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A09077 A double catechisme one more large, following the order of the common authorized catechisme, and an exposition thereof: now this second time published: the other shorter for the weaker sort: both set forth for the benefit of Christian friends and wel-willers. By Richard Bernard, Master of Arts, and preacher of Gods word at Worsop in Nottingham-shire.; Large catechisme Bernard, Richard, 1568-1641. 1607 (1607) STC 1936; ESTC S113787 23,289 50

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saued A. It is necessarie to all that may haue it but not of necessitie to such as cannot rightly come by it for not the want but the carelesse neglect and contempt thereof condemneth Q. Hovv oft should vve be baptized A. But once for we may not be baptized againe after true baptisme for being once borne we cannot be borne againe naturally nor spiritually Q. VVhat is the Lords Supper It is the latter Sacrament in the new Testament whereby we are nourished and preserued in the Church to eternall life Q. VVhat be the outvvard signes B. Bread and wine Q. VVhat be the things signified A. The bodie and bloud of Christ Q. VVhat are the rites A. The actions of the Minister and receiuer Q. VVhat are the actions of the Minister A. 1. To take the bread wine into his hands 2. to blesse it 3. To breake the bread and powre foorth the wine 4. to offer and giue them to the receiuer Q. VVhat are the actions of the receiuer A. 1. To take the bread and wine offered into his hand 2. to eate the one and drinke the other and so digest and concoct them as that they feele nourishment to the bodie Q. VVhat learn● you by all these actions A. I am assured that the visible actions of the Minister doth represent the spirituall actions of God the Father to my soule who hath decreed his Sonne and elected him the Mediator to haue his bodie broked and his precious bloud shed for me being offered to all but giuen onely to the true beleeuer that can by the hand of faith take hold of him who shewes as liuely the vertue of his death to preserue his soule as the vertue of the bread and wine is felt to nourish the bodie Q. 〈◊〉 the bread turned into Christs bodie and is the wine into his very bloud A. No verily for then 1. it were no Sacrament 2. it is against reason 3. against Scripture 4. against an article of our Creed 5. against the iudgment of anncient Fathers true writings 6. against the iudgement of reformed Christian Churches 7. against the opinion of holy Martyrs who shed their bloud for the contrarie 8. it is against experience of our senses that the bread should bee flesh or wine bloud neither is Christs bodie in with or about the same Q. Is there then no difference of this bread and vvine from that vvhich vve vse commonly A. There is no difference in the substance but in the holy vse being at that time set apart to be signes of Christs bodie and bloud Q. May euery one offer to receiue the vvill A. No but onely such as come prepared and be fit that both are able in knowledge to examin and also by a good conscience will iudge themselues whither they be in any measure prepared thereunto Q. VVhat if you come vnprepared A. I am an vnworthie receiuer prouoking Gods wrath against me and so eate and drinke my owne damnation Q. VVho are those that ought not to come A. Open impenitent sinners fooles madde persons children all that be of yeares and yet ignorant not being able to trie and iudge themselues and if such prophane ones do offer themselues they are not to be admitted Q. VVhat be those things vvhereof you must try and iudge your selues A. I. Of my knowledge concerning my miserable estate through sinne of Gods mercie and our deliuerance by Christ and the vnderstanding of this Sacrament II. Of my beleefe in Christ which I may do by the Creede III. Of my repentance towards God for old and new sinnes examined by his commaundements IV. Of my brotherly loue which I do owe to euery one which I may trie and iudge by my forgiuing others as I desire God to forgiue me and by my seeking to satisfie whom I haue offended of my knowledge either in word or deed Q. May any by omitting these duties be free from sinne if therefore they vvill not receiue the Sacrament vvith others A. No for as to come vnprepared is damnation so to neglect to prepare for any earthly occasion is a great wickednesse such liuing in disobedience without repentance and charitie Q. VVhy do you go to the Lords supper A. 1. To testifie my loue in obedience to God commaunding 2. To strengthen my faith beeing weake 3. To maintaine and increase the holy cōmunion and fellowship of brotherly loue amongst vs the members of Christ and 4. to keepe a remembrance of his death till his second comming Q. Hovv must you be exercised in the time of administration and aftervvards A. I must 1. meditate vpon the death and passion of Christ how grieuously I haue sinned 2. Gods endlesse mercie 3. the vnitie and fellowship that is amongst