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england_n henry_n king_n prince_n 17,085 5 6.0709 4 true
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A90242 Nevv Lambeth fayre newly consecrated and presented by the Pope himselfe, cardinals, bishops, Iesuits, &c. VVherein all Romes reliques are set at sale, with the old fayre corrected and enlarged, opening and vending the whole mistery of iniquity. By Richard Overton. VVith remarkable annotations declaring under what pope, and in what yeare of our Lord every relique and ceremonie came into the Church. Overton, Richard, fl. 1646. 1642 (1642) Wing O631A; Thomason E138_16; ESTC R16194 13,132 18

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emperor_n in_o degree_n make_v king_n your_o 1158._o your_o pope_n alexander_n the_o 3._o compel_v lewes_n king_n of_o france_n and_z henry_n king_n of_o england_n to_o be_v his_o lackey_n pope_n adrian_n be_v angry_a with_o the_o emperor_n for_o hold_v the_o left_a stirrup_n anno_fw-la 1158._o slave_n and_o emperor_n kiss_v your_o 850._o your_o pope_n le●_n the_o first_o offer_v his_o foot_n to_o prince_n to_o be_v kiss_v anno_fw-la 850._o toe_n and_o to_o your_o highness_n make_v they_o barefoot_a go_v i_o have_v that_o art_n no_o mortal_a can_v compare_v or_o ever_o bring_v the_o like_a to_o any_o fair_a it_o be_v better_a than_o lawn-sleeve_n for_o this_o will_v make_v not_o only_o king_n but_o kingdom_n too_o to_o shake_v not_o many_o king_n surcease_v i_o be_v supreme_a here_o in_o this_o i_o will_v but_o time_n have_v turn_v the_o stream_n but_o though_o the_o thing_n be_v something_o out_o of_o date_n here_o be_v plot_n to_o boot_v which_o will_v renew_v its_o state_n come_v buy_v this_o gem_n then_o in_o small_a time_n i_o hope_v you_o will_v prove_v a_o prelate_n but_o beware_v the_o rope_n here_o be_v aid_n for_o the_o irish_a to_o subdue_v and_o quell_v the_o protestant_n and_o send_v they_o thence_o to_o hell_n oh_o that_o curse_a crew_n i_o have_v new_a plot_n in_o store_n to_o shed_v their_o blood_n and_o leave_v they_o in_o their_o gore_n million_o of_o money_n i_o have_v have_v ere_o while_n fo●_n stratagem_n invent_v for_o this_o i_o will_v well_o let_v they_o thrive_v i_o may_v ere_o long_o i_o hope_v show_v they_o a_o trick_n thus_o to_o abuse_v the_o pope_n my_o elder_a son_n sole_a heir_n unto_o my_o pour_n who_o they_o most_o false_o have_v clap_v in_o the_o tower_n i_o will_v redeem_v if_o in_o this_o sacred_a fair_a i_o can_v get_v money_n for_o my_o popish_a ware_n i_o will_v be_v revenge_v or_o else_o my_o triple-crowne_n shall_v lie_v at_o stake_n to_o credit_v his_o renown_n you_o that_o affect_v his_o sacred_a holiness_n i_o will_v sell_v you_o plot_n will_v free_v he_o from_o distress_n come_v buy_v they_o tribe_n of_o levi_n for_o i_o know_v you_o will_v free_v your_o primate_n if_o you_o know_v but_o how_o come_v here_o you_o dum-diegoes_n view_n and_o see_v my_o romish_a conclave_n come_v and_o buy_v of_o i_o if_o you_o want_v treason_n or_o confound_a plot_n to_o conquer_v england_n and_o subdue_v the_o scot_n here_o buy_v this_o plot_n and_o take_v it_o on_o my_o word_n it_o be_v the_o best_a the_o devil_n in_o hell_n afford_v i_o have_v a_o thousand_o thousand_o devil_n to_o bring_v tiding_n from_o ●_z and_o from_o every_o king_n how_o state_n be_v sway_v and_o how_o they_o be_v wheel_v about_o some_o at_o the_o court_n and_o some_o with_o rablerout_n that_o i_o know_v when_o the_o fit_a time_n will_v be_v to_o make_v a_o comic_a state_n a_o tragadie_n whereat_o my_o muse_n begin_v to_o start_v aside_o as_o one_o that_o scarce_o dare_v long_o there_o abide_v