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A07350 The English catechisme explained. Or, A commentarie on the short catechisme set forth in the Booke of common prayer Wherein diuers necessarie questions touching the Christian faith are inserted, moderne controuersies handled, doubts resolued, and many cases of conscience cleared. Profitable for ministers in their churches, for schoole masters in their schooles, and for housholders in their families. By Iohn Mayer, Bachelour of Diuinitie.; English catechisme Mayer, John, 1583-1664. 1622 (1622) STC 17733; ESTC S100659 485,672 636

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Quest Which be those three concerning Gods glory Ans First Hallowed be thy name Secondly Thy Kingdom come Thirdly Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heauen 437 Quest In the first of these what desire you Answ That the name of God may be glorified in the vse of his Titles Word and all his Workes 437 Quest In the second Petition what desire you Answ That the number of true belieuers may be daily increased that Gods Kingdome of grace being inlarged his Kingdome of glory may be hastened 443 Quest In the third Petition what pray you for Answ That I and all the people of God vpon earth may as readily obey Gods will as the Angels and Saints in Heauen 452 Quest Which be the three Petitions concerning our selues Answ The first Giue vs this day c. 2. Forgiue vs our trespasses 3. Leade vs not into temptation c. 459 Quest What pray you for in the first of these Petitions Answ For all things necessary for this present life and therefore we aske but for bread and but for this day 460 Quest What pray you for in the second of these Petitions Answ That God would freely forgiue vs all our sinnes as we doe from our hearts forgiue the offences of men against vs. 471 Quest What pray you for in the third of these Petitions Answ That the Lord would not suffer vs to be carried a-away by the temptations of the world flesh or Deuill to the committing of sinne but that he would deliuer vs from the euill of all temptation both sinne and damnation 480 Quest Wherefore serueth the conclusion For thine is c. Ans It is added as a reason of all the Petitions to strengthen our faith that God being both able and willing doth certainely yeeld to our requests made vnto him therfore we adde a note of confidence and say Amen 487 Quest What is the other exercise of the faithfull Answ The right receiuing of the Sacraments 518 Of the Sacraments Quest The benefits being showed which we are to craue at Gods hands by prayer what further meanes haue we for the better assuring to our soules the promises of all spirituall blessings in Christ Answ The Sacraments of the new Testament which are the pledges of the Couenant betweene God and his people 492 Quest Wherein stands true repentance Answ In three things First in knowledge and acknowledgement of our sinnes past Secondly in godly sorrow and griefe of heart for them Thirdly in a godly purpose to forsake all sin and to lead a new life for all time to come 505 Quest What is faith Answ It is a certaine perswasion of the heart wrought by the Spirit of God grounded vpon his promises that al my sinnes are forgiuen me in Christ Iesus 508 Quest What is required in such as come to the Lords Supper Answ To be rightly disposed before and at the receiuing hereof 532 Quest What ought a man to doe before his comming Answ To examine himselfe for his faith in Christ 532 Quest How may a man know whether he hath true faith or no Answ By two speciall fruits thereof repentance for all his sinnes and loue towards his neighbour 534 Quest Wherein stands true repentance Answ In affection when it is the same towards our neighbour that it is towards our selues void of malice hatred and enuy and desirous of his good as of our owne and in action when wee are readie to doe good vnto others as vnto our selues and to keepe away hurt as from our selues 537 Quest What shall he doe that finds not these things in himselfe after due examination Answ Hee may not keepe away from the Lords Supper for this were a prouoking of God to wrath neither can hee come vnto it without offending in a higher degree 539 Quest What may a man doe then in this case Answ Hee must humbly sue vnto God for the pardon of his sinnes to ftrike his hard hart that he may melt into teares for them and constantly cleaue to his commandement and if there be any dissention he must goe and bee reconciled to his brother 540 Quest What ought a man to doe at the Lords Supper Answ He ought thankfully to remember the inward graces of God towards him by seeing the outward signes 541 Quest What are these graces Answ First the Lords giuing of his sonne Iesus Christ to death for vs set forth by the Ministers taking of the bread wine breaking