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A10150 The historie of Wyates rebellion with the order and maner of resisting the same, wherunto in the ende is added an earnest conference with the degenerate and sedicious rebelles for the serche of the cause of their daily disorder. Made and compyled by John Proctor. Proctor, John, 1521?-1584. 1554 (1554) STC 20407; ESTC S101196 49,378 214

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in to the towne to declare his mes●age and pressyng to come in he offered to stricke him whervpō the Herauld staied did his message there so that onely Wyat with a fewe with him heard it Which as men could gather by ●eport of them that herd it was promise of pardone to as many as would retire to their houses within .xxiiij. houres after the proclamation become good subiectes But Wyat woulde not suffer his souldiours in any wise to heare it nor anye other proclamation comminge from the queene In the meane time also syr Thomas Cheynie lorde Warden The lorde wardens greetyng to Wya● beinge a moste faithfull and noble subiecte had sent him suche salutacions as of honour oughte to be vsed to a traitour And beinge verie desirous to be doing with him and to pr●ue on his bodie what in wordes of greetinge he had affirmed felt yet by his discretion and long experience great causes of staye For Wyat desired nothing more then his comminge furth persuadinge that he wanted no frendes about● him nor any other that woulde take in hande to represse hym wyth force gathered in that shire And vndoubtedly doubtfull were the heartes of the people and merueylouslye bent to fauour Wyat and his purpose as by daylye euentes appeared The lorde Aburgaueny and the shireff who the Saterdaye next after Wyates styrre were at Malling in the waye towardes Rochester where Wyat lay hauing with them a companye of well appoynted subiectes in whome not withstanding for the more part they had good opinion of trustines and honestie yet hauing the generall case of the peoples dispotion in theyr eye and not without cause suspectinge in theyr bande amongest so many faithful good some suche to be vpon trust of whose trustles and britell ayde it were no good pollicie to aduenture farre ponderynge therewith that this illusion of the people whereby they were so farre drawen from their righte course and duetie● grewe chieflye by suche craftye and false persuasions as Wyat and his mates had set●e furth in sundrie partes of the shyre by waye of proclamation in writinge wherin amonge other grosse lies they hadde set furth also matters of vntrueth to discredit the lorde Aburgaueny and the shyreffe as Wyat in his persuasions that they woulde ioyne with him And Isleye in his proclamation that thei had traiterously assembled the Queenes louing subiectes against her grace the realme It semed vnto thē very good necessarye to spende some time at Malling in aduisinge and lesso●●●g the multitude and by waye of exhortatiō to impugne those traiterous proclamatiōs and refell suche grosse and false lies therein conteigned and finally to disuade y e people which ●hat day being the market daie were assembled to a great nūbre of al sortes frō the traitors and their wicked attemptes And accordingly the shireffe had penned an exhor●ation to y t purpose which was pro●ūced out of writīg in Malling sent after by him into other partes The hearīg wherof did vndoubt●dly much moue the people as after shall appeare I shall report the same in substāce truelye howe be it not fully ī the same forme maner as I foūde it as it was penned pr●●●nced by the shireffe Who in thutte●aūce settinge furth therof spared not to speake plainly touch sha●ply as thē the present tyme and case ●●ployed vehement occasion An exhortation made by syr Robert Southwel knigh● shireffe of Kent at Malling the Sat●rday being the xxvii day of Ianuary and market day there to a great ass●mble of people refelling and cōfu●ing wyat and his complices traiterous proclamations wyat being at Rochester iiij miles distaunt LOuinge neighbours frendes where of late there hathe been most pestilent trayterous proclamations as ye haue hearde set furth by Thomas Wyat George Harper Henry Isley others as most arrant traitors to the quene the realme some of thē the quenes aūciēt enemies afore time double traitors yet notwithstāding accōpting thē selues to be the best of the shire in their proclamatiōs in the samere puting pronūcing other as traitors whō ye all can witnes to haue been frō time to time true faithful subiects to the quene this our cōmon weale as the L. ●burgaueny here present my self other gentlemen now prest readie with you accordīg to our duetie to serue our noble quene I shal nede to spēd the lesse tyme to declare vnto you howe euil thei be or howe euil their enterprise is that thei haue takē in hand for asmuch as this their arrogāt