Two great fights in Ireland neer the city of Dublin between the Princes army commanded by the Marquesse of Ormond, and the Lord Inchiquin; and the Parliaments forces commanded by Colonell Jones. With the particulars therof, the manner of their engagement neer the gates of the city, and the number and names of divers captains, cornets and souldiers which were killed and taken prisoners, and Colonell Jones his proclamationt [sic] also, the mauner [sic] how 13000. are incamped against the city, the storming at Kildare, the battering down of the walls with great ordnance, the surrender thereof upon articles, and the officers and souldiers to march away with bag and baggage. Likewise, propositions from the Irish army to the Parliament of England, for the ancient lawes, religion, liberties and customes.
Wing T3447; Thomason E562_17; ESTC R206133