to_o see_v such_o spark_n of_o velvet_n as_o come_v there_o to_o cheapen_v treason_n but_o i_o will_v forbear_v to_o nominate_v to_o who_o the_o pope_n do_v vent_v accurse_a plot_n to_o break_v our_o parliament_n to_o see_v such_o trade_n there_o my_o muse_n resolve_v to_o try_v else_o where_n what_o other_o thing_n be_v sell_v and_o thence_o depart_v further_o she_o espy_v the_o roman_a cardinal_n in_o glorious_a pride_n their_o stall_n be_v so_o adorn_v with_o several_a kind_n of_o babel_n trinket_n to_o content_v their_o mind_n which_o make_v her_o wonder_n wonder_v do_v behold_v 1641._o behold_v persecution_n for_o conscience_n come_v in_o under_o pope_n pelagius_n 1_o anno._n 552._o after_o establish_a at_o the_o great_a latteran_n council_n anno_fw-la 1215._o retain_v in_o england_n by_o bloody_a bishop_n and_o their_o court_n to_o the_o year_n 1641._o saint_n in_o their_o blood_n lie_v grovel_v on_o the_o mould_n their_o shop_n and_o hang_n be_v besmear_v with_o blood_n of_o martyr_a soul_n which_o have_v their_o law_n withstand_v gaze_v at_o this_o the_o next_o thing_n that_o she_o see_v be_v bleed_v heart_n squeeze_v in_o a_o gripe_a paw_n divide_v air_n with_o hell-breathed_a dialect_n in_o these_o harsh_a term_n oh_o now_o i_o can_v dis●ect_v thousand_o of_o soul_n thus_o peecemale_a in_o my_o spite_n though_o their_o curse_a wife_n and_o child_n be_v in_o sight_n here_o be_v devise_n for_o to_o torture_v those_o that_o shall_v his_o holiness_n or_o we_o oppose_v our_o spanish_a inquisition_n if_o you_o will_v buy_v it_o will_v fit_v you_o for_o all_o torture_n present_o this_o i_o bring_v with_o i_o '_o cause_n i_o hear_v of_o late_a your_o high-commission_n be_v grow_v out_o of_o date_n here_o be_v a_o conceit_n will_v make_v both_o great_a and_o small_a nation_n and_o people_n kindred_n tongue_n and_o all_o 66●_n *_o foretell_v rev._n 13._o first_o assay_v by_o boniface_n the_o first_o grant_v by_o emperor_n ph●cas_n a_o tyrant_n and_o emperor_n constantine_n obtain_v by_o pope_n bennit_n the_o 2._o anno._n 66●_n bow_v to_o your_o mark_n and_o number_n of_o your_o name_n that_o none_o shall_v buy_v or_o sell_v without_o the_o same_o then_o cry_v another_o here_o be_v purgatory_n limbo_n infantum_fw-la ●atrum_fw-la and_o the_o story_n of_o bell_n and_o dragon_n tobit_n and_o his_o dog_n come_v buy_v these_o trinket_n and_o away_o i_o will_v jog_v here_o be_v the_o 871._o the_o pope_n le●_n the_o three_o decree_v that_o all_o man_n judgement_n must_v be_v subject_a to_o the_o pope_n decree_n anno._n 817._o nicholas_n the_o first_o that_o they_o shall_v be_v equal_a with_o god_n word_n anno_fw-la 871._o decretal_n pardon_n for_o the_o dead_a indulgence_n the_o holy_a cross_n and_o bede_n the_o next_o to_o he_o a_o savage_a bonner_n stand_v much_o like_o the_o other_o that_o be_v dip_v in_o blood_n and_o he_o sell_v fire_n and_o faggot_n to_o torment_n and_o burn_v the_o saint_n up_o all_o incontinent_a another_o he_o have_v get_v a_o world_n of_o spit_n with_o instrument_n to_o hack_v they_o all_o to_o bit_n another_o he_o sell_v hunger_n thirst_v and_o cold_a with_o loathsome_a goal_n for_o such_o as_o shall_v be_v bold_a once_o to_o control_v they_o in_o their_o papal_a sway_n or_o dash_v their_o glory_n with_o a_o heavenly_a ray_n but_o the_o most_o hideous_a ghastly_a sight_n of_o all_o be_v a_o fierce_a friend_n a_o other_o cardinal_n for_o in_o his_o shop_n with_o horror_n and_o amaze_n be_v all_o the_o torture_n use_v in_o former_a day_n the_o ten_o hot_a persecution_n in_o their_o rage_n and_o all_o the_o rest_n use_v in_o this_o present_a age_n be_v there_o at_o sale_n