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A16490 A treatise, concerning the causes of the magnificencie and greatnes of cities, deuided into three bookes by Sig: Giouanni Botero, in the Italian tongue; now done into English by Robert Peterson, of Lincolnes Inne Gent. Seene and allowed; Delle cause della grandezza delle città. English Botero, Giovanni, 1540-1617.; Peterson, Robert, fl. 1576-1606. 1606 (1606) STC 3405; ESTC S106249 59,704 122

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take withall that forasmuch as the sayd Riuers thorough the shortnesse of their course enter and meet together with a mightie rage and violence they wax great otherwhile and swell and runne with such a raging course as they make the strongest Citties afraide of them much more the Country thereabout But the Riuers of Romagna and of other parts of Italy falling like raging Land-flouds partly on this side and partly on that side of the Appenine hils soone find out the Adriaticke or the Tyrrhenian or the Ionian Seas So that the most of them haue no time to slake their rage nor none of them haue so much time to grow great as might make them nauigable For that little that is nauigable in Arn●… or in Tiber it is not worth the speaking The thickenesse of the water is also a verie good helpe in this case For it cannot be denied that the water of one Riuer beareth great and waighty burdens much better than the water of some other And in particuler when the Obelisk set vp in the time of Sextus the fift which is to be seene at this day in Saint Peters street was brought to Rome It is well knowen by good experience the water of Tiber was of more strength and of more force and firmenesse than the water of Nilus And Seina a meane riuer in France beareth ships of such bulke and carieth burdens so gr●… the that sees it not will not beleeue it And the●…e is not a riuer in the world that for proportion is able to beare the like burden So that although it exceede not a mediocritie and be but a small riuer yet notwithstanding it suplieth wonderfully all the necessities and wants of Paris a citie that in people and in abundance of all things exreedeth far all other cities whatsoeuer within the scope of Christendome Here a man might aske me how it comes to passe that one water should beare more burden than another Some will that this proceedeth from the nature of the earth that thickneth the water and maketh it stiffe and by consequence firme and solide This reason hath no other opposition but Nilus the water whereof is so earthie and so muddie that the Scripture calleth it the Troubled riuer And it is not to be dronke before it be purged and setled well in the Cesterne And it doth not only water mellow all Egipt ouer with its liquidnes but more than that maketh it fertile and mucketh as it were the ground with its satnes And yet it is not of the fittest nor the strongest to susteine and beare shipps boats or barks of any good burden wherevpon I should thinke that for such effect and purpose wee should not so much preferre the muddinesse of the water as the sliminesse thereof for that doth glew it as it were together and thicken it the better and maketh it more fit and more apt to beare good burden But some man might aske me here again frō whēce cometh this quality this diuersity I mean of waters I must answere it comes of 2. causes First frō the very breaking or bursting of it out and passage along thorough rich rank fat Countreys For riuers participating of the nature of the grounds that make them their beds banks become therby thēselues also fat and slimy of quality much like to oyle The next cause proceedeth frō the swiftnes the shortnes of the course Forasmuch as the lengh of a voiage the rage of the Riuers maketh thin subtileth the substance and breaks cuts in sunder the slimines of the water which happeneth in Nilus For running in a maner as it doth 2000. miles by a direct line for by an oblique crooked line it would be a great deale more and falling from places exceeding steepe and headlong where through the vehemency violent force of the course by the inestimable rage of the fall it breaketh dissolueth all into a very small and fine raine as it were it waxeth so fine and subtile and so tyreth his waters that they loose all their slimie properties which resteth all at the Riuers of Almaigne and of Fraunce For they grow and walke thorough most rich and pleasant Countreys and they be not ordinarily swift nor violent Now that this is the true reason thereof the water of Senna shall make a true proofe of it for if you wash your hands with it it scowreth like soape and clenseth you of all manner of spots But let vs now passe to the widenesse and that is necessarie to beginne withall in Riuers and in Chanels of which we speake of that they should be wide and large that Shippes may commodiouslly winde and turne heere and there at their will and pleasure and giue way each to other But the widenesse of a Riuer without depth serues not for our purpose for it dissipateth and disperseth the water in such sort that it maketh it vnfit for nauigation which happeneth to the riuer of Plate which through ouer much widenesse is for the most part lowe and of vneuen bottome and full of rocks and little Ilands And for the selfe same cause the riuers of Spaine are not gretly nauigable for they haue large bellies but they spread wide and vneuen they are and vncertaine And thus much sufficeth to haue sayd of Riuers Now forasmuch as the commodities and profits are such and so great which the water bringeth to aduance the greatnesse of a Cittie of consequent those citties must be the fa●…rest and the richest that haue the most store of nauigable Riuers And euen such are those citties that are seated vpon good Hauens of the Seas riuers or lakes that are commodious apt and fit for sundrie nauigations It may seeme to some that with the easinesse of conduct the foundation is now found out and full complement and perfection of the greatnesse of a cittie But it is not so for it behoues besides that that there be some matter of profite that may draw the people and cause them to repaire to one place more than to another For where there is no commoditie of conduct the multitude of people cannot bee great which the Hils and Mountaines teacheth vs on which wee may well see many Castles and little townes but no store of people that we might thereby call them great And the reason is because of the craggidnesse and steepnesse of their scites such things as are necessarie and commodious for a ciuile life cannot bee brought vnto them without an infinite toyle and labour And Fiesole became desert and Florence frequented vpon none other cause than that Fiesole standeth on too steepe and too high a place almost vnaccessible Florence in a verie plaine easie to haue accesse vnto it And in Rome we see the people haue forsaken the Auentine and other hils there drawne themselus altogether downe to the plaine and places neerest vnto Tyber for the commoditie which the plaine
art belongeth the strayte and fayre streetes of a cittye the magnificent gorgious buildings therein eyther for Art or matter the theaters Porches Circles Rases for running horses Fountaines Images Pictures and such other excellent and wonderfull things as delight and feede the eyes of the people with an admiration and wonder at them The citty of Thespis was frequēted for the excellent workmanship sake of the Image of Cupid Samos for the merualous greatnes of the temple Alexandria for the tower of Pharo Menisis for the Pyramides Rhodes for the Colossus And how many shall we thinke haue gon to Babilon to see the wonderrous wailes that 〈◊〉 had made about it The Romans many times willingly went for their recreation sake to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Smyrna Rhodes and 〈◊〉 euen to take the benyfit of the ayre and to behold the bewty of those same cittyes To conclude all that euer feedeth the eye and delighteth the sense of man and hath any exquitite and curious workmanship in it all that euer is rare strange new vnwonted extraordinary admirable magnificent great or singular by cunning apperteyneth to this head And amongest all the cittyes of Europes Rome and 〈◊〉 are the most frequented for the pleasures and delightes they minister to all the beholders of them Rome for the exceeding wonderfull reliques of her ancient greatnes And 〈◊〉 for the gloriousnes of her present and magnificent 〈◊〉 Rome filleth the eye with wonder and delight at the greatnes of her 〈◊〉 the rarenes of her ●…athes and ●…enes of her o●…ossi a●… also at the Art of her admirable works both in Marble and in ●…rasse wrought by excellent 〈◊〉 ●…t the hei●…th and ●…enes of her