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A90242 Nevv Lambeth fayre newly consecrated and presented by the Pope himselfe, cardinals, bishops, Iesuits, &c. VVherein all Romes reliques are set at sale, with the old fayre corrected and enlarged, opening and vending the whole mistery of iniquity. By Richard Overton. VVith remarkable annotations declaring under what pope, and in what yeare of our Lord every relique and ceremonie came into the Church. Overton, Richard, fl. 1646. 1642 (1642) Wing O631A; Thomason E138_16; ESTC R16194 13,132 18

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Emperours in degree Make Kings your (d) Pope Alexander the 3. compelled Lewes King of France and Henry King of England to be his Lackies Pope Adrian was angry with the Emperour for holding the left Stirrop Anno 1158. Slaves and Emperors kisse your (e) Pope Le● the first offered his feet to Princes to be k●ssed Anno 850. Toe And to your Highnesse make them barefoot goe I have that Art no Mortall can compare Or ever bring the like to any Fayre T is better then Lawn-sleeves for this will make Not onely Kings but Kingdomes too to shake Not many Kings surceas'd I was supreame Here in this I le but time hath turnd the streame But though the thing be something out of date Here 's Plots to boot which will renew its state Come buy this Gem then in small time I hope You 'll prove a Prelate but beware the Rope Here 's ayd for 'th Irish to subdue and quell The Protestants and send them thence to Hell Oh that curst Crew I have new Plots in store To shed their blood and leave them in their Goare Millions of Money I have had ere while Fo● stratagems invented for this I le Well let them thrive I may ere long I hope Shew them a trick thus to abuse the Pope My eldest Son sole heire unto my Powre Whom they most falsly have clapt in the Towre I will redeeme if in this sacred Fayre I can get money for my popish ware I le be reveng'd or else my Triple-crowne Shall lye at stake to credit his renowne You that affect his sacred holinesse I le sell you plots will free him from distresse Come buy them Tribe of Levi for I know You 'd free your Primate if you knew but how Come here ye Dum-Diegoes view and see My Romish Conclave come and buy of me If you want Treasons or confounding Plots To conquer England and subdue the Scots Here buy this plot and take it on my word It is the best the Divells in hell afford I have a thousand thousand Divells to bring Tydings from N●tions and from every King How States are sway'd and how they 'r wheeld about Some at the court and some with rable-rout That I know when the fittest time will be To make a commick state a tragadie Whereat my muse began to start aside As one that scarce durst longer there abide To see such Sparks of Velvet as came there To cheapen treasons but I will forbeare To nominate to whom the Pope did vent Accursed Plots to breake our Parliament To see such trading there my Muse resolu'd To try else where what other things were sold And thence departing further she espi'd The Roman Cardinalls in glorious pride Their stalls were so adorn'd with severall kinds Of Babels Trinkets to content their minds Which made her wonder wondring did behold * Pe●secution for conscience came in under Pope Pelagius 1. Anno. 552. after established at the great Latteran Councell Anno 1215. retained in England by bloody Bishops and their Courts to the yeare 1641. Saints in their blood lye groveling on the mould Their Shops and hangings were besmear'd with blood Of Martyr'd soules which had their Lawes withstood Gazing at this the next thing that she saw Were bleeding hearts squees'd in a griping paw Dividing aire with hell-breath'd Dialect In these harsh tearms Oh now I could dis●ect Thousands of soules thus peecemale in my spight Though their curs'd Wives and Children were in sight Here are devises for to torture those That shall his holinesse or us oppose Our Spanish Inquisition if you 'l buy 'T will fit you for all tortures presently This I brought with me ' cause I heard of late Your High-Commission is grown out of date Here 's a conceit will make both great and small Nations and peoples kindreds tongues and all * Foretold Rev. 13. first assaied by Boniface the first granted by Emperour Ph●cas a Tyrant and Emperour Constantine Obtained by Pope Bennit the 2. Anno. 66● Bow to your Marke and number of your Name That none shall buy or sell without the same Then cries another here is Purgatory Limbo Infantum ●atrum and the Story Of Bell and Dragon Tobit and his Dogg Come buy these Trinkets and away