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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13952 A briefe institution of the common places of sacred divinitie Wherein, the truth of every place is proved, and the sophismes of Bellarmine are reprooved. Written in Latine, by Lucas Trelcatius, and Englished by Iohn Gawen, minister of Gods word.; Scholastica, et methodica, locorum communium s. theologiæ institutio. English Trelcatius, Lucas.; Gawen, John, minister of Gods word. 1610 (1610) STC 24261; ESTC S103024 183,328 620

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for some are Principall Antecedent some Secondary and Consequent whereof those properly respect our Faith before God but these our confession before Men. After the first manner the end of baptisme is to signifie seale and exhibite Sacramentally the Remission of sinnes the benefite of Regeneration and our vnion with Christ The Remission of sinnes for albeit sinne by reason of the state of Nature abide as touching the disease or roote of sinne and the very matter yet it is taken away by reason of the state of the person as touching the guilt or forme which is not imputed to the faithfull Hence it is that Baptisme is sayde to bee given for the remission of sinnes f Act. 2.38 22.26 The benefite of Regeneration because we being ingraffed into Christ by baptisme are changed into his nature and are made partakers of his divine Nature for which cause it is called the Laver of Regeneration g Tit. 3.5.6 Our Vnion with Christ for hence it is that wee are sayde to be Baptized into Christ h Ga. 3.27 and into the Name of Christ i Mat. 28.19 1. Cor. 12 13. by baptisme to be buried with Christ and to be baptized into his death and resurrection k Rom. 6.3.4 After the Latter manner the end of baptisme is first that it may bee a Testimony of our godlinesse and obedience vnto God with Thanksgiving l Ioh. 4.1 Act. 2.41 Secondly that it may bee a badge discerning the Church together with her members frō prophane Nations Thirdly that it may bee the bond of the communion of the Church and their mutuall loue who are dipped in the same Lavar From this consideration of the causes two Consequents are drawn the one of the Necessity the other of the Effect and Efficacy of Baptisme The Necessity two thinges doe circumscribe or limite The Institution of God and the Condition of him that is to be baptized The Scope of Gods Institution is not to tie eyther the things signified to the Signes or the men to the Sacraments by an absolute necessity forasmuch as God by an immediate and extraordinary action when he will and on whome he will conferreth the thing signified neyther can the simple want but the contempt of the Sacrament be hurtfull which doth befall neyther vnto all Infants nor all them that are of ripe yeares but according to the liberty of his will it may seale the things signified in them who both can and should receyue the vse of the signes They that are to be baptized are persons of yeares and Infants to a person of yeares Baptisme is necessary vnto Salvation two wayes eyther by Desire and Will if liberty be not granted him to take the Layer of water or really and in very deed if liberty bee granted For faith hath alwayes joyned with it the desire of obedience To an Infant Baptisme is necessary not simply for the Invisible but after a sort for the visible ingraffing of him into Christ and the body of the Church which if the point of necessity doe bar him from that invisibly is fulfilled with out baptisme which otherwise is shewed in the visible baptisme The Effects of baptisme are not either the doing away of all guilt and punishmen or the conferring of grace by the worke done or lastly an impression of a marke that cannot bee raced out but they are the same with those which are the ends thereof aboue expounded The Efficacy of all which Effects is not ascribed to the outwarde baptisme or the Elements of water but to the bloud of Christ and the inward baptisme of the Spirit which by a hidden operation conferreth that invisible Grace which is signified in the outward Baptisme OF BAPTISME The Part Confuting I. THe Word Baptisme is taken two wayes in the Scriptures Properly and Figuratiuely Properly it signifieth two things first a dipping into the water secondly any simple washing or cleansing and in this signification by an excellency the first Sacrament of the New Testament is called Baptisme Figuratiuely it importeth foure things eyther by an Allegory the deluge of the waters the passing through the Sea and the abiding vnder the cloud or by a Metaphor the crosse or every extreame affliction or by a Metalepsis the powring out of the giftes of the Spirite or lastly by a Synechdoche the whole doctrine of Iohn and his whole Ministery II. BAptisme in kinde is but one but in the manner of considering it is two-fold Outward and Inward that is of the Water this of the Spirite and bloud which three because indeed they are the parts of the whole Baptisme from each one every of the three kindes of Baptisme doe spring to witte the Baptisme of Water Inspiration and bloud In Defence of the Efficient Cause or the Minister baptizing and first that the baptisme of