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A03398 A suruay of the pretended holy discipline. Contayning the beginninges, successe, parts, proceedings, authority, and doctrine of it: with some of the manifold, and materiall repugnances, varieties and vncertaineties, in that behalfe Bancroft, Richard, 1544-1610. 1593 (1593) STC 1352; ESTC S100667 297,820 466

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well_o or_o evil_a wherefore_o they_o esteem_v all_o those_o to_o be_v enemy_n that_o in_o reason_n demand_v restitution_n of_o they_o and_o declare_v that_o it_o belong_v not_o unto_o they_o but_o that_o they_o have_v steal_v it_o away_o from_o the_o church_n ibidem_fw-la likewise_o afterwards_o i_o doubt_v not_o but_o if_o they_o be_v call_v to_o account_v for_o the_o bestow_n of_o such_o good_n and_o if_o it_o be_v take_v out_o of_o their_o hand_n as_o it_o be_v take_v from_o priest_n and_o monk_n ibidem_fw-la and_o give_v to_o such_o as_o shall_v better_o bestow_v it_o they_o will_v take_v pepper_n in_o the_o nose_n &_o fall_v to_o play_v the_o devil_n part_n last_o i_o put_v the_o case_n say_v he_o that_o a_o whorehunter_n or_o bawd_n steal_v a_o honest_a man_n wife_n and_o the_o husband_n come_v and_o demand_v this_o wise_a of_o this_o russian_a that_o have_v steal_v she_o away_o and_o revile_v this_o russian_a or_o bawd_n for_o the_o wrong_n that_o he_o have_v do_v he_o and_o go_v to_o law_n with_o he_o whereby_o there_o arise_v great_a strife_n i_o will_v ask_v of_o thou_o who_o be_v in_o the_o fault_n either_o the_o husband_n who_o have_v have_v this_o wrong_n or_o the_o ravisher_n who_o have_v play_v he_o this_o wicked_a prank_n and_o the_o answer_n be_v thus_o frame_v the_o whorehunter_n or_o bawd_n have_v as_o much_o reason_n to_o complain_v and_o be_v angry_a as_o have_v a_o thief_n or_o robber_n which_o be_v call_v to_o account_v of_o theft_n and_o robbery_n which_o he_o have_v commit_v and_o which_o be_v call_v to_o judgement_n for_o the_o same_o but_o i_o will_v come_v from_o geneva_n into_o england_n 2_o that_o you_o may_v perceive_v what_o our_o chief_a disciplinarie_a reformer_n do_v think_v of_o this_o matter_n it_o be_v no_o better_a than_o sacrilege_n and_o spoil_v of_o god_n say_v the_o author_n of_o the_o second_o admonition_n 157_o 7_o 2_o to_o keep_v back_o any_o way_n the_o provision_n which_o have_v be_v make_v for_o the_o ministry_n and_o the_o curse_n of_o god_n threaten_v by_o malachi_n to_o those_o that_o spoil_v the_o levite_n then_o belong_v &_o will_v light_v upon_o our_o spoiler_n now_o and_o upon_o they_o in_o who_o band_n it_o be_v to_o redress_v it_o if_o they_o do_v it_o not_o the_o author_n of_o the_o book_n de_fw-fr disciplina_fw-la ecclesiastica_fw-la speak_v of_o bishop_n live_n etc._n etc._n say_v thus_o of_o many_o in_o these_o day_n who_o under_o a_o pretence_n of_o zeal_n do_v cry_v out_o for_o reformation_n haec_fw-la orati●_fw-la gratissima_fw-la est_fw-la nonnullis_fw-la qui_fw-la svam_fw-la causam_fw-la agi_fw-la putant_fw-la et_fw-la iampridem_fw-la haereditatem_fw-la istam_fw-la spe_fw-la devorarunt_fw-la 94._o these_o word_n etc._n etc._n be_v most_o acceptable_a to_o some_o who_o think_v they_o tend_v to_o their_o profit_n and_o have_v already_o in_o hope_n devour_v this_o inheritance_n for_o they_o think_v that_o we_o seek_v only_o that_o bishop_n may_v be_v spoil_v do_v expect_v thereby_o the_o like_a prey_n that_o they_o get_v by_o the_o ruin_n of_o monastery_n for_o as_o for_o religion_n they_o care_v not_o what_o become_v of_o it_o modò_fw-la ipsi_fw-la praedari_fw-la possint_fw-la so_o they_o may_v wax_v welthy_a by_o sacrilege_n &_o robbery_n and_o will_v not_o stick_v if_o it_o be_v possible_a to_o crucify_v christ_n again_o ut_fw-la tunicam_fw-la eius_fw-la sortirentur_fw-la 87_o et_fw-la vestimenta_fw-la dividerent_fw-la etc._n etc._n but_o this_o our_o age_n have_v many_o such_o soldier_n many_o such_o dionysian_n who_o think_v that_o a_o golden_a gown_n be_v not_o fit_a for_o god_n neither_o in_o summer_n nor_o winter_n and_o yet_o that_o it_o will_v serve_v they_o well_o at_o all_o time_n and_o season_n again_o they_o have_v rather_o all_o religion_n be_v banish_v that_o all_o opinion_n of_o worship_v &_o fear_v god_n be_v abolish_v that_o all_o faith_n in_o christ_n &_o hope_n and_o look_v for_o everlasting_a life_n be_v forget_v among_o man_n 95._o then_o to_o maintain_v it_o with_o any_o pennye_n of_o they_o yea_o