the true members of the Church with Christ and one with another reioycing in heart and praysing God therefore with the congregatiō Afterwards 1. I must giue almes to the needie brethren and do other good works of charitie in token of thankfulnesse that day especially for so great a mercie 2. Grow from thenceforth in obedience faith and vnfained loue to my liues end The sixt part Q. Can you briefly sh●vv me any rules to be obserued that you may do so as you haue bene taught A. I. Euery morning before other businesse I must 1. thanke God for my safetie 2. desire pardon of sinne 3. Gods further protection against ghostly and bodily enemies II. I must know that that day and all other times after giuen me to liue in are for more earnest repentance encrease of knowledge faith practise of godlinesse and therefore of these continually I must be mindfull setting some part of the day aside for reading hearing or meditating vpon heauenly things that the vanities of the world short and vncertaine carie me not away III. I must haue or else prepare my selfe to some particular calling fit to keepe me from idlenesse and to exercise the duties of religion in which calling must I be both honest and profitable to others to which 1. I must betake me speedily that no time be lost 2. to do therein as I wold be done vnto 3. to seeke first in my labour Gods glorie then my owne good with my neighbours profite 4. labour therein painefully and constantly in aduersitie vsing good meanes hoping for prosperitie in prosperitie neglecting no humble duties for feare of aduersitie 5. my present estate I must account it euer the best for me and most for Gods glorie 6. I must not feare to spend where God and charitie requireth sparing from idle expences and onely lay vp for the time to come wh●tsoeuer shall remaine when I haue discharged necessarie duties honestly religiously IV. I must recreate my selfe sometime from my wearisome labour when 〈◊〉 see need which must be 1. at times conuenient 2. in things lawfull 3. short delightsome to the mind healthfull for the bodie 4. to make me more chearefull to returne to labour and not to draw me to loiter to idlenes no
forbid all the kinds contained vnder the same thing mentioned and all the causes with occasions thereunto 1. Ioh. 3. 15. Mat. 5. 28. 32. Q. Are they a prayer A. No nor so to be vsed they are a rule for me to liue after and do teach me my duty to God and my neighbour Deut. 6. 31. 12. Psal 119. 105. Eccles 12. 13. Mat. 22. 37. 39. Q. VVhat is your duty tovvards God A. My dutie towards God is to beleeue in him to feare him and to loue him c. 2. Chron. 20. 20. Eccles 12. 13. Mat. 22. 37. Q. VVhat is your duty tovvards your neighbour A. It is to loue my neighbour as my selfe c. Mat. 22 39. Rom. 13. 9. Q. Can ye keepe the commaundements and not offend God nor your neighbour A. No I breake them euery day in thought word and deed hating both God and my neighbour by nature Ps 14. 1. 2. 3. Rom. 8. 7. 1. 30. 2. Cor. 3. 5. Tit. 3. 3. Q. VVhat is then novv your state and vvhat deserue you by thus offending God A. I am in the state of corruption and do deserue Gods curse which is eternall destruction of bodie and soule Deut. 27. 26. Mat. 25. 41. 46. Gal. 3. 10. Of mans redemption Q. VVhat are you in this case to do A. To cry vnto God for mercie and seeke for deliuerance Luk. 15. 17. Psal 51. 1. 2. c. Q. Are you of your selfe able or is there any good in you to moue God to set you free A. No indeed Rom. 3. 10. 7. 18. Luk. 17. 10. 2. Cor. 4. 4. Eph. 2. 8. 9. Q. Then vvho doth redeeme you A. Onely Iesus Christ Rom. 7. 25 2. Cor. 5. 21 Rom. 5. 19. Gal. 2. 20. 3. 13. Q. VVhat is Iesus Christ A. He is the eternall Sonne of God Mat. 17. 5. Heb. 1. 23. a King to gouerne vs Ps 2. 6. Mat. 28. 18. a priest to offer for vs Ps 110. 4. And a Prophet to teach vs Deut. 18. 18. Esa 61. 1. Mat. 17. 5. Q. VVhat beleeue you concerning him in the Articles of the Creed A. I do beleeue that he was conceiued by the holy Ghost c. Q. VVhat is this to you A. I do perswade my selfe hereby that his puritie is for my corruption his obedience for my transgression his death for my debt and his ascension for my eternall saluation 1. Cor. 1. 30. Phil. 3. 20. Q. But as God made all vvill so Iesus Christ also saue all A. No verily many shall be damned few shal be saued Mat. 7. 13. 14. onely the elect which take hold of Christ by a lively faith Ioh. 3. 16. 36. Mar. 16. 16. Q. VVhat is this liuely faith A. It is a true perswasion of my heart grounded vpon Gods promises Eph. 3. 17. Rom 4. 21. that Iesus Christ is giuen to me Ioh. 3. 16. and the merits of his death and passion are as truly mine as if I my selfe had wrought them 2. Cor. 5. 21. Rom. 8. 1. Q. Hovv come you by this faith A. From my effectuall calling by the word preached and the worke of Gods spirit Act. 13. 48. Rom. 10. 14. 15. Eph. 1. 