presūption presūptuous pride in aduaūcing thē selfes so far frō al trueth in deprauīg of other so maliciously for executing their boūden duetie ought abūdātly to persuade what they be to al of consideration without further circumstance But for as much as in their proclamations thei fil y e eares of y ● quenes liege people with grosse manifest lies to styrre thē against her grace in thutteraūce wherof thei vse this demonstration lo signifiyng some notable thing neare at hand for credit worthie impression in their memorie as lo a great nūbre of strāgers be now arriued at Douer in harnes with harquebusses moriās matchlight I say vnto you neighbors frēdes vpō paine to be torne in peces with your hādes that it is vntrue a manifest lie inuented by thē to prouoke irritate the quenes simple people to ioine with thē in their traiterous enterprise And therfore I haue perfect hope that you being afore time abused with their craftie deceitful treasō wil not now ones againe hauing experience of their former euil be trapped for any persuasiō ī so haiinous a snare as this most vile horrible crime of treasō Do you not see note y ● as in the beginninge of the quenes most gracious raigne some of thē sought to depriue her grace of her princely estate rightful dignitie minding to aduaūce thervnto y ● ladye Iane doughter to the duke of Suff. so are thei others newly con●●edered w t the duke his brethrē being ī armes at this presēt for y e same purpose daili lokīg for aid of these traitors other of their cōspiracie as by the quenes most gracious letters signed w t her owne hād redie to be read here may plainly apeare vnto you And wil you now neuertheles ayde thē any waies or sit stil whiles they go about thus wrongfully traiterously to depose their our most gracious soueraigne lady quene the cōfort of vs al the staye of vs al thonly sauegard of vs al to whō can no displeasure or daunger chance but the same must double redoūde to all euery of vs No frendes neighbours I trust neuer to liue to se you so far abused Thei go aboute to bleare you w t matters of strāgers as though thei shuld come to ouerūn you vs also He semeth very blinde and willynglye blinded that will haue his sight
dīmed with such a fond mist. For if they ment to resist strāgers as thei mind nothing lesse thei wolde thē prepare to go to the sea coastes not to the quenes most roial person with such a cōpany in armes weapō Ye can cōsider I trust this noble gētlemā the lord Aburgaueny here presēt being of an aūciēt great parētage born amōg you such other gentlemē as you se here which be no strāgers vnto you my selfe also although a pore gētlemā who I trust at no time hath abused you hath sōwhat to lose aswel as thei wold be as loth to be ouer run with stāgers as thei if any such thing were ment But for that we know most certēly that ther is ment no maner of euil to vs by those strā●gers but rather aide profit cōfort against other strangers our aūcient enemies with whō they as most arrāt degenerate traitors do in dede vnkindly vnnaturally ioine we in her graces defēse wil spēde both life what we haue beside to the vtter most peny against thē Wel I can no more now sai vnto you but vnderstāding y e quenes highnes as a most merciful prīcesse to be ones again determined to pardon as many as by their traiterous deceitfull proclamatiōs other illusiōs wer allured to this last treasō so they repaire to their habitations within xxiiii houres after her graces proclamation read become true subiectes to her gra●e to aduise such as hath taken part with those traitours or haue withdrawē them selues cōtrary to their allegiaūce frō the aiding seruing of their soueraigne accordīg to their duties against her enemies thākefullye to accept imbrace her most gracious pardō vse meanes of thē selues to apprehend those arrant and principall traitours and make a present of them to the quenes highnes or leaue thē to thē selfes as most detestable traitors who beīg once so graciously mercifully forgeuē could not but cary the clem●●cie of the same in their hartes to the furtherance of all obedience whiles thei liued if ther had been any spark of grace in thē And further I haue to say vnto you y t as these traitors by their proclamatiōs w tout authoritie haue moued you to styr against the quene your soueraigne apointed you placꝭ wher to mete cōsult for y e furtherāce of their traiterous purpose to brīg with you such aid as you cā so shal I require you in her graces name charge you that be here present not to come there but that you such as be absent taking knowledge herby repair to such places as I the quenes shireffe officer shal appoint you with such ayde as you can bring for the better seruice of the quene the shyre where you shal be assured to receyue comforte thankes and honestie to th ende of your liues and your posteritie And thother waye but