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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08896 Fiscus papalis. Siue, Catalogus indulgentiarum & reliquiarum septem principalium ecclesiarum vrbis Romæ. Ex vetusto manuscripto codice vere & fideliter descriptus. = A part of the Popes exchequer, that is A catalogue of the indulgences and reliques belonging to the seauen principall churches in Rome. Laying downe the spirituall riches and infinite treasure which (as sure as the Pope is holy & true) are to be found in the Catholike Roman Church, whereof the poore heretikes in England haue not one mite. Taken out of an antient manuscript, and translated. Together with certaine notes and comments explaining the more difficult place, for the ease and helpe of good Catholikes, who had best goe to Rome, to trie the vertue of the glorious indulgences. By a Catholike diuine. Crashaw, William, 1572-1626. 1617 (1617) STC 19174; ESTC S114000 84,865 184

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day of the month of Nouember and there is there vpon that day remission of all sins which was obtained at the supplication of Constantine the Emperor For saith hee after that Constantine the Emperor was healed of his leprosie by receiuing holy Baptisme he said to S. Siluester the Pope holy Father I haue ordained or consecrated my owne house to bee a Church thou therfore infuse and powre vpon this Church thy plentifull blessings for all that shall repaire and come vnto it Hereunto S. Siluester answering said our Lord Iesus Christ who of his own mercy hath healed thee cleansed thee from thy leprosie cleanse purifie from all their sins all that come to this place without mortall sinne 10 This is most vndoubtedly true that whosoeuer comes to that Church without mortall sin shall obtaine all these Indulgences and the very Caluinists and Lutherans will not for shame deny this But if they be so curious as to reply and say that none can come without mortall sin and therefore by this grant none at all shal get any good let them goe like busie heretickes as they are for being Heretickes they are not worthy to be censured but by fire and fagot at what time of the yeare so euer they come to it And we by the authority of S. Peter and S. Paul and our owne do remit pardon them and do grant vnto them remission of all their sinnes Likewise S. Gregory who also consecrated this said Church after it was repaired hauing been defaced by Heretickes confirmed all the aforesaid Indulgences formerly founded by S. Siluester Moreouer Boniface the Pope once said The Indulgences that are to bee had in the Church of Laterane no man can number 11 Here againe the heretickes will laugh say that it is most true they that are not at all cannot bee numbred as no man can number or count the gold in a beggars purse because there is none But these shew themselues bold heretickes indeede that dare suppose holy Pope Boniface especially the 8. would aequiuocate yet I confirme them euery one CHAP. 2. Reliquiae eiusdem Ecclesiae IN illa Ecclesia est quaedam Capella quae vocatur Sacristia ibi est Altare sancti Iohānis quod habuit in Deserto ibi tabula super quam cenauit Christus cum suis discipulis in cena Domini Ibidem est testamentum vetus scilieet virga Moysi et archa foederis Ista omnia apportauerunt Titus Vespasianus de Ierusalem cum quatuor columnis aeris quae stant circa summum Altare vbi sunt capita beatorum Apostolorum Petri Pauli Et quando ista capita monstrantur tunc sunt ibi tot indulgentiae quot sunt ad sanctum Petrum in ostentione Veronicae Item imago Domini quae depicta est in pariete non per manus hominum sed Diuino opere coram omni populo Romano apparuit quinto Idus Nouembris Item Candelae aureae quae fuerunt in priori tabernaculo Item mensa in quae lex est scripta digito Dei Item de quinque panibus ordeaceis duobus piscibus ex quibus saturati fuerunt quinque millia hominum Item tunica inconsutilis quam fecit Maria virgo mater Domini nostri Iesu Christi Item est ibi vestimentum purpureum quod Maria sibi fecit Item est ibi de sanguine aqua fluente de latere Chricit Item de loco ascenfionis domini in coelum Item de crinibus sanguine beati Iohannis Baptistae Item de puluere cinere corporis eius combusti Item cilicium eius quod fuit de pellibus Camelorum Item tunica sancti Iohannis cum qua duos mortuos resuseitauit Item de Manna sepulturae Iohannis Baptistae quod fuit inuentum in sepultura sua magna pulla plena Item Imago Domini nostri Iesu Christi quam fecit Nichodemus sicut Iudei Christum