further_o they_o will_v not_o only_o give_v nothing_o to_o the_o maintenance_n of_o the_o ministry_n but_o most_o unjust_o scrape_v unto_o themselves_o that_o which_o be_v liberal_o give_v by_o other_o &_o spoil_v the_o church_n rob_v she_o of_o her_o good_n &c._n &c._n but_o they_o must_v either_o restore_v it_o again_o that_o the_o church_n may_v be_v provided-for_a of_o worthy_a teacher_n or_o else_o make_v themselves_o guiltye_n of_o the_o loss_n and_o destruction_n of_o so_o many_o soul_n 97._o as_o by_o their_o mean_n be_v destitute_a of_o a_o preacher_n and_o shall_v perish_v in_o their_o ignorance_n and_o again_o let_v good_a prince_n not_o only_o not_o spoil_v the_o ministry_n themselves_o or_o suffer_v it_o to_o be_v rob_v of_o other_o but_o liberal_o according_a to_o the_o commandment_n of_o our_o saviour_n christ_n see_v it_o maintain_v and_o provide_v for_o through_o their_o kingdom_n nor_o suffer_v that_o which_o be_v once_o give_v to_o this_o end_n to_o be_v prodigal_o spend_v &_o waste_v in_o aulicos_fw-la luxus_fw-la atque_fw-la delicias_fw-la nor_o bestow_v upon_o nobleman_n servant_n nor_o other_o innumerable_a sort_n of_o so_o ungodly_a and_o intolerable_a abuse_n by_o sacrilege_n &_o the_o church_n robbery_n etc._n etc._n m._n cartwright_n also_o in_o his_o last_o book_n very_o well_o allow_v of_o the_o former_a man_n judgement_n and_o utter_o mislike_v of_o such_o greedy_a cormorant_n for_o so_o he_o term_v they_o as_o gape_v after_o the_o pray_v at_o large_a before_o mention_v write_v in_o this_o sort_n our_o meaning_n be_v not_o that_o these_o good_n shall_v be_v turn_v from_o the_o possession_n of_o the_o church_n to_o the_o fill_n of_o the_o bottomless_a sack_n of_o their_o greedy_a appetite_n which_o yaw_n after_o this_o pray_v and_o will_v thereby_o to_o their_o perpetual_a shame_n purchase_v themselves_o a_o field_n of_o blood_n there_o be_v a_o book_n publish_v commonalty_n in_o the_o parliament_n time_n 1585._o entitle_v a_o lamentable_a complaint_n of_o the_o commonalty_n wherein_o the_o author_n have_v at_o large_a handle_v this_o matter_n know_v you_o not_o say_v they_o that_o the_o unjust_a shall_v not_o inherit_v the_o kingdom_n of_o god_n what_o great_a injustice_n then_o to_o defraud_n god_n of_o his_o glory_n the_o minister_n of_o their_o right_a etc._n etc._n how_o can_v we_o say_v that_o we_o love_v christ_n no_o not_o so_o much_o as_o antichrist_n love_v the_o devil_n for_o antichrist_n be_v bountiful_a to_o maintain_v his_o service_n if_o the_o like_a liberality_n be_v use_v among_o we_o without_o all_o doubt_n a_o great_a number_n will_v be_v stay_v from_o pass_v the_o sea_n to_o room_n or_o rheims_n to_o become_v jesuit_n we_o read_v levit._n 27._o that_o nothing_o separate_v from_o common_a use_n may_v be_v sell_v &c._n &c._n because_o it_o be_v holy_a unto_o the_o lord_n the_o which_o law_n be_v not_o ceremonial_a but_o judicial_a ibidem_fw-la the_o equity_n thereof_o endure_v to_o the_o church_n for_o ever_o &_o the_o violation_n of_o the_o same_o law_n have_v be_v horriblye_o punish_v in_o former_a day_n as_o appear_v by_o the_o example_n of_o achan_n nabuchadnezar_n balthasar_n ananias_n and_o saphira_n etc._n etc._n and_o the_o like_a justice_n no_o man_n can_v escape_v either_o in_o this_o world_n or_o in_o the_o world_n to_o come_v that_o commit_v the_o like_a offence_n upon_o that_o place_n of_o mal._n where_o it_o be_v say_v that_o the_o spoil_n of_o the_o priest_n be_v the_o spoil_n of_o god_n thus_o also_o they_o write_v ibidem_fw-la have_v not_o the_o whole_a nation_n of_o england_n spoil_v the_o lord_n in_o like_a manner_n and_o rather_o more_o sure_o this_o be_v write_v for_o our_o learning_n that_o we_o may_v know_v that_o thing_n consecrate_v to_o god_n for_o the_o service_n of_o his_o church_n belong_v unto_o he_o for_o ever_o a_o number_n more_o of_o such_o speech_n i_o can_v allege_v out_o of_o their_o writing_n but_o these_o may_v serve_v to_o let_v you_o know_v that_o whatsoever_o in_o time_n past_a any_o of_o their_o sort_n do_v seem_v to_o yealde_v unto_o for_o a_o time_n touch_v the_o alienation_n of_o church-living_n yet_o this_o be_v always_o their_o purpose_n to_o get_v they_o again_o into_o their_o own_o hand_n in_o the_o end_n it_o have_v be_v a_o happy_a matter_n for_o the_o church_n if_o this_o lesson_n have_v be_v ever_o observe_v thou_o shall_v not_o do_v evil_a that_o good_a may_v come_v of_o it_o thing_n have_v not_o they_o grow_v to_o such_o extremity_n as_o they_o be_v bring_v unto_o in_o many_o place_n when_o the_o sea_n make_v a_o breach_n it_o be_v hardly_o stop_v and_o a_o door_n once_o open_v to_o such_o impiety_n will_v be_v hardly_o shut_v again_o and_o yet_o you_o see_v they_o do_v what_o they_o can_v to_o shut_v it_o
