The secrets of angling Teaching, the choisest tooles baytes and seasons, for the taking of any fish, in pond or riuer: practised and familiarly opened in three bookes. By I.D. Esquire.
Dennys, John, d. 1609.
STC 6611; ESTC S113570
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A contemplation of mysteries contayning the rare effectes and significations of certayne comets, and a briefe rehersall of sundrie hystoricall examples, as well diuine, as prophane, verie fruitfull to be reade in this our age: with matter delectable both for the sayler, and husbandman, yea and all traueylers by sea and lande, in knowing aforehande, howe daungerous a tempest will succeede by the sight of the clowd coming ouer the head, and other matters fruitful to be read as shal appere in the table next after the preface. Gathered and englished, by Thomas Hyll.
Hill, Thomas, b. ca. 1528.
STC 13484; ESTC S117617
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The manner of raising, ordering, and improving forrest-trees also, how to plant, make and keep woods, walks, avenues, lawns, hedges, &c. : with several figures proper for avenues and walks to end in, and convenient figures for lawns : also rules by M. Cook.
Cook, Moses.
Wing C6032; ESTC R20593
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Natural philosophy improven by new experiments touching the mercurial weather-glass, the hygroscope, eclipsis, conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter, by new experiments, touching the pressure of fluids, the diving-bell, and all the curiosities thereof : to which is added some new observations, and experiments, lately made of several kinds : together with a true relation of an evil spirit, which troubled a mans family for many days : lastly, there is a large discourse anent coal, coal-sinks, dipps, risings, and streeks of coal, levels running of mines, gaes, dykes, damps, and wild-fire / by G.S.
Sinclair, George, d. 1696.
Wing S3855; ESTC R15622
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The hydrostaticks, or, The weight, force, and pressure of fluid bodies, made evident by physical, and sensible experiments together vvith some miscellany observations, the last whereof is a short history of coal, and of all the common, and proper accidents thereof, a subject never treated of before / by G.S.
Sinclair, George, d. 1696.
Wing S3854; ESTC R38925
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A new voyage round the world describing particularly the isthmus of America, several coasts and islands in the West Indies, the isles of Cape Verd, the passage by Terra del Fuego, the South Sea coasts of Chili, Peru and Mexico, the isle of Guam one of the Ladrones, Mindanao, and other Philippine and East-India islands near Cambodia, China, Formosa, Luconia, Celebes, &c., New Holland, Sumatra, Nicobar Isles, the Cape of Good Hope, and Santa Hellena : their soil, rivers, harbours, plants, fruits, animals, and inhabitants : their customs, religion, government, trade, &c. / by William Dampier ; illustrated with particular maps and draughts.
Dampier, William, 1652-1715.
Wing D161; Wing D165; ESTC R9942
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Maison rustique, or The countrey farme· Compyled in the French tongue by Charles Steuens, and Iohn Liebault, Doctors of Physicke. And translated into English by Richard Surflet, practitioner in physicke. Now newly reuiewed, corrected, and augmented, with diuers large additions, out of the works of Serres his Agriculture, Vinet his Maison champestre, French. Albyterio in Spanish, Grilli in Italian; and other authors. And the husbandrie of France, Italie, and Spaine, reconciled and made to agree with ours here in England: by Geruase Markham. The whole contents are in the page following; Agriculture et maison rustique. English
Estienne, Charles, 1504-ca. 1564.; Liébault, Jean, ca. 1535-1596. aut; Surflet, Richard, fl. 1600-1616.; Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637.
STC 10549; ESTC S121357
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Purchas his pilgrimes. part 4 In fiue bookes. The first, contayning the voyages and peregrinations made by ancient kings, patriarkes, apostles, philosophers, and others, to and thorow the remoter parts of the knowne world: enquiries also of languages and religions, especially of the moderne diuersified professions of Christianitie. The second, a description of all the circum-nauigations of the globe. The third, nauigations and voyages of English-men, alongst the coasts of Africa ... The fourth, English voyages beyond the East Indies, to the ilands of Iapan, China, Cauchinchina, the Philippinæ with others ... The fifth, nauigations, voyages, traffiques, discoueries, of the English nation in the easterne parts of the world ... The first part.
Purchas, Samuel, 1577?-1626.
STC 20509_pt4; ESTC S111862
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The history of four-footed beasts and serpents describing at large their true and lively figure, their several names, conditions, kinds, virtues ... countries of their breed, their love and hatred to mankind, and the wonderful work by Edward Topsell ; whereunto is now added, The theater of insects, or, Lesser living creatures ... by T. Muffet ...; Historie of foure-footed beasts
Topsell, Edward, 1572-1625?; Topsell, Edward, 1572-1625? Historie of serpents.; Gesner, Konrad, 1516-1565. Historia animalium Liber 1. English.; Gesner, Konrad, 1516-1565. Historia animalium Liber 5. English.; Moffett, Thomas, 1553-1604. Insectorum sive minimorum animalium theatrum. English.; Rowland, John, M.D.
Wing G624; ESTC R6249
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Theatrum botanicum: = The theater of plants. Or, An herball of a large extent containing therein a more ample and exact history and declaration of the physicall herbs and plants that are in other authours, encreased by the accesse of many hundreds of new, rare, and strange plants from all the parts of the world, with sundry gummes, and other physicall materials, than hath beene hitherto published by any before; and a most large demonstration of their natures and vertues. Shevving vvithall the many errors, differences, and oversights of sundry authors that have formerly written of them; and a certaine confidence, or most probable conjecture of the true and genuine herbes and plants. Distributed into sundry classes or tribes, for the more easie knowledge of the many herbes of one nature and property, with the chiefe notes of Dr. Lobel, Dr. Bonham, and others inserted therein. Collected by the many yeares travaile, industry, and experience in this subject, by Iohn Parkinson apothecary of London, and the Kings herbarist. And published by the Kings Majestyes especial
Parkinson, John, 1567-1650.; Marshall, William, fl. 1617-1650, engraver.
STC 19302; ESTC S121875
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