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A02928 The vvay of lyfe A Christian, and catholique institution comprehending principal poincts of Christian religion, which are necessary to bee knowne of all men, to the atteyning of saluation. First delyuered, in the Danish language for the instruction of those people, by Doctor Nicolas Hemmingius, preacher of the Gospell, and professor of diuinitie, for the Kynge of Denmarcke, in his Uniuersitie of Hafnia: and about three yeares past, (for the commoditie of others) translated into Latine, by Andrew Seurinus Velleius: and now first, and newly Englished, for the commodity of English readers: by N. Denham, this yeare of our redemption. 1578.; Via vitae. English Hemmingsen, Niels, 1513-1600.; Denham, Nicholas. 1578 (1578) STC 13067; ESTC S103963 117,088 234

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worship and honour this only true GOD namely The Father the Sonne and the holy Ghoste The Father which so loued thee y t hee hath deliuered his owne only begotten sonne to death for thee The Sonne whiche dying for thee clenseth thee from all sinne by his precious blood shed vpon the Altar of the crosse for the forgiuenesse of thy sinnes and which moreouer clothed thee with his righteousnes yea maketh thee a member of his owne body so that by his meanes thou art called the sonne of God The holy Ghost also who regenerateth and sanctifyeth thee vnto life eternall that thou beeing knit vnto God mayst with him inioy saluation without end This is the most simple and plaine sentence of y e words of Baptisme which beeing gathered out of the holy scriptures I comprehend in this one little forme of speech I Baptize thee In the name For in the worde NAME is contayned bothe a confessing of GOD and beside whatsoeuer this Confession requireth of man By these thinges it is easye to bee perceiued what manner of couenant betweene God and man baptisme is God promiseth vnto man forgiuenesse of sinnes righteousnesse and euerlasting life and this his promise he sealeth by Baptisme the partie which is baptized doth againe by faith binde himself vnto God and promiseth that he will deny the Deuil with all his works and by a sure faith inuocatiō worshipping fear and in all things by due obedience cleaue vnto GOD. For this cause Peter calleth Baptisme A COVENANT wherin a mutuall promise is made of God demaunding and promising grace to the partie baptized and againe of him which is Baptized answering and affirming that hee will constantly abyde in the mutuall knot and couenant In the seconde place Baptisme warneth vs VVhat we shoulde doe to our selues As we are dipped in the water of Baptisme and tary vnder the water and are drawen from thence againe so we should mortifye sinne and choke the vitious affections desyres of sinne and corrupt concupiscences in vs rise againe in newnesse of life Of this thing Paule Rom. 6. doth admonish vs where he inueigheth against those which supposed that libertie to sinne was graunted because that Paule had sayd VVhere sinne did abounde there Grace did more abounde Whom hee confuteth with these words VVhat shall we say then shall wee abide in sinne that Grace may abounde God forbidde Howe shall we which are deade to sinne that is to say whose sinne is deade liue any longer therein Knowe yee not that wee whiche are Baptized into IESVS CHRISTE are Baptized to dye with him that is to say we which are baptized doe in Baptisme put on Christe whose death doth effectually kill and keepe vnder sinne in vs that it shoulde not reigne in vs. VVee are therefore buryed together with him by Baptisme for to dye that is that sinne might bee deade in vs that euen as Christ was raysed vp frō death by the glory of the father so we also shoulde walke in newnesse of life For if we be ingraffed into death like vnto him so shall wee also bee partakers of his resurrection Knowing this that our olde man that is the corrupt nature is crucifyed with him that the body of sinne might be abolished that is the corrupte affections that wee should no more bee seruants vnto sinne And so it appeareth how Paule by the reason of our Baptisme teacheth vs to mortifye sinne to destroy the wicked concupiscences and to walke in a new life Whereunto he also directeth the scope of his whole disputatiō which he setteth downe in these wordes And so doe ye also esteeme your selues to be dead vnto sinne But to liue vnto GOD in Christe Iesu our Lorde Let not sinne therefore reigne in your mortall bodyes that ye should obay thereunto by the lustes thereof As often therefore as the corruption of our nature shall prouoke vs to sinne let vs call to remembraunce our Baptisme which admonisheth vs of innocencie of manners and newnesse of life to the glorye of GOD through IESVS CHRISTE THIRDLY Baptisme teacheth vs VVhat we must suffer For euen as Christe whome in Baptisme wee doe put on was baptized with the crosse so we also as long as we remaine in this worlde let vs prepare our selues to the Crosse and aduersities Yea GOD will by this meanes haue his adopted sonnes to be made like to his onely begottē sonne that they may reign together with him in his glory This is that which Paule saith in Rom. 8. If wee be sonnes then are we also heyres the heyres I meane of God and heyres annexed with Christe