that_o he_o appear_v to_o be_v more_o cruel_a far_o than_o stern_a tesiphome_n snaky_a haired_a megaera_n alecto●el●_n ●el●_z be_v scarce_o so_o cruel_a in_o the_o infernal_a cell_n sometime_o h●s_v shop_n be_v fill_v with_o sulphurie_n smoke_n one_o will_v have_v think_v his_o chapman_n would'been_v choke_v then_o present_o the_o fire_n and_o faggot_n blaze_v which_o make_v my_o muse_n affright_v stand_v amaze_v to_o see_v such_o million_o fry_a in_o the_o fire_n while_o this_o stern_n tyrant_n gnash_v his_o tooth_n with_o ire_n the_o skin_n of_o saint_n their_o tongue_n their_o eye_n and_o ear_n be_v there_o at_o sale_n with_o flood_n of_o brinish_a tear_n weary_a of_o this_o my_o muse_n display_v her_o wing_n and_o soar_v high_o hear_v the_o w●lkin_n ring_n with_o various_a voice_n chatter_v in_o the_o air_n to_o sell_v their_o trinket_n in_o new_a lambeth-fayre_a bald-pated_n friar_n with_o the_o infernal_a train_n of_o romish_a vermin_n cry_v with_o might_n and_o main_a their_o several_a trinket_n eprelat_n trinket_n it_o be_v decread_v at_o a_o counsel_n hold_v at_o lion_n gnd_a pope_n grenory_n the_o 10._o anno_fw-la 1271._o that_o ●_o parson_n and_o vicar_n shall_v be_v call_v for_o ever_o after_o priest_n &_o no_o mo_z eprelat_n priest_n and_o all_o the_o rest_n of_o hell-sent_a locust_n that_o come_v with_o the_o beast_n call_v to_o their_o chapman_n swear_v by_o the_o mass_n their_o ware_n be_v such_o as_o through_o the_o world_n may_v pass_v anthem_n pass_v pope_n gregory_n the_o 1._o devise_a anthem_n anthem_n and_o service_n and_o pope_n damasus_n add_v hymn_n to_o the_o service_n hymn_n and_o 552._o and_o pope_n pelagius_n the_o 1._o ordain_v funeral_n dirge_n with_o mass_n of_o requiem_n to_o be_v sing_v for_o the_o dead_a anno_fw-la 552._o dirge_n for_o the_o dead_a the_o pope_n the_o pope_n greg._n the_o 1._o ordain_v the_o office_n of_o the_o mass_n anno_fw-la 590._o author_n of_o the_o mass_n gregory_n gelasius_n siricius_n clement_n alexander_n pelagius_n sergius_n etc._n etc._n pope_n latin_a mass_n with_o the_o incarnate_a bread_n bell_n book_n and_o candle_n to_o accurse_v all_o evil_a and_o ●10_n and_o invent_v by_o alexander_n the_o
new_a lambeth_n fair_a new_o consecrate_a and_o present_v by_o the_o pope_n himself_o cardinal_n bishop_n jesvit_n etc._n etc._n wherein_o all_o rome_n relic_n be_v set_v at_o sale_n with_o the_o old_a fair_a correct_v and_o enlarge_v open_v and_o vend_v the_o whole_a mystery_n of_o iniquity_n by_o richard_n overton_n with_o remarkable_a annotation_n declare_v under_o what_o pope_n and_o in_o what_o year_n of_o our_o lord_n every_o relic_n and_o ceremony_n come_v into_o the_o church_n london_n print_v by_o r._n o._n and_o g._n d._n 1642._o to_o the_o reader_n this_o vessel_n once_o have_v laneed_a into_o the_o main_a but_o be_v land_v must_v to_o sea_n again_o her_o deck_n repair_v and_o every_o place_n beside_o she_o will_v venture_v once_o more_o 〈◊〉_d the_o fall_a tide_n fraught_v with_o more_o relic_n the●_n she_o be_v before_o such_o as_o rome_n conclave_n long_o have_v keep_v in_o store_n ship-splitting_a rock_n with_o fierce_a tempestuous_a wind_n she_o dread_v not_o reader_n if_o thou_o be_v but_o kind_a if_o boreas_n storm_n and_o all_o the_o wind_n beside_o thy_o kind_a acceptance_n will_v allay_v their_o pride_n be_v not_o prejudicate_v but_o if_o thy_o eye_n pry_v out_o their_o fault_n be_v please_v to_o pass_v they_o by_o thus_o then_o she_o venture_v to_o present_v her_o ware_n and_o bid_v you_o welcome_a to_o new_a lambeth-fayre_a new_a lambeth-fayre_a open_v and_o vend_v the_o whole_a mystery_n of_o iniquity_n the_o pope_n of_o