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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07957 Our Ladie hath a new sonne C. N., fl. 1595. 1595 (1595) STC 18326; ESTC S113033 28,367 104

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sonne his death wee see that Iohn became thy Sonne what reason els had thy sonne to giue thee so shorte an answere as to say Iohn 2. VVoman what haue I to doe with thee Why did hee not call thee Mother but that thy speech did bewray thy desire to chaunge thy sonne If thy Mother most sweete Lord had any such vnnaturall meaning toward thee that loue aboue nature which made thee intend an act so much vnworthy thy person made her also forget her selfe Loth I dare boldly say she was to part with thee but her excessiue charitie preferred a cōmon profit before her priuate comfort and b. Luk. 2. shee remembred when shee lost the last in three dayes she found thee againe and in hope of like good hap shee is the more willing to parte with thee and because thy selfe hast so appointed it If none had loued Iohn but Mary some cause might haue bin demanded of that loue but since that hee was the Disciple whose name was to be a. Iohn 21. whom Iesus loued what wonder sweet Lord if thy Mother loued him it is a motiue good and sufficient able to abide any triall Againe if likenes causeth loue great reason had shee to make account of Iohn Shee loued thee who wert b. Iohn 1. a God a Man c. Math. 1. her Son What shall we say of Iohn If we say he was a man wee say that which wee say of many If we say he was a God we shall say that which we say of few but vpon thine owne warrant who after thou haddest asked of thine Apostles what mē did say of thee did dest then demaund of them d. Mat. 16. but what say yee of mee as who would say they were no men but Gods but if we say of Iohn that he is Maries son we shall say that of him which we cannot say of any els but thee and in this respect thy Mother thought shee might iustly loue him aboue all creatures next vnto thee wherefore seeing him abashed for the want of wine at his mariage and knowing thee to bee as willing to doe what shee would haue thee doe being her son as able to performe what shee could wish because thou wert also God shee said vnto thee they haue no wine O Mary where diddest thou first become so cunning a beggar thou diddest earnestly desire that there should be more wine and why diddest thou not demaund it If thy loue were such vnto thy Cosen as he did deserue or thy compassion for the want so great as it seemed why didst thou not demaund some wine If thy confidence in thy son were such as it might haue beene or if thy sonne his obedience to thee were such as a. Luk. 2. it is said to haue bin why diddest thou not commaund some wine O paterne of humilitie O example of rare vertue thou wert contented rather to expect somwhat what that thy sonne would then to giue the aduenture to bee denayed what he should not think meet at that time to be graunted and therefore wouldest goe no farther than to shewe their want and saidst They haue no wine b. Iohn 2. And Iesus saith vnto her woman what haue I to doe with thee O most sweete Lord what answere is this she is thy Mother sayest thou vnto her what haue I to doe with thee Was it thy custome c. Mark 10. by whome wee are commanded to honour our Parents to giue thy Mother such sharpe answers wee haue not heard of much communication betwixt thee and her and yet that little which hath bin hath bin very bitter When thou wert lost in the Temple she asked thee after that she found thee a. Luke 2. Sonne why hast thou so done vnto vs thy father and I sorrowing did seeke thee thou gauest her this anuswere why sought yee me b. Math. 12. Againe beeing told that thy mother and brethren were without seeking thee thou didst aske who was thy Mother thy brethren adding moreouer that who so should doe the will of thy Father which is in Heauen hee was thy brother thy sister and thy mother But what encouragement was this to those which heard thee to doe the will of thy Father when they see the little reckoning thou madest of her which was thy mother and of thy bretheren that they were vnworthy eyther to come into thee or that thou shouldest goe forth to them At thy death also diddest thou not after a sort denay thy Mother when thou saidst vnto her her company a. Luke 23. VVeepe not on me but weepe on your selues and on your Children If thou diddest take her to be thy Mother how could she weepe on her Children and not weepe on thee Surely O Lord these speeches were very straunge considering what a dutifull sonne thou wert said to be but aboue all this answere VVoman what haue I to do with thee seemeth intollerable Heauen earth doe witnes that she is thy mother and askest thou of her Woman what haue I to doe with thee wherfore should the Holy Ghost come downe vpon her the power of the most high ouershadow her if that holy one which should be borne of her should not be called the Son of God and doest thou aske of her what haue I to doe with thee b. Math. 13 All the earth doth witnes thou wert the Carpenters sonne and askest thou of her what haue I to doe with thee Diddest thou not thy selfe solicite her a. Luke 1. by thine Angell Gabriell to be her sonne and she humblie entertained thy messenger granting thee thy sute wherevpon thou haddest all that thy heart could desire askest thou nowe of her what haue I to doe with thee She bare thee nine monthes in her wombe she brought thee into this world shee carefully nursed thee with great sorrowe and heauines b. Math. 2. she fled into Egipt to saue thy life and now for a requitall doost thou aske her VVoman what haue I to doe with thee What businesse haddest thou most louing Lord that thou couldest finde nothing to do with thy Mother wert thou belike so earnest in thy Fathers affaires that thou forgattest thy Mother surely thy minde was very much occupied or els thou wouldest at the least haue remembred that she was thy mother not haue spoken vnto her as to a straunger VVoman what haue I to doe with thee O Marie thou knowest not nowe what thy sonne meaneth but thou shalt know afterwarde marke well that word woman when thou hearest it next attend what followeth He hath nowe partly resigned thee vp to Iohn in saying woman but not vvholy for he hath not as yet added Behold thy sonne Hee foresaw what sorow thou vvouldest suffer at his Passion and therfore reserued this comfort vntill then as a fresh reuiuing of thy dying spirits Behold thy sonne The time was not yet to commit thee to his custodie because himselfe was
