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death_n day_n lord_n sabbath_n 4,018 5 9.9916 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05400 A treatise of the right way fro[m] danger of sinne & vengeance in this wicked world, vnto godly wealth and saluation in Christe. Made by Th. Leuer, and now newly augmented. Seene and allowed, according to the order appointed. Lever, Thomas, 1521-1577. 1575 (1575) STC 15552; ESTC S106915 50,750 138

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likenesse truely in deed shalt not make vnto thy selfe shalt not deuise or abuse by the inuention and fantasie of man falsely framing in imagination any grauen image nor the likenesse of any thing any resemblaunce of creatures counterfayted through caruings or coloures in any matter place or time Thou shalt not bowe downe to them nor worship them thou being the liuely image of god created by gods wisdome vnto gods glorie shalt not submit thy self to honor or reuerence counterfeted creatures carued or coloured by the craft of man to satisfie the foolish fantasie of man vnder pretence or purpose to honor God in preferring the deuise of man vnto the wisdome of God a counterfeted resembling of a corruptible creature vnto the liuely image of the eternall god For I the Lorde thy God the maker and louer of all things truely created and made specially of thée o man as most like vnto me best beloued of me am a gelous God am greeuously offended when my beautiful image and amiable creatures bée shamfully abused by thy fowle fashioned fantasies For albeit in thy own conceit thine own work séemeth faire vnto thée yet in deed truth afore my face far fowler is that fashion of an eie which is without all sight than that which is much bleared and likewise that forme or figure of face and body which hath no life no féeling nor no sense is far fowler and worsse thā that which is full of al sicknesse sores Thy idols which haue eyes and sée not eares and heare not be nothing like vnto my creatures which séem as they be and be as they séem in forme and substance true and perfit Therefore I visit the synne I reuēge and punish the sinne of the fathers vpon the children proceding from the elders in their successors vnto the thirde and fourth generation of them that hate mee when as the elders deuise and giue and their successors take and followe occasion and ensample of sinne against mée especially when as they so disdayne mine honor abuse mine image and corrupt my creature as proueth plainly that they hate mee deserue that I shuld so punish them and shewe mercie in thousands and bestowe my mercy in forgiuing the faults and bearing with the infirmities of very many in long succession of them that loue mee liking and allowing in their heartes all my workes better than any of their owne deuises and kepe my commandementes alwayes readie and willing to do or not to do any thing as they be taught bidden of me Wherfore O mortall man sayth the eternall God concerning imagerie in the which is more noysome poison of counterfet corruption than auaileable profit of true representation of my good creatures purely and plentifully made and placed euery where by mée vnto my honour and glorie and vnto thy comforte and commodity if thou do loue and not hate me if thou wouldest escape vengeaunce and purchase mercie of mée take heede and beware that thou do not follow any subtile reason craftie inuention or common custome contrarie vnto this my commaundement Thou shalt not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vaine For the Lorde will not holde him giltlesse that taketh his name in vaine O man lacking light and void of knowledge the Lord thy God that can be resembled by nothing nor named by anie word according vnto the worthinesse of his glorious maiestie and yet wil by many words and works notifie himselfe vnto thée as is for thy capacitie and commoditie hée commaundeth and teacheth thee with suche reuerent diligence to hearken vnto his woord and regarde his workes and such his ordinarie meanes as may make continue and increase in thée vnfayned feare and loue of him by true knowledge and remembrance of him Wherefore Thou shalt not take in vaine without increase of honour vnto him and comforte vnto thée his name in anie of his wordes or workes especially his holy Scriptures and godlie saccraments For the Lorde God which by his woordes and woorkes doth declare and witnesse sufficiently vnto a ll men anye truthe wil not holde him giltelesse will not iudge him out of fault or suffer him escape vnplagued that taketh his name in vaine that taketh and abuseth his holy worde good creature or blessed ordinaunce to couer or confirme any lies and vanities or else refuseth and neglecteth the same as not necessarie and sufficient to teache trie and wytnesse any godlie truthe and veritie so as is most vnto Gods honor and glorie and best for mans comforte ▪ and commoditie Therfore O man being of thy selfe a shameful lier and yet by Gods grace called and ordayned vnto the knowledge and witnesse of God and of his truth vnto his glorie and thy comforte with dreade loue and reuerence to bring and keepe