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A05291 Vertue triumphant, or A liuely description of the foure vertues cardinall dedicated to the Kings Maiestie. Leighton, William, Sir, fl. 1603-1614. 1603 (1603) STC 15435; ESTC S108435 25,756 64

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preseruance of all common good In which consist two things whereby are seene The works of right and Iustice vnderstood First to regard the good with true respect Then punishment for wicked men effect 196 Th' Aegyptians makers of the ancient lawes Were very carefull duly to obserue With diligence and iustice eu'ry cause And from their setled precepts neuer swerue The Greeks and Romanes were in zeale precise To yeeld true iustice to their enemies 197 The olde Aegyptians euer vs'd to paint Their Iudges pictures wanting both their hands Their President draw'n blindfolde they appoint To teach them how true Iustice habits stands No bribes must there respect of persons make Nor fauour iudge or any thing so take 198 Cleon the Lacedaemon bent to deale In publicke actions and most great affaires To all his friends together doth reueale That for their loue or friendship he nought cares Because affection caus'd men to decline And step aside from iudgement most diuine 199 To Iustice Aristides shew'd his loue Who had his foe of hainous crimes accus'd Which did the Iudge with great impression moue Him to condemne his answere quite refus'd He kneeled downe and crau'd to be prepar'd That they the trueth of both might haue declar'd 200 We may iust Iunius Brutus call to minde Whom Titus and Tyberius iudg'd to die His sonnes whom he so false to Rome did finde Who sought Tarquinius race to amplifie A rare example and of great effect How iustice should with fauour none respect 201 Phocion refus'd to helpe his sonne in law Chariles sitting in his iudgement place When he in fraud his money taken saw He said Alliance gaue bad cause no grace He was alli'de to him in things were iust But not in faults for fauour once to trust 202 Great Alexander more his fame doth reare When as he sat to iudge in iustice place And that th'accuser spake he stopt one eare To keepe him pure and vpright in the case So that he would not right preiudicate But with sincerity the truth debate 203 Augustus knew Aspren as was accus'd A friend of his where he in iudgement sate And fearing how the matter might be vs'd To iudge aright and free himselfe from hate He sits in place heard censure of his frend And neuer spake till iustice made an end 204 Agesilaus fame deserued praise Although he were assured to his frend Whose gentle nature would imploy alwaies In their behalfe to worke a happy end Yet did his promise to his friend refuse In matter where he might not iustice vse 205 Philip the Macedonian mightie king That had a poore old womans sute deni'd His leisure seru'd him not for any thing Then be no longer king aloud she cri'd Who did with meekenesse lend to her his grace And chose the title of a meaner place 206 It further wrought impression and desire And toucht his heart to doe things iust and true That he vnto his pallace did retire To heare the plaints of all that came to sue Where he remain'd all causes set aside Both to doe right and see men satisfied 207 Another time being ouer-mou'd to sleepe Not hearing well Machetas iust defence Condemned him and gaue him daies to keepe For sums of money without all suspence He crau'd new hearing when the king did wake Which being obtain'd did vpright censure make 208 Traianus rightly writers doe commend Who bent to warre did from his horse alight The poore complaint onely for to attend By woman brought beseeching him for right Which did so much this mightie Emp'rour grace That he was held most iust in euery place 209 Nothing more proper to a Prince belongs That is of mild and good and gentle nature Then exercise of iustice without wrongs In equall right to eu'ry liuing creature Preferring none but such as walke vpright Resembling God resplendent in his light 210 Iustice it is that through Gods holy grace Erecteth Monarchies and kingdomes great To shine and flourish in their proper place And to make trueth and equitie their seat What was of Lacedaemons glory cause But setting downe and keeping of good lawes 211 God is the author that doth justice moue Which he doth vse and euer exercise Amongst vs all as tokens of his loue Till it vs bring to period of the wise Such as are deckt with iustice high renowne Are fit to weare the high Imperiall crowne 212 Iustice diuine kings ought not for to leaue Nor they whoeuer will it on them take Which may the state and subiects much deceaue And millions of poore people beggars make Iustice should not as marchandize be sold Therefore most fit the king himselfe it hold 213 The speech of famous Alexander was And after him of Lodwicke wise and graue By way of prophecie should come to passe When money made great offices her slaue Where men ingrosse great offices in sale And after sell them deerely by retale 214 They that make sale of office or estates Doe likewise sell the secret'st thing of price The which is iustice that all bribing hates And would subdue true godlinesse with vice They sell the lawes and take the subiects blood That draw reward vnto their priuate good 215 I