A commentary upon the Acts of the Apostles, chronicall and criticall the difficulties of the text explained, and the times of the story cast into annals : the first part, from the beginning of the Booke, to the end of the twelfth chapter : with a briefe survey of the contemporary story of the Jews and Romans / by John Lightfoot ...
Lightfoot, John, 1602-1675.
Wing L2052; ESTC R21614
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A dayly exercise of the devout Christian Containing several most pithy practices of piety; in order to live holily and dye happily. Published by T.V. Monk, of the holy order of St. Benedict.; Dayly exercise of the devout Rosarists.
T. V. (Thomas Vincent), 1604-1681.; A. C. (Arthur Crowther), 1588-1666. aut
Wing C7409B; ESTC R216327
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The present state of London: or, Memorials comprehending a full and succinct account of the ancient and modern state thereof. By Tho. De-Laune, Gent
De Laune, Thomas, d. 1685.
Wing D894; ESTC R216338
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A sermon preached before Sir P.W. Anno 1681. With additions: to which are annexed three digressional exercitations; I. Concerning the true time of our Saviour's Passover. II. Concerning the prohibition of the Hebrew canon to the ancient Jews. III. Concerning the Jewish Tetragrammaton, and the Pythagorick Tetractys. / By John Turner, late fellow of Christ's College in Cambridge.
Turner, John, b. 1649 or 50.
Wing T3318AB; ESTC R185793
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Anglia rediviva Englands recovery being the history of the motions, actions, and successes of the army under the immediate conduct of His Excellency Sr. Thomas Fairfax, Kt., Captain-General of all the Parliaments forces in England / compiled for the publique good by Ioshua Sprigge ...
Sprigg, Joshua, 1618-1684.; Fiennes, Nathaniel, 1607 or 8-1669.
Wing S5070; ESTC R18123
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A new martyrology, or, The bloody assizes now exactly methodizing in one volume comprehending a compleat history of the lives, actions, trials, sufferings, dying speeches, letters, and prayers of all those eminent Protestants who fell in the west of England and elsewhere from the year 1678 ... : with an alphabetical table ... / written by Thomas Pitts.
Tutchin, John, 1661?-1707.
Wing T3380; ESTC R23782
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The tryal of William Viscount Stafford for high treason in conspiring the death of the King, the extirpation of the Protestant religion, the subversion of the government, and introduction of popery into this realm : upon an impeachment by the knights, citizens, and burgesses in Parliament assembled, in the name of themselves and of all the commons of England : begun in Westminster-Hall the 30. day of November 1680, and continued until the 7. of December following, on which day judgment of high treason was given upon him : with the manner of his execution the 29. of the same month.
Stafford, William Howard, Viscount, 1614-1680.
Wing T2239; ESTC R37174
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The heauenly pro:gresse. By Rich: Middleton
Middleton, Richard, d. 1641.
STC 17872; ESTC S114542
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Italy in its original glory, ruine, and revival being an exact survey of the whole geography and history of that famous country, with the adjacent islands of Sicily, Malta, &c. : and whatever is remarkable in Rome (the mistress of the world) and all those towns and territories mentioned in antient and modern authors / translated out of the originals for general satisfaction, by Edmund Warcupp, Esquire.
Schottus, Franciscus, 1548-1622.; Warcupp, Edmund.
Wing S891; ESTC R14486
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The manners, lauues, and customes of all nations collected out of the best vvriters by Ioannes Boemus ... ; with many other things of the same argument, gathered out of the historie of Nicholas Damascen ; the like also out of the history of America, or Brasill, written by Iohn Lerius ; the faith, religion and manners of the Aethiopians, and the deploration of the people of Lappia, compiled by Damianus a ̀Goes ; with a short discourse of the Aethiopians, taken out of Ioseph Scaliger his seuenth booke de emendatione temporum ; written in Latin, and now newly translated into English, by Ed. Aston.; Omnium gentium mores, leges, et ritus. English. 1611
Boemus, Joannes, ca. 1485-1535.; Góis, Damião de, 1502-1574.; Nicolaus, of Damascus.; Léry, Jean de, 1534-1611. Histoire d'un voyage fait en la terre du Brésil.; Scaliger, Joseph Juste, 1540-1609. De emendatione temporum.; Aston, Edward, b. 1573 or 4.
