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A67437 The history & vindication of the loyal formulary, or Irish remonstrance ... received by His Majesty anno 1661 ... in several treatises : with a true account and full discussion of the delusory Irish remonstrance and other papers framed and insisted on by the National Congregation at Dublin, anno 1666, and presented to ... the Duke of Ormond, but rejected by His Grace : to which are added three appendixes, whereof the last contains the Marquess of Ormond ... letter of the second of December, 1650 : in answer to both the declaration and excommunication of the bishops, &c. at Jamestown / the author, Father Peter Walsh ... Walsh, Peter, 1618?-1688.; Ormonde, James Butler, Duke of, 1610-1688. Articles of peace.; Rothe, David, 1573-1650. Queries concerning the lawfulnesse of the present cessation. 1673 (1673) Wing W634; ESTC R13539 1,444,938 1,122

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late they have been to see how far you should venture on such Wonderful undertakings nay nor doubt or at least am not without hope of the return of your former Miraculous gifts if ever at any time indeed you had any such even in any sort of degree or measure As for the rest know there is nothing could happen in this World I would be more heartily glad to hear than the absolute certainty of true Miraculous or Supernatural Wonder-working gifts indeed either again returned or anew bestowed on you or in truth on any other person whatsoever in this Country where I might see with my own eyes the Miracles done This was my last discourse with and those or other to such purpose my very last words to Father Finachty which he answered by promising to do so as I desired viz. to go directly to his home in Connaught to hold no meetings in the way to attempt no further cures at all before he had first recollected himself c. And then remembring how he had though indirectly but the last night insinuated some want I gave him what money I had in my pocket i. e. about fourteen shillings which having taken he departed from me yet he had the confidence within two hours after even that very morning before he left the Town to send me a little Printed English Book in Twelves or Sixteens of his own Miracles lately done at London My Lords and Fathers this is the account which ever since that Book of Miracles given or rather sent by him to me I intended to give you all whensoever it pleased God I should have the honour of speaking to you Assembled together For I held my self bound in several respects to give it you And now that I have discharged my self of that obligation see you whether it be not fit by universal consent to obstruct all such future both attempts and pretences of Father Finachty and not only of him but of any other * * I know two more the one an Augustinian in the County of Catherlogh the other a Franciscan in the County of Wexford who were about 1664 c. by some weak people cryed up for some such wonder-working graces But I knew withall the Augustinian to have been a meer Knave and a Nonsensical Ass to boot The Franciscan was Father Anthony Stafford a Gentleman born and very devout man in his profession and therefore easily adored and cryed up even by some Gentlemen though I think himself never gave way to such reports if other such there be for Miraculous curing either any kind of meer natural disease or any sort of Possessed or Bewitched Person that so you may as much as lies in you vindicate your selves and your Church and Religion from the scandal reproach ignominy of such manifest arguments either of crazy heads or vile Impostors or both Thus having done with what I intended to say on the second of those three Heads before mentioned in the former Section pag. 706. and none having contradicted a word of what either I had so related of that weak man or advised concerning him but rather all condemning his follies and some also telling That notwithstanding his having been so convinced and confounded at Dublin yet he attempted afterwards to practise and did practise on some weak Creatures in Connaught especially Women or Maids whereof some as Demoniacks but reputed such by him he shut up in Portumna and by Discipline and Fasting made almost mad as likewise that for his further saying That all the Women of Ireland were possess'd i. e. by the Devil specially possess'd the Archbishop of Tuam within whose jurisdiction he was had forbid him all such Exorcisms and Exercise others relating that he came into and attempted to practise somewhere in Westmeath but was discountenanced there and in fine all the rest either by their words or silence appearing to be utterly dissatisfied with him and concurring to what I desired even a general opposition and prohibition of his feats everywhere thenceforth I pass'd on to the third and last of the foresaid three Heads And yet I must let my Reader know here 1. That notwithstanding so publick and general notice taken of him the same Father Finachty I have been told in the year 1649 before I left Ireland last he had got himself lately made Vicar-general by the Clergy of the vacant See of Elphin in the foresaid Province of Connaught though whether that report was true or no I cannot avert nor did I enquire 2. That no sooner had this Roman-Catholick Irish Priest Finachty been so discovered at Dublin but at Cork a Town also in Ireland