powring out offering them to vs all Secondly our neare vnion vnto Christ and how wee haue all our spirituall food from him set forth by our taking eating and inward digesting the Bread Wine that become nourishment vnto vs. Thirdly the neare vnion that God hath made by Christ betwixt all the faithful set forth by the same bread being made of many graines of corne and by the same wine made of many grapes 541 Quest What is to be done after the receiuing Answ We must meditate of the couenant of new obedience renewed by this Sacrament that we may more carefully performe it and flie sinne and vice all the dayes of our life 543 Appendix Quest What is the Word of God Answ Whatsoeuer is contained in the Bookes of the old and new Testament and not any other Bookes or writings whatsoeuer 545 Quest How many and which are these Bookes Answ The Books of the old Testament are seuen twenty Genesis Exodus Leuiticus Numbers Deuteronomie Ioshua Iudges Ruth the first and second of Samuel the first and second Kings the first and second of the Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Ester Iob Psalmes Prouerbs Ecclesiastes Canticles Isaiah Jeremiah Ezechiel Daniel and the Booke of the twelue small Prophets The Bookes of the new Testament are 26. Matthew Marke Luke Iohn the Actes of the Apostles the Epistle to the Romans first and second to the Corinthians Galathianss Ephesians Philippians Colossians and two to the Thessalonians and two to Timothy to Titus the Hebrewes the Epistle of Iames and two of Peter first second and third of Iohn of Iude and the Reuelation of Iohn 545 Quest Are not the Apocrypha Bookes part of the word of God Answ They are not neither haue been euer so accounted in the Church of God but are annexed as being full of good instructions and histories declaring Gods wonderfull Prouidence ouer his people Israel 546 Quest What proofe is there that the other are Gods Word Answ It is proued by their antiquity some of them being before all other bokes sundry times oppugned and sought to be burnt vp by persecutors and yet wonderfully preserued and by miracles from Heauen confirmed which shewes that they came from heauen and are not of mans inuention 547 Quest Hauing this word written is it not sufficient for our saluation without any helpe by preacking Answ It is not sufficient but it must also bee set forth by preaching that the hard places may bee rightly vnderstood we may be kept from errors and haue our dull
cause he is called by the Prophet the Spirit of power Esa 11. 2. 1 Duty To keepe our bodies pure 1 Cor. 6.19 The duties of this faith are first to keepe our bodies holy and pure as temples of the holy Ghost and not to defile them by vncleannesse for our bodies are his temples as the Apostle teacheth This therefore wee are to doe with all readines as they to whose houses the King vouchsafeth to come or some great person by whose comming they are like to be bettered in their estate all their life after they will not haue any noysome or vncleane roome but their very entrances and courts shall be fit to giue contentment vnto those worthy guests for Gods Spirit is the King of heauen by his comming he makes vs the members of Christ but no dunghill is so loathsome as a body defiled by vncleannesse The body by whoredome is taken from being the member of Christ and made the member of an Harlot 1. Cor 6 1● the temple of the holy Ghost is made a stewes Wherefore let this and all smell hereof in thoughts incontinent and speeches filthy be farre remoued otherwise there is no faith in the holy Ghost When Christ found in the Temple at Ierusalem Mark 11.15 which was made but of stone buyers and sellers mony changers that made the house of God but an house of merchandize he waxed so angry that he whipped them all out and ouerthrew their tables how much more then will hee disdaine and scourge those that make the Temple of the holy Ghost this liuing Temple not an house of merchandize but a sinke of filthines and vncleannes On the contrary side when the materiall Arke was entertained into the house of Obed-Edom 2. Sam 6.21 the Lord blessed him and all that he had exceedingly how much more then will he blesse vs if we entertaine more nearely into the house of our body not an Ark made of Cedar wood but the Lord hereof himselfe the holy Ghost which is when wee keepe our bodies holy 2 Duty To beleeue the Scriptures The second duty is to beleeue without doubting whatsoeuer is contained in the holy Scriptures because that all were giuen by inspiration of the Holy Ghost and were set forth by holy men not of any priuate motion 1. Tim. 3.16 2. Pet. 1.21 but as they were moued by the Holy Ghost Now we cannot then beleeue in the Holy Ghost but we must also beleeue whatsoeuer comes from him We are therfore generally to beleeue the promises