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A80404 Supplementum chirurgiæ or The supplement to the marrow of chyrurgerie. Wherein is contained fevers, simple and componnd [sic], pestilential, and not, rickets, small pox and measles, with their definitions, causes, signes, prognosticks, and cures, both general, and particular. As also the military chest, containing all necessary medicaments, fit for sea, or land-service, whether simples, or compounds, such as purge, and those that do not; with their several vertues, doses, note of goodness, &c as also instruments. Amongst which are many approved receipts for several diseases. / By James Cooke, practitioner in physick, and chirurgery. Cooke, James, 1614-1694.; Cooke, James, 1614-1694. Mellificium chirurgiæ. 1655 (1655) Wing C6017; Thomason E1516_1; ESTC R208558 134,119 445

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a threefold consideration especially First when healthful windes do not blow this is evident for if the aire be not difflated and moved with the winde it easily corrupts Secondly when it 's defiled with polluted putrid and stinking vapours and this is most powerful and most frequent those vapours arise from Marshes Lakes Pooles Bogs Fish-ponds or other watery places which are standing or stuffed with filthy matter or waters wherein is steep'd lime hemp or from stinking Sinkes Dunghils and narrow lanes that stink or from dead carcases unburied Or from caves and dens in which the aire hath been very long shut up le ts out a stinking putridness by Earth-quakes or by other accident Thirdly as the aire exceeds in its first quality or it be in a preposterous condition so it afflicts men this happens various wayes but especially when it exceeds too much in hotness moistnesse being the principle of corruption hence the South-winde continuing long hath beene a speciall cause of all pestilential Fevers if it exceed in drinesse it 's lesse hurtful yet an enemy to our nature therefore if it extraordinarily exceed it procures the like affect with the other especially if therewithal be joyned excessive hotnesse by this also is fruit corrupted If it exceed in coldnesse it procures pestilent Fevers by stopping the pores whence is procured greater putrefaction and more grievous venosity and hence these Fevers are more dangerous then in Summer because then the passages are more open through which that which is putrid easily exhales and preternatural afflux from the naturall is fitly breathed out The inequalities of the times are wont to be the cause of these Fevers viz. when it 's one while hot then cold now dry then moist succeeding one another oft interchanging and continuing long as when after long heat comes extreme cold suddenly or when after long raine extreme drynesse followeth so contrary or when the aire is preposterous as hot in winter and cold in summer for hence is procured great confusion of humours thence acquiring an ill condition fit to produce maligne Fevers especially in those bodies which before by reason of ill diet are plethorick cacochymick or have notable obstructions To these causes may be added the aire altered by the afflux of ill Planets as the ☌ of ♄ ♃ and ♂ in which are humane signes especially ♂ being Lord and by these diseases are procured from no other cause then by the change of the aire Now this change is either from a manifest quality i. e. when from their influence the aire is changed or from an occultnesse when from the hidden force of the starres without notable excesse in the first qualities The first is undubitable and consented to by al Philosophers that these inferiours are governed by the superiour constellations for as the alteration of the aire which happens quarterly ariseth from the annual motion of the Sunne so the great diversity of years one being very moist another very dry when as the Sunne holds the same course in the Zodiack every year it could not be unlesse it depended upon the various Aspects of the Stars though the other not so easily beleeved is proved by Astrologers To these may be added Eclipses Meteors especially Comets which seldome ever appear but epidemical and pestilent diseases and various mutations follow in the world as may appear by the effects of that which appeared November 17. 1610. to the truth of which all Europe may give an experimentall testimony The next cause is Aliment when by reason of a certaine ill diet morjapparatus is drawn on which is the cause sine qua non and the efficient internal of all maligne and pestilent Fevers for from ill and corrupt nourishment pestilential diseases arise especially if it happen from the foresaid constitutions of the aire Famine is another cause according to the proverb A Plague followes a Famine for then the poorer sort filling themselves with ill aliment thence followes an ill habit and especially if after penury comes suddenly plenty for then they too suddenly gorging themselves with much meat which cannot by reason of the weak heat of the parts be rightly concocted whence a maligne putridnesse is acquired Again when Aliments good in themselves acquire a putrid ill quality such as Wheat Barley when either too long kept or put into ill and noysome places so also flesh or when it dies of it self For drink these may cause viz. putrid and corrupt wine and water of corrupt and putrid and stinking Lakes also other corrupted liquor The last is the non-natural as excretion and retention motion and rest sleeping and waking and the passions of the minde and these may be looked upon onely as adjuvant causes disposing the body to receive maligne putrefaction First the retention of the Menses in women other accustomed evacuations in men as the Hemorrhoids Hemorrhagiae and Fluxes of the belly which in some happen by intervals if they fall out in Epidemical constitutions they usually produce maligne diseases for that which should be cast out as superfluous and burdensome to nature being retained easily beget putrefaction So too great evacuations either of blood or other humours much weakens the body diminisheth the native heat which receives more easily the pollution of the ill and pestilent aire Too much idlenesse and too much exercise also affects the first for want of free ventilation which causeth putrefaction the other opening the pores and dissolving the heat makes a more easie way to receive the seed of contagion Too much sleep heap up many excrements and fills the body with humidities which most easily putrefie But too much watching generates crudities more then the native heat is able to regulate whence many obstructions are caused and so transpiration is hindered which generate putrefaction Passions of the minde as vehemently to move the body and disturbe the humours greatly hasten on this evill especially fear and sorrow which calls the vital spirits inward whence the strength of the heart being much broken is lesse able to resist danger yea and the commotion of the humours in the veines and their vehement disturbance dejects the natural constitution and begets maligne putrefaction However it 's thought the Plague in armies is more raging not so much from the ill diet as the apprehension of the danger of death Prognosticks are uncertaine therfore no event to be assured till there be manifest conquest either of the disease or nature Prognos which is discernable either at the end of the state or the beginning of the declination therefore in the beginning and encrease judgement is to be suspended if the Pulse keeps equal and in order in these Fevers although the Fever appears great there is alwayes good hope but contrary if inordinate unequal and contracted dangerous especially if it hath appeared weak from the beginning yet these differences of Pulses are not so pernicious in maligne as in common Fevers for although the Pulse intermitting in young is deadly
good Thus much of the causes before birth Now of those incident to children after birth which are 1. Errors in the use of the six non naturals 2. Preceding diseases For the first considering children are seldome given to vehement passions of the minde and are unfit for venery the five other shall onely be touched The first is aire which procures this affect if too cold and moist which usually is most frequent in the beginning of the spring Be then cautious As also when the aire is cloudy thick rainy and full of vapourous exhalations therefore places neere the Sea great marshes houses neere the banks of great Rivers Ponds Meeres are condemned Also too frequent bathings in sweet waters cold and moist linnen soft linnen not well dri'd Use rather course cloaths and woolly coverings each of which by rubbing and tickling the parts excites and augments the inward heate and irritates a more copious afflux of vital blood to the habit of the body Secondly if infected with metalline exhalations as lead antimony quick-silver c. as also ointments made of them used Hence children anointed with mercuriall ointments for the scabs have after fallen into this disease Thirdly a vehement and subtile aire for it extremely attenuates and dissolves the inherent spirits Also hot ointments hot sharp saltish baths Fourthly aire filled with narcotick vapours also medicines of the same quality as Hemlock nightshade c. these procure a benumb'dnesse to the first affected parts and dull and diminish the vitall influx of those parts The second is Meat and drink As 1. All aliments too moist and cold as fish and crude meats too plentiful diet cold and moist medicines also taken inwardly 2. Such aliments as are too thick tough and obstructive as hung beefe salt fish bread new drawn almost all sweet things 3. Such as are of an extreame hot and biting quality sharp and corrosive as old and strong wines pepper spice and immoderate hot medicines Thirdly Motion rest exercise and actions i. e. if they exceed a mean defect in motion and want of exercise doth most effectually procure the disease for by this meanes the instruments of motion are dull'd Fourthly sleeping and watching as if too excessive or defective they procure the same evils as the like in rest and motion Fifthly things praeternaturally cast out and retain'd of this more largely for all the internal causes of diseases may not incommodiously be reduced to this although more rightly they may be distinguished into two kindes 1. Those things preternaturally retain'd and cast forth 2. Such things as are contain'd in the body preternaturally altered The latter are not onely removed by casting out but by alteration m●y be reduced to an agreeable proportion of nature However there 's a great affinity betwixt both It 's matter of judgement to know humors particularly predominant in diseases and also by what ways they may be spied out which are various yet not unfitly comprehended under the four humors viz. choler phlegme c. Whether excrementitious humours retain'd or vitiated by alteration the interne causes of diseases Onely blood properly so call'd is scarce here faulty Onely choler melancholy phlegme and a waterish humor or an undue transpiration and sweating Choler if it abound may probably be the cause of this affect being apt to hinder the nourishment of the parts and consume and dissipate the natural spirits Melancholy if superabounding and not purg'd out after a due manner may be arrested as cause of this disease For it rendereth the blood unapt to nourish the parts especially those first affected But Thirdly phlegme if retain'd or abounding may more properly be call'd the cause of this disease For it 's cold moist slow thick benumb'd little spirituous soft and affected with an internal slipperinesse The next is the undue transpiration of these humors as also immoderate or defective sweating which may be sometimes numbred among the causes of this affect For they dissipate the spirits and withall dissolve the parts especially the external which in this disease are first affected If they be retain'd they easily kindle a feaverish heat which likewise injure the spirits and dissolve the parts Both of them exposing the parts to a cold distemper And Lastly any humor cast out above measure doth easily procure a wasting of the parts and dissipates the spirits leaving the body to this affect Thus much for non-naturals We lastly come to diseases which preceding may be the cause of this disease 1. Some have affinity with it as any cold distemper or moist or both together ill habit from too much phlegme melancholy and mixt obstructions proceeding from such humors a cachexia dropsey c. 2. Such diseases as make leane the body as daily long diseases also all feavers especially the hectick ulcers of the lungs with a putrid feaver any continual feaver that 's violent as a burning maligne pestilent feaver pleurisie inflammation of the lungs small Pox c. Also all fluxes of blood or otherwise diseases that by consequence waste the substance of the parts as diseases of the stomack guts Mesentery spleen liver c. yea diseases in the Jawes mouth and throat that hinder eating also wormes teeth apoplexy palsy c. Luxations fractures of thighs legs or backbone also tumors paeines or like affects hindering the walking playing standing c. of children Progn Prognosticks This disease in its kinde is not mortal Sometimes it 's so gentle as that it 's wrought off by age Sometimes so vehement that it rejects all applications and concludes in death Hence Prognosticks are seriously to be contempl●ted that the event may be discovered If it invade before birth its most dangerous seldom if ever ends in health It discovering a deprivation of the seminary principles and insinuates a vehemency in the causes The more early it afflicts after birth the more dangerous If it depend on the natural inclination proceed from preceding diseases dangerous Not altogether so if either contracted by the meere error of the nurse or from an erroneous regiment of health If the backbone be weak the neck cannot support the head danger of life If the first affected parts be extenuated the head be great they unwillingly draw their knees upward or suffer them to be extended it s also hard to cure Girles as they are more easily infested so they are more easily cured then boyes If the swellings in the bones of the wrists and ribs be great it will be of long continuance As also if either the bones be crooked as of Armes and Legs or there be great bending of the joints If with the Rickets there be complicated a dropsey of the head especially if the futures gape mortal If they breed teeth painfully if with the Rickets be conjoyned an Asthma Phthisick Dropsey French pox deadly If there be the scurvy strumatical tumors either within or without little hopes If the teeth wax black and fall out by peeces dangerous They who easily endure agitation