starts up one .......... Gratrix an English Lay-Protestant to supply the formers place by making People believe he himself too had a Gift from God to Cure all Diseases by Praying and Stroaking and accordingly practises everywhere on many even also at London whither he came at last to Cheat the World as the former was thought to have done What became of this Gratrix I neither know nor care Only this I know That not long after his practises on Folks at London he went out like the Snuff of a Candle just as Finachty did XXII VVHat I discoursed on the third and last Head was not long because the two Books were extant and the Authors known and the designs and effects of them such as none of all the Fathers how otherwise willing soever at least some of them of that Congregation durst publickly in that place open his lips to justifie And therefore my relation of that discourse shall be answerable i. e. very short For as to the first of these Books I thought enough to let them know 1. The Title of it which is Disputatio Apologetica De Jure Regni Hiberniae pro Catholicis Hibernis adversus Haereticos Anglos 2. That it hath another small Treatise annexed as an Appendix which bears this Title Exhortatio ad Catholicos Hibernos 3. That both pieces are own'd by the same Author though under the Capital Letters only of C. M. as he owns himself to be an Irish man For in the Frontispiece or Title-page of the Disputation he sayes and only sayes Authore C. M. Hiberno Artium Sacrae Theologiae Magistro and after the second Title or that of his Appendix or Exhortation he adds again Authore C. M. Hiberno 4. That in the former Title-page 't is pretended to have been Printed at Francfort Francofurti Superiorum permissu typis Bernardi Gourani Anno Domini 1645 though we had reason to think 't was Printed in Portugal 5. That albeit the Author was unknown to me for so many years after I had seen the Book yet at last I came to know certainly and this from the there present Lord Bishop of Ardagh That he was an old Irish Jesuit living in Portugal by name Constantine or Cornelius in Irish Con or Cnochoor and by Sirname O Mahony a Munster and County Cork man of the Barony of
stile onely of the address changed for the Province of Ardmagh was to the foresaid Dr. Patrick Daly himself as exercising the exiled Archbishop and Primate Edmund Reilly's Jurisdiction over the whole Province of Ardmagh containing in all ten Diocesses to wit Ardmagh Clogher Dune Con●er Derry Raphoe Kilmore Ardagh Meath and Clua●macnoise Fourth Letter to the foresaid James Dempsy as likewise during the vacancy exercising Metropolitical Jurisdiction in the whole Province of Leinster i.e. the five several Diocesses of Dublin Kildare Leighlin Ferns and Ossory all those Sees being then vacant except onely Ferns the Bishop whereof Nicholas French having retired in the War-time about the year 1650. and as yet in 1665. living in S. Jago of Galicia in Spain thought not fit to return home to his charge in Ireland without first having obtained His Majesties or the Lord Lieutenants Licence to that purpose Fifth Letter was to another John Burk then Vicar-Apostolick of the Archiepiscopal See of Cashil in Munster to be in the same manner as the other Letters were to be to those of other Provinces respectively communicated to the several Vicars-General of all the vacant Sees under the Jurisdiction of Cashil which are Imly Waterford and Lismore Cork Rosse Cluan Limmerick Acadensis in Kerry Killaloe and Finiborensis or Kilfinuran in Tomond For albeit the Bishop of this last See was then as he is still alive yet being in France and so in effect vacant his Vicar-General was to have particular intimation As for all and every of the other Sees of the Province they were absolutely vacant their Bishops being all dead before that time whereof the last was Robert Barry of Cork who also however in former times an earnest zealous Nuntiotist upon receipt of Letters and Books from London in the year 1662. giving an account of the Remonstrance approved it as you have seen before Sect. V. page 13. of the First Part of this Treatise Sixth Letter was to Antony Docharty Minister Provincial of the Franciscans the most numerous Order in Ireland as being even at that time so soon after the Tyranny of the late Usurping powers at least 400 at home besides those not only in their own Irish Collegiate Convents at Rome Prague and Louain but dispersed in other Convents amongst the Native Italians French Spaniards Germans c. in the several Kingdoms States and Nations of Europe Seventh Letter to John O Hairt Prior Provincial of the Dominicans the Order for number in that Kingdom next to the Franciscans even at that time being near 200. Eighth Letter to Stephen Lynch Prior Provincial of the Augustinians or those called Hermits of St. Augustine in all about an Hundred Ninth Letter to _____ Sall Superiour Provincial of the Jesuits some 25 or thereabouts in number Tenth Letter to Thomas Dillon Prior Provincial of the Discalceat Carmelites much about the number of the Jesuits or rather not so many Eleventh Letter to Gregory Mulchonry Commissary or Superiour of the Mission of Cappuccins making in all about some Twenty or near Twelfth Letter to _____ Abbot of _____ Superintendent of the Monks of St. Bernard's Order in all a few Titular Abbots Nine or Ten perhaps or thereabouts who served in some Parishes as Curates