have_v not_o want_v the_o common_a affection_n of_o man_n much_o trouble_v there_o be_v before_o their_o say_a devise_n be_v receive_v which_o make_v they_o afterwards_o the_o fond_a of_o it_o we_o have_v a_o say_n that_o the_o crow_n think_v she_o own_o bird_n the_o fair_a and_o so_o do_v man_n and_o woman_n for_o the_o most_o part_n their_o own_o child_n nature_n do_v therein_o bear_v sway_n with_o the_o best_a but_o especial_o she_o show_v her_o force_n most_o in_o the_o fruit_n of_o a_o man_n mind_n for_o as_o our_o mind_n ought_v to_o be_v more_o dear_a unto_o we_o than_o our_o body_n so_o be_v the_o fruit_n of_o our_o mind_n of_o great_a account_n with_o we_o than_o the_o fruit_n of_o our_o body_n few_o man_n that_o we_o hear_v of_o will_v give_v their_o life_n for_o their_o child_n but_o many_o we_o see_v will_v do_v it_o most_o ready_o in_o the_o maintenance_n of_o their_o opinion_n which_o thing_n consider_v i_o can_v but_o in_o some_o sort_n excuse_v master_n caluin_n and_o master_n beza_n in_o seek_v all_o manner_n of_o way_n all_o show_n all_o shift_n all_o advauntage_n that_o possible_o they_o can_v either_o find_v or_o devise_v whereby_o they_o may_v justify_v in_o some_o sort_n the_o birth_n and_o bring_v up_o of_o their_o misconceave_v offpring_n the_o chief_a oversight_n be_v in_o my_o opinion_n that_o other_o learned_a and_o wise_a man_n do_v not_o well_o observe_v these_o manner_n of_o natural_a and_o common_a affection_n in_o they_o but_o be_v carry_v after_o they_o as_o it_o be_v with_o a_o whirlwind_n to_o like_a as_o they_o like_v to_o say_v as_o they_o say_v and_o to_o do_v as_o they_o do_v if_o master_n caluin_n and_o master_n beza_n affirm_v it_o why_o it_o be_v enough_o i_o have_v hear_v it_o credible_o report_v that_o in_o a_o certain_a college_n in_o cambridge_n when_o it_o happen_v that_o in_o there_o disputation_n the_o authority_n either_o of_o saint_n augustine_n or_o of_o saint_n ambrose_n or_o of_o saint_n jerome_n or_o of_o any_o other_o of_o the_o ancient_a father_n nay_o the_o whole_a consent_n of_o they_o all_o altogether_o be_v allege_v it_o be_v reject_v with_o very_o great_a disda●ne_n as_o what_o tell_v you_o i_o of_o saint_n augustine_n saint_n ambrose_n or_o of_o the_o rest_n i_o regard_v they_o not_o a_o rush_n be_v they_o not_o man_n whereas_o at_o other_o time_n when_o it_o happen_v that_o a_o man_n of_o a_o other_o humour_n do_v answer_v if_o it_o fall_v out_o that_o he_o be_v press_v with_o the_o authority_n either_o of_o caluin_n or_o beza_n shall_v chance_v to_o deny_v it_o you_o shall_v see_v some_o begin_v to_o smile_v in_o commiseration_n of_o such_o the_o poor_a man_n simplicity_n some_o grow_v to_o be_v angry_a in_o regard_n of_o such_o presumption_n and_o some_o will_v depart_v away_o account_v such_o a_o kind_n of_o fellow_n not_o worthy_a the_o hear_n be_v not_o this_o a_o pretty_a and_o pleasant_a interlude_n or_o comedy_n to_o behold_v such_o parasite_n play_v their_o part_n so_o disciplinarian-like_a and_o all_o these_o folly_n and_o dependence_n that_o the_o people_n have_v dote_v so_o much_o after_o some_o kind_n of_o minister_n that_o the_o inferior_a sort_n of_o those_o minister_n have_v take_v all_o for_o currant_n coin_n that_o have_v be_v pay_v they_o by_o their_o superior_n and_o that_o they_o the_o superior_n have_v be_v also_o so_o far_o overcary_v with_o the_o credit_n of_o the_o say_v two_o person_n all_o these_o folly_n i_o say_v do_v proceed_v from_o this_o fountain_n that_o neither_o the_o people_n nor_o their_o rash_a seducer_n do_v in_o time_n put_v the_o holy_a apostle_n rule_v in_o practice_n uz._n try_v all_o thing_n and_o keep_v that_o which_o be_v good_a but_o it_o be_v better_a late_o than_o never_o since_o man_n of_o all_o sort_n have_v enter_v more_o careful_o into_o the_o trial_n of_o all_o the_o say_a pretence_n together_o with_o the_o very_a substance_n of_o that_o their_o pretend_a holy_a platform_n the_o furious_a rage_n of_o that_o flood_n have_v be_v pretty_o well_o divert_v and_o the_o very_a chief_a captain_n themselves_o be_v urge_v of_o necessity_n a_o little_a to_o fall_v on_o search_v have_v find_v