habit of the body Signes Signes are either such as are general or particular belonging to its differences the first heat without pain because now there 's an alteration of the solid parts at the beginning its weak for the vapors are few after more biteing because in the solid parts greater in the arteries being communicated from the heart more an houre or two after meat without horror or trembling with the pulse great and swift which ceaseth the meat being distributed the heat drieth the radical moisture wasteth the humors and consumeth all the fat in the body it 's double first sine Tabe Differ when the dewy moisture of the parts is not yet wasted when it begins it 's difficultly knowne in the progresse there are signes of a diary the heat increaseth the third day after meat others cum Tabe and that 's double one called Marasmodes when the dewy moisture is wasted and the fleshy substance vanisheth then the body waxeth lean the temples-fall the palmes of the hands and soales of the feet are hot the excrements of the belly and urin fatty If there be as bran in the urin the bladder not affected tumor of the legs flux of the belly death is threatened The other is when the fibrous and membranous substance is violated hence follows Marasmus which sometimes falls out preternaturally in young and old sometimes arising from defect of aliment extinction of the heat either because of age or a schyrrhous tumor II. Some are simple others are complicate either cum putrida intermittente and then the greater part of the heat remaineth in fieri lesse passeth in factum and then in the end of the fit the place of the arteries are hot the rest of the parts temperate pulse quick meat strengthens not or cum putrida continua and then it 's difficultly knowne there remaines a dry hotnesse after the end of the declination or whole feaver the body is more extenuated the urin is fatty and oily Of these and their degrees vide Medul Chirurg Causes Causes thereof are either other feavers as burning and long feavers or diseases of the inward bowels especially the heart and parts of the breast kidneys stomack midriffe or external evident causes which waste the substance of the solid parts c. Progn Progn The first degree is easily cured the third incurable the second betwixt both the hectick most oft assaults from 28. to 35. yeares for in that time heat is more intense and more easily drawes on wasting that which breakes out before this age or a little after more easily invades and is sometimes cured or the life may be continued a long time by palliating means especially in women Cure Cure If it have its original from another disease that 's to be removed before it can be cured if complicated with a putrid feaver the putrid is to be removed by bleeding and purging as also medicaments opening and hindering putrifaction in the interim the hectick is not to be neglected If it be simple then first use coolers and moistners inwardly as Flor. violur borrug buglossae sem quatuor frig lac perlarum corallorum and others very gentle lest the weak heat be overthrown as ℞ aq endiv. lactucae acetos ana ℥ iiij syr viol nymph pomor ana ℥ j. Misc f. julep pro tribus dos bis in die sumendis per plures dies continuandis or ℞ hord integr p. j. f. endiv. cichor lactuc. pimpinel ana Mj. flor borrag buglos viol nymphaeae ana p. j. prunor Damasc par iiij coq ad lb js in colat dissol syr de cichor simpl de nymph an ℥ ij f. Julep pro quatuor dosibus of the same Simples make broth thus ℞ rad Chinaeʒ j s. hord integr P. ij quatuor sem frigid major ℥ s. contunde iisque impleatur venter capi aut pulli junioris fiat juscul cui add sacch ros ʒ s. cap. per longum tempus it strengthens and feeds ℞ Amygdal excortic in aq frigid infus ℥ j. sem quatuor frig maj papav alb a. ʒ j. contund in mortar marmor sensim affund aq hord lb j. in colat dissol manus Christi perlat ℥ iiij f. emuls pro tribus dosibus if you would cool more adde to every dose of Julep and Emulsion Sal. prunel ℈ ij velʒ j. observe it 's more profitable to cure by degrees then too suddenly and moisteners are alwayes more safe then coolers because they exercise their power more gently and slowly Secondly purging if necessary are Cassia Manna vel syr ros these onely cast out yet if crudities stuffe the first region which may be produced from the weaknesse of the stomack then use an infus ex Rhabarb cum decoct Prunor Tamarind Myrob Bugloss Viol. if there be not great weaknesse if putrifaction be joyned those purgers that draw may be used Thirdly diet this in all Chronical diseases is of chiefe use here and more then medicam therefore there 's special care to be taken that it be cooling and moisten as the milk of women asses cowes unlesse a putrid fever be present also broths of chickens cocks capons veal kid mutton yolks of eggs with barley lettice purslaine c. also their flesh with phesant partridge young hare panadoes hordeates oatmeal-candles rice-pottage especially if there be a flux adde sugar and a few almonds or rather the cold-seeds Boyled meat is better then roast if the latter be desired then roast it lesse and temper it with the juice of limons oranges c. for fish use those that are taken in gravelly places Vide medul Chirur. For fruit apples coole the blood pears prunes stewed or currants thus prepared ℞ passul mund lb. j. temperentur in aq endiv. bugl rosar abluantur diligentissimè ut vis laxandi amoveatur posteà in iisdem aq decoq. leviter add paulul sacch ad perfectionem cum quo serventur usui iísque utatur aeger mane post singulos pastus They nourish the body without heating but because the hectick heat is fixed in the solid parts therefore those aliments which are solid and viscous are fit to be used to dissipate it as the legs and feet of animals flesh of snailes crabs tortoises and frogs by these the parts are easily agglutinated and the drinesse of the solid parts removed they being not easily wasted with the feaverish heat but these are onely to be exhibited in the beginning whil'st there remaines strength in the concoctive faculty but in the confirmation not but rather those of more easie concoction unlesse they be fitly prepared i. e. boyled to consumption or prepared by contusion especially testudines terrestres not onely in a simple Hectick but also cum Tabe They are divers wayes prepared either boyled in water till they bee dissolved and cast away the shells and after boyled again in aq cichorii acetos borag hordei prunor if a hectick be simple but if cum Tabe then cum fol. rubi
veines afflicting every 4th day Signes As there are various differences arising from several causes so the signes vary also which are as followeth Retching yawning and heavinesse of the whole body cold following which in the beginning is little in the progresse like those who are very cold in winter-time not so pricking as breaking the heat because of the thicknesse of the matter burnes little the sick hath two well-dayes betwixt his fits Hence it falling again on the third day the ignorant call it a Tertian The pulse is rare and slow but in the vigour of the fit quick and frequent Urine in the beginning thin and watery after more coloured and thick Sweat at first very little but after in abundance The bones are as if they were broken whence the pain perceived in quartanes is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The signes of the spurious are dejection of the appetite vehement thirst paine of the head rednesse of the urine and as follow in other Fevers if it be dangerous then there is great weaknesse on the fit-day the urine is very red and troubled Cause Causes of the true is a melancholick humour putrifying gathered in the mesaraick veines and neighbouring parts from the like causes amongst the which is vineger The spurious is either from choler adust or melancholy mixt with a portion of bile some are of themselves without any other disease preceding others follow some diseases Those that are dangerous arise from burning diseases generated of atrâ bile from the adustion of the melancholick humour or yellow bile converted into ashes Prog. Progn It 's of long continuance and sometimes lasts a yeare especially if it begin in the Autumne yet more hard if from atrâ bile If it fall out in old the weaknesse of the heat being not able to conquer the matter If it be double i. e. when two fits fall out by two continual dayes and the third day escapes if it be joyned with a grievous affect of any of the bowels more easie if it be legitimate and the bowels not affected if in summer if black urine appear all the signes of concoction are specially to be eyed It 's deadly if it change to a quotidian quia fit mutatio illius febris quae for●s movetur in eam quae intrà a quartane following an epilepsie cures it A dysentery if short is safe otherwise deadly bleeding at nose coming upon a quartane pessima est because the humour causing a quartane being thick cannot be evacuated at the nose Therefore such evacuations during long cause a dropsie therefore it 's presently to be prevented by opening the basilica by which the putrid blood is drawn out and the pure hindred from flowing at the nose Cure Cure is to begin with more gentle means after with more strong first open either the median vel basilica presently in the beginning the first wayes being evacuated if plethora be present not presently if it be absent in more abundance if the blood come forth black and thick but if it be thin presently stay it To evacuate the first wayes use these ℞ rad buglos ℥ ij herb 4. emol mercurial betae an Mi. prunor dulc par 5. 4. semi frig major anisi an ʒ ij epithy ʒ iij. coq ad lb j s. in colat dissol catholici ℥ j. ol viol cham an ℥ js sacch rub ℥ j. f. clyst injiciendus pridiè sequentis potionis horá commodâ ℞ sen mund ℥ s. scm anisiʒ j. flor borag fumar an Mi. liquir ʒ iij. coq ad ℥ iij. in colat dissol mannae syr ros an ℥ j. f. pot In the beginning purge gently lest it turne to a double or treble quartane or a continual should be caused the dayes free from fits are best both to purge and bleed in yet sometimes blood may be drawn on the same day five or six houres before the fit because the humour beginning to move rhey are more easily drawn forth Zacutus thinks it most profitable to be done in the full of the Moon for then by the force of it the terrene humour is boyled and made more fluid and so more fit to be drawn By this he eased many and prevented other dangerous diseases It 's dangerous to reiterate bleeding for thereby the body is cooled and the disease made more contumacious yet if the Hemorrhoids be not open which is very profitable leeches may be applied and those excellently draw away the next cause of the disease heaped up in the meseraicks especially if the matter tend thither which is known by the itching of the fundament and in those in which the hemorrhoids never flow Malleoli vena post brachii phlebotomiam utiliter aperitur whence oft the Fever ceaseth or ends the sooner especially in women whose courses are stopped or flow more sparingly The opening of the left hand salvatella by Zacutus is esteemed admirable but especially ad Quart contumacem saphenae sec in pede mirabilis Some do it in the conjunction others in the decrease of the Moon two houres before the fit for three fits following 2. The offending matter is to be concocted and prepared by iteration with splenetick humecters as are fumaria capill Veneris Ceterach rad eringii decoct raporum syr de pom. redolentibus c. Or ℞ asparag brusci cichorii buglos macerat in vino alb an ℥ j. cortic tamarisc ℥ s. fol. borrag buglos ceterach capill Veneris fumariae chamaed chamaepit an M. j. liquirit ℥ j. flor trium cordial an p. 1. coq ad lb j. s. in colat dissol syr Byzant capil Veneris an ℥ ij f. Julep pro iiij dosibus matutinis quae etiam ulteriùs continuandae sunt ad multos dies For the contumacy of the matter needs long preparing If the sick be more dainty broths may be prepared of part of the foresaid simples chosing those more grateful to which profitably may be added as also to Juleps crcm tart In the time of preparing purgings are to intervene every third or fourth day giving some cathartick with this caution that so long as the matter is very crude the more gentle are to be used but concoction increasing a little more strong The matter of the purgers are to be noted that they need not be enumerated Sometimes it 's profitable to prescribe an Apoz both preparing and purging for foure or five doses which may be composed of the matter of the foresaid Julep with addition of purges by which a good part of the diseased matter may be drawn forth If the crassenesse and oppugnancy of the humour with a cold distemper of the bowels adjoyning threaten length of the disease and dropsie then more powerful movers are to be used as ℞ rad 5. a periti in vino alb maceratarum an ℥ j. rad enul camp gentian aristoloch asari an ℥ s. fol. chamaedrys agrimon lupul. borag ceterach absinth centau minor an M. j liquir ras passul mund an ℥ j.