or Parish-Priests But who that Superiour of theirs was I do not remember now yet remember notwithstanding that one Father Bartholomew Fitz-Gerrald titular Abbot of Baltinglass appeared in the Congregation and none other of them As for the Calceat Carmelites there was but one onely of them in the Kingdom as of the Chanons Regular of St. Austin but peradventure three or four Titular Priors and then officiating as Parish-Priests tyed to the Cure of Souls in one Parish onely for those others then at home in Ireland called Titular Priors of some of the anciently great and rich Monasteries of the Order of Chanons Regular we know to have been onely such by Commendam as not otherwise professed Chanons but onely Priests of the Secular Clergy who had got Bulls from the Pope to be Priors of such or such of those rich Cloysters hoping one day or other to enjoy the Revenues of them Of this sort I knew one and but one yet withal such an one as truly was unworthy the name not only of Prior but even of either Chanon-Priest or Clerk Others said they knew two or three more such in other remote parts of the Kingdom I mean such as to the Title of Commendatory Priors though not as to the indignity of their persons or qualities however otherwise for parts obscure enough And in the last place for what concerns the Benedictin Monks who if I had ranked the Orders according to their Antiquity should be together with those Chanons-Regular Treated of before any of the Mendicant Orders they were not known to be above two or three in the whole Kingdom if so many Which paucity and withal obscurity there and then of these three Orders lastly Treated of viz. Calceat Carmelites Chanons Regular of St. Augustin and Monks of St. Benedict's Institute was the reason there was no particular Letter of intimation to them or any of them But for the Bishop of Ardagh himself who sign'd the Letters being he was to reside constantly in Dublin where the Congregation was to meet and that he pretended no Jurisdiction over any other Diocess but his own of Ardagh he would have none to himself but excused that needless trouble of having a Copy written and sign'd for himself promising nevertheless to acquaint his own Vicar-General and Clergy with the tenour and purpose of such Letter And for the other Bishops then surviving and remaining in forreign Parts viz. Edmund Reilly Archbishop of Ardmagh and Primat of all Ireland Nicholas French Bishop of Ferns and Andrew Lynch Bishop of Kilfinuran they were only by the Procurator's own Letters or perhaps moreover by some Duplicats of that to Tuam to be acquainted with the whole design and transaction of it and to be so invited home to that National meeting if themselves should think fit to venture coming and the Procurator promise them protection or a safe connivence from the Lord Lieutenant Those Twelve Letters and some Duplicats also of that to Tuam being at last sign'd by all four and by their own proper hands and consequently even by James Dempsy himself the most reluctant of all and so reluctant verily that after expressing his consent as being over-rul'd yet he declined signing all he could and therefore chang'd his Lodging and writ a Letter excusing himself as necessitated to depart suddenly out of Town but withal pretending that he would Cemmission some other to sign in his name although being found out and the originals sign'd by the other three brought to him he could not for shame but sign also with his own hand as he did then presently those original Letters and Duplicats I say being so sign'd and endorsed and by the said Bishop of Ardagh sealed with a flying Seal being also ordered by
distinction of Countrey or Degree or Sex or Age Men Women Children from the most illustrious Peer to the most obscure Plebeian wheresoever in any of His Majesties Kingdoms or Dominions even at this present lie under all the rigorous Sanctions and all the severe Penalties of so many incapacitating so many mulctative Laws nay and so many sanguinary which reach even to life in several cases And your Predecessors before you have well nigh a whole Century of years been continually under the smart or apprehension of the severity of them And so may your Successors and your Children and Posterity after you for so long more if the true causes of Enacting at first those Laws and continuing them ever since be no better considered i.e. no more narrowly search'd into nor more effectually regarded by you than they have been by your Fathers for you or themselves But whatever Gods providential care of or goodness to your Posterity after you may be I am sure it cannot be denied but all Roman-Catholicks universally now living any where in England Ireland or Scotland must upon due reflection find themselves highly concern'd in having the Sword-point of those penal Constitutions hanging continually and even perpendicularly over their heads Do not we all manifestly perceive they are with-held at present from execution by a very small and weak Thred not only of one life that is mortal but even of one will alone that yet may be alter'd of a sudden upon many occasions which may happen when least expected Now seeing you are all every one thus concern'd in those Laws surely so you must all be in the causes of them i.e. in those genuine true proper and onely causes which continued must necessarily continue those very Laws and which removed