STC 3198.5; ESTC S102777
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The book of common prayer and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church according to the use of the Church of England : together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches, and the form and manner of making, ordaining, and consecrating of bishops, priests and deacons.; Book of common prayer. 1693
Church of England.
Wing B3687; ESTC R30847
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A new historical relation of the kingdom of Siam by Monsieur De La Loubere ... ; done out of French, by A.P. Gen. R.S.S.; Du royaume de Siam. English
La Loubère, Simon de, 1642-1729.; A. P.
Wing L201; ESTC R5525
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The pilgrime of Loreto Performing his vow made to the glorious Virgin Mary Mother of God. Conteyning diuers deuout meditations vpon the Christian and Cath. doctrine. By Fa. Lewis Richeome of the Society of Iesus. Written in French, & translated into English by E.W.; Pélerin de Lorète. English
Richeome, Louis, 1544-1625.; Walpole, Edward, 1560-1637, attributed name.; E. W. (Edward Worsley), 1605-1676, attributed name.; Weston, Edward, 1566-1635, attributed name.
STC 21023; ESTC S115933
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The lives of saints written in Spanish, by the learned and reuerend father Alfonso Villegas, diuine and preacher. ; Translated out of Italian into English, and conferred with the Spanish. By W. & E.K. B..; Flos sanctorum. English
Villegas, Alfonso de.; Ribadeneyra, Pedro de, 1526-1611.; Kinsman, Edward.; Kinsman, William.
STC 24731.5; ESTC S95676
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Status ecclesiæ gallicanæ, or, The ecclesiastical history of France from the first plantation of Christianity there, unto this time, describing the most notable church-matters : the several councils holden in France, with their principal canons : the most famous men, and most learned writers, and the books they have written, with many eminent French popes, cardinals, prelates, pastours, and lawyers : a description of their universities with their founders : an impartial account of the state of the Reformed chuches in France and the civil wars there for religion : with an exact succession of the French Kings / by the authour of the late history of the church of Great Britain.
Geaves, William.
Wing G442; ESTC R7931
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The new state of England under Their Majesties K. William and Q. Mary in three parts ... / by G.M.
Miege, Guy, 1644-1718?
Wing M2019A; ESTC R31230
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The experienced farrier, or, Farring compleated In two books physical and chyrurgical. Bringing pleasure to the gentleman, and profit to the countrey-man. ... For here is contained every thing that belongs to a true horse-man, groom, farrier or horse-leach, viz. breeding; the manner how, the season when, ... and what are fit for generation; the feeder, rider, keeper, ambler and buyer; as also the making of several precious drinks, suppositories, balls, purgations, ... and directions how to use them for all inward and outward diseases. Also the paring and shooing of all manner of hoofes, ... The prices and vertues of most of the principal drugs, both simple and compound belonging to farring, ... also a large table of the virtues of most simples set down alphabetically, and many hundreds of simples placed one after another, for the cure of all ... diseases, ... with many new receipts of excellent use and value; never yet printed before in any author. By E.R. Gent.
E. R., Gent.
Wing R13A; ESTC R220639
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Astrologia restaurata, or, Astrologie restored being an introduction to the general and chief part of the language of the stars : in four books ... / by VVilliam Ramesey, Gent. ...
Ramesey, William, 1627-1675 or 6.; Ramesey, William, 1627-1675 or 6. Introduction to the iudgement of the stars.; Ramesey, William, 1627-1675 or 6. Introduction to elections.; Ramesey, William, 1627-1675 or 6. Astrologia munda.
