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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19270 A briefe homily wherein the most comfortable and right vse of the Lords Supper, is very plainly opened and deliuered, euen to the vnderstanding of the vnlearned and ignorant. Made to be vsed throughout the Diocesse of Lincolne, before euerie celebration of the Lordes Supper, in all such churches and parishes as haue not a sufficient hable preacher allowed vnder the hand and authentike seale of the Bishop there, and to be read by the minister of each such place, so distinctly and in such sorte, that all which shalbe then assembled, may well heare and marke the same.; Certaine sermons wherin is contained the defense of the gospell nowe preached Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. 1580 (1580) STC 5684.5; ESTC S118236 7,401 16

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A BRIEFE HOMIly wherein the most comfortable and right vse of the Lords Supper is very plainly opened and deliuered euen to the vnderstanding of the vnlearned and ignorant Made to be vsed throughout the Diocesse of Lincolne before euerie celebration of the Lordes Supper in all such Churches and Parishes as haue not a sufficient hable Preacher allowed vnder the hand and authentike seale of the Bishop there and to be read by the Minister of each such place so distinctly and in such sorte that all which shalbe then assembled may well heare and marke the same IMPRINTED AT London for Ralph Newberie dwelling in Fleetstreete a little aboue the Conduit An. Dom. 1580. A BRIEFE HOMILY wherein the moste comfortable and right vse of the Lordes Supper is very plainely opened and deliuered euen to the vnderstanding of the vnlearned and ignorant THat wee doe not come negligently to the Lordes table wherevnto we nowe prepare our selues let vs call these thinges following to our remembrance This Sacrament vsed according to the institution of Christ consisteth of two parts that is the outwarde signes which are Bread and Wine and the inwarde thing whiche is the body and bloud of our Sauiour Christe the true foode of our soules which onely nourisheth vs to eternall life Now as man consisteth of two partes body and soule so the body feedeth vpon the outward elements of Breade and Wine but the soule feedeth in deede and truly vpon Iesus Christ crucified The outwarde eating by the instrumentes of the bodie causeth all our senses our hearing our seeing our feeling our tasting to helpe our inward eating by faith and by the same quickeneth stirreth strengtheneth and increaseth our faith that we may eate the bodie and bloud of Christe more effectually and fruitefully For when the faithfull Christian heareth the wordes of Christes institution sound in his eares This is my body that is giuen for you c. This is my bloud that is shed for the remission of your sinnes It stirreth vp his faith for faith is by hearing to lay strong holdfast vpon this promise and in his heart doeth assure himselfe that Christe died and shed his bloud not onely for the redemption of the whole world generally but for his also perticularly and that he vndoubtedly is partaker of that blessed worke of our redemption When we heare these wordes Doe this in remembraunce of me Our faith is assured that it is Christes commandement that we should vse this Sacrament to cal to our remembrance the benefit of our saluation by the death of Christe and in heart and minde at all times but then especially to shewe our selues truely thankefull to him for the same When our sight beholdeth on the Table the Breade and Wine by Christes ordinaunce broken and powred out for vs to vse our faith is moued thus to thinke as surely and truely as my bodily eyes beholde vpon the table of the Lord the creatures of Breade and Wine as the outward parte of his Sacrament and see the same broken and powred out for me so assuredly doe I with the eye of my faith beholde the body and bloud of Christe broken and shedde for me vpon the altar of the crosse and the same my sauiour sitting now on the right hand of God the father with the same bodie and bloud now glorified wherewith vpon the crosse he paide the price of my redemption When we see the Minister offering to vs the bread and the cup and we receiue the same in our hand and by our sense feele them inwardly in our heartes our faith is moued to haue this cogitation As truly as our Sauiour Christe vpon the Crosse by his bodie broken and his bloud shedde wrought our redemption and offered the benefite thereof to all that would beleeue generally so truely am I assured that now in the vse of this holy sacrament by his minister he offereth the same to me particularly to be applied to my selfe And as surely as my hande receiueth the outwarde creatures so surely by my faith doe I receiue Christe himselfe and in my heart feele him and with my spirituall armes imbrace him as the onely price and meanes of my saluation When we eate of the holy bread and drinke of the reuerende Cuppe and by our taste haue sense of the sweetenesse of them and feele them passe downe into our stomacke there to rest that they may be according to their nature meanes to nourishe and strengthen our bodie and to continewe it in life our faith is stirred vppe by these senses thus to thinke Euen as certainely as my taste feeleth the sweetenesse of Bread and Wine and thereby perceiueth in deede that their operation is to nourishe and strengthen my body and to quicken my natural spirites which without such nourishment would perish euen so the taste of my faith and sense of my heart doeth feele the sweetnes of Christ his bodie bloud broken and shedde for mee and all mankinde vpon the crosse and perceiueth it thereby to be the only foode of my soule without which should perish both soule and bodie eternally And as certainly as I feele with bodily sense that the bread and wine passeth into my stomacke and there according to their proportion feede strengthen and quicken my naturall bodie and spirites so assuredly doe I with my inward and spiritual sense perceiue the bodie and bloud of Christ and the whole benefite of his death and passion to passe into the stomack of my soule and bosome of my heart there through the strength of a true Christian faith to be laide vp wrought and digested as that onely nourishment that kepeth the life of the soule and preserueth me both soule and body to eternal life They that will Christianly charitably and in the feare of God weigh and consider these thinges I trust will not thinke either that we make light account of the externall sacrament or in our doctrine teach a single and sleight maner of eating of Christ by faith as the fauourers of y e Church of Rome do charge vs. And I appeale to the consciences of all them that folow their doctrine whether euer they were taught to take such sweete instruction and comfort in the vse of that blessed sacrament or no These good fruites of that sacrament are much furthered and increased by sundrie other godly cogitations which the Scriptures teach true Christians to vse in the administration of it The word of God teacheth that the vse of the externall Sacraments is a maner of confession wherby men acknowledge them selues before God and the world that they are Christians Therfore the faithfull receiuer when he commeth to the sacrament thinketh this with himselfe I by comming to this place protest before God and his Angels and before all the creatures of heauen and earth that in my heart I detest the religion of Iewes Turks Infidels Heretiques and all other that denie saluation to come by the death of Christ I
