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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00297 A plaine and true relation, of the going forth of a Holland fleete the eleuenth of Nouember 1623, to the coast of Brasile With the taking in of Saluedoe, and the chiefe occurrences falling out there, in the time of the Hollanders continuance therein. As also, the comming of the Spanish armado to Saluedoe, with the beleaguering of it ... And also, the base deliuery vp of the said towne ... Lastly, the reasons and motiues mouing the authour to the publishing thereof. ... By I.B. that hath ben an eye and eare-witnesse of this subiect. I. B., fl. 1626.; Baers, Johannes, d. 1653, attributed name. 1626 (1626) STC 1042; ESTC S104444 20,800 34

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vp the man that said hee brought the Letters did testifie the truth of it nominating the time and place where and when hee met the Colonell this I had from Captaine Deshen one that was of the Counsell who is with the Spaniard now It was likewise reported that the Colonel with two other Captaines did intend to flie away in a small Shippe Some three weekes after the Leaguer the enemy had planted nine Peeces of Ordnance at the other Port and foure in another place and fiue in another place so that there was in all thirty seven halfe Cannons Wee had mounted in the Towne 61. Peeces but after the Enemy had mounted and planted their Ordnance they dismounted ours so that we had not foure Peeces mounted then they began to make new Fortes in the Towne and blinds vpon those reports of the Colonel aboue named the Souldiers began to speake and mutter many things against the Colonel and Councell and Captaines The Souldiers reported that th●ir Captaines nor Leiftenants would not in the day time come in the works and tronches It is some what credible for they are like vnto those Captaines which were knowne by their rich attire not by their wounds The Souldiers some fiue dayes before the Towne was given over went and complained to the Captaines that the Colonel was treacherous to the Towne and the desired that they would make another Colonel and they would spend their liues in defence of the Towne otherwise they said they would kill him and make another of their owne choyse this was one Satturday morning the 25. of Aprill at Eleven of the clocke on Satturday there was a great alarum so that we thought verely that they would haue made an assault on the Towne we had killed and wounded in two houres some fourteene men At the same time there was a Souldier going to fill his Bandaleroes with Powder he having his light match in his hand did foolishly sett fire on the Powder to the burning of some sixteene men some to death all to great misery at two of the clocke the Alarum ceased so that every man was commanded to his Colors At foure of the Clocke there went to the market place some fiftie souldiers as they say by some Captaines private assents the Colonels seeing them marching towards him comes to them demaunds the cause of their coming one answered that they came to put out such a treacherous fellow as he and to make choise of one that would be faithfull for their Master and for the Towne but before he could reply as I was told one struke him downe with his Musket and other with their swords but he got from them into the house wounded the souldiers presently turned to the Major Captaine Kyfe and requyred of him to take the protection of the Towne and them and they with all they souldiers would dy with him he accepted the same and promised the same On Monday the 27 of Aprill there was one from the enemy which called to the Centrie on the Port that they would send a Drumme forth presently it was told to the Colonel together with the Councell who speedily sent forth a Drumme when the Enemy saw the Drūme they requyred the cause of the Drummes cōming forth it was answered because they called for one they replyed that they did not call but seeing there was one come hee was commanded to be brought to the generall who returned an answer to vs that his Commission was to destroy all the Hollanders and to put the English and French to the Gallies yet if they would seeke for mercy he would in his owne Clemencie giue vs all our liues vpon this truce was taken for 6. houres no sooner was this noysed but that the Enemy came over their works and brooke some pales downe and the Souldiers on both sides did ralke freindly together two from the Enemy was let in blind-fold and led to the Colonel There were conditons propounded on our part but thought to great to be granted by the Enemy Truce was continued for 24. hours and two from our Captaines sent to the Generall of the Enemy others also came from the Enemy in the meane time I saw the Enemy working contrary to order Truce was continued till Wednesday On Wednesday their went a souldier to the Councell and told them that the souldiers did vnderstand they would not yeild vnto those conditions the enemy propounded so that it would be the losse of all their liues for which reason he said that the souldiers were purposed to giue vp the Towne if they would not make composition they thanked the souldier for his speech but did not enquyer from whom hee had heard the same conspiracie The Councell vpon this one mans speech and a common drunkard too resolved to deliuer vp the towne vpon any conditions the Truce being continued againe till Thursday the Maior went to every Court of Gard and demaunded whether the souldiers would be content with that agreement as the Councell should determine off which should not be dishonorable they all assented to the same Whereupon the conditions were agreed vpon but not such as the souldiers liked off for it was ordered that the souldiers should the next morning goe to Shippe and they should either send their Armes before them to the Shipping or they going before should