Wing R201; ESTC R20735
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The admirable history of the posession and conuersion of a penitent woman Seduced by a magician that made her to become a witch, and the princesse of sorcerers in the country of Prouince, who was brought to S. Baume to bee exorcised, in the yeare 1610, in the moneth of Nouember, by the authority of the reuerend father, and frier, Sebastian Michaëlis, priour of the couent royall of S. Magdalene at Saint Maximin, and also of the said place of Saint Baume. Who appointed the reuerend father, Frier Francis Domptius, Doctor of Diuinity, in the Vniuersity of Louaine, ... for the exorcismes and recollection of the acts. All faithfully set down, and fully verified. Wherunto is annexed a pneumology, or discourse of spirits made by the said father Michaëlis, ... Translated into English by W.B.
Michaelis, Sébastien, 1543?-1618.; W. B., fl. 1613-1617.
STC 17854; ESTC S107052
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A defence of that most ancient and sacred ordinance of Gods, the Sabbath day Consequently, and together with it. 2. A defence of the iiijth commandement. 3. A defence of the integrity and perfection of the Decalogue, morall law, or X. commandements. 4. A defence also of the whole and intire worship of God, in all the partes thereof, as it is prescribed, in the first table of the Decalogue. 5. A discouery of the superstition, impurity and corruption of Gods worship; yea, and idolatry, committed by multitudes, in sanctifying the Lords day, for a Sabbath day, by the iiijth commandement. Vndertaken against all anti-Sabbatharians, both of Protestants, Papists, Antinomians, and Anabaptists; and by name and especially against the X ministers, ... by Theophilus Brabourne.
Brabourne, Theophilus, b. 1590.
STC 3473; ESTC S120442
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Asia. The first part being an accurate description of Persia, and the several provinces thereof : the vast empire of the Great Mogol, and other parts of India, and their several kingdoms and regions : with the denominations and descriptions of the cities, towns, and places of remark therein contain'd : the various customs, habits, religion, and languages of the inhabitants : their political governments, and way of commerce : also the plants and animals peculiar to each country / collected and translated from the most authentick authors and augmented with later observations ; illustrated with notes, and adorn'd with peculiar maps and proper sculptures by John Ogilby ...
Ogilby, John, 1600-1676.
Wing O166; ESTC R32245
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A revievv of the Councell of Trent VVherein are contained the severall nullities of it: with the many grievances and prejudices done by it to Christian kings and princes: as also to all catholique churches in the world; and more particularly to the Gallicane Church. First writ in French by a learned Roman-Catholique. Now translated into English by G.L.; Revision du Concile de Trente. English
Ranchin, Guillaume, b. 1560.; Langbaine, Gerard, 1609-1658.
STC 20667; ESTC S116164
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Christs victorie ouer Sathans tyrannie Wherin is contained a catalogue of all Christs faithfull souldiers that the Diuell either by his grand captaines the emperours, or by his most deerly beloued sonnes and heyres the popes, haue most cruelly martyred for the truth. With all the poysoned doctrins wherewith that great redde dragon hath made drunken the kings and inhabitants of the earth; with the confutations of them together with all his trayterous practises and designes, against all Christian princes to this day, especially against our late Queen Elizabeth of famous memorie, and our most religious Soueraigne Lord King Iames. Faithfully abstracted out of the Book of martyrs, and diuers other books. By Thomas Mason preacher of Gods Word.; Actes and monuments
Foxe, John, 1516-1587.; Mason, Thomas, 1580-1619?
STC 17622; ESTC S114403
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Ohel or Beth-shemesh A tabernacle for the sun, or, Irenicum evangelicum : an idea of church-discipline in the theorick and practick parts, which come forth first into the world as bridegroom and bride ... by whom you will have the totum essentiale of a true Gospel-church state according to Christs rules and order left us when he ascended ... : published for the benefit of all gathered churches, more especially in England, Ireland and Scotland / by John Rogers ...
Rogers, John, 1627-1665?; Rogers, John, 1627-1665? Challah, the heavenly nymph.
Wing R1813; Wing R1805; ESTC R850
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The history of the troubles and tryal of the Most Reverend Father in God and blessed martyr, William Laud, Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. vol. 1 wrote by himself during his imprisonment in the Tower ; to which is prefixed the diary of his own life, faithfully and entirely published from the original copy ; and subjoined, a supplement to the preceding history, the Arch-Bishop's last will, his large answer to the Lord Say's speech concerning liturgies, his annual accounts of his province delivered to the king, and some other things relating to the history.
