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A11083 A treatise of the preparation to the holy supper of our onely saueour and redeemer, Iesus Christe Necessarie for all them that vvil vworthely approche to the Lordes holy table. Also a dialogue containing the principall points, which they that wil recieue the Supper ought to knowe and vnderstand. By Yues Rouspeau minister of the vvord of God. Ttanslated [sic] out of French into English by R.B.; Traitté de la preparation à la saincte cene. English. Rouspeau, Yves.; R. B., fl. 1570. 1570 (1570) STC 21351.5; ESTC S106673 28,200 65

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we sée also the ther were great notable abuses on their behalfe that made profession of the true woord of god How many were there which knew no more then the Papists to giue any reasō of their faith and which presented them selues like beasts to the Lords holy Supper Some came thither as ignorāt asses other as swine leding a dissolute slanderous life I wil not speak of an infinit number of hipocrits false brethern traiters Apostates which were vnknowē had a countenance shew of honestie Therfore is was not without cause that the wrath of god was kindled against his people that they were scourged with stripes for wittigly abusing of the knowledge of his holy name Now that this good God through his Sonne Iesus Christe may cast his pitiful and merciful eye vpon this so poore and desolate Realme it behoueth bothe the one and the other to learne hence forwarde to serue and honor God according to his woord better then they haue doon espetially that they take héede that héerafter they prophane not by any meanes the holy supper of Iesus Christe our lord To this ende and purpose they may read this little tretise wherin they shall finde the the true preparing of our selues to the Lords supper consisteth not in decking of the body fair garments pomps countenaunces and outward profession of the name of God but in clenenesse of hart and vp rightnes of consciēce to th' end that God who is a spirit may be also serued of his in Spirit and trueth The Preface ¶ To come worthely to the holy Supper of our Lord Iesus Christe we must examine our selues according too the admonition of the Apostle Saint Paule Now the examination of our selues consisteth cheefely in foure poynts that is to say in Faith repentance giuing of thanks to God and looue towards our neighbours Of Faith. The first Article FIrst of all we must haue faith that is to say a certain infallible assurance firme perswasiō that God is a merciful father vnto vs in the name of his sonne Iesꝰ Christe our Lord whōe he deliuered to death for vs This faith cōmeth not of vs nether is it groūded vpon vs nether vpō any other thing the is in vs but it commeth from God and is grounded vpon God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost and vpon the promises of the gospel confirmed inwardly within vs by the working of the holy Ghost whiche cryeth in our harts Abba that is to say father Furthermore this faith is nourished confirmed and increased in vs by the holy Sacraments For in the Supper God as a good father after that hee hath once brought vs into his Church by baptisme nourisheth vs spiritually with the proper substance of his Sonne Iesus Christe applying and making proper vnto euery one of vs the merit of his death passion To this end and purpose is it that Iesus Christe him self giueth vs the bread and Wine that he commaundeth vs to eat and drink it that he saith that the Bread is his body whiche is giuen for vs and that the Wine is his Blood which is shed for the remission of our sinnes by whiche woordes he giueth him self wholly vnto vs he wil be our nourishment and spyrituall life hée will dwell in vs by his holy Spirit and wil that we abide in him by faith that through beléef we may not perish but haue eternall life wherof he is the onely heyre and giuer In like sorte the breaking of the Bread of the Supper serueth to the confirmation of our faith and sure warranting of our saluation in so much as it assureth vs and causeth vs to see with spirituall eyes that Iesus Christe was once broken with the paines of death in Ierusalem to deliuer vs from the same and to get vs eternall life Also in that that by the commaundement of Christe Iesus we take the Bread in our hands and then the Cup more ouer in that that we eate the Bread and drink the Wine whiche turn into the nourishment of our bodyes we are certyfied that by the hāds of Faith we take and embrace Iesus Christe our Lord for our onely Saueour and redéemer and that by the same Faith we eat his body spiritually and drink his blood to the hope of eternall life Now euery one of vs must liue by his owne faith according as we may make our confession in the