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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68527 A godlye, and pithie exhortation, made to the iud[ges of Sussex ...] By William Ouerton, Doctor of Diuinitie, and one of the Queenes Maiesties iustices appoynted for the peace vvithin the same countie Overton, William, 1525?-1609. 1579 (1579) STC 18925; ESTC S107302 20,693 63

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suche other like sectes the seuerall discourses whereof I thinke I shall not néede to recommende vnto youre memories by anye new repeticion neither doth the time suffer it This only nowe resteth O ye iudges and Iustices and the residue that are here assembled togither to this present Session the you haue a good care as I doubt not but you haue for the spéedie redresse of al things that are amisse but specially of discord and dissention whiche wheresoeuer it be there can be nothing but amisse For it is the roote of all euill and the spring of all mischiefe Wherefore apply your selues I beséeche you euerye manne in youre order and degrée to the appeasing of controuersies and strife laboure what you can to alley Discorde and Dissention in all manner of matters and amongest all manner of states Discorde and Dissention amongest Temporall menne Discorde and dissention amongest Spirituall menne discorde in youre policie discorde in oure ministerie discorde in the common wealth discorde in the Churche and speciallye the discord that is in the Church For the other tēdeth to the annoyance of your temporal state but this extēdeth to the losse of eternall life there is a greate oddes therfore betwene these twoo both are to be regarded but yet the one is to be preferred aboue the other so muche as Golde is to be preferred aboue Siluer so much as the soule aboue the bodie as Heauen aboue Earth as euerlasting thinges aboue thinges momentanie and corruptible Wherefore haue a care in Gods name for youre ciuill state and for the common wealth and for youre Countrey but haue a speciall care for your Spirituall state whiche is the health of youre soules and for youre Spirituall common wealth whiche is the Churche of Christe and for youre Spirituall Countrie whiche is Heauen aboue For you are but Pilgrims here in Earth strangers in this vale of duste and claye neither haue you any permanent house or citie here in this worlde as the Apostle sayth but your citie is the Celestiall Ierusalem on high and there must you build your habitation there muste you builde your houses if you thinke to dwel and inhabite for euer Despise not youre houses here on earth nor your goodes nor youre landes nor youre liuing nor your life for these are the tēporal giftes of God yea good giftes of God to if they be not ill vsed Despise them not therefore I saye builde these thinges vnto youre selues in the name of God builde you houses build you cities here on earth builde goodes builde landes builde liuings vnto youre selues builde your temporal state here yea and builde ciuill peace and vnitie amongst your selues for the conseruation and continuaunce of youre temporall state no manne sayes you nay they are thinges lawfull to be done yea and they are well done of you so that you do them iustlye and truely and in the feare of God and without iniury or wrong vnto others but yet lette your chiefe buylding be in heauen and of heauenlye things buylde vpon the true religion of GOD buyld vpon the broken bodie of Christe buylde vpon the peace and vnitie of his Church buylde vppon youre selues into his Churche and into his bodye whereof youre selues are members as well and as muche as anye others who so euer they be that beare the greatest names and titles of the Church buylde these thynges I saye and laye youre heades and handes togyther vnfaynedlye to plucke vppe by the rootes all Discorde and Dissention whyche is a lette vnto thys buylding And for as muche as the effecte canne neuer cease excepte the cause be firste taken awaye firste therefore take awaye the causes of Discorde and Dissention out of bothe states ciuill and Ecclesiasticall and the thing it selfe will soone vanishe awaye Remoue from the common wealthe extortion oppression briberie periurie with suche other like vices and punishe those persons that offende therin according to the lawes and statures of this Realme and you shall sée all Discorde and dissention in the ciuill state will soone come to an ende Remove from the Church Papistry Anabastistry Atheisme Puritanisme with suche other Hereticall sectes and punishe those persons that offende therein according to the lawes and statutes of the realme and you shall sée all Discorde and dissention in the Churche and in Churche matters wyll soone come to an ende And bycause euerye man hath his office and authoritie from GOD by measure and limitation some more some lesse some one way some another waye lette euerye manne haue a speciall eye vnto that charge whyche is principallye incidente to hys his office and callyng lette hym enquire that should enquyre let him present that shoulde present lette him speake that shoulde speake let