endles shame and vtter vndoinge to you and yours whiche shall be worste to your selues and yet a greate griefe to vs your neyghbours whose aduise in al other your priuate causes you haue been content to folowe nowe in this waightiest that hathe or maye happen to you wyll refuse vs and folow them that hathe euer abused you to your and thei vtter confusion At Mallynge the seuen and twenteth daye of Ianuarye Anno Mariae primo God saue Queene Marye and all her well wyllers The shiriffe reading this exhortation caused one Barrham a gentilman and seruaunt to the lord Aburgau●ny to pronounce it as he reed it so loude and soo distinctlie as the people assembled rounde aboute him to a verie great nomber in maner of a ring mighte easlie here and vnderstand euerie word proceding frō Barrham who of his owne head cried out vnto them You maye not so muche as lyfte vp your finger against your kinge or quene And after the people had heard the Shiriffes exhortation cried God saue quene Marie whiche they did moost hertely spending therin a conuenient tyme the shiriffe vsed these wordes vnto them Maisters quod he althoughe I alone did speake vnto you yet what wordes were spoken too you by me were also spoken to you by the lorde Aburgauenye and all the gentilmen here present The sh●riffes spech to the multitude in whose persons I then spake and now require at your handes a plaine and resolute aunswere Will you nowe therfore ioyne with suche as you s●e euidentlie to be arrāt traitors orels with the lorde Aburgauenie and suche gentilmen as you see here present that wil lyue dye with you in defense of oure rightfull quene againste these traitors The people with one voice defied Wyat and his complices The peoples āswee● to the sheriffe as arrant traitours and saied that they nowe well espied they hadde but abused them Wherfore in defense of quene Marie they woulde dye vpon them expressinge their mindes with suche earnest shoutes and cries as shewed to procede vnfainedly frō their hartes which after was confirmed by a better experience the day folowing as ye shall anone here But by the waye ye shall vnderstande that Wyat heringe of this proclamation saied I knowe that Barram well Wyates promise of barrams rewarde but yet I neuer tooke him to haue so wyde a throte if I lyue I maye happen to make him crowe a higher note in a nother place What trowe ye should then haue become of the authour In the Sundaye followinge the lorde Aburgaueny the shiriffe and the rest of the gentilmen were determined to haue merched in the morninge earelye towardes Rochester to haue aided the duke of Norfolke and sir Henrye Gerningham captain of the garde then being at Grauesend towardes Wyat with a certain bande of whitecotes to the nomber of .vi. C. sent vnto them frō London The duke of Norf sir Henrye Gernīghās comminge to Grauesende wherof Breet and others were their captaines Roger Ap●ulton and Thom●s Swa●●rustie gētilmē Roger Appulton gentilman was also at Grauesende with the duke attendant to serue where in lykewyse was Thomas Swan gentilman This satterdaye at night the lorde Aburgaueny suspectinge that Wyat and hys complices liynge within foure myles of them and beinge so muche prouoked in that they were in the day so rightly set forthe in their coloures at Malling would for reuēge worke some anoyaūce to thē or his bande y t nighte either by a cāmasado or by some other meane did therfore to preuent the same set a strong watche in in the market place at Malling and other partes of entrie into the towne The lorde Aburgaueny set the watch ī persone and gaue the watch word him selfe before he would take any rest But betwene one two of the clocke in the night when euerie bodye was taken to rest sauing the watche there happened a larom A larom at Malling sundry cryeng treason treason we are all betraied in such a sort that such as were
in their beddes or newlye rissen thought verely that either Wyat with his band had been in the towne or verie nere The thing was so soden happened in suche a tyme as men not acquainted w t like matters were so amased that some of them knewe not well what to do and yet in th end it proued to nothing for it grewe by a messenger that came verie late in the night desiringe too speake with the lorde Aburgaueny or maister shiriffe to giue them certaine aduertismēt that sir Henrie Isleie the twoo Kneuetes and certaine other with .v. C. weldishe menne were at Seuenocke and would merche in the morning from thence earlye towardes Rochester for the aide of Wyat againste the duke of Norff. and in theire way burne and destroy the house of George Clarke aforesaied A meaning of y e rebels to burne maister George Clarkes house Wherupon the lorde Aburgaueny and the sheriffe by thaduice of the gentilmē afore named for that the saied Clarke had bene a painful and seruisable gentilman chaūged their