handling the Small Pox and Measles which are perpetually accompanied with malignity and therefore not undeservedly by Authors handled in one book CAP. I. De Febre Pestilenti THese Fevers are called pestilent which are infested not onely with a meere distemper or putrid heat but also with a maligre and venomous quality they are contagious drawn in by accompanying the sick as well as from common causes to wit the aire or vicious aliment Sometimes other diseases acquire this denomination from ill and cruel Symptomes although a venomous quality wherein the essence of a pestilent disease consists be altogether absent but where it s present whether in a Diary Hectick or putrid it may be termed pestilential though the two first be much controverted This venomous quality ariseth from the corruption of the humours which consists not in a simple temperament or common putridnesse usually found in putrid Fevers sed in totius naturae insitaeque substantiae destructione as wine whil'st it 's turned into vappam suffers all sorts of corruption but when it 's changed into Vineger it 's thought simply to putrifie A pestilent Fever differs from the Plague as species à genere the latter may be without a Fever it being not alwayes necessary that with the venomous quality should be joyned putridnesse from which the Fever ariseth the venomous quality may be produced in the humours by the intire corruption of their substance and introducing a new forme on which depends that maligne quality for as oft as a new forme is introduced the former is corrupted and though to their change an ill alteration is necessary yet not putridnesse hence the humours suffering such a corruption may be without putrefaction yet because the humours are more obnoxious to putrefaction they seldome suffer corruption but putridnesse intervenes hence that plague is most rare which is without a Fever besides by an intense profound and sordid putridnesse as it 's call'd such a corruption is usually stirred up So that many Fevers which were not from the beginning pestilential may by the ignorance or negligence of the Physician disobedience of the sick or fiercenesse of external causes ill handled putrefaction being made more intense end in pestilential Corruption may precede putrifaction this plainly appeareth in those infected with the Plague by contagion into whom the venomous quality is first communicated and by that the humours are corrupted putrefaction following hence the plague first afflicting sometimes in the first dayes is without a Fever which after appears the putrefaction being kindled as is evident in a part gangrenated which is first corrupted afterward putrifieth therefore a pestilent Fever is caused quando humores corrupti venenatam qualitatem adepti ad putredinem deveniunt and hence the heart is doubly afflicted i. e. both with putrid heat and a maligne quality This corruption of the humours being not alwayes uniforme but sometimes more otherwhiles lesse intense it falls out that that venomous quality produced from it according as its various degrees are more or lesse pernicious and so the malignity of the Fever more or lesse which hints that distinction of pestilential Fevers into that simply so called the Plague of which more die then live and maligne in which more escape then die The differences of pestilent Fevers are taken either from the matter in which that venomous quality is produced or the place in which the same matter is contained as in putrids the matter putrifying being blood choler c. denominates them Synochus Tertian Quart c. But by reason of the place wherein those humours putrified are contained they are called continual or intermitting as the said humours are lodged within or without the veines So pestilent Fevers are called Synochus Tertian c. Some continual others intermitting although it 's supposed that intermitting Fevers are without danger which is to be understood of those that are not associated with any malignity for it 's oft observed that intermitting Tertians are accompan●ed with such a height of malignity that the sick are removed the third or fourth fit others that escape are cast into great danger of life by reason of cruel symptomes Other differences are taken from intensenesse or remisnesse viz Some are more others lesse intense or remisse as they participate more or lesse of the malignity They are called more or lesse Simple as the matter is more or lesse putrid tum calor praeternaturam ex ea emergens intensior aut remissior est but more maligne and benigne according to the degrees of intensnesse of the venomous quality Hence it happens that sometimes a pestilent Fever is from the greatest degree both of putridnesse and venomous quality and then it 's most cruel the latter much afflicting the heart and the first hurting the rest of the faculties producing bitter Symptomes Sometimes putridnesse is great the venomous quality remisse and then the Fever is more troublesome the vital faculties lesse afflicted contrary sometimes the putridnesse is remisse and the ill quality intense then the Fever is remisse with lesse Symptomes but the strength is most cast down Yea sometimes putridnesse is so remisse that there 's almost none and the maligne quality altogether intense and then the Fever seemes little or none either to the sick or standers by though then it 's altogether deadly for the ill quality increasing dejects the strength and overchargeth the heart and here also the Physician may be put to it there being no present signes either of Crudity or ill humours withall the pulse and heat of the body to touch being at first almost natural the like is wont to happen in the first difference when there 's a juncture of greatest malignity for by fit remedies the putrefaction being overcome and signes of future safety appearing yet sometimes death followes from the not correcting the maligne quality The last difference is taken from the adjuncts and these are often most evident for there 's no cruel Symptomes or any kinde of deadly disease which doth not accompany this Fever the Symptomes are head-ach delirium sleepines c. of which hereafter these being also in common with other Fevers the diseases are the Squinsey Plurisie c. The Signes Signes are either such as threaten or such as shew it present or those that discover when dead the first are taken from the disposition of the body the second from present Causes and third from certain middle dispositions Those bodies disposed to a pestilential fever are such as are loaded with ill juices by reason of ill diet and the preposterous use of the sixe non-natural or are plethorick or fill themselves inordinately or excessively the passions of whose minde are extravagant and use venery too immoderately especially the two last the first drawing the spirits from their proper operations the other debilitating the functions by which the humors are alienated and certaine corruption followes also hot and moist temperaments being subject to putrefaction so the more dense and rare
appears very often the menynges of the braine being inflamed from the sharp vapours ascending which are easily communicated to the adnata having its original from them Purple spots like flea-bitings peculiar to this Fever arising in no other caused from ill venomous blood joyned with a putrid quality of other humours Sometimes as hath beene said they may appear in other diseases but from a contrary cause i. e. thin blood moved with heat or the expulsive faculty as in children such as are troubled with fluxes of blood the blood thereby being made more thin and aqueous in those troubled with the spleene● jaundise and long obstructions of the bowels because the weaknesse of the bowels produceth aqueous blood also those inclining to a Cachexia for in these the blood being made thinner flowes out sometimes by the nose and other parts other while passing through the capillaries it 's transmitted into the parts of the skin where being retained it loseth its proper colour and appears either livid black or reddish of which there are various differences yet all differing much from those in a pestilent Fever which are produced from putrid humours infected with an ill quality these spots break forth sometimes critically otherwhiles symptomatically critically when putridness is vanquished either in part or in whole and the ill quality corrected nature transmitting the corrupt humours from within outwards and then there alwayes followes a decrease of the disease But Symptomatically when nature being provoked before the quantity and ill quality of the morbifick matter be concocted and corrected sends portion of the matter to the parts of the skin Whence followes no ease to the sick which hints nature rather is conquered The colour of these spots are various discovering thereby the diversity of the humours Red being from more purer blood Green Crimson Livid from bilious blood more or lesse adust They appear sometimes greater sometimes lesser sometimes more sometimes fewer they begin to appear sometimes the 4 5 7 or 10th or other judiciary dayes when the excretion tends to good sometimes in other dayes and then they are lesse profitable and not to be confided in they appear sometimes in all the parts of the body yet most oft in the loynes breast and neck Affects coming presently with a pestilent Fever are exanthemata pustles ulcers of the mouth carbuncles buboes and parotides Exanthemata's differ from the spots in that they raise the skin more or lesse most like the graine of Milium their colours are various sometimes red begot from blood otherwhiles white from phlegme or serosities yellow from bile purple livid black from bile more or lesse burnt Sometimes they are Critical otherwhile Symptomatical and some betwixt both Again some are dry others suppurated and others ulcerate To these may be referred pustles appearing in the mouth which receive the same differences and are sometimes so maligne that the sick can scarce eate or drink In very young they produce death the oft degenerating into ulcers exceedingly trouble the sick by hindering the motion of the tongue especially swallowing Sometimes ulcers of the mouth call'd Apthae are generated without any pustles preceding of which some are deep others superficial some cleare others filthy some benigne others maligne some with crusts others without The Crusts are sometimes white yellow livid or black those that are sordid deep and maligne with black crusts are more dangerous Carbuncles and Buboes happen in many parts of the body especially about the glandulous parts because the expulsive quality being provoked from a malign quality expels the pernicious matter from the internal parts especially the noble to the external hence the matter is transmitted from the braine to the glandules near the eares from the heart to the arme-pits from the liver to the groines whence Buboes c. are generated Which kinde of Tumors though they may appear in other Fevers yet more usually and especially in pestilent Peculiarly Buboes Carbuncles and Parotis break forth in maligne Fevers but it is in those wherein is a great degree of malignity and cometh neare the Plague Signes shewing it after death are spots and stroaks as if beat especially if they be livid or black as also Exanthamata's Carbuncles Buboes c. especially if they be of an ill colour Causes Causes are either inward or outward the first are either immediate or mediate the immediate cause is the corruption of the humours joyned with putrefaction from the first is acquired an ill and venomous quality From the second the Fever is generated The Mediate causes are plethora Cacochymia and obstructions Fulnesse is to be understood not ad vasa but ad vires which when not regulated by nature easily conceives corruption and putrefaction The like may be said of Cacochymia or abundance of ill humours And lastly obstructions are apt to produce all kinde of Fevers even as humours shut up in a hot and moist place if they breath not out freely easily putrifie these mediate internal causes are usually called morbosus apparatus the force whereof is such that sometimes of it self it produceth a more remisse pestilent Fever commonly called simple maligne or spotted Fever and this without any external or common cause intervening as it 's oft seene in lesse Epidemical constitutions and when no popular disease is raging Certaine of these Fevers break forth from the il condition of the humours which are environed with many Symptomes of maligne Fevers as also with spots About obstructions this is to be noted they necessarily concur as a special cause in maligne Fevers which are from an internal cause and are sporadical But epidemical which are produced from a common cause and the pestilent state of the aire need not necessarily have such a cause for from the inspiration of the corrupt aire alone or from contagion onely that venomous quality is conceived by which the humours of the body declining from their proper nature freely fall into putridnesse Even as hoary fruits and other things easily putrifiable although maximè perflentur yet they cannot be kept from putrefaction so also the humours when they have conceived that pernicious quality they easily fall into putrifaction So that although there be no obstruction present they necessarily fall into putridnesse and Fever And the humours thus led into putrifaction nature not being able to rule them oft beget obstructions by which the Fever is encreased and so obstructions concurre in these Fevers which although from the beginning they have not beene the cause of the Fever yet they follow à causis labe pestilenti infectis fovetur The externall are the sixe things non-natural which as they are natural so they necessarily alter our bodies when they recede much from their natural state they beget maligne and venomous qualities in us Of these the ambient aire requires the first place which even as it 's the most common cause so common diseases are wont oft to arise from the faults thereof The aire is hurtful to men under