him heare that shoulde heare let him iudge that shoulde iudge lette him execute that shoulde execute and so forth lette euerye manne doe that whiche speciallys apperteyneth to his office and lette him doe it in the feare of GOD and wyth an vpright heart diligentlye and faithfullye and we shal sée all that is amisse will soone be amended But I feare there is many a one comes hither pro forma tantùm as they say for fashion sake only and to fil vp the Sessions but howe to discharge their conscience is the furthest part of their thought yea they thinke not once of it at al. Do ye not thinke that you might finde manye nestes of shrewd stinging waspes lurking in corners aboute you if you would séeke for them Naye rather do not wée thinke that you knowe alreadie where they are if you woulde vtter them Ah remember whome you come here to serue not man only from whose eyes you maye hide many things but God who séeth into the secretes of youre heartes and from whome you can conceale nothing Looke therefore well aboute you dallie not with God he will not be playde withall goe through with the matters yée take in hand and hault not for any respect eyther of pleasing or displeasing of man but studie to please God by your true and faithfull seruice at this time as you wil thinke to cléere your selues in that day when you shall stande before the tribunall seate of Christe to render accompte of youre doings Looke therefore more narrowly to Gods matters and to Gods causes search out presente and punish such ercesses and defaultes as be committed againste the stablishmente of Gods true Religion and the quiet state of his Church Iwis Iwis there are many curst Calues of Bason abroade whiche since they suckte the Bull that came from Rome haue giuen ouer all obedience and allegiance both to God and the Quéene For before that time they coulde be contente to come to the Churche and to heare Sermons and to receyue the Sacramentes and to vse common Prayer with the rest of the congregation of Christe and so forthe They were conformable in all respectes and contente to doe anye thing that beséemed good Christians to doe but since they suckte that madde Bull they are become euen as braynesicke Calues frowarde stubborne disobediente in worde and déede not to be ledde nor ordered by any reason and I would it were no worse And yet these forsooth can not be séen nor heard of when time of reformation is they can not be heard of at the quarter Sessions nor nowe at these generall Sessions nor when anye commission is sitte vpon for the redresse of suche matters they can not bée espyed or heard of at any suche tyme but when the Sessions are past we can both heare and sée that they haue their open méetings and solemne feastings togither sometimes at one house sometimes at another house amongst themselues with all fréedome and libertie yea with all ioylitie and lustinesse talking and iesting at their pleasures of the state and of Religion and so forth whatsoeuer they list to no good end I warrante you nor withoute vnhappie meaning As of late you hadde some experience of it Westwarde I pray God ere it bée long we haue not lyke experience héere Eastwarde and all through oure owne siacknesse and negligence in looking to these matters Well nowe I conclude Scrue GOD serue hys Churche and haue an eye to those men that bée enimies and disturbers of it and so seruing God and his Churche you shall scrue youre Prince and Countrey neuer a whitte the lesse but rather you shall serue them a greate deale more and a great deale the better For to serue God and his Churche is the very head and beginning of youre whole seruice that you now come for and without that whatsoeuer otherwise you doe it is but headlesse seruice yea it is no seruice neyther can you serue youre Prince and Countrey at all except you first serue the Church And your selues as you are Christian men are this Churche and the Quéene as she is a Christian Quéene is the head of thys Church nexte vnder Christe And therfore maruell not that I say vnto you you can not serue youre Prince and Countrey except you first serue the Churche whereof she is the head and you the members The God of all grace and of all mercies so dispose our heartes so direct oure counsels so gouerne oure actions so further oure attemptes so blesse and prosper all our doings at this time and finallye so finishe the good worke that we haue nowe taken in hand and begun in his name that we maye iustly and truly serue him that we may iustly truly serue his Churche that we maye serue the Quéene that we may serue the common wealthe that we maye serue one anothers furne in suche singlenesse of heart and true brotherly affection that there maye be long peace amongst vs and one godly vnitie and vniformitie both of Religion and life to the glory of his holy name and the common comfort and ioy of vs all God our heauenly father graunt this mercy vnto vs for his sonne our sauiour Iesus Christes sake to whome with the father and the holy Ghost be all honour glory now and for euer AMEN Rom. 16. verse 17. Imprinted at London by Ralph Newberie and Henry Bynneman