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A19289 The estates of the hypocrite and syncere Christian Containing, certaine liuely differences, betweene synceritie and hypocrisie; very necessarie, for the tryall of our estates in Grace. By Tho. Cooper. Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. 1613 (1613) STC 5699; ESTC S115596 59,087 262

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in all things And for thy better incouragement hereto Take this short view of the subiect and summe of these ensuing Obseruations Doctrines and Obseruations contained in this second Treatise 1. The Elect alone is possessed with true and great Riches The Reasons hereof and hence concluded 1. The Excellencie of their Estate 2. How we may know whether we are partakers of this riches or not 3. How wee may preseru● and encrease this Estate 2. Gods Children are poore in spirit though they haue great Riches they make themselues poore The Reasons heereof together with the ground of this pouertie seruing for triall as also 2 the manner and 3 Measure tending thereto and 4 Lastly the Practise and Vse thereof The Estate of the true Nathaniel That maketh himselfe poore Hauing great Riches Herein remember First his Estate hauing great riches Secondly his Wisedome in Husbanding the same Hee makes himselfe poore WHat then is the Estate of the true Nathaniel Surely He hath great Riches He is not onely Rich but he hath great Riches no meruaile For All is his Because CHRIST is his in whom are hidden all the Treasures of wisedome and knowledge Colloss 2.3 To whome all power is giuen in Heauen and Earth Matth. ●8 who is King of Kings Lord of Lords Reuel 16. and that not so much for himselfe as to make vs Kings and Priests vnto our God yea through Christ wee are Heyres euen fellowe Heires of a Kingdome Immortall and vndefiled that faileth not and cannot be shaken Reuel 1. Rom. 8. Hebr. 12. 2. Cor. 5. 17. 2. Thus being in Christ we become new creatures so are invested with true Godlinesse which is great gaine euen durable riches which the world cānot strip vs of which shall continue and abide with vs vs for euer 1. T●●n 4. Prou. 8. Matth. 6. 3. And enioying Godlines we are satisfied therewith learning true contentment in all things as well to want as to abound And so hauing nothing yet we possesse all things Phil. 4. 2. Cor. 6. Though the wicked haue prosperitie yet we fret not at it though wee endure affliction yet are wee exceeding rich in ioy vnspeakable glorious yea rich in conquest rich in patience that wee may not fainte Psalm 37. 1. Pet. 1. 8 Rom. 8. Iac. 1. 4 Thus as in Christ we obtaine the right royaltie of all things so also by him we receiue grace to vse them aright And so though in the Iustice of God we might be accounted vnprofitable Seruants yet through the merite of CHRIST we become rich in good workes growing in grace encreasing mightily in y e power of godlines euēvn till we shal be filled withall fullnes of God Eph. 3. Luk. ●7 10 5. And howsoeuer our portiō of this life be vsually but a small thing yet by the blessing of God it is great riches as being much better thē great riches of the vngodly both in that wee haue grace to vse it well it is also as a pledge of further heauēly riches as by the true vse whereof storing vp a good foundation against the day of Christ Iesus Psalm 37. 1. Tim. 6. 6. And to say the trueth would there be any riches in the World would there be any world continued but for the Elects sake thogh for the Elect the worldes time shall be shortned that they might more speedily enioy the fulnes of their riches Nay Is not the riches of the wicked treasured vp for the iust Are the worldlings any other thē the childrens Factors Stewards to bring it in and lay● it out for them Matthew 24. Iob. 27. 7 What shall we say if any be rich for the present it is onely the true owner he may iustifie his estate he may only promise securitie thereof if any be rich in hope surely the child of God i● the only mā who is the vndoubted heyre of the immortall superexcellent waight of glorie which cā not be cōc●iued by the largest hart 1. Cor. ● 2. Cor. 4. And to conclude euen when he seemes to be most poore then is the childe of God m●st rich then is the triall of his faith then is he most rich in Hope most feruent in prayer most glorious in patience then hath he most boldnes and interest in the fauour of God then is he sent to renue his estate in the merite of Christ and so is partaker of the exceeding riches of the mercy of his God Ephes 2. And is it not great equitie that he that is poore in the world should be rich in faith ●acob 2. Is it not meet that if Diues haue his portion in this life Lazarus should haue his portion of comfort which the other despised Luk. 16. Doth not prophane Esan contemne the birthright in comparison of the messe of pottage Genes 27. And is it not iust with God to giue them this Heauenly pearle that like wise merchants are content to sell all they haue to buy the same 2. Tim. 4 Matth. 13 10. Is it not meet that the members should be conformable● to the head 11. Can the mēbers be poore whē all treasures belong to the head 12. Must they not be made rich and abounding in good workes least they may seeme to labour in vaine 1. Cor. 15. 