beleef whiche is called the Apostles in that that euery man saith by him self I beleelue in God and saith not we beleeue We must not heer cast our braines or think vpon the beléeuing or vnbeleeuing vpon the worthynes or vnworthynes of an other man but vpon our owne For Saint Paule dooth not teach vs to examin other men or that other men should examine vs but he saith namely let a man examine him self Therfore let euery one of vs for his owne parte be assured in his hert that Iesus Christe the trewe Messias is come into the world to saue sinners amongst whome he ought to account and estéeme him self by the example of s. Paule the chéefest Let him beléeue that Iesus Christe came down from Heauen into Earth to lift him vp from Earth to Heauē that he was made the Sonne of man to make him the Childe of God that he was conceiued by the holy Ghost and that he was borne of the Virgin mary to purifie and clense his wicked conception birth Let him perswade him self that the Sonne of God hath ouercome the Deuil to deliuer him from the tiranny and slauish subiection of the deuil that he hath fulfilled all the Law loouing God his father with all his hart strēgth and might and his neighbour as him self to get him iustice that he appéered before Pilat an earthly Iudge and receiued as euil dooer sentence of condemnation for this life to exempt him from appering before the terrible iudgement seat of Gods iustice to receiue sentence of death euer lasting damnation for that he had offended one eternall and euer lasting god Let him assure him self that the same Iesu Christe went down to hel for him that is to say that he suffred the sorrows and terrours of the second death and of the sincere wrath of God to deliuer him that he dyed a death accursed of God in that hée was hanged on the Crosse to purchase him life blessing before God that he rose again for a gage and assurance of his resurrection that he assended into Heauen for a certain token that he also shal assend thither that he sitteth on the right hand of God his Father to bée for him an euerlasting Préest teacher king defender reconciler and aduorate tobe short the he shall come at his last comming for his comfort ful redemption We must also euery one of vs for his owne parte make proper
ryot other worldly vanities which is asmuch as if we wold haue lodged God the father the sonne and the holy ghost in a moste stinking and filthy priuy We must therfore be sory for our wicked life passed vsing a true and seuere examining of our selues which may bring forth in vs a displeasantnesse and horrour of our fore passed renting and breaking by all maner of menes of the law of God to folow the wil of the Deuil of the world and of the flesh Now the breking of the bread of the Supper which is omitted in the paosure of the Papistꝭ should cause vs to acknowledge and detest our wickednesse that is to say whatsoeuer is foūd in vs contrary repugnaunt to the pure and holy law of god For in that that the bread is brokē for vs or rather in the that we breke the bread of the Supper our of Lord Iesꝰ Christe it signifieth vnto vs that indéed it is we that it is our sinnes and iniquityes which haue crucified put to death the Lord of life who is the very same Iesus Christe our lord So that we must not doo as in times passed the Infidels did which made great lamentatiōs and inuectiues against the Iewes Pontius Pilate Herod Iudas and them that had executed and put Christ to death and in the mene season flattered thē selues vaunting of their owne merits and deserts and did not narowly consider that Iudas Pontious Pilate and Herod were but executers and ministers of their impietyes and sinnes Let vs therefore consider in the breaking of the bread that our sinnes yea the sinnes of euery one of vs seuerally crucified the sonne of God brake him with the sorowes of the first and second death as namely the woords of the Supper doo shew that the body of Iesus Christ was broken for vs his blood was shed for the remission of our sinnes And our heauenly father witnesseth the same speaking of the death of his sonne for the sinnes of my people haue I smitten him Thē if it be so that our sinnes beeing way in the balaunce of the Iustice of God were found to be so weightie and of so great importaunce that his wrath could neuer haue béen appeased towards vs but by the death of his onely Sonne which maketh ful satisfaction I say by the cruel and ignominious death of the crosse How should not we hence forwarde detest abhorre our sin as that which is the cruel bloody murtherer of the onely sonne of God Beholde the Sun the Moon behold the element beholde the vale of the Temple beholde the stones Rocks which were mooued at the death of Iesus Christe which shewed foorth tokens of sorow and we which