_n of_o change_n in_o i_o ij_o but_o as_o i_o be_o but_o as_o i_o be_o so_o will_v i_o always_o be_v so_o will_v i_o always_o be_v so_o will_v i_o always_o be_v always_o be_v ii_o bassus_n content_n thyself_o with_o thy_o estate_n ij_o seek_v not_o to_o climb_v above_o the_o sky_n ij_o for_o often_o love_n be_v mix_v be_v mix_v with_o hate_n &_o betwixt_o the_o flower_n the_o serpent_n lie_v where_o fortune_n send_v she_o great_a test_n joy_n there_o once_o possess_v they_o be_v but_o toy_n they_o be_v but_o toy_n where_o once_o po_o sest_z they_o be_v but_o toy_n where_o fortune_n send_v her_o great_a joy_n there_o once_o possess_v they_o be_v but_o toy_n they_o be_v but_o toy_n there_o once_o pos_n sest_z they_o be_v but_o toy_n what_o thing_n can_v earthly_a pleasure_n give_v that_o breed_v delight_n when_o it_o be_v past_a or_o who_o so_o quiet_o do_v live_v but_o storm_v of_o care_n do_v drown_v at_o last_o this_o be_v the_o lone_a of_o worldly_a hire_n the_o more_o we_o have_v the_o more_o desire_n wherefore_o i_o hold_v he_o best_o at_o ease_n that_o live_v content_a with_o his_o estate_n and_o do_v not_o sail_n in_o worldly_a sea_n where_o i_o &_o thou_o do_v breed_v debate_n this_o noble_a mind_n even_o in_o a_o clown_n be_v more_o than_o to_o possess_v a_o crown_n iii_o bassus_n the_o self_n same_o thing_n that_o give_v i_o cause_n to_o die_v that_o give_v i_o cause_n to_o die_v be_v only_a mean_n for_o which_o i_o life_n de-sire_n for_o which_o i_o life_n desire_n the_o self_n same_o can_v by_o which_o as_o dead_a i_o lie_v as_o dead_a i_o lie_v be_v only_o mean_n to_o kindle_v the_o great_a fire_n the_o less_o i_o feel_v myself_o in_o hope_n to_o speed_n the_o more_o desire_v this_o want_n of_o hope_n do_v breed_v do_v breed_v the_o less_o i_o feel_v myself_o in_o hope_n to_o speed_n the_o more_o desire_v this_o want_n of_o hope_n do_v breed_v this_o want_n of_o hope_n do_v breed_v the_o first_o part_n four_o bassus_n when_o flora_n fair_a the_o plea_n sant_z tiding_n bring_v ij_o of_o summer_n sweet_a with_o herb_n and_o flower_n adorn_v ij_o the_o nightingale_n upon_o the_o hawthorne_n sing_v ij_o and_o boreas_n blast_n the_o bird_n and_o beast_n have_v scorn_v ij_o and_o beast_n have_v scorn_v when_o fresh_a aurora_n with_o her_o colour_n paint_v when_o fresh_a aurora_n aurora_n with_o her_o colour_n paint_v mingle_v with_o spear_n of_o gold_n the_o sun_n appear_v mingle_a with_o spear_n of_o gold_n the_o sun_n appear_v the_o sun_n appear_v delight_v the_o heart_n delight_v the_o heart_n that_o be_v with_o love_n acquaint_v that_o be_v with_o love_n ac_fw-la quaint_v and_o may_v maid_n have_v then_o their_o time_n of_o cheer_v have_v then_o their_o time_n of_o cheer_v the_o second_o part_n v._o bassus_n all_o creature_n they_o with_o summer_n be_v delight_v the_o beast_n the_o bird_n the_o bird_n the_o fish_n with_o scale_n of_o silver_n ij_o then_o stately_a dame_n by_o lover_n be_v invite_v by_o lover_n be_v invite_v to_o walk_v in_o mead_n ij_o to_o walk_v in_o mead_n or_o row_n upon_o the_o river_n or_o row_n upon_o the_o river_n ij_o i_o all_o alone_a i_o all_o alone_a be_o from_o these_o joy_n exile_v exile_a no_o summer_n grow_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smile_v no_o summer_n