that_o which_o i_o fear_v they_o be_v sorry_a for_o and_o be_v become_v as_o it_o seem_v like_o man_n great_o amaze_v to_o be_v at_o their_o wit_n end_n and_o now_o to_o this_o purpose_n i_o will_v tell_v you_o a_o wonder_n if_o cartwright_n and_o his_o adherent_n be_v to_o begin_v the_o course_n again_o that_o they_o have_v run_v i_o be_o persuade_v they_o will_v never_o tread_v so_o much_o as_o one_o step_n in_o it_o but_o now_o they_o have_v engage_v their_o credit_n they_o must_v shift_v thing_n of_o aswell_o as_o they_o can_v and_o where_o their_o ward_n serve_v they_o not_o beare-of_a the_o blow_n that_o shall_v fall_v upon_o they_o with_o their_o head_n and_o shoulder_n in_o the_o year_n 1572._o as_o you_o have_v hear_v in_o the_o former_a chapter_n the_o first_o admonition_n be_v offer_v to_o the_o parliament_n as_o contain_v a_o perfect_a platform_n of_o the_o worthy_a pretend_a discipline_n to_o have_v be_v establish_v within_o this_o realm_n within_o a_o year_n or_o two_o after_o cartwright_n take_v in_o hand_n the_o defence_n of_o that_o platform_n do_v alter_v it_o in_o some_o point_n especial_o where_o it_o seem_v to_o ascribe_v too_o much_o unto_o the_o people_n and_o then_o if_o it_o be_v true_a which_o be_v report_v that_o one_o desire_v upon_o a_o time_n conference_n with_o he_o about_o these_o manner_n of_o cause_n he_o answer_v what_o need_v you_o to_o talk_v with_o i_o you_o may_v have_v my_o book_n they_o be_v est_fw-la and_o amen_o i_o doubt_v not_o but_o he_o will_v have_v swear_v upon_o convenient_a occasion_n that_o the_o admonitioner_n platform_n so_o qualify_v by_o he_o be_v a_o most_o perfect_a pattern_n for_o all_o church_n howbeit_o within_o a_o while_n after_o it_o prove_v not_o so_o for_o about_o the_o year_n 1583._o where_n before_o the_o platfourme_v of_o geneva_n as_o it_o be_v leave_v at_o large_a in_o cartwrigts_fw-fr book_n have_v be_v follow_v now_o there_o be_v a_o particular_a draught_n make_v for_o england_n with_o a_o new_a form_n of_o common_a prayer_n therein_o prescribe_v the_o year_n ensue_v 1584._o the_o seven_o and_o twentieth_o of_o her_o majesty_n out_o start_v this_o book_n with_o great_a glory_n at_o the_o parliament_n time_n and_o forthwith_o the_o present_a government_n of_o the_o church_n with_o all_o the_o order_n law_n and_o ceremony_n thereof_o be_v to_o be_v cutoff_a at_o one_o blow_n and_o this_o new_a book_n or_o platform_n must_v needs_o be_v establish_v but_o it_o prevail_v not_o short_o after_o that_o parliament_n the_o say_a book_n and_o platform_n be_v find_v amongst_o themselves_o to_o have_v some_o thing_n amiss_o in_o it_o and_o the_o correct_v of_o it_o be_v refer_v to_o traverse_v 1585._o which_o work_n by_o he_o perform_v come_v out_o again_o about_o the_o year_n 1586._o when_o there_o be_v a_o other_o parliament_n in_o the_o nine_o and_o twenty_o of_o her_o majesty_n reign_n but_o it_o be_v then_o as_o i_o suppose_v sever_v from_o the_o say_a book_n of_o common_a prayer_n and_o become_v a_o entire_a work_n of_o itself_o and_o then_o also_o at_o the_o say_a parliament_n there_o want_v not_o diverse_a solicitor_n star-cha_a for_o the_o admittance_n of_o it_o afterwards_o a_o new_a conference_n be_v have_v again_o about_o this_o second_o correct_v book_n for_o still_o there_o be_v some_o thing_n out_o of_o square_n in_o it_o in_o the_o year_n 1588._o at_o a_o assembly_n in_o coventry_n these_o doubt_n ibidem_fw-la which_o be_v grow_v be_v as_o it_o seem_v debate_v and_o so_o be_v many_o other_o cartwright_n himself_o be_v present_a but_o which_o of_o the_o say_a doubt_n in_o their_o platfourme_v be_v then_o resolve_v i_o find_v it_o not_o this_o appear_v that_o some_o of_o they_o remain_v which_o they_o be_v not_o able_a to_o resolve_v upon_o ibidem_fw-la for_o although_o they_o then_o conclude_v that_o the_o platform_n itself_o be_v a_o essential_a form_n of_o discipline_n necessary_a for_o all_o time_n &_o subscribe_v unto_o the_o practice_n of_o the_o great_a part_n of_o it_o without_o any_o further_o expect_v the_o magistrate_n pleasure_n yet_o in_o their_o subscription_n they_o except_v some_o few_o point_n which_o be_v reserve_v to_o be_v discuss_v by_o certain_a brethren_n in_o a_o other_o assembly_n where_o this_o assembly_n be_v keep_v i_o canuot_fw-la certain_o affirm_v this_o but_o it_o appear_v upon_o deposition_n that_o the_o next_o year_n after_o there_o be_v one_o hold_v in_o saint_n johns_n college_n in_o cambridge_n where_o cartwright_n be_v again_o present_a and_o many_o more_o beside_o diverse_a imperfection_n in_o the_o say_a