the knowledge of God and his truthe amongst men thou shalt search in the holy scriptures desire of god in faithfull prayers and declare and witnesse in time expedient the truthe of God in the name of god For vpon all such as béeleue blinde prophecies or arrogant Astronomers that call vpon Diuels in coniuring or that abuse the name of GOD in swearing or that fearing to professe the truthe haue hope in dissembling and lying will God bée reuenged when as they by strong illusion wrought by the subtiltie of Sathan bée woonderously deceyued too bée worthily plagued and damned bicause they would not receiue the loue of the truth that they might bée saued Remember that thou kepe holy the Sabbothe daye sixe dayes shalt thou labour and do all that thou hast too do but the seauenth is the sabboth of the Lorde thy god In it thou shalt do no manner of worke thou and thy sonne and thy daughter and thy man-seruant and thy mayde seruant and thy cattell and the stranger that is within thy gates For in syxe-dayes the Lorde made heauen and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seauenth day wherfore the Lorde blessed the seauenth daye and hallowed it O man bannished out of pleasaunt Paradise for thy sinne vnto painfull penance vpon earth to eate there thy breade in the sweate of thy face all the dayes of thy life and yet by the grace of God hauing prouided and graunted vnto thée for release and reléefe a holy sabboth of solace in the Lord thy God now in all trauayle and laboures duely seruing thine owne necessitie thou mayst and shouldest feele cheereful comfort in mindfull remembrance of keping a holy Sabboth vnto Gods glorie And as the last day and ende of the weeke was the sabboth of the Iewes so after all trauayle and labours in this life to bée ended by death beginneth rest and quietnesse in the Lorde eternally to continue wythout any ende or feare of death and in euerie Christen congregation certaine times be appointed for all men to ceasse from bodily labours that they may with more quietnesse of mynde receiue more spiritual comfort yea and euerie man priuately hath
many iust occasions of some rest and quietnesse after his labours and businesse Seing therfore that al painfull labours pertaine vnto penance deserued by sinne of man and al comfortable restes be gratious giftes of Gods goodnesse vnto the reliefe and release of mans miseries Remember that thou keepe holie the sabboth day in thy painefull labours thou shalt continue chéere and refresh thy self with comfortable remembrance of ghostlie rest and quietnesse For syx dayes shalt thou labour and do all thou hast to do thou shalt with good corage in any labors to discharge thy duety continue at all times but the seauenth day is the sabboth of the Lorde thy God but then when as by any death any common ordinaunce or by some singular and peculiar occasion thou shalt of God bee dimissed from bodily businesse vnto spirituall rest and quietnesse which time as the last day of the weeke and the ende of al thy workes and businesse thou shalt euer kéep holie euer reserue referre wholly vntoo the Lorde thy god In it thou shalte doo no maner of worke thē shalt thou not be troubled with worldly affaires or bodilie businesse but receyuing comfort and consolation of the Lorde render thankes and praise with ioy and gladnesse of minde for in remembring to mortifie thy flesh with bodilie labors vpon the worke dayes thy mind shal not be weried but well dysposed vnto all charitable exercises and godly meditations vpon the holy day vpon the day time graunted and giuen of god vnto thée that then thou refreshing thy mind in quiet godlie meditation shouldeste not burthen thy bodie or cūber thy conscience with worldly cares or businesse then shalt thou leaue of all such labours thou and thy sonne and thy daughter and thy man seruante and thy mayde seruant and thy cattel and the stranger that is within thy gates as all that béelongeth vnto thée were made partakers of punishmente when as thou was put to penance for sinne so shall they all haue their parte and portion of this reste and release graciously giuē to thy recreation renouation For in syx dayes the Lord made heauen and earth the sea and all that in them is for the Lord that made al things appointed al other times for necessary works and rested the seauenth day shewing by example that a pleasaunt rest shoulde remaine after the end of times consumed in labours VVherfore the Lorde blessed the seauenth day and hallowed it Wherfore O man the Lorde god hath blessed the time of his rest frō thy labors with most plesant blessings vnto al creatures hallowed it in most acceptable seruice vnto himself Wherfore thou remē bring with diligēce the dispatch of al worldly works in due time to kepe al thy rest euer wholy holie vnto the Lord shal most and best praise god please other comfort thine own cōscience according as thou hast here example cōmaundemēt of the Lorde god So this manner of kéeping of my sabboths is a sure tokē signe that I the Lord God do sanctifie thée with all that thou hast to kepe a continuall sabboth or continuall quietnesse of conscience seruing mee the Lorde thy God