percusserunt Item ibi est linteum cum quo Christus pedes suorum Discipulorum tersit in coena Domini Item praeputium Domini Iesu Christi quod sibi abscissum fuerat in Circumcisione Domini Item caput Zaechariae Prophetae caput sancti Pancracij de quo sanguis emanauit ad tres dies quum Ecclesia Lateranensis combusta fuit Item stapula sancti Laurentij Item vna Capsa plena reliquijs Mariae Magdalenae Item sudarum Christi Item Cyphus ex quo sanctus Iohanne bibit venenum Item Camisia quam beata Maria virgo fecerat mhristo Item pannus ille quem beata Maria dedit filio suo pendente in cruce circa femur Item magna pars de cruce Domint Item duo dentes de sancto Petro. Item in eadem Ecclesia est vna Capella quae vocatur ad sancta sanctorum in quam mulieres non intrant vbi est vna facies saluatoris quando fuit quatuor decem annorum Et ibi est omnibus diebus remissio omnium peccatorum à poena à culpa circa eandem Capellam est vnus assensus triginta trium graduum quoties homo aliquis illos devote ascenderit de quolibet gradu habet mille annos Indulgentiarū qui gradus apportati sunt de Ierusalem quos etiam gradus Iesus ascendit ad Pilatum presidem Item Cathena cum qua venit sanctus Iohannes de Epheso Romam forpices cum quibus fuit tonsus de mandato Domitiani Item velum quod portauit beata Maria in capite Item de arundine cum quo percusserunt Christum in domo Pilati Item tabula plena de reliquijs Martirum Confessorum atque virginum magna pars verae crucis Item de vestimentis lacte capillis beatae Mariae virginis Item de capillis sancti Iohannis baptistae Item iuxta lauaecrum omni die est remissio omnium peccatorum in quem locum non intrant mulieres Item in Aula domini Papae sunt tria ostia cuilibet intro eunti per vnum exeunti per aliud concedūtur xliiij anni indulgentiae tot carenae Et in parte orientali Ecclesiae capitalis sunt tria ostia quae portata fuerunt de Ierusalem CHAP. 2. Of the Reliques in the said Church of Laterane IN this Church of the Laterane there is a certaine Chappell which is called the Sacrist or the Vestry in it there is S. Iohns Altar 12 Here the Heretickes may see how ancient Altars be for as sure as this is true Altars bee as old as since S. Iohn Baptist Now whether this be that very Altar or no whether those vnder-named be not the very Table that Christ supped at and Moses his rod the right Arke of the couenant Heretickes will make question but good Catholicks will as firmely beleeue it and more then they will that the booke of the Reuelation is Canonical Scripture euen that very Altar which he had in the Wildernesse And there is also that very Table vpon which Christ supped with his
Disciples at his last supper In the same place is the old Testament to wit Moses his rod the Arke of the Couenant All these did Titus and Vespatian bring thither from Ierusalem together with those 4 great brasen pillars which now stand about the high Altar within which Altar are the heads of the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul And when these heads be shewed vnto the people then there are as many Indulgences at that Church as there bee at S. Peters Church 13 True as many in the one place as in the other at the shewing of Veronica * Hee meanes a picture of Christ which they say he gaue to a woman called Veronica in that handkercher which shee gaue Christ to wipe his face withall Also there is the Image or picture of our Lord which was painted vpon the wall not with mans hands but by the Diuine worke of God before all the people of Rome 14 Here is a picture that is worth speaking of which God himselfe painted If the hereticke Caluenists did beleeue that God made this Picture they would not be so earnest against Images But they poore soules thinke that some of the cunning Clergy of Rome made it secretly in the night or some way else conueighed it thither And thus they wilfully cast away themselues as though the holy Mother Church of Rome would say this if it were not true And this Image thus appeared vpon the 5. day of the Ides of Nouember Also there are the golden Candlestickes that were in the first Tabernacle of the old Testament Also the Table wherein the Law was written with the finger of God 5 The Heretickes also will not beleeue that these be the true Tables wherein the Law was written because the Iewes that are in Rome in great abundance would by one meanes or other haue got them away though it had cost them their liues but no matter what Iewes or Heretickes say as long as the Holy Mother Church tels vs these be they Also some of the 5 