Selected quad for the lemma: love_n

Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
love_n grow_v smile_v summer_n 3,477 5 14.7794 5 false
View all quads for the lemma: love_n

EEBO-TCP documents containing the quad

All documents containing the selected quad are listed below. At the top of the list are documents containing denser examples of each quad, e.g. where each word in the quad may occur more than once in close proximity. Click ‘View Text’ to view the text containing the quad. Hover over column headings for further information.

Showing 1 to 7 of 7
ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17990 Madrigals to fiue voyces: newly published by Richard Carlton preist: batchelor in musique Carlton, Richard, ca. 1558-1638? 1601 (1601) STC 4649; ESTC S104897 27,179 172 View Text
A41984 Elegies of old age made English from the Latin of Cn. Cornelivs Gallvs.; Elegiae. English Maximianus, 6th cent.; Walker, Hovenden, Sir, 1656?-1728.; Gallus, Gaius Cornelius, 69?-26 B.C. 1688 (1688) Wing G181A; ESTC R11044 28,218 106 View Text
A19943 A poetical rapsody containing, diuerse sonnets, odes, elegies, madrigalls, and other poesies, both in rime, and measured verse. Neuer yet published. The bee and spider by a diuerse power, sucke hony' & poyson from the selfe same flower. Davison, Francis, 1575?-1619? 1602 (1602) STC 6373; ESTC S113564 68,412 238 View Text
A67346 Poems, &c. written upon several occasions, and to several persons by Edmond Waller.; Poems. Selections Waller, Edmund, 1606-1687. 1686 (1686) Wing W517; ESTC R9926 76,360 316 View Text
A19946 Dauisons poems, or, A poeticall rapsodie Deuided into sixe bookes. The first, contayning poems and deuises. The second, sonets and canzonets. The third, pastoralls and elegies. The fourth, madrigalls and odes. The fift, epigrams and epitaphs. The sixt, epistles, and epithalamions. For variety and pleasure, the like neuer published.; Poetical rapsody Davison, Francis, 1575?-1619? 1621 (1621) STC 6376; ESTC S109387 98,578 288 View Text
A19945 A poetical rapsodie containing: diuerse sonnets, odes, elegies, madrigals, epigrams, pastorals, eglogues, with other poems, both in rime and measured verse. For varietie and pleasure, the like neuer yet published. Davison, Francis, 1575?-1619? 1611 (1611) STC 6375; ESTC S105119 99,741 216 View Text
A40393 LI sermons preached by the Reverend Dr. Mark Frank ... being a course of sermons, beginning at Advent, and so continued through the festivals : to which is added a sermon preached at St. Pauls Cross, in the year forty-one, and then commanded to be printed by King Charles the First.; Sermons. Selections Frank, Mark, 1613-1664. 1672 (1672) Wing F2074A; ESTC R7076 739,197 600 View Text
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