Iohn Baptist and the rest of the Ministers was one and the selfe same against Bellarmine Lib. 1. de Sacra Bapt. Cap. 20.21.22 THe DISTINCTIONS I. THat baptisme cannot bee sayde to haue beene instituted of Iohn himselfe which the Scripture teacheth to haue beene a baptisme administred by Gods commaundement Luc. 3.2.3 To be from Heaven Mat. 21.25 and which the Pharisies refusing are sayd to haue despised the counsell of God Luc. 7 30.15 but in that it is called the baptisme of Iohn it distinguisheth between the Ministery of Iohn himselfe and the mastership of authority of Christ II. THe Invocation of the Trinity is expressed in the Scriptures eyther according to the very formall words or according to the sence and truth albeit those wordes be not expressed in the administration of Iohns baptisme yet the consequence of diverse Arguments doe aboundantly proue the sence truth of the Invocation for therefore is Iohn sayd to haue baptized into Christ Act. 19.4 and to haue preached the baptisme of Repentance for the Remission of sinnes Mar. 1.3 III. THe time of the Institution of baptisme ought not to bee reckoned since Christs resurrectiō from the dead or since his baptisme in Iordan but since the time of his manifestation in the flesh from which the time of the New Testament ordinarily taketh his beginning IIII. THe difference of baptisme is one Essentiall the other Accidentall That according to the substance and effect This acording to the circumstance and manner of Christs manifestation but there are two causes why he would distinguish betweene his baptisme and Christs the first that hee might note the difference betweene the outwarde Baptisme of Water and the Inwarde Baptisme of the Spirite the other that hee might distinguish between his owne person and office and betweene the person and office of Christ Adde further that the Baptisme of the spirite is taken for the visible gift of miracles powred out on the Apostles according as the conferring of places m Parallelorum the one with the other teacheth Act. 1.5 11.16 but in that it is spoken in the future tense it is an Enallage or change
the same Baptisme seeing that the definition as of his Baptisme so also of theirs is the same and both agree in all the causes After the latter manner the Minister is sayde to be the Baptizer or the cause vsing Baptisme Instituted g Mat. 28.19 Heb 5.4 because he administring Baptisme in the name of Christ doth Sacramentally and ministerially seale and conferre the matter of Baptisme Now by the name of Minister wee vnderstand him to whome the Ministery of the word is committed in his lawfull calling for these are Conjuncts To wit the office of teaching the Gospell and administting the Sacraments neyther is it lawfull for a Private man even in the cause of necessity to baptize sith there is no necessity which may compell vs to violat the orders by God prescribed k 1. Cor. 14.34 1. Tim. 2.12 Now the power and dignity of this Ecclesiasticall Ministery dependeth not vpon the quality of the Minister but vpon the power and truth of God who instituteth the same For the Sacraments are true because of the true God whose they they are saith Augustine The Matter of Baptisme is two waies wont to be considered eyther as it maketh Baptisme or as it receyveth the one hath properly the consideration of the partes the other of the subject or object The Matter that maketh Baptisme is two-fold according as there are two partes thereof the one Outward and Visible the other Inward and Spirituall that is properly called the Signe this the thing signified By the name of Signe all that is vnderstoode which is perceyved by the outward senses in the pure and lawfull administration of Baptisme whether it bee the Element or the Action or Rite answerable to Gods Institution The Elementall Signe in Baptisme is the water l Act 10.47 Eph. 5.26 not the oyle not the salt not the spettle because neyther the commandement of Christ nor the examples of the Apostles nor the judgemēt of the ancient Church admit any other substantiall matter in Baptisme besides the Element of water The Signe Ceremonlall which consisteth in the action is a dipping or sprinckling for both is noted by the word Baptisme m Ioh. 3.29 Mat. 3.16 Lue. 11.38 Mar 7.4 bur albeit the Sacramentall Rite in particular circumstances be dispensed and may suffer a moderation according to charity and necessity yet wee worthily reject Exorcismes and consecration of Water both for that they are conjoyned with superstition and especially because they defile and staine the action of Baptisme The Thing signified is twofold the one Generall the other Particular the one is already expounded in the doctrine concerning the Sacraments but the other if you respect the Essentiall signified things of baptisme may fitly bee referred to three heades The first of the bloud of Christ for the Remission of sinnes whereby it commeth to passe that neyther that n Gemina Naturall Impurity nor the fruit thereof that is actuall sins bee imputed vnto vs o Mar. 1.4 Luc. 3.3 Act. 5.8 Act z2 16 Eph. 5.25.26 The other is the Spirituall and diuine power of the same whereby wee are regenerated by the mortifying of the flesh and quickning