rome_n to_o hear_v the_o great_a distress_n of_o our_o lord_n bishop_n and_o their_o bad_a success_n at_o the_o late_a fair_a of_o lambeth_n be_v perplex_v and_o at_o their_o trade_n there_o be_v high_o vex_v that_o in_o a_o fury_n post_v thence_o amain_o he_o come_v to_o consecrate_v the_o fair_a again_o with_o martyr_n with_o pope_n silvester_n the_o first_o appoint_v the_o college_n of_o cardinal_n anno_fw-la 315._o pope_n marcellus_n ordain_v 16._o in_o rome_n to_o baptize_v convert_n from_o paganism_n and_o for_o the_o burial_n of_o martyr_n cardinal_n puff_v up_o with_o roman_a pride_n and_o lofty_a prelate_n and_o a_o world_n beside_o of_o jesuit_n yea_o hell_n infernal_a gate_n be_v set_v wide_o open_a to_o advance_v their_o state_n from_o who_o black_a sulphurous_a smoke_n there_o do_v arise_v legion_n of_o locust_n darken_n all_o the_o sky_n thousand_o of_o thousand_o monk_n and_o friar_n store_n and_o virgin_n nun_n come_v to_o attend_v the_o whore_n it_o be_v endless_a to_o express_v such_o be_v the_o train_n 1368._o the_o order_n of_o jesuite_n be_v the_o invention_n of_o johannes_n columbinus_fw-la in_o sc●na_fw-la a_o city_n of_o hethruria_n anno_fw-la 1368._o that_o do_v press_v after_o with_o their_o might_n and_o main_a such_o troop_n of_o black-coat_n come_v unto_o this_o fair_a which_o cast_v a_o sable_a darkness_n on_o the_o air_n which_o make_v my_o muse_n to_o view_v that_o ghastly_a sight_n to_o be_v afraid_a they_o will_v turn_v the_o day_n to_o night_n 389._o *_o the_o order_n of_o monk_n first_o raise_v by_o basilius_n magnus_n bishop_n of_o cesaria_n in_o cappadocea_n anno_fw-la 389._o a_o numerous_a fleet_n of_o ship_n be_v rich_o fraught_v and_o all_o with_o safety_n to_o the_o land_n veer_fw-mi bring_v with_o sacred_a relic_n trinket_n long_o before_o expel_v this_o island_n now_o be_v bring_v a_o shore_n which_o be_v do_v the_o pope_n do_v then_o prepare_v himself_o again_o to_o consecrate_v the_o fair_a the_o strange_a seven_o head_a beast_n prance_v through_o the_o town_n have_v ten_o horn_n and_o every_o horn_n a_o crown_n and_o on_o his_o back_n his_o holiness_n he_o bear_v which_o be_v a_o emblem_n of_o great_a babells_n whore_n the_o cardinal_n priest_n prelate_n and_o the_o rest_n ride_v in_o state_n after_o wonder_v at_o the_o beast_n who_o as_o he_o ride_v along_o do_v consecrate_v the_o fair_a again_o to_o more_o propitious_a fate_n which_o be_v do_v and_o all_o their_o booth_n be_v make_v with_o all_o thing_n fit_v for_o that_o holy_a trade_n upon_o their_o booth_n and_o stall_n for_o fear_n of_o evil_a be_v cross_n set_v to_o scare_v away_o the_o devil_n the_o crier_n then_o command_v do_v proclaim_v the_o fair_a again_o thus_o in_o his_o holy_a name_n o╌yes_n o╌yes_o o╌yes_v it_o be_v decree_v order_v and_o this_o day_n command_v by_o the_o council_n of_o all_o the_o holy_a 667._o a_o pope_n bennet_n the_o 2._o obtain_v the_o supremacy_n of_o emperor_n constantine_n and_o to_o be_v christ_n vicar_n st._n peter_n successor_n etc._n etc._n anno_fw-la 667._o church_n first_o of_o our_o most_o holy_a father_n of_o father_n a_o st._n peter_n successor_n christ_n vicar_n our_o high_a priest_n chief_a pontifex_n and_o pope_n of_o rome_n his_o cardinal_n arch-bishop_n and_o bishop_n and_o of_o all_o the_o clergy_n of_o the_o holy_a church_n that_o in_o the_o name_n of_o his_o holiness_n and_o of_o the_o bless_a virgin_n mary_n and_o of_o all_o the_o he_o and_o she_o saint_n forth_o with_o this_o holy_a and_o spiritual_a fair_a thus_o consecrate_v shall_v begin_v wherein_o all_o sort_n of_o sa●red_a ware_n and_o babalonish_a relic_n shall_v be_v set_v at_o