touch not good men which doe office hold But those this lucrous Hydra doe imbrace Which would haue iustice with their bribes controld And damned vice to sit in vertues place Those of good zeale are toucht with iust desire Those that are ill extortion sets on fire 216 Aurelian was of most respectiue feare How he did place men in their Iudgement seate Vnlesse desert and vertue did appeare That they all trueth with Iustice would intreat Hee ne're prefer'd one to the Senate place Except the whole consent gaue praise and grace 217 Now compast is the circle of my Theame Ariuing at the long desired point Asttaea with her sword and fixed beame Firmely vnites vertues dissundered ioint By whom O King thy greatnesse bounded stands With wide seas limits and the spacious lands 218 Vertues first resience in Assiria was From thence shee tooke her flight to Persia This left shee straight to Macedon did passe Then neuer wearied in her toile some way She came to dwell at Rome olde ages pride And planted peace through all the world so wide 219 But since the Romaine Empire came to waine For her abode finding no constant place In thee shee setleth great Augustus raigne Confirming it to thy successfull race Vertue triumphant now we may her call Seated by heauen in so high a stall 220 Thus hath my lowly and submissiue Muse With her dimme Ospray eyes dar'd to beholde The Sunne of Maiestie Oh then what excuse For a designe so venturous and much bolde This is my hope where vertue rules the minde Attempts of dutie gracious pardon finde 221 As from the highest region of the aire No stormes do come but all
Iustice doth aduance 17 Sage Prudence busied in foresight of things And moderate Temperance with her golden squire True manly Fortitude the heart of Kings Ioin'd with impartiall Iustice all desire For their more safetie and securer rest A sacred mansion in your Princely brest 18 Now Vertue lookes more debonaire and sweet And darts strange flames of loue in euery place T' is so when she and Princely greatnesse meet Accept the good that Vertue giues your Grace A double ease then shall your Highnesse finde Making these Vertues Squires of your minde 19 What comfort comes by such a gracious King In whom the foure rare morall vertues raigne A Prince that wants of these in anything Can not serue God nor subiects well maintaine All which great gifts his Princely minde must beare That will Th'emperiall Crowne of honour weare 20 These foure a Chariot of foure wheeles haue fram'd Which whoso mounts shall great and mightie be And for this merit shall as much be fain'd As if the Conquerer of the world were he Few Kings this goodly Chariot haue driuen For vnto few these Cardinals are giuen 21 Which vertues are fast knit and ioin'd together Yet proper and distinct in qualitie Like Riuers flowing in a stormie weather Out of the fountaine of pure honestie Thus all are one and one esteemed all Who wanteth one possesseth none at all 22 There is one only wise and Soueraigne king Who sitteth on his high and holy throne And by his word created euery thing From whom true wisdome doth proceed alone Which teacheth vs his holy word to know And in abundance doth his mercy show 23 These Morall vertues Cardinall are nam'd A cardine as ancient writers say Which is a hindge on which the doore is fram'd By which it shuts and opens euery way All Monarchs kingdoms commonwealths Kings Guided by these possesse mostblessed things 24 By these they are made open vnto God And to all goodnesse in their land and state Preseru'd from Sathan and his wicked rod And from those vices which these vertues hate Who rules by these shall haue eternall blisse And raigne with God where vertues glory is 25 Further they call them Card'nall as I gesse By reason of their firme stabilitie Both in themselues and persons they possesse Where they inhere with perfect constancie When doores are mou'd the hindges fixt remaine And yet not chang'd returne the same againe 26 The third cause is for that our conuersation And course of life supported ought to be By these foure vertues without alteration As doores borne vp on hindges which we see Though to and fro the doore do dayly passe Yet borne on hindges is the same it was 27 Fourth reason why we do them Card'nall proue Is praeminence and power aboue the rest The Cardin's are the chiefest parts aboue Of Heauen of Earth and Sea which God hath blest Alluding vnto man compos'd by nature Of elements or els no perfect creature 28 These vertues do exceed all others farre By them are noble acts and deeds begunne The least of them shines bright as any starre And all in one as glorious as the Sunne The soule who striues the greatest works t' effect By these foure vertues doth herselfe direct 29 The fifth cause is their principalitie For vnto them all vertues are inclin'de They leade the motions power and qualitie Of heart of soule of bodie and of minde They teach they rule they gouerne and they guide The minde and soule that is to wisdome tide 30 Prudence the act of Reason still doth sway Which vertues is from vices to discerne Twixt good and bad which is the perfect way To take or leaue it teacheth vs to learne It makes vs see and know the good from ill And hauing choise to take the better still 31 Temperance the act doth rule leade and direct Of the