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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19650 An apologie, or defence, of those Englishe writers [and] preachers which Cerberus the three headed dog of hell, chargeth wyth false doctrine, vnder the name of predestination. Written by Robert Crowley clerke, and vicare of Sainct Giles without Creple-gate in London Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588. 1566 (1566) STC 6076; ESTC S119169 136,938 214

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name of Austen odious to the Christian reader as it semeth that Cerberus would make the names of both those men of God Marke therfore gentle reader what might cause Austen some thing to swarue from the truth in thys article He had to do with suche a one as denied Infantes to be spotted with Adams sinne and that therfore they neded no regeneration and so consequently no sacrament of regeneration The abhomination of this errour caused Austen to flye so far on the other side that he had not such a consideration of the promise of God as he shoulde haue had And so affirmed more than once that al that die with out baptisme must nedes be damned Let vs be contented that God hath by this errour shewed Saint Austen to bée a man And let vs giue him thankes for the abundaunce of good doctrine that this man hath lefte in writing not doubting but that that mercifull Lorde whom he serued woulde not suffer him to ende his life in that errour no more than he dyd in the Manicheis heresie which he did sometime stoutly defende althoughe it haue not pleased him to suffer it to appeare in writing that euer he did acknowledge it to be an errour As touching the opinion that Caluin and we Gospellers do holde concerning Infantes that die withoute baptisme it differeth something from Austen but more from Pelagius Yea we doe as muche abhorre the errour of Pelagius as Austen did For we affirme and are able by the Scriptures to proue that al Adams natural children are deade throughe Adams sinne and that none of them can be quickened and reuiued againe otherwise than by Christ And that so many as are not giuen vnto Christ do stil remain in that sinne and cannot be saued So far off are we from this Pelagian heresie Nowe that it maye appeare howe wée differ from S. Austen I will cite some matter out of the woorkes of maister Iohn Caluin Not as Cerberus doth to set him directly against Austen but to shewe how God hath reuealed vnto hys seruant Iohn Caluin that secret that he had not reuealed vnto his seruant Austen so fully so far forth as we can finde written in his bookes First we reade in the booke of maister Iohn Caluins Institutions in the title of Pedobaptisme or baptising of Chyldren these words folowing Sed omissis cauillis tenenda simplex est interpretatio quam attuli neminem donec renouatus fucrit aqua viua hoc est spiritu posse ingredi in Regnum Dei Iam est ex eo explodendum esse eorum commentum palam est qui omnes non baptizatos aeternae morti adiudicant That is But all subtilties set a side the simple interpretaciō that I haue made must be holden that is that none can enter into the kingdome of God til he be renewed by liuelye water that is the holy ghost Now therfore euen hereof it is manifest that the false opinion or fantasie of them that condemne to eternall death all that be not baptised is to be dryuen out with hissing and clapping of handes Againe the same Caluin sayth in his Comment vpon the sift Chapter to the Romaines Vt misera peccato haereditate potiaris satis est esse hominem residet enim in carne sanguine Vt Christi iustitia fruaris sidelem esse necessarium est quia side acquiritur eius consortium Infantibus peculiari ratione communicatur Habent enim in soedere ius adoptionis quo in Chrissti communionem co●ptantur De piorum liberis loquor ad quos promissio gratiae dirigitur Nam alij à communi sorte nequaquam eximuntur That is To enioy the miserable enheritaunce of sinne it is enough to be a man for if dwelleth in flesh and bloud But to enioy the righteousnesse of Christ it is required of necessitie that a man be faithfull for the company or felowship of Christ is obtained by saith To Infants it is after a certaine peculiar maner cōmunicated For they haue in the couenaunt the right of adoption wherby they are adopted into the communion of Christ I speake of the children of the godly vnto whom the promise of mercye is directed For others are not deliuered from that lot that is common to all men By these wordes of Caluin it appeareth how we differ from Augustine for we are of one minde with Caluin who denieth not that the children of the vnfaithfull that dye without baptisme do remaine in the same state that the sinne of the firste man brought all mankinde vnto We differ therfore only in that we affirme that the children of the godlye doe appertaine to the couenant of God and therefore do not perishe though they be preuented by death Whether Austen continued to the ende in that minde that he sheweth him selfe in certaine of hys writings concerning this matter it is vncertaine for in his Retractations there is no mention therof But if he did this onely is the difference betwixt him vs that we ascribe that to the couenāt promise and election of God that he ascribeth to y e sacraments And as it appeareth in his 3. booke of questions vpon the olde Testament he him selfe teacheth the same doctrine that we doe His wordes be these in the. 84. Question Proinde colligitur inuisibilem sanctificatimem quibusdam adfuisse atque profuisse sine visibilibus sacramentis quae pro temporum diuersitate mutata sunt vt alia tunc fuerint alia medo sint Visibilem vero sanctificationem quae fieret per visibilia sacramenta sine ista iuuisibili posse adesse non posse prodesse Nec tamen ideo sacramentum contemnendum est nam contemptor eius inuisibiliter sanctificari nullo modo potest Hinc est quod Cornelius c. That is to say We do therfore gather that certaine men haue had the inuisible sanctification and haue bene benefited therby without the visible Sacramentes which are according to the diuersitie of the tune chaunged so that then they were of one sort and nowe of another And that the visible sanctification which should be wrought by the visible sacramentes maye be present without this that is inuisible but can not be profitable wythout it And yet is not the sacrament therfore to be contemned for he that contemneth it can by no meanes be made holy inuisibly Hereof it came that Cornelius and those that were wyth him when they were perceyued to be inuisiblye sanctified by the holye Ghost that was poured into them were notwithstanding baptised c. These words of S. Austen do plainly declare of what minde he was when he wrate these questions And thys booke of questions with the reast he hath retracted and perused againe allowing this sentence of his therin as it appeareth in the. 55. chapter of his second boke of Retractations Cerberus had no cause therfore to set Iohn Caluin against Austen for we take that to be vndoubtedlye the doctrine of Austen which we finde in his