Obelis●…es at the 〈◊〉 and variety of pillers at the diversity and 〈◊〉 of strange marble the exquisite curious cutting of it The●… or●…ery Alablaster Marble White Black Grey Yellow and mixt and Serpentyne The great ruines the hel-gates and a number of other sorts and kinds besides which were too hard to recount and impossible to distinguishe What shall I say of the triumphall arches of the seauen Zoanes or circles of the Temples and what of a number of other wonders else And what shall we imagyne that Citty was when she floryshed and triumphed if now while shelyeth thus defaced is none other then a Sepulture of her selfe she allureth vs to see her and feedeth vs vnsatiably with the ruynes of her selfe On the other side Venice with the wonder of her incomparable Scituation which seemeth the Act of nature by giuing lawes to the waters and setting a bridell on the Sea ministreth vnto vs no lesse admiration and wonder at it The greatnes also of her inestimable Arsenall the multitude of ships both of warre of trafique and of Passage The incredible number of warlike instruments ordinance and munition and of all manner of preparacions for the Seas The heygth of the towers the ryches of the Churches the magnificēcy of the ●…allaces the beautifullnes of the Streetes the variety of Artes the order of her gouernment the beauty of the one and other sexe doth dazell and amaze the eyes of the beholders of them CAP. VII Of Profite THis Profit is of such power to vnite and tye men fast vnto one place as the other causes aforesayd without this accompany them with all are not sufficient to make any city great Not Authority alone For if the place whereto men are drawen thorough the Authority of any afford them no commodityes they will not abyde nor tarry there Neyther yet necessity For such a congregation and collection of people encreaseth multiplieth and las●…eth for many yeares And necessity is violent And violence cannot produce any durable effect So that it comes to passe that not only citties do not encrease but also States Principalityes gotten with meere strength and violence cannot be long mainteyned They are much like Land floodes that haue no head nor spring as Riuers haue that minister perpetually plenty of waters to them But casually and in a moment ryse and swell and by and by asswage and fall againe So that as they are to trauaylers fearefull in their swellings so do they fall againe wthin a while to fast as trauailers may soone passe away on soote againe drye Such were the conquests of the Tarters that haue so vast inuaded 〈◊〉 and put it to the sword Of Alexand●… the great of Att●…la of great 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 the eight and of 〈◊〉 the twelueth King of france And the reason therof is that our nature is so great alouer longeth after commoditye so much as that it is not possible to quiet content her with that which is no more but necessary For as Plants although they be set deepe ynough within the ground cannot for all that last and be long kept without the fauour of the heauens and the benefyt of raine Euen so the habitacions of men enforst at first by meere necessity are not maynteyned long if profit and commodity go not companions with it much lesse then is pleasure and delyght of any moment For man is borne to labor and most men attend their businesse and the ideler sort are of no account nor reckoning and their idlenesse is built and founded vpon the labours and the industrie of those that worke And pleasure cannot stand without profit and commoditie whereof she is as it were the verie fruit Now suppose that profite is the verie thing from whence as from the principall cause the greatnesse of citties groweth For the same profite is not simple and of one sort but of diuers formes and kindes It resteth therefore now that we see what manner of commodity and profit is most fit for the end wherof we haue disputed all this while We say then that to make a cittie great and famous the commoditie of the scite the fertilitie of the soyle and easinesse of conduct helpeth sufficiently ynough CAP. VIII Of the commoditie of the Scite I Call that a commodious Scite that serues in such sort as many people haue thereof neede for their traffique and transportation of their goods whereof they haue more plenty than they need or for receiuing of things wherof they haue scarsitie so that this scite standing thus betweene both partaketh with both and groweth rich with the extreames I say partaketh with the extreames because it cannot otherwise increase the greatnesse of a cittie ●…or asmuch as it must either remaine desert or else not serue but for a simple passage Derbentum a Towne seated in the Ports of the Caspian Seas is a verie necessarie place to goe from Persia into ●…artary or from ●…artary into Persia yet notwithstanding it neuer grew great nor no famous cittie and in these our dayes there is no reckoning made of it and the reason is for that it partaketh not of these extreames but serueth for passage onely and receiueth those that ttauaile too and fro not as marchants and men of commerce and
traffique but as passengers and trauailers and to speake in a word it is seated sure in a verie necessarie place as the case standeth but not profitably vnto it selfe For the selfe same cause in the streyts of the Alpes which for the most part doe compasse Italy although the Frenchmen Swyzers Dutch men Italians cōtinually do passe by them there neuer yet was found a meane cittie much lesse any great and stately one The like may be sayd of many other good citties and places For Sues is a verie necessarie place for them that came out of the Indies by the red Sea to C●…yrus The Ilands of Saint Iames and the Palme and Terzeras are necessarie for the Portugals and Spaniards to sayle to the 〈◊〉 Brasill and to the new World yet neither is there nor neuer will bee in those same places cittie of good importance As neither also is there in the Ilands between Denmark and Suetia nor yet betweene Mare Germanicum and Mare Balticum And Flushing although it be scituated in a passage of incredible necessity for the commerce and traffique that is between the Flemings Englishmen and other Nations yet neuer grewe it great but still remaines a verie little towne But contrarywise Geneua is a great cittie and so is Venice because they partake of the extreames and serue onely for passages but much more for Store houses Cellerage and Ware houses of marchandize most plentifully brought vnto them And so is likewise Lysborne An●…werpe and some other It sufficeth not inough therefore to the making of a cittie magnificent and great that the scite thereof be necessarie but it must withall be commodious to other countreys that are borderers or neere vnto it CAP. IX Of the fruitfulnes of the Soyle THe second cause of the greatnes of a city is the fruitfulnes of the country For the Sustenance of the life of man consisting on Foode and Cloa●…hing and both of them gotten out of those things the Earth doth produce the fruitfulnes of the country cannot but be a mighty helpe vnto it And if it fall out to be so great as it not only well sufficeth to mantaine the Inhabitants thereof but also to supply the wants of their bordering neighbours It serueth our purpose so much the better And forasmuch as all Soyles produce not all things How much more rich and more able a country shal be to produce diuers and sundry things of profit and commoditie So much the more sufficient and fyt it will be found to rayse a great citty For by that meanes it shall haue the lesse need of others which enforceth people other while to leaue their habitations and be able to afford the more to others which draweth our neighbors the sooner to our country But the fruitfulnes of the Land sufficeth not simply of it selfe alone to rayse a citty vnto greatnes For many Prouinces there are and they very rich that haue neuer a good citty in them As for Example Premont is one And there is not a country through out all Italy that hath more plenty of Corne Cattell Wine and of excellent fruits of all sorts than it hath And it hath mainteined for many yeares the Armies and forces both of Spaine and Fraunce And in England London excepted although the country do abound in plenty of all good things yet is there not a city in it that deserues to be called great As also in Fraunce Paris excepted which notwithstanding is not seated in the fruitfullest country of that great kingdome For in pleasantnes it giueth place to Turen in abundāce of all things to Xanton and Poitiers In varyety of Fruites to Languedock in cōmodiousnes of the Seas to Normandie In store of wine to Burgundie in abundance of Corne to Campagna In eyther of both to the country of