Laud, William, 1573-1645.; Wharton, Henry, 1664-1695.; Prynne, William, 1600-1669. Rome's masterpiece.
Wing L586; Wing H2188; ESTC R354
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A course of divinity, or, An introduction to the knowledge of the true Catholick religion especially as professed by the Church of England : in two parts; the one containing the doctrine of faith; the other, the form of worship / by Matthew Schrivener.
Scrivener, Matthew.
Wing S2117; ESTC R15466
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A dictionarie in Spanish and English, first published into the English tongue by Ric. Perciuale Gent. Now enlarged and amplified with many thousand words, as by this marke * to each of them prefixed may appeere; together with the accenting of euery worde throughout the whole dictionarie, for the true pronunciation of the language, as also for the diuers signification of one and the selfsame word: and for the learners ease and furtherance, the declining of all hard and irregular verbs; and for the same cause the former order of the alphabet is altered, diuers hard and vncouth phrases and speeches out of sundry of the best authors explained, with diuers necessarie notes and especiall directions for all such as shall be desirous to attaine the perfection of the Spanish tongue. All done by Iohn Minsheu professor of languages in London. Hereunto ... is annexed an ample English dictionarie ... by the same Iohn Minsheu ...
Perceval, Richard, 1550-1620.; Minsheu, John. aut
STC 19620; ESTC S115747
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Apospasmatia sacra, or, A collection of posthumous and orphan lectures delivered at St. Pauls and St. Giles his church / by the Right Honourable and Reverend Father in God, Lancelot Andrews ...
Andrewes, Lancelot, 1555-1626.
Wing A3125; ESTC R2104
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An exact abridgement of the records in the Tower of London from the reign of King Edward the Second, unto King Richard the Third, of all the Parliaments holden in each Kings reign, and the several acts in every Parliament : together with the names and titles of all the dukes, marquesses, earls, viscounts, and barons, summoned to every of the said Parliaments / collected by Sir Robert Cotton ... ; revised, rectified in sundry mistakes, and supplied with a preface, marginal notes, several ommissions, and exact tables ... by William Prynne ...
England and Wales. Parliament.; Cotton, Robert, Sir, 1571-1631.; Prynne, William, 1600-1669.
Wing C6489; ESTC R1629
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The chronicles of England from Brute vnto this present yeare of Christ. 1580. Collected by Iohn Stow citizen of London.; Annales
Stow, John, 1525?-1605.
STC 23333; ESTC S117590
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The history of the reformation of the Church of England. The second part, of the progress made in it till the settlement of it in the beginning of Q. Elizabeth's reign. / By Gilbert Burnet, D.D.
Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715.
Wing B5798A; ESTC R226789
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The parfait mareschal, or Compleat farrier. Which teacheth, I. To know the shapes and goodness, as well as faults and imperfections of horses. II. The signs and causes of their diseases, the means to prevent them, their cure, and the good or bad use of purging and bleeding. III. The way to order and preserve them, when upon travel, to feed, and to dress them. IV. The art of shoeing, according to a new design of shoes, which will recover bad feet, and preserve the good. Together with a treatise, how to raise and bring up a true and beautiful race of horses: as also instructions, whereby to fit all kinds of horses with proper bits, whereof the chief draughts are represented in copper-plates. / Written originally in French by the Sieur de Solleysel Escuyer, sometime one of the overseers of the French Kings Royal Academy of Riding, near to the Hostel de Conde in Paris. And translated from the last Paris impression, by Sir William Hope of Kirkliston Kt. Lieutenat Governour of the Castle of Edinburgh. By whom is also added as a supplement to the first part, a most compendious and excellent collection of horsemanship, taken from the best and most modern writers upon that subject, such as Mr. De la Brow, Pluvinel, and the Great Duke of Newcastle. Part I.; Parfait mareschal. English. 1696
Solleysel, Jacques de, 1617-1680.; Hope, William, Sir.