yet in this they have escaped a healthful Pulse is dangerous discovering nature so weakened that it cannot enter upon the concoction of the maligne matter hence it not being touched there followes little labour and here the Fever is little as in external Tumors so long as the part is overwhelmed from the abundance or ill quality of the matter it causeth neither paine nor Fever but when nature averse to the matter enters upon the combate and attempts to convert it into pus then at that time the Fever discovers it self So in maligne Fevers the sick seemes to be freed from it when yet it 's worse and he hastens to death Delirium in this Fever is most frequent neither is it to be feared when it 's asswaged by sleep especially if it vanish with abundance of sweat for it 's a signe the matter is called from the braine to the habit of the body a delirium persevering is most pernicious it shewes it will degenerate into a true phrensey Contractions and leaping of the members is wont to happen oft in these fevers they are convulsive motions and very dangerous and the more if joyned with delirium for they discover the braine to be much hurt the trembling motion of the tongue and hands are deadly it arguing very great weaknesse and nature to be overcome by the disease Deafnesse although in the beginning of acute diseases be most dangerous yet appearing in the state foretels safety especially in maligne Fevers for it 's observable that thousands labouring of those Fevers upon coming of deafnesse in the state although other Symptomes were very dangerous yet they have done well for it 's a signe the strength of the braine is sufficient to thrust out the noxious humours from the internal parts to the externall Sneezing in some diseases is deadly but in maligne Fevers although cruel Symptomes hold forth danger yet it holds forth security Cardialgia or hichough do threaten danger and shewes the stomach grievously afflicted with a venomous quality a great loathing of meat is most dangerous it signifying the stomach abounding with an ill quality and the temper thereof altogether overturned so that the laudable aliment which before was most familiar it loaths and hates The suppression of all evacuations in the beginning and increase of the disease is good for it shewes the diseased matter not to be so malicious as to stirre up nature before its due time but nature as yet overcomes If nothing be cast out in the state and Symptoms be cruel it 's ill it being a signe either of the diseases continuance or else doubtful whether it will end well or no. Because the maligne matter not cast out but continuing long it so afflicts and weakens the braine and produceth the phrensie lethargie which is most hard to remove Blood drawn if it be pure according as it ought it 's dangerous for it 's an evident signe that there is either more venomous quality then putrefaction or else the putrefaction is lodged in the veines next the heart and so cannot be drawn forth From urin no prognostick can be made in a pestilent Fever or if any yet uncertaine For not only confused filthy thicker and thinner urins which in other Fevers is ill but also those which are like healthful Yea and many signes of concoction manifestly appearing in the urin it changing the patient dieth worse and is removed but yet concoct urins having a laudable sediment and that continuing many dayes and day by day uniting it self more and descending by degrees into the bottome of the glasse is perpetually a certaine signe of safety also in maligne and pestilential Fever For it shewes the natural faculty is strong enough to conquer the adverse maligne quality therefore in maligne Fever where there is great feare of the sick by reason of cruell Symptomes yet if there continue Signes of concoction in the urin safety may be prognosticated with great confidence Vrin fat and oleous black or livid with the Hypostasis black or livid doth certainly pronounce ill Abundance of urin a lessening of the Fever not following is ill because it signifies colliquation Sweat in this Fever although it fall out with requisite conditions yet if not on a criticall day there cannot be safety judged Yea sometimes the Fever remits the first day by sweating but after the Symptomes increase the sick after many sweatings dies For much sweat not lessening the disease ariseth from the wasting of the whol body neither is that to be credited that critical sweats in this Fever is never profitable nam quò minùs venenositatis febris obtenuerit eò magis prodesse poterunt as in other vulgar Fevers this is a certain observation if the sick from the beginning of the Fever break forth with frequent sweats it may be profitable being a signe that nature by little attenuates the matter and casts it out by sweat The Flux of the belly of all is most uncertaine for if it happen in the beginnig it may be sometimes good otherwhiles deadly Againe premise some concoction maybe seene in those labouring of a Flux yet they may die though sometimes some escape Yet it 's thus to be distinguished when the venomous quality is of most force by which the matter from the beginning falleth down by a Flux of the belly that 's more secure but when the disease ariseth for most part from putrifaction of the humors it s worse if the Flux come at first The spots when they are many great of good colour and break forth critically they pronounce nature the Victor but if few lesse and ill colour and symptomatical it signifies the disease prevailes Furthermore if they return in after they appear it 's worst for it shewes the morbifick matter to flow inwards Exanthe mata appear in various parts and are companions of great malignity and therefore portend great danger Carbuncles and Buboes testifie the same when they are wont to accompany these Feavers whereof they are a peculiar character for in them more die then escape Anthrax and Buboes farthest from the heart increase sooner and come to maturation these are lesse dangerous yet if the humours increase suddenly with cruel symptomes it 's ill Very great Carbuncles of a naughty colour with eating Vlcers or which are changed into a Gangrene are deadly as also those near the heart or passe nigh the throat This is certain many Carbuncles are more dangerous then few contrary the more Buboes the more secure then few Parotis in maligne and spotted Fevers in the increase or state is deadly but if they appear little at the declining of the disease and come to suppuration they are safe Cure Cure Respects preservation cure and removing of Symptomes Preservation of those on whom it is not yet broke forth consists especially in removing the causes which fit the body to receive the Fever and those things that produce it which are either internal or external the first are Plethona Cacochymia and
obstruct the second are especially naughty aire and wandering Contagion those that dispose the body to the disease are either by nature or accident above measure moist weak loose fine dense and compact bodies More moist is to be dried and those more dry are to be kept so therefore the more moist are to shun a full diet and large drinking and all moist aliments as fruits fishes south-winde and fogs especially in the night idlenesse long sleeps especially at noon bathes and all other things which humect the body The weak body is to be restored with an analeptick and strengthening medicaments the fine and loose require the same with the moist but the dense and compact because they are disposed most of all to receive a pestilent Fever they are to be freed with more diligence from Plethora Cacochymia and obstructions which causes when they produce these Fevers in all bodies as the first causes they are perpetually to be removed Plethora calls for cutting a vein if nothing hinder As the time of the yeare being too hot or cold or the state of the aire pestilent then it 's to be forborn unlesse fulnesse ad vasa urgeth much or accustomed evacuations of blood as Haemorrhoid Menses Haemorrhag be supprest for blood being drawn the pestilent aire is more easily received and oppressing the actions makes the disease more hardly to be conquered even as in those which after drinking of poison make it more easily penetrable and more hardly cured Cacochymia requires purging proper to the humour offending fit Preparatives premised if necessary provided they be benigne mixing with them some things of a Bezoartick quality Obstructions being caused from a multitude of crosse and tough humours the multitude is to be evacuated crasse attenuated and tough clensed 1. By reason of external causes prevention is to be appointed as first the excesse of the aire is to be corrected i. e. the hotter to be cooled the more humid to be dried with fires both in publick wayes and private houses as much as may be The fires are to be made of juniper bayes nosemary and the like Secondly all causes are to be removed which may infect the aire Thirdly if it be infected it 's to be dissipated which is done by fires fumes and shooting great guns most effectual but if it be endued with a very pernicious quality it 's best to remove and those that are constrained to stay are to use frequently Antidotes and those no lesse quantity then are prescribed to cure The Cure is to be taken from the putrifaction and the maligne quality the Fever is to be opposed with cooling and humecting the putrifaction with evacuations and alterings and the maligne quality with Alexipharmacons Here blood is first to be drawn a glister premised for that 's most fit because of the greatnesse of the disease the hot distemper and putrifaction but if the fault lie in the quality of the blood it 's to be taken away with the greatest prudence for bleeding then may rather hurt then do good the vital faculty being thereby rather debilitated and death hastened therefore if the maligne quality be more then the putrifaction which may be knowen as before lesser quantity is to be drawn if the putrefaction infect more then more plenty may be taken and so more especially if maligne Fevers arise ex morboso apparatu and putrid humours kept within the veines and then bleeding may be reiterated twice or thrice until the heap of vicious humours contained in the veines be exonerated which humours rise in these Fevers but bleeding is to be maturely appointed in the beginning of the disease for it 's ill in the progresse the malignity then having diffused it self into the whole masse of blood and so it doth not only not help but also exceedingly debilitates nature so that many think it not good the fourth day being past especially when they begin to be common or cruel then it 's diligently to be observed who of the sick gaine benefit by bleeding for in some kinde of Synochus in which putrifaction is intense and malignity remisse bleeding