grow_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smile_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smile_v i_o all_o alone_a i_o all_o alone_a be_o from_o these_o joy_n ex_fw-la ile_v exi-led_n no_o summer_n grow_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smile_v no_o summer_n grow_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smile_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smile_v the_o first_o part_n vi_o bassus_n from_o stately_a tower_n stately_a tower_n from_o stately_a tower_n king_n david_n sit_v behold_v fair_a bethsabe_n who_o in_o a_o fountain_n naked_a her_o golden_a lock_n against_o the_o sun_n unfould_v against_o the_o sun_n unfould_v in_o crystal_a wave_n the_o same_o do_v wash_v and_o shake_v in_o crystal_a wave_n the_o same_o do_v wash_v and_o shake_v nor_o white_a snow_n that_o lie_v upon_o the_o mountain_n nor_o white_a snow_n that_o lie_v upon_o the_o mountain_n nor_o venus_n bright_a nor_o dainty_a amarillis_n do_v show_v more_o fair_a than_o she_o do_v in_o the_o fountain_n the_o fountain_n than_o she_o do_v in_o the_o fountain_n the_o second_o part_n vii_o bassus_n with_o her_o sweet_a lock_n sweet_a lock_n with_o her_o sweet_a lock_n this_o king_n be_v so_o inflame_v this_o king_n be_v so_o inflame_v that_o he_o to_o wed_v this_o lady_n most_o the_o sire_v that_o he_o to_o wed_v this_o la_fw-fr die_v most_o de-si-red_n by_o who_o great_a may_v the_o matter_n so_o be_v frame_v the_o matter_n so_o be_v from_o med_a that_o he_o pose_v his_o beauty_n most_o admire_v that_o he_o pose_v her_o beauty_n most_o admire_a yet_o afterward_o that_o he_o to_o love_v consent_v ten_o thousand_o tear_n he_o weep_v he_o weep_v ten_o thousand_o tear_n he_o weep_v when_o he_o repent_v when_o he_o repent_v viii_o bassus_n like_a as_o the_o gentle_a hart_n itself_o bewray_v bewray_v like_o as_o the_o gentle_a hart_n itself_o bewray_v in_o do_v gentle_a deed_n with_o frank_o delight_n in_o do_v gentle_a deed_n with_o frank_a delight_n even_o so_o the_o base_a mind_n itself_o display_v in_o canker_a malice_n in_o canker_a malice_n &_o revengeful_a spite_n in_o canker_a malice_n and_o revengeful_a spite_n in_o malice_n and_o revengeful_a spite_n the_o first_o part_n ix_o bassus_n nought_o under_o heaven_n so_o strong_o do_v al-lure_n the_o sense_n of_o man_n and_o all_o his_o mind_n posesse_v as_o beauty_n lovely_a bait_n as_o beauty_n lovely_a bait_n ij_o that_o do_v pro-cure_a great_a warrior_n oft_o their_o rigour_n to_o repress_v &_o mighty_a hand_n forget_v their_o manliness_n their_o manliness_n draw_v draw_v with_o the_o power_n of_o a_o hart_n rob_v eye_n of_o a_o hart_n rob_v eye_n rob_v eye_n and_o wrap_v in_o fetter_n of_o a_o golden_a tress_n golden_a tress_n of_o a_o golden_a tress_n that_o can_v with_o melt_a plea_n sans_o mollify_v that_o can_v with_o melt_a plea_n sans_o mollifye_v with_o plea_n sans_o mollify_v their_o harden_a heart_n envr'de_v to_o blood_n and_o cruelty_n the_o second_o part_n x._o bassus_n so_o whilom_o learn_v that_o mighty_a jewish_a swain_n so_o whilom_o learn_v that_o mighty_a jewish_a swain_n jewish_a swain_n each_o of_o who_o lock_n do_v match_v a_o man_n of_o might_n to_o lay_v his_o spoil_n before_o his_o lemon_n train_n so_o also_o do_v the_o great_a oetean_a knight_n so_o also_o do_v the_o great_a oete_n a_n knight_n for_o his_o love_n