purposed iourney frō Rochester to incounter with Isley and his bande to cutte them from Wyat saue Clarke from spoyle And so in the morninge earely beinge sundaye The lorde Aburgaueny the shiriffe The merching of the lord Aburgaueny and the shiriffe too incounter Isleye Warram Sentleger Richarde Couert Thomas Roydon Anthony Weldon Henrye Barnei George Clarke Iohan Dodge Tho. Watton Heughe Catlyn Thomas Henley Christopher Dorrell Heughe Cartwright Iohan Sybyll Esquiers Thomas Chapman Iames Barram Iasper Iden Iohan Lambe Walter Heronden Walter Taylor Iohan Raynoldes Thomas Tuttesham Iohan Allen and Thomas Holdiche gentilmen with yomen to the nomber of .vi. C. or ther aboute merched oute of Malling in order till they came to Wrotham heath where they mought easely here the sounde of the traitours drommes Wrotham heathe● and so makinge hast pursued them till they came to a place called Barrow grene Barrowe grene thorough which laye the right and redye waye that the traitours shoulde take merching from Seuenocke towardes maister Clarke The lord Aburgaueny beynge verye glad that he had preuented them in winning the grene sent out spialles to vnderstand their nerenesse and to discriue their numbre reposinge them selues there tyl the retourne of his spialles who at their comminge saide that he neded not to take further paynes to pursue them For thei were at hand commynge towardes him as fast as they could marche whiche was glad tidinges to the Lorde Aburgauenye and hys bande And taking order furthwith to sette his men in a raye he determined to abyde theyr commminge aud there to take or geue the ouerthrow Whiche the traytours vnderstandyng whether it was for y t they misliked the matche or the place to fight whiles the lord Aburgaueny and his band were busye in placing them selues The s●rinkyn● of the rebelles they shrancke as secretlye as they coulde by a bye way And were so farre gone before the Lorde Aburgaueny vnderstode therof by his spialles as for doubte of ouertaking them afore their comming to Rochester he was driwen to make suche haste for the ouertakinge of them as diuers of his fote m●n were farre behinde at the onset geuing The first sighte that the Lorde Aburgaueny coulde haue of thē after they forsoke their purposed way was as they ascended Wrotham hyll directlye ouer Yaldam Maister Peckams house where they thinkinge to haue great aduauntage by the winning of y e hil displaied their ensignes brauelye The displa●●yng of the rebell is ensignes semynge to be in great ruffe But it was not longe after or theyr corage was abated For the lord Aburgaueny the shyreffe and the rest of the gentlemen with such other of the queenes true and faythfull subiectes as with great paynes takinge to clyme the hyll and to holde waye with the horsemen The rebels ouertaken ouertoke the rebelles at a fielde called Blackesoll fielde in the parishe of Wrotham a mile distant frō the very top of the hyll Blackesol● fielde where the lorde Aburgaueny the shyreffe the gentlemen aforenamed and other the quenes true and faithfull subiectes handled them so hotte so fiersly y t after a smale shot w t longe bowes by the traytours The skyrmishe a fierse bragge shewed by some of the horsemen they tooke their flighte away as fast as they coulde Yet of them were taken prisoners aboue thre skore In this conflict Warram Sentleger who brought with him a good company of souldiours alwaies a seruisable gentlemā also George Clarke Anthony Weldon and Richarde Clarke w t others did very honestly behaue thē selues Williā Sentleger hearing of a fraie towardes betwene the Queenes true Subiectes and the traitours came to the lord Aburgauenie into the field with all haste not an houre before the skirmishe who with the rest of the gentlemen with certaine of the Lorde Aburgauenyes and Shireffes ●eruauntes beinge all well horsed serued faithfullie and from ●hence chased the horsemen till thei came to a woode called Hartlei woode foure miles distant from the place where the onset beganne The chase 〈◊〉 the horse ●●n The Queenes true subiectes did so much abhorre their treason and had the traitours in suche detestation as with greate difficultie anye escaped with life that were taken prisoners and yet were thei al verie wel armed weaponed and had also great aduantage by the place of fight Sir Henrie I●sleye laye al that night in the woode and fleed after into Hāpshire The two Kneuettes being wel horsed were so hastely pnrsued as thei were driuen to leaue theyr horse and crepe into the woode and for haste to rippe their bootes from their legges and runne awaie in th● vampage of their hose The chase continued so longe as nighte came on before it was full finished Thus was I●●ey the Kneuetes and their bande ouerthrowen by the faithfull seruice of diuers gentlemen and yomen seruinge vnder the lord Aburgaueny and the shyreffe