exhort_v roll_a provision_n for_o the_o poor_a and_o attendance_n unto_o they_o all_o which_o no_o man_n in_o his_o wit_n will_v deny_v to_o be_v perpetual_a and_o in_o these_o express_o they_o which_o have_v the_o gift_n be_v command_v to_o abide_v and_o to_o content_v themselves_o with_o they_o wherefore_o &c._n &c._n these_o man_n you_o see_v must_v either_o have_v their_o widow_n or_o else_o all_o be_v mar_v and_o have_v they_o they_o will_v if_o distinguish_v similitude_n divide_v sillogisme_n and_o logic_n will_v get_v they_o and_o beside_o you_o may_v perceive_v what_o most_o vehement_a pathetical_a and_o peremptory_a man_n they_o be_v in_o this_o behalf_n howbeit_o you_o shall_v find_v that_o other_o man_n nay_o whole_a church_n for_o all_o this_o heat_n be_v of_o another_o opinion_n and_o withal_o such_o man_n and_o church_n as_o neither_o the_o defender_n discourser_n nor_o sermoner_n nor_o all_o the_o private_a disciplinarye_a conventicle_n in_o england_n will_v presume_v in_o any_o sort_n to_o compare_v themselves_o unto_o they_o master_n beza_n do_v not_o think_v the_o have_v of_o widow_n to_o be_v such_o a_o ordinary_a and_o perpetual_a institution_n as_o it_o have_v be_v pretend_v for_o at_o geneva_n not_o such_o a_o widow_n if_o you_o will_v give_v a_o pound_n for_o she_o and_o yet_o that_o platform_n be_v either_o perfect_a by_o this_o time_n or_o else_o there_o hang_v some_o curse_n over_o it_o but_o this_o i_o be_o sure_a of_o that_o he_o who_o dare_v take_v upon_o he_o to_o tell_v they_o in_o geneva_n that_o by_o their_o omission_n of_o these_o widow_n they_o have_v cruel_o wound_v the_o body_n of_o christ_n they_o have_v like_o desperate_a ruffian_n cut_v of_o one_o of_o his_o member_n and_o that_o in_o these_o respect_n the_o form_n of_o their_o disciplinary_a regiment_n be_v maim_v and_o deform_v may_v peradventure_o repent_v he_o of_o it_o indeed_o either_o i_o be_o very_o much_o deceive_v or_o else_o this_o dream_n of_o widow_n begin_v to_o vanish_v the_o very_a principal_n nay_o the_o only_a place_n uz._n he_o that_o show_v mercy_n with_o cheerfulness_n whereupon_o they_o have_v hitherto_o build_v to_o prove_v they_o to_o be_v such_o church-officer_n as_o they_o have_v imagine_v they_o to_o be_v be_v bold_o and_o with_o main_n strength_n wrest_v out_o of_o their_o hand_n notwithstanding_o that_o master_n caluin_n m._n beza_n and_o m._n cartwright_n have_v lay_v as_o fast_o hold_v upon_o it_o as_o they_o can_v or_o peradventure_o i_o may_v rather_o say_v that_o the_o two_o which_o be_v alive_a see_v their_o tenure_n be_v nought_o have_v willing_o give_v it_o over_o the_o champion_n i_o mean_v that_o have_v do_v this_o great_a deed_n be_v master_n travers_n 119._o who_o write_v of_o this_o point_n after_o this_o sort_n that_o which_o follow_v of_o he_o that_o show_v mercy_n nullum_fw-la certe_fw-la munus_fw-la ecclesiae_fw-la indicare_fw-la puto_fw-la etc._n etc._n i_o think_v it_o mean_v not_o any_o certain_a office_n but_o what_o duty_n the_o whole_a church_n ought_v to_o show_v in_o relieve_n the_o poor_a thus_o far_o and_o further_a master_n travers_n in_o his_o latin_a book_n as_o if_o you_o will_v peruse_v the_o place_n you_o shall_v perceive_v but_o you_o must_v remember_v that_o i_o do_v refer_v you_o to_o his_o latin_a book_n and_o not_o to_o the_o english_a translation_n of_o it_o why_o some_o may_v say_v be_v it_o not_o faithful_o translate_v shall_v we_o think_v that_o such_o zealous_a man_n as_o have_v to_o deal_v therein_o will_v serve_v we_o as_o the_o jesuite_n do_v it_o be_v we_o know_v a_o practice_n with_o that_o false_a hypocritical_a brood_n to_o leave_v out_o and_o thrust_v in_o what_o they_o listen_v into_o the_o write_n of_o the_o ancient_a father_n that_o thereby_o in_o time_n nothing_o may_v appear_v which_o shall_v any_o way_n make_v against_o they_o but_o we_o will_v never_o suspect_v nor_o believe_v that_o any_o man_n who_o fear_v god_n and_o lest_o of_o all_o that_o any_o of_o that_o sort_n which_o be_v so_o earnest_a against_o all_o abuse_n and_o corruption_n shall_v play_v we_o such_o a_o prank_n sure_o you_o do_v well_o to_o judge_v the_o best_a and_o i_o myself_o be_v of_o your_o opinion_n but_o now_o i_o be_o clean_o alter_v how_o be_v some_o of_o vrsinus_n work_v use_v at_o cambridge_n and_o it_o be_v true_a that_o some_o other_o