the threatnings the histories here contained to be true the doctrines precepts and prohibitions to be of God and necessarily to be obeyed particularly we are to beleeue places mysticall which passe humane reason and places seemingly repugnant in themselues in the reconciling whereof we cannot be so fully satisfied Such things as be historicall wee must not hold parabolicall as Porphyrius did the booke of Iob because he could not conceiue how so strange an history should be true Such things as be more vnpleasing we must not hold to haue come from an euill God and the more pleasing and sweet onely from our good God as the Manichees and Marcion did the old Testament for which they reiected it and receiued onely the new Such things as were written by men formerly scandalous but after their conuersion holy vertuous are not therefore to be reputed as vnworthy our beliefe as the Seueriani and the Ebionites did all the Epistles of Paul Such things as were written after not concurring in all circumstances with the former are not to be reiected as the Ebionites did all the Euangelists but Mathew and Cerinthus all but Marke And if there be any other that haue done the like they haue in stead of beleeuing in resisted the Holy Ghost and are therefore to be abhorred As for all such as truely beleeue in the Holy Ghost I may more confidently vse the words of Paul vnto Agrippa Act. 26.27 I know that they beleeue all the writings of the Prophets and Apostles and whatsoeuer pen-men of the Scriptures 3. Duty To vse our gifts to the honour of God The third duty is to vse all our gifts to the honor of God who is the holy Ghost from whom we receiue them all whether wit and learning whether agility and aptnesse whether courage strength and magnanimtiy or eloquence or diuers languages or any other for it is the Holy Spirit of God that makes men able to the duties of their callings as wee haue heard in the seuenty Iudges ioyned with Moses and in Aheliab and Bezaliel c. and as the Apostle doth more then affirme saying 1. Cor. 4.7 What hast thou that thou hast not receiued If then thou abuse thy wit vnto deceite thy power to tyranny and oppression thy language to ostentation thy learning to pride thine agility to cogging and cheating thy magnanimity to stoutnesse and stubbornnesse against Gods Word thy strength to strength of drinking Wine and of powring in strong drinke what dost thou else but turne the weapons wherewith the Spirit hath armed thee against thine enemies vpon his very face as if thou shouldest take the sword by a friend offered vnto thee in thy great necessitie and seeke to sheath it in his bowels Let vs therefore flye such monstrous ingratitude and vse our gifts according to his good pleasure let our learning wit and best cunning be strained to further our own and the sanctification of others let our might power and courage be bent for the strengthening and the encouragement of the feeble and faint-hearted let our agility and aptnesse be forced to a readinesse vpon all occasions of doing good 4. Duty To submit our selues to Gods Spirit The fourth duty is to submit our selues in all things to the gouernment of Gods Spirit and not to sticke in our owne wayes nor to follow the sway of our owne natures for whom should wee rather followe and bee ruled by then he vpon whom we place our confidence whom we beleeue to be the leader into all truth and our Guide For if we follow our owne thoughts they will deceiue vs 2. Cor. 3.5 We cannot thinke a good thought if what we imagine to be best we shall fouly erre for all the imaginations of mans heart are onely euill continually Gen. 6.5 Se what Gehazi gained when he thought by following his owne way 2. King 5 to get him geat riches and in the heart condemned his Master Elisha of folly and nicenesse who was led by Gods Spirit in refusing againe for doing a miracle vpon Naaman 1. Sam. 15 Looke vpon the misery into which Saul the King brought himselfe when he thought to deale more wisely in the matter of the Amalekites then Gods Spirit by Samuel directed him for he thought to please God well enough by sacrifices and to enrich himselfe also by that which God had appointed to perish by sword and fire And no lesse