Orliens in Cattell to Brittaine and the territorie of Burges By all which it doth appeare that to the aduancing of a city vnto greatnes it sufficeth not simply of it selfe alone that the territorie be fruitfull And the reason thereof is plaine For where a countrie doth plentifullie abound with all maner of good things the Inhabitants finding all those things at home that are fit necessary and profitable for their vse neyther care nor haue cause to goe any where else to seeke them but take the benefit and vse of thē with ease where they grow For euery man loues to procure his cōmoditie with the most ease he may and when they finde them with ease at home to what end should they trauaile to fetch them elsewhere And this reason prooues the more stronge where the people affect and long least after vaine and idle delights and pleasures It sufficeth not therefore to the gathering of a Societie of people together to haue abundance of wealth and substance alone But there must be besides that some other forme matter to vnite and hold them in one place together And that is the easines and commodiousnes of conduct the carying out and bringing in I meane of cōmodities of wares too and froe CAP. X. Of the Commoditie of Conduct THis commoditie is lent vnto vs partly of the land and partly of the water Of the Land if it be plaine For by that meanes it conduceth easely the marchādize and goods of all sorts and kinds vpon Carts Horses Mules other beasts of burden And men make their iorneys the more commodious you foote on Horse in Chariot and in other such like sort and maner The Portugalls do write that in some large and spacious plaines of China they vse Coaches with failes Which some assaid not many yeares since in Spaine Of the water this commoditie is lent vs if it be nauigable And without comparison the commoditie is much better and more worth far which the water doth assord vs than which the earth doth giue vs both for ease and speedines for as much as in lesse time and with lesse charge and labor without proporcion in it greater cariages are brought from countries most remote by water than by land Now your nauigabl water is either of the Sea or of the riuer or of the lake which are naturall helps and means or of Chanells or of Pooles as that of Mi●… 〈◊〉 which was 45●… miles about made by art and mans industrie and labor It seemes in very truth that God created the water not only for a necessarie Element to the perfection of nature But more than so for a most readie meanes to conduct and bring goods from one countrie to another For his diuine maiestie willing that men should mutually embrace each other as members of one body diuided in such sort his blessings as to no nation did he giue all things to the end that others hauing need of vs and contrarywise we hauing need of others there might growa * Cōmunitie and from a Communitie Loue and from Loue an vnitie betweene vs. And to worke this cōmunity the easier he produced the
and the water affordeth to the conduct of goods and traffique But where conduct and carriage is easie you see not for all that a notable and famous cittie by and by For without question the port of Messina is farre much better than the port of Naples that notwithstanding Naples if you behold the people exceedeth more than two Messinas The port of Carthagena exceeds in all respects the porte of Genoua and yet Genoua for multitude of people for wealth and for all manner of good things besides mightily exceedeth Carthagena What Port is more faire more safe or more spacious than the Chanell of Catharo And yet is there not any memorable Cittie in that place What shall I say of Riuers In Perù there is the Riuer Maragnone which it is sayd doth runne a marueilous thing to report six thousād myles in length and is in breadth at the mouth thereof three score myles and more You haue the Riuer of Plate there by which though it giue place to Maragnone for the length of his streame and course it beareth yet more water a great deale And at the mouth of it they say it is one hūdred fiftie myles wyde In new France there is the Riuer of Canada wyde at the mouth thirtie fiue myles and 200 fathame deepe In Africa there are also verie great Riuers Senaga Gambea and Coanza which last is a riuer late found out in the Kingdome of Angola which is thought to be wyde at the mouth 35 myles And yet amongst these there is not a famous citie to be found Nay further on the riuer of Coanza the barbarous people there liue in dennes and hyde themselues in caues couered with boughes in the companie fellowship as it were of crabbes and lobsters which through vse and custome grow wonderous familiar and secure with them In Asia although Menan which in their language signifieth the mother of riuers and Meicon which is nauigable for more than two thousand miles and likewise Indus and other royall riuers be sufficiently inhabited yet for all that Obuius which is the greatest there amongst them For where it falleth into the Scithian Ocean it is 80. myles broad which makes some men think the Mare Caspium disburdeneth it selfe that way into the Ocean hath not any famous citie in it After this another question also ryseth how it comes if the commodious meanes of conduct doe at full accomplish the greatnes of a citie How I say it comes to passe where vpon the Shoare of one selfe riuer the conduct is euen easie and a like that one Citie yet is greater than an other Without doubt it sufficeth not alone that the transportation of goods too and fro be easie and commodious but there must be else besides that some peculier vertue attractiue that may draw men and allure men more to one place than to another whereof we shall in the next booke speake more at large OF THE CAVSES OF the greatnes and magnificencie of Cities THE SECOND BOOKE HYtherto haue we spoken of aptnes of the scite of the fruitfulnes of the soyl of the commodious transportacion of commodities too and fro for the helpe and encrease of our Citie Let vs now se what those things are that may allure the people who are of nature indifferent to be heere or there to the choyse of one place before another to make their habitacions in and what causeth commerce and traffique And let vs first declare the proper meanes the Romaines tooke and then afterward the meanes that generally were common to them and others CAP. I. The proper meanes of the Romanes THe first meanes the Romanes vsed was the opening of the Sanctuary and giuing libertie fredome to all that would to come vnto them which Romulus did to the end his neighbours at that time euill entreated by Tyrants and the countrie swarming full with discontented persons Rome might by that meanes be the sooner peopled through the benefite of their safety they were sure to finde there neither was he therein deceiued a whit for thither flockt with their goods a number of people that were either thrust out of their habitations or vnsafe and vnsure of their liues in their countreys But when they found afterward a want of women necessarie for propagation Romulus proclaimed certaine great and solemne feasts at which he stole and held away by force the greatest part of the youngest women that did resort to see them so that it is no maruaile if out of so fierce and stoute a people there rose so fierce and stoute an yssue The verie same reason in a manner in these our daies hath encreased so much the city of Geneua forasmuch as it hath offered entertainment to all commers out of Fraunce and Italy that haue either forsaken or been exiled their countreys for religion sake And the same Countrey of Germany they call Francorum Vallem by the sufferance of Cassimire one of the Count Palatins of Rhene later erected by the Belgians that were for Religion thrust out of their countreis hath doneth like Cosmus the great Duke of Tus●…an to appopulate the Port Ferato gaue protection to such as would flye theth●…r and confined a number that for their offences had worthily deserued punishment Which course the great Duke Franciscus his Sonne obserued afterward for the peopling of Pisa and Liuorno But as we haue afore sayd it is neither strength nor necessity that haue power to make a citie frequented or to rayse it vnto greatnes For a people enforst and violently driuen to rest in one place is like vnto seede sowen in the Sands wherein it neuer taketh root to grow vnto ripenes But let vs returne vnto our sanctuarie It cannot be denyed but that a moderate libertie and a lawfull place of safetie very greatly helpeth to draw a multitude of people to a resting place And hereof it comes that free Cities are in cōparison of other places more famous more replenished with people then Cities subiect vnto Princes to monarchies The secōd means wherwith Rome increased was that they made the townes that well deserued of thē which they after called Municipia to be partakers of their Franchises and of their offices For these honors to be Citizens of Rome and to enioy the great priuiledges annexed to their enfranchisemēt drewe into the City all such as through adherencie through fauour or through seruice done vnto the common weale might haue any hope to beare office or rule therein and such as lookt not so high resorted yet thither to serue their kinsmens turnes or their friends with their voices to aduance them to some good office And thus Rome was frequented and enriched with concourse of an infinit sight of people both noble and rich that in particular or in common were honored with the enfrāchisement and freedome of Rome The third meanes was the continuall entertainment the Romaines