whose forwardnesse corage and wisedome in this trayterous broyle no doubt was verye muche prayse worthie as wel for theyr spedie acceleration of their strength which consideryng how they were euery way compassed with the traitours was no small matter in so litle space and for their wise and politike handlinge also in kepinge them together from Wyat who merueylouslye and by sundrye wayes soughte to allure them away For had not they in their owne personne to the incouraginge of their companye aduentured farre and by theyr wisdome discretion and greate charge politikelye hādled the matter some thinke that Wyat had been at London before he was loked for by anye good man with no smale trayne whose iouruey was greatly hyndered and his companye very muche discomfited by this repulse geuen to Isleye and his band Where amongest other thinges Gods secret hād was greatly felt to y e great comfort present ayd of true subiectes against the traitours who hauinge suche aduauntage of the place as in
dede thei hadde were lyke rather to giue then receiue so foule an ouerthrowe But this it is you see to serue in a true cause and her whome God so fauoureth that he wyll ●ot suffer the malice and rage of her enemies at anye tyme to preu●ile against her to whome he hath giuen so many ●otable victories and soo miraculous● that her enemies mighte seme rather to haue ben ouerthrow● Spiritu Dei● then vanqueshed huma●o robore The lorde Aburga●eny the shiriffe and the gentilmen with them Thanke● geuen too GOD fo● victorie after they had geuen humble thankes to God for the victorie whiche they did verie reuerentlie in the fielde taken ordre for the prisoners were driuē to deuide thē sel●es for want of harboroughe and vitta●le for the souldiours that had well deserued bothe The lorde Aburgaueny and certen with him went to Wrotham The shiriffe certen with him to Otforde where they hadde muche to doo to get vittaile for ●●●ir souldiours The lorde Aburgaueny and the shiriffe su●pec●●ng that some of those gen●●lmen lately discō●●ted in this ●●irmishe woulde not longe tarie in the realme but make shift to passe the seas yea and by sp●●all vnderstandinge Wyat him selfe with some of his company therunto bent deuised to lay● the countree aboute that they mought not escape And considering that they woulde not do it at Douer nor in that coste they knowing the lorde Warden to haue suche watche vnto them but rather for sundrie respectes at Rye or more southward and hauinge greate proufe of Thomas Dorrell the yonger his fidelitie Thomas Dorrell of Scotney ȳe yonger he retorned the same Dorrel being newly come vnto him with ixxx men well appointed into Sussex geuing him streight charge that con●ulting with sir Iohan Guyldforde they should both day and night s●t sure watche for the passinge of a●y that waie to the sea co●t further to take suche ordre as no m●●it●d fishe wine or other vitaile comming out of those partes should passe to the rele●f of the traitors Anthony Kneuet notwithstanding great and streight watche layed roūde about the countree by the shiriffe for thapprehension of him and other that fled arriued that sundaye at nighte late at Rochester where his newes were so ioyful Harpers running a●aye from Wyat. that Harper furthwith found the meane to ridde him selfe out of their cō●pany without any leaue taking and ran to the duke of Norff. to whome he semed so greatly● to lament his treason that the duke peteinge his case the rather for the longe acquaintaūc● betwe●e them in tymes paste receiued him too grace But within a day after he ran from the duke and retourned to hys olde mate as hereafter shal appere Wyat hearing of Isleye his ouerthrowe and vndertandinge by the proceding at Mallinge the day before that those thinges sette furthe in his proclamations wherby he thought his strength at home to be most surely knit vnto him were now become rather a weakenninge then otherwise the people there being redie to fall from him for his so abusinge of them he fell into so great extreme anguishe and sorowe as writing a letter of expostulation to some of his familiars abrode in reprehension of theire infidelitie in that they sticked not to him soo fast as they promised Wyats bewai●ing his case with teares he bedewed the paper wherupon he wrotte with teares issuing so abundātlye from his eyes as it woulde beare no inke and so leauing to write calling for a preuie cote that he had quilted with angels not longe afore Wyatscote of fēce quilted with aungelles which mought serue bothe for his defense and refuge for his necessitie being in a nother countree he practised with suche as were nere vnto him where they mought haue redie passage and most for their suretie to take the sea Wyates practise to flye by sea For Englande saied he is no place for vs to rest in His company also shranke frō him as fast as they