I le jogg Here 's the (f) Pope Le● the third decreed that all mens judgment● must be subject to the Popes decrees Anno. 817. Nicholas the first that they should be equall with Gods Word Anno 871. Decretals Pardons for the dead Indulgences the holy Crosse and Bead The next to him a salvage Bonner stood Much like the other that was dipt in bloud And he sold fire and faggots to torment And burne the Saints up all incontinent Another he had got a world of Spits With Instruments to hack them all to bits Another he sold Hunger Thirst and cold With loathsome Goales for such as should be bold Once to controle them in their papall sway Or dash their glory with an heavenly ray But the most hideous g●stly sight of all Was a fierce Frend an other Cardinall For in his shop with horrour and amaze Were all the tortures us'd in former dayes The ten hot Persecutions in their rage And all the rest us'd in this present Age Were there at sale that he appeard to be More cruell farre then st●arn Tesiphome Snakie hair'd Megera Alecto ●el● Are scarce so cruell in th' Infern●ll Cell Sometimes h●s shop was fild with sulphurie smoak One would have thought his chapmen would'been choakt Then presently the fire and faggot blaz'd Which made my muse affrighted stand amaz'd To see such Millions frying in the fire While this stearn Tyrant gnash't his teeth with Ire The Skins of Saints their Tongues their eyes and eares Were there at sale with floods of brinish teares Weary of this my Muse display'd her Wing And soaring higher heard the w●lkin Ring With various voyces chattering in the Ayre To sell their Trinkets in new Lambeth-Fayre Bald-pated Fryers with th' Infernall Traine Of Romish Vermine cri'd with might and maine Their severall Trinkets * It was decread at a Counsell held at Lions gnder Pope Grenory the 10. Anno 1271. That ● Parsons and Vicars should be called for ever after Priests no mo ePrelats Priests and all the rest Of Hell-sent Locusts that came with the Beast Cald to their chap-men swearing by the Masse Their ware was such as through the World might passe (k) Pope Gregory the 1. devised Anthems Anthems and (l) Pope Damasus added Hymnes to the Service Hymnes and (m) Pope Pelagius the 1. Ordained Funerall Dirges with Masses of requi●m to be sung For the dead Anno 552. Dirges for the dead The (n) Pope Greg. the 1. Ordained the Office of the Masse Anno 590. Authors of the Masse Gregory Gelasius Siricius Clement Alexander Pelagius Sergius c. Popes Latin Masse with the Incarnate Bread Bell Book and Candle to accurse all evill And (o) Invented by Alexander the
NEVV LAMBETH FAYRE NEWLY CONSECRATED AND PRESENTED BY THE POPE HIMSELFE CARDINALS BISHOPS IESVITS c. VVherein all Romes Reliques are set at sale with the old Fayre Corrected and enlarged Opening and Vending the whole Mistery of Iniquity By Richard Overton VVith remarkable Annotations declaring under what Pope and in what yeare of our LORD every Relique and Ceremonie came into the Church LONDON Printed By R. O. and G. D. 1642. To the READER THis Vessell once hath lane'd into the Maine But being landed must to Sea againe Her decks repair'd and every place beside Shee 'l venture once more 〈◊〉 the falling Tyde Fraught with more Reliques the● she was before Such as Romes Conclave long hath kept in store Ship-splitting Rocks with fearce tempestious wind Shee dreads not Reader if thou be'st but kind If Boreas storme and all the Winds beside Thy kind acceptance will allay their pride be not prejudicate but if thine eye Pry out their faults be pleas'd to passe them by Thus then she ventures to present her Ware And bids you welcome to New Lambeth-Fayre NEW LAMBETH-FAYRE Opening and Vending the whole Mistery of Iniquitie THe Pope of Rome to heare the great distresse Of our Lord Bishops and their bad successe At the late Fayre of Lambeth was perplext And at their trading there was highly vext That in a fury posting thence amaine He came to consecrate the Fayre againe With * Pope Silvester the first appointed the Colledg of Cardinalls Anno 315. Pope Marcellus ordained 16. in Rome to baptize converts from Paganisme and for the buriall of Martyrs Cardinals puft up with Roman pride And lofty Prelats and a world beside Of Iesuits Yea Hells Infernall Gate Was set wide open to advance their state From whose black sulpherous smoak there did arise Legions of Locusts darkning all the skyes Thousand of thousands Monks and Fryers store And Virgin Nuns came to attend the WHORE 'T is end●esse to expresse such was the Traine The Order of Iesuites was the Invention of Iohannes Columbinus