barley Loaues and two Fishes with which fiue thousand men were fed by Christ Also the coate without seame which Mary the virgin and mother of our Lord made for Iesus her sonne And there is also the purple garment that Mary made for her selfe Also there is some of the bloud and water that flowed out of CHRISTS side Also some of the ground where Christ stood when he ascended into Heauen Also some of the haire and of the bloud of S. Iohn Baptist And some of the dust ashes of his body when it was burnt And the haire-cloath which hee ware being of Camels skins There is also the Coate of S. Iohn the Euangelist with which hee raised vp two dead men to life And there is some of the Manna of S. Iohn Baptist his Sepulchre which was found in his graue euen a great pot full Also there is an Image of our Lord Iesus Christ which Nichodemus made as the Iewes were a beating him 16 A very fit time to take a mans picture when one is beating him But it seemes Nichodemus was a very cunning painter Likewise there is that very linnen cloath or towell with which Christ wiped his Disciples feet 1 This fore-kin was missing many years but it was found againe saith Onuphrius such good happe hath the holy Church of Rome that if any reliques be stolne or lost they are found againe in a short time some are so bold to say that others are put in their roomes but they prate like Hereticks at his last supper There is also the foreskinne of Iesus which was cut from him in his circumcision 17 Furthermore there is the head of Zacharias the Prophet and of S. Pancrase out of which bloud did streame forth for 3 dayes space when the Church of Laterane was burnt Also there are the breeches of S. Laurence 18 Was it not a strange thing that when S. Laurence was broyled to death on the grid-iron the fire that burnt his flesh and bones would not touch his breeches The Catholicke Roman Church is full of these miracles let the Caluinists match them if they can Also there is a Casket full of the Reliques of Mary Magdalen Also Christs hand-kercher Also the Cuppe out of which S. Iohn drunke the poyson Also the shirt which the blessed virgin Mary made for Iesus Also that linnen cloath which the blessed virgin gaue vnto Iesus about his thigh as hee hung on the crosse There is also a great deale of the crosse it selfe our Lord died on Also two of Saint Peters teeth Moreouer in the same Church there is another Chappell which is called the sancta sanctorum or holy of holiest whereinto women may not enter 19 Not on the day time by any meanes least they should pollute it but is not so on the night In it is a picture of our Sauiour that was taken when hee was foureteene yeares old And in that Chappell there is daily euery day remission of all sins 20 If there bee remission of all sinnes there why are women excluded because they haue no sin or because they need no remission or they must not haue remission so lightly as men Let euery good Catholicke aske his Confessor this question both à poena culpae from the punishment and the sinne also Not farre from the same Chappell there is an ascent of three and thirty steps and how oft soeuer any man shall deuoutly ascend vp that ladder for euery step he hath a thousand yeares of pardon 21 so then the going vp of these steps procures to a man three thirty thousand yeares of pardon oh what a bountifull Lady the holy Mother Church of Rome is these steps were brought from Ierusalem and be those very steppes which Christ ascended when hee went vp before Pilate the President to his iudgement Also there is the chaine with which S. Iohn was bound when hee came from Ephesus to Rome and the sheares with which he was polled at the cōmandement of Domitian 22 There bee the sheares that polled him but where is his haire surely they were too blame to leaue the haire that were so carefull to preserue the sheares especially seeing they haue the haire of other Saints Also the virgin Maries vaile with which she vsed to couer her head And some of the Reede with which they smot Iesus in Pilats house And a Table full of the reliques of Martyrs Confessors and virgins and a great quantitie of the true Crosse 23 The Crosse on which Christ died which Simon once bore is multiplied by miracle For an hundred yeares agoe Erasmus wrot the greatest ship in the world could not carry the peeces of it that are kept shewed worshipped in the holy Churches Roman let the Heretickes shew such a miracle if they can And of the apparrell milke and haire of blessed Mary the virgin And of the haire of Saint Iohn Baptist