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A10040 Short questions and answers, plainely opening and explaining both the nature and also the vse of the sacraments of baptisme and the Lords Supper Very profitable for all those who desire to know the nature and vse of the said sacraments. By Richard Preston, preacher of the Word of God at Rushden in Northhampton shiere. Preston, Richard, d. ca. 1624. 1621 (1621) STC 20286; ESTC S115178 6,203 30

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SHORT QVESTIONS AND ANswers plainely opening and explaining both the nature and also the vse of the Sacraments of Baptisme and the Lords Supper Very profitable for all those who desire to know the nature and vse of the said Sacraments By Richard Preston Preacher of the Word of God at Rushden in Northhampton shiere LONDON Printed by N. O. for Iohn Bellamine and are to be sold at the South entrance of the Royall Exchange 1621. To his louing and carefull Mother M. B. COnsidering with my selfe most deare and louing mother the great care that is committed vnto the Gouernours of Families namely not onely to prouide things necessary for the wel-being of the (a) 1. Tim. 5.8 bodies of their Families both children and seruants Deut. 11.19 but also to teach and instruct them in the knowledge of God his will and the right communication with him in the particular parts of his worship and seruice the performance of which thing maketh the 〈◊〉 bee both (*) Pro. 31.15.30 commended of the people of God and also approoued of God himselfe Ester 4.16 Gen. 18.19 And also considering that in regard of the great imployments of my Father by which he is necessarily with-held from a constant abiding with his Family In which respect the greater both care and paines lieth vpon your selfe I haue therefore as a helpe to you in the weightiest of those your charges here sent vnto you certaine Questions and Answers opening and explaining both the nature and also the vse of both the Sacraments of Christ his Institution entreating you in the absence of my Father (*) 1. Cor. 14.35 for in his presence you remaine as a learner not an instructer you would make it your practise to instruct your Family in the knowledge of them I hope I shal not need to alleadge 〈…〉 to perswade you to the performance of this duty for that which resteth as a reason in all our actions taketh place in this also namely the will of him whose will ought to be a law to vs in all things * Deut. 11.19 Secondly if any soule perish for want of the discharge of your duty God will require their blood at your hands (*) Ez. 33.8 Gal. 6.10 Thirdly that generall rule taketh place in this thing Doe good to all If good what greater then to helpe them to the knowledge of the meanes of saluation if to all then especially to those whose soules in a speciall manner you haue the charge of For the Author of them hee is a neighbour Minister in your countrey in whose praise I spare to speake his workes sufficiently testifie of him Thus loath too long to keepe you from the perusall and practise of this ensuing Catechisme I earnestly craue both your blessing and prayers vnto the Lord for me and the rest of vs whom the Lord hath made you a meanes of our being that he also would giue vs heere an assurance and hereafter a possession of an eternall blissefull and glorious wel-being vnto whose gracious protection I commit you and in whom I euer rest Your dutifull and obedient sonne during life I. B. Questions very profitable to all them that vvould know and learne the nature and vse of the Sacraments Question WHat is a Sacrament Ans It is a visible signe of an inuisible grace or an outward Element appoynted of God to confirme our faith of his promises Quest Of how many parts doth a Sacrament consist Ans Of two parts that is to say of the Element and the Word Quest How many Sacraments are there Ans Two Baptisme and the Lords Supper Quest Why sayest ' thou there be but two Sacraments when wee haue beene formerly taught that there are seuen Ans Because Christ in the New Testament left no more to bee vsed in his Church as for Matrimony Order Confirmation Pennance and extreame Vnction they are no Sacraments but the Lords Ordinances for their seuerall ends Quest What is Baptisme Ans It is the dipping in or sprinckling or washing of an Infant in water Quest What is the outward Element in Baptisme Ans Water Quest What doth water signifie Ans The bloud of Christ and reacheth vs that as water washeth away the spots and filthines of the body So the blood of Christ doth purge and cleanse our soules from all filthy and deadly sinnes 1. Ioh. 107. Quest To whom doth Baptisme appertaine Ans To the Sonnes of the Couenant and to all beleeuers Act. 8.36.37 Mat. 16.16 Quest Why should Infants bee baptized who by reason of the imperfection of their age cannot beleeue Ans Though Infants haue no power to beleeue or to confesse their beleefe yet they haue faith imputed vnto them for the promise sake because they bee the seede of the faithfull Gen. 17.6.7 Quest What if Infants die before they be baptized Ans Gods promise is not in vaine vnto them for default of the Sacrament for the Spirit of God is not so bound to the water that it cannot worke where the water wanteth or that it must bee alwayes there where the water is sprinkled True beleeuers old or