of so great dignity to be so ioyned vnto him that I should be made coheire with him of the heauenly Kingdome How can I doe lesse then put away all basenesse of mind whereby I cleaue to the world and the flesh and bee like minded to my deare Sauiour to whom I am ioyned in fellowship though most vnworthy being holy as he is holy It is also to bee considered how our soules are fed heere euen as the Israelites with Manna from heauen in the wildernesse where they must otherwise haue perished and as Dauid flying from Saul by Abimelech with the hazard of his owne life so God spared not his sonne but gaue him as bread from heauen vnto vs without which wee must needs haue perished for euer and in our greatest need that wee might haue strength to flie away from the danger of Satan inraged against vs he spared not though with the hazard of his life to giue vs the true Shew-bread Oh how should my heart be affected towards thee O Lord therefore and resolued to abide alwaies with thee vowing with Dauid to Abiathar Hee that seeketh my life shall seeke thy life also those that are thy enemies shall be mine and as if they hated me Thirdly let the Communicant consider of the neere vnion that the Lord hath made by Christ betwixt all his Saints into the which hee is also receiued that faithfully partaketh of the Lords Supper which should effectually suppresse all exorbitant affections and worke an holy loue in him as towards members of the same body Quest 142. What is to be done after the receiuing Answ We must meditate of the Couenant of new obedience with the Lord renewed by this Sacrament that we may be more carefull to performe this obedience and to flee sinne and vice all the dayes of our life Explan The receiuing of the Lords Supper is not a transient holy duty as it is by most men vsed who put some holinesse vpon them for the time afterwards returning as the dogge to the vomit and as the swine to the wallowing in the mire but it is a sealing of couenants betwixt God and his people and the grace of God for the pardon of all our sinnes and our dutifulnesse to God in forsaking all our old sinnes and liuing according to his holy lawes For as God doth hereby giue himselfe vnto vs to become our God and gracious Father so we giue our selues vnto God to become his people and obedient children There be these two parties in all couenants otherwise they cannot stand something assured and giuen and something taken and receiued therefore So betwixt Princes and Subiects the Prince giueth and assureth his care in ruling and prouiding well for the good of the Subiect hee receiueth tribute custome and obedience so betwixt masters and seruants betwixt sellers and buyers lenders and borrowers In like manner in this Couenant God for his part assureth and giueth himselfe to be our gracious God forgiuing all our trespasses and on our part he must receiue tribute subiection and obedience otherwise the bond is forfeit and if it hath bin so once twise or often and the forfeit hath not yet been taken take heed of the next time for if thou still remaine vnreformed not better keeping couenants hauing renewed them so many times there is no hope for thee to bee dealt withall but as with a desperate person that thou shouldst suddenly be deliuered to some infernall spirit the Taylor and so be imprisoned in Hell whence thou canst neuer come out againe If thou hast therefore neglected to pay God the duties of praise and prayer of obedience and performance of holy duties both publike and priuate now bee negligent no longer but be rather officious redeeming the time with double diligence if thou hast loued and liued in sinne and disobedience keepe couenants by feare of offending any more hereafter and if thou hast no way answered that loue which the Lord tieth thee vnto towards thy neighbour for his owne sake but hast hated such as haue shewed any enmity against thee for offences hast been vnaduisedly prouoked and through an immoderate loue of thy selfe and of the world hast denied food vnto the hungry and hast sought to beguile thy neighbour learne of Christ to be meeke and gentle in holinesse follow Paul as he followeth Christ and for bounty imitate Zacheus conuerted giuing liberally to the poore and satisfying where thou hast done wrong to any man for thus and thus onely mayst thou haue comfort of the Lords Supper and shalt in his good time sit downe in the Kingdome of Heauen and be feasted with Abraham Isaak and Iacob for euer and euer 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 An Appendix to the Catechisme FOrasmuch as the holy Scriptures are the ground and foundation of all diuine Teaching and it auayleth not a little for setting men in the Trueth to vnderstand rightly both which bee the Bookes of holy Scripture and how wee may bee assured that they are the Word of God and by whom and how this Word is to be preached and heard for our further building vp in grace I haue thought it expedient here to annexe these short Questions and Answeres following Quest 143. What is the Word of God Answ Whatsoeuer is contained in the books of the old and new Testament and not any other bookes or writings whatsoeuer Quest 144. How many and which are these Bookes The Books of Canonicall Scripture Answ The Bookes of the Olde Testament are twentie and seauen Genesis Exodus Leuiticus Numbers Deuteronomie Iosua Iudges Ruth the first and second of Samuel