diminisheth it but in others the nature whereof consists almost altogether in malignity bleeding is more pernicious This appears in a true plague in which many and most approved have had experience of that all the sick who have had a veine opened have died So also in pestilential Pleurisies it doth more hurt then good making the disease only more cruel yea and in other epidemical diseases endued with lesse malignity yet in which the malignity was almost altogether in vitio the same event hath happened as in that epidemical Catarrh which wandred through Europe in Anno 1580. in which scarce one of a thousand troubled with it died yet almost all who were let blood perished and that 's diligently to be observed that in the Cure of Carbuncles bleeding is to be used to fainting that so the boiling blood which is the cause of the Carbuncle may be drawn forth more abundantly But this is only in a simple Carbuncle without malignity in the other it 's not safe it 's controverted whether a veine is to be opened when exanthemata's or spots appear For answer some think it a hainous fault to draw blood then in that the humours are carried at that time from the Center to the Circumference which motion is altogether to be helped but by the opening a veine it 's altogether hindered and the blood drawn from the Circumference to the Centre for emptiness being made in the inward part the blood contained in the external parts doth run into the internal But notwithstanding this with the more sound Physicians this is not regarded but bleeding is prescribed if the spots appear in the beginning of the disease and in those dayes in which venae sectio ought to be performed in case sufficient hath not been drawn before it must be drawn moderately lest it procure danger For those that break forth in the beginning are not critical but symptomatical arising from a notable ebullition and heate of blood and maligne humours putrified and therefore cannot hinder natures motion which is none at that time nay if they appear in plethorick bodies having red and thick Vrine if a veine be not cut nature not being able to overcome so great a quantity of humours oft procures great hurt by their sudden rushings into some internal part and there causing a dangerous inflammation Yet this is cautiously to be performed lest the veines being emptied too much a retraction of the humours may succeed from the external to the internal parts therefore only the great plenitude thereof is to be removed And thus the expulsive motion of nature is helped to the superficies of the body as hath oft been observed in these where ven sect hath been warily performed within few houres after a safe Critical sweat hath followed and in this account although nature might be judged sufficient to overcome its enemy yet it 's
pure is separated from the impure the impure by a cer●ain crisis is thrust out and the heat communicated to the heart kindles a Feaver This is to be obser●ed there 's found in the masse of blood a double excrement the one thick the other thin Of the first is generated the pox of the second the measls although they are both infected by one and the same ill quality Ex●ernal causes are either contagion as when a body so diseased communicates the disease to another call'd infection or the aire from the influx of the planets or other causes corrupting or disturbing the humours and as the aire analogizeth so it produceth the pox or measles whence they are sometimes more rife one then another Now both these although they break forth in the whole body yet more abundantly in the face feet and hands contrary to the spots in Feavers which rather appear in breast and back the account of the difference is the pox arising from the ebullition of the blood the original whereof being the liver it makes expulsion to the foresaid parts as its emunctories which appears by this that the more hot the liver is the more red and pustly the face is and there 's also perceived more intense heat in the palmes of the hands and soles of the feet the expulsion being the greater to those parts Whereas the spots in maligne Feavers arise from the heart affected whence they break forth near the heart especially and in the loyns because the hollow vein ascending and the Artery is neare besides the spots often appear the seventh day symptomatically rendering the disease worse whereas the small pox and measles appear the third or fourth day from the beginning of the Feaver Critically and that safe Progn Prognosticks If they break forth quickly easily and come speedily to ripening If the Feaver be gentle the symptomes be milde and after their breaking forth remits or diminisheth If the voice be free breathing easie especially if the pox be red white distinct soft few round sharp top't be only in the skin and not in the internal parts and if there preceded a large bleeding at the nose there 's good hope for these shew the diseased matter to be little obsequious benigne and nature strong and sufficient to expel them but if they either difficultly appear or go in again if they are blew green livid hard all in one if after they break forth the Feaver lessens not If there be swooning difficulty of breathing great thirst quinsey grief unquietnesse doubtful If a flux of the belly happen after they break forth if the urine be bloody or pure blood be cast forth by the belly or by the gums nose and other parts deadly if therewith be complicated a spotted fever and the spots be livid dangerous Cure is secondly either preservative which in those of age is perfected by opening a veine purgeing and flying the contagion In Infants only use the last or curative this consists First in the mitigating of the ebullition and here bleeding if blood any what abound and age will bear it is excellent it 's to be performed the first day if this hath been neglected it may be profitably done before they break forth or at their first beginning to appear which is usually the fourth day from the assault of the Feaver but with this caution If at their appearing the Feaver and other symptomes diminish then forbear leaving the whole businesse to nature which will be able to expel its enemy But if then the Fever be more intense there be anxiety difficulty of breathing the urine be thick and red and other symptomes appear vehement it 's a signe nature is overburden'd with the humour so that it cannot fitly expel it Here bleeding is necessary by which portion of the burden being removed the rest is more easily expell'd But in a word in these diseases there 's a double ebullition of blood one is perfect i. e. when only the impure part of the blood is putrified and is by nature so purg'd that the whole masse is left pure here bleeding is needlesse for then the pox are more safe and often cur'd without the help of a Physician the other is corrupt i. e. when both the excrementitious part of the blood and the masse it selfe is putrified hence there 's the more danger and here bleeding is necessary This ebullition happens when these diseases generally reign and are stir'd up from a malign constitution of the aire and those are somtimes the fore-runners of the plague and are reckoned amongst acute diseases viz. ending in fourteen days and here the fourth day is accounted the beginning the increase is drawn forth to the seventh the state to the eleventh and the declination to the fourteenth in which time the pox are usually dri'd yet that sometimes is not till the twentieth day whereas in the other the beginning is the first day the increase the second the state the third the declination at the fourth for then the Fever and other symptomes remit But to return in the corrupt ebullition bleeding is so necessary that the tender age of children is not to hinder it may safely be used at foure yeares of age and not seldome at three the Paris-Physicians do use it to sucking children though this cannot be approved If that youngnesse hinder and the fit time be past then the abundance of blood is to be removed by cups with scarifications appli'd to the back scapula's and thighs which also much profits in the state of the disease for by them the motion of nature is helped in its expulsion from the center to the circumference but beware in children scarifications be not too deep for thereby the veines being divided the hot blood will flow out so violently that it will be difficultly staid Purging here is suspected as hindering nature in expulsion and drawing the matter flowing outward inward for whosoever having the pox are assaulted with a flux of the belly the pox suddenly returns and oft procures death yet notwithstanding purging is very profitable before the pox appear and the Fever be too violent viz. when as it were children are falling into a neutral estate Then if cacochymia abound its good to abate it that so nature may the more chearfully thrust out it's adversary but if either the pox appear or there be great malignancy as in an epidemical season Purging is very pernicious Those that are used are to be benigne as rubarb cassia manna tamarinds syrup of roses c. in the whole course of the disease if the belly be bound it 's to be moved very gently and not provoked with suppositories of honey alone without salt or a glister of broth milk or decoction of barley raisins and liquorish with sugar and yolks of egges The second work is to help nature to expel and this is to be done not only with specificks which turne out the humours to the skin but also diaphoreticks and alexipharmicks especially if
Supplementum Chirurgiae OR THE SUPPLEMENT To the MARROW OF CHYRVRGERIE Wherein Is contained Fevers Simple and Compound Pestilential and not Rickets Small Pox and Measles with their Definitions Causes Signes Prognosticks and Cures both general and particular As also The Military Chest containing all necessary Medicaments fit for Sea or Land-service whether Simples or Compounds such as purge and those that do not with their several vertues doses note of goodness c. as also Instruments Amongst which are many Approved Receipts for several diseases By JAMES COOKE Practitioner in Physick and Chirurgery LONDON Printed for John Sherley at the Golden Pelican in Little-Britain 1655. COOK 's SUPPLEMENT to the MARROW of Chyrurgery TO THE ACCEPTING READERS FRIENDS ALl rhat I have to acquaint you with as to this part of the Supplement is that considering few having writ fully of Chyrurgery methodically whether more Prolixely or Concisely but they either intermixed Fevers with Tumors c. or put them a part by themselves as may appear in Pareus and Calmeteus I resolving to steere the same course rather choose to follow the latter that so you might at a single view know the cure as well of those Fevers essential as accidental There 's added the Small Pox and Rickets the latter with the rest had come in publick view before any other printed in this Nation if it had been admitted may be the cause was its insufficiency however it hath received advantage thereby You have annexed a Military Chest The method as to Names and Order is Hildanus's the vertues doses c. of all I picked from various Authors a Catalogue of which you have in the Marrow only some others since have fallen into my hands de novo I have this onely to say further That there are several things in all which have been successefully experimented by Your worthlesse friend JAMES COOKE Warwick the 26. of the first moneth vulg March A TABLE general of things contained in the BOOK Sect. 1. Chap. I. DIary Fever Page 3 Chap. II. Simple Synochus Page 7 Chap. III. Hectick Fever Page 11 Chap. IV. Interm Quotidian Page 102 Chap. V. Quartan Page 106 Chap. VI. Compound Fevers Page 128 Sect. 2. Chap. I. Putrid Fevers Page 25 Chap. II. Symptomes of Fevers Page 71 Chap. III. Intermitting Tertian Page 88 Sect. 3. Chap. I. Pestilential Fevers Page 135 Chap. II. Rickets Page 209 Chap. III. Small Pox and Measles Page 260 MILITARY Chest Page 280 In which is contained Simple Purgers Page 281 Compound Purgers Page 293 Cordiall Electuaries and Powders Page 301 Aromaticks Page 315 Waters and Juices Page 319 Syrups Page 325 Roots Page 331 Herbes Page 344 Flowers Page 359 Seeds Page 363 Fruits Page 367 Oyles Page 373 Ointments Page 385 Fat 's Page 392 Plaisters Page 395 Gums Page 401 Mettals Page 408 Meales Page 415 Instruments Page 417 BOOKS to be sold by John Sherley at the Pelican in Little Britain The Life and Reign of Sultan Orchan Second King