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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14265 An ansvvere or admonition to those of the Church of Rome, touching the iubile, proclaimed by the bull, made and set foorth by Pope Clement the eyght, for the yeare of our Lord. 1600. Translated out of French; Aviso a los de la iglesia romana, sobre la indiccion de jubiléo, por la bulla del papa Clemente octavo. English Valera, Cipriano de, 1532?-1625. 1600 (1600) STC 24578.5; ESTC S116178 21,562 32

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from death to life and that hee shall not enter into condemnation Did he send vs to Rome or any other place Doth he not say if wee cate his fleshe and drinke his bloud which he had preposed before in these termes if we come to him and if we beleeue in him he dwelleth in vs and wee in him Can there be any charity to expose so many persons to infinite paines trauailes and daungers to put them in great charges to leaue their houses and vocations to goe a long iourney to seeke that which they may haue at home at their own dores if they haue a true faith working by charity But I pray you doth not the holy Father and his supports shew a manifest contradiction in their opinions and by consequent what spirit of error lying speaketh by their mouths and not the spirit of truth They proclaime with hewe and crye that in their Masse the Sacramentall wordes being pronounced the substance of bread is transubstantiated into the body of Christ and the wine into the bloud Now Iesus Christ ordaining the holy Supper would there by assure vs that if wee communicate worthily and examine our owne consciences we communicate his body which was deliuered for vs and his bloud which was shed for the remission of our sins To be short wee are participants of the efficacy vertue of his death and passion If then it be so that Iesus Christ very God and very man is there as they pretend yea in corporall presence Is it not a great folly and indiscretion to goe so far to seeke that which they may haue among themselues Wherefore should Iesus Christ present himselfe there vnto vs and should not haue so much power in his corporall presence as men are made beleeue that the bones sepulchers Temples and Images of S. Peter and S. Paul haue Is it not to make lesse account without comparison of the Master then of the seruaunts Yea is it not a despising of the Lord who is alwaies liuing to adore and worship the putrified carkasses of his seruantes If then it bee true that they are his seruants who will deny it to be a manifest blasphemy Wherefore all these goodly exhortations by the Pope made both to the Prelates and to Kings and Princes are like to Suger and other Spices wherewith he seeketh to sweeten his venomous drinke thereby the easier to impoyson all the world We must not stay nor attend the 100. yeare of the Romaine Iubile to amend our liues correct our vices to dispose our selues to doe good and to be intentiue to the word of God to read the holy Scriptures to exercise charity to giue honor to whome honor belongeth and tribute to those that ought to haue tribute and to pray to God one for an other and namely for Kings Princes and such as are in authority Such holy exercises are necessary for all the faithfull and at all times and seasons And also such as are called to feede the Lords flocke ought not to attend vntil that time to teach and instruct the people committed to their charge Act. 20. but they are alwaies to doe it as S. Paul writeth to the Bishop of Ephes yea in time and out of time according to the instruction by him giuen to his Disciple Timothy For that following their Masters example they must trauel in his Vineyard the 12. houres in the day without staying till euening comes Wherfore you my maisters of the church of Rome if you desire to be participants of saluation harken rather to the voyce of the great Pastor of al Pastors our only Sauiour redeemet Iesus christ Math. 11. who so sweetly inuiteth you vnto his word Come vnto me all you that are laden and I will comfort you Also If any man haue thirst let him come vnto mee and I will refresh him Ioh. 7. Then vnto these false Prophets which make you runne from place to place binding your consciences cause you to doubt of your saluation And the better to empty your purses set before your eyes a fire of purgatory wherein after you haue bin tormented in this world by fastings abstinences pilgrimages and other corporall exercises you must as they make you beleeue passe through and therein remaine to be as it were new boyled and refined before you enter into Paradice But the Sonne of God maketh one selfe same promise vnto all those who by a true faith shall seeke their saluation in him as he did vnto the poore theefe when hee said vnto him this day shalt thou be with me in Paradice that is to say if we commit our soules into his hands he will receiue them and place them in ease and rest attending the moste happy resurrection by meanes whereof he will leade vs all both in body and soule into his Paradice which is the heritage prepared for vs before the foundation of the world This great eternall and vniuersall Iubile whereunto God calleth and summoneth vs euery day hath bin written by the precious bloud and signed by the death and passion of our Lord Iesus Christ the eternall Sonne of the eternall God our great King and onely soueraigne Sanctifier Vnder written by the holy Apostle that Preached and declared it vnto all the world to be indifferently receiued and celebrated in all places where the name of God is called vpon and sealed with two great seales of his Maiesty Baptisme and the holy Supper Ga. 1. Whosoeuer Preacheth any other Gospel let him be accursed 1. Cor. 16. If there be any man that loueth not the Lord Iesus Christ let him be accursed Maranatha FINIS