be sent after aboard Further it was agreed vpon that the Towne with all the riches should be left there and the Officers should haue their Chests with wearing apparell onely I meane Captaines Skippers Preachers Readers and Marchants the rest onely with their Knapsacks on their backs The same night about fiue of the Clocke there was let into on of the Ports a squadron of the enemyes many Officers The next morning the Enemy came in at seven of the clocke in the morning and our souldiers leaving their Armes in the market place were commaunded downe to the water side The same day being Friday the last of Aprill there came the Enemy downe to the waters side in their Armes their match light and did march in the middest of vs. Such a ragged Regiment did I never see halfe of them had no shoes to their feece their Armes were like to them some had halfe a Rapier others had them tyed in match not one in twentie was in his full Armes fixe they were lodged in the strongest houses at the waters side where they kept their Courts of Gard. Don Frederico commanded vpon paine of death that there should no wrong nor violence be offered to vs which was carefully looked vnto by his Officers Eight dayes after there came a command that we should goe aboard so the seat chers came downe and the saylours were searched very strictly to the ripping vp of their shoes and all suspected places about them this search was continued a day and a halfe so that most of the saylors and a companie of souldiers were searched But Don Frederico came downe to the water side and gaue
way that all the rest of the souldiers should to the shippes without searching The fifteenth of May came the Hollanders Fleete before the Bay 34 in number with their bloody colours The next morning they came sayling into the Bayes mouth The Spaniard seeing that hoysed saile and with some 30 saile went forth towards them The Admirall from the Spaniard made a shot at the Hollander the Admirall from the Hollander returned him the like againe and so went backe with the whole Fleete to sea At this time were the Spaniards ships much vnprouided had the Hollander knowne so much I suppose they would haue come in and ouer-throwne the whole Fleete There were many reports concerning that Fleete of the Hollanders but nothing so credible as for truth I will write After we were put into the ships some halfe Musket shot from the Towne the Generall Don Frederico did giue order that euery souldier of ours should haue a pound of beefe a day besides wine and bread for 2000 was this ransome giuen but the neglect of most of our Officers was great in somuch that many times for 3 5 and 8 daies together the souldiers ransomes were neglected by them they lying drinking on Land and the poore souldiers famishing on shippe board and this is the maine cause why our souldiers came home so bare and naked for they were forst to sell their apparell for daily prouision They were put to such a straight that they were forst to swimme and with pipes to fetch themselues water to drinke whilest their Officers must haue the boates to attend them at their whore-houses and wine-houses It is true that the Officers haue been taxt for this there but they would excuse it but in truth they cannot they be but meere excuses Our Enemies did much blame them for this thing and worthy of blame they were After the deliuering vp of the Towne we staied thirteene weekes foure dayes in the Baye and that was by Don Ferderico his intreatie as Captaine Francisco told me why Don Frederico did so was because hee knew not where the Hollanders Fleete was and hee seared least wee going forth should ioyne with them In the meane time they trimmed vp seauen of the Hollanders ships and by intreatie if not by command got 250 saylors from vs to manage their ships to Spaine At the latter end of our being there victuals grew scarce so that Don Frederico wished that our shippes should waite on him to Fernabocke and there hee would bee liberall to vs. Friday the twenty-two of Iuly wee with the Spanish Armado hoysed saile But let mee note one thing here which is worth the obseruation concerning the Portugals The Prince Don Frederico a little before his goeing away sold to the Portugals their houses which before were their owne and at his goeing away did not onely take away all goods till it came to old stooles and dores but also stript them naked of all Armes and Munition and did take away all their Ordnance that was planted to sea or land-ward So that the Towne is novv more vveake then it vvas vvhen the Hollander tooke it in More may be said of this But I will not We with the Spanish Fleete hoysed sayle as I said before the Spanish Fleete was some 42 of their owne ships leuen ships which they had of ours that they trimmed vp namely the Samson the Tiger the ●ricke the Gringe King Dauid Saul and the House we had seuen ships but such ships as n●u●r●a●y made such a Voyage in they had not beene trimmed in two yeares they had no good tacklings at all some of them had but an anchor a piece they were all exceeding leakey In the ship that I my selfe came in our souldiers pumped 20 and 24 thousand strokes a day our ship was courted the best and yet such it was that mad the Skipper to say to me that he couid wish himselfe in 〈◊〉 to play crosse and pile for his life The prouision in our ships was small there was but for ten weekes such small alowance as many could well haue eaten it vp in two dayes their weekely ransome was 4 pound of bread or veryua halfe a pound of beese 4 ordinary spoonfull of oyie a quart or a pint of wine and a quart of water a day let all men that reades or heares iudge if our Officers w●… not much faulty herein or the Spaniard if not both Our Officers will not deny but that the Towne was delivered vp vpon conditions but what conditions few knowes base conditions all knowes The souldiers disarmed left to the mercy of the Spaniard