and the sundry and the admirable workes there wrought with inestimable Art and Cunninge It gaue not a iot of ground to the mynes of Hungary nor yet of Transiluania There was not a Country throughout all Europe neither more rich nor more inhabited then it no not one part of Europe nor of the world that had so many good Cities so great and so well frequented of forreiners and strangers So that not without good cause by reason of the incomparable treasure the Emperor Charles drew out of it some called those countryes the Emperors Indies Nature bringeth forth her formes in Materia prima And mans Art and cunning worketh vpon the naturall compound a thousand kindes of artificiall formes For nature is to the workeman the same that Materia prima is to the naturall agent A Prince therefore that will make his City populous must draw to it all sorts kindes of Art cunning Which he shall bring to passe if he bring out of other countries excellent artificers giue thē enterteinment conueniēt seate to dwell vpon if he reckon of good witts and est●…eme of singuler and rare inuentions and workemanship if other while also he doe reward perfection and excellen●…y in things of Art and cunning But aboue all things it is very necessarie the Prince suffer not rude vnwrought things to be caried out of his dominion Viz neither Wooll nor Silke nor Timber nor Mettall nor any other such like thing For with such matter the artificers will also goe away And vpon the trade of vnwrought stuffe or matter liue a greater nūber than vpō the simple matter it selfe alone And the Princes reuenew comes to be much greater by the exstraction of the worker than by the stuffe or matter As for example by the Veluets then by the Silkes by the Rash thē by the Woolles by the Linnen then by the Flaxe by the Cordage than by the Hempe The Kings of England and of France aware of these things not many yeares since made a law against the carying out of Woolles out of their dominions And the King of Spaine did afterward the like But these lawes could not be obserued so strictly by and by For these prouinces abounding with an infinite deale of fine Wooll they had not so many workemen as could ouer come it all And although the Princes afore said happely made this law for their owne particuler good bycause the profit and the custome that ryseth of the clothes is far greater then that which riseth of the wooll alone yet notwithstanding this lawe was good for the benefit of the whole countrie inasmuch as a nūber of people more doe liue vpon the wrought cloathes then vpon the rude and vnwrought Wooll out of which growes the riches and the greatnes of the King For the multitude of people is it that makes the Earth fruitfull and it that with the hand and with Art giueth a thousand formes to the naturall stuffe or matter And thus far the 3. chapter of the 8. booke of Boterus of the reason of State CAP. VII Of Priuiledges THe people are in these our daies so greeuously opprest and taxed by their Princes who are driuen to it partly of couetousnes and partly of necessitie that they greedely imbrase the least hope that may be of priuiledge and freedōe whensoeuer it is offered Whereof the Martes Faiers and Markets beare good witnesse which are frequented with a mighty concourse of trades men marchants and people of all sorts not for any respect else but that they are there free and franke from customes and exactions In our daies the Princely Citie of Naples through the exemptions and freedomes granted to the Inhabitants is most notably encreased both in buildings and in people And it would haue encreased a great deale more if through the greeses and suits of the Barons there whose lāds were vnfurnished of people or for some other peculiar reason the King of Spaine had not seuerely forbidden to enlarge it with further buildings The Cities in Flaunders are the most merchantable and the most frequented Cities for commerce and traffique that are in all Europe Yf you require the cause surely the exemptions from custome is the cheefest cause of it For the merchandize that is brought in and carried out and it is infinit that is brought in and carryed out payd but a very small custome All such as haue erected new Cities in times past to draw concourse of people to it haue graunted of necessitie large Immunities and priuiledges at least to the first Inhabitants thereof The like haue they done that haue restored Cities emptied with the plague consumed with the warres or afflicted otherwise with some other scourge of God The plague mencioned by Boccas that languished all Italie neere 3. yeares together was so fierce that from March to Iuly it tooke out of the world about an hundred thousand soules within Florence It slew also such a number within Venice as in a maner it became a desert So that the Senat to haue it reinhabited caused proclamation to be made that all such as would come thither with their families and dwell there two yeares together should haue the freedome of the Citie The same cōmon weale of Venice hath been also more than once deliuered out of extreame necessitie of victualls by promising priuiledge and freedome to such as brought them corne CAP. VIII Of hauing in her possession some merchandize of moment IT will also greatly helpe to drawe people to our Citie if shee haue some good store of vendible merchandize alwaies in her possession Which happely may be where through the goodnes of the soyle either all of it doth grow or a great part or that at least which is more excellent than other All as the Cloues in the Moluccaes the Frankinsence and sweet smelling goomes in Sabea the Balsam in Palestin Or where a good part of it doth grow as Pepper doth in Calicut and Sinamom in Zeilan or where it is most excellent as Salt is in Ciprus Sugers at Madera and Wooll in some Cities of Spaine and England There is also to be added vnto this the excellencie of Art and workemanship which through the qualitie of the water or the skill cunning of the Inhabitants or some hidden misterie of theirs or other such like cause chaunceth to be in one place more excellent then another As the Armor in Damascus and in Scyras Tapestrie in Arras Rash in Florence Veluets in Genoa Cloth of Gold and Siluer in Milan and Scarlet in Venice And to this purpose I cannot passe it ouer but I must declare vnto you that in China all Artes in a maner florishe in the highest decree of excellency that may be for many reasons but amongst the rest chiefely for this bycause the children are bound to follow their fathers mistery and trade So that forasmuch as they are borne as it were with a resolute minde to follow their fathers Art the fathers