will naturally remove them But if in those causes your concernment be such how can it be other or indeed how can it be any way less in the Subject of this Book All the several Treatises and Parts thereof and all the several Relations Discourses Disputes Animadversions therein occasion'd by either of the two Formularies drive ultimately at a plain and full discovery of those very causes and of their continual dependance on your own proper will alone and how lawfully and justly you may or rather how strictly you are even by all the known Maxims of Christian Religion Catholick Faith and Natural Reason bound in Conscience to remove them Your Concern therefore above all others in the Subject being thus at last clearly manifested I need no further Apology for the Dedication A Consecratory Address to you appears now evidently enough to have been required by the Nature of the Work it self as a necessary Appendage of that real duty which I have endeavoured to the best of my understanding all along in this Book to pay the most sacred name of Catholicks And in truth to whom other than to your selves ought or could I upon any sufficient ground dedicate a Book of so universal and weighty a Concern of yours Yet after all I must acknowledge that besides your propriety in the Subject I had the current of my own desires and my own Ideas to exact this Duty I have in truth these many years had continually even passionate desires of some fair opportunity to offer unto you but with all due submission still some farther and more particular thoughts relating both to the proper causes and proper remedies of all your foresaid evils And have at last entertain'd the pleasing Idea of a Dedicatory as the fairest occasion I could wish to speak directly and immediately to your selves all whatever I think to be for your advantage on that Subject and sutable to the measures of a Letter and what I moreover know some others think who yet have not the courage to speak or to inform you And therefore to pursue my old method I call it old having held these 26 years of delivering my thoughts fully and throughly in all Points which I conceive to be material though at the same time expecting from some contradiction and from others worse but comforting myself nevertheless with the conscience of very great Truth with the zeal of your highest advantage and with the certain expectation that all judicious good men will approve what I shall say and lay all to heart as they ought I must now tell you that if we please to examine things calmly with unprejudiced reading and unbyass'd reason we may find without any peradventure I. That the rigour of so many Laws the severity of so many Edicts and the cruel execution of both many times against even harmless People of the Roman Communion have not intentionally or designedly from the beginning aim'd nor do at present aim so much at the renunciation of any avowed or uncontroverted Articles of that Christian or Catholick Religion you profess as at the suppression of those Doctrines which many of your selves condemn as Anti-catholick and for the prevention of those practises which you all say you abhor as Antichristian II. That it is neither the number of Sacraments nor the divine excellency of the Eucharist above the rest either by the real presence in or Transubstantiation of the Consecrated Host nor the communion thereof in one kind onely nor the more holy and strict observance of Confession nor the ancient practice of Extreme Vnction nor the needless Controversies 'twixt Vs and the Protestants if we understood one another about Faith Justification Good Works or those termed Supererogatorie or about the Invocation of Saints Veneration of Reliques Worshipping of Images Purgatory and Pardons nor is it the Canon of the Bible or a Learned Liturgy or Continency of Priests and obligation of certain Vows or holiness of either a Monastick or Cloystered life in a well-ordered Community of devout Regulars nor is it either a Patriarchical power in the Bishop of Rome over the Western Church according to the ancient Canons and Customs or which is yet somewhat more an universal Pastorship purely spiritual acknowledg'd in Him such I mean as properly flows from the Celestial power of the two Keyes of Peter as far as ever it was acknowledged by all or any of the ancient Councils I say it is not any of all these Articles or Practises nor all together not even join'd with some others whether of lesser or greater note that is the grand Rock of scandal or that hath been these last Hundred years the cause of so many Penalties Mulcts Incapacities of shameful Deaths inflicted and more ignominious Characters given us III. That of our side the original source of all those evils and perpetual spring of all other misfortunes and miseries whatsoever of the Roman-Catholicks in England Ireland Scotland at any time since the first change under Henry VIII hath been a System of Doctrines and Practises not only quite other than your selves do believe to have been either revealed in Holy Scripture or delivered by Catholick Tradition or evidenced by Natural Reason or so much as defined by
