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A list of the Royal Society. His sacred majesty King Charles II. founder and patron.
Royal Society (Great Britain). Council.
Wing L2499; ESTC R179865
A LIST of the ROYAL SOCIETY HIS SACRED MAJESTY KING CHARLES II. FOVNDER AND PATRON His Royal Highness JAMES Duke of YORK His Highness Prince RUPERT Count Palatine of the Rhine His Highness FERDINAND ALBERT Duke of Brunswyck and Lunebourg GEORGEDuke of ALBEMARLE ROBERT Earl of ALESBURY ARCHIBALD Earl of ARGILE ANTHONY Lord ASHLEY JAMES Lord ANNESLEY William Aglouby M. D. Elias Ashmole Esquire Sir Robert Atkins Knight John Austen Esquire Monsieur Adrian Auzout John Awbery Esquire GEORGE Duke of BUCKINGHAM GEORGE Lord BERKLEY WILLIAM Lord BRERETON Nicholas Bagnal Esquire Thomas Bains M. D. William Balle Esquire Isaac Barrow B. D. George Bate M. D. Ralph Bathurst M. D. John Beal D. D. Victor Beaufort Vabres de Fresars Monsieur Theodore de Beringhen Sir Maurice Berkley Knight Sir John Birkenhead Knight Thomas Blount Esquire Robert Boyle Esquire John Brook Esquire David Bruce M. D. Monsieur Ismael Bullialdus Mr. Gilbert Burnet Sir Edward Bysshe Knight GILBERT L. Ar. Bp. of CANTERBURY EDWARD Earl of CLARENDON CHARLES Earl of CARLILE JOHN Earl of CRAFORD and LINDESAY WILLIAM Lord CAVENDISH CHARLES Lord CLIFFORD Mr. James Carkesse Philip Carteret Esquire Walter Charleton M. D. Sir Winston Churchill Knight Henry Clark M. D. Sir John Clayton Knight Sir Clifford Clifton Knight George Cock Esquire Mr. John Collins Sir Richard Corbet Knight Edward Cotton D.D.A.D. of Corn. Thomas Cox M. D. Thomas Cox M.B. Daniel Cox Esquire John Creed Esquire Thomas Crispe Esquire Sir William Curtius Knight Sir John Cutler Kt and Baronet HENRY Marquess of DORCHESTER WILLIAM Earl of DEVONSHIRE EDWARD Earl of DORSET Monsieur Vital de Damas. BENJAMIN L. Bish of ELY Sir George Ent Knight Andrew Ellise Esquire John Evelyn Esquire Sir Francis Fane Knight of the Bath Monsieur le Febvre Sir John Finch Knight Henry Ford Esquire Sir Bernard Gascon Knight Joseph Glanvile B. D. Francis Glisson M. D. William Godolphin Esquire Mr. John Graunt CHRISTOPHER L. HATTON Theodore Haak Esquire William Hammond Esquire William Harrington Esquire Sir Edward Harley Knight of the Bath Sir Robert Harley Knight Thomas Harley Esquire James Hayes Esquire Nathaniel Henshaw M. D. John Hevelius Consul of Dantz Abraham Hill Esquire James Hoar Esquire William Holder D. D. Robert Hook M. A. Charles Howard Esquire Monsieur Christian Huygens de Zulichem Richard Jones Esquire ALEXANDER E. of KINCARDIN Edmund King M. D. ROBERT Earl of LINDSEY Lord G. Chamb. HUMPHRY L. Bish of LONDON Thomas Lake Esquire Sir Ellise Leighton Knight James Long Esquire Richard Lower M. D. Sir John Lowther Knight Anthony Lowther Esquire Mons Hugues Louys de Lyonne EDWARD Earl of MANCHESTER L. Chamb. Mr. Nicholaus Mercator Henry More D. D. Jasper Needham M. D. Walter Needham M. D. Thomas Neile Esquire William Neile Esquire Edward Nelthrop Esquire John Newburgh Esquire Sir Thomas Nott Knight HENRY Earl of PETERBURGH Philip Packer Esquire Samuel Parker M. A. Sir Robert Paston Kt. and Baronet John Peirson D. D. John Pell D. D. Samuel Pepys Esquire Sir William Persal Knight Monsieur Samuel Petit Sir Peter Pett Knight Peter Pett Esquire Sir William Portman Knight Francis Potter B. D. Thomas Povey Esquire Henry Power M. D. Sir Richard Powle Knight of the Bath Henry Powle Esquire JOHN Lord ROBERTS L. Privy SEALE JOHN Lord Bish of ROCHESTER Coll. Bullen Reymes Thomas Rolt Esquire Paul Rycaut Esquire EDWARD Earl of SANDWICH WILLIAM Viscount STAFFORD DAVID Viscount STERMONT William Schroter Esquire Sir James Shaen Knight and Baronet Philip Skippon Esquire Sir Nicholas Slanning Knight Henry Slingsby Esquire Mr. Francis Smethwick Edward Smith Esquire George Smith M. D. Monsieur Samuel Sorbiere Sir Robert Southwell Knight Thomas Spratt M. A. Alexander Stanhope Esquire Thomas Stanley Esquire Sir Nicholas Stuart Baronet JOHN Earl of TWEEDALE Sir Gilbert Talbot Knight Sir John Talbot Knight Christopher Terne M. D. Thomas Thynne Esquire Malachy Trustan M. D. Sir Samuel Tuke Knight Sir Theodore de Vaux Knight Cornelius Vermuyden Esquire Monsieur Isaac Vossius GEORGE L. Bish of WINTON Edmund Waller Esquire John Wallis D. D. Edward Waterhouse Esquire Daniel Whistler M. D. Joseph Williamson Esquire Thomas Willis M. D. Francis Willoughby Esquire William Winde Esquire John Winthrop Esquire Samuel Woodford Esquire John Wray M. A. Matthew Wren Esquire Thomas Wren M. D. Sir Cyril Wyche Knight Sir Peter Wyche Knight Edmund Wyche Esquire RICHARD L.A.B. of YORK JOHN Lord YESTER Out of these Fellows of the Society Ten are to be chosen into the Council November 30th 1667. A LIST Of the present COUNCIL WILLIAM Viscount BROUNCKER PRESIDENT William Aerskin Esquire Peter Balle M. D. Timothy Clarke M. D. Daniel Colwall Esquire William Croon M. D. Jonathan Goddard M. D. HENRY HOWARD of NORFOLK Thomas Henshaw Esquire John Hoskyns Esquire Christopher Merret M. D. Sir Robert Moray Knight Sir Anthony Morgan Knight JAMES Earl of NORTHAMPTON Sir Paul Neile Knight Henry Oldenburgh Esquire Sir William Petty Knight Walter Pope M. D. SETH Lord B. of SALISBURY John Wilkins D.D.D. of Rip Christopher Wren LL. D. Of these Members of the Council eleven are to be continued November 30. 1667. LONDON Printed for John Martyn at the Bell without Temple-bar MDCLXVII