sake_n his_o lion_n skin_n undight_a and_o so_o do_v warlike_a antonye_n neglect_v the_o world_n whole_a rule_n for_o cleopatra_n sight_n such_o wondrous_a powre_fw-fr such_o wondrous_a power_n have_v woman_n fair_a aspect_n to_o captive_a man_n and_o make_v they_o all_o the_o world_n reject_v and_o make_v they_o all_o the_o world_n re_fw-mi iect_v the_o first_o part_n xi_o bassus_n a_o elegy_n in_o memorial_n of_o the_o death_n of_o that_o honourable_a knight_n sir_n john_n shelton_n sound_v sound_v sad_a note_n with_o rewfull_a moan_v tune_v every_o strain_n with_o tear_n and_o weep_a conclude_v each_o close_n with_o sigh_n with_o sigh_n ij_o and_o groan_v sing_v but_o your_o song_n no_o music_n keep_n but_o your_o
publish_v by_o richard_n carlton_n priest_n bachelor_n in_o music_n london_n print_v by_o thomas_n morley_n dwell_v in_o little_a saint_n helen_n 1601._o cum_fw-la privilegio_fw-la ad_fw-la imprimendum_fw-la solum_fw-la illustriac_n venerabili_fw-la viro_fw-la ro_o m_n thomae_n fermor_n armigero_fw-la norfolciensi_fw-la mvsica_fw-la ut_fw-la est_fw-la musarum_fw-la prima_fw-la generosissime_fw-la vir_fw-la ita_fw-la eye_n speciali_fw-la gratia_fw-la indulget_fw-la summus_fw-la naturae_fw-la parens_fw-la quibuscum_fw-la tam_fw-la coeleste_fw-la donum_fw-la communicate_v et_fw-la quos_fw-la capit_fw-la vera_fw-la tantae_fw-la bonitatis_fw-la dulcedine_fw-la mens_fw-la enim_fw-la humana_fw-la qua_fw-la nihil_fw-la nobilius_fw-la coelum_fw-la quo_fw-la nihil_fw-la splendidius_fw-la elementa_fw-la quibus_fw-la nihil_fw-la utilius_fw-la arctam_fw-la cum_fw-la ea_fw-la vendicant_a assinitatem_fw-la cvius_fw-la vim_o ut_fw-la olim_fw-la mortuos_fw-la ab_fw-la inferis_fw-la revocasse_fw-la et_fw-la res_fw-la non_fw-la predit_n as_o tantum_fw-la sed_fw-la et_fw-la privatas_fw-la sensu_fw-la miris_fw-la modis_fw-la affecisse_fw-la legimus_fw-la ita_fw-la nunc_fw-la undiquaque_fw-la cernimus_fw-la omnes_fw-la eam_fw-la saepissime_fw-la tristiores_fw-la ad_fw-la gaudia_fw-la petulantes_fw-la ad_fw-la modestiam_fw-la impios_fw-la ad_fw-la pietatem_fw-la excitasse_fw-la tentamenta_fw-la tamen_fw-la haec_fw-la et_fw-la prima_fw-la libamina_fw-la facultatis_fw-la meae_fw-la quaecunque_fw-la fuerint_fw-la tibi_fw-la volui_fw-la tum_fw-la optime_fw-la de_fw-la i_o merito_fw-la dedicare_fw-la tum_fw-la musices_n studiosissimo_fw-la censenda_fw-la committere_fw-la ut_fw-la et_fw-la animi_fw-la in_o te_fw-la mei_fw-la monumentum_fw-la refer_v posuerint_fw-la et_fw-la tam_fw-la sincero_fw-la perito_fw-la et_fw-la candido_fw-la commendata_fw-la iudicio_fw-la aliorum_fw-la secura_fw-la censuras_fw-la minime_fw-la vereri_fw-la det_fw-la deus_fw-la ut_fw-la omne_fw-la tibi_fw-la ex_fw-la votis_fw-la foeliciter_fw-la succedo_fw-la tui_fw-la obseruantissimus_fw-la richardus_fw-la carlton_n a_o preface_n to_o the_o skilful_a musician_n since_o i_o be_o come_v in_o the_o view_n of_o the_o world_n i_o have_v rather_o commit_v the_o first_o fruit_n of_o these_o my_o labour_n to_o your_o judicial_a opinion_n then_o general_o to_o the_o common_a censure_n of_o the_o ignorant_a know_v you_o will_v favourable_o conceal_v or_o amend_v what_o be_v amiss_o and_o give_v the_o rest_n their_o due_a if_o they_o shall_v deserve_v any_o thing_n at_o all_o i_o have_v labour_v somewhat_o to_o imitate_v