their Apparel their vittals and their goods given to the Enemy they put in shipps as captiues taken by the Enemy and turned to the Sea that if God had not extraordinary preserued vs wee had never seene our natiue Countrie Nor to the Spanyard nor yet to our officers doe wee giue the prayse of our safe arriuall but vnto our good God As all dew is so doe we giue the soole honor and prayse of our preseruation from all those manifold dangers One Friday night hauing a crosse wind we cast Anker at the Bayes mouth at which time foure of our 7. Shippes in the night time made away from the Fleete the next day at Evening the Admirall from the Spanish Armado wayed Anker with the rest of the Fleete and went into the Bay againe with our 3 Shipps went in with them On the next day at 6 in the Evening there came command from Don Frederico that Captaine Cherke and Captaine Deshene should goe into two Spanish shipps the reason why it was thus commanded was thought to be because the 4 shipps went away without the Generalls leaue but I rather beleeved their was greater reasons For this Captaine Cherke did as I haue writ before dealt very basely in serching of the wife and daughters to the Governour of Regturo de Plato then was the time or neuer for them to repay him his basenes the other Captaine was he that was our guide to the Countrey of Brasil and to the Towne of Saluedoe for he was there three yeares prisoner as he told me the Spaniard it may be thought that such a man was not for their profit to be returned to Holland On Munday morning the 25 of Iuly the Admirall shot and wayed anchor and we with them went out some fiue daies wee kept with the Fleete but in the night time the sixth day we lost if it may be cald a losse the Spanish Fleete which was bound for Fernabocke so that wee made for Holland and notwithstanding the leaking of our shippes the shortnesse and scarcenesse of our victualls by Gods protection all our seuen ships came safe for England and Holland not looseing 22 men in all our 1650 men In that ship I was in we lost but one and that on the English coast for which all glory and praises be giuen to God of vs which haue been so miraculously deliuered and of
all that wisheth well vnto vs. If any enqnire or require a reason or reasons why I haue caused to be published this small booke it might be answered that it is a booke of newes and is not that a sufficient reason But I answere the maine reasons which haue moued me to publish this booke are these First By the earnest perswasion of some Merchants of London and others which in part heard the relation thereof Secondly That the reading and consideration of this might bee a motiue to all in authoritie that put men in office to beware of aduancing base minded men men that regard goods more then God their owne profit more then the honour of their Prince and Countries especially to beware of aduancing such into offices as respect not their owne credite but will defaime their name by whoreing and drunkennesse and beastly Borish carriages as was some and a great some of their Officers And this kinde of doings did so besot them that they became vnderstandlesse in these weightie affaires for I presuppose that those which chose them sawe something in them worthy the choise I am fully perswaded had they beene such commanders as Iethroe had aduised Moyses to make choise of men that seared God and men of courage ha●ing couetousnesse Saluadoe had borne Orange colours this day but these men feared not God had they feared God they would haue done as good Ezechiah did in time of danger sought to the Lord for helpe not Saul-like to a Southsayer as did Colonel William Scoulton with others these men were so forre from hating of couetousnesse that they loued couetousnesse that is plaine not onely by their ingrossing of Gold Chaines and Iewels in their chests but in that they too vnworthy men gaue places of office for mony and it is most plaine and now euident that they were not men of courage by two or three witnesses may a truth be affirmed but I can bring forth two or ten hundred to confirme this who haue been eye witnesses of their cowardly carriages But let that serue to proue this which is knowne of all their base deliuery vp of the Towne they had at their command 2000 besides 600 Negars this they cannot deny for they receiued ransome after the Towne was giuen vp for so many Let them plead for their basenes as they will and say they had not ammunition and provision I partly knowe the contrary by one of their secreet concell they had to serue for three moneths crediblie so reported but a badge of their cowardlinesse was this their keeping of house when they should haue kept their works and encouraged their Souldiers If search should be made you might indeede find souldiers which haue lost some their armes some their eyes some their legs with other demonstrations of souldiers of courage but let all the Officers that came from Bay be searched and one will not bee found saue the Enginer M. Iose Middleburghe to my knowledge that hath receiued there any wound or scarre by their Enemy I will not deny but they may haue a wound some of them which might bee receiued in the wine-house of the Portingals after the Towne was giuen vp but that rather demonstrate their basenes then their courage their not comming into their works was a great occasion to discourage the souldiers for I did heare the souldiers much complaine of this very thing How may Holland be greiued that so great and Princely a thing fell into the hands of such base cowardly Officers double dishoner haue they done to that Noble Prince Honorable States of the Nether-Lands if they pay their liues for their great basenes what is that to so great losse The best that can be made of this losse is to make choise of Officers for the like enterprises as are men of vnderstanding fearing God loving the Honur of the Prince and