so that if we suffer together with him we shall also bee gloryfyed together with him And Paule addeth there this consolation that the Crosse worketh for the best to such as loue GOD. Of this crosse of the godly he also speaketh in the Epistle to Timothie VVhosoeuer saith he will liue godly in our Lord Iesu Christe shall suffer persecution The history of the Passion of our Lord Iesu Christ setteth before vs three kindes of crosses vnto which may be referred the diuerse sortes of all calamities which may happen vnto man in this life The first Crosse is the crosse of Christ which is seene in the middle betwene two others The second is of the Theefe hanging on the right hand The third of the Theefe hanging on the left hand Christe asmuch as concerneth his owne person suffered beeing innocent but bothe these Theeues suffred iustly for their offences But he which hanged at the right hand repented vnder the Crosse and beeing conuerted vnto Christe obtayned comforte and saluation The other at the left hand continued stifly in his malice and dying without repentaunce was condempned After this same manner it also goeth at this day The greatest parte of the godly Christians doe suffer persecution for righteousnesse sake which happeneth to many holie Martyrs whome Christe pronounceth blessed in Matth. 5. Blessed saith he are they which suffer persecution for righteousnesse sake for theirs is the kingdome of heauen Blessed are ye when men reuile you and persecute you and shall falsely say all manner of euill against you for my sake Reioyce and bee glad for great is your reward in heauen for so did they persecute the prophets which haue beene before you Many doe also suffer as the theefe vpon the right hand These are they which for their certaine offences are punished of God namely by taking away their goodes Children powers helth body or els doe fall into the hands of the Magistrate and are drawen vnto punishment as also vnto this Theefe it happened These beeing oppressed with calamities and punishments do confesse themselues to be iustly punished for their sinnes and flying vnto Christ doe with a firme faith desire forgiuenes of their offences And by this meanes they obtaine pardon of God whiche accepteth their crosse as a sacrifice pleasant vnto him through Iesus Christe The example of this Theefe is by the singular
baptized with the Baptisme wherewith I am baptized As though the Lorde shoulde say yee all aspire to ioy and glory but ye must of necessitie suffer somewhat before that it shalbe lawful to inioy this glory and gladnesse Moste bitter death falleth in ouer whome we must triumph before we come vnto this glory Therfore to be sprinkled with the water in Baptisme noteth foorth the death of Christe to tary vnder the water shadoweth foorth his buriall To bee drawne from the water representeth the glorious Resurrection of Christe As often therfore as we remember our baptisme or be present at the Baptisme of others let vs call to minde the history of the three dayes Of the Death Buriall and Resurrection of Christe But if you demaunde VVhy Christe hath doone this Paul aunswereth and in two words knitteth together the whole matter in Rom. 4. Christe sayth he dyed FOR OVR SINNES and was raised againe FOR OVR IVSTIFICATION For as Christe by the merite of his death wypeth out our iniquities and by his blood cleanseth our consciences from all mortall sinne So in like manner by his resurrectiō from death he declareth himselfe to be righteous and in all respectes perfectly pure according to the lawe of God Therfore Dauid in the 16. Psal sayth Thou shalt not leaue my soule in hel neither shalt thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption Christe also meaneth the same thing when he saith in Ioh. 16 The holy Ghost shall reprehend the world of Righteousnesse because I go to the father that is to say Herode Pilate and the Iewes deny me to be righteous and without all sinne but when they shall see me not to be ouercome of death my resurrectiō from death shalbe a testimony of my righteousnesse before them For that cause Paule saith Hee was raysed againe for our iustifycation that is to say that by his rising againe he might declare his owne righteousnesse which righteousnesse he giueth and imputeth vnto all those which beleeue in him Furthermore VVhat Christe doth in Baptisme Iohn sheweth saying He baptizeth with the holy Ghoste and with fyer And Paule when he saith He cleanseth vs in the fountaine of water through the worde Whereas Iohn affirmeth Christe to baptise VVith the HOLIE GHOST and VVith FYER he sheweth that Christe giueth in Baptisme the holye Ghoste who by his presence is effectuall in the worde and Baptisme What the holy Ghost woorketh in the partie which is baptized according to the commandement of Christ is shewed by the word Fyer For as the Fyer altereth things sometimes by burning out sometimes by inflaming So the holy Ghost altereth man by regenerating burneth out by mortifying the olde man inflameth by quickening and raysing vp the new man And heereof it is that Paule sayth Christe clenseth vs in the fountaine of water through the word of life In which words hee ioyneth together three things namely Outwarde Baptisme which hee calleth The fountaine of water Then Christe who cleanseth vs