concupiscible facultie Which is things good and pleasing to elect To comfort man and with Gods word agree It doth dispose all actions which delight Mans humane good and highest God of might 32 Fortitude rules the actions will and power Irascible in hearts and mindes of all That manage valourous actions at each stower And to indure what perils can befall Rather than faint in any fearefull guise They shew themselues both valiant stout and wise 33 These former vertues do themselues dispose With seuerall actions in their proper places But Iustice doth direct and leade all those To all good works indu'de with heauenly graces And by her vnderstanding power controule The outward acts and inward thoughts of soule 34 In number foure these choisest vertues are Which learned men in books define to be A bodie knit with substance firme and rare Sound without change from all corruption free Yet haue they obiects in a diff'rent kinde To euery wicked thought and worke inclin'd 35 Gainst Prudence warreth senselesse Ignorance Infirmitie with Fortitude doth fight Vnbridled Lust defieth Temperance And hatefull wrong gainst Iustice bends his might Thus euery vertue findes a vicious foe The one doth good the other doth not so 36 The Church which is of Christ the Spouse and mate By these foure vertues is adorn'd and wrought As of foure precious stones of highest rate Not to be match't if all the world were sought Which do protect and keepe on euery side Gods Word and Trueth so often purified 37 Prudence before doth teach her to foresee All future mischiefes like to come at last Iustice behinde will alwayes witnesse be To euery thing before is gone and past For what 's to come the first doth her defend For matters done the latter helpe doth send 38 But Temperance the right hand doth attend Lest it be puft vp with prosperitie And Fortitude the left hand doth defend For feare it fall into aduersitie These former vertues doe the Church vpholde In Gods true feare that cannot be controlde 39 Next wise men do these Cardinalls compare To the foure Riuers pure of Paradise Which water that faire garden Eden rare The place of all delights and high deuise For as they moisten earth in euery place So those bedew the soule of man with grace 40 By these men coole the heat of carnall lust And wicked passions which oppresse the minde By these our hearts are mou'd to do what 's iust From ill to good they make vs still inclin'd By these the Lord his blessings still imparts Vnto the sonnes of men to glad their harts 41 They are compar'd to those faire colours pure In whose cleere hue those Curtaines were discern'd Of Moyses Tabernacle built most sure From whom are all good acts and precepts learn'd Which seuerally the vertues do define And shew Christs Church on high to be diuine 42 The first the Iacinth is of heauenly hue Whose rarenesse doth to Prudence appertaine Whereby we imitate our
happinesse It good preseru's the obstinate denies And hates the soules disordred enemies 120 Rare Scipio the noble African King Cyrus stout and Alexander great Wasting the world with fire and sword outran Yet conquer'd were by Continence intreat Prou'd by the beautie of Darius dames When they subdu'd the heat of wicked flames 121 Architas was with this rare gift indu'd Isaeus Pompey and Zenocrates Antigonus and Gracchus all eschu'd Such youthly motions might their fancies please And when such sparks their hearts do set on fire Their Temp'rance rules the heat of lusts desire 122 We reade of Charles that Emp'rour of great fame Lysimmachus Fabritius and the rest Rodulphus Cato Socrates by name All which this vertue pure and rare possest By her they did their course of life direct And strongest passions of the minde reiect 123 Sith golden meane doth temperance out measure Happy the man that can the same attaine Neither to melt in th'hot desire of pleasure Nor frie in heart-breake griefe and hardest paine The greatest enemie that she doth finde Is stubburne perturbation of the minde 124 Now seat thee Temp'rance by thy sisters side Humbly deuoluing all thy vertuous power To him that in his chaste thoughts doth prouide His Princely minde to be your trustie tower Stout Fortitude is my next morall theame The fountaine third of reasons sacred streame 125 This Fortitude is th' earnest appetite And strong desire of great and mightie things That in contempt of actions base will fight And seruile causes to subiection brings With constant suffring in an honest cause And humble labour to defend good lawes 126 It is the strength and valour of the minde Against the tedious troubles of our age Which doth with setled resolution binde Our liues and lands for Gods trueth to ingage And to defend with courage bolde and stout Christs chosen Church the vniuers throughout 127 Twelue helps to this rare vertue do belong The first is Counsell of the graue and wise When they adrayne a battell great and strong The Priest stands in the vantguard to aduise And with loud voice the people doth exhort They should not faint to lose the towne or fort 128 And bids them hearken when he calles and cries To fight the battell with vndaunted hearts And march on stoutly gainst their enemies Not fearing death nor his relentlesse darts This shewes that courage which doth counsell lacke Runnes on at first