book_n have_v be_v handle_v very_o strange_o elsewhere_o but_o concern_v the_o present_a point_n this_o be_v the_o truth_n the_o translator_n of_o traverse_n book_n have_v quite_o omit_v the_o word_n which_o i_o have_v allege_v and_o all_o the_o rest_n that_o tend_v to_o that_o purpose_n even_o seventeen_o line_n together_o so_o as_o if_o you_o see_v but_o the_o english_a book_n you_o shall_v not_o find_v so_o much_o as_o one_o step_n whereby_o you_o may_v suspect_v that_o ever_o master_n traverse_v have_v carry_v so_o hard_a a_o hand_n over_o the_o pretend_a widow_n if_o the_o translator_n have_v receive_v any_o commission_n from_o the_o author_n to_o have_v deal_v in_o that_o sort_n with_o his_o book_n yet_o it_o shall_v have_v be_v signify_v either_o in_o some_o preface_n or_o in_o some_o note_n or_o by_o some_o mean_n or_o other_o but_o to_o leave_v such_o a_o matter_n out_o and_o to_o give_v no_o general_a warning_n of_o it_o i_o tell_v you_o plain_o it_o be_v great_a dishonesty_n and_o lewdness_n it_o be_v better_o for_o they_o to_o give_v over_o their_o platform_n in_o the_o plain_a field_n then_o to_o seek_v to_o maintain_v they_o with_o such_o apparent_a falsehood_n well_o let_v they_o take_v their_o course_n and_o yet_o all_o their_o sleight_n will_v not_o prevail_v but_o the_o translator_n or_o councillor_n or_o peruser_n one_o or_o more_o or_o how_o many_o soever_o they_o be_v but_o all_o of_o they_o sot_n if_o they_o think_v by_o such_o their_o corruption_n to_o bolster_v up_o the_o credit_n of_o their_o widow_n church-governor_n for_o it_o be_v evident_a in_o my_o judgement_n that_o either_o most_o of_o their_o own_o man_n do_v begin_v to_o come_v to_o master_n traverse_n opinion_n before_o mention_v or_o else_o that_o general_o it_o be_v hold_v by_o they_o that_o the_o first_o ordain_v of_o widow_n be_v but_o for_o a_o time_n &_o never_o mean_v to_o be_v a_o ordinary_a and_o perpetual_a institution_n to_o continue_v for_o ever_o in_o geneva_n as_o i_o say_v there_o be_v no_o such_o widow_n scotlande_n in_o their_o approve_a book_n after_o the_o geneva_n fashion_n do_v not_o once_o think_v of_o they_o the_o synodical_a constitution_n for_o the_o presbyterial_a platform_n of_o all_o the_o french_a church_n do_v make_v no_o mention_n of_o they_o the_o general_a council_n of_o hage_n and_o so_o all_o the_o low_a country_n have_v whole_o forget_v they_o in_o their_o decree_n and_o canon_n in_o the_o platform_n and_o new_a communion_n book_n which_o be_v offer_v once_o or_o twice_o to_o the_o high_a court_n of_o parliament_n in_o england_n concern_v these_o widow_n there_o be_v nothing_o but_o silence_n whereas_o also_o there_o have_v be_v great_a pain_n take_v of_o late_a year_n amongst_o the_o disciplinary_a brotherhood_n and_o many_o meeting_n and_o synod_n hold_v about_o another_o more_o particular_a draught_n of_o discipline_n for_o this_o realm_n till_o at_o the_o last_o they_o have_v subscribe_v unto_o it_o to_o be_v a_o necessary_a platform_n for_o all_o place_n and_o time_n yet_o you_o shall_v not_o find_v that_o they_o have_v speak_v so_o much_o as_o one_o word_n of_o those_o widow_n whereupon_o i_o conclude_v that_o their_o cause_n be_v desperate_a and_o so_o i_o leave_v both_o they_o and_o their_o patron_n with_o all_o their_o contrariety_n uncertainty_n and_o wrangling_n about_o they_o and_o will_v come_v to_o the_o consideration_n of_o another_o material_a point_n uz._n what_o charge_v this_o consistoriall_a devise_n do_v bring_v with_o it_o to_o every_o parish_n chap._n 20._o of_o the_o charge_n to_o be_v impose_v upon_o every_o parish_n by_o mean_n of_o the_o pretend_a eldership_n by_o the_o common_a account_n of_o our_o disciplinarie_a devise_n there_o be_v diverse_a ecclesiastical_a person_n to_o be_v maintain_v in_o every_o parish_n now_o there_o be_v but_o one_o in_o most_o place_n the_o parson_n or_o the_o vicar_n and_o god_n know_v in_o many_o parish_n their_o entertainment_n be_v full_a bare_a but_o admit_v of_o the_o consistoriall_a senate_n in_o every_o parish_n 131._o and_o then_o consider_v how_o they_o shall_v be_v charge_v first_o the_o current_a assertion_n be_v that_o in_o everye_o congregation_n there_o must_v be_v a_o pastor_n but_o the_o learned_a discourser_n say_v there_o shall_v be_v two_o at_o the_o least_o then_o they_o must_v have_v a_o doctor_n and_o for_o elder_n they_o may_v be_v more_o or_o few_o as_o the_o circuit_n of_o the_o parish_n be_v