the_o italian_a they_o be_v in_o these_o day_n with_o the_o most_o in_o high_a request_n yet_o may_v i_o not_o nor_o can_v forget_v that_o i_o be_o a_o english_a man_n so_o wish_v to_o you_o as_o to_o myself_o i_o end_v from_o norwich_n the_o xxviij_o of_o march_n 1601._o r._n c._n i._o qvintsv_n the_o love_n of_o change_n have_v change_v the_o world_n through_o out_o ij_o and_o what_o be_v count_v good_a but_o that_o be_v strange_a new_a thing_n wax_v old_a old_a new_a all_o turn_v a_o bout_n all_o turn_v a_o bout_n and_o all_o thing_n change_v except_o the_o love_n of_o change_n yet_o find_v i_o not_o that_o love_n of_o change_n yet_o find_v i_o not_o that_o love_n of_o change_n in_o i_o but_o as_o i_o be_o ij_o but_o as_o i_o be_o so_o will_v i_o always_o be_v so_o will_v i_o always_o be_v so_o will_v i_o always_o be_v so_o will_v i_o always_o be_v so_o will_v i_o always_o be_v so_o will_v i_o always_o be_v ii_o qvintus_n content_n thyself_o with_o thy_o e_o state_n seek_v not_o to_o climb_v above_o the_o sky_n not_o ij_o for_o often_o love_n be_v mix_v with_o hate_n ij_o and_o betwixt_o the_o flower_n the_o serpent_n lie_v where_o fortune_n send_v her_o great_a joy_n great_a joy_n there_o once_o possess_v they_o be_v but_o toy_n ij_o there_o once_o pos_fw-fr sest_z they_o be_v but_o toy_n where_o fortune_n send_v her_o great_a joy_n great_a joy_n there_o once_o possess_v they_o be_v but_o toy_n ij_o ij_o what_o thing_n can_v earthly_a pleasure_n give_v that_o breed_v delight_n when_o it_o be_v past_a or_o who_o so_o quiet_o do_v live_v but_o storm_n of_o care_n do_v drown_v at_o last_o this_o be_v the_o lone_a of_o worldly_a hire_n the_o more_o we_o have_v the_o more_o desire_n wherefore_o i_o hold_v he_o best_o at_o ease_n that_o live_v content_a with_o his_o estate_n and_o do_v not_o sail_n in_o worldly_a sea_n where_o i_o &_o thou_o do_v breed_v debate_n this_o noble_a mind_n even_o in_o a_o clown_n be_v more_o than_o to_o possess_v a_o crown_n iii_o qvintus_n the_o self_n same_o thing_n that_o give_v i_o cause_n to_o die_v i_o cause_n to_o die_v be_v only_a mean_n for_o which_o i_o life_n be_v only_o mean_n for_o which_o i_o life_n de_fw-mi sire_n the_o self_n same_o can_v by_o which_o as_o dead_a i_o lie_v be_v only_o mean_v to_o kindle_v to_o kindle_v great_a fire_n the_o less_o i_o feele_fw-ge myself_o in_o hope_n in_o hope_n to_o speed_n the_o more_o desire_v this_o want_n of_o hope_v the_o less_o i_o feel_v myself_o in_o hope_n in_o hope_n to_o speed_n the_o more_o de_fw-fr sire_n this_o want_n of_o hope_n this_o want_n of_o hope_n do_v breed_v the_o first_o part_n four_o qvintus_n when_o flora_n fair_a the_o plea_n saunt_z tiding_n bring_v when_o flora_n fair_a the_o plea_n sant_z tiding_n bring_v the_o pleasant_a tiding_n brin_v ge_v of_o summer_n sweet_a with_o herb_n and_o flower_n adorn_v the_o nightingale_n upon_o the_o hawthorne_n sing_v upon_o the_o hawthorne_n sing_v and_o boreas_n blast_n the_o bird_n and_o beast_n have_v scorn_v the_o bird_n and_o beast_n have_v scorn_v when_o fresh_a aurora_n with_o her_o cou_fw-mi lour_v pain_n t_v when_o fresh_a aurora_n with_o her_o colour_n paint_v with_o her_o colour_n paint_v mingle_v with_o spear_n of_o gold_n the_o sun_n ap_fw-mi pear_v mingle_v with_o spear_n of_o gold_n the_o sun_n ap-pea_n ring_n the_o