bere within our selues the cause of his death shall not we haue in horrour and detestation this cursed enemy sin that is lodged within vs Shall we suffer him to rule dwell in vs as before that it may bring home death vnto vs Not so but we must detest it as that that before time seperated vs from God our chéefest happinesse as that that caused vs to loose the Image and similitude of God according to which we were created at the beginning by god It is that that hath wholly destroyed vs that hath depriued vs of holinesse and righteousnes that hath banished vs out of paradise that hath made vs flaues to the tiranny of the deuil the hath made vs subiect to so many miseryes and diseases and tobe short bothe to the first and second death it is that which after it had set a bar deuision betwéen God and vs caused vs to sée our owne filthines purchased vnto vs shameful vilanous infamy made vs to tremble at the voice of our God which was before moste pleasant loouing vnto vs It is that wherby the wrath of God is heaped vpon men that maketh the Earth to become barrain and to bring foorth thornes and thistles that causeth women to bring foorth in sorow and that men eat their bread in the sweat and labour of their bodyes Séeing then that sin bringeth foorth and procureth vnto vs dayly so many miseries it foloweth the we ought to withdraw our selues from it if we wil not be wilful enemies of our owne happines saluation Now thē I cite héer all disordered and flaunderous persons which notwithstāding are so impudent to present them selues to the Lords holy table I aske them what it is that they promised to God and his church in baptisme They wil answer me that they promised God to renounce the Deuil and all his works But one of the chéef and principall works of the deuil is sin Why doo they not then abstain from it Why are they traytours disobedient to God and his Church Why haue they conspired with the deuil the world and the flesh against their owne saluation How dare they present them selues béefore God to aske him pardon and remission of their sinnes séeing that more and more they hepe sin vpon sin and crucifie kil again as much as in them lyeth the sonne of God or at the least make a scorne scoffe of the purging of his blood which was applyed vnto them in Baptisme Put the case that a wicked man poor and destitute of all help were fallen into a mire whēce out he could by no menes raise vp him self and that some yung Prince passing that way took the paines to draw him out of this ditch to make him clene to clad him with gorgeous and pretious apparel if this wicked man poor miserable caitif fall again into this mire beray bothe him self and his apparel béeing moreouer in great daunger of his life would not one think that this man were maruelously vnkinde and a contemner of that princely bounty and goodnesse and on the other side a wilful sworne enemy of his owne helth worthy tobe lost cast away with out any help or assistance Euen so soundeth our cause with Iesus Christe We fel all into the pudle of sin in the person of Adam we are all wicked dooers and worthy of an hundreth thousand gibbetꝭ before God we can by no meanes get out of our selues and out of the ditch of destruction wherinto we are al fallen of our owne fault Beholde the Sonne of God the king of kings the Lord of Lords which commeth to draw vs out of this pudle which commeth to wash vs with his pretious blood whiche vouchsafeth to clad vs with the proper Cloke of his righteousnes innocency If we cōe again to wallow our selnes in the puddle of sin if we plese our selues in it if we defile be durt the robe of innocēcy which he hath giuē vs in baptisme are we not manifest contemners of the inestimable looue gift of Iesus Christe are moreouer worthy to rot a thousand times in our filthynes or rather to gnash our téeh euerlastingly with the deuilꝭ in hel It is euident
the death and passion of the Sonne of God who commaundeth all the faithful to selebrate the Supper in remembrance of him Thirdly they contemne the price of their redemption that is to say the pretious body and blood of Iesus Christe which are giuen and distributed to all faithful Christians in the Supper according as it is said This is my body which is giuen for you this is my blood which is shed for the remission of your sinnes Finally they despise the church and the vnitie therof and willingly excommunicate them selues from the Communion whiche the faithful haue in the Supper as wel with Iesus Christe as one with an other We sée therfore how fondly these contemners of the Lords holy Supper doo fall and ar vtterly inexcusable And therfore let vs take good héed that we folowe them not if we wil not be punished with thē which for their Oxen Fermes Wines and trastique of merchandise