in Sc●na a City of Hethruria Anno 1368. That did presse after with their might and maine Such Troops of Black-coats came unto this Fayre Which cast a sable darknesse on the aire Which made my Muse to view that ghastly sight To be afraid they 'd turne the day to Night * The Order of Monks first raised by Basilius Magnus Bishop of Cesaria in Cappadocea Anno 389. A numerous Fleet of Ships were richly fraught And all with safety to the Land vere brought With sacred Reliques Trinkets long before Expel'd this Iland now were brought a shore Which being done the Pope did then prepare Himselfe again to consecrate the Fayre The strange Seaven headed Beast pranc'd through the Town Having ten Hornes and every Horne a Crowne And on his back his Holinesse he bore Which was an Emblem of great Babells WHORE The Cardinalls Priests Prelats and the rest Rode in state after wondring at the Beast Who as he rode along did consecrate The Fayre againe to more propitious Fate Which being done and all their Booths were made With all things fitting for that holy Trade Vpon their Booths and Stalls for feare of evill Were Crosses set to scare away the Divell The Cryer then commanded did proclame The Fayre again thus in his Holy Name O╌yes O╌yes O╌yes IT is decreed ordered and this day commanded by the Councell of all the holy a Pope Bennet the 2. obtained the supremacy of Emperour Constantine and to be Christs Vicar St. Peters Successor c. Anno 667. Church first of our most holy Father of Fathers a St. Peters Successor Christs Vicar our high Priest chiefe Pontifex and Pope of Rome his Cardinalls Arch-Bishops and Bishops and of all the Clergie of the Holy Church that in the name of his Holinesse and of the blessed Virgin Mary and of all the he and she Saints forth with this holy and spirituall Fayre thus consecrated shall begin wherin all sorts of sa●red Ware and Babalonish Reliques shall be set at sale for the ransoming of his imprisoned holinesse William Laud Arch-bishop of Canterbury Primate and Metropolitan of all England his Grace with the rest of his sacred Brethren now in durance in the Tower for their most pious papall and Archprelaticall Protestation The said Emperour gave to Pope Siluester and his successors Rome Italy and the West parts for St. Peters Patrimony for ever and Petition and for the raysing up supply for their Viaticall expenses with us in our returne to Babilon the Great Vivat papa Romanorum In secula seculorum Et ultra Amen Amen This done the Pope in hight of Romish pride With (b) Cardinalls were appointed by Pope Gregory the 10. for the election of Popes Anno 1272. Cardinalls and all the Troop beside Of Hell smoak-vented Locusts shew'd their Ware Which they brought with them to New Lambeth Fayre Heer 's a rare Head the Pope cry'd out amaine 'T is stuft with Treasons full as 't can containe Come buy this Head 't is fild with Noble braines Tak 't in your hand I le sell 't you for small gaines Would'st thou know how to sway the Royall Throne Live like a King and make a King like none ' I le sell that Art good as the Divell ere made Thou never see a beetter Man of th'Trade Buy Treasons of the Maker here are store Vpon my word I am great Babels WHORE Here 's Powder Plots Oh most admired Ware They 'l blow up Kings and Kingdomes in the Ayre Come hither Sir are you for Sea or Land Her 's Plots for both will fit you out of hand How like you 88. Oh such a Plot Will tame the fury of the cursed Scot Her 's the late Fleet the Flemish Butter Box Saluted lately with so many knocks But the best Plot that ever yet was found Is now on foot upon the Irish Ground Oh here is ware will quell your proudest Foe And make him swim in blood where ere you goe Take but one Dram of this and it will make Both England Wales and Scotland too to quake 'T is the rar'st one my Holinesse hath brought Vnto this Fayre thus to be sold and bought I brought a Paterne purpose for this Land To bring the Hereticks to my command Buy't for its vertue for it hath a power To free my Laud and set ' him out ' o th Towre Here 's Faux his Brain pan for a Quaffing Boull To drinke an Health in Treasons to his soul Gowries Conspiracie or what else may be Fatall to Kings and Triumph unto Me Here 's Straffords Witt will teach you how to ride In Charles His Waine and through the Stars beside But like to Phaeton too busie with the Sun He was throwne out and so his life was done Come hither Sir doe you desire to be Greater then (c) Pope Innocent arrogated to himselfe power to crown and deprive Imperours Kings and Princes at his pleasure Anno. 1195. Kings or