sun_n appea-ring_n delight_v the_o heart_n delight_v the_o heart_n that_o be_v with_o love_n acquaint_v and_o may_v maid_n have_v then_o their_o time_n of_o cheer_v of_o i_fw-mi ring_n the_o second_o part_n v._o qvintus_n all_o creature_n then_o with_o summer_n be_v delight_v the_o beast_n the_o bird_n the_o beast_n the_o bird_n the_o fish_n with_o scale_n of_o sil_fw-fr ver_fw-la ij_o ij_o then_o stately_a dame_n by_o lover_n be_v invite_v by_o lover_n be_v invite_v to_o walk_v in_o mead_n in_o mead_n to_o walk_v in_o mead_n or_o row_n upon_o the_o ri_fw-la ver_fw-la or_o row_n upon_o the_o river_n ij_o upon_o the_o river_n no_o summer_n grow_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smile_v never_o smile_v no_o summer_n grow_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smile_v where_o love_v yet_o never_o smile_v where_o love_n yet_o ne_z ver_fw-la smile_v no_o summer_n grow_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smile_v never_o smile_v no_o summer_n grow_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smile_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smile_v where_o love_n yet_o never_o smile_v the_o first_o part_n vi_o qvintus_n from_o stately_a tower_n from_o stately_a tower_n from_o stately_a tower_n king_n david_n sit_v behold_v fair_a bethsabe_n who_o in_o a_o fountain_n na_fw-mi k_v fair_a bethsabe_n who_o in_o a_o fountain_n naked_a her_o golden_a lock_n against_o the_o sun_n unfoulding_a against_o the_o sun_n unfould_v un_fw-mi fould_a in_o crystal_a wave_n the_o same_o do_v wash_v in_o crystal_a wave_n the_o same_o do_v wash_v and_o shake_v in_o crystal_a wave_n the_o same_o do_v wash_v and_o shake_v and_o shall_v k_v nor_o white_a snow_n that_o lie_v upon_o the_o mountain_n nor_o white_a snow_n that_o lie_v upon_o the_o mountain_n nor_o venus_n bright_a nor_o dainty_a amarillis_n nor_o dainty_a amarillis_n do_v show_v more_o bright_a than_o she_o do_v in_o the_o foun_n take_v than_o she_o do_v in_o the_o fountain_n the_o fountain_n the_o second_o part_n vii_o qvintus_n with_o her_o sweet_a lock_n sweet_a lock_n with_o her_o sweet_a lock_n this_o king_n be_v so_o infla_a m_v that_o he_o to_o wed_v this_o lady_n most_o desire_v that_o he_o to_o wed_v this_o lady_n most_o desi_fw-la red_a that_o he_o to_o wed_v this_o lady_n most_o desi_fw-la red_n by_o who_o great_a might_n the_o matter_n so_o be_v from_o med_a so_o be_v frame_v that_o he_o pose_v her_o beauty_n most_o admi_a read_v that_o he_o pose_v her_o beauty_n most_o admire_a yet_o afterward_o that_o he_o to_o love_n consen_v ted_a ten_o thou_o sand_n tear_n he_o weep_v when_o he_o repent_v ten_o thousand_o tear_n he_o weep_v he_o weep_v ten_o thousand_o tear_n he_o weep_v when_o he_o repent_v ij_o viii_o qvintus_n like_a as_o the_o gentle_a hart_n itself_o bewray_v like_v as_o the_o gentle_a hart_n itself_o be_v wray_v itself_o bewray_v in_o do_v gentle_a deed_n with_o frank_o de_fw-fr light_n in_o do_v good_a with_o frank_a de_fw-fr light_n even_o so_o the_o base_a mind_n itself_o display_v in_o canker_a malice_n in_o canker_a malice_n &_o revengeful_a spite_n in_o canker_a malice_n and_o revengeful_a spite_n in_o malice_n and_o revengeful_a spite_n and_o revengeful_a spite_n the_o first_o