hide not from them any thing but teach them instruct them with all affection assiduity diligence and care workmāship is by this meanes there growen to that fulnes of excellency and perfectiō that may be possibly desired As it may be seene in these fewe workes that are brought out of China to the Philipinas from the Philipinas to Mexico from Mexico to Siuile But let vs returne to our purpose There are also some other Cities maisters of some commodities not bycause the goods do growe in their coūtrie or be wrought by their inhabitāts but bycause they haue the cōmaund either of the countrie or of the Sea that is neere them the commaund of the Countrie as Siuil vnto which infinit wealth and riches are brought from Noua Hispania Perù the commaund of the Sea as Lisborne which by this meanes draweth to it the Pepper of Cocin and the ●…inamom of Zeilan and other riches of the Indies which cannot be brought by Sea but by them or vnder their leaue and lycence After the same sort in a manner Venice about a fower score and tenne yeares agone was Lady of the Spyceries For before the Portugalls possessed the Indies these things being brought by the Red Sea to Suez and from thence vpon Camells backes to Cayrus and after that by Nilus into Alexandria there were they bought vp by the Venetians who sent thither their great Argosyes and with incredible proffit to them caryed them in a manner into all the partes of Europe But all this commerce and trade is now quite turnde to Lisborne vnto which place by a new way the Spiceries taken as it were out of the hands of the Moores and the Turkes be yearely brought by the Portugalls then sold to the Spaniards Frenchmen Englishmen and to all the Northerne partes This commerce and trade is of such Importance as it alone is inough to enrich all Portugall to make it plentifull of all things There are some other Cities also Lords as it were of much merchandize and Traffique by meanes of their commodious Scituation to many Nations to whome they serue of warehouse Roome and stoare houses such are Malacca and Ormuze in the East Alexandria Constantinople Messina and Genoa in the Mediterranean Sea Andwerpe Amsterdam Danske and the Narue in the Northerne Seas and Franckford and Norimberg in Germany In which Cities many and great merchants exercise their traffique and make their ware houses vnto the which the nations thereūto adioyning vse to resort to make their prouisions of such things as they neede bycause they haue commodious meanes for transportation of it And this consisteth in the largenes and the safenes of the Ports in the opportunitie and fytnesse of the Gulphes and Creekes of the Seas in the nauigable Riuers that come into the Cities or runne by or neere them in the Lakes and the Chanels As also where the wayes be playne and safe And heere to the purpose bycause I speake of wayes I cannot passe ouer those two wayes which the Kings of Cusco called in their language Inghe in longe processe of time cut out throughout their dominion about 2000 miles in length so pleasant so commodious so plaine and so leuell as they giue no place to the magnificent workes of the Romans For there shall you see steepe and high hylles layd euen with the plaine and deepe valleyes filled vp and horrible huge stones cut in peeces There shall you see the trees that are planted heere and there in excellent good order euen by a lyne yeald both with their shade a comfort and with the charme of the birds that there abound in great plenty a maruailous delight and pleasure to the trauailers that passe those waies Neither are there wanting on those waies many good Innes for lodging for entertainment plentifull of all necessary things Nor Pallaces and goodly buildings that in eminent and open places as it were to meete you present you with a pleasant and bewtifull shew of their excellencye and rarenes nor pleasant Towne●… nor sweete countries nor a thousand other delights and pleasures to feede both the eye with varietie and the minde with admiration at the infinit effects partly wrought by nature and partly by the handy worke of man But to returne to our purpose It is a good matter and a great helpe to a Prince to know the naturall Scite of his countrie and with iudgment to haue an vnderstanding how to amend it by art and industrie As for example to defend his Ports with Rampiers and with Bulwarkes to make the Ladyng and vnladyng of Merchandize both quick and easie to scoure the Seas of Pyrates and of Rouers to make the Riuers nauigable to build storehouses apt and large ynough to conteine great quantitie of wares and to defend and maintaine the wayes aswell on the plaines as on the mountaynes and hilly places In this poynt the Kings of China haue deserued all prayse that may be For they haue with an incredible expence and charge paued with stone all the highe waies of that most famous Kingdome and haue made stone bridges ouer mighty great Riuers And cut in sunder hilles and mountaines of inestimable heigth and craggednes They haue also strewd the plaines and bottomes with very fayer stone So that a man may there passe either on horse or a foote aswell in the Winter as in the Sommer time and merchandize may be easily carryed too and fro there by loade eyther on Cartes or on Horse Mules or Camels And in this point no doubt some Princes in Italy are much to blame in whose countries in the winter time horses are bemired in sloughes vp to the bellie and carts are stabled and set fast in the tough durte and myre So that cariadges by cart or horse are thereby very combersome And a iorney that might be well dispatched in a day can hardlie be performed in three or fower And the wayes are as bad in many parts of France as in the country of Poytiers Santongia Beaussia and in Burgondy But this is no place to censure so famous Preuinces And therefore let vs proceed CAP. IX Of Dominion and power THe greatest meanes to make a Citie populous and great is to haue a supreame Authority power For that draweth dependency with it And dependency concourse cōcourse greatnes In the Cities that haue iurisdiction power ouer others aswell the publique wealth as the wealth of priuat men is drawen by diuers Artes meanes vnto them Thyther doe repaire the Embassadors of Princes the agents of Dukes and cōmon weales there are the greatest causes heard aswell criminall as ciuile and all appeales are brought to tryall there There are the suits and causes aswell of men of qualitie as of the common weale and common persons debated and decided Thereuenues of the State are there laid vp and there spent out againe when there is need The richest Citizens of other countries seeke to ally themselues and to
get an habitation there Out of all which causes here recited there must needes follow an abundance of wealth and riches a most strong and forcible bayte to allure and drawe forth the marchants the artificers and the people of all sorts that liue vpon their labor and their seruice to run amaine from the furthest coastes vnto it After this sort a Citie soone encreaseth both in magnificency of building in multitude of people and abundance of wealth and also groweth to the proportion of a principallity The truth whereof these Cities all of them declare it plaine that eyther haue had or haue any notable iurisdiction in them Pisa Siena Genoa Luke Florence and Bressia Whose countries do extend an hundred miles in length and fortie in breadth and not onely conteine the most fruitfull and fertile playnes but also many rich and goodly valleis many townes and castles that haue aboue a thousand houses in them and do feede very neere three hun-and fortie thousand persons Many free and imperiall Cities in Germany are like to these Norimberg Lubeck and Augusta And such was Ga●…nt in Flanders that when the Standard was aduanst and spred sent out at once an hundred thousand men of warre I speake not here of Sparta Carthage Athens Rome nor Venice whose greatnes grew as fast as their power euen so far that to passe the rest Carthage in the height of her pride and glorie was 24 myles about and Rome was 50 besides the Suburbes which were in a manner so infinit and great as on the one side they extended euen to Hostia and on the other side in a manner to Ottricoli●… and round about they occupied and possessed a mighty deale of the countrye But let vs proceede For to this chapter belongeth all that shal be sayd hereafter of the residence of Princes CAP. X. Of the Residency of the Nobilitie AMongest other causes why the Cities of Italy are ordinarily greater then the Cities of France or other parts of Europe it is not of small importance this that the gentlemen in Italy doe dwell in Cities and in France in their castles which are for the most part Pallaices compassed and surrounded with moates full of water and fenced with walles and towers sufficient to susteine a suddaine assault And although the noble men of Italy doe also themselues magnificently dwell in the villages as you may see about the countries of Florence Venice and Genoa which are full of buildings both for the worthynes of the matter and the excellencie of the workemanshippe fit to bee an ornament and an honour rather to a Kingedome than to a Cittie yet not withstanding these buildings generally are more sumptuous and more common in France then they are in Italy For the Italion deuideth his expence and indeuours part in the Citie part in the country but the greater part he bestowes in the Citie But the Frenchman imployes all that he may wholy in the country regarding the Citie little or nothing at all For an Inne serues his turne whē he needs How beit experiēce teacheth the residence of noblemen in Cities makes them to be more glorious more populous not onely by cause they bring their people their families vnto it but also more bycause a noble man dispendeth much more largely through the accesse of friends vnto him and through the emulation of others in a Citie