but in the end turnes backe 129 Let vs obserue that wise and holy King That arm'd his souldiers not with speare and shield Exhorting them courageous hearts to bring With policie and strength to winne the field Which doth most plaine and perfectly declare Warr's little worth where graue aduise is rare 130 The fame which the olde Herôes did atchieue By their braue deaths and did the same commend To datelesse memory and time to liue Was fortitude and courage without end As Eleazars death hath left behinde A worthie proiect for ech Noble minde 131 Another helpe is dayly exercise Whereby the bodie 's kept in perfect vse Without the which it hourely droups and dies And made a subiect to most vile abuse Which shewes that vse and exercise doth make The partie apt and prompt all good to take 132 Hard sinews and strong armes the rusticks haue Which exercise and dayly vse hath wrought Whose perfect actions dayly custome gaue And earnest labour readinesse hath taught Vse therefore exercise which giueth strength And brings effect to all our works at length 133 The fourth is Faith which euer doth subdue And conquer all the world with victorie Faith is to Fortitude a Captaine true Fit for to march in deeds of dignitie She is the hope of things not had in sight The ioy whereof doth giue the heart delight 134 The fifth is Feare which often helpe doth bring To Fortitude in matters of import Of eu'ry sinne it doth abate the sting And to cleane hands this vertue doth exhort The feare of God the true beginning is Of perfect wisdome and eternall blisse 135 The sixth is Hope which euer appertaines In perfect silence to this vertue pure And so inabled mightie things it gaines In him that doth sweet comfort still assure So Secresie and Hope true solace bring To Fortitudes attempt in eu'ry thing 136 The seuenth pure and perfect Charitie By which we may two waies obserue and take First how we should in need relieued be And of our neighbours helpe good vse to make Which doth instruct vs in our deeds to do To others as we would be done vnto 137 A brother which his brother doth vpholde Is like a goodly citie of great strength If one do fall the other waxeth bolde Him to support and raise againe at length What with Gods blessed Word doth more agree Than brethrens loue and neighbours charitie 138 The second is adhaering to the trueth To which whose mindes and hearts do euer cleaue Shall still controule foolish wayes of youth And not let worldly vanities deceaue For those that are to constant trueth inclin'de Will not admit vaine thoughts to vexe the minde 139 The eighth is Wisdome which we may esteeme A fitting helpe and comfort in this place A wise man stout and valiant we should deeme A strong man learned giues his learning grace Thus Valour should to Wisdome still be tied And learned men with strength be beautified 140 The ninth is Temperance which most pursue The steps and paths of true prosperitie And doth sinister accidents subdue For being downe cast in aduersitie No losse of goods can change or grieue that minde Whom all the gifts of Fortune can not blinde 141 He that doth liue and naught desires at all Of wealth or riches in his course of life Needs not to feare the force of Fortunes fall Nor to molest his minde with care and strife Sweet is the time the yeeres and dayes well spent Where that one hath doth giue the heart content 142 The tenth is pure and perfect discipline Of these our bodies in corrupt estate Which makes vs from our fleshly foes decline T' imbrace good things which we by nature hate And being conquer'd works in vs more strength For to attaine true vertues goale at length 143 Another helpe is Almes and good reliefe Vnto the poore and them which stand in need To clothe the naked and to ease the griefe Of those for whom our Sauiour Christ did bleed Which Almes with honour shall obtaine the field And rule the mighty Monarchs speare and shield 144 The last is prayer of most great auaile With Fortitude conioyn'd doth high ascend When Moyses did by prayers God assaile To Israel the conquest he did lend Which shewes that prayer with
fift doth holde a Reuerend respect And due regard of those that best deserue The last doth well the works of truth effect And from good lawes and praeceps neuer swarue But still maintaine what euer 's good and iust And not to vaine deceitfull toies to trust 171 Religion is the worship pure of God Obseruing of his iust and holy lawes To visit those that suffer scourge of rod And to relieue when want doth offer cause It keeps our minds vnstain'd and vndefilde From all infection of the world so vilde 172 But pietie is a bountifull regard Whose care respects aswell the bond of bloud As duties or priorities reward Or great obedience to the meane and good In all degrees it makes an equall show To yeeld true measure to the high and low 173 Fauour or grace a vertue we may call Wherein the true and perfect friendship shines With memorie of subiects duties all Whose bounds and limits grace to vs defines It doth containe will to remunerate The gifts and qualities of ech estate 174 Reuenge of things vniust a vertue is That doth subdue oppression force and wrong All obscure acts which leade men farre amisse She doth repell be neuer they so strong It doth defend the pure and innocent And chastice