in holynesse and righteousnesse all the day●s of thy life As contrarywise the breaking or abusing of my sabboths is a certain signe that such as so do be subiect to Sathan the prince of this world euer labouryng with corruption of minde and conscience to serue them selues in vngodlinesse and wickednesse all the dayes of their liues So are not suche men sanctified by me but my sabboths and all that they haue of me be polluted and abused by them Honour thy Father and thy Mother that thy dayes may bee long in the lande whiche the Lorde thy God giueth thee Bicause thou arte a childe of suche follie and fraylenesse that thou canst not sufficiently prouide for thy selfe nor charitably liue in order and kéep company with other but by the fatherly protection and prouision of suche as I the Lorde thy God of fatherly affection towardes thée haue placed in authority ouer thée Therfore thou shalt with all louing obe●ience and due payments honouring them obey and glorifie mée that thy dayes may bee long that thou maist continue wyth comforte vnder the protection of them whose heartes alwayes be in the hande of the Lorde to maintaine and direct that power and authoritie which they haue of the Lorde euer to correct punish or destroy euill doers and to cherish rewarde and defende them that do well in the lande which the Lorde thy god giueth thee in place or in places which the Lorde God of louing fauour towardes thée wil euer prouide so as he foreséeth and knoweth bée most méete and expedient for thée Thou shalt do no murther Thou thy selfe being a man shalt in no wise by thought word or déed commit anie suche euill as in any wise hurtefull vntoo the life of man for the hurt of mans life is the sheading of mans bloud and the sheading of mans bloud vpon earth cryeth vnto God for vengeaunce to fal from heauen God which searcheth the heart séeth al that lieth lurking in the minde so that if there bée in thy hart any hate of thy brother thou art afore God a murtherer yea he is the cause of the death of man afore God that lacketh loue to saue the life of man vppon earth Therfore that thou mayest kéepe thy handes cleane from sheading of innocente bloude and not be the cause and prouoker of vengeance to fal from heauē vpon earth thou shalt do or wishe nothing that is euill vnto any man but all that is good to the vttermost of thy power vnto euery man according vnto the meaning of this commandement giuen of god vnto man for the preseruation of man. Thou shalt not commit adulterie Thou whome God hath created like vnto his pure image and vnto whom he hath made a fellowe helper in like fourme to be coupled together in honourable matrimonie for the godlie continuance of thy kinde in succession shalt eyther keep thy self chast in pure virginitie or else in sanctified matrimonie liue wyth thy yoke fellowe only so that no filthie luste in thy hearte loke of thine eye or gesture in any parte of thy bodie defile thy flesh with adultrie with any man●r of corruption contrary vnto the purenesse of godlie matrimonie For al filthie lust cōming of that séed which god hath created in nature and sanctified in wedlock vnto the increase of mankinde when as it is not dysposed and vsed in the holinesse of matrimonie vnto the blessing of succession and the auoiding of fornication then doth it vnnaturally and vngodly defile delude and driue bodie and minde of man to abuse refuse and breake godlie wedlocke vnto the corruption curse and perdition of man his séede and succession Therfore thou shalt auoide all such vnnaturalnesse such vngodlinesse such corruption cursse and perdition and kepe thy self pure in spirit in soule and bodie if thou kepe
Christ by his comming and suffering hath abolished all figures and shadows of sacrifices and ceremonies ouercomming in déede sinne death and damnation and ascending bodily vp into heauen hath sent downe the holie ghost to beare witnesse and work with the preachers of his gospell vpon earth whiche as faithfull messangers of the Lorde earnestly exhorte and humbly beseech men in Christ that they woulde bée reconciled vnto god Wherfore now after sufficient experience and tryall of all things and vtter abolishement of such as nowe might bée euil or vnprofitable God the father of mercie and pitie through the merits meanes of Christ his son by the power and presence of the holie Ghost euer woorking and witnessing with the Ministers of the Gospell doth so mooue and dispose purifie and sanctifie the harts and mindes of men as teacheth and causeth them by fayth to flee dangers of dānation deserued by their owne déedes vnto assurance of saluation in Christes merites They be taught to beleue in God by the sonne the spirite the woorde and messangers of God. I do not meane that they be taught only to say I beléeue as the Church doth or only to say the summe of a good beléefe in an vnknowen language but that as God by the minister of his worde and power of his spirit teacheth so their heartes and minds conceiue their mouthes confesse and the fruites of their charitable works bée agreable in such wise as euery one of them most truly and comfortable doth think and may say with the