where he is abiding and visited continually by honorable personages then he spendeth in the country where he liueth amongst the bruite beasts of the field and conuerseth with plaine country people and goes apparelled amongst them in plaine and simple garments Gorgeous and gallant buildings necessarily must also follow and sundry arts of all sorts and kynds must needs encrease to excellency and full perfection in Cities where noblemen do make their residence For this cause the Inga of Perù that is the king of Perù meaning to enoble and make great his royall Citie of Cusco would not only that his Cacichi and his Barrons should inhabite there but he did also command that euery one of them should erect and build a Pallace therein for their dwelling which when they had performed each striuing with the other who should erect the fairest that Citie in short time grew with most princely buildings to be magnificent and great Some Dukes of Lombardy haue in our daies attempted such a thing Tygranes King of Armenia when he set vp the great Tygranocerta enforst a great number of gentlemen and honorable persons with others of great wealth and substance to remooue themselues thyther withall their goods whatsoeuer sending forth a solemne proclamation withall that what goods so euer were not brought thither and could be found of theirs else where should be confiscat cleane And this is the cause that Venice in short time increased so notably in her beginning For they that fled out of the countries there adioyning into the Ilāds where Venice is miraculously seated as it were were noble personages and rich and thither did they carrie with them all their wealth and substance with the which geuing themselues thorough the opportunitie of that Gulfe to nauigation and to traffique they became within a while owners and masters of the Citie and of the Ilands thereunto adioyning and with their wealth and riches they easily enobled the countrie with magnificent and gorgeous buildings and with inestimable Treasure And in the end brought it to that greatnes and power in which we doe both see it and admire it at this present CAP. XI Of the Residencie of the Prince FOr the very selfe same causes we haue a little before declared in the chapter of dominion and power it doth infinitely auaile to the magnifying and making Cities great and populous the Residency of the Prince therein according to the greatnes of whose Empire she doth increase For where the Prince is resident there also the Parliaments are held and the supreame place of iustice is there kept all matters of importance haue recourse to that place all Princes and all persons of account Embassadors of Princes and of common weales and all Agents of Cities that are subiect make their repaire thither all such as aspire and thirst after offices and honors run thither amaine with emulation and disdaine at others thither are the reuenewes brought that appertain vnto the state there are they disposed out againe By all which meanes Cities must needs encrease a pace it may easiely be conceiued by the examples in a maner of all the Cities of Importance and of name The ancientest kyngdōe was that of Aegipt whose Princes kept their Court partly in Thebes and partly in Memphis By meanes whereof those two Cities grewe to a mightie greatnes and to beautifull and sumptuous buildings Forasmuch as Thebes which Homer calles poetically the Citie of a hundred gates was in circuit as Diodorus writeth 17. miles about and was beautified with prowd stately buildings both publique
with a thousand creekes and gulfes penetrateth far within the very Prouince Next that The countrie is for the most part plaine and of nature very apt to produce not onely things necessarie for the vse and sustenance of the life of man but also all sorts of daintie things for mans delight and pleasure The Hilles and Mountaines are perpetually arrayed with trees of all sorts some wilde and some fruitfull The plaines manured tilled and sowen with rise barley wheate peaze and beanes The Gardens besides our common sortes of fruites doe yeald most sweet Mellons most delicat Plommes most excellent Figges Pomecitrons and Orenges of diuers formes and excellent taste They haue also an herbe out of which they presse a delicate iuyce which serues them for drincke in stead of wyne It also preserues their health and frees them from all those euills that the immoderat vse of wyne doth breed vnto vs. They also abound in cattell in sheepe in fowle in deere in wooll in rich Skinnes Cotton Linnen and in infinit store of Sylke There are Mines of Gold and Siluer and of excellent iron There are most pretious pearles There is abundance of Suger Honny Rewbarbe Camphire red Leade Woad Muske and Aloes and the Porcelan earth is knowen no where but there More then this The Riuers and the waters of all sorts runne gallantly through all those countries with an vnspeakeable profit and commoditie for nauigation and for tillage And the waters are as plentifull of fish as the land is of fruites For the Riuers and the Seas yeild thereof an infinite abundance Vnto this so great a fertilitie and yeild both of the land water there is ioyned an incredible cultùre of both these elements And that proceedeth out of two causes whereof the one dependeth vpon the inestimable multitude of the inhabitants for it is thought that China doth conteyne more then threescore Millions of Soules and the other consisteth in the extreame diligence and paines that is taken aswell of priuat persons in the tillage of their groūds and well husbanding their farmes as also of Magistrates that suffer not a man to leade an idle life at home So that there is not a little scratt of ground that is not husbandly and very well manured Now for their Mechanicall Artes should I commit them heere to Silence When as there is not a countrie in the world where they do more florish both for varietie and for excellencie of skill and workmanship Which proceedeth also out of two causes whereof the one I haue commended before in that idlenes is euery where forbidden there and euery man compeld to worke no man suffered to be idle no not the blinde nor the lame nor the maimed if they bee not altogether impotent and weake And the women also by a law of Vitei King of China are bound to exercise their fathers trades and Artes and how noble or how great soeuer they be they must at least attend their distaffe and their needell The other cause is that the sonnes must of necessity follow their fathers mysteries So that hereupon it comes that Artificers are infinit and that children aswell boyes as gyrles euen in their infancy can skill to worke and that Artes are brought vnto most excellent and hygh perfection They suffer not any thing to goe to losse With the dong of the bus●…es and oxen and other cattell they vse to feed fishe and of the bones of dogges aud other beasts they make many and diuers carued and engrauen workes as we doe make of Iuory Of ragges and cloutes they make paper To be short such is the plentie and varietie of the fruites of the earth and of mans industrie and labor as they haue no need of forreine helpe to bring them any thinge For they giue away a great quantite of their owne to forreine countreys And to speake of no things else the quantitie of Silke that is caried out of China is almost not credible A thousand quintals of silke are yerely caried thence for the Portugalls Indies for the Philippinaes they lade out fifteene shippes There are carried out to Giapan an inestimable summe and vnto C●…taia as great a quantitie as you may gesse by that we haue before declared is yearly carryed thence to Chiambalù And they sell their works and their labors by reason of the infinit stoare that is made so cheape and at so easy price as the Marchants of Noua Hispania that trade vnto the Philippinaes to make their martes vnto which place the Chinaes themselues doe traffique do wonder at it much By meanes whereof the traffique with the Philippinaes fals out to bee rather hurtfull then profitable vnto the King of Spaine For the benefit of the cheapnes of things is it that makes the people of Mexico who heretofore haue vsde to fetch their commodities from Spaine to fetch them at the Philippinaes But the King of Spaine for the desire he hath to winne vnto familiarity and loue and by that meanes to draw to our christian faith and to the bosome of the catholique church those people that are wrapt in the horrible darkenes of idolatrie esteemeth not a whit of his losse so he may gayne their soules to God By these things I haue declared it appeareth plaine that China hath the meanes partly by the benefit of Nature and partly by the industry and Art of man to susteine an infinit