13. Are they not to be purged that they may bring forth more fruit Ioh. 15. 2. that so they may be pertakers of that glorious inheritance with the Saints in light And are they not rich in humilitie that they may still be more enriched by Christ are they not rich in patience to expect the recompence of the reward Thus abasing themselues are they not exalted are they not encreased in riches by making themselues poore Behold the estate of the Saints they haue chosen the better part Luk. 10. They haue great riches Iesus Christ and all things with him A blessed portion making them truly blessed are not their lines fallen in pleasant places haue they not a goodly inheritāce Ps 16. that haue heauen for their Kingdome and the earth for their footestoole that haue all good things here to enioy and so fitted by these things to fulnes of ioy 1. Behold then the estate of the Saints of God And tell me if any may compare with him in happines Doe not they I pray you serue the best maister haue not they the best father that thus prouides for them Is any God like vnto their God that doth so vnto them that waite vpon him Esay 64. 5. And shall we then repent vs of our choyce shal we think it is in vaine to serue this blessed God Psal 23. Mal. 3. 3. Shall we not be enc●uraged to his seruice though we must runne through fire and Water to such a wealthie place by the recompence of so great a reward 1. Haue wee any cause to doubt seeing all shall turne to our good Nay Are not our afflictiōs the bruches of Gods fauour Is not our Gold therby
im●erfect therefore they abase themselues in hungring after a f●rther portion and so in comparison of what is before forget what is behinde so reioycing in their present estate as that they cannot measure Gods fauour simplie by it and so are abased impaired in themselues so comforting themselues in the truth of grace as that still they liue by faith hastning to perfection so approuing themselues by the present worke as that still they denie themselues that they may be found in Christ by whom the work must be led forward to perfection 3 Because whatsoeuer we haue we are most vnworthie of as of our selues therefore though we are rich in God yet are we poore in our selues abasing our selues and condemning our vnworthines that we may be encreased in riches by giuing the glory onely vnto our God of all his free mercies who will honour those that honor him 4 Because the least which we haue is subiect to most abuse The more grace the more ●entations therefore also doth the child of God make himselfe poore not onely fearing himselfe daily to preuent securitie and so prepare for tentation but also i●dging himselfe daily by renued repentance for giuing occasion to the tentation and entertayning the same and can he but make himselfe exceeding poore when he considers how he yeelds to the tentation must hee not abase himselfe that he may aduance the free mercy of God that sanctifi●s the tentation thogh it preuailes for a time turning his very sinnes to good all together furthe●ing his happines hath he not cause here to mag●●fie the ●ree mercie of his God Doth he not make himselfe more poore the more he aduanceth Gods mercie 5 Yea hath he not cause to feare most whē he gets most ground of tentation when hee attaines greatest conquests is partaker of most sweetest comforts lest these comforts should proue occasions to the flesh lest he might be puffed vp thereby to robbe God of his glorie hath he not now most need to be in his owne eyes v●le hath he not now greatest cause to glorifie his God and doth he not giue God most glorie in these his grea●●st deniall of himselfe 6 Seeing the Saints though they haue great riches in regard of the new man yet 2 stil they are exceeding 3 poore in the olde therefore seeing 4 the meanes to grow in the spirit 5 is to decrease in the flesh 6 Is it not then great wisedome to crucifie the Olde man daily and mortifie the deedes of the flesh that so the newe man may growe to perfection Col. 3. 5. Rom. 8. 10. 11. 15. 7 And seeing it is the Lorde that as hee giues the Blessing so hee onely giues grace to vse it aright And at the least we must no more abase the same wee haue not abilitie at all to vse it aright ought we not in this respect to make our selues poore both acknowledging our sufficiencie to bee of God ● Cor. 2. and not of our selues Confessing that in vs that is in our flesh dwelleth no good thing Rom. 7. 2. Ascribing onely vnto the Lord the will and the deede Phillip 2. Yea especially condemning our selues euen when wee haue done our best that so wee may not be iudged of the Lord Luk. 17. 10. 8 And seeing that though wee knowe nothing by our selues yet heereby we are not iustified Haue wee not cause heerein to make our selues poore still denying ourselues that wee may be found in CHRIST 1. Cor. 4. 4. 9 Ye● especially seeing we know not our owne heart we may be deceiued in our estates or deceiue our selues by the same in resting ●oo much vpon the worth thereof ought we not in this respect to abho●●e and ab●se our s●lues should not this make vs poore in our owne eyes and Iealous ouer our selues least we haue laid a wrong foundation or built hay and stubble vpon the right Iob. 9. Ierem. 1. 10. 1. Cor. 3. 15. Math. 7. 