Wing S4458; ESTC R184351
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A complete dictionary of the Greek and Roman antiquities explaining the obscure places in classic authors and ancient historians relating to the religion, mythology, history, geography and chronology of the ancient Greeks and Romans, their ... rites and customs, laws, polity, arts and engines of war : also an account of their navigations, arts and sciences and the inventors of them : with the lives and opinions of their philosophers / compiled originally in French ... by Monsieur Danet ; made English, with the addition of very useful mapps.; Dictionarium antiquitatum Romanarum et Graecarum. English
Danet, Pierre, ca. 1650-1709.
Wing D171; ESTC R14021
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The voyages and travells of the ambassadors sent by Frederick, Duke of Holstein, to the Great Duke of Muscovy and the King of Persia begun in the year M.DC.XXXIII. and finish'd in M.DC.XXXIX : containing a compleat history of Muscovy, Tartary, Persia, and other adjacent countries : with several publick transactions reaching near the present times : in VII. books. Whereto are added the Travels of John Albert de Mandelslo (a gentleman belonging to the embassy) from Persia into the East-Indies ... in III. books ... / written originally by Adam Olearius, secretary to the embassy ; faithfully rendered into English, by John Davies.
Olearius, Adam, 1603-1671.; Mandelslo, Johann Albrecht von, 1616-1644.; Davies, John, 1625-1693.
Wing O270; ESTC R30756
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Basiliká the works of King Charles the martyr : with a collection of declarations, treaties, and other papers concerning the differences betwixt His said Majesty and his two houses of Parliament : with the history of his life : as also of his tryal and martyrdome.
Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649.; Fulman, William, 1632-1688.; Perrinchief, Richard, 1623?-1673.; Gauden, John, 1605-1662.; England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I)
Wing C2076; ESTC R6734
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The journals of all the Parliaments during the reign of Queen Elizabeth both of the House of Lords and House of Commons / collected by Sir Simonds D'Ewes ... Knight and Baronet ; revised and published by Paul Bowes ..., Esq.
D'Ewes, Simonds, Sir, 1602-1650.; Bowes, Paul, d. 1702.
Wing D1250; ESTC R303
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A new dictionary French and English with another English and French according to the present use and modern orthography of the French inrich'd with new words, choice phrases, and apposite proverbs : digested into a most accurate method : and contrived for the use both of English and foreiners / Guy Miege ...
Miege, Guy, 1644-1718?
Wing M2016; ESTC R917
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Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. [vol. 1] with an vniuersall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as nowe lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Newly reuised and recognised, partly also augmented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the studious reader, by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good reader to helpe him with thy prayer.; Actes and monuments
Foxe, John, 1516-1587.
STC 11225; ESTC S122167
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The works of the Reverend and learned John Lightfoot D. D., late Master of Katherine Hall in Cambridge such as were, and such as never before were printed : in two volumes : with the authors life and large and useful tables to each volume : also three maps : one of the temple drawn by the author himself, the others of Jervsalem and the Holy Land drawn according to the author's chorography, with a description collected out of his writings.; Works. 1684
Lightfoot, John, 1602-1675.; G. B. (George Bright), d. 1696.; Strype, John, 1643-1737.
Wing L2051; ESTC R16617
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The firste [laste] volume of the chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande conteyning the description and chronicles of England, from the first inhabiting vnto the conquest : the description and chronicles of Scotland, from the first original of the Scottes nation till the yeare of our Lorde 1571 : the description and chronicles of Yrelande, likewise from the first originall of that nation untill the yeare 1571 / faithfully gathered and set forth by Raphaell Holinshed.
Holinshed, Raphael, d. 1580?
STC 13568B; ESTC S3985
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A new history of ecclesiastical writers containing an account of the authors of the several books of the Old and New Testament, of the lives and writings of the primitive fathers, an abridgement and catalogue of their works ... also a compendious history of the councils, with chronological tables of the whole / written in French by Lewis Ellies du Pin.; Nouvelle bibliothèque des auteurs ecclésiastiques. English. 1693
Du Pin, Louis Ellies, 1657-1719.; Wotton, William, 1666-1727.
Wing D2644; ESTC R30987
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