refused to come to the mariage in the Gospel Contrarywise of thē which come vnworthily to the holy Supper of the Lord or ought not be therunto admitted Article 7. ¶ Of them vvhich sin against the first Article of the first preparation which consisteth in true faith ALl Atheists that is such as are with out God misbeléeuers ignorant of God his woord all heretiques false prophets all Magicians Idolaters and superstitious whiche are partakers of the tables of Deuils likewise all they which haue but an historicall Faith all the adherents ministers of the Roomish Antichrist and they that establish by any maner whatsoeuer his kingdome or depend there on also all they which haue not yelded them selues to the Church of God and haue not made profession of their Faith finally all they that customably swere either by the name of God or by their Faith and apply it to vain matters and causes of no value all these ought to abstain from the Lords Table for so muche as they haue not a true trust in God without the whiche we can not bée members of Iesus Christe nor consequently bee apt and méete to receiue life of him which is the onely hed of the true faithfull ¶ Of them which sin against the second Article of the second preparation which consisteth in Repētance ALl they which liue slanderously all impenitent and vnthrifts all contemners of God of his woord and of his holy assemblies all blasphemers and denyers of the name of God all despisers of correction and ecclesiastical discipline they also the haūt and frequent ordinarily euil cōpany which walke in the counsel of the wicked which stand in the way of sinners which sit in the seat of the scorneful To be short they in whome appéereth no amendment of life no regeneration and they that conimit haynous and infamous vices and such as are tobe punished by the magistrate all these after that they are knowen tobe such ought not tobe admitted to the supper and if they present them selues vnto it they ought not tobe receiued lest that that is holy be giuen to Dogs and Swine to the great dishonour of God and slander of his Church ¶ Of them which sin against the third Article of the third preparation which consisteth in giuing of thanks WIithout true faith and repentance we cannot be méet to set forth the parises of God who wil not be praysed by the mouth of the wicked therfore all Infidels Igno rants and impenitent sin also against this Article and ought not tobe receiued to the Lords Supper Also they that are mad or fooles either by nature or some other accident They also which by reason that they be vnder age as little childrē can not shew foorth the Lords death til he come are not capable of the Supper Finally they which by fragilitie vnkindnesse and contempt in time of persecution did forsake Gods cause and renounce the name of our Lord Iesus Christe ought not also tobe admitted thither vnlesse that they doo first make open confession of their fault and be reconciled to the Church of God. ¶ Of them which sin against the fourth article of the fourth preparation whiche consisteth in Looue toward our neighbours THe disobedient to Father and mother to the magistrate to al superiours the seditious conspiratours fighters murderers and such as bere malice and hatred against their neighbours they that are caried away with a desire of reuengement whoremongers adulterers incontinent bougerers drunkards and gluttons deceiuers couetous théeues and vsurers backbiters mockers false witnesses lyers conmon periured persons and in sum all they which make an art of the breach of looue toward their neighbours contained in the second table of the law of God ought not tobe receiued to the Supper For seéing that the Scripture pronounceth thus that suche sort of men haue none acquaintance of God are shut out of the kingdome of Heauen and shall not dwel in the Lords holy mountain they ought of right tobe shut out from these sacred signes wherby the faithful are ioyned to Iesus Christe and made possessors of eternall life ¶ Finis A Dialogue of the preparation to the holy Supper of our Lord IESVS CHRISTE ¶ The Father HOwe must wée be prepared to come worthely to the supper of our Lord Iesus Christe The Childe We must examin our selues according to the precept of the holy Apostle S. Paule F. Wherin consisteth the eramination of our selues C. In two points First that we behaue ourselues as it is méet towarde God who calleth vs to this holy banquet Then that we doo our dutye to our Brethren which are called to this holy Table with vs. F. What is our duty towards God C. It cōsisteth principally in three points F. Which are they C. In faith repentance giuing of thāks F. What is faith C. It is a certaine assurance that God is our father and Saueour in the name of his Sonne Iesus Christe our