1● And seeing the best through securitie 〈◊〉 full fearefully thogh not fi●ally to the dishonor of God and ●ounding of his owne conscience to the reproach of his pro●●ssion and stumbling of his 〈◊〉 brother opening the mouthes of the wicked grieuing the spirit of God procuring hereby grieuous Iudgement to himselfe and his posterity ought not this much more to make vs feare that we may depart from euill should we not in regard hereof worke out our saluation with feare trembling Phil. 2. 12. Is not he blessed that thus feareth alwaies Pro. 28. being lowly in his owne eyes and so submitting himselfe vnder the mightie hand of God 2. Sam. 12 Pro. 14. 11 And whereas our riches are daily to be scoured lest they gather rust and to be exercised with afflictions that they may be more purified Is it not wisdome to vndergoe willingly what necessarily will follow Though we must not seeke the crosse desperately yet must wee not take it vp when it is offered Matth. 16. 22. Is it not here the best wisdom to be poore in our owne vnworthines that so we may hereby be prepared to afflictions that by this means we may the better endure and conquere the same 12 Lastly seeing Blessednes is promised to the poore in spirit Math. 5. 8. not to him that is made poore outwardly by crosses afflictiōs as to him that through this outward abasing is brought to a sight of his inward wants and so in the sense thereof humbles him●elfe vnder the mighty hand of his GOD begging pardon for his sinne and so confessing his pouertie desirous to be found in CHRIST and so renouncing his own righteousnes 13 And seeing the life of grace is nothing else but daylie renued repentance So much we truely liue as Christ liues in vs. And he liues onely in vs whē we die to sin must we not make our selues poore yea daily sacrifice our selues by mor●ification of the flesh that so wee may be daily reuiued by IESVS CHRIST Galat. 5. Rom. 6. 2. Cor. 5. 14 And though wee haue many excellent graces yet seeing they are nothing in comparison of what wee shall haue ought wee not to make our selues poore in the conceit and confidence of all present good that so we may still aspire to that eternall happines 1. Ioh. 3. 1. 2. P●il 13. 15 To conclude this point Is no corruption to be put off that we may be cloathed with incorruptiō 1. Cor. ●5 And are we not to sigh and groane that we may he cloathed vpon Are we not to be poore in our owne eyes because while we are presentin the body we are absent from the Lord nay so long as we are in the body we cannot please our God as we would we grieue his spirit offend his maiesti● surely if we make not our selues poore in the sence hereof we neuer yet had true riches much lesse shall encrease them 2. Cor 5. 1. 2. 3 4. 5. 6. Doe we not daily encrease sinne as wee multiplie our moments
so he may not discerne his inward wants 3. And so doth hee fall into the hands of Sathan the God of this world 2. Cor. 4. 5. by whom being blinded further infatuated either with a false iudgement of things or misapplying the true The Gospell is hereby hid vnto such as perish that so not being nowe able to discerne his nakednes because he wants this heauenly Eye-salue he might be made more inexcusable in reiecting this true light and so be iustly giuen vp to strong delusions 2. Thess 2. 12. because hee will not obey the truth Whereupon it commeth to passe that as before he desired not to see his nakednes but rather to haue it couered cōcealed from himselfe And to this end being dazled with shewes and outward baits hath not laisure to looke home So because he reiects the birth-right in comparison of the messe of pottage Genes 27. is therfore giuē vp to strong delusions By these delusions his Iudgement is so peruerted and true light corrupted that now taking light for darkenes darkenes for light he blesseth his soule in this wilful ignorāce of his estate as if it were his greatest happines to be sencelesse in his misery that herein he may deceiue his soule that his sinne is pardoned because though he commit the same with greedines Ephes 4. 19. yet he hath no feeling of it no sting of conscience for the same And therefore he resolues that he may follow it stil Pro. 23. And hereunto furthers an other policie of Sathan who by leading his eyes abroad to view other mens estates doth increase hereby this spiritual blindnes And that when either 1. cōparing himselfe with others y e are short of his measure he thereby resolues y e his estate is good he sees no euill in it or else secondly hee is so quick-sighted abroad that his eyes are put vp at home he sees so much in others he hath such cause to looke abroad that he hath no neede or leisure to looke home nay by looking abroad hee makes shew that all is well at home Adde we hereunto the deceitfulnes of sinne which must not be seene into that it may not be repented of And that it may not be seene into hath many colours First either God knowes it sufficiently and therefore what neede I trouble my selfe to examine the same or I can neuer attaine vnto the depth thereof and therfore in vaine do I labor to search and discouer the same 3. or the precise knowledge hereof may driue me to dispa●e therefore it is not good to buy repentance at a rate so deare 4. and what need I trouble my selfe to renue those wounds which are alraedy healed by the Blood of Christ Thus doth the Hypocrite hide his Nakednes these are the meanes and cloakes hereunto By which we may learne 1. As to reiect the cōfidence of the Hypocrite who because he hides his sinne will not see his nakednes therefore he shall not prosper Pro. 28. his sin shall be laid open to his shame confusion 2. So to discerne the deceitfulnes of sinne and cunning o● Sathan in keeping vs in this spirituall blindnes ignorance of our miserie And therefore that we may preuent this desperate cōdition 3 Learne we in the feare of God to discerne our spirituall miserie And that 1 First by often viewing our selues in the glasse of the law Rom. 7. 