sight of people And that for that cause it is credible ynough that it becometh so populous a countrie as hath been said And I affirme this much more vnto it that it is necessarie it should be so for two reasons the one for that it is not lawfull for the King of China to make warre to get new countries but onely to defend his owne and thereupon it must ensue that he enioyeth in a manner a perpetuall peace And what is there more to be desired or wisht than peace VVhat thing can be more profitable than peace My other reason is for that it is not lawfull for any of the Chinaes to goe out of their country without leaue or lycence of the Magistrates So that the nomber of persons continually encreasing and abyding still at home it is of necessity that the nomber of people do become inestimable and of consequence the Cities exceeding great the townes infinit and that China it selfe should rather in a manner be but one bodie and but one Citie To say the truth wee Italians do flatter our selues too much and do admire too partially those things that do concerne our selues especially when we will preferre Italy and her Cities beyond all therest in the world The shape and figure of Italy is long and streyte deuided withall in the middest with the Apenine Hills And the pancitie and rarenes of Nauigable Riuers doth not beare it that there can be very great and populous Cities in it I will not spare to say that her riuers are but little brookes in comparison of Ganges Menan
manured as none can be more Siuil is encreased mightily synce the discouery of the new world For thyther come the fleetes that bring vnto them yearely so much treasure as cannot be esteemed It is in compas about six miles It conteineth foure score thousand persons and aboue It is scituated on the left shore of the Riuer Betis which otherwise some call Guadalchilir It is bewtified with fayre and goodly churches and with magnificent and gorgeous Palaces buildings The country there about it is as fertile as it is pleasant Vagliadolid is not a Citie but for all that it may compare with the noblest Cities in Spaine And that by reason of the residence the King of Spaine hath long tyme made there in it As Madrid is at this day much encreased and continually encreaseth by the Court that King Phillip keepeth there Which is of such efficacie and power as although the country be neither plentifull nor pleasant it doth yet draw such a number of people to it as it hath made that place of a village one of the most populous places now of Spaine Cracouium and Vilna are the most popuous Cities of Polonia The reason is bycause Cracouium was the seate of the Duke of Polonia and Vilna the seate of the great Duke of Lituania In the Empire of the Muscouites there are three great and famous Cities Valadomere the great Nouoguardia and Muscouia which haue gotten their reputation bycause they haue been all three of them the seates of great Dukes and Princes of great dominions The most renowned of them at this day is Muscouia thorough the residence the Duke holdeth there It is in length fiue miles but not so wide There is vnto it a very great castell that serues for a Court and Pallace to that same Prince and it is so populous that some haue reckoned it amongst the foure Cities of the first and chiefest ranckes of Europe which to their iudgments are Moscouia it selfe Constantinople Paris and Lisbon In Scicilia in ancient times past the greatest Citie there was Siracusa which as Cicero doth write consisted of foure parts deuided a sunder which might be said to be foure Cities And the cause of her greatnes was the residence of the Kings or of the Tyrants as they were termed in tymes past call them as you will But when the commerce with the Africanes did fayle them afterward through the deluge of the Infidels and that the royall seate was remoued to Palermo Palermo did then encrease apase her glory and Siracusa did loose as fast her luster Palermo is a Citie equall to the Cities of the second ranke of Italy beautified with rich temples and magnificent Palaces with diuers reliques and goodly buildings made by the Saracines But two things chiefely made of late are worthyest to be noted The one is the streete made throughout the whole Citie which for streyghtnes breadth length and beautifulnes of buildings is such as I know not in what Citie of Italy a man should finde the like The other is the Péere edified with an inestimable expence and charge by the benefit whereof the Citie hath a very large and spacious Port a worke in truth worthy of the Romanes magnanimity But what meane I to wander thorough other parts of the world to shew how much it doth import the greatnes of a Citie the residence and a bode of a Prince therein Rome whose Maiesty exceeded all the world would she not be more like a desert then a Citie if the Pope held not his residence therein if the Pope with the greatnes of his court and with the concourse of Embassadours of Prelats and of Princes did not ennoble it and make it great If with an infinit number of people that serue both him and his ministers he did not replenish and fill the Citie If with magnificent buildings Conduits Fountaines and streetes it were not gloriously adorned If amongst so many riche and stately works belonging aswell to Gods glory as the seruice of the common weale he spent not there a great part of the reuenewes of the church And in a word if with all these meanes he did not draw and entertaine withall such a number of Marchants trades men Shop-keepers Artificers workmen and such a multitude of people for labor and for seruice OF THE CAVSES OF the greatnes and magnificency of Cities THE THIRD BOOKE CAP. I. Whether it be expedient for a Citie to haue few or many Citizens THe ancient Founders of Cities considering that lawes and Ciuile discipline could not be easily conserued and kept where a mighty multitude of people swarmed For multitudes do breede and bring confusion they lymited the number of Citizens beyond which they supposed the forme and order of gouernment they sought to holde within their Cities could not be else maintayned Such were Licurgus Solon and Aristotle But the Romanes supposing power without which a Citie cannot be long maintained consisteth for the most part in the multitude of people endeuoured all the wayes and meanes they might to make their country great and to replenish the same with store of people as we haue before and more at full declared in our bookes della ragion distato Yf the world would be gouerned by reason and all men would content them selues with that which iustly doth belong vnto them Happely the iudgment of the ancient law makers were worthy to be imbraced But experience shewes through the corruption of humane nature that force preuailes aboue reason armes aboue lawes teacheth vs besides the opiniō of the Romanes must be preferd before the Grecians Inasmuch as we see the Athenians and the Lacedemonians not to speake of other cōmon weales of the Graecians came to present ruine vpon a very small discomfiture losse of a thousand seuen hūdreth Citizens or little more where on the other side the Romāes triumphed in the end though many times they lost an infinit number of their people in their attemptes enterprises For it is cleere more Romāes perished in the warres they had against Pyrrhus the Carthaginensians Numantians Viriatus Sertorius and others than fell without comparison of all their enemies And yet for all that they rested alwaies conquerors by meanes of their vnexhausted multitude with the which supplying their losse from time to time they ouercame their enemies asmuch though they were strong and fyerce as with their fortitude and strength In these former bookes I haue sufficiently declared the waies and meanes whereby a City may encrease to that magnificency and greatnes that is to be desired So that I haue no further to speake thereunto but only to propound one thing more that I haue thought vpon not for the necessitie so much of the matter as that bycause I think it will be an ornament vnto the worke and giue a very good light vnto it And therefore let vs now consider CAP. II. What the reason is that Cities once growen to
