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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A95425 Two great fights in Ireland neer the city of Dublin between the Princes army commanded by the Marquesse of Ormond, and the Lord Inchiquin; and the Parliaments forces commanded by Colonell Jones. With the particulars therof, the manner of their engagement neer the gates of the city, and the number and names of divers captains, cornets and souldiers which were killed and taken prisoners, and Colonell Jones his proclamationt [sic] also, the mauner [sic] how 13000. are incamped against the city, the storming at Kildare, the battering down of the walls with great ordnance, the surrender thereof upon articles, and the officers and souldiers to march away with bag and baggage. Likewise, propositions from the Irish army to the Parliament of England, for the ancient lawes, religion, liberties and customes. 1649 (1649) Wing T3447; Thomason E562_17; ESTC R206133 4,101 10

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a good condition and able to make strong defence Bristoll 22 June 1649 The Resolutions at a Councel of War at Whitehall for an Establishment of the Army UPon consideration of the several allowances for billet money and additional pay requisite to be made to the several Regiments of Horse and Foot and to all other Foot within the present Establishment In pursuance of the lat● Act of Parliament for that purpose resolved as followeth That for Sir Hardress Waller Sir William Constables Col. Ingoldesbie● Col. Barksteads Col. Coxes Col. Brights and Colonel Fairfaxes Regiments being disposed into Garrisons or Quarters for the present but to be drawn out upon occasion for the field there be allowed for billet money and additional pay 3 d. per diem to each private Souldier and non Commissioned Officers of which allowance 2. d. per diem to be allowed from the seventh of May 1649 and the other 1. d. per diem from the fourth of June instant And when they or any of them shall be called out upon field service out of the Garrison and beyond the respective Counties where they are or shall be setled then to have 1. d. per diem more for increase of pay allowed to each souldier and Non-Commissioned Officer respectively during such their imployment That for all other Foot setled in Garrison there be allowed 1. d. per diem for billet money and 1. d. per diem for additional pay and of these the billet money to commence from the 7. of May and the additional pay from the 4. of June instant That for the Lo●d Generals and Colonel Prides Regiments of Foot while they guard the Parliament and City and to any other Regiment that shall come to relieve or assist them while such Regiments shall be upon that duty there be allowed for billet money and additional pay to each private souldier and Non-Commission Officers 4. d. per diem and this allowance to the Generals and Colonel Prides Regiments to be made from the 7th of May 1649. That the same allowances as to the Generals and Colonel Prides Regiments be made to the several Regiments of Foot that go for Ireland as upon the now establishment untill they shall be transported into Ireland and then the half thereof to cease as to billet money and the other half as additional pay to be continued during the time limited in the said Act of Parliament And of this allowance to the Lieut. Gen. Regiment of Foot the whole to be made from the 7. of May 1646. in regard it continued that moneth in London but to other Regiments for Ireland 2. d. per diem to be allowed from the 7. of May and the other 2. d. per diem from the 4. of Iune Concerning allowances to the Horse and Drogoons resolved as followeth That for such Regiments and Troops as stay in England the full allowances by the said Act be made accordingly and also the same to those that engage for Ireland untill they shall be transported and then the one half thereof as for billet money to cease and the other half as additional pay to be continued during the time limited by the Parliament in the said Act And of this allowance to the Horse and Dragoons The whole to be made to Colonel Saunders and Colonel Whaleys Regiments from the 7. of May 1649. in regard they continued then upon the guard of the Paeliament but to the rest of the Regiments 3. d. per diem from the 7th of May and the other 3 d. from the fourth of June That these Resolutions being approved by the Lord General be certified by the Secretary to the Honourable Committee of the Army as from his Excellency and his Councel of War By appointment of his Excellency and the Councel of War certified and signed by me R. H. The Propositions of Generall Owen Oneal the Lords Gentry and Commons of the Confederate Catholiques in Ulster To the most honorable and potent the Parliament of England IMprimis That all Laws Statutes Penalties made past or concluded against the Roman Catholiques its Ministers or professors their liberties and exercises of the said Religion since the 21 year of H. 8. to be neclaimed and perpetually to be taken off and to extend to that paray and their successors for ever 2 That the said Gen. Oneal desires that an Act of Oblivion be passed to extend to all and every of his party for all things done since the beginning of the year 1641. 3 They desire that General Oneal be provided for a competent command in the army befitting his place worth or quality 4 That on both sides all jealousies hate and aversion be laid aside unity love and amity be renewed and proclaimed between both parties 5 That the Army belonging to Generall Oneal and his party be provided for in all points as the rest of the Army shall be Subscribed OWEN ONEAL FINIS