then_o you_o perceive_v what_o bezaes_n distinction_n mean_v &_o with_o what_o good_a discretion_n both_o he_o and_o his_o follower_n will_v needs_o make_v two_o court_n of_o that_o which_o be_v but_o one_o it_o be_v a_o very_a great_a marvel_v that_o any_o wise_a man_n shall_v insist_v upon_o these_o so_o apparent_a and_o childish_a foolery_n in_o all_o the_o court_n i_o think_v in_o the_o world_n since_o there_o have_v be_v any_o the_o same_o that_o be_v judge_n of_o the_o law_n be_v judge_n likewise_o to_o try_v the_o fact_n except_o it_o be_v in_o england_n and_o yet_o here_o also_o even_o in_o the_o trial_n of_o fact_n by_o twelve_o man_n we_o have_v not_o two_o court_n for_o one_o matter_n but_o all_o the_o evidence_n witness_n and_o whatsoever_o else_o that_o do_v appertain_v for_o the_o find_v out_o of_o the_o fact_n be_v bring_v before_o the_o judge_n of_o the_o law_n they_o sift_v and_o examine_v every_o point_n and_o circumstance_n that_o so_o the_o jury_n may_v be_v full_o inform_v and_o they_o be_v indeed_o the_o chief_a director_n as_o it_o be_v meet_v in_o the_o whole_a matter_n and_o as_o it_o be_v and_o have_v be_v in_o all_o the_o world_n so_o it_o be_v in_o all_o the_o court_n appoint_v either_o by_o moses_n or_o by_o king_n jehosophat_n in_o jewrie_n it_o be_v true_a that_o all_o difficulty_n that_o do_v rise_v among_o the_o judge_n of_o inferior_a court_n in_o the_o country_n whether_o they_o be_v of_o law_n or_o fact_n and_o likewise_o all_o appellation_n from_o low_a court_n do_v belong_v to_o the_o high_a court_n at_o jerusalem_n to_o be_v hear_v and_o determine_v but_o do_v that_o prove_v one_o court_n to_o be_v two_o nay_o it_o be_v most_o apparent_a that_o if_o they_o will_v needs_o fetch_v their_o eldership_n from_o the_o jew_n synedria_n they_o may_v challenge_v to_o themselves_o aswell_o the_o civil_a government_n of_o the_o commonwealth_n as_o the_o ecclesiastical_a of_o the_o church_n for_o so_o be_v the_o form_n of_o government_n then_o according_a to_o the_o testimony_n of_o scripture_n of_o all_o the_o jew_n the_o rabbin_n the_o talmudist_n josephus_n &_o other_o and_o i_o great_o do_v suspect_v it_o that_o in_o time_n they_o will_v begin_v to_o claim_v it_o i_o find_v they_o so_o waver_v and_o uncertain_a in_o this_o matter_n as_o yet_o fi●_n they_o can_v abide_v to_o hear_v of_o it_o but_o observe_v they_o how_o they_o stagger_v beza_n in_o his_o book_n against_o erastus_n whereunto_o he_o himself_o and_o seventeen_o other_o minister_n of_o geneva_n subscribe_v and_o which_o be_v the_o book_n indeed_o that_o erastus_n do_v confute_v both_o he_o &_o they_o all_o of_o they_o be_v in_o doubt_n of_o this_o point_n a_o verò_fw-la civilem_fw-la aliquam_fw-la comenrtionem_fw-la habuerit_fw-la ex_fw-la jure_fw-la ecclesiasticum_fw-la illuà_fw-la apud_fw-la judaeos_fw-la synedrion_n definire_fw-la vix_fw-la possumus_fw-la habuisse_fw-la tamen_fw-la posterioribus_fw-la saltem_fw-la temporibus_fw-la negare_fw-la nec_fw-la si_fw-la velimus_fw-la possumus_fw-la etc._n etc._n we_o can_v scarce_o define_v whether_o the_o ecclesiastical_a eldership_n among_o the_o jew_n have_v any_o authority_n of_o right_a to_o use_v civil_a punishment_n that_o it_o have_v at_o the_o least_o in_o the_o late_a time_n if_o we_o will_v deny_v it_o we_o can_v it_o be_v very_o well_o say_v and_o then_o i_o trust_v it_o will_v be_v confess_v that_o as_o long_o as_o that_o authority_n continue_v he_o have_v be_v a_o fond_a man_n that_o shall_v but_o once_o have_v dream_v of_o the_o former_a distinction_n of_o make_v one_o court_n two_o uz._n the_o one_o of_o fact_n and_o the_o other_o of_o law_n and_o of_o deal_n in_o civil_a cause_n ecclesiastical_o or_o i_o know_v not_o how_o yea_o say_v beza_n but_o though_o they_o have_v such_o authority_n probabile_fw-la est_fw-la it_o be_v probable_a that_o it_o be_v procure_v ambitione_n maximorum_fw-la pontificum_fw-la by_o the_o ambition_n of_o the_o high_a priest_n how_o like_v you_o this_o when_o he_o be_v so_o press_v both_o by_o scripture_n and_o with_o other_o authority_n that_o he_o can_v choose_v but_o confess_v the_o point_n in_o question_n see_v how_o substantial_o he_o will_v seem_v to_o avoid_v it_o with_o his_o theological_a demonstration_n probabile_fw-la est_fw-la but_o that_o i_o do_v the_o man_n no_o injury_n he_o have_v a_o other_o shift_n of_o descant_n to_o help_v himself_o herein_o though_o they_o have_v any_o such_o authority_n exiure_v by_o the_o law_n