oath_n by_o vow_n &_o tear_n show_v affection_n in_o the_o trewe_v kind_n swear_v to_o free_v their_o love_n their_o love_n ij_o from_o any_o fear_n yet_o under_o show_n of_o these_o have_v they_o beguile_v yet_o under_o show_n of_o these_o yet_o under_o show_n of_o these_o have_v they_o beguile_v let_v such_o be_v far_o from_o god_n &_o man_n exile_v from_o god_n &_o man_n ex_fw-la i_o will_v let_v such_o be_v far_o from_o god_n and_o man_n exile_v from_o god_n and_o man_n ex_fw-la i_o will_v xviii_o altus_fw-la who_o vow_v the_o votion_n to_o fair_a beauty_n shrine_n ij_o &_o lead_v a_o lover_n life_n in_o pilgrimage_n in_o pilgrim_n age_n or_o that_o his_o constant_a faith_n may_v bright_o shine_v his_o ij_o dwell_v day_n &_o night_n ij_o in_o fancy_n hermitage_n shall_v find_v his_o truth_n re-ward_n but_o loss_n of_o labour_n but_o loss_n of_o la_fw-fr bower_n although_o he_o merit_n never_o so_o much_o fa_fw-mi vour_n shall_v find_v his_o truth_n re-ward_n but_o loss_n of_o labour_n but_o loss_n of_o la_fw-fr bour_o although_o he_o merit_v never_o so_o much_o fa_fw-it vour_v xix_o altus_fw-la the_o heathen_a god_n for_o love_n forsake_v their_o state_n for_o love_n forsake_v their_o state_n and_o change_v themselves_o to_o shape_v of_o earthly_a thing_n to_o ij_o but_o my_o desire_n be_v of_o a_o other_o rate_n but_o ij_o that_o into_o heavenly_a grace_n ij_o transform_v my_o mind_n to_o heavenly_a grace_n transform_v my_o mind_n their_o often_o change_n by_o new_a desire_n ij_o declare_v they_o love_v not_o that_o be_v best_o that_o ij_o for_o they_o that_o to_o the_o best_a they_o ij_o a_o spire_n do_v never_o change_v in_o hope_n of_o rest_n do_v never_o change_v ij_o in_o hope_n of_o rest_n hope_v of_o rest_n xx._n altus_n ovaine_n desire_v wherewith_o the_o world_n bewitch_v to_o covet_v still_o for_o more_o for_o more_o ij_o to_o covet_v still_o for_o more_o the_o more_o be_v get_v since_o when_o we_o die_v ij_o we_o die_v we_o leave_v behind_o our_o ri_n ches_fw-es and_o all_o we_o reap_v be_v but_o to_o be_v forget_v forget_v the_o virtuous_a life_n be_v only_o that_o which_o last_v the_o virtuous_a life_n be_v only_o that_o which_o last_v &_o all_o the_o rest_n with_o time_n or_o fortune_n blast_v &_o all_o the_o rest_n with_o time_n or_o fortune_n bla_fw-mi st_z and_o all_o the_o rest_n with_o time_n or_o fortune_n blast_v fortune_n blast_v xxi_o altus_fw-la even_o as_o the_o flower_n do_v we_o there_o ij_o that_o maiden_n fair_a do_v ga-th_a so_o do_v their_o beauty_n bla_fw-mi zing_a so_o do_v their_o beauty_n blaze_v bla_fw-fr zing_a whereon_o there_o be_v such_o ga_fw-es ze_a such_o blaze_a ij_o as_o day_n be_v dim_v with_o the_o night_n ij_o so_o age_n do_v vade_v the_o red_a and_o white_a and_z death_n consume_v even_o in_o a_o hour_n ij_o even_o in_o a_o hour_n the_o virgin_n weed_n that_o dainty_a flower_n that_o dainty_a flower_n the_o ij_o and_o unto_o they_o it_o may_v be_v tol●e_n it_o ij_o who_o cloth_n most_o rich_a in_o silk_n and_o gold_n you_o dame_n for_o all_o your_o pride_n &_o mirth_n for_o ij_o your_o beauty_n shall_v be_v turn_v to_o earth_n ij_o shall_v be_v turn_v to_o earth_n your_o beauty_n shall_v be_v turn_v to_o earth_n ij_o and_o unto_o they_o it_o may_v be_v tell_v ij_o who_o cloth_n most_o rich_a in_o silk_n and_o gold_n you_o dame_n for_o all_o your_o pride_n &_o mirth_n ij_o your_o beauty_n