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cause_n good_a great_a king_n 5,512 5 3.6764 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02986 A briefe discouse of the merueylous victorie gotten by the king of Nauarre, against those of the holy League, on the twentieth of October 1587 Both in English, and in French as it was printed in Fraunce. Whereunto is added as soone as it came to my hand since the first impression, the true copie of a letter sent by the king of Nauarre to his secretary at Rochil, aswel in confirmation of the victorie against the Duke Ioyeuse, as also the ouerthrow that the Switzers gaue to the Duke of Guise. Henry IV, King of France, 1553-1610. True copie of a letter sent by the king of Navarre to his secretary at Rochil. 1587 (1587) STC 13129; ESTC S119810 4,864 18

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A Briefe discourse of the merueylous victorie gotten by the King of Nauarre against those of the holy League on the twentieth of October 1587. Both in English and in French as it was printed in Fraunce Whereunto is added as soone as it came to my hand since the first Impression The true copie of a Letter sent by the King of Nauarre to his Secretary at Rochil aswel in confirmation of the victorie against the Duke Ioyeuse as also the ouerthrow that the Switzers gaue to the Duke of Guise LONDON Printed by Iohn Wolfe dwelling in Distaffe Lane neare the signe of the Castle 1587. ¶ A briefe discourse of the merueylous victorie gotten by the king of Nauarre against those of the holy league on the twentieth of October 1587. THe King of Nauarre took his way toward his Armie being straungers by the borders of those prouinces which fauoured him most and to this purpose he was to passe the riuers of Drougne and Lile The Duke of Ioyeuse had in charge to hinder the abouesaid passages notwithstanding all daungers that might ensue thinking that hauing ouer throwne the king of Nauarre by all likelyhoods of reason the armie that was come out of Germanie and from other places to his aide should not be able to doo anie good The King of Nauarre accompanied with the Prince of Conde and the Earle of Soysson determined resolutely to passe the said riuers But the Duke of Ioyeuse opposed himselfe to hinder them being strong and hauing a great number of horse-men with him which the King of Fraunce had sent him The Duke of Ioyeuse tooke vp his lodging at Barbezieux and afterward at Chalais The King of Nauarre tooke his vp at Archiac and afterward at Monlieu and the nearest places thereunto both parties hauing fully determined to get the passage of the riuer of Drougne and especially the lodging of Coutras whereas most conueniently they might passe There passed manie occasions of fighting by the way and the King of Nauarre according to his wonted diligence got the lodging called Coutras vpon Drougne an houre before the Duke Ioyeuse could come Who had alreadie sent certaine light horse-men to take the place who at the comming of the King left it This was on Monday in the euening being the nyntenth of October On Tuesday next following betimes in the morning the Duke of Ioyeuse marched forward and encamped himselfe betweene the Roch Chalais Coutras with all his armie and pointed to fight his field halfe a league from Coutras with the most vantage that might be The king of Nauar on the otherside of Coutras goeth and setteth his men forward in battaile ray causeth his ordinance to passe the riuer the which the euening before he could not do and caused them to be brought before him and determined with all his men to bée readie to fight whom hée found verie willing and forward He caused euerie companie first to enter into prayer to almighty God He appointed his armie in such sort that all his ordinance might do him seruice without hurting any of his owne men In so much that indéede his ordinance did that which was done to great good purpose the Harchebuses did the like so that there was not any one part of his armie but that got great benefit of victorie And yet the king by the iudgement of men had the chiefest victorie of all So that about eight of the clocke the ordinance beganne to play and before nine of the clocke they came to handy strockes The battaile was quickly ended being a thing most straunge by meanes of the great difference that was in the multitudes of the Duke Ioyeuse his men so that at ten of the clock there was not one man amongst the enimies that did fight Although that in this most notable euerthrow as yet there appeareth not aboue twentie men lost on the King of Nauars side nor anie man of calling or that had any gouernment vnder him The King of Nauarre was so forward that grasping with the enemie endaungered himselfe greatly The Prince of Conde had his horse staine vnder him The Earle of Soysson tooke with his owne hand diuers prisoners The Lord of Turenes horse was slaine vnder him God who had appointed the successe of the battaile gaue the victorie to the King of Nauarre in the which the Duke Ioyeuse was slaine All his chiefe men were either slaine or taken except the Lord of Lauerdin of whom as yet they know not what is become Many auncients and standards were taken and amongst them the chiefe standard of al. The footemen all slaine The ordinance taken The carriage lost About thrée houres after the battaile was done being returned to the place where the battaile was fought they rendred great thankes vnto God They buried the dead They burned the lodgings of the enemy And they did all other things that might beséeme such a notable victorie God of his goodnes graunt that in like sort it may continue to the benefite of this Realme The King of Nauarre notwithstanding his good successe séeketh to win his aduersaries by his great curtefie hauing entreated his prisoners and such as were wounded in such sort as that they haue great cause to acknowledge and confesse that he loueth France and French men and knoweth well how to discerne those that are of the League being enemies of the countrey as hée would doo if he could euen in the midst of the greatest force of the battaile The names of such as were slaine Monsieur de Ioyeuse Monsieur de Sainct Sauueur his brother Monsieur de la Roche du Maine the yonger Monsieur le Comte de la Suze Monsieur de Fumel Monsieur de Roussay the yongest de Piennes guidon de Monsieur de Ioyeuse Monsieur de Nensuy de perigort the elder Monsieur le Comte de Gouallo Monsieur le Comte Daubijou Le Sieur de Coullons brother to the Comte de la Suze Le Sieur de Brize the bearer of the Cornette blanche Le fils du Sient de Rochefort Croyzette Le Sieur de Guzacq Cornette de Maumont Le Sieur du Bourdet de Xaintonge standard bearer of Sainct Luc. Le Sieur de Vaux Lieutenant de la compagnie de Monsieur de Belle-garde Lenseigne du Sieur de Montigni Tarcelin Maistre de Camp Le Chesnel his cheefe Capitaine La Vallade one of his Captaines Le Capitaine Boculaud Le Ieune Campelz qui portoit vn drapeau Le Sieur de Pleuiault Le Sieur de Sainct Fort guidon de Sainct Luc. Le Baron de Theunes La Brangere All these were men that had charge vnder them Prisoners taken and some of them wounded Monsieur de Belle-garde taken and hurt Monsieur de-Sainct Luc. Monsieur de Sansac Monsieur de Cypierre Monsieur le Marquis de Piennes Monsieur de Gautrel Monsieur de Montigny Capitainé de la Porte Monsieur de Ville-comblin Lieutenant de Monsieur de Souuray Monsieur de Chasteaurenard guidon du