the third day arise Peter tooke thee vnto him and rebuking thee said Lord be it far from thee this shall not be vnto thee wherefore he deserued to heare go after me Sathan thou art a scandall vnto me because thou sauourest not the thinges which are of God but the things which are of mē Iohn remembring these words thought hee could not without offending thee either wishe or worke thy safetie and therefore chose to leese thee rather than thy fauour and to breath without his life then bereaue himselfe of thy loue He knew right wel more than twelue Legions of Angels ready at thy call Math. 26. both where and when thou wouldest haue vsed them it booted not to striue against the streame he was too weake it was in vaine to offer himself to death his time was not yet come although that present death had bin but one for all and now escaping this he dyed many deaths by liuing one loathsome life Had his heart beene as hard as stone it had been riuen in a thousand peeces but beeing soft it did relent at euery stroake that still he seemed dying and yet hee liued still suffering the more because hee could and died not rather as hee desired for nothing coulde haue bin a greater ease to him thā that which should haue beene an end of all his griefe And whilst he waded more more into a sea of sorrow he see a heauie Crosse laide on his Masters shoulders Iohn 19. and the souldiers some drawing some driuing him vnto the Mount Caluarie to bee crucified among the theeues Here might ye see infinite multitudes of people flocking to this spectacle the like whereof could neuer be seene againe Among the rest he espied the blessed Virgin but sorrowfull Mother whome after he had saluted in as dutifull maner as he might what sighes what sorrows what complaints were made by one to the other the mother for her only dearely beloued sonne the Disciple for his intirely louing Master both of them for their only comfort their harts ioy their souls delight Neyther of them were able to containe themselues from teares especially our blessed Lady who had a warrant from her sonne to ease her hart somewhat that way when hee bad the women which followed him to weepe vppon themselues and on their children Luke 23. They passe on together with now and then halfe a worde sorrow deuiding it a sunder but being both of one minde and grieuing for the selfe same losse the signes they made were easily vnderstood How often did they wish that heauy crosse vppon some other shoulders and then contrould themselues they see him faint and woulde most faine hee shoulde haue had some ease they knewe againe that by that meanes hee shoulde bee sooner gone and therefore knewe not what to wish yet at the length seeing no hope of life and waying the crueltie of the Iewes they reioysed not a little to see an other take the crosse Mat. 27. wishing earnestly their paines might haue procured that rest And nowe that this grieuous labour groweth to an ende and much sorrow beginneth euen in thinges insensible howe much more was our blessed Ladie afflicted seeing her sonne so cruellie handled and with sorrowfull sighes began to bewaile her selfe somtime to him other times to S. Iohn sometimes to the Iewes who seeing her excessiue griefe coulde not but take compassion vpon her Who will giue water vnto my head saith she and a Fountaine of teares vnto mine eyes to bewaile both day night the murther not of any other then mine owne and onlie sonne My daies of ioy are turned into griefe and my song notes into sighes of sorrow Bewaile me ye hils and mountaines lament me yee flouds and Fountaines since that of a Mother of peace ioy I am become the Daughter of teares and sorrow Mourne yee beasts of the earth weepe yee foules of the ayre euery thing which liueth grieue since that life it selfe by whom ye all haue life leaueth to liue any longer among you O who of you all once his chosen people now his chiefest enemies can accuse him of the least sin that ye cause him to die with great shame his pittifull cries do so pierce the heauens as they are ashamed of this your cruell fact and seeke to couer it with a wofull darkenes and ye alone of all creatures are so hard harted as ye discouer nothing to be in you but a wilfull deafenes Had not hee himselfe come vnto you and done those thinges which neuer any did and done them to testefie that hee was Gods sonne yee might haue had some excuse for this sinne but hauing done so many good deedes among you as yee all haue iust cause to loue him for which of them all doo you kill him a. Iohn 18 it is not lawfull for you yee say to kill any man and is it lawfull for you to put Gods sonne and mine to death yee gaue not the sentence of death against him but why then were all other iudgments vtterly condemned by you did yee not bewray howe much yee desired that he shuld die this death when as vpon euery light motiō or opportunity offered to speake no other eccho rebounded in all the Pallace a. Mat. 27 then Let him be crucified without any remorce either for his daylie good desertes or the Iudge his own decree Too cruell were yee all but much more friendly cruell was Pilate than were ye because he vsed that cruelty to procure his liberty hoping that after this my son had abiddē al maner of abuses euen vntil the souldiers were tired with euill vsing him his affliction wold haue mooued ye to some compassion therefore he brought forth vnto you so lamētable a spectacle Iohn 19. as no hart but yours would not but melt with griefe to behold him yee continued still your former notes crying out vntill yee were hoarse with crying crucifie him Iohn 19. crucifie him what said ye why so because ye wil haue no other king but Caesar Alas he neuer labored to make himselfe a king although no man had more right to be your king than he a. Iohn 6. but rather fled whē it was vrged vpon him b. Mat. 17 and was willing to pay all duties as a subiect euen from the time that hee was eight daies old O how well haue ye tried well alas not well that he seeketh not that which is his own our selues only excepted when as wrangling with him for his cloake c. Iohn 9 he deliuored also vnto you his coate and bore all your whippes vpon his bare back True it is that Pilate gaue the sentence of death not because hee iudged him worthy of death for after diuers examinations hee openlie protested that d. Luk. 23 he found no cause of death in him but because he feared that ye would falsly and slanderously informe Caesar against him if he should