could moreover with the Apostle (i) Rom. 9.3 wish himself were accursed from Christ and with Moses pray to be blotted out of the Book (k) Exod. 32.32 My Lords Fathers and Gentlemen Your most humble and most devoted Servant in Christ Peter Walsh London Octob. 28. 1673. TO THE READER READER I Have but now amongst so many other Heads in my Epistle given the ends both intrinsick and extrinsick of all my Writings on the Subject of this Book And I suppose you also have already there observed those intrinsick ends to be no other than 1. A necessary defence of some important yea Evangelical Christian Truths and 2. A just vindication of some few honest men who are strangely persecuted for declaring signing and not retracting those very Truths Neither do I question but you have likewise there i. e. in the said Epistle seen and observ'd at large my onely chief extrinsick ends to be the Ease of Roman-Catholicks and the Peace of both Churches I say now with some remark my onely chief c. because I cannot deny but that whil'st I chiefly or finally aimed so far off at those greater ends of Ease and Peace I intended nevertheless to drive more immediately at the nearer and necessary either means or dispositions to attain them That is I would not onely in the first place drive at the convincing of the Roman-Catholick Clergy in general of Ireland how unreasonably their Representatives viz. the Fathers or Members of the National Congregation held at Dublin anno 1666 determin'd in their general concerns and how mightily if not even irrecoverably in our dayes the very name of Roman-Catholick is prejudiced in these Nations by that Irish Synod but I would also drive at the consequential preparing of them all with better principles affections and resolutions against their next Ecclesiastical and National Meeting if peradventure God in his great mercy shall vouchsafe to give them once more such an opportunity of doing themselves and others directed by them and their Religion above all that greatest right which they ought to do by correcting throughly what the former Dublin Congregation did amiss And this in truth of convincing and preparing so as I have now said the Roman-Catholick Clergy in general of Ireland was I must confess one of the more immediate ends of my writing this Book albeit still with due subordination to those other no less excellent than remote or even ultimate which I proposed to my self in this life As for the more immediate Contingencies also which in their kind really and properly occasion'd it I mean this present Work I can assure you on the word of an honest man they were no inclinations in me to scribling or publishing my own private sentiments nor were they any effects at all of prejudice or passion much less of malice on my side to any man or number party or faction of men But the unhappy counsels of the foresaid National Irish Congregation held at Dublin and the just demands of those who had lawful Authority to command me and the peculiar obligations on me as being Procurator of the whole Clergy both Secular and Regular of Ireland to satisfie in what I could all such demands were the immediate and concurring Contingencies that not only gave me occasion but even put me under a very great necessity of writing the Publick Transactions as well of as relating to and necessary for understanding fully the Intrigues of that Ecclesiastical Irish Synod But neither the Contingencies that occasioned nor the Ends that induced me to write are to my purpose now The design of this different Preface to thee Reader is to give briefly such other Advertisements as I think necessary and you will not I hope think superflubus concerning 1. The several Treatises of this Book their number method and some particular matters either examined throughly or but incidentally reflected on in them and 2. concerning also the several Appendixes annexed to the said Treatises Know therefore now that I. Immediately after the foresaid National Synod of Dublin was ended without having done any thing answerable to the end for which they were permitted to convene and sit with all freedom for fifteen dayes and after also the Provincial Chapter of the Franciscan Order was within another moneth both held for six or seven dayes together in the same place and with the same freedom and dissolved in the same manner without giving the State any satisfaction I took pen in hand and as it was expected from me writ those three small Treatises which make the Second Third and Fourth of this Book I writ them if not in answer at least to consider the vanity and shew the insignificancy of so many i. e. of three several Papers presented from the foresaid National Congregation to the then Lord Lieutenant of that Kingdom His Grace the Duke of Ormond Of which Papers two were subscribed by many hands but the third by none at all II. As in these Three later Treatises I related to a former although not then written viz. the First which you have now here in its due place so I did also to a Fifth and Sixth as following in the same Book These two last I intended should be on the Fifth and Sixth of the Six Sorbon Declarations of the year 1663. Because the foresaid Irish National Congregation refused to subscribe them applied c. albeit they had subscribed the first Three of the said Six of Sorbon and promised to subscribe all the Six 'T is true they declined also the signature of the Fourth of them But having by me then upon the subject of the same Fourth a Latin Treatise which I intended to publish separately by it it self least otherwise the Book should swell bigger than I would have it and considering also