Lord. F. This assurance commeth it of vs C. No for the faithfull are not borne of flesh nor blood neither of the wil of man but they are borne of God. F. But what meanes dooth God vse to beget vs vnto him and to giue vs faith C. His woord confirmed in vs by the woork of the holy Ghost who cryeth in our harts Abba that is to say father F. Is not this faith confirmed and ratyfied in vs by the Lords Supper C. Yes F. How so C. First of all in that that Iesus Christe giueth himself vnto vs promising vs that his body was giuen to death for vs and that his blood was shed for the remission of our sinnes F. What more C. In that that the bread and wine whiche we take eate and drink according to Gods institution teache vs that through faith we take eate and drink the body and blood of Iesus Christe for the nourishment of our soules F. And those that are Insidels can they eate the body of Iesus Christe and drinck his blood C. No
vtter darknesse not because he had wickedly spent his Maisters Talent but because he vsed it not nor imployed it F. It is therfore requisit that euery one according to the talent which he hath receiued of God doo glorify him in that vocation wherunto he is called C. Yea. If we wil enter as the good seruant into the ioy of our Maister F. To doo this goodnes must we not haue knoweledge C. Yes F. By what meanes C. By the law of God and generally by all the holy Scriptures whiche shew vnto vs what the good woorks are whiche God requireth of vs. F. Are we not exhorted to the Supper to liue wel C. Yes that we are For in that that we are made one with Iesꝰ Christe made flesh of his flesh and bones of his bones further more in that that we are partakers of his holinesse and innocency it is to this end that we should be holy as he is holy F. What more C. In that also that we méet and agrée in the holy Church which is the communion of Saints in that that by the opperation and woork of the holy Ghost we call vpon one father which is holy to be short in that that we hear his holy woord and receine his holy Sacraments it ought also to mooue vs to holynesse F. This holynesse which God requireth of vs is it perfit in this world C. No. As the examples of the Saincts shew vs And moreouer vnto the last breth of our life we shall haue alwaies need to aske of God that he would forgiue vs our sinnes through his Sonne Iesus Christe F. And this holynesse which is not perfit can it please God which is parfit C. Yea. For so much as by the operation of the holy Ghost and by faith we obey the commaundements of God by Iesus Christ whiche couereth with the Cloke of his righteousnesse all our wants and imperfections F. Let vs come to the third parte of our duty towards God. C. We haue said that it consisteth in an acknowledging F. What acknowledging C. Of all the benefits which we haue receiued and receiue daily at the hand of God and espetially of the benefit of redemption by Iesus Christe F. Is it not for this cause that the auncients called the holy Supper Eucharistia that is to say gratefulnesse good grace gining of thanks C. It is so F. Is this acknowledging necessary for all them the are partakers of the Lordꝭ table C. Yea. As Iesus Christe hath she wed vs an example and moreouer hath commaunded vs to celebrate the Supper in remembrance of him F. What are the conditions of this acknowledging C. There are foure principall F. Which are the two first C. First it ought tobe giuen to one onely God by his only Sonne Iesus Christe Se condly it ought not tobe giuen not onely by mouth but also by hart F. Dooth it folowe héereby that all they which call vpon Saints giue not thanks for their saluation to one onely God by his Sonne Iesus Christe are gilty C. Yea. And they also erre which are Hipocrits praying in an vnknowen tung honouring God onely with their lips and not with their harts F Tel me the two last conditions of the acknowledging C. That is it ought to bee doon at all times that is to say aswel in aduersitie as in prosperitie To be short it ought to be practised not onely priuately but also publiquely and in the middest of the congregation of the faithful F. Seeing that we haue spoken inough of our duty towards God let vs now speak of our duty towards our neighbour C. It consisteth in true Charitie and brotherly vnitie whiche doo necessarily folowe faith and the true seruice of God. F. What is the true forme rule of charity C. That we looue our neighbours as our selues or that we looue one an other euen as Christe looued vs. F. How did Christe looue vs C. He looued vs when wee were his enemyes and when we were wicked and abominable before God. F. Haue we not héerein an example to looue our enemies although they be wicked and naught C. Yes For in this part we must be agréeable to the image of our hed