inwardly with his blood and holy spirit And lastly The VVorde that is The promise of Christe whereupon the whole efficatie of Baptisme doth depend For Baptisme is not effectuall for the water which the Minister of God sprinckleth neither for the words which are recited by him but all the force of Baptisme floweth from the moste ample promise of Christ who with his holy spirit and with fier baptizeth him which with the externall element of water is sprinkled But although this be the institution and ordinaunce of Christe yet notwithstanding let vs not thinke his hand to be shortened to baptize spiritually without water those which are partakers of his promise that is to say all the Infantes of the Christians and those cheefely whiche departing in the mothers wombe doe not touche the outwarde Baptisme Therefore godly Parents should not despayre of the saluation of such Infantes neither with vncomelynesse and contempt bury them in a grounde which the common people call not consecrated but let them surely persuade themselues y t these are in the same couenāt with the children of Abraham as Paule in Gallath 3. plainely teacheth Therfore as the fleshely children of Abraham which departed this life before the eight day of Circumcision were not condemned but by the vertue of the promise and couenaunt of GOD were saued so also after the same manner the spirituall Children of Abraham that is to say the infantes of all the Christians are not condemned if they decease before baptisme but are saued by the efficatie of the promise of God and by inuisible baptisme wherewith Christe baptizeth them who by his death and precious blood hath redeemed them With this consolation let christian Parents lifte vp themselues whose Children departe hence either in the mothers wombe or foorthwith after the birth before they be made partakers of Baptisme Yet I would not that any should heereof take occasion to protract to Baptisme of Infants yea rather I am an exhorter that assoone as they be newe borne they should haue a regarde to haue them sealed with this outwarde Symbole or token of saluation and therewithall to be assisted with the prayers of the godly whiche shall bee present at the Baptisme It remayneth now to be explycated VVhat Christe wil doe to those which are Baptized This thing he himselfe sheweth in his last comaundement which ascending vnto heauen he gaue to his Apostles in these wordes Go and Baptise all nations whosoeuer beleueth and is Baptized shalbe saued but he that beleeueth not shalbe condemned For euen as they whiche were in the Arke of Noah were preserued from the floud so whosoeuer doth earnestly stick to the couenant of this outwarde Baptisme are deliuered from the euerlasting floud that is to say from the paines and torments of Hel by IESVS CHRIST Breefely as he which is baptized is drawen frō the water so Christe will take vs from all calamities and bring vs into his kingdome where with him we shall reigne in all eternitie After that we haue sayd How our Baptisme is a Symbole or token of the actions of Christ we will now see Howe it also admonisheth vs of our dutie that is to say what we shuld perfourme vnto GOD what we owe vnto our selues what we must suffer And what we must looke for How we must passe from miseryes to saluation For of euery of these partes of our duetie our Baptisme doth admonish vs. But VVhat shall we performe vnto GOD This Christe teacheth vs when hee sayth Baptize them In the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghoste In which woordes hee comprehendeth the principall end of Baptisme which it were conuenient we should alwayes and continually haue in remembrance For this is the moste simple and plaine meaning of these wordes I Baptize thee in the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost that is to say I Baptize thee to this ende cheefely that thou shouldest acknowledge confesse inuocate
Dauid plainely expresseth the great dolors and vexations wherewith as with tempestes he is ouerwelmed for his sinnes Thirdly Let him reuerence in God Iudgement and Mercy It is the parte of the most iust iudgement of God to punish sinne in all men but of his Mercy to punish not to destroy but y t he might saue so that we do not contempne the Medicine Whereof Esaie saith Trouble giueth vnderstanding Item The distresse wherein they cry is a doctrine vnto them Breefely God punisheth By IVDGEMENT that hee might saue By MERCIE as it may bee seene in Psal 51. In the word of y e Gospel Let him seeke counsail and remedyes The Gospell sendeth all afflicted sinners to this onely Physition Iesus Christe which calleth vnto him and saueth all offenders This counsaile is moste excellent because neither in Heauen nor in earth any is founde which is able to heale the wounds of sin beside this onely Iesus Christe Furthermore this very worde which giueth vs counsaile doth also minister helpe vnto vs and healeth the woundes of sinne in such wise that we may be holpen by Christ so that we beleeue in him and with a constant Fayth pray with Dauid saying Heale me Lorde and I shall be whole In this place againe are to be called back into our mindes the fiue Articles of whome mention is made a little before The Finall causes wherefore GOD will haue his Church to bee subiecte to the Crosse are many of