Emperour Claudius whereby it fell out that he was present in Jerusalem at the assembly of the Apostles recited by Saint Luke Act. 15. which is but a meere iest and a notable lye Act. 15.16.17 deuised in his Monkish cap For he can by no meanes shew nor by any approoued Author verifie it besides that that Saint Luke alleageth touching this matter prooueth him a lyer Where he sayth that S. Paul hauing stayed for a time in Antiochia after his returne from Ierusalem went to visit the Churches where he and Barnabas had Preached and hauing past by Siria and Cilicia came to Iconia and from thence went for Phrigia and Galatia and then to Macedonia where he stayed long time Preaching in many places thereof at the last he came to Athens and from thence to Corinthus where he met with Aquilla and Priscila who not long before or lately came thither out of Italy because Claudius had commaunded the Iewes to depart out of Rome Now this word lately sheweth that Onuphrius deceiueth himselfe or else would deceiue other men affirming that S. Peter was driuen out of Rome by Claudius For S. Paul hauing stayed from the time of the Sinode at Ierusalem in Antiohia could not haue made so long a voyage Preaching the Gospell almost in euery place where he past in so short a time And touching the rest if it were so that S. Peter had been at Rome doth it follow that hee was the head of the Church There is but one onely Iesus Christ who is also the true stone of the Fayth whereupon the Church of God is erected and not Saint Peter Which hath been so often prooued by the Authorities and witnesses of the most auncient Doctors that it would be but meere labour lost to reiterate it onely I wil alleadge one witnes taken out of their own Authors which by consequent they cannot reprooue Petra dedit Petro Petrus diadema Rodulpho The stone that is Christ gaue the Diadem to Peter and Peter gaue it to Redulphus Now although this is false as it shall heereafter be prooued so is it notwithstanding that God by a iust iudgement admirable wisedom hath drawne from this lye that the stone gaue Peter the Diadem this true confession that Christ is the stone as also the glose Et Super hanc Petram in the distinction 19. C. ita Dominus sayth I beleeue that the Lord by this indiction hath declared no other thing then only the words which S. Peter answered vnto the Lord when he said thou art the Christ the Son of the lyuing God For the Church is erected vpon this article of the faith Then God hath built his Church vpon himselfe Also behold what is added in the margent Where he saith vpon this stone c. That is the same which thou hast confessed that is to say my selfe for the stone was Christ De consecrat dist 2. C●re vera Vpon which foundation Peter was edified It is then by a false tytle that the Pope saith that he sitteth in S. Peters chayre that he is the Father of those that call themselues Catholiques soueraigne Pastor of the sheepe For without making any long discourse touching the disloyalties disorders couetousnes ambition intollerable tyrannie and pride more then diabolical where with the most part of those that haue mounted vp into this abhominable seate haue bin adorned and inriched or rather spotted and defiled seeing the hystories of their liues are filled therewith What duety of a Father or Pastor I beseech you doe they shew Is it in setting Iesus Christ and al his benefits to sale Is it in sucking the substance of Kingdomes by theyr pardons and indulgences And further by meanes of the Annates and such like diabolicall inuentions and all to draw money into their purses Haue we any one example of the Apostles which in any thing doth resemble these things Sueto in Tiberio The Emperor Tiberius although an Infidel and a tyrant did neuerthelesse say that it is the ducty of a good Pastor to sheare the sheep but not to flea them If wee looke into the trafique and pollicies of the Citty of Rome we shal find it to be but a right fleaing how much wors I omit That which this holy father addeth is no truer then the rest that went before for how is it possible for saith to shine where it is not Will you say that there is the fayth where mans traditions and inuentions are preferred before the expresse commandements of God This onely example shall suffice God often times sayth and that in most plaine and cuident wordes Thou shalt not make any Image nor the likenesse thereof neyther shalt thou worshippe them The Pope saith thou shalt erect Images and the likenesse of God and of his Saints and shalt worship them with the same worship that belongeth vnto the thinges which they represent Can there bee any faith there where the simple people are taught to haue recourse vnto creatures to inuoke and call vpon them and to make vowes and seruices to them that belong to God alone Likewise can there bee faith where men teach that we must doubt the promises of God there where the soueraigne Bishop with his supporters openly boldly and shamelesly maintaine that the holy Scriptures although diuinely inspired and profitable Doctrine to reprehend correct and reprooue that the man of God may bee perfect and instructed in all good workes are neuerthelesse imperfect and vncertaine and that wee must haue recourse vnto traditions which they terme the vnwritten word Where he saith that this truth hath neuer bin changed by any course of times That shal be found to be most vntrue by such as will but conferre the Doctrine which the holy Prophets and Apostles haue left vs in writing with their inuentions and traditions for that the one resembleth the other as much as light and darknesse and truth and vntruth But beholde a most sufficient witnes of the vnion that the celebration of this Iubile where the name of God is outragiously blasphemed the bloud of the Sonne of God villanously abused and troden vnder foote and his death and passion exposed for a mockery and pastime This notwithstanding this holy Father the better to couer his subtilty and mallice full of deceipt will ground his Iubile vpon that which is Prophesied of our Lord Iesus Christ in Esay 61. As our Lord himselfe expoundeth it in Luk. 4. But beholde vnaduisedly not thinking thereof he discouereth his deceipts and impostures being cleane contrary to that he saith hee will doe following our Sauiour Christ It is said in Luke 4. that Iesus Christ according to his manner being entred into the Sinagogue of Nazareth vpon a Saboath day stood vp to read and that the booke of the Prophet Esay was layd before him hauing opened it he turned to the parcell of Scripture where it is witten the Spirit of God is vpon me because he hath annointed me He hath sent me to the