holie catholike Church I beleue in God the father almightie maker of heauen and earth I which was by nature a childe of wrath borne and liuing in sinne vnder Sathan in the kingdome of darkenesse nowe of grace through the holy ghost by the immortall séede of Gods worde being newe begotten and new borne vnto the kingdome of God Do beleeue as certainely as of moste sure ground and as throughly as of great triall and experience I do know and trust in god the father almightie that God which is all goodnesse in himselfe hath of his fatherly loue and almightie power made mée his good creature and deer child so that he will for euer be a gracious God and louing father vnto me which is the maker of heauen and earth which hath created and made doth rule and order al things in heauen and earth vnto his honour and glorie and vnto my comfort and cōmoditie For as hée being the Lord ouer all hath declared himself to bée a father vnto me by his promise so I am sure of the inheritance of all being his childe by faith And in Iesus Chryste hys onely sonne our Lorde I haue good knowledge by sure truste in Iesus the Sauioure of his people from their sinnes that I shall bée saued from my sinnes and from all euilles throughe Christ the annointed King priest and prophet that I shall bée a christian that I shal be annointed with grace of Christes spirit to be partaker of the kingly priesthode and godly wisedome of Christ that in such holinesse righteousnesse and godlinesse as is acceptable before him I may offer the sacrifice of my selfe in seruing him al the dayes of my life and haue the crowne of glory with him in his kingdome in the kingdom vnto the which he hath redéemed vs that is of nature and substance vnto God his only sonne making vs his brethren and Gods children by grace and adoption so that wée must take him to be our Lorde obeying the authoritie learning the doctrine and following the example of him as of our onely gouerner scholemaster and pastour VVhich vvas conceyued by the holie Ghost borne of the Virgin Mary Which in taking by the holy Ghost of a pure virgine our flesh vpon him hath purified vs from our sinnes to be sanctified in his righteousnesse VVhich suffered vnder Pontius Pilate Suffered vnder a Iudge the iudgement of death due for our sinnes to purchase for vs of god his father the reward of his righteousnesse to giue vs example and grace to followe his obedience He vvas crucified Bearing the curse of the lawe to get and giue vnto vs the blessing of grace hee Died and vvas buried So that nowe our bodies mindes with him should bée mortified and buried frō sin and not die and damned in sin for hee Descended into hell He suffered all extremitie not onely in bodie but also in soule that we should suffer no more than we might be able to bear and that no paynes or punishment for sinnes should be plagues of vengeance to destroy vs but rather corrections of fatherlie loue to amende vs. The thyrd day he rose againe from the dead The day and time appointed and afore prophecied with victorie ouer Hell Death and Damnation hée rising from the deade did make death a ready and spéedie passage for vs vnto life teaching and strengthning vs to ryse forth of sinne and walke in newnesse of life after him that Ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hande of God the father almighty And like as the sunne at midday so he in bodily presence lifte vp from the earth into heauen there in glory of Gods maiestie abiding doth from thence shine and shewe his vertue and goodnesse by the power of his spyrite most presently and comfortably vnto all creatures in euery place vpon the earth and as hée ascended bodily into Heauen to replenishe all things euen so in the same bodie From thence he shal come to iudge the quick and dead From heauen whither as he did ascende in the sight of his disciples so from thence in the sighte of all men shall hée come not only in spirite and power as he is at all times in all places but also in his bodie glorified with maiestie as he is nowe in heauen and shall not come from thence vntill the last day when as all men both dead afore and liuing then shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye from mortalitie vnto suche state as shall euer continue either in hel or in heauen according vnto the righteous iudgement of Christe in the which hee shall declare and take all vs that be vnfayned Christians to be the blessed children and heires of God with him in that kingdome which could neuer by any works or merites of any man haue bene deserued or purchased but onely in Christe vnto Christians of the only gracious goodnesse of god hath for euer bene prepared I beleue in the holie Ghost I haue knowledge with sure hope in the holy spirit of God equall with the father and the sonne proceeding from the father and the sonne to sanctifie beautifie Christes Church that I shall be sanctified from all sinnes and endued with all good giftes of grace as God seeth is moste necessarie expediente for mée to edifie and not to destroy Yea I beléeue that by him all Gods creatures be sanctified and made holie vnto all godly men and that without him there can be