Iesus Christe F. And this looue wherewithall Christe looued vs was it fained or did it continue but for a time C. No for he looued vs not in word only but in déed He looued vs not only for a time but euen to the end vnto death euen to the sheding of his pretious blood for vs. F. And ought we not to folow him héerin C. Yes To eschew all dissembling inconstancy whē soeuer we debate of loouing our brethren and shewing our loue by déed F. Beside the example of Christe are we not exhorted to this true looue in the Super C. Yes F. By what reasons C. First in that that we doo all communicate togither at the Supper that we eat of the self same meate that we call vpon one self same Father that we haue one self same hed Iesus Christe that we are all quickened by his holy spirit it ought to stir vs vp to true looue and Brotherly charitie F. What more C. The making of the bread and wine of the Supper ought to exhort vs also vnto it F. How so C. Because that euen as the Bread is made of many cornes which are vnite to gither in one lump of Bread and as the Wine is made of many clusters of grapes which are afterwarde put togither in one licour so must the Christians whiche are many in them selues be ioyned togither by looue in one self same body whiche is the churche of God. F. This looue which we are exhorted vn to by so many reasons in the Supper can it be in them whiche bere malice and batred one against an other C. No. And therfore we must forget all iniuryes and reconcile our selues to them which haue offended vs and forgiue them with all our hart euen as wee would that God should forgiue vs. F. May we conclude by all that hath béen héertofore spoken that such as doo not their duty aswel towarde God as towarde their neighbour ought not to be receyued to the Supper C. Yea and therfore the true minister of Iesus Christe must take good héed that hée giue not that that is holy to such as are open ly knowen tobe Dogs and Swine F. The father of all mercy defend vs in such sort through his holy spirit with faith and repentance that we may publish his praises with a sincere affection and looue our neighbours as Iesus Christe hath looued vs that we come not to his holy Table to our damnation as Infidels and impenitents doo but rather to our saluation béeing assured that we inioy as truely eternall life with all riches and treasures which are in Iesus Christe as we inioy the Elements whiche he appointed vs for infallible witnesses of euerlasting life in the same his welbelooued Sonne Iesus Christe our LORD C. So be it FINIS Luc. 21.48 Iohn 4.24 1. Cor. 11.28 1 Esa. 35.5 6.7 Ioh. 3.16 2 Mat. 16.17 Ro. 7.18 1. cor 2.14 3 Math Ioh. 1.13 6.26 (4) Ro. 8 15 Gal. 4.6 5 Math. 26.26 Mat 14.21 Luc. 22.19 1. Cor. 11.14 6 Ioh. 1.36.28 7 Psal 8.7 Math. 11 Heb. 1.2 Ioh. 17 12 27. 28.18 8 Aba 2 4. Ro. 1.17 Gal. 3 11. Heb. 10.38 9 1. Cor 11.28 10 Mat. 11.28 9.13 Mar. 2.17 Luc. 2.11 Ioh. 3.17 Act. 4.12 5.35 11 1. Tim. 1.15 12 Ioh. 3.13 13 Mat. 1.1 Iohn 1.14 Ro. 1.3 14 Mat. 1.20 Luc. 1 31. 15 Esa. 7 14. Mat. 1.25 Luc 1.31 16 Mat. 4.1 Mar. 1.12 Luc 4 1. 17 Mat. 5.17 Luc. 16 27 Ro. 10.4 18 Mar. 27.11 Mar. 15.2 Luc. 23.3 Ioh. 18.33 19 Psa 22.1 Mat. 27.46 Mar. 15.14 20 Deu. 21.23 Gala. 3.13 21 Mat. 28.6 Mar. 16.16 Ioh 20.14 Act. 2.24 22 Mar. 16.19 Luc. 24.58 Act. 2.9 23 Gen. 17.12 24 Een 12.18 25 Ec. 20.2 26 1. Reg. 18.20 27 Deut. 13.1 17.5 28 1 Cor. 10.16 29 1. Cor. 10.21 30 Apo. 18.4 31 Apo. 32 Apo. 21.8 1 Psa 51.1 2 Mar. 26.75 Mat. 14.72 Luc. 22.61 3 Act. 9.5 1. Tim. 1 13 4 Mat. 26.26 Mar. 14 21. Luc. 22.19 Act. 2 42. 20.7 1. Cor. 11.14 5 Ep. 53.3 6 Mat. 27.4.51 7 Gen. 3.6 Psal. 39. 15. 8 1. Cor. 11. 9 Mat. 12.36 10 Luc. 11.44 19.25 20.7 Luc. 1.75 1. Pet. 1.38 11 Tit. 2 11 12.13.14 1 1. Tim. 4. 5. 2 Mat. 26.26 Mar. 14.22 3 Luc. 22.19 4 Mar. 26.27 Mar. 14.23 Luc. 21.17 5 Ex. 1. 2. 3. 6 Ex. 12.20 7 Iohn 3.16 8 Luc. 22.19 1. Cor. 11.24 9 1. Cor. 11.26 10 1. Ti. 1.17 11 Psal. 103.1 12 Luc. 1.46 13 Esa. 29.13 Mat. 15.8 14 Psa 34.1 15 1. thess. 5 18. 16 Gen. 25.38 17 Psal. 116.12 13.14 18 Psal. 10.9.10 1 Ioh 13.35 2 Ioh. 3 Ioh. 15. 4 1. Cor. 13.4 5 1. Cor. 11.35 6 Mat. 26.26 Mar. 14.21 Luc. 22.19 1. Cor. 11.14 7 Math. 12. Ioh. 11.17 1. Tim. 2 1. Iohn 2. 8 Mat. 5.23.44 9 Luc 23.34 10 Act. 7.60 11 Esa. 49.23 12 1. Peter Ro. 13.2.3 13 Act. 20.28.31 1. Pet. 5.2.3 14 1. Sa 12.13 1 Mat. 3.12 2 Mat. 13.24 3 Mat. 13.47 4 Mat. 10. 5 Mat. 1.25 6 Ro. 7.23 8.6.7 Gal. 5.1.1 Pe. 5.8 1 Mat. 22.7 Luc. 14.22 1 Psal. 1 1. 2 Mat. 7.6 3 Psal. 50.16 4 Ephe. 5.5 Psal. 15. Iohn 1. Iohn 17. Rom 10. Rom. 8. Gala. 4. 1. Cor. 11. Colo. 3. Math. 28. Math. 18. Iohn 12. Ict. 3.21 Aug. 2. Psal. 54. Hab. 2. Rom. 1. Gala. 3. Hev 10. Psal. 32. ● Lut. 18. Math. 3. 5 Mat. 25. Math. 26. Mark. 14. Luc. 22. 1. Cor. 11. Imprinted at London by Iohn Allde for Lucas Harison