9. 10. 2 And iustly obseruing the checkes of conscience conuinced thereby 3 Not neglecting to take notice of the examples of Gods chaistisements vpon others for sin as knowing that y e like may befall vs. Ps 119. 4 Especially obseruing the secret and inuisible hand of God vpon our selues meeting with our sinnes by speciall chastisements 5 And that either those ordinarie and strange buffetings and renued quawmes of the conscience or else the wounding of our good name our crossings in the familie by wife children seruants emptying of our estates by casualties c. Psal 31. 6 Aboue all things labour we to discerne the worthines of our Sauiour and our priuiledges in him together with that inestimable price he paid for vs and this will most profitably bring vs to y e sight of our nakednes that so we may desire to be cloathed with his righteousnes 7 And seeing So long as we liue here we shall haue somewhat to blind and deceiue vs therfore behold we our estates often in the graue where corruption shall be our mother the wormes our brethren sisters And this wil be a notable meanes to call vs home to view our selues that so wee may yet further discerne our pouertie And 8 To this end arrest we our selues oftē before the Iudgement seate of Christ and prepare we our soules thereto by a daily examining of our selues and casting vp of our accounts that so we may yet more and more take notice of our vilenes And to make our vnworthines more truely to appeare vnto vs set we before the eyes of our minds the incōparable waight of Glory that is layed vp for vs viewe wee our present estate often in that glorious glasse And this shall much further the discouering of vilenes As for the Worlde and pompe thereof seeing this is no small meanes to blinde vs in our estates making vs seeme better then wee are therefore learne wee to discerne the true Nature of all earthly things And knowing their best worth to bee but vanitie and vexation of spirit Lam. 1. Learne we to giue them such room in our hearts as that we can learne to be abased when we doe abound and to abound in content and thankfulnesse when we are abased Phil. 4. let our proportion be not to seeke after great things and our desires be to cast our care vpon God Let vs vse the world as if we vsed it not Let vs enioy the best as wee were still willing to leaue them for a better Let vs more account of our right in these things thē to be cloyed with them And prepare we our soules daily for afflictions that so wee may yet better see our emptines and vnworthines Ie●e 45. 1. Pet. 5. 1. Cor. 7. And least wee should erre in cōtenting our selues with generalls That we may discerne our spirituall pouertie indeede Examine wee our strength in the keeping of any one of Gods Commaundements Not so much waying our failing in the Outward actions which are finite and may be excusable as rather discerning the inward corruption rebellion of the hart the blasphemous thoughts vile imaginations which credit and feare of punishment restraineth from the Act this will much further the discerning of our vilenes Gen. 6. And to this ende take we our selues to taske how wee haue or can keepe any one of the Commaundements Examine wee our selues for example how we faile in the keeping of the Sabaoth how we faile in preparation how in binding
and haue we not cause to be abased herein Well thus you see there is great reason why Gods children should make themselues poore Shall we now consider the ground and manner how they doe abase themselues shall we discerne a little further the measure of this abasing Surely for the ground of this their pouertie 1. It is not forced from them by feare of vengeance which they are freed from but rather from an holy desire to be auenged of themselues for the abuse of Gods mercies that so iudging themselues they may not bee iudged of the Lord. 2. Neither dooth the feare that God accepts not their persons wring from them this emp●ying of themselues because though they feele not this alwaies yet by Faith they liue in the Sonne of God and so aboue present feeling either comfort them selues with former ● assurāce or waite vpon the Lorde in belieuing vnder hope aboue hope but the ground of this abasing Is an holy feare of our selues least either wee may fall into such grosse euils as may depriue vs of former cōfort or may bee ●ainted with some spirituall wickednesse of pride vaine-glorie when we stand and abound in comforts that so robbing GOD of his glorie wee may be stripped of further comforts 3 Neither doth this abasing proceed frrom hypocrisie that so wee might the rather be magnified of others Although who shall hinder the light to breake out and if we be approoued of men shall not this