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death_n blood_n body_n shed_v 4,580 5 9.5800 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11614 A briefe treatise agaynst certayne errors of the Romish Church Very plainly, notably, and pleasantly confuting the same by Scriptures and auncient writers. Compiled by Gregory Scot. 1570 Perused & licenced according to the Quenes Maiesties iniunction. 1574. Scott, Gregory, 1532 or 3-1576. 1574 (1574) STC 21855; ESTC S116867 21,066 64

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augment your fault the greater is your syn The Heathen so know welinough their Idols what they were Euen Images of fained gods which they did worship there They were not yet so fond to thinke that stones or wood so wrought Could be the gods whom they did séeke this was not in their thought The Israelites that made the Calfe they wist it was of gold For of their earinges it was formde their eyes might this behold They did not take that Calfe for God which did them so deliuer But as a signe their god in déede the better to remember Yet were they all Idolaters you can it not denay Though vayne excuses here be made you be as ill as they For though you say you meane it not to th Image that is there Yet what your meaning is in deede by this it may appeare For where no Idoll present is there present few will bée To offer or to knocke or kneele there candell none we sée Therfore since Idoles were remoude all pilgrimage is gone Crouches ships nor men of ware the people offers none Those Idols haue these euils wrought and caused to offend Destroye them all and suche abuse will soone be at an end But sundrye meanes the Deuill hath taught these Idols to vphold They serue they say for Lay mens bookes when they do them behold But knowledge of God and of Christ the Scripture doth vs teache His power and wisdome infinite all creatures do preache These are good bookes to learne vpon these God appoynted hath But Images accursed are and do prouoke his wrath If any would be ignoraunt of God his holie will These bookes will stand them in good stede so to continue still How Christ for vs was crucified the scripture doth it shew The Sacramentes in memory the same doth oft renew These are true witnesses of Christ his death they set foorth playne These be good meanes to thinke on him vntill he come agayne Errour and vanitie is taught by Images of wood They be all dumme and cannot speake nor teach ought that is good But when the Pastors waxed dumme and true light did declyne Their office to those Images the Pastors did resigne For if that preaching had bene vsde and people trulye taught Those lying and dead Images they néeded not haue saught For Iesu Christ cannot be knowne by sight of eye so cleare But faith and truth obtayned is by hearyng of the eare When th Image stately standes a lost more power it hath to crooke The wretched soule thē truth to teach to serue for any booke Therfore vnworthie is the worke vngodly is the intent To know the liuing God thereby an Image to inuent For if a mortall liuing man whom God him selfe hath made To know God or remember him cannot at all persuade Then dead men carued out of wood how can they moue therto That haue no speeche no sight nor life to stir them to or fro No knowledge then can come thereby nor any good at all They are most daungerous stomblyng blocks occasion of great fall Wherfore for warning briefly take and kéepe it well in mynde The fearfull cursse that God doth geue in Scripture as we fynde Accurssed be the man that shall a molten Image frame In any mettall or by arte of caruing do the same And shall it place so beyng wrought in secret corner then All people with one free consent shall therto say Amen ¶ Against the sacrifice of the Masse and the wicked adoration GOD hath his loue vnto mankinde declarde in sundry wyse But most when Christ hys Sonne he gaue for synne a sacrifice Such was the greuousnes of synne such wrath it did deserue No sacrifice that euer was could man from death preserue Vntyll Christ Iesus offred vp his body on the trée An euerlasting Sacrifice for all our synne to bée Christ is the onely Lambe of God whose bloud was shed for synne And in full force remayned since the world dyd first begynne The sacrifices that haue bene and offringes long before They were but figures of this one induring euermore This sacrifice was offred once Christ was the Priest alone To offer vp him selfe for vs mo Priestes he néedeth none How dare you then so wickedly this office to you take To offer vp the Sonne of God new sacrifice to make Though malice let you to confesse your errour yet is playne No Priest on earth ought to presume to offer him agayne Both bread and wyne for Sacraments we offer thankfullye We offer almes for the poore with prayse to God on hye An offring of our selues we make renude in hart and mynde Our praiers so presented be such offringes do we fynde To offer these the Priests them selues God doth not onely chuse For Priestes we all appointed are such sacrifice to vse But Christ was neuer offered nor yet shall be agayne But once when he dyd yelde him selfe to death for to be slayne Therefore herein your wycked wyll your purpose doth bewray You would againe him crucifye if in your power it lay Or els why then do you attempt to offer so in vayne Christes body which yet cannot be except he dye agayne You say your sacrifice doth purge both synnes of quicke and dead But no forgeuenes can there be except some bloud be shed By bloud into the holy place the hye Priest entred in By bloud our Sauiour purchased remission of our syn And if your Masse such merite haue for lyuing and for dead Vndoubtedly Christes sacrifice doth stand in litle sted What haue we got by Christ his death but Masse can it obtayne From syn from hell it can discharge and from etternall payne Such holynes is hid therein that onely hearing Masse No daunger can vs then assaile all thinges come well to passe Such Masse we may blasphemous call if blasphemy there be Yea full of wicked sacriledge full of Idolatrie Of all abomination it is the wicked head Your god on earth you néede not looke for other in your néede The sacrifice of Christ you make no better in effect Then Oxe or Calfe or then the Gaote whose bloud are now reiect For those before were offered but could not synne remyt Remembraunce onely they did bryng of synnes we dyd commyt As féeble make you Christ his bloud from synne vs to redéeme Els would you not so vertuous your wicked Masse estéeme But Christ hath found redemption that perfect is in déede For euermore sufficient none other do we néede And beyng yet vpon the crosse our raunsome to fulfyll And yelding vp the Ghost such were the woordes of hys last wyll Mans health and his saluation it is now consummate And perfectly is finished your Masse it comes to late Why do we then his wordes mistrust a Straungers voyce to heare And leaue our Christ who all