great by granting freedomes and immunities vnto them Fol. 30. Cities that are free more eminent and better stored with people than Cities subiect vnto Monarchies Fol. 3●… Cities made great by imparting their freedomes and their offices to others Fol. 32. Cities made great by erecting goodly monuments buildings in them Fol. 33. Cities made great by the helpe of neere Colonies about them Fol. 35. Cities made great by erecting vniuersities in them Fol. 42. Cities made great by the residence of the Nobility in them Fol. 63. Cities made great by the residence of the Prince in them Fol. 65. Cities seated on the Ocean are the best for Marchandize Fol. 79. Cities exceeding great are more subiect to Plagues and dearth than the lesser Cities are Fol. 81. 93. Commodious conduct of ware is not ynough to make a Citie great but there must be some other vertue attractiue vnto it Fol. 29. Cities once growen to a certaine number encrease not further on and the cause why Fol 92. 94. Cities are maintained by iustice peace and plenty Fol 97. Cities that haue delight and pleasures in them drawe forrey●…ert to come vnto them Fol 9. 10. 11. Cities which are of greatest reputation in Spaine Fol 83. Crema and her beginning Fol 7. Children in Chyna bound to learne their fathers art and occupation Fol 56. Cloaues had from the Moluccaes Fol 55. Constantinople the principallest Citie in Europe Fol 80. 81. Constantinople and the description thereof Fol 80. Constantinople euerie third yeare visited with the plague Fol 81. D Dominion maketh a Citie great and by what meanes Fol 60. Dominion gotten by meere strength and force holdeth not long Fol 12. E AEthiop hath no greate Cities Fol 79. Europe and her great Cities Fol 82. F Fraunce the Nobility and gent. there do mostly inhabite the country and not the Cities Fol 62. Fraunce plentifull of all necessary things Fol 17. Fraūce and the greatnes therof with the number of people it doth containe Fol 82. G Gaunt how many people it doth containe Fol 82. Genoua serueth for passage and yet a great Citie Fol 15. God how he is desired of all creatures Fol 39. H Hierusalem the greatest Citie of the East Fol 36. Honor is atteyned by Armes and by learning Fol 41. 42. I Immunity increaseth a Citie Fol 42. Immunitie the meanes to cause people to come together Fol 42. Incense from Sabea Fol 55. Idolatry by whome and for what cause it was set vp Fol 37. Industrie of man of more importe than the fruitfulnes of the land Fol 48. 49. Italie the description thereof Fol 79. Iustice ministred with expedition in Rome England Scotland and Turky Fol 46. The Tribunall seat of Iustice is the most principall member of a State Fol 46. The s●…at of Iustice makes great repaire to Cities and makes Cities great Fol 45. 46. L Lisborne a great Citie Fol 15. 82. Lisborne how many people it doth conteine Fol 82. London encreased by the resort of the Hollanders Fol 6. 83. London how many people it doth containe Fol 82. Lakes are in a manner little Seas auaile much to people a Citie Fol 19. M Media the Kings thereof made their residence in Echatana Fol 68. Memphis and the greatnes thereof Fol 66. Milan aduanced by the religious life of the Cardinall Boro●…meo Fol 40. Moscouia three famous Cities in that Empire Fol 84. Mony makes men trudge from place to place Fol 45. Multitude breedeth confusion Fol 87. Merchandize helpeth greatly to thencrease of a Citie Fol 55. N Naples how many people it doth conteine Fol 82. Necessity enforceth men to draw themselues together Fol 4. Nilus the riuer and his effects Fol 24. 25. Niniuie and the greatnes thereof Fol 67. P Palermo and the description thereof Fol 85. Panchin a mightie great Citie in China Fol 72. Paris exceedeth all the Cities of Cristendome in people and plenty of all things Fol 24. 44. Pepper a good part thereof doth grow in Calicut Fol 55. Pearles where the best are had Fol 74. Persia the Kings therof made their residēce in Persepolis Fol 68. Pysa grew great vpon the sacking of Genoua Fol 6. Plague mencioned in Boccace most fierce and cruell Fol 54. Poloma and her Cities Fol 84. Ports of the Sea which are good Fol 19. Power consisteth in the multitude of people Fol 87. 88. Prage how many people it doth containe Fol 82. R Reputation of a religious zeale and feare of God maketh a Citie great Fol 36. Residency of the Nobility causeth the encrease of a Citie Fol 62. Residency of the Prince magnifieth a City Fol 65. Residency of the Pope causeth the greatnes of Rome Fol 86. Rhodes grew great thorough the multitude of Iewes that repaired thither Fol 6. Rome and the prayse thereof Fol 10. Rome great by the ruine of her neighbour Cities Fol 7. Rome great by meanes of her reliques and the Popes residency therein Fol 40. Riuers how much they import for caryage of goods Fol 20. Riuers some better then some for transportation Fol 23. Riuers of name Fol 28. Riuers in Spaine not greatly nauigable Fol 26 Romanes how they came fierce Fol 31. Riuers in Italy but few that are nauigable Fol 79. S Salonicha grew great by the multitude of Iewes that fled thyther out of Spaine and Portugall Fol 6. Sarmacanda and the greatnes of it Fol 69. Sena a riuer and the properties thereof Fol 24. Scituation what manner of one is fit to make a Citie great Fol 13. Spaine containeth no very great Cities Fol 83. Suntien a Citie in China which is in circuit an 100. miles about Fol 72. Sinamom a good part thereof doth grow in Zeilan Fol 55. T Tartaria and the Empire thereof Fol 68. Tauris a Citie in Persia 16. miles about Fol 68. Tamberlane the mighty spoyle and pray ●…e made vpon Damascus Fol 69. Thebes and the greatnes thereof Fol 65. 66. Towers the most ancient manner and forme of building that we haue Fol 4. 5. Trades occupations brought into a City make it great Fol 48. 52. V Venice by what meanes it grew great Fol 7. 64. Venice and her prayse Fol 11. Venice serues for passage and yet a great and mighty City Fol 15. Usages and manners most barbarous and horrible of the new world and other countries Fol 95. W Water created of God not only for an Element but also for a meanes of transportacion of goods out of one country into another Fol 18. Water more commodious then the land Fol 18. Water one sort more apt to beare burdens then an other Fol 23. Wayes 2. most famous made and cut out of about 2000. miles in length by the King of Cusco Waies very bad thorough out Italy Fol 60. Wooll most excellent in England and in Spaine Fol 55. FINIS Brasill Noe. Biscay Aragon Tamberlan Giustinopoli Gallia trāspadana Saracenes Rialto Venice Alba. Cornicolo Pometia Veios Tatius King of the Sabines Tamberlan Sarmacanda Ottoman Mahomet Selim. Thespis Samos Alexandria Menisis Rhodes Babilon Rome Uenice Derben ū Sues Premont England London Fraunce Paris Coaches with failes Lakes Noua His pania Mexico Themistitā Riuers Chanell Nilus Heroum Marerubrum Cayrus Alepo Gant Bruges Milan Thesinum Lago maggiore Depth Pleasātnes Thicknes Largenes Gallia Belgica Celtica Flanders Riuers of Lombardy Riuers of Romagna Tiber. Nilus Questio Nilus Resolutio Fiesole Florence Rome Messina Naples Carthagena Genoua Catharo Perù Maragnone a riuer in Perù The riuer of Plate Riuer of Canada Angola foce Riuer of Coanza Riuers Menan Meicon Indus Obuius Romulus Geneua Cassimire Cosmus Municipiū is euery City or towne hauing the liberty that Rome had Alba longa This chatter here mēcioned is written at large in the end of this bo●…ke 2. Millions and a halfe of people in Hierusalem which was but 4. myles about * Irreligious people * Orbiculary period Rome * King of Spaine * New Doctrine Sectes Question Resolution Wooll Silke Cloues Incense Balsame Pepper Sinamom Salt Suger Wooll Armor Tapestry Veluet Cloth of gold ad siluer Ch●…a King of Cusco Draudius sexce●…ta milia Carthage 24 miles about Rome 50. miles about besides the Suburbs Cusco a princely Citie in Perù Cacicha viceroy or Lieuetenāt Armenia Tygranocerta Venice Egipt the ancientest Kingdome Thebes Memphis Thebes 17. miles about Alexandria Cayrus Draudius The greatnes of Cayrus Niniue 60. miles about Draudius Babilon was 480 furlongs in circuit Califfe Media Ecbatana Persepolis Tauris in Persia 16. miles in compas Tartaria Mogora Cataia Sarmarcanda enriched by Tamberlane 8000. Camells laden with spoyle 60. M. Draudius The Kingdome of Cambaia Citor Citor a Citie 12. miles about The great Cham. Chiambalù 28. miles in compasse besides the suburbes The kingdome of China Three great Cities in China Polisanga Suntien a Citie in Circuit 100. miles about Cantan Sanchieo Vechieo Chinchieo The Indian Nut is called Cocus is full of milke and sayd to be restora●…e Vitei Chiambalù Aethiop The great Nego Asia Constantinople Mare Euxinum Propontis Archipelagus Constantinople 1●… miles about Plague euery third yeare in Cōstantinople Plague euery seauenth yeare in Cayrus Tremise Tunis Morocco Fess. France Paris 12. miles in compas Paris containeth 450 M. persons England Naples c. London Lisbon London Naples Spaine Granada Siuilia 6. miles about Uagliadoid Madrid Polonia Cracouium Vilna Moscouia Moscouia Cōstantinople Paris Lisbon the chiefest Cities in Europe Scicilia Siracusa Palermo Draudius 17. thousand Serafo is ●… coy●…e in India worth 4. shillings Sterl and of Spanish m●…ny a peece of 8. which is 4. shillings