the first and second of the Kings the first and second of the Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Ester Iob Psalmes Prouerbs Ecclesiastes Song of Songs Esay Ieremiah with his Lamentation Ezechiel Daniel and the Booke of the twelue small Prophets The Bookes of the New Testament are twentie and sixe Matthew Marke Luke and Iohn the Actes of the Apostles the Epistle of Paul to the Romanes the first and second to the Corinthians to the Galathians Ephesians Philippians Collossians the first and second to the Thessalonians the first and second to Timothie to Titus to the Hebrewes the Epistle of Iames the first and second of Peter the first second and third of Iohn the Epistle of Iude and the Reuelation of Iohn Quest 145. Are not the other Books called Apocryphall part of the Word of God also as Esdras Tobit Iudeth c. Answ They are not bookes properly called Canonicall but are annexed to the word as being full of good instructions and histories declaring Gods wonderfull prouidence ouer his people Israel Explan Diuers haue beene and are the errours of men about Gods Word some denying diuers parts of the Old and New Testament to bee his Word and some Canonizing other writings also Concerning the first some detestable Heretiques haue receiued none for the word of God but the fine Bookes of Moses as the Sadduces some none but the New Testament as the
the old Testament which were penned by the Prophets 1. Tim. 4 13. And much more are these holy exercises commended vnto vs in the new Testament S. Paul chargeth Timothy to giue attendance to reading to exhortation to doctrine and concludeth that in so doing he should saue both himselfe V●rse 16. 1. Cor. 14. and those that heard him And in comparing that excellent gift of those times of speaking with tongues with prophesying or preaching he preferreth far the preaching of the Word Therefore are such glorious things spoken hereof 1. Cor 1 18.21 2. Cor 2.15 to bee the power of God to the saluation of those that beleeue a sweet sauour vnto God in al whether they perish or be saued c. and hearers are willed 1. Pet. 2.2 As new borne babes to desire the sincere milke of the Word that they may gr●w thereby Which serueth to commend the care both of the Gouernours of the Church in former times who would not haue any Lords day passed ouer without a Sermon Iust Martyr Apolog. as witnesseth Iustin Martyr saying That the Word was read and preached for the space of an houre euery Sabbath day at one meeting Tertullian saith of his times that there was not any holy meeting wherein they were not fed with diuine Sermons and if the Pastor were sick or necessarily hindred the Deacon read an Homily In a Councell in Germany Concil Frances vnder Carolus Magnus it was ordaind that there should euer be some man to preach vpon the Lords day so also hath both the Trullan and Moguntine Councels And the like is the care of our worthy Gouernors of these times it being ordained that the Word should be preached euery Sabbath and the Catechisme explaned in the afternoone though many places alas may say hereof as of sundry good Lawes besides they are well enacted if they were well executed 2 Prayer and thanksgiuing Nehem. 8. The other kind of holy duty is Prayer and Thanksgiuing for when Ezra was ascended vp into the pulpit hee prayed vnto and praised the God of Heauen and all the people said Amen Amen And there were formes of prayer and thankesgiuing to be vsed in publique as the 92. Psalme more specially for the Sabbath the 104. 105. 106. 107. for all times of Gods publike worship This also is spoken of in the new Testament 2. Cor. 14. as vsed by the Minister in their meetings and it is prouided that it should be in a knowne tongue that the people might say Amen Prayer hath euer been so essentiall and proper to the house of the Lord that it is called for this The house of prayer Some rash spirits would haue no prayer vsed in the Congregation but conceiued prayer without any set forme which would breed such a confusiō as the like hath not bin known in the Church of God some through insufficiency of the Minister being without any prayers or too slenderly appointed in this regard Others through the variety of mens dispositions and humours so diuersly appointed one following this fashion and another that as that in the same Church which is one body no vnity or agreement almost would appeare 3. Singing of Psalmes to the praise of God 3 Singing of Psalmes Much time in their meetings was wont to be spent herein vnder the old Testament as may easily be gathered from the many Psalmes committed to the Masters of the Quiristers and speciall holy songs appointed to be sung vpon speciall occasions by Moses by Barack and Debrah c. Vnto which musicke made with playing vpon instruments and vpon triumphant occasions