which these are the cheefe First that wee may learne that those good things whiche God hath promised to his Children are not to be looked for in this worlde but that we should think of the true countrie to the which we are called so that wee might ease all the aduersities of this life by the meditation of the ioy to come and life euerlasting For if all things should succeed vnto the godly in this life according vnto their desires they would not be affectioned with the desire of the good thinges promised by Christe Secondly that man by the Crosse as by a bridle may be restrayned who through the corruption of nature is otherwise prone to sinne Heereof the Psalmist sayth Holde their chawes with bit and bridle which drawe not nigh vnto thee Thirdly that the Crosse might be a sensible preaching of repentance For euen as the conscience assenteth to the law reprouing sinne so also by the Crosse we are admonished to repent that we may be saued Fourthly That the crosse may ouerthrowe al mans presumption and confidence of the flesh and teach vs to cleaue with a firme fayth vnto GOD alone and to call vpon him according to his Commaundement Call vpon me sayth he in the day of tribulation and I will deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie mee Let these things suffice to be spoken touching the Crosse or calamitie of which our Baptisme doth admonish vs. IN THE FOVRTH PLACE Baptisme teacheth vs what wee should looke for For euen as the partie Baptised beeing sprinkled with the water is drawen from the water and as Christe himselfe after his passion and death entred into his glory so wee also doe take our iourney from the straunge wandring of this world vnto saluation life euerlasting a moste euident testimonie wherof Christe hath giuen namely Baptisme to all the beleeuers IN THE FIFT PLACE Baptisme teacheth vs that our life in this worlde is nothing els than a Pilgrimage of three dayes Wee suffer we are buryed and we shall ryse againe at the sound of the last Trumpet when Christe shall say Aryse yee Deade THE third signifycation of Baptisme wherof wee haue made mention aboue is that it is a Souldierly marcke or Cognisance whereby the Souldiours of Christe are knowen whiche haue giuen their names vnto him and taken an othe that they will fight vnder his standerde agaynst the Deuill and his kingdome namely Sinne. The Souldiours of Christe are discerned by foure notes cheefely from those whiche are in wages vnder their Captaine the Deuill The first and moste surest note of the Children of God is Faith inuisible and onely knowen vnto God with her priuy and inwarde frutes in the heart of the man The seconde is The open profession of Faith in the mouth before all the worlde The thirde is seene In Godlynesse and Honestie of life when the Christian doth so order his life that y e same may be a manifest testimony of the faith which lyeth hid in the heart of man The fourth is the note of the body namely Baptisme whereby we professe our selues to be the seruāts of Christ Heervnto also maketh the sacrament of the Lorde his Supper whereof we will now speake a fewe wordes Of the supper of the Lord. I Haue sayd before that the Sacramentes of the new Testament doe occupy the third place accommodating or applying of the benefites of Christe Forasmuch as we haue hetherto spoken of Baptisme it remaineth now that we intreate of the other Sacrament namely of The supper of the Lorde God graunt that it may be to the glory of his name and the wholesome instruction and profite of all the godly I will remoue all vnprofitable questions and diuersities of opinions which doe more hurte then profit and set downe onely those things touching the most holy Supper of the Lorde which I haue learned and drawen out of the fountaines of the sacred Scripture And that the same may be done to the greater fruit profit of the christian Reader I will comprehend this whole doctrine in a fewe and certaine assured poyntes Articles The firste and cheefest thing that wee must knowe concerning the Supper of the Lorde instituted of Christe himselfe vnder the visible Symboles of Bread and Wine is That Christe in the same night in which hee was betrayed did institute this Sacramente that the same might bee amongst all his an euerlasting monument of his Passion in whiche hee deliuered his body to death and shed his blood vpon the Altar of the Crosse for many for the remission of sinnes as he himself saith This is my body whiche is giuen for you This is my blood which is shed for many for the remission of sinnes Item Doe ye this in REMEMBRANCE of mee Secondly The Supper of the Lorde testifyeth that they which vse the same rightly are vnited and as it were incorporated into Christ and that spiritually according to the woords of Paul The Cup of blessing which we blesse is it not the partaking of the blood of Christe The Breade which wee breake is it not the participating of the body of Christ That is to say whosoeuer doth eate the body of Christe and drinke his blood he so that a lyuing fayth be not wanting abydeth in Christe and Christe in him Thirdly the Supper of the Lord teacheth a spirituall education in the body of Christe which is accomplyshed whilst we vse his Supper For euen as we are by the blood of Christe cleansed and by the holy Ghost in Baptisme