Countrie more regarding a good name and credite then an evill reproach with life The third reason of my writing is to set a looking glasse for base and cowardly Officers to looke in wherein they may see their future shame and disgrace if they will persist in such wicked courses such may ride on horses having gold and scarlet to adorne their persons they may haue command of others imprisoning hanging whom they will but looke one our Captaines of Bay they were such but what are they now The day of accompt is come they are in prison their honors is come downe they would be I thinke now content to goe on foote and all their comfort is now they haue more mercifull Iudges then themselues were wherfore all that know your selues to be such in time captivate your basenes least being your selues captivated your basenes be discovered The last Reason of my writing and yet not the least cause is to publish to all that will take notice the wonderfull works of God in these particulars whereof I haue written by the which wee may see Gods proceedings against a people These Portugalls had peace and plentie aboundance of outward blessings and these were continued to them for many yeares but the abuse of these blessings did provoke the Lord to anger and though he did spare them long yet they did not consider it layd it not to heart turne from their wickednes therefore the Lord tooke his owne cause in hand and while they were sacrificing to their Netts the Lord cetch them in his Nett He sent the Hollanders one them who suddenly came against them and laid their honor pride in the dust We were but a handfull in regard of them it was reported they were in the Towne 9000. able to beare armes among them and provision they had for 12. moneths They had a batterie in the water for 9. peeces some of which peeces wayed 41110 pound they had besids 8 Castels great Forts on the water side they had some 70. Peeces of Ordnance in all yet all could not help God was against them and they thought the whole world was come vpon them For among them selues they made report that 10000 thousand was landed whereas there was not landed 2300. God the Captaine of our hoast went before vs who tooke a way from our enemyes all courage and boldnes as he tooke off the Chariots wheeles of Pharaohs hoast the enemyes of Israell before we had once compassed Saluadoe before our Trumpets did sound or our Drummes make an alarum like Iericho to Israell so Saluadoe to vs was delivered vp True was and is that saying which some hath said namely that we tooke not in Saluadoe but Saluadoe tooke vs in Heere was Gods worke and it is worthy to be taken notice off and to be had in everlasting remēbrance it is good for Cities and Countries to take notice of this worke of God take heed least Pharasaically you justifie your selues without iust reason and say you are not such sinners as they lest an hādwriting come against you the words be read except you amend you shall likewise drinke of the cup of Gods wrath which cup of trembling hath bin put into our hands and we haue drunke deepe thereof And justly hath the Lord dealt with vs he gaue vs we got it not by our owne harme honor riches and victory he tooke from our enemyes all their glory and put it into our hands but we haue trampled them vnder our feete Our glory is become our shame thougth we haue ben better taught then they yet indeed we haue done worse then they they sinned in curiositie and daintinesse of dyet but we in glottonie and dronkennesse if it could be we excelled them in pride the sinne of whoredome me thinks was more abominable in our time amongst vs then before amongst our enemyes for their religion giues a dispensation in some cases ours not they could haue pardons before the committing of it but we by our conscience the rule of God tells vs that whoremongers shall not enter into the kingdome of heauen without God giue repentance and pardon And me thinks the sinne of our whore-masters was the greater in that they prostrated themselues to their captivated harlots and to Heathenish Black-amores I doubt I should be tedious if in each particular I should make comparison betwixt our enemyes sins and the sins of our Army onely this I will writ that two things hath beene speciall motiues to cause the Lord to be wrath with vs. Our not consideration of Gods great iudgments on our Enemyes for their sinnes and our great vnthankfulnes for so many so rich vndeserved favours bestowed on vs well may it be sayd to vs that we haue bin a foolish and vnwise people so evelly to requite the Lord our God who gaue vs so many things and hopes of greater matters While we be humbled for these things let other people before warne to take due notice of Gods iudgements and his se●●ritle on sinfull people and in time repent so shalt thou prevent a future repentance and destruction shall not be thy ruine In the last place I bend my exhortation to all these whom God hath giuen honour glory and riches aboue their brethren be sure to abound in thankfulnesse to God as God hath abounded in mercyes to you aboue others thanks is the least thou canst returne to God being the least if thou neglect it me thinks it is one of the greatest motiues to strip thee naked to thy shame and disgrace and to make thee an ensample to others as we that haue benin Saluadoe examples to others Let not any misconster my meaning nor misapply my writting as if I should writ in the disgrace of Hollanders our neighbour Nation and professed friends though it be true that most of the Commanders in this voyage were Dutchmen yet they were but few in regard of the whole Nation and therefore iniustice it is to condemne a Nation for a few false persons and if we should thus censure we shold happily condēne our selues Lay the fault where it ought to be layd and then drunkards whore-masters and vnderstandlesse persons shall justly be condemned not the fault lesse Nation FINIS