of the Turks translated out of an eminent Tu●kish Historian by W. Seaman the like not heretofore extant in any language Dr. John Ponet his short Treatise of Politick power The vanity of the lives and passions of men by D. Papillon Gent. The Diocesans trial by Paul Bayne A brief Compendium of the vain hopes of the Jewes Messias Col. Hayes one of the members for Scotland his speech to the last Parliament upon the debate concerning Toleration King James his Judgement of a King and a Tyrant Henry Earle of Surrey his Translation of Virgil into English Meter Bristolls Military Garden a Sermon by Tho. Palmer The Pastors Charge and Cure a Sermon by Nathaniel White A plain fault in plain English The Impiety of Impunity Hugh Broughtons Epistle to the Nobility The Kernel or Extract of the Historical part of S. Augustines Confessions Ephraim Pagitts Christianographie or a Description of the multitude and sundry sorts of Christians in the world Dr. Mayes Relation of the Serpent foun● in the heart of Jo. Pennant in which many curious questions concerning occult diseases are discussed Potters Interpretation of the number 666. Mr. John Milton of Prelatical Epiicopacy Baro. Herbert de Veritate de Causis Errorum Religio Laici c. Disputationum Academicarum formulae Tho. Gatakeri dissert de Tetragammato sua vindicatio Good Reader by reason of the Authors distance from the Press some faults have escaped the most material he prays you thus to correct ERRATA's PAge 27. line 13. read yet for ye p. 27. l. 16 r turgid p. 40. l 7. dele out p. 75. l. 14. r. bole p 114 l. 23. r ℈ s. p 122 l 27 after partem put M j p. 17 2 l. 10 r crass p 173 l 3 after those put in p. 175 l 5 r yea p 177 l 13 r those p 182 l 22 r ill p 194 l 2 after to put be putting out that after used l 4 r Mij p 206 l 10 for and r A p 236 l 9 put a comma after wal-rue l 27 for five r take p 240 l 1 r diabalzemer p. 265 l 4 f. secondly r twofold l 11 r whit p 174 l 22 r ℥ ij p 275 l 10 r plantain water p 286 l 22 for these r this l 23 r ℥ sp 334 l 10 r. ℥ iv p. 337 l 21 r scrophula's p 340 l 12 r ℥ ij p 344 l 10 after kills put wormes p 349 l 19 r cleanscth p 400 l 5 for ℥ s. r. ℥ j. p 404 l 2 r and p 406. l 8 r if p 421 l 9 r be p 423 l 18 r there is after till p 424 l 1 r Arcei p 430 l 9 r ost cocolla De Febribus SECT I. PREFACE DIseases of the body are either outward or inward The latter are either universal afflicting the whole body or particular affecting some parts The first of these are Fevers which may be divided into simple putrid and pestilential the simple are diary intermitting synochus and hectick Before particulars premise these generals First it is a hot distemper of the whole body arising from preternatural heat kindled in the heart and diffused with the spirits and blood through the veines and arteries into the whole body Secondly it 's caused by any thing that kindleth heate in the body as motion putrifaction touching and vicinity of hot things constriction of the pores c. Thirdly it 's absolved First by altering wherein so proceed that the cause be not nourished Secondly by mitigating the Symptomes which are especially thirst his cough vomiting flux of the belly drynesse blacknesse and roughnesse of the tongue c. as after CHAP. I. De Febre Ephemera THis ariseth from the inflāmation of the vital spirits in the heart continuing the space of a day therefore call'd Diary Signes Signes Urin concoct like natural if not it 's changed by obstructions and crudities Pulse quick and oft yet equal orderly great and strong Heat is sudden without loathing lasinesse sleeping or frequent yawning preceding to
the touch being pleasant and gentle there 's little or no cold or shaking unlesse the body be ill habited or it be caused by the sun or cold Paine and heat of the head oft abundance of hot and acrid breathings the pores being obstructed The causes are procatartick of which in the Differences Progn Prognosticks The cure is easie unlesse it passe into synochus sinè putredine in a body young and plethorick or into a putrid the fourth or fifth day in cacochymicks or in hecticks or bodies hot Cure dry or thin Cure first alter by coolers and moisteners either inwardly given as cream of barley fountain-water with Syrup of limons or maiden hair pleasant cooling broths hydrosacchar c. or outwardly applied to the region of the heart pulse and forehead as oxyrrhodon c. Secondly evacuate either by opening a veine if there be fulnesse or by gentle purging if there be ill habit Baths of warme water used by the ancients are suspected Thirdly strengthen the stomack Differ The differences of the Feaver taken from the causes As I. Cold especially when the patient goes from violent exercise into the cold aire then it assaults sinè horrore urin and pulse are little chang'd the heat in statu is moderate here sweating is to be provoked at the end of the fit II. Constriction of the pores known by the hardnesse compactness of the skin this ariseth from abundance of blood cold binding or drinesse It 's cured Cure first by bleeding if blood much offend Secondly by purging inciders premised if there be present plenty of crasse humors and after sweat cum vino oligophor valde diluto which is also excellent if from cold for it helps to open the passages and provokes sweat Thirdly by loosing with hot and moist temperate bathes moderate frictions quick washings if it proceed from cold III. Crudities and that numerous known by the present signes of the affected stomack Here First vomit if there be loathing and easinesse to vomit Secondly purge if vomiting be hard Here glisters may be used by which part of the crudities may be drawn away Thirdly corroborate by medicines opposing the quality of the offending humors IV. Buboes known by the presence of the bubo by the swiftnesse and greatnesse of the pulse much heat and rednesse of the face In this draw blood sufficently the bubo moderately appearing for so it vanisheth by applying either repellers or relaxers otherwise it 's to be suppurated V. Heat to this use cooling diet VI. Labour here command rest and a more liberal diet VII Weariness then use frictions VIII Anger here command quietnesse rejoycing bridle choler and use coole meats and drinkes IX Sadnesse use the same recreations of minde and thin wine X. Watching here sleep XI Hunger use a cooling and strengthening diet XII Obstructions If from fulnesse bleed if from ill habit purge if these remove not the Fever it degenerates into other Fever the cures whereof shall be set down in their proper places CHAP. II. De Synocho Simplici IT 's a Fever without putrifaction or a Diary of many dayes arising from the inflammation of the spirits and thinner blood continuing without intermission 3 4 or more dayes and is called Inflativa because where the blood is heated the vessels are distended and there is felt the lassitude of the body Signes Signes urin is more thick and redder then usual pulse great full oft and quick lasinesse without exercise heavinesse of the head forehead and temples heat gentle moistnesse of the skin stretching of the members streightnesse of the breast and difficulty of breathing It s progresse is various yet equal hence it hath three differences i. e. Epacmastica which increaseth continually Paracmastica which so decreaseth and Homoronos or Acmastica which keeps the order or form Progn Progn It 's not difficult to be cured because it oftest assaults bodies more strong temperate or more hot or moist of a middle age and fleshy unlesse it passe to another Sometimes it vanisheth the fourth day or seventh with plentiful bleeding of the nose or sweat unlesse some notable error hath been committed by the sick physician or attendants and then it may passe to a putrid or some other very grievous disease Causes Causes are those stirring up a diary if they fall in a plethorick body indued with a thick habit or from the thinner blood heated by many hot vapors which are hindered by transpiration Cure Cure first open a vain by which the blood is cooled and an increase of vapours hindered this is rather to be done oft and little by repetition then once too plentifully wherein is danger although in some cases I have knowne it very successeful It may be done at any time unlesse the stomack be full of meat for then concoction is first to be expected letting a glister precede if the belly be not open or the intestines be filled with crudity it 's to be mollifying loosening Secondly evacuate the first region lest serous and bilious excrements increasing a putrid Feaver be produced These are good Tamarinds Rhubarb cream of Tartar and syrup of Roses solutive c. for they neither heat nor move too much Thirdly alter by appointing cooling potions plentiful drinking of cold water is now disliked as dangerous opening Emulsions and Julips being more safe the Julips are made of the waters of Succory Endive Sorrel Lettice c. with the syrupes of Succory Limons Pomegranate c. adding spirit of Vitriol or Sulphur or spirit of Salt a few drops If the waters be thought too crude boyle them gently with a little Spec. Triasantal or Diamargar frigidū An emulsion prepare thus Take of sweet Almonds pill'd and steept in rose-water ℥ j. of the four greater cold-seeds and of white Poppy of each 2 dragms beat them all in a marble mortar by degrees pouring upon them barly-water a pound and a halfe after strain it and dissolve therein sugar of roses ℥ iii. make an emulsion for to be taken thrice twice a day this is also excellent in watching To the heart apply this ℞ of the waters of roses buglosse and lettice of each three ounces vinegar of roses one ounce diamarg frigid ʒ js camphire vj graines and make an Epithem which apply to the region of the heart ℞ aq endiv. cichor acetos ana ℥ iiij acet ros ℥ js trium santal ʒijs f. Epith. admovend regioni hepatis also to the liver and loynes use cooling ointments Ex oxyrrhod unguent refrig Gal. vel cerat santal oxycrato abluto forget not glisters Fourthly strengthen cum manu Christi perlat diamarg. frigid conser ros vitriolat acetosella c. Fifthly use a cool thin and moistening diet of brothes prepared with cooling herbs stewed Prunes baked or rost Apples cremor hordei panadoes let the drink be barly-water or spring-water boyled with Syr. of Maiden-haire Limons c. adding Sp. Vitrioli CHAP. III. De Febre Hectica THis possesseth the solid parts which constitute the
phlegmy and the fit daily Burning Fevers signes are burning heat unsatiable thirst unlesse ough causing an afflux of humours from the neighbour-parts mitigate it a tossing of the body urin little sometimes crude and filthy sometimes thin very bilious and slimy other signes are set down before in Synochus Biliosa but observe the signes of a bastard burning Fever are more gentle then the former Febris Colliquans is known by a sudden Consumption of the body and hollowness of the eyes falling of the temples sharpnesse of the nose the dejections reddish fat tough stinking troubled bilious and frothy urin fat and oleous Febris Horrifica Assodes are known by what is to be set down in their description In Feb. Elodes the skin is continually wet with humours the heat to the touch is not very sharp if from maligne causes the urin differs little from healthful if the fat waste then its fatty if the flesh then there is like pulse in the urin or if the blood and humours waste then there 's a great deale of urin for many dayes to these are added strength much wasted pulse is small and slow If from great putrifaction the urin is thick and confused the pulse great soft and frequent Feb. Syncopalis hath its name from the Symptome and is known by oft swooning and fainting In Epialas there is heat and cold felt in the body at one and the same time Causes of all are as followeth A Synochus putrid is wont to be generated of those causes that produce a simple Synochus and so not only the constipation of the skin but the obstruction of the vessel from much blood Causes and tough crasse humours which hindering transpiration of the smoaky vapours putrifaction of the blood is generated Continua Tertiana drawes it's original from bilious blood putrified in the Cava this being produced from hot and dry or thin diet hunger hot and dry distemper of the liver c. Contin Quotid is produced from putrid phlegme in the Cava it oft happens to children and aged sometimes lasting sixty dayes seldome dissolved before twenty it extreamly weakens the stomach hence Cachexia