young are not saued because they are outwardly washed with water but because they be Gods childrē by electiō through grace Ep. 2.5.8 Ro. 11.5.6 Q. May not Baptisme be neglected Ans No but with all reuerence it ought to be embraced he that neglecteth it neglecteth the Author of it Quest What is the vse of it Ans First it is an euident testimony that God the Father in his Sonne Christ hath freely for giuen vs all our sinnes Secondly it putteth vs in minde that forasmuch as wee are become the Souldiers of Christ we ought 1. To fight against all the enemies of saluation 2. To mortifie all vncleane lusts 3. To die vnto sinne and 4. To arise new men bearing the image of Christ and fashioning our selues after his example Rom. Gal. 3.27 Col. 2.12 3.1 Quest How is the other Sacrament called Ans The Lords Supper Quest Why is it called a Supper Ans Because it was instituted and eaten at night Quest Hath it no other name Ans Yes it is called the Lords Table a Communion the Eucharist or thanksgiuing c. 1. Cor. 10.16.21 Quest Is it not called the Sacrament of the Altar Ans No I finde no such name giuen to it in the whole booke of God The Papists vse that name that their daily sacrifice of the Masse might find credit Quest But tell me what is the Lords Supper Ans It is an heauenly banquet wherein all the faithfull do spiritually through faith both eate the body of Christ and drinke his blood vnto the confirmation of their faith the comfort of their conscience and the saluation of their soules Quest Who is the Author of this Sacrament Ans Iesus Christ Mat. 1. Cor. 11.23.24 c. Quest When did hee institute this Supper Ans Presently after the eating of the Passeouer and a little before his death Quest What
To whom doth the administration of this Supper belong Ans To them who are fit Ministers of the Word Quest What say you then to a dumbe dogge Hee is no fit Minister and therefore his sacrament is no sacrament Ans Not so For first though he be no fit Minister of God yet because he is come in the roome of a Minister by the election of the Church we must not refuse him nor his Sacrament 2. Beeing enabled by the Church to giue what he can though hee come neuer so inordinately to administer this Sacrament yet he must not be reiected but wee must receiue what hee can giue Thirdly we must distinguish betweene a calling and the execution of it for it proues not he hath no calling because he executeth it not as a Magistrate ceaseth not to be a Magistrate or to want office because he doth not duely execute it Quest How may I communicate with a wicked Minister Ans The wickednesse of a Minister doth not pollute the Sacrament to a worthy receiuer Quest Why Ans First a good Minister doth not make it the better to a bad man therefore not a bad Minister the worse to a good man Secondly the efficacy of the Sacrament depends onely vpon Gods promise and the faith of the beleeuer not on mans goodnesse or badnesse A message may bee as truely deliuered by a bad man as a good and good waxe will receiue an impression as well by a brazen seale as a golden one Quest But hee is a gracelesse man and how can hee then bee a meanes of conueying grace to mee Ans Grace is compared to water now may not water that passeth through a stony channell which it selfe is so vndisposed that it cannot haue any benefit of it make a whole garden fruitfull Thus stands the case with a gracelesse Minister Quest But by communicating with him shall I not communicate in his sinne Ans No if you made him not minister nor allow of his insufficiency but communicate onely in the Lords ordinance so farre as he is able to administer it Quest With whom may I rightly communicate Ans With such as are of a godly life and conuersation First because we professe our selues members and fellow Christians with them Secondly because we desire to be confirmed in that Communion Thirdly because our loue and zeale may bee better stirred vp by the prayers and examples of such Quest How may I partake where open sinners are tollerated to receiue the Sacrament Ans No mans sinne can defile another or make Gods promise or the seale of it in vaine to him that is no way accessary to it neither hath it power to hinder him from the Sacrament Ezek. 18.20 Gal. 6.5 Secondly Christ entred into the same Tēple with wicked persons and eat the same Passeouer with Iudas and was vndefiled Luk. 2.22 Lastly we are not so bound to examine the vnworthines of others as of our selues which maketh the Apostle say Let a man examine himselfe and not another man 1. Cor. 11 28. By these reasons wee see that the wickednesse of another communicant doth not preiudice him that is rightly prepared Quest To conlude seeing that I haue learned of you the nature of this Sacrament and where when of whom and with whom to receiue the same now I would gladly know of you to what end vse the Lord Iesus instituted this Sacrament Answere First to put vs in remembrance of that loue and fellowship which should be among vs being all members of one mysticall body Rom. 12.4.5 1. Cor. Secondly to stirre vs vp vnto continuall thankfulnesse vnto God the Father for the great benefits wee haue receiued of him by the death of his Sonne Act. 2.46.47 Lastly to put vs in remembrance that his body was broken and his bloud shed for our redemption 1. Cor. 11.26 Mat. 26.28 Luke 22.19 FINI●