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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00634 A brief treatise vpon the first table of the lavve orderly disposing the principles of religion, whereby we may examine our selues. Written by Maister Dudley Fenner, Minister of the Gospell. Fenner, Dudley, 1558?-1587. 1588 (1588) STC 10768; ESTC S118184 18,681 46

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perpetuall for the Church in this worlde to haue one such day in seauen to bee dedicated vnto the Lord that so we may haue the vse of it in our conscience and of the ceremonie ceased I will speake in the ende First because of the couenaunt of the lawe which biddeth vs doe and so liue thereby driuing vs vnto Christ Rom. 10. 5. There are ten partes called ten wordes or sentences of which if we take away this there wil be but nine Exod. 34. 18. Secondly if Adam being in his soundnes because his minde not being infinite could not doe his worke and prayse God pray to him meditate in his creatures of his wisedome mercie c. had neede for that purpose wholy to giue him selfe ouer more fullie then he did by times in other dayes once in seauen dayes howe much more hauing in vs so much ignorāce hardnes of heart c. that wee might helpe our weaknes and growe forwarde Gene. 2. 3. 15. Thirdly when this was a piece of the image of God in him that he did not onely those daily duties after mentioned togither with tillinge and keeping the garden Gene. 2. 15. euery day but was further able one whole daye in soule and body to giue ouer him selfe to the former Saboth exercise of praying praysing c. eyther wee must not knowe and not be borne againe to this piece of excellencie or els we must haue this peculiar cōmaundement to humble vs and in this poynt to driue vs vnto Christ afterward also be a rule and square vnto vs of the same Fourthly the Apostles in taking this daye and giuing it the name of the Lordes day Apoc. 1. 10. as before that was called the Lords Saboth and ordayning publike exercises Actes 10. 7. and priuate 1. Cor. 4. 2. As they did shewe that in the particular seauenth day it was ceremoniall so in the cōmon necessitie it was perpetuall accordinge to the foresaide equitie Last of all as Caluin sayeth vnto the papistes of the seconde commaundement who also saide that was ceremoniall and abolished as long as wee feele the grosenes of our nature to inuente false worship framing Images of God so long that must remaine to humble vs euen so as long as we doe feele our corruption in accounting the Saboth vnpossible and so omitting and prophaning it so long wee will holde it to be perpetuall Now the Lorde to helpe our infirmities hath giuen vs varietie of profitable exercises to bee occupied in and to recreate vs as it were in an other being weary of one They are either Publike Nehem. 8. 5. 13. or Priuate Nehem. 8. 5. 13. Publike is to ioyne with the church from the beginning to the endinge in the hearing of the word preached in praying and administring of the Sacramentes Eze. 46. 1. 2. 3. 10. Nehe. 9. Esd 3. Act. 15. 20. 21. 17. 1. 18. 4. Luke 4. 11. 2. Kings 4. 23. Priuate exercises are for our selues to encrease godlines for others their comfort Nehe. 8. 13. Of the first sort are reioicing in the worde receyued and profiting by that Also meditations conference c. on the workes of God that so wee might not onely by doctrine but by experience be taught and so be brought to greater feeling as is commaunded Deut. 5. 20. For other we are cōmanded dueties of loue in relieuinge and comfortinge the needie as well bodily by our helpe as spiritually by comfort and cōference out of the worde edifying one another in our most holy fayth 1. Corin. 14. 2. Mat. 12. In these things our contempt and neglect both of the mercie of the Lorde who hath ordayned so many good meanes to increase our knowledge our feelinge in the faith and good workes his wisedome who hauing regarde to our weaknes hath giuen vs such great varietie that alwayes being wearie of the one we may breath our selues in the other In this as in the rest and the commaundement going before we must haue the sinnes forgiuen in the sonne of God his obedience here Luk. 13. 10. to the 18. verse Luke 13. 4. 5. In him also wee must receyue power with this former grace to die vnto this sinne and rise vnto this part of obedience Nowe followeth the reason whereby he doeth both make plaine the obedience and allure vs vnto it He allureth because hee giueth this equitie perpetuall that seeinge in sixe dayes wee may doe all our worke which is necessarie for the maintenance of this life and prouision of our families whiche is declared by these oppositions in the 9. and 10. verses Six dayes thou shalt work but the seauenth is the rest or Saboth of the Lorde thy God In sixe dayes doe all thy worke in the seauenth doe no worke but of the Saboth Mat. 12. 5. The Saboth vnto the Lorde Here as in that afore are the papistes confuted who ordayned Saboths to Saintes and Angels a worship due to the Lorde onely who also tooke away this libertie of sixe dayes wholy and too often No manner of worke except for frugall necessitie of putting on of appareil of meate drinke c. whiche muste bee as meanes to helpe and succour the weakenes of tender and olde age the strength of strong men in this exercise who if they should ordinarely abstayne on that day from these thinges it would make them much vnable to accomplishe that worke of the Lorde and so it is expounded Luke 13. 15. Wherefore that of Exod. 35. 3. was a rudiment ceremoniall whereby they were instructed to the reuerence of the same when as otherwise they might doe great things This is further declared by a distribution of the efficient causes Thou nor thy Sonne nor thy Daughter nor thy Seruaunt By which wee see we doe not rightlie obserue the Saboth except all with in our gates that is our authoritie so called because they bound the proper place of euery man where he exerciseth any authoritie doe likewise sanctifie the same The second reason is drawne from the example of the Lorde him selfe the more to allure vs and moue vs who contende to come neere the excellent so Christe gaue an example for vs to followe For the Lord made heauen and earth in six dayes but the seauenth he rested By that seuenth day hee poynteth out the Iewes Saboth the seauenth from the creation to the which day they were neuer precisely tyed because being the seauenth it carried a note of perfection and so did shadowe out the excellencie of our rest vnder Christ Heb. 4. 20. and therefore because that was ceremoniall that proper day was pointed out to Adam Gen. 2. Whereas if this had not bin ceremoniall he had not needed because the morall equitie of one in seuen was written in his heart as aboue hath bene noted And thus as it was a figure of our sanctification and adoption it was not a piece of the first table but rather generall to the whole lawe and therefore in that respect is abolished Col. 2. 16. The end of the first Table All glorie to the Lord. * Which he cōmandeth generally to all thinges the settinge forth of his glory 1. Co. 10. 32. and Chap. 6. 20. And so by similitude is applied to the taking of his name with ourtongue handes or any vse of it