comely dancing was sometime added And vnto the like are we excited in the new Testament with Psalmes and Hymnes and spirituall songs Ephes 5.19 Iames 5.13 to sing and make melody to the Lord in our hearts Is any man merry saith Iames let him sing Psalmes The practise of the poore persecuted Christians of the primitiue Church doth shew that this duty was wont to be vsed in their assemblies since Christs time for as he according to the ancient manner after the Passeouer sung a Psalme with his Disciples so did they at their Communions which were then euery Lords day and not hauing the liberty of any other time they came together thus before day or early in the morning for which they were called Hymni antelucani Plin. Epist Let the Papists therefore deride our seruing of God with Psalmes sung in our assemblies we know notwithstanding that if it be done from the heart it is better then al their Latine Chaunteries which the hearers vnderstand no whit at all 4. Receiuing the Sacraments Fourthly the administration and partaking of the blessed Sacraments because it is the Lords day in remembrance of whom the Communion is receiued Wherefore in describing this day this circumstance is commonly added Acts 20.7 when they were come together to breake bread for without this no Lords day was wont to be passed ouer as hath been already noted And for Baptisme this day is fittest being the time of Christian congregations and as it were a representatiue Church whereinto the baptised is to be admitted and made a member of the vniuersall Church thereby 5. Holy conferences and meditations for of old they were restrained from thinking their owne thoughts where the Lord forbiddeth the seeking of their owne will or speaking a vaine word Esay 58.13 and if hee that keepeth the Sabbath aright must be free from these things then his thoughts must bee holy his speeches and conferences holy Moreouer doth not the husbandman couer his seed with mouldes when hee hath committed it to the ground that it may grow and bring forth fruit Doe not wee chew our meat when we haue put it into our mouthes that it may turne to our nourishment and how shall we thinke that the seed of the word wil fructifie in our hearts vnlesse wee hide it there by musing and meditating thereupon how can we thinke to haue it turne to the nourishment of our soules vnlesse wee chew it by further talking and conferring about the same Dauid did thus hide the word in his heart that he might be preserued from sinne and that corruption may not grow vp in vs the Apostle willeth Psal 119.11 Col 3.16 that the Word should dwell plen●iously in our hearts So that the best keeping of the Sabbath is when as wee not onely heare pray sing and communicate in publike but priuately thinke againe and againe vpon those things wherein wee haue been instructed conferre one with another read pray and sing Psalmes in our priuate houses Quest. 73. Is there no duty to be done towards our neighbour for the hallowing of this day Answ Yes it is a speciall time of exercising mercy by helping against sudden dangers by collecting and distributing to the poore by visiting the sicke and reconciling dissentions amongst neighbours To helpe against sudden danger Explan The holy
That it was appointed for holy meetings to preach and heare c. 3. Not in some one Church but generally in the Churches of Christians at Troas Galatia Corinth c. 4 Not in some week only but euery weeke Arg. 2 Exod. 20.10 The second reason is taken from places of Scripture which proue the same by consequence as that in Exodus where the Commandement being giuen this is added as a reason The seuenth day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God and the Lord rested the seuenth day Math 12.8 A second place is that in Matthew The sonne of man is euen Lord of the Sabbath A third place is in Iohn All men should honour the Sonne Iohn 5.23 euen as they honor the Father The reason may be framed thus If the same reason grounded vpon Gods word be as wel for the first day of the weeke as it was once for the Sabbath of the Iewes then wee are as certainly tied to the obseruation of this day as they were for their Sabbath but there is the same reason Therefore wee are certainly tied vnto this day The first part of this argument is plaine for the same reason is of the same force the second part appeareth by the places noted in the margent The maine reason of the Sabbath of the Iewes is because it was the Sabbath of the Lord and therefore his people must necessarily do him this honour that there might be a conformitie betwixt God and his people and in like manner our Sabbath is the Sabbath of the Lord Christ when he had finished the worke of our redemption for which cause hee also giueth the same name The Sonne of man is euen Lord of the Sabbath As if