13. Q. VVhere is set dovvne the summe of your becefe A. In my Creed I beleeue in God the Father Almightie c. Q. Are these a prayer or so to be vsed A. No it teacheth me what to beleeue concerning God and his church Q. VVhat good hath Gods Church the true beleeuers aboue the rest of mankind A. They are in the state of grace they haue communion with Christ and one with another the forgiuenesse of sinnes the glorious resurrection of the bodie and life euerlasting Of sanctification Q. Hovv may it appeare that you haue this faith and also these benefites A. By my sanctification Q. VVho doth sanctifie you A. The holy Ghost Rom. 15. 16. Q. VVhat is sanctification A. Jt is a making new of the whole man whereby he daily dyeth to sinne and increaseth in holinesse and righteousnesse Eph. 4. 23. 24. Gal. 5. 24. 1. Thes 4. 1. Q. VVhat grace proceedes from this sanctification A. True repentance leauing that which is ill with hatred and performing new obedience with gladnesse of heart continually Ier. 31. 19. Act. 26. 20. Ps 119. 10. 113. 115. 136. 14. 34. 35. 44. Q. VVhat estate novv stand you in being sanctified and penitent A. I am in the blessed estate of grace wherein if I continue I shall inherite eternall life Tit. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Rom. 11. 22. Mat. 10 22. 2. Tim. 4. 8. Q. VVhy hath God thus made redeemed sanctified and hitherto preserued you A. To serue him truly all the dayes of my life Eph. 2. 10. Tit. 2. 11. 12. Luk. 1. 74. 75. Q. Hovv must God be serued A. Onely after his will reuealed in hss written word Deut. 30. 8. 10. and 4. 2. 2. Cor. 4. 6. Of our strengthening in the state of grace for the certainty of our glorification Q. Js it needfull for such as are elected and once called iustified and sanctified that they should continue still in vsing meanes to saluation A. Yea truly else they will fall away Pro. 29. 18. 2. Chron. 15. 2. Heb. 3. 12. 13. Q. VVhat things must you continue in to assure your selfe of saluation and to grovv strong in the vvay of life A. Jn the knowledge of Gods word Psal 11. 2. Act. 2. 42. 2. Pet. 1. 19. Ioh. 10. 27. 28. in faith Joh. 3. 36. in loue to the godly Ioh. 13 35. 1. Ioh. 3. 14. in obedience Ezech. 36. 26. Psal 15. 5. Ier. 32. 39. 40. in patient suffering for Christ Rom. 8. 17. Iam. 1. 12. in a longing after Christs comming 2. Tim. 4. 8. in sinceritie without hypocrisie which will appeare by my appealing to God in these things Ioh. 21. 15. Of the Sacraments Q. Hath God giuen any helpes and commaunded farther any other meanes besides the vvord for the strengthening of vs herein A. Yes these two Sacraments and Prayer Q. VVhat is a Sacrament A. An outward signe and seale of invisible graces Q. Hovv do the Sacraments strengthen you A. By a reuerent vsing and meditating of them rightly vnderstood as signes representing Christ and his benefites and sure seales of his couenant with vs Gen. 9. 9. to 18. and 17. 9. 10. Hovv many Sacraments are there A. Onely two Baptisme and the Lords Supper 1. Cor. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. Mat. 28. 19. 26. 29. 27. 1. Cor. 11. 23. 24. 25. Q. VVhat is the signe and the thing signified in Baptisme A. The signe is water and the grace is the bloud of Christ by which I am washed from my sinnes Act. 2. 38. 22. 16. Q. VVhat are the signes and things signified in the Lords Supper A. The signes are the bread and wine the things signified are the bodie bloud of Christ 1. Cor. 11. 23. 24. 25. Q. VVhy come you to receiue A. To strengthen my faith and to keepe in remembrance Christ his
death till his comming againe Rom. 4. 11. 1. Cor. 11. 26. Q. VVhat ought you to do before you come A. Prepare my selfe by examination 1. Cor. 11. 28. Q. VVhat ought you to come vvith to the Sacrament A. With foure things 1. knowledge both of my miserie Gods mercie and the doctrine of the Sacrament 2. with faith in Iesus Christ Heb. 11. 6. 3. with repentance for all my sinnes Esa 1. 10. 11. 14. 15. 16. 4. with heartie loue vnto my neighbor Mat. 5. 23. Q. VVhat if you come vnprepared vvithout these A. I come vnworthily I am guiltie of the body and bloud of Christ 1. Cor. 11. 27. I do eare and drinke my owne damnation vers 29. God may punish me vers 40. and the diuell may enter into me as he did vnto Iudas and bring me to destruction of bodie and soule Ioh 13. 27. Of Prayer Q. VVhat is Prayer A. It is a right heartie and faithfull request made vnto God in the name of Iesus Christ 1. Ioh. 5. 14. Rom. 8. 26. Iam. 1. 6. Ioh. 14. 14. 15. 16. Mat. 3. 