shall_v be_v turn_v to_o earth_n ij_o shall_v be_v turn_v to_o earth_n your_o beauty_n shall_v be_v turn_v to_o earth_n ij_o finis_fw-la the_o table_n the_o love_n of_o change_n have_v chage_v the_o world_n i_o content_v thyself_o with_o thy_o estate_n two_o the_o self_n same_o thing_n that_o give_v i_o cause_n to_o die_v iii_o when_o flora_n fair_a the_o pleasant_a tiding_n 1._o part_n four_o all_o creature_n then_o with_o summer_n 2._o part_n v_o from_o stately_a tower_n king_n david_n sit_v 1._o part_n vi_o with_o her_o sweet_a look_n 2._o part_n vii_o like_a as_o the_o gentle_a hart_n itself_o bewray_v viii_o nought_o under_o heaven_n 1._o part_n ix_o so_o whisome_a learned_a 2._o part_n x_o sound_v sad_a note_n 1._o part_n xi_o let_v every_o sharp_a 2._o part_n xii_o if_o woman_n can_v be_v courteous_a xiii_o nought_o be_v on_o earth_n more_o sacred_a xiiii_o you_o gentle_a lady_n xv_o the_o witless_a boy_n that_o blind_a be_v to_o behold_v xvi_o who_o seek_v to_o captivate_v the_o free_a mind_n xvii_o who_o vow_v devotion_n to_o fair_a beauty_n shrine_n xviii_o the_o heathen_a god_n to_o love_n xix_o o_o vain_a desire_n xx_o even_o as_o the_o flower_n do_v weether_o xxi_o finis_fw-la tenor_n madrigal_n to_o five_o voice_n new_o publish_v by_o richard_n carlton_n priest_n bachelor_n in_o music_n london_n print_v by_o thomas_n morley_n dwell_v in_o little_a saint_n helen_n 1601._o cum_fw-la privilegio_fw-la ad_fw-la imprimendum_fw-la solum_fw-la illustriac_n venerabili_fw-la viro_fw-la ro_o m_n thomae_n fermor_n armigero_fw-la norfolciensi_fw-la mvsica_fw-la ut_fw-la est_fw-la musarum_fw-la prima_fw-la generosissime_fw-la vir_fw-la ita_fw-la e●_n speciali_fw-la gratia_fw-la indulget_fw-la summus_fw-la naturae_fw-la parens_fw-la quibuscum_fw-la tam_fw-la coeleste_fw-la donum_fw-la communicate_v et_fw-la quos_fw-la capit_fw-la vera_fw-la tantae_fw-la bonit_fw-la at_o be_v dulcedine_fw-la mens_fw-la enim_fw-la humana_fw-la qua_fw-la nihil_fw-la nobilius_fw-la oelum_fw-la quo_fw-la nihil_fw-la splendidius_fw-la elementa_fw-la quibus_fw-la nihil_fw-la utilius_fw-la arctam_fw-la cum_fw-la ea_fw-la vendicant_a aff●●itatem_fw-la cvius_fw-la ●in_a ut_fw-la olim_fw-la mortuos_fw-la ab_fw-la inferis_fw-la revo●●sse_fw-la et_fw-la res_fw-la non_fw-la preditas_fw-la tantum_fw-la sed_fw-la et_fw-la privatas_fw-la sens●_n 〈◊〉_d modis_fw-la asse●●sse_fw-la legimus_fw-la ita_fw-la nunc_fw-la undiquaque_fw-la cernimus_fw-la omnes_fw-la e●m_fw-la saepissime_fw-la tris●iores_fw-la ad_fw-la gaudia_fw-la petulantes_fw-la ad_fw-la modestiam_fw-la impios_fw-la ad_fw-la pietatem_fw-la excit●sse_fw-la tentamenta_fw-la 〈…〉_o et_fw-la prima_fw-la libamina_fw-la facultatis_fw-la meae_fw-la quaecunque_fw-la fuerint_fw-la tibi_fw-la volui_fw-la tum_fw-la optime_fw-la de_fw-la i_o merito_fw-la dedicare_fw-la tum_fw-la mus●ces_fw-la study_v ssimo_fw-la censenda_fw-la committere_fw-la ut_fw-la et_fw-la 〈◊〉_d in_fw-la te_fw-la me●_n monumentum_fw-la refer_v posuerint_fw-la et_fw-la tam_fw-la s●ncero_fw-la perito_fw-la et_fw-la candido_fw-la commendata_fw-la iudicio_fw-la aliorum_fw-la secura_fw-la censuras_fw-la minime_fw-la vereri_fw-la ●e●_n deus_fw-la ut_fw-la omne_fw-la 〈◊〉_d ex_fw-la votis_fw-la faliciter_fw-la succedo_fw-la tui_fw-la obseruantissimus_fw-la richardus_fw-la carlton_n a_o preface_n