Hydrops This Fever falls out seldome because phlegme doth not so easily putrifie Contin Quartan is caused from melancholick blood putrified in the branches of the Cava arising from its proper causes this happens most seldome The accidental differences of Fevers are taken from the complication of perverse Symptomes with the essentials Diff. and from thence are denominated Feb. Caus Colliquans Horrifica c. Feb. Caus is divided into true and bastard the first is from bile putrified in the greater veines near the heart in this the Symptomes are vehement the second is either from bile mixed with phlegme or salt phlegme putrified and here the symptomes are more gentle Hence it 's manifest that there is no other true burning Fever then a continual Tertian in which the matter is more sharp and abounding in the vessels near the heart whereas in a simple Continual Tertian the matter is lesse and in vessels more remote from the heart Again an exquisite burning Fever is of two sorts one which continues in one onely fit from the beginning to the end and this is above called Synochus Biliosa vel Ardens this is from bile putrified occupying the vessels most near the heart Causes the other containes many fits and is called Ardens Parodica In this the same matter is not so near the heart Feb. Colliquans is a kinde of a burning Fever for the greatnesse of the heat doth waste the fat flesh and substantial solid parts and sometimes the humours in the veines by insensible transpiration sweat urin or stoole it 's from a thin sharp and bilious matter which begins to burne vehemently and this is not seldome joyned with a maligne and pestilential quality Horrific Feb. in which horrour happens is caused from bile and phlegme or serosities mixt which move unequally and the horrour is stirred up either from bile and crude humours burnt putrified and moved or thin sharp and serous matter biting the sensible and nervous parts or lastly the crude humour shaking nature in vaine hence the heat being driven back to the centre the extreme parts are cold and the same presently issuing out heat Assodes this may be referred to the burning Fever in which the sick is cast down grieved with much unquietnesse bearing the disease grievously and that oft with loathing and vomiting being it ariseth from sharp bilious humours biting the mouth or tunicles of the stomach Elodes in this sweat is continually poured out and is caused from the great heat of the putrid and maligne matter dissolving the substance of the body Syncopalis is double the one is from humours thin and small yet venemous and corrupt and this is called Minuta the other is from abundance of crude humours and is called Humorosa which may be referred to pituitous fevers onely here the quantity of matter is more great with a weaknesse of the mouth of the stomach Epiala in this is felt heat and cold at the same time through the whole body They have two causes the one from a certaine glassy phlegme mixt with bitter choler diffused through the whole body from the choler is the sense of heat from the phlegme the sense of cold The other is from glassie phlegme alone but partly putrified part not That which is not putrified causeth cold the other heat and both at the same time it may also be generated when two intermitting Fevers fall out in one day or an intermitting and continual the heat of one Fever falling out with the cold of another There are other accidentall differences of Fevers which may be referred to symptomatical Those are named Symptomatical which arise from the putrifaction contained in any of the bowels as these following a Plurisie peripneumonia phrenitis angina inflammatio hepatis and other internal parts ulcers or abscesses Yet diligently observe that Fevers joyned with inflammation of the parts are sometime essential and not symptomatical the inflammation of those parts following for the body being full of corrupt blood and stuffed with ill humours a Fever is stirred up and so being in motion by nature is cast to the weakest part or that which is most fit to receive the humour whence the inflammation is produced after the Fever as may be observed in sick who oft have a Fever two or three dayes before a Plurisie appear and so many in the third or fourth day of a Fever fall into a Phrensy so for most part in Gouts before inflammation tumors and paine of the joynts appear there commonly precedes a Fever for one or two dayes before so the like may be said when an Erysipelas The disposition of the urin also shewes the same discovering manifest notes of putrifaction contained in the veines for in the beginning they appeare crude but after they shew signes of concoction then also the blood drawne is very corrupt which is not when
Fevers are Symptomatical or depend upon other inflammations now these Fevers whether Symptomatical or Primary if joyn'd with inflammation of the parts have their accidental differences for if the Fever be from blood it 's called Phlegmonodes if bile referring to the nature of an Erysipelas it 's call'd Typhodes but a peculiar Erysip of the stomach and guts causeth Febris Lipyria in which the outward parts are cold and the inner burne the hot blood and spirits being drawne to the place inflamed causeth intense heat with unquenchable thirst whilest the external parts left by the same are cold Feb. Lenta is usually referred to the Symptomatical this ariseth from matter without the vessels poured out into the substance of some of the bowels or in the capillary vessels dispersed through the bowels and so putrifying In these is gentle heat afflicting with which there 's apparent notes of putrifaction in the urin and pulse no grievous Symptomes molesting the sick there 's wasting of strength the body by degrees consumes it lasts fourty dayes purging exasperates when portion of the putrifaction is poured out into the veines it stirs up a Fever So milde that the sick is scarcely sensible of it others arise from some corruption putrifaction out of the bowels whence by their veines inserted are communicated putrid vapours to the heart heate it it 's sometimes more gentle otherwhile more vehement and acute these happen most oft in putrifaction of the lungs call mesentery spleen liver wombe or the secondine in the wombe also by fistulas penetrating to the inward parts and sometimes by the corruption of these To these may be added that oft found in those labouring of the Green-sicknesse which arise from serous phlegme poured out into the body lightly putrified Besides these common differences of continual Fevers there arise some from peculiar causes which offer themselves as is related by Zacutus of a childe who laboured of a Fever with grievous unquietness convulsive motions continual loathings and coldnesse of the extreme parts c. by blood falling into the stomach after the cutting of the ligament of the tongue which he cured by giving of ol Amygdal till it vomited and glisters There 's other in children arise as from corrupt milke wormes crudity and teeth c. Prognosticks are such as follow Synochus Putrida if acute Prog. wants not danger yet if signes of concoction appear the fourth day and no error be committed it will end safely the seventh day but if they appear later it may extend to the eleventh or fourteenth day but if no signes of concoction appear and the face of the sick arise like a globe it signifies the length of the diseases The urin how much the more red it s from the beginning other Symptomes answering it s so much the more secure and the dispatch of the disease if therein signes of concoction appear but with signes of crudity it threatens death especially if there be great weaknesse white urin is worst and most frequently portends death If there be a flux from the beginning dissolving strength and be black and stinking its ill Fevers from choler as they are acute so they are dangerous and that more or lesse according to the degree of the distemper which is not onely to be judged according to the degree of heat but also from the natural state of the sick that which most recedes from it the more danger is threatened So a burning Fever in aged and coming in winter is most oft deadly the vehement Symptomes are to be considered in all the faculties in the excrements change of the qualities and proper accidents and lastly the strength is to be compared with these for if the patient appear to have sufficient strength to encounter with these there 's the more hopes if not there 's cause of fear Quotidian uses to be long from the crasseness and contumacy of the humour yet if there fall out in the course thereof many evacuations it may be shorter if the Symptomes be too hard for the faculties it 's ill there 's oft obstructions of the liver and spleen occasioned by its length so that there followes a Cachexia or Hydrops Quartane primary and continual is very seldom yet sometimes it degenerates to an intermitting and that 's oft deadly for the rest being denominated from their Symptomes there to give prognosticks is need lesse however observe the prognosticks of Symptomatical Fevers are best drawn from the part affected vehemency of Symptomes and strengths of the faculties Cure Cure is thus performed 1. Bleed which represseth the heat of the blood lessens its plenitude whether it be ad vasa or ad vires either in the whole or in part it corrects the viciousnesse thereof revels the flux of the humours obstructing restores breathing cooles the whole body hinders putrifaction and helps to concoct the humours already putrified therefore it 's to be done presently at the beginning unlesse weaknesse forbid as in febris Syncopalis or other causes as in age and here Cups are to take place a Glister or a Suppositary is to be premised for the quantity to be drawne it 's to answer fulnesse strength age time of the yeere c. the Ancients in Synochus putrida causus used to let blood to fainting but it 's more secure and better to do it by repetition Avicen in these forbids bleeding unlesse urin be red and thick but nature hath instructed us better who having foiled its adversary dischargeth it by an haemorrhage and sometimes it concludes in a phrensie and other inflammations Lastly bleeding stayes ebullition in that the bile with it mixed is drawne forth for in the masse of blood conteined in the greater vessels ther 's but a due proportion of bile remaining Now if the vrin be crude and the strength of the sick be lively and the blood break forth in a heap together then onely the putrid and that which offends nature is cast forth the more pure remaining in the veines nature expelling the most part this may oft be observed but if it flow from the veine by drops it 's the most purest In bilious tempers blood may be taken sparingly especially in the middle of Summer or the Dog-dayes In pituitous and melancholick Fevers the lesse quantity of blood is to be taken yet in the first it may be securely done if the urin be thick and red in the latter it 's to be drawn from the left arme in these there is to be regard had both to coindications and contraindications as when a Quotidian falls out in children or aged in cold regions or winter-time also if it be from too much labour bleed more sparingly if a Fever be from too much venery to bleed is pernicious For the time of bleeding 't is not to be done presently upon taking of meat but when concoction of the stomach is perfected and the belly discharged from excrements It 's to be performed rather in time of remission then