of the Spirite for these things God requireth according to the forme of the Covenant of all those who are entred by the signe of Covenant p Rom 6 3.4 Tit. 3.5.6 The third is the most strait Vnion and Coniunction we haue with Christ wherby is wrought that wee are made partakers of his person merites and benefits q 1. Cor. 12.13 Gal. 3.27 The Matter receyving Baptisme are they all and alone who probably are reckoned in the Covenant now there are reckoned both the ripe of age who having made an entrance in the Principles of faith comming to the church professe their faith and repentance before men as also Infants who as they are partakers of the communion of the Covenant by the forme and promise added therevnto r Gen. 17.1 so are they likewise of the Communion of the signe seale of the Covenant ſ Gen. 27.12 Leu. 12.3 Adde further First that as they are partakers of Gods promises in Christ and his Church so are they also of the Sacramentall signes which were ordained for the sealing of the promises t Act. 2.38 39. Secondly that as by the power of the Spirite they haue that wholy which is signified so it were wickednesse that they should bee excluded from the partaking of the signes u Gen. 17. 1. Cor. 7.14 Thirdly that as the children of the faithfull ought to bee ingraffed into the Church and to bee discerned from the vnfaithfull so it were needefull they should be partakers of the singe of entrance and the note of differenee x Act. 2.39 Lastly both the Type of Circumcision y Anagoge in the stead whereof this reduction of the one to the other doth plainely shew that Baptisme succeeded z Col. 2.11.12 and the Actions of Christ consecrating children by his blessing and prayers to God his Father a Mat. 13.14.15 as also the examples of the Apostles baptizing whole Families doe aboundantly confirme the baptisme of these The Forme which fashioneth baptisme according to the Essence and Inward nature thereof is an Analogicall and Sacramentall Relation of the Signes and the thing signified in baptisme which Relation chiefly consisteth in signifying sealing and presenting In Signifying for by a most agreeable proportion both the water of baptisme signifieth the bloud of Christ the dipping or sprinckling the death of the old man but the conveying out of the water the life of the new man and lastly the Communion of the baptisme of the faithfull with Christ noteth their most straight vnion with him b Act. 22.16 Eph. 5.26 Tit. 3.5 6 1. Ioh. 1 7 In Sealing because both the verity of the Similitude betweene the Signe and the thing signified is confirmed and the Efficacy of the joyning of both together in the lawfull vse is sealed vp In Presenting c Praebitione or offering because God by baptisme in very deede presenteth those things to faith which are signified in baptisme not by the work done but Sacramentally partly for that hee exhibiteth those things as visible to the minds of the beleevers and partly for that he doth assure vs that That is in very deed performed in the soule which is shewed and promised by the visible Signe d Act. 2 38. Rom. 6.4 Gal. 3.27 But because of this Sacramentall agreement and relation of the Signe the thing it selfe as also of the certainety of the receyving of the thing signified the names properties of the signe and the thing signified are changed by a familiar Metony my of the holy Scripture Hence it is that baptisme is sometime sayde to bee in the Scripture the Lavar of Regeneration or the washing of the New birth and c Tit. 3.56 1. Pet. 3.21 to saue vs. The Endes of Baptisme are of two sortes
cited as that of the Councell of Carthage and of Milevitum out of Augustine For those Councels doe treate against the Pelagians who at that time denied the baptisme of children and some are suspected as that of the Tridentine Councell and the Testimonies of the Popes III. INfants ought two wayes to bee considered eyther according to common nature or the singular manner of the covenant and grace that way they are conceived in sin but this way they haue obtayned remission of sinnes by the promise In Defence of the Effects of baptisme against the same Cap. 4 and the rest that follow I. SInne dwelling in vs is by baptisme taken away by three meanes and degrees First because it is not imputed Secondlie because by little and little the body thereof is destroyed Thirdly because in death it shall vtterly bee taken away by the power of the same bloud of Christ wherewith wee are washed in Baptisme II. IT is one thing to speake of the cause of Iustification and another thing of the Instrument thereof lastly an other thing of the sealing the cause is the merite of Christ the Instrument is Faith and the sealing is Baptisme III. THe new and vncertaine devise of the Schoolemen concerning the Character or Marke which cannot bee defaced is with the same facility denyed as it is affirmed chiefly whereas neyther Scripture teacheth nor necessary reason sheweth nor authoritie of Fathers proveth any such Character Adde further that the chiefe reason why Baptisme is not iterated is not the impression of the character but Gods onely Institution OF THE LORDES Supper The Part Confirming CHAP. XIII THe other Sacrament of the christian