could deuise meanes to escape wherunto Thomas Isleye and others hadde a greater respecte thē him selfe he seming to take care for nothinge but howe he mought safely● conuey him selfe beinge well frended as it was thought with some of the shipmaisters Wyat mated Thus was Wyat so mated by the lorde Aburgaueny the shiriffe and their bande as he was at his wittes ende as ye haue heard and cheifely by kepynge him from that whiche by spiall about him they afterwarde vnderstode him specially to desire whiche was offer of battaile he and his beinge fully persuaded that there coulde be no greate force raised against him in the shire whereof the moost parte should not be his when it should come to the shewe Wherin although he mought be deceiued as in dede he was yet his quarrell with the disposition of the people therunto well considered with the end of his traueil whiche coulde be but spoyle and rauen redye meanes and lures to drawe the careles multitude vnto him It semed to the lorde Aburgaueny suche as serued with him better pollicie to werie Wyat and weaken him by the cutting away of his strēgth from him then to offer him battaile til the duke of Norffolkes comminge whome the lorde Aburgaueny the shiriffe knewe to be at hande towardes Wyat vnto whom thei and all the gentilmen of their band after their skirmishe with Isley made the haste possible they myghte But before their comminge the case was wonderfully chaūged to the great descomforte of all the quenes true subiectes and that came to passe that of al mē was lest feared For who was it that suspected suche cruell malitious disposition to remaine in any Englishe heart towardes his countree in anye sub●ectes thought towarde his Soueraygne that receyuyng her graces armoure weapon and moneye woulde haue plaied so traiterous a part as these captaynes did with their band● It is so straunge a case as the world neuer saw It is so malicious a part as the Iew would not haue done the like hauynge receyued hys hyre to serue So it was that the noble Duke beinge an auncient and worthy captayne yet by long imprysonment so diswonted from the knowledge of our malicious world the iniquitie of our tyme as he suspectinge nothinge lesse than that whiche folowed but iudgynge euerye man to accorde with him in defier to serue truelye marched furthe the Mondaye aboute tenne of the clocke in the mornynge from Grauesende to strowde towardes Rochester and aboute foure of the clocke in the after noone of the same day he arriued at strowde nere vnto Rochester The dukes marchinge frō strowde to Rochest hauinge wyth him the captayne of the garde Griffith Morgan nowe bishop of Rochester The names of the gentlemen seruing vnder the duke Sir Edwarde Braye syr Iohn Fogge knightes Iohn Couerte Roger Appulton esquiers and Thomas Swan gentleman with certayne of the garde and other to the numbre of CC. or there aboute besides Bret and other
and foode to drawe furth life begon ●n you To preserue frendes vnto you and reserue habilitie to them that might attende companye and comforte you What haue you but by me And what are you in hope to haue without me And wyll you thus requite my tender loue and kindnesse with suche hatefull rebellion What so euer I haue done for you I haue done the same for your progenitours● frendes and kinsmen And can neither theyr cause styrre you nor your owne case moue you to be good to me by whome you all stande You haue been the occasion at the least the mischiefe whiche you with mischiefe striue nowe to defende that these manye yeres I haue lost manye and diuerse of my liuelye and ●ounde membres being cruelly cut from my politike bodie and haue also susteyned the great contempt and breache of godlye and wise orders deuised for preseruation of mine estate and conseruation of my membres in their dewe and ordinarie course Whereby how odible I haue sithence been to my selfe and hateful to all christian realmes aswell the general voice of all forren countries daylye strikinge your deafe eares doeth witnesse as also the playne speache vttred not longe ago by a moste faithfull true membre of my sister Scotland the earle of Huntley confirmed The earle of Huntley Who beinge here and hearynge some here either for bragge or ●rayse tellinge howe manye Scottes in Scotland English souldiours hadde slaine What great maistrie haue you done quod then that good Scottishe earle when with armie royalye come into Scotland● ther kyl a fewe Scottes and one abiect Scotte without armes or pollicie commeth home to youre owne houses and distroyeth ten thousande Englishe people in a daye both bodie and soule with heresie The same beinge afterwarde moued to become E●glish and to be sworne to me and my lawes No quod he I am a trew christian Scotte bor●e and so I wyll remayne For as I am I knowe no enemie but the Englishe man but beynge once sworne Englishe