say_v he_o yet_o hoc_fw-la nihil_fw-la ad_fw-la nos_fw-la it_o do_v not_o concern_v us._n why_o if_o the_o same_o policy_n that_o the_o jew_n have_v be_v continue_v by_o christ_n in_o his_o church_n how_o come_v it_o to_o pass_v that_o this_o do_v nothing_o concern_v we_o it_o be_v abrogate_a belike_o even_o as_o much_o and_o as_o little_a of_o the_o policy_n must_v continue_v as_o be_v in_o force_n at_o geneva_n but_o who_o do_v abrogate_v it_o christ._n where_o when_o he_o say_v reges_fw-la gentium_fw-la dominantur_fw-la eye_n vos_fw-la autem_fw-la non_fw-la sic_fw-la the_o king_n of_o the_o nation_n bear_v rule_v over_o they_o but_o it_o shall_v not_o be_v so_o with_o you_o they_o seem_v to_o be_v much_o beholden_a to_o this_o piece_n of_o scripture_n it_o serve_v they_o unto_o so_o many_o purpose_n but_o if_o they_o presume_v in_o this_o sort_n upon_o the_o continual_a favour_n of_o it_o certain_o it_o will_v leave_v they_o when_o they_o least_o suspect_v it_o if_o the_o jew_n eldership_n have_v to_o deal_v in_o civil_a cause_n &_o that_o christ_n have_v purpose_v to_o have_v continue_v that_o form_n of_o government_n in_o his_o church_n in_o all_o point_n save_v in_o that_o he_o will_v have_v say_v thus_o the_o priest_n of_o the_o jew_n do_v bear_v rule_n over_o they_o and_o have_v to_o deal_v in_o civil_a cause_n but_o it_o shall_v not_o be_v so_o with_o you_o it_o be_v to_o be_v wonder_v be_v that_o beza_n shall_v content_v himself_o with_o such_o unlikely_a &_o so_o very_o improbable_a conceit_n but_o it_o seem_v that_o upon_o some_o better_a advisement_n with_o himself_o and_o his_o fellow_n subscriber_n they_o grow_v all_o of_o they_o ashamed_a of_o these_o shift_n 106._o and_o therefore_o in_o his_o book_n of_o excommunication_n which_o he_o late_o publish_v he_o be_v become_v in_o some_o sort_n another_o man_n now_o both_o he_o &_o his_o say_a felow-minister_n be_v out_o of_o doubt_n exit_fw-la clarissimis_fw-la testimoniis_fw-la by_o most_o clear_a testimony_n 109._o that_o the_o authority_n which_o the_o priest_n have_v in_o civil_a cause_n be_v get_v by_o bribe_n exit_fw-la licentia_fw-la &_o iurisdictionis_fw-la perturbatione_fw-la through_o the_o liberty_n and_o confusion_n of_o those_o two_o distinctiurisdiction_n which_o confusion_n christus_fw-la nunquam_fw-la approbanit_fw-la christ_n never_o approve_v ah_o very_o well_o though_o they_o have_v turn_v over_o a_o other_o lease_n and_o for_o probabile_fw-la est_fw-la do_v brag_v of_o most_o clear_a testimony_n yet_o concern_v christ_n word_n they_o be_v go_v backward_o for_o his_o commandment_n vos_fw-fr autem_fw-la non_fw-la sic_fw-la be_v now_o turn_v as_o you_o see_v into_o nunquam_fw-la approbavit_fw-la which_o carry_v with_o it_o no_o other_o force_n than_o be_v ascribe_v to_o a_o negative_a collection_n but_o for_o all_o their_o most_o clear_a testimony_n he_o must_v have_v better_a eye_n than_o i_o that_o can_v discern_v any_o thing_n by_o they_o save_v their_o inconstancy_n and_o that_o there_o be_v cause_n to_o suspect_v thereby_o as_o i_o say_v that_o when_o their_o credit_n be_v increase_v they_o will_v not_o great_o stick_v to_o break_v the_o bound_n of_o their_o say_a distinction_n &_o deal_v as_o well_o with_o matter_n of_o fact_n as_o of_o law_n for_o else_o beside_o all_o the_o premise_n what_o mean_v this_o new_a ground_n of_o divinity_n publish_v of_o late_a in_o print_n to_o the_o world_n from_o geneva_n civiles_fw-la quoque_fw-la light_n antequam_fw-la christiani_n essent_fw-la magistratus_fw-la ut_fw-la verisimile_fw-la est_fw-la ex_fw-la apostolica_fw-la doctrina_fw-la 83._o amicè_fw-la &_o citra_fw-la ullum_fw-la ferè_fw-la strepitum_fw-la componebantur_fw-la the_o civil_a contention_n before_o there_o be_v any_o christian_a magistrate_n be_v compound_v as_o it_o be_v likely_a according_a to_o the_o apostle_n doctrine_n by_o the_o eldership_n friendly_a and_o without_o any_o suit_n of_o law_n so_o as_o now_o if_o this_o question_n be_v once_o determine_v whether_o that_o may_v be_v lawful_a when_o there_o be_v a_o christian_a magistrate_n that_o be_v lawful_a to_o be_v do_v when_o there_o be_v none_o there_o shall_v as_o you_o see_v be_v no_o more_o suit_n in_o law_n for_o civil_a cause_n in_o the_o land_n their_o eldership_n have_v entitle_v themselves_o unto_o they_o and_o ingross_v they_o all_o by_o right_n into_o their_o hand_n you_o will_v say_v it_o be_v true_a that_o they_o have_v do_v so_o indeed_o if_o