those that in transgression went 175 Much holinesse dread reuerence behights For iust obseruance of the merit due To those on whom all perfect honour lights Whose worth makes their deseruings good and true It giues renowme and honour in her kinde To men of note and of a Noble minde 176 Trueth is a practicke habit as I weene Or veritie which doth the minde possesse Inspir'd into the soule of man not seene By God himselfe whose sp'rit brings happinesse This maketh difference twixt the good and euill To chuse her selfe and hate her foe the deuill 177 Iustice is term'd the simple poore mans treasure Lockt in the chest of soule and conscience It yeelds to them the trueth of great mens measure And keepes it swept from eating-moths offence All precious stones whose vertues breed no doubt It doth reserue and cast all other out 178 He is not iust that dreadeth death or paine Or feares exile or stings of pouertie No conscience cleere whose eyes do looke for gaine Or heart prefers the foes to equitie No man for good or honest we regard Whose minde doth measure iustice with reward 179 Iustice hath wrought to vs most happie things Iustice by right hath taught our land to know A royall lawfull true descent of Kings Whose vaines the bloud of Henrie seuenth show It brought him in he will not shut her out Let none for Iustice therefore feare or doubt 180 This Princely branch from that pure roote now springs Of Brute that mightie monarch of great fame Whose buddes the fruit of perfect Iustice brings And to his people auncient Britans name Which he adorns with vnitie and peace Throughout the world for euer to increase 181 We see the buds of that same stately tree Whose blossoms yeeld our hearts and eies delight We reape the fruit of Iustice equally As moats still subiect to the Sunne of light Iustice diuine chiefe vertue of renowne Commands with loue our sacred King to crowne 182 Prudence with Iustice did coniunction make Vniting so foure kingdomes into one Heau'ns in the change did all our troubles slake In giuing pow'r and right to Ieames alone He is the first that ouer all did raigne Or could with loue and peace the crowne obtaine 183 He with his Iustice doth all strife debate And makes vs loue one onely God and king He ioineth loue twixt those that iarr'd with hate And doth our hearts to true religion bring He makes vs liue in peace and vnitie With kingdoms great and haue our trafficke free 184 Blest be his name that made vs Iustice know By such a Prince whose heart intends no wrong Blest be his power that such a tree did show From that true stocke of Brutus graft so long Blessed be heau'n a Princely Britaine raignes And that so goodly plants of Brute remaines 185 Iustice brings peace and concord to our land And breeds not warres by off'ring others wrong It knits men fast like faggots in a band In faith and loue that to one state belong Religion loue and vnitie increase Vnder the King whose heart desireth peace 186 Iustice extreme is neuer to be vs'd With crueltie or rigorous intent It may with ouer-wresting be abus'd And turne to wrong the good which vertuement The summe of Iustice which is in rigor seene To iniurie is chang'd and alt'red cleene 187 True Iustice riches neuer can infect Nor gaine of kingdomes cut off course of right No priuate whisper shall the cause detect Till both be heard and trueth be brought to light Where Iustice flies with flatt'ring wings to th' eare The King●s abus'd and subiects buy it deare 188 Most pitifull that land and people's left Where perfect iustice is not vnderstood They are of all true happinesse bereft And sure to sinke let cause be ne'er so good But still to labour striue consume and spend All that they haue yet neuer make an end 189 What greater plague or viler punishment Than liue in hope of right from day to day What greater torment to a state is sent Than Iudges to sell Iustice with delay Who rule the cause with coine vnto their will And keepe true Iustice from the iudgement still 190 They that abuse this image pure of God And sell the trueth for pictures of a King Are made the meanes to vse the deuils rod And all good causes to confusion bring They neuer care how matters come about So that the purse the golde be powring out 191 Paulus the Pythagorian doth direct How all men should this gift diuine embrace As nurse and mother truely to effect The works of all the rest with heauenly grace Gods prouidence to Iustice is appli'de Which doth the world both gouerne rule and guide 192 In Townes and Cities it is rightly thought The perfect path to equitie and peace In priuate homes twixt man and wife is wrought True vnitie and concord to increase It makes men serue their masters with regard And masters kinde good seruants to reward 193 It is commanded by Gods holy spirit All Magistrates should Iustice dayly vse And that their hearts should iudgement pure inherit And not Gods holy lawes for to abuse For whoso doth infringe and breake the same Can not auoid the curse of endlesse shame 194 It doth to Iustice duely appertaine To entertaine the pure and innocent Them to protect till they be free againe So sent away full safe to their content Iudgement resists bold deeds of wickednesse And doth with punishment all faults redresse 195 By Solon this was truely taught as meane For great