that for what concerned these Sorbon Declarations the grand Contest in that Dublin Synod was not concerning the Fourth but concerning only the Fifth and Sixth of them I confined my thoughts to the Design of Six Treatises only for this Book without farther addition III. I had no thoughts of lessening this number of Six Treatises until by writing the First Treatise I found that contrary to my expectation the bulk would swell too much if I should annex the said Fifth and Sixth because these alone would contain about Sixty sheets and that however I thought it necessary to add some other Appendixes IV. For these Considerations beside other I have abridg'd here the said first intended number of Six Treatises and do remit the Fifth and Sixth of them to another Tome Whereof I thought fit particularly to advertise thee good Reader because in the Second Third and Fourth Treatise or in some of them I am sure printed before I took this resolution I remit thee to the said Fifth and Sixth as if they did follow in this present Book V. Albeit the design of the First Treatise was onely to give a Narrative of matter of Fact c as you may see
reflect upon his Ordination as if indeed that had been not only uncanonical or unlawful but really void and null or as the Schoolmen speak invalid Were I to deliver my opinion of that matter or were it to my purpose to speak thereof I would certainly hold my self obliged in Conscience for any thing I know yet to concur with them who doubt not the Ordination of Bishops Priests and Deacons in the Protestant Church of England to be at least valid And yet I have read all whatever hath been to the contrary objected by the Roman-Catholick Writers whether against the matter or form or want of power in the first Consecrators by reason of their Schism or Heresie or of their being deposed formerly from their Sees c. But I have withal observed nothing of Truth alledg'd by the Objectors which might in the least persuade any man who is acquainted with the known Divinity or Doctrine of our present Schools besides what Richardus Armachanus long since writ and with the Annals of our own Roman Church unless peradventure he would turn so frantick at the same time as to question even the validity of our own Ordination also in the said Roman Church on pretence forsooth either of the Form of the Sacrament altered at the pleasure of men or Succession of Bishops interrupted by so many Schisms or of Stephen VII (a) 〈◊〉 ad an Christi 893. condemning all the Ordinations of his Predecessor Formosus and John IX (b) ad an 904. rescinding all the Acts of that Stephen and then Sergius III (c) ad an 908. rescinding likewise all the Acts of the said John IX and the former Ordinations of Formosus Upon occasion of which horrible Hurly Burly of Ordinations Exordinations and Superordinations an Author of that time called Auxilius (d) cod anno 908. writ an excellent Book intituled De Ordinationibus Exordinationibus Superordinationibus Romanorum Pontificum Ordinatorum ab eis Exordinationibus Superordinationibus XIV Notwithstanding this Book have so many Treatises and be so bulky yet it brings the History of the Loyal Remonstrance and its Vindication against all Censures but to the end of the year 1666 or rather to the end or breaking up of the Irish National Congregation which was held at Dublin in the said year from the 11th of June when it convened to the 25th of the same Month when it dissolved The prosecution of the History and Vindication of the Subscribers of the said Loyal Formulary against all other sorts of Censures and illegal proceedings wherewith they have been ever since the year 1666 to this present 1673 more violently than before persecuted belongs to the Second Tome If you think this other Tome in English will be long a coming and it may be it will you may see in the mean time enough to satisfie you partly in my Latin three several Pieces intituled Hibernica and partly in my First and long Latin Epistle to Haroldus which hath been already published in Print XV. And yet however as I have now said it be not the scope or design of this Volume to give any part of the Sufferings of the Remonstrants since the year 1666 from their Antagonists and Persecuters much less to give instances of what in former times i. e. before the King's Restauration the Loyal Party of the Irish Clergy suffered from the Nuncio Party all along at least from the year 1646 to the year 1660 upon meer account of their having opposed and not observed the said Nuncio's Excommunication and Interdict nevertheless such i. e. so malicious hath been the indefatigable industry of Father Peter Talbot the Titular Archbishop of Dublin and Ring-leader of the Irish Anti-remonstrants all along these five or six years past in persecuting the said Remonstrants to death as far as in him lay that in the LXXXIV Section of the First Part First Treatise and contrary or at least much beside my former purpose he extorted from me some few reflections in general on his very Archiepiscopal but withal very disloyal unconscientious and un●hri●●ian endeavours in that matter if not withal somewhat though but obscurely on his former actings in other matters at London in the year 1659. And such also that is so manifestly untrue have his Answers been at Dublin some 2 or 3 years since to a Petition of mine presented here at London in behalf of the foresaid persecuted