tender to their further condemnation that will not be like vnto vs If we haue cause to make our selues poore what little cause haue they to bragge of their beggery But we make our selues poore to preuent hypocrisie not hereby to denie what we are but least we shuld assume what wee are not or seeme to be better then we are hereby we preuent slightnes and customarines in holy duties which breeds hypocrisie ●hereby we preuent pride the damme and nurse of hypocrisie 3. hereby wee still yeeld vp our harts to the s●arching and view of the Al●●igh●ie to cleere vs of hypoc●isi● 4 hereby we renue our repentance daily and so scoure off all tainture of hypocrisie 4 Neither are they cōuinced with the inward sence of their begg●rie a●d so are forced to make themselues poore as the hypocrite often is denying his profession being ashamed of his shewes reiecting the meanes c. But they are conuinced ●ith the want of what they should haue And therefore though they haue great riches yet seeing it is nothing to what they should haue therefore they still emptie themselues of all confidence and conceit of sufficiencie which the hypocrite flatters himselfe in that so still they may be prepared to receiue further riches And to this end they are further cōuinced with many wants in the vse of present graces And so are daily prouoked to denie themselues that they may be found in Christ Iesus and in him grow to perfection yea they are further conuinced with the rebellions and continuall oppositions of the old man And so haue cause to make themselues poore cōsidering what they haue bene yet considering what the least relicke of corruption might do if the Lord should looke vpon vs in iudgement euen to infatuate all present grace and depriue vs of all hope of further measure this is the meanes to make them abase themselues that so still they may flie into the bosome of Gods mercie These are the grounds of this heauenly wisdome that the Child of God makes himselfe poore By which we may trie the truth of Grace in vs and also bee led forwa●d to perfection To this end consider we further the manner how the Saints make themselues poore by what meanes they abase themselues what is the practise of this heauenly wisedome Surely the Lord that ordaines the end fitteth also the meanes sutable thereunto And therefore the manner of this practise is holy and warrantable Though they are said to make themselues poore yet this is not to exclude the grace of God by which onely they doe all good but rather to exclude conction and all by respects which might moue them hereunto and indeed to implie that freely and comfortably they make themselues poore In great wisedome and equi●ie are moued thereunto according to the manifold reasons groūds laid downe before That this may the better appeare obserue we the manner Can they auoid the presence of the Almightie And doe they not abase themselues in his glorious presence Do they not bring their hearts to be searched by him do they not submit themselues in all things to his blessed wil do they not feare to offend him care to please him in all things grieue because they haue displeased him yea because they cānot please him as they would striue to approue themselues in all things vnto his blessed maiestie And in all these abase them selues making themselues poore in and by the practise of all these 2 Can they doe any thing without the grace of Christ lesus And do they not abase themselues by denying their owne righteousnes neither resting in the measure nor approuing the perfection hereof nor iustisying thēselues thereby that so they may still hunger after the righteousnes of Christ Iesus do they not make themselues poore by labouring still to be couered with the righteousnes of Christ by ascribing the worke of saluation meerely to Gods mercy through him by giuing God onely all the glorie of his truth and faithfulnes 3 And can they seeke vnto Christ vntill they be lost in themselues And therfore doe they not make themselues poore by often meditation of their first estate in nature yea considering euen what hinderance the very relicques of corruption proue to weld●ing of themselues how if God should giue way they might wholy abolish grace doe they not make themselues poore in the serious discerning and casting off this bodie of sinne that remaineth in them and hangeth so fast vpon them 4 Lastly seeing our life is hid with Christ in God we know not what we shall be we haue nothing in comparison of what remaynes to be enioyed doe not the Saints therfore make themselues poore either in reiecting carnall sence or not resting in spirituall sence of any present good doe they not abase themselues by learning to liue by faith still out of themselues so vsing present grace as that still they are abased in it in regard of what is before them 1. Ioh. 3. 1. Col. 3. And seeing afflictions are the meanes to trie and perfect grace Doe not the Saints make themselues poore in taking vp the crosse daily following such a measure of holines which the world hates so necessarily persecutes while power is in it hād keeping that straight way which lies full of crosses that so on s they may be tried and fitted to perfection Behold here the manner how the Saints abase themselues And let this teach vs to entertaine this practise Let it