sale_n for_o the_o ransome_v of_o his_o imprison_a holiness_n william_n laud_n archbishop_n of_o canterbury_n primate_n and_o metropolitan_a of_o all_o england_n his_o grace_n with_o the_o rest_n of_o his_o sacred_a brethren_n now_o in_o durance_n in_o the_o tower_n for_o their_o most_o pious_a papal_a and_o archprelaticall_a protestation_n ever_o the_o say_a emperor_n give_v to_o pope_n silvester_n and_o his_o successor_n rome_n italy_n and_o the_o west_n part_n for_o st._n peter_n patrimony_n for_o ever_o and_o petition_n and_o for_o the_o raise_n up_o supply_n for_o their_o viaticall_a expense_n with_o we_o in_o our_o return_n to_o babylon_n the_o great_a vivat_fw-la papa_n romanorum_fw-la in_o secula_fw-la seculorum_fw-la et_fw-la ultra_fw-la amen_n amen_o this_o do_v the_o pope_n in_o height_n of_o romish_a pride_n with_o 1272._o with_o cardinal_n be_v appoint_v by_o pope_n gregory_n the_o 10._o for_o the_o election_n of_o pope_n anno_fw-la 1272._o cardinal_n and_o all_o the_o troop_n beside_o of_o hell_n smoak-vented_n locust_n show_v their_o ware_n which_o they_o bring_v with_o they_o to_o new_a lambeth_n fair_a here_o be_v a_o rare_a head_n the_o pope_n cry_v out_o amain_o it_o be_v stuff_v with_o treason_n full_o as_o it_o can_v contain_v come_v buy_v this_o head_n it_o be_v fill_v with_o noble_a brain_n take_v it_o in_o your_o hand_n i_o will_v sell_v it_o you_o for_o small_a gain_n will_v thou_o know_v how_o to_o sway_v the_o royal_a throne_n live_v like_o a_o king_n and_o make_v a_o king_n like_o none_o '_o i_o will_v sell_v that_o art_n good_a as_o the_o devil_n ere_o make_v thou_o never_o see_v a_o beet_a man_n of_o th'trade_n buy_v treason_n of_o the_o maker_n here_o be_v store_n upon_o my_o word_n i_o be_o great_a babel_n whore_n here_o be_v powder_n plot_v oh_o most_o admire_a ware_n they_o will_v blow_v up_o king_n and_o kingdom_n in_o the_o air_n come_v hither_o sir_n be_v you_o for_o sea_n or_o land_n her_o be_v plot_n for_o both_o will_v fit_v you_o out_o of_o hand_n how_o like_v you_o 88_o oh_o such_o a_o plot_n will_v tame_v the_o fury_n of_o the_o curse_a scot_n her_o be_v the_o late_a fleet_n the_o flemish_a butter_n box_n salute_v late_o with_o so_o many_o knock_v but_o the_o best_a plot_n that_o ever_o yet_o be_v find_v be_v now_o on_o foot_n upon_o the_o irish_a ground_n oh_o here_o be_v ware_n will_v quell_v your_o proud_a foe_n and_o make_v he_o swim_v in_o blood_n where_o ere_o you_o go_v take_v but_o one_o dram_n of_o this_o and_o it_o will_v make_v both_o england_n wales_n and_o scotland_n too_o to_o quake_v it_o be_v the_o rare_a one_o my_o holiness_n have_v bring_v unto_o this_o fair_a thus_o to_o be_v sell_v and_o buy_v i_o bring_v a_o pattern_n purpose_n for_o this_o land_n to_o bring_v the_o heretic_n to_o my_o command_n buy_v for_o its_o virtue_n for_o it_o have_v a_o power_n to_o free_v my_o laud_n and_o set_v '_o him_z out_o '_o of_o the_o tower_n here_o be_v faux_n his_o brain_n pan_n for_o a_o quaff_a boull_n to_o drink_v a_o health_n in_o treason_n to_o his_o soul_n gowry_n conspiracy_n or_o what_o else_o may_v be_v fatal_a to_o king_n and_o triumph_n unto_o i_o here_o be_v strafford_n wit_n will_v teach_v you_o how_o to_o ride_v in_o charles_n his_o wain_n and_o through_o the_o star_n beside_o but_o like_a to_o phaeton_n too_o busy_a with_o the_o sun_n he_o be_v throw_v out_o and_o so_o his_o life_n be_v do_v come_v hither_o sir_n do_v you_o desire_v to_o be_v great_a than_o 1195._o than_o pope_n innocent_a arrogate_a to_o himself_o power_n to_o crown_n and_o deprive_v imperour_n king_n and_o prince_n at_o his_o pleasure_n anno._n 1195._o king_n or_o