Remonstrants and Loyal Party of Irish Clergy-men who had likewise in former times on the other account of opposing the Nuncio suffered that for disproving him where amongst many other untruths in his said Answers he would insinuate there had not been any such former suffering of any of the Remonstrants from the Nuncio Party I judged it expedient to take likewise in this very Book or Second Part of the First Treatise thereof an occasion of Treating incidentally and giving all those many and manifold notorious instances you may see there Sect. II. from pag. 579 to pag. 601. of the grievous Persecutions which the said Loyal Irish Ecclesiasticks that opposed the Nuncio suffered therefore continually from 1646 to 1660 both at home in Ireland and abroad in all other Catholick Countries of Europe wheresoever they lived or whether they were driven after the Parliament Arms had prevailed in their own Countrey XVI Nothing less than nor yet any such thing as a design to undervalue the miracles reported on any sufficient ground to be wrought either in former or later times by any Saint or person of the Roman Church induced me to give that large Account of the famed wonder-working Irish Priest James Fienachty which you may read likewise in the said Second Part c Sect. XXI from pag. 710 to pag. 735. Beside the duty of an Historian which even alone might require that Narrative in that very place I had all the reason in the world to invite me to give it that Protestants may be convinced there are yet remaining of the Roman Church at least some even Irish Ecclesiasticks that desire not to maintain the truths of Christianity or Catholicism by Cheats or Tricks and Lyes and Mountebankries XVII I was mistaken in my Third Treatise of this Book pag. 29 where I supposed Father Nicholas Nettervil the Jesuit Doctor of Divinity had amongst others sign'd the Three first of the Six late Sorbon Propositions or Declarations applied c. For now looking by chance on the original Instrument of the said Three first Propositions c Sign'd by the General Congregation at Dublin and comparing the number and names of the Subscribers there to those who Sign'd their First Paper or Remonstrance I find Nine of those Remonstrators not to have subscribed to the foresaid later Instrument of their Three Propositions and that amongst these Nine N. N or the said Father Nicholas Nettervil of the Society of Jesus is one Which may seem as strange as it is true he having been the first man that offered to Sign even all
Three thousand pounds to build a Colledge I had no sooner put these two questions to them but they took Pen in hand and Signed that very Approbation of theirs which you see amongst those of others prefix'd to that little Book * Some years after but not before the Kingdom had been quite over-run by the Parliament I was told that one of the Society had reported I had in my Printing of this Book added much which was not in my Original written Copy and consequently which they had not approved To which the Answer is 1. That I was by the Colledge authorized to add in the Printing of it what I further pleased for strengthning or confirming by Law and Reasons their Resolves 2. That I added not a word in the Printing but onely out of the very Canons and Classick Authors what every one judged necessary I should add viz. very brief and very clear Solutions of some few Objections or rather Quotations brought me in two several Papers as from the Nuncio's Canonists or Learned Council the one Paper from Waterford the other from Galway and both against the validity of the Appeal and both also brought me just then when the Press was employed on that very point 3. That the general satisfaction which even all as well the Answerers as the Approvers of it yea those very Fathers of the Society found in it as soon as it came out in Print and continually after without objecting for so many years any such matter is a sufficient Argument that I dealt both fairly and conscientiously as I ought in Printing of this little Work with their Approbation XXV To understand more clearly what these other instances were besides those of the Insurrection in 1641 and continuation of the War till 1646 and breach of the First Peace made that same year 1646 and opposition after not only to the Cessation but to the Second Peace and both concluded in the year 1648 in which and for which other instances and I mean those hinted in general but not specified by me before the generality or any considerable part of the Roman-Catholick Irish Clergy of those dayes were obnoxious to the Laws there is very much to enlighten you in the Appendix of Instruments but much more in the Duke of ORMOND's long and excellent Letter which makes the last Appendix And therefore I would advise you to read that Letter in the first place i. e. before you read any other Part or Treatise of this Book although it be in order the very last Piece or Appendix of it XXVI Certainly it was no design that made me not give in the Appendix of Instruments as well the publick Acts of the Congregation of the Irish Clergy at Waterford under the Nuncio in the year 1646 against the Peace of that year as I gave those against both the following Cessation and other Peace concluded in the year 1648. The onely reason why I did not give them is That I had them not by me nor could have them from any other when I was Printing that