church immediately instituted of Christ for the perpetuall vse thereof is The Lords Supper whereof though there be divers appellations both in Scriptures and with the Fathers for in the Scriptures it is called The body and bloud of the Lord The New Testament The Communion The breaking of bread The Lords Table The bread and the cup The Communicating of the body bloud of Christ a Mat. 26.28 Luc. 22.20 Act. 20.7 1. Cor. 11.25 1. Cor. 10.21 1. Cor. 10.16 which by the Fathers First it is called a gathering together The Eucharist or Thankesgiving Publ●●g Administration Secondly the Lat●●● Offering because of collections and sacrifice for the remēbrance of Christs Sacrifie yet most properly by this appellation Of the Lords Supper the thing it selfe hath most fitly beene expressed and indeed it is called The Supper with respect had both of the thing and of the time because it is a holy banquet of the soule and not of the belly instituted of the Lord and that in the Evening but the Lordes in respect both of the Author who is the Lord and of the End which is the remembrance of the Lord. Now it is defined to be A Sacrament of the New Testament instituted of Christ consisting of the Signe and the thing signified proportionable by an Analogicall Relation and action of themselues betweene themselues whereby the full growne members of Christ and his church are trayned vp and taught in the lawfull vse of the visible signes concerning the true and spirituall communication of the body and bloud of Christ vnto life eternall The Efficient Cause of the Lordes Supper ought to be considered eyther as instituting or as vsing and administring the same that is the principall cause but this is the serving or administring cause The Principall or Instituting cause is the Lord from whome it hath beene customably called the Lordes Supper to wit Christ God and man our onely Redeemer instituting the mystery of his body and bloud by the oblarion whereof hee redeemed vs b Rom. 15 18. 1 Cor. 11.23 Of this mysticall and divine Institution there are two parts Christs Deeds and his Words by the one wherof hee limitted and left an example of Administration by the other a doctrine of Institution Of Christs Deeds wherby the manner of the lawfull publicke office or administratiō is declared there are three partes according as concerning both signes which Christ receyved he orderly vsed holy and ceremoniall actions c Mat. 26.26 Mat. 14.22 Luc. 22.19 1. Cor. 11 24. The first is Blessing and Thankesgiving for the Scripture vseth those two words the one Mathew Marke vseth the other Luke and Paul both signifying the one selfe same thing to witte how Christ by prayers to God by thanksgiving and all that holy action prepared appointed and sanctified the Bread and Wine to a holy vse that they might bee a Sacrament of his Body and Bloud not by their owne nature but by divine Institution and this is that true Consecration or Sanctification of the Sacrament whereof mention is made among the Fathers The Second is The breaking of the Bread and the powring of the wine into the Cuppe which Christ vsed not onely for the cause of dividing and distributing thereof but for the representing of his death for it is an Essentiall and Sacramentall Ceremony of the Lordes Supper pertayning to the end forme thereof d Mat. 26.26 Mar. 14.22 Luc. 22.19 1. Cor. 11.24 The third is the offering and distributing of the Bread broken and the Wine powred in For Christ gaue not the same to his Disciples that they should distribute but that they should receyue that which was distributed e Mat. 26.26.27 Mar. 14.22 Luc. 22.56 because they were in that Supper not the dispensers of Gods Mysteries but the Guestes But Christ as being the Feast-maker with one labour instituted and with his owne hands dispensed the Sacrament of his Grace and withall sanctified the Ministeriall dispensation thereof And all these Actions are Sacramentall and ought diligently to be considered as farre forth as they are vsed for the signifying and sealing of Spirituall things by divine Institution To these Actions that wee may come to the second part of the Institution Christ added Words whereof some include a Commaundement some a Promise and lastly some an Explication These in Schooles haue vsually been tearmed Preceptiue the other Definitiue and Sacramentall Lastly these Expositiue The Words Preceptiue are those by which hee hath injoyned both vpon the dispensers a necessity of their administration and vpon the communicants a necessity of taking and hath prescribed vnto both a forme of both Administration by his deed whereof we haue aboue spoken and by his commaundement of Imitation ioyned therevnto e Mat. 2 6 26. 1. Cor. 11.24 Of Communicating by a double Precept by the one To take by the other To eate and to drinke The Taking is a Sacramentall Rite prescribed to him that commeth to the Lords Table whereby wee receyue with our hand the Bread and Cuppe of Thanksgiving for it cannot bee gathered eyther from the Story of the Institution of the Lordes Supper o● frō the fashion of Christs sitting down and his Apostles that Christ in the first Supper did put those signes into the mouth of every of the Apostles by which