17. Q. Can or doth euery one pray that vttereth vvords and vseth a forme of prayer A. It is a speciall gift to Gods children and such onely pray as haue knowledge what to aske a hearty desire in asking and faith to beleeue Q. VVhat direction of prayer haue you A. The same which our Sauiour Christ taught his disciples Our Father vvhich art in heauen hallovved be thy name Thy kingdome come Thy vvill be done in earth as it is in heauen Giue vs this day our daily bread and forgiue vs our trespasses as vve forgiue them that trespasse against vs. And lead vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill Amen Q. VVhat desirest thou of God in this prayer A. I desire my Lord God our heauenly Father who is the giuer of all goodnesse to send his grace vnto me and to all people that we may worship him serue him and obey him as we ought to do And I pray vnto God that he will send vs al things that be needfull both for our soules and bodies and that he will be mercifull vnto vs and forgiue vs our sinnes and that it will please him to saue and defend vs in all dangers ghostly and bodily and that he will keepe vs from all sinne and wickednesse and from our ghostly enemie and from euerlasting death And this I trust he will do of his mercie and goodnesse through our Lord Iesus Christ and therefore I say Amen So be it The first part of Catechisme Of new birth Q. WHat is your name A. Channauel God is gracious to vs. Benalleuel Loue wholy the Lord with the heart Q. VVho gaue you this name A. My Godfathers and my Godmothers who with my father brought me to the Minister into the congregation to be baptized and were especiall witnesses of the same and professours of my faith and obedience to God for me Q. VVhy vvere you baptized A. That I might receiue a badge of my Christian religion and be admitted into the Church to liue amongst the professors of Christs name to be receiued of them and accounted as a mēber of Christ the child of God and an inheritour of the kingdome of heauen vntill I shew the contrarie Q. VVhereby may you novv be certaine that you are such a one indeed A. If I do what my Godfathers and Godmothers did make profession of for me Q. VVhat did your Godfathers and Godmothers make profession of for you A They did professe three things in my name the first was the forsaking of the diuell and al his workes the pompes and the vanities of this wicked world and all the sinfull lusts of the flesh Q. VVhat vvere you then bound to them that you haue promised to forsake them A. Yea verily I am a bondslaue to Sathan by the corruption of my nature prone to all vice hauing the seed of all sinne in me and do hate both God and my neighbour Q. Hovv can you then forsake this vvofull state and cease from any euill being thus bound and prone thereunto A. Not by any naturall power in or of my selfe but onely by the grace of God when it is giuen vnto me Q. Are you sure you haue forsaken them are you not deceiued A. I am not deceiued for I hate vnfainedly the workes of the diuell the worlds vanitie all the vngodly manners of euery man and I labour by all good meanes to die to all sinne daily louing the word of God following it and all godly examples indeauoring to kill speedily euery ill motion but cherishing the good in my heart by meditation vowes fasting and prayer Q. But can you tell me vvhat are the vvorkes of the diuell the vvorlds vanitie and the ill motions of the heart A. Whatsoeuer I or any other do thinke speake or do against the will of God reuealed in his word written Q. VVhat hath mooued you to forsake the diuel the vvorld and the flesh A. For that I haue learned and do well perceiue by knowledge from the word and mine owne experience that these three be the onely malicious spirituall powerfull subtill and continuall enemies of my eternall felicitie Q. VVhat are the other things that your Godfathers and Godmothers promised for you A. Secondly was the beleeeuing of all the twelue articles of my christian faith and the third was the learning diligently of Gods holy will and commaundements and an obedient walking in the same all the dayes of my life Q VVhere is this vvill of God to be learned A. Not from mine owne fantasie mans wisedome traditions or examples of men but onely out of the Scripture which is the word written by his Prophets and Apostles in the bookes of the old and new Testament which is sufficient to teach vs all things necessarie that we need to beleeue for our saluation Q. VVhat reasons haue you to persvvade your selfe that this Scripture vvhich vve hold is the true vvord of God and none other A. First from the pen-men being many and most of them simple and plaine persons who doe mutually consent setting downe their own faults without partialitie Secondly from the matter aboue naturall mens reach of mans creation resurrection last iudgement and of the Trinitie in vnitie prophecies also fulfilled in all circumstances Thirdly from the manner of speaking peremptorily reproouing or allowing without sinister respects Fourthly from the effect binding conscience conuerting men to hate euen life it selfe for Gods glorie Fifthly the miraculous preseruation thereof with punishment of such as seeke to ouerthrowe either it or the professours thereof Lastly that it ascribes all glorie to God the maine end which it aymeth at Q. VVhat meanes must you vse to come to the sauing knovvledge of this vvord A. 1. Daily reading 2. Learning the Catechisme the grounds of religion 3. Hearing the word with mind and affection both read and preached publikely by Gods ministers 4. Meditation in mind to