acknowledge my selfe vnfaignedly to be of the nomber of them that hope to haue the fauour of God and to be saued by the mercie and passion of Christ onely The worde of God teacheth that sacraments are as it were seales to confirme the truth of Gods promises and to strengthē our faith Therfore by this seale of the Lords supper we assure our selues that we are partakers of all y e legacie which Christ our sauiour in his last wil bequeathed to vs that is that his bodie was broken vpon the crosse for our redemption his bloud shed for the remissiō of our sinnes The scriptures teach that in the vse of the sacramēts through faith we be vnited vnto Christ and ingraffed into his mysticall bodie so that we liue now onely by him whatsoeuer is his by the truth of his promise is ours also The word of God teacheth that the sacrament of the Lordes supper is a linke of vnitie that knitteth vs together as members of one misticall bodie and therefore that we ought to be ioyned in mutuall loue charitie among our selues and that it is a foule reproch both to Christ our head and to the whole bodie if we hate hurte or hinder one another For by the vse thereof we confesse that we are all members of one bodie all seruants of one Maister all children of one Father all subiectes vnder one Lord and king all partakers of one redemption all heires of one heritage and gift of eternall life And in so many linkes of vnitie to be at discorde among our selues is in Gods iudgement an heauie testimonie against vs in the day of his wrath Finally the word of God teacheth vs that the Sacrament of the Lordes supper is our heauenly feast in which the lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the world is offered vnto vs spiritually to feede vpon in our faith that by him as I haue before declared we may be nourished strengthened and preserued to eternall life And therfore that we ought to be very careful so to prepare our selues that we may be worthie guests for that blessed table Wherefore I thinke it necessarie in a word or two to teache you howe Christians should prepare themselues as worthy guestes to come to the Lordes Supper And how that may be done S. Paul in generall wordes briefely sheweth Let euerie man saith he proue himselfe and so let him eate of this Bread and drinke of this Cup. The meanes therefore to come worthily to it is to proue and trie our selues whether those thinges be in vs which the worthie guestes of that table should haue First therefore we must looke vnfaignedly into our selues whether we haue an appetite or desire to eate of that blessed foode for a loathing stomach neuer perfectly digesteth any meate that it receiueth but turneth it to the hurt of the bodie This appetite or desire cannot be in vs vnlesse it be wrought by the sharpe sauce of seuere repentance for our sinnes which we shall the better prepare if we examine our selues by the perfect rule of Gods iustice in his lawe and consider how farre we are from the same what daunger hangeth ouer our heads for the want thereof God saith in his lawe Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with al thy hart with all thy soule with all thy minde with all thy strength and thy neighbour as thy selfe that is we should loue we should hate we should feare we should hope for nothing but in God and to his glorie we should think and muse vpon nothing in our minde vnderstanding but that which may make to the honour and glorie of God we should imploy all the powers of our bodie and all our worldly gifts to the same end we should do nothing to any other man which we would not willingly be content should be done vnto vs. If we examine our selues by this rule we shall see we be so farre from that we should be that almoste we haue not one braunch thereof in vs whiche will more euidently appeare if we wil trie our selues by euery particular commandement rightly and truely vnderstanded Seeing then we be so farre from the iustice of Gods lawe the curse thereof must needes be due vnto vs. For God saith Cursed is he whosoeuer keepeth not all thinges written in the Booke of his law In this maner if we examine our selues sincerely we shall throughly knowe what we are in the sight of God as well by the corruption of our nature as by the course of our euill and naughtie life we shall haue sense of our owne sinne we shall hate and detest it we shal from the bottome of our heartes be sorie for it with trembling mindes we shal feare the heauie iudgement of God against vs and so will be stirred vp in vs that godly appetite greedy desire to eate of that spirituall meate whiche onely can satisfie our troubled conscience cure our repentant and broken heartes But though the appetite desire be neuer so great in vaine he commeth to any table that hath no mouth to eate nor strength of stomacke to digest A true and strong Christian faith is the mouth of the soule and the power wherewith we doe receiue and digest Christe Iesus crucified as the foode of our saluation We must looke therfore to our selues first whether we knowe and vnderstand the mistery of our redemption that is that the vnspeakeable mercie of God sent downe the seconde person in Trinitie to take fleshe of the blessed virgin to liue in the shape of a most contemptible man in this world and in the end to suffer cruel death for the redemption of mankinde Secondly whether we feele in our heartes a strong perswasion that we also through the merciful promises of God are partakers of the same worke of our redemption For a true Christian must not onely haue a generall knowledge but also by a firme faith he must haue a particular application of the same to him selfe Furthermore as it is necessarie to haue both a desire to eate stirred by a sense and feeling of true repentance and also an assured faith to receiue and digest this wholesome and comfortable medicine of our soule so because God bestoweth not his mercie by his Sonne Christ in vaine or to the end we should stil continew in sinne we must further trie our selues whether we feele an vnfained desire to rise to a newnesse of life and in earnest studie hereafter to amend our former faultes and to frame our selues to a godly and honest conuersation that God in vs may be glorified and the mouthes of the enemies stopped Lastly we must examine our consciences whether we haue a feruent great desire to call to our remembrance the vnestimable benefite of our redemption made by the price of his body and bloud and to acknowledge and confesse the same vnfainedly before God and the worlde and to yeelde