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The history of brutes, or, A description of living creatures wherein the nature and properties of four-footed beasts are at large described / by Wolfgangus Franzius ... ; and now rendred into English by N.W.; Historia animalium sacra. English
Franz, Wolfgang, 1564-1628.; N. W.
Wing F2094; ESTC R20699
THE HISTORY OF Brutes OR A DESCRIPTION OF Living Creatures Wherein the Nature and Properties of four-footed Beasts are at large Described BY Wolfgangus Franzius D. D. And now rendred into English by N. W. Lectio Certa prodest Varia delectat Sen. ad Lucit Epist. 119. London Printed by E. Okes for Francis Haley at the Corner of Chancery-Lane in Holborn 1670. THE EPISTLE TO THE READER Courteous Reader I Do here present thee with a History of Brutes a Piece that hath been long expected Collected out of the most Approved Authors which have written of this Subject Written Originally in Latine by Wolfgangus Franzius Professor of Divinity in the University of Witteberg a man famous in his time for his great Learning The Book is by the Author divided into five Parts In the first Part he at large treats of the Nature of all four-footed Beasts first setting down the Properties and then deducing several Corollaries which is the method he useth throughout the Book alwaies mentioning some apt place of Scripture where it is spoken of from whence he infers them In the second Part he discourseth only of the Nature of Volatil's in the third of Fishes the fourth Part is a full description of Serpents and the fifth of Insects I have here translated only the first Part which treats only of the Nature of four-footed Beasts having the other by me which if it find acceptance may speedily be put in the Press I have one Request to thee which is not to charge the Author with those faults which possibly thou maist find in the perusal having not leisure to correct it my self If thou shalt find as much pleasure in reading as I have had in the writing of it We shall neither of us lose our pains N. W. THE TABLE CHap. 1. The Argument of the Treatise Pag. 1. C. 2. The definition of an irrational Creature p. 5. C. 3. Of the division of irrational Creatures p. 13. C. 4. Of the Elephant p. 17. C. 5. Of the Camel p. 30. C. 6. Of the Lion p. 39. C. 7. Of the Bear p. 54. C. 8. Of the Leopard p. 62. C. 9. Of the Tyger p. 71. C. 10. Of the Elke p. 56. C. 11. Of the Unicorn and Rhinosceros p. 78. C. 12. Of the Horse p. 86. C. 13. Of the Oxe p. 101. C. 14. Of the Asse p. 108. C. 15. Of the Hart. p. 116. C. 16. Of the Hog p. 127. C. 17. Of the Fox p. 137. C. 18. Of the Cat. p. 149. C. 19. Of the Hare and Coney p. 153. C. 20. Of the Wolf p. 159. C. 21. Of the Dog p. 174. C. 22. Of the Sheep p. 181. C. 23. Of the Goat p. 195. C. 24. Of the Ape p. 205. C. 25. Of the Squirrel Weasel and Gulo p. 211. C. 26. Of the Hedge-hog p. 220. C. 27. Of the Beaver p. 222. C. 28. Of the Otter p. 223. C. 29. Of the Crocodile Lizard c. p. 226. C. 30. Of the Salamander Lizard c. p. 230. C. 31. Of the Chamelion p. 233. C. 32. Of the Frog and the Toad p. 236. C. 33. Of the Mouse and the Dormouse c. p. 245. C. 34. Of mix'd four-footed Creatures p. 249. Books Printed and are to be sold by Francis Haley at the Corner of Chancery-Lane in Holborn Euclid's Elements of Geometry in 15. Books in Eolio An Exposition with Practical Observations on the three first Chapters of Job by Joseph Caryl in Quarto The Royal Grammar commonly called Lilley's Grammar explained by way of Question and Answer opening the meaning of the Rules with great plainness to the understanding of children of the meanest capacity with choice critical observations on the same by William Walker B. D. Author of the English Particles in Octavo The New Help to Discourse or Wit Mirth and Jollity intermixt with more serious matters in Twelves The opinion of Witchcraft vindicated in an Answer to a Book entituled The Question of Witchcraft debated being a Letter to a Friend by R. T. CHAP. I. The Argument of the Treatise THe History of Brutes which by some is not unfitly called ãâã ãâã ãâã ãâã ãâã or a Description of living creatures is that part of Physicks which treateth of Brute beasts We may properly call this one part of Physicks because it treateth of the nature of things for Physicks is either Physicks properly so called or you may divide it into Metaphysicks and Mathematicks Physicks properly so called comprehendeth under it the nature of Meteors Metals Plants Stars the four Elements men and Brutes Some would have the consideration of Brutes be brought under Medicine which I think belongeth more properly to Philosophy for here in this treatise of Animals you have the nature property motions generation strength shape and use of Brutes But I shall a little shew the use and benefit that this treatise will be of not only to physicians but also to all scholars and more especially to Divines for consider 1. The dignity of it which Authors tel us in any art or science ariseth from the efficient cause or the object The inventors of this science have been learned and pious men in all ages Gen. 2. â0 Adam gave names suitable to all creatures ch 6. v. 20. 21. Noah in the Ark did not only behold the creatures but was commanded to provide food for them Gen. 36. 34. We find several holy men in scripture who were shepherds Gen. 13. 57. 37. â Exod. 10. 9. 1. Sam. 16. 11. 17. 34. We read that Solomon wrote of Fishes Birds and Beasts 1. Kââgs 4. 33. We read of Alexander that he gavâ 80. talents to Aristotle to instruct him in the knowledge of Creatures and had a 1000. men in Asia and Greece who were employed in fishing and hunting thereby to be informed of the nature of Creatures which was the reason of Aristotles writing his History of Animals The advantages we have from this kind of knowledge is not only for dispute but also for the explication of Authors as well Sacred as Prophane It bringeth also much glory to God 1. We shall find it very useful in sermons For from hence we may deduce many profitable inferences It is fit to know lest we commit an error Democritus was laughed at by Aristotle who asking him what was the reason that a dog alwayes lay upon the same stone answered because he had some thing in him like a stone We find Virgil bringing a Hart of Africa to prove what he said when there are none there thus he bringeth in the wild asses of Italy when there are none there It is no less useful also in the explication of Prophane Authors as well as Sacred The Priest in the Law was very well skilled in the nature of all food he being to instruct the people of the lawfulness and unlawââlnes of meats Dan. 7. we read that Monarchies are compared to beasts as the Chaldean to a Lyon the Persian to a bear the Grecian to a fox the Roman to a