Appendix Wherefore I must remit thee for them partly to honest Doctor Callaghan alias Philopater Irenaeus his Latin Vindiciae and partly to the English and both complete and accurate History of the whole last unhappy Wars of Ireland which is now preparing and you will suddenly see I hope XXVII This present Book not only as it now contains Four Treatises besides the Appendixes but as it was intended first to have also the Fifth and Sixth Treatise had been published at Dublin and in Easter Term there 1669 but that I was before viz. in September 1667 admonish'd for some prudential reasons to hold my hand for a time at least from going on with the Second Part of the First Treatise which is altogether of matters of Fact What those reasons were it 's needless to mention It sufficeth to tell here 1. That they related not to my self and consequently that they were no apprehensions of my side or of any other of my Friends that I had written or maintained any Doctrine or Proposition in this Book which might not very well abide the light and publick Censure of any Roman-Catholick Schools or Doctors proceeding on the grounds of Christianity or undoubted Catholick Truths 2. That soon after the foresaid Admonition I desisted from prosecuting any further study of this Book and suspended the Press when I came to pag. 442 which is in the First Part of the First Treatise having before that seen the Second Third and Fourth Treatises Printed there also at Dublin 3. That when after four years more the cause of that Admonition and those Reasons were wholly over I at the importunity of some judicious worthy Friends last year 1672. much about this time Twelve-month resumed here at London my intermitted-study of this Book to finish it as you see and so have added and Printed here what follows from the foresaid pag. 442 to the end of the Second Part of the First Treatise or to pag. 765 for some Fourscore sheets 4. That for this cause or the different places where this Book was Printed so by Parts you must not wonder at the difference of the Paper Ink and Character in those same Parts thereof The Dublin Printing-house was not furnish'd well with any of them but very ill at least with Paper and Letter when I Printed there and as ill with a Corrector too Albeit I must confess the London either Corrector or Printer which my Copies here lighted on hath also not seldom partly overseen and partly mistaken horribly And yet I think there are not any such over-sights or mistakes of either Correctors or Printers in any Part of this Book which alter the sense in any material thing though perhaps there may be some few that may a little retard some Readers 5. That to help this matter as well as I can at present I have in the preceding Leaf of the Body of the Book given those Errata or at least the most considerable of them which I have my self upon my own review observed leaving to thy discretion many lesser And perhaps too I leave some as great as any other but leave these onely because they escaped my observation as they easily might the Author For certainly as to literal faults nay and as to some verbal too any Author commonly speaking must be not the best Corrector of his own Work because he lightly runs over what he hath already in his head And yet after all I must confess I have been forc'd commonly all along to be my own Corrector such mean ones they were I lighted on in the Printing-houses and withal so ill written and blotted and crossed my own Copies i.e. my rough draughts were The greatest mischief was the Composers were sometimes pragmatical and sometimes impatient Which made them not to stay my reading of their amendments i.e. my seeing whether they had precisely observed my Corrections of every word and letter They often struck
off the sheets before I had the second reading of them And this was the chief cause of so many literal faults nay and mistake of some few words too 6. That I have not given any Errata for the Appendixes except one onely in the Latin Appeal which is in the Appendix of Instruments The reason is because I presume these Appendixes are all without mistakes exactly Printed For I took a more special care of them than I had done of the former Treatises and in my own perusing of them I have observed no faults i. e. no variation from the Copies which were fair enough some printed some written Those pieces in them not before Printed either in Latin or English or indeed as far as I know in any other Language are 1. The Supreme Councils Appeal from Rinuccini and his Censures to Innocent X. 2. The Marquess of ORMOND Lord Lieutenant of Ireland his Long and Excellent Letter c. All the other publick Instruments contained either in the Appendix of Instruments or in that which follows it as well as the Book of Queries and Answers have been heretofore Printed either in English or Latin some in Ireland and the rest in France either by Father Ponce in his Latin Vindiciae Eversae or by Richard Belings Esq likewise in his Latin Book of Annotations return'd for Answer to that Work of Ponce's 7. That nevertheless I cannot warrant the Articles of the Peace of 1648 to be exactly as to every word according to the Original Had I had this or indeed any perfect either written or printed Copy of them I had surely taken the greatest care imaginable to Re-print them here as exactly But having had onely one of those printed Copies of the