in more words he should say When God the Father had once ended the making of the world he rested and published himselfe to be the Lord of that rest and dedicated it vnto himselfe giuing it the name of the Sabbath of the Lord In like manner when I shall haue finished the worke of mans redemption I will rest and will haue the day of my rest dedicated vnto my selfe for which cause I say that the Sonne of man is euen Lord of the Sabbath also it shall bee called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Lords day And thus shall the will of the Father be fulfilled which is that as they honoured the Father in keeping the Sabbath betwixt the creation and redemption so they should honour the Son in keeping the Sabbath betwixt the redemption and consummation of the world Arg. 3 Matth 28. A third reason may be drawne from the vniforme practise of the Church euen from the time of mans redemption vnto this day Christ himselfe first began it when he arose early in the morning vpon this day and thenceforth euer obserued it so long as he continued vpon the earth Iohn 20.19 When the Disciples were gathered together for feare of the Iewes the doores being shut he came and stood in the middest of them vpon that day Againe Verse 26. when incredulous Thomas was amongst them he came and shewed his hands side and feete vpon that day and immediately the Euangelist subioyneth And as for the practice of the Apostles herein it is so plaine as that it were great impudency to deny it Again for the practice of those that liued next vnto them whether Greekes or Latines they followed the same order Reade for this Ignatius in his Epistle to the Magnesians Iustie Martyr in Apologeticis Ireneus in his fourth booke chap. 19.20 Euseb Eccles hist lib. 4. chap 23. Origen Hom. 3. in Exod. Cyrill in Iohan. Tertul. de Idolat Ieronym in vita Paulae Ambros serm 62. August in Iohan. Gregor lib 11. epist 3. c Lastly for the Churches of these times since and at this present whether Protestant or Popish of what Country soeuer all consent for the obseruation of this day though in opinion there be some difference about it some grounding it vpon Gods Ordinance according to that which hath been said as Beza Iunius Piscator Bollocke Hooper Fulke and the book of Homilies yea and some Papists also as S●●tas Panormitanus Syluester Felicius and the Schoolemen some vpon tradition onely as the Rhemists Testament Tollet and Bellarmine Whence wee may reason thus That day which the Lord Christ hath sanctified by his resurrection wherein hee came together with his Disciples to instruct and to confirme them wherein all Christian Churches of all Ages haue made their Assemblies is certainlie the Sabbath of the Christians but such is the first day of the weeke Therefore certainly our Sabbath Arg. 4 A fourth argument may bee drawne from the iudgements of God most fearefully befalling such as either haue contemned the Sabbath of this day or through worldly mindednesse haue neglected it In a Councell held at Paris some holy men vrged the making of speciall decrees about the strict obseruation of the Lords day because as they alleaged partly of their owne knowledge partly by the relation of others some intending their husbandry vpon this day had been smitten with thunder and lightning to the laming of some and to the vtter destruction of others Another carrying home corne vpon this day had both corne and barne most lamentably consumed by fire Also that in Chimstat a towne in France a certaine woman being wont together with her children to peele hempe vpon the Lords day when others were at Church was first terrified with some sparkes of fire falling amongst her hempe another time with a flame of fire arising in her hempe and lastly not being warned by this there kindled a fire againe which whilst she laboured to quench both she and her children did miserably perish thereby The Centuriatours of Magdenberg do tell of a certaine Noble-man that was wont to follow his sport of hunting vpon the Lords day when others went to Church but the Lord shewed a great iudgement vpon him therefore he had a child borne vnto him with the head of a dog And that a certaine Miller intentiue about his grinding vpon this day had his house and meale burnt by a fire kindling in his mill And to come nearer home Anno 1583. whilst they were beholding the Beare-baitings in Parish-garden vpon this day the scaffold burst down suddenly and eight persons were slaine outright and many more hurt and maimed Arg. 5 A fifth argument may be drawne from such things as fell out worth the noting vpon this day August de temp serm 25● Notable ●hi●gs ●pon this day N●●●m 154. Christ arose vpon this day the elements were framed the world begun the Angels created and Manna began first to fall vpon this day the Israelites passed thorow the red sea Christ was baptized turned water into wine fed fiue thousand with a few loaues vpon this day and vpon it wee hope Wolph Cron. lib. 2. cap. 1. that hee shall come to Iudgement saith Augustine Vpon this day Christ was borne Aaron and