this cicatrise This is to be observed if the Tumor so increase that there is great danger of suffocating it 's to be opened before perfect maturation for so some part of the matter is discharged the tumor lessened and that danger escaped also if malignity so abound that it overcomes nature the tumor is to be opened yea before maturation for so the venome expiring oft health followes Upon the same account buboes are so to be dealt with and cured as the former these if great and eminent if they break forth presently at the beginning and in the groynes are more secure but if livid and black if they lie in the skin if they be about the neck or under the arme-pits breaking forth the 3d. or fourth day more dangerous But most dangerous when by reason of strength foiled they returne in To these apply the cups as also to the former every sixth houre for twice or thrice after apply a Catapl ex rad raphan scorphul Major cum pauco sales aceto and after follow the course in parotis and Parotis following a maligne Feaver the ninth or tenth day for most part procuring death was cured with bleeding by repetition beginning with ℥ ij or iij. and foure houres after drawing ℥ vj. and after both purging all to whom this method was used were cured This is to be noted oft Parotes are critical and profitably appeare and by them the sick is delivered from death i. e. when they happen in declinatio and at their appearing symptomes remit being in feavers lesse maligne but if they be symptomatical and fall out in statu they are mortal and to these the foresaid medicins are to be used In Carbuncles following maligne Feavers if before their appearing sufficient blood hath not been drawn or if the sick then can bear it open the veines nearest the Carbuncle that so there may be made the greater attraction to the part affected after scarifying the Tumor round about deep foment it with salt water hot that so the concretion of the blood may be hindered and be made more apt to flow then presently apply upon the mid'st of the pustle a graine of Cavstick and to the whole tumor this Cataplasme ℞ fol. rutae scabios contus an Mj. ficuum siccar contus par iij. fermenti acris ℥ j. piper pul ʒj vitel ovor Nti Misc f. Catapl Let it be applied for two dayes after apply this ℞ succor symphyti major scabios calendul an.ʒj. Theriac veter ℈ iiij sal ʒj vitel ovor nii Misce after the tumor is come to the increase lest the maligne matter flow to the inward parts again anoynt about it twice aday cum vngu boli but upon the escar that the fal therof may be procured apply ungu Basilic cum Butyr aut axung suil permixta after it 's fallen cleanse the Vlcer with this ℞ succor calendulae absinth scabios apii an ℥ j. Myrrh elect rad irios Florent aloes sarcocol anʒj Mel. ros ℥ ij f. ungu continue this to the end of the Cure RICKETS THis disease is as new so as peculiar to children it hath received several names as Paedesplanch nosteocaces this I saw in Print in a Thesis long before the Doctors Tract on the subject others Cachexia Scorbutica and the Doctors the Rachitis nearly bordering on the vulgar name Rickets and signifying the spinal disease the spine being the first and principal amongst the parts affected in this evil Signes are either such as discover the affect present or such as shew the difference of the disease or those that presage its event The Diagnosticks are these loosnesse and softnesse of the parts first affected the skin soft and smooth to touch the musculous flesh lesse rigid and firme the joynts easily flexible unable to sustaine the body debility weaknesse and enervation of parts subservient to motion this depends on the former and is from the beginning of the disease so that if it infect in the first year or thereabout they take to their feet later and oft speak before they walk accounted a sa● Omen If the disease afflict after they begin to go then by degrees they stand more and more feeble often staggering as they go and stumble on every slight occasion neither can they stand long without sitting or play with usual chearfulnesse till they have rested After a vehement increase of the disease they wholly lose the use of their feet yea they scarcely can sit in an e●ect posture and their neck is so weak that it can hardly or not at all sustaine the head Slothfulnesse and Numnesse doth invade the joynts presently after the beginning of the disease and daily by degrees increasing makes them more averse from motion those so young as they are carried in nurses armes when plaid with laugh not so heartily nor are so game some and if anger'd they sprunt not so fiercely nor cry so heartily If such as can go they are soon weary love to play rather sitting then standing and when they sit they bend sometimes forward backward or on either side seeking some props to lean upon to gratifie their slothfulnesse they love not violent motion they are moderate in sleeping and waking unlesse some other disease intervene for the most part ingenious and for the most part of forward wits their countenances being much more composed and severe then their age requireth where those are present together they certainly witnesse the presence of the disease Observe although these may appear in other diseases yet then they come more suddenly and as soon vanish here contrary these relate to the Animal actions Those belonging to the disproportioned nourishment of the parts follow as an unusual bignesse of the head with a fuller and livelier complexion of the face then other parts of the body and this is more or lesse from the beginning to the ending unlesse the leannesse of those parts come upon some other cause The fleshly parts below the head especially those full of muscles in the progresse of the disease are daily more and more worne away made thin and lean Swellings and knotty excrescentes about some of the joynts especially conspicuous in the wrests lesse in the Ankles as also on the ribs where they are conjoyn'd with gristles in the breast these appear early The bones waxe crooked especially those in the leg first the lesser then the greater also those below the elbow sometimes the thighs and shoulders sometimes the bones shorten growing in thicknesse more then length hence children long afflicted with the disease grow dwarfes The bones of the forehead stick out the teeth come forth both slowly and with trouble grow loose on every slight occasion sometimes waxe blacke and fall out by pieces in their stead new ones come again though late with much pain in the higher progrese of the disease the breast becomes narrow like a capons this last belongs to the signes belonging to respiration as also a swelling of the
after the purgation administer ℈ s. of diascordium boild in wine with cloves and a little cynamon mixed with a third part of corne poppy water and some syrup of clove gilly flowers to strengthen the stomack and stay the flux To procure sleep ℞ white wine posset-drink aromatized with a little saffron tied up in a rag crushing it gently between your fingers confectio Alkermes ℈ j. pouder of pomegranate pills gr vij diacodium ʒij mix them Or ladanum gr s. Magistral of coral gr xij Conserve of red roses ℈ j with sufficient quantity of syrup of quinces make a bole take at bed time If there be obstructions you may prescribe Crocus martis or salt of steele to be taken in the morning As ℞ Conserve of red roses ℥ j. preserv'd succory roots preserv'd myrabolans each ℥ s. salt of steele ℈ s. or crocus martis ℈ j. cynamon liquoris red coral each gr viij saffron gr js syrup of succory without rubarb sufficient quantity and make an electuary dos ʒ s. Every morning in its ordinary drink quench red hot iron for the same purpose If the childe be troubled with a violent flux you may give it conserve of slows mixing it with such things as the childe delights to eat being sure to please its palate For profuse sweating which wastes the spirits and retards the cure be cautious you do not rashly restrain it especialy if a Feaver feaverish fit or immoderate heat hath preceded for then it either may be critical or may bring more advantage to the body then damage to the spirits for nothing more sweetly and potently expelleth feaverish heat then sweating But if it be inordinate and causelesse arguing the body oppressed with obstructions crude juices and unprofitable superfluities it's to be corrected For which there 's nothing more fit then purging by which the superfluities are removed draws them off from their former motion and clears the way for opening medicines such as strengthen the skin and move forward concoction Amongst purgers in this also rubarb is a none such Thus it may be used ℞ rubarb sliced ʒ ij Raisins ston'd and slit ℥ j. small beer two pintes put them in a vessel stopt with corck Set it in a very cold place and stir it oft before you use it let it settle again a whole day then use the liquor for ordinary drink When the vessel 's empty fill it again with beer to the same rubarb To these may be call'd in former electuar purgations Those that are opening are French and Renish wine which are to be mix'd with borage or red rose water or temperated with rosted apples adding a little sugar and grated nutmeg let them be taken in a lesser quantity onely at meals For steele so highly commended must be cautiously used and a man of reason although vers'd in the Latin when he hath well weighed the Doctors caution it seemes he must come to them or else it cannot be regularly used which doth either proclaime the imperfection of their cautions or else that they have monopolized all others wit within their Craniums If I misse not of their meaning as it 's to be forborne where there 's a catharre cough obstructions of the lungs peripneumonia pleurisie spitting blood or pronenesse to them as also in acute Feavers so it 's not to be used but in the beginning of the disease and beginning of the increase for in the rest of the times there 's usually a considerable Oligotrophy of the parts and as to my simple observation who have seen many I seldom have observ'd superfluous sweats till there hath appear'd an evident Oligotrophy of the parts Other openers although of less note in children may be effectual or else why used in weak men successefully are roots of succory borage conserve of their flowers roots of grasse sparagus fernbrake maddar leaves of ceterach spleenwort maidenhair Among the compounds species of the three sanders diarrhodon abbatis As ℞ best sugar ℥ iij dissolve it in rose water boiling it a little beyond the consistence of a syrup adde then conserve of barberries ℥ j. diatrion santal diarrh abbat eachʒ j. pouder of saffron gr 1. mix them and make an electuary Painful breeding and aching of the teeth is the last mentioned these producing Feavers unquietnesse watchings and other evils require mitigation If paine be caused by its working through the gum without delay if not done before evacuate universally First by vomit which is a potent remedy against tooth-ach It may be mov'd by tickling the throat either with a feather or with the nurses finger or else rubbing the tooth breaking forth with a tobacco leaf wrapt about the nurses finger and a little moistened with beer or lastly by giving some vomiting draught formerly prescribed The day following use a Cathartick after use topicals as rubbing the gums with coral yea rather with the root of marsh mallows which is farre better or this ointment ℞ butter without salt ℥ iij. grease of capon and ducks eachʒ ij red poppies ʒ j. boile them in the juice of crab-fish bruised and drawn forth with water of sea-wormwood french mallow-roots eachʒ ij to the consumption of the juices after strain them adding white sugar candy ℥ iiij nutmeg ℈ j. one yolk of an egge mixe them and make a balsome You are to anoint the gums oft with it it mollifies and thins the gums easeth paine causeth the teeth to come forth easily and oft may deliver from death If universals prevaile not use opiats especially when watchings are troublesom as ℞ diascord gr vij diacodium ʒ ij white-wine posset drink tinctur'd with saffron ʒ j. give it at bed time the night following the purgation Or ℞ laudani gr s. gascoins powder ℈ s. adde conserve of clove gilli flowers ℈ j. with syrup of balme make a bole let it be swallowed at sleeping time We are at last arrived at external remedies and those whether exercises or outward applications are to follow after purgations and to be used with specificks For exercises which children that have the Rickets are extreamly averse unto especially those that are violent You are to begin with those more gentle they are to lie on their sides unlesse in case of much weakness from diseases rocking in cradles is good if very weak unlesse in time of sleep carrying about and tossings and wavings of it to and fro holding it either by the hands rather if weak under the arm-pits swinging it is very beneficiall fit rollings are good also playings tempting them to the use of their feet walking is helpful if they be strong and their joynts be knit otherwise not hanging of the body frictions are excellent this last is to go before and in the application of outward medicines beginning at the back-bone the child being laid on his belly thrusting your fingers under the short ribs and so hinder the growing of the liver a great cause of the Rickets But leaving these we come to outward applications