where shoulde I assure me of one sure frende that haue nowe but one knowen enemye For be you out of doubt although ye Englishe men haue not warre with all forren princes christian yet assure your selues to be in perfite peace with none but when time shall serue to haue the whole worlde in armes against you if ye procede as yet ye doe rather like to be come Turkes then to continue Christians whose religion ye dayly refuse and sette furth heresye In the meane time the whole worlde wondereth at your blindnesse that you see not your own madnes and impietie I speake thus in this sorte not as a Scotte to an Englishe man but forgetting al priuate quarrels as one christian to another lamenting in my heart to behold the wret●hed condition and present face of this your realme whereof I heard muche or I came here and here I finde trewe muche more then I heard O frendlye wise and moste trewe saying ful of counsel and witte yet spoken to suche in whose stonie heartes it coulde make no impression whereby hath followed not onelye subuersion and shameful confusion to diuerse of them to whome it was spoken but also my daunger euer sithēce more and more encreased And nowe that it hath pleased the highe God of his vnspeakable mercie tappointe so vertuous a gouernesse ouer me at the sounde of whose heauenlye and manifolde vertues as he hathe hitherto compounded my quarrels abrode and as it were holden forren handes backe beinge willinge to pursue me and to make example of me by shameful e●de as I was example to the whole worlde of all disorder impietie and heresie so now by her ministery and authoritie he meaneth mercyfully to cure and heale my mangled bodye to repayre myne abased state to restore my good and wholsome lawes to reforme my disordered membres Whiche her noble grace accordinglye pursuinge with all her might and authoritie findinge also like disposition in my principall membres her highnesse ●onourable and noble subiec●●s nowe you onelye you I ●●ye sporne agaynste Goddes ●ercifull worke and as moste ennemyes to my prosperous estate cease not to hinder what God hathe ment to me what his chosen instrument this most ver●uous lady doeth attempte to compasse for me deuisinge daye by day sedicious false and traiterours brutes rumours tales to molest and trouble her to confounde and destroye me And rather then ye wyll be reduced from erroure to trueth and refourmed from disorder to better gouernaunce by the calling and persuasion of gods true instrument and chosen ministresse ye wyll beleue what that most vile and deuelishe rable of Antichristes ministers by their pestilent bokes teache you in corners as that by gods law ye maye rebell againste youre head O cursed and hellishe generation● I beseche you consider bothe me aud youre selues You haue been the cause of my great griefes and yet you en●ie me the remedie You knowe if I perishe you can not florish yet disdaine you to be refourmed that I maye bee confirmed in myne auncient and blisfull state You resiste to be subiect to good gouernaunce that my benefites might be perfourmed in you to youre great furtheraunce and contrarye to your allegeaunce contrarye to nature wil thus vexe and trouble me Yea by youre dede although not by your wil perhaps deliuer me into the hādes of thē●hat be my fooes but in dede moste ennemies to your selues I saye no more but referre you to consider what I haue sayed and to way with your selfes in what case I stande and wherunto I was brought by this ●●lusion whiche hathe so deformed me and bewitched you And further by my sister Boheme consider what I maye come to and am like to be if you cease not this your willfull and desperat outrage Finallye doe not forget the straung diseases sundrie plagues great dearthe whiche I haue longe suffered as clere tokens of Goddes vengeaunce to be bente ouer you and me and the blessing of hys mer●ifull handes to bee taken from vs. So now ponder with your eares my wordes that I haue spoken that my sorowe may reache your heart And if you thinke me worthie whome you shoulde vtterly destroy and bring to hateful confusion then maye you lawefully mainteine that you haue taken Ponder I beseche you louinge countreemen what our commen parent and natiue countree Englande hathe saied Call therewith to your remembraunce what shee myghte saye in waye of iuste complainte and then see if by anye meanes you can either excuse your selues as not acquainted w t the cause of her greiffes or accuse her as causeles complayning afore she hathe nede ● suppose you not to bee so 〈◊〉 and so blind that you see ●ot your disorder nor so impudent and shameles that you ac●nowledge not your knowen malice nor yet so desperate and ●o vtterlye destitute of grace ●hat you wyll not hereafter refourme your selues partly dis●●forted by the manifolde euils ●olowinge such vnnatural prac●ises partly allured by