to_o the_o skilful_a musician_n since_o i_o be_o come_v in_o the_o view_n of_o the_o world_n i_o have_v rather_o commit_v the_o first_o fruit_n of_o these_o my_o labour_n to_o your_o judicial_a opinion_n then_o general_o to_o the_o common_a censure_n of_o the_o ignorant_a know_v you_o will_v favourable_o conceal_v or_o amend_v what_o be_v amiss_o and_o give_v the_o r●st_a their_o due_a if_o they_o shall_v deserve_v any_o thing_n at_o all_o i_o have_v labour_v somewhat_o to_o imitate_v the_o italian_a they_o be_v in_o these_o day_n with_o the_o most_o in_o high_a request_n yet_o may_v i_o not_o nor_o can_v forget_v that_o i_o be_o a_o english_a man_n so_o wish_v to_o you_o as_o to_o myself_o i_o end_v from_o norwich_n the_o xxviij_o of_o march_n 1601._o r._n c._n i._o tenor_n the_o love_n of_o change_n have_v change_v the_o world_n throughout_o have_v change_v the_o world_n throughout_o the_o love_n ij_o the_o world_n throughout_o and_o what_o be_v count_v good_a but_o that_o be_v strange_a ij_o new_a thing_n wax_v old_a old_a new_a all_o turn_v a_o bout_n a_o bout_n &_o all_o thing_n change_v ij_o ij_o except_o the_o love_n of_o change_n yet_o find_v i_o not_o that_o love_n of_o change_n in_o i_o yet_o find_v i_o not_o that_o love_n of_o change_n in_o i_o but_o as_o i_o be_o ij_o so_o will_v i_o all_o way_n be_v so_o will_v i_o all_o way_n be_v ij_o so_o will_v i_o all_o way_n be_v ii_o tenor_n content_n thyself_o with_o thy_o estate_n estate_n seek_v not_o to_o climb_v above_o the_o sky_n ij_o above_o the_o sky_n for_o often_o love_n ij_o be_v mix_v with_o hate_n with_o hate_n and_o betwixt_o the_o flower_n the_o serpent_n lie_v where_o fortune_n send_v her_o great_a joy_n her_o great_a joy_n there_o once_o possess_v they_o be_v but_o toy_n ij_o where_o fortune_n send_v her_o great_a joy_n great_a joy_n there_o once_o possess_v they_o be_v but_o toy_n ij_o what_o thing_n can_v earthly_a pleasure_n give_v that_o breed_v delight_n when_o it_o be_v past_a or_o who_o so_o quiet_o do_v live_v but_o storm_n of_o care_n do_v drown_v at_o last_o this_o be_v the_o lone_a of_o worldly_a hire_n the_o more_o we_o have_v the_o more_o desire_n wherefore_o i_o hold_v he_o best_o at_o ease_n that_o live_v content_a with_o his_o estate_n and_o do_v not_o
while_o smithfield_n fair_a do_v hold_v it_o be_v not_o a_o miss_v while_o smithfield_n fair_a do_v hold_v that_o lad_n &_o drab_n together_o all_o be_v sell_v be_v sell_v together_o all_o be_v sold._n it_o be_v not_o amiss_o while_o smithfield_n fair_a do_v hold_v it_o be_v not_o amiss_o while_o smithfield_n fair_a do_v hold_v that_o jade_n and_o drab_n together_o all_o be_v sell_v be_v sell_v together_o all_o be_v sold._n xiiii_o tenor_n nought_o be_v on_o earth_n more_o sacred_a or_o divine_a nought_o be_v on_o earth_n more_o sacred_a or_o divine_a more_o sacred_a or_o de_fw-fr vine_n or_o divine_a that_o god_n be_v and_o man_n do_v equal_o adore_v that_o god_n and_o man_n do_v equal_o adore_v then_o this_o same_o virtue_n that_o do_v right_o the_o fine_a for_o the_o heaven_n they_o self_n whence_o mortal_a man_n implore_v right_o in_o their_o wrong_n be_v rule_v by_o righteous_a lore_n of_o high_a jove_n who_o do_v true_a justice_n deal_v to_o his_o inferior_a god_n and_o evermore_o therewith_o contain_v his_o heavenly_a common_a weal_n