would rightly proceed in the taking of an oath For 1. Although it be a truth vnto which thou swearest yet if thou knowest it not to bee so thou art periured because thou swearest contrary to thy conscience 2. If thou swearest in doubtfull words hauing another meaning then thou knowest him to haue before whom thou swearest thou abusest this ordinance of God Thus the Iesuites play with oathes by their equiuocations and mentall reseruations and with them agree too many Shop keepers liuing vpon buying and selling that will sweare that their ware cost them thus much meaning the whole when the buyer is prizing the yard or the ell or that they were bidden such a price meaning of their wife or companions for a colour when as the buyer is made to beleeue that if they would haue taken that money they might haue solde it so yer that time with many other deuices to deceiue their owne soules 3 To sweare things impossible or vnlawfull is to mocke God as if a man should call his neighbour to witnesse his couenanting with a thiefe to rob his house or to cut his throat or if a Subiect should call his Prince to see him build an house in the aire to flie with the fowles or to make his horse speake which were meere mockeries 4. If it be not reuerently performed Gods name is indeed taken into the mouth but forgotten of the heart the Arke of God is carried but in such sort as when God was therefore displeased with Vzz●h Wherefore though it bee a truth sweare not vnto it vnlesse it bee weighty and thou disposest thy selfe hereunto with reuerence Quest 68. What if a man shall sweare that which is vnlawful is he not bound notwithstanding to performe his oath Answ Nay in no wise for so hee should adde vnto his sinne of swearing vnlawfully a further sinne of doing vnlawfully Psal 15.4 Explan This is plaine of it selfe to euery man of vnderstanding A man being in danger of his life is through feare constrained to sweare that hee will not discouer but maintaine a company of theeues to his power he hath offended by taking this oath but he shal much more offend if hee doth accordingly for he shall be accessary to their wickednes But the case is changed if a man by ouer-sight shall sweare any th●ng to his owne hinderance but without preiudice to the good of others for here the oath is to be performed This was the case of Israel as touching the Gibeonites vnto whom when they had sworne though they were brought vnto it by craft yet they feared to break the oath suffered them to liue Obiect If any man shall say if this bee a rule to be followed then euen vnlawfull oathes are to bee kept for it was vnlawfull for them to suffer any of the men of those countries to liue Sol. I answer That this was not simply vnlawfull but first if they should bee an occasion of temptation vnto them 2. If they could bring them into their power for some still remained to trie them withall 3. They were enioyned this for their owne good that roome might bee made for them to inhabit there Now the Gibeonites by their subtilty freed themselues from this danger so as that they had no power ouer them by reason of their oath to destroy them and it was but to their owne hinderance or rather as they turned it to their commodity Quest 69. Which is the fourth Commandement Answ Remember that thou keepe holy the Sabbath day sixe dayes shalt thou labour and doe all that thou hast to doe but the seuenth is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shal● done manner of worke thou and thy son and thy daughter thy man-seruant thy maid-seruant thy cattle and the stranger that is within thy gates for in sixe dayes the Lord made Heauen and Earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seuenth day wherefore the Lord blessed the seuenth day and hallowed it Quest 70. What is the duty here commanded Answ To keepe holy the Sabbath day and to bee mindefull of it Quest 71. How may this be done Answ By assembling together to pray vnto God and to praise him to heare his holy Word and receiue the blessed Sacraments Quest 72. Is this all that is required to the right keeping of the Sabbath day Answ No but we must prepare our selues by prayer and emptying our hearts of sin and meditate vpon Gods workes and the Word which we haue heard suffering it so to worke in vs as that we may bee furthered in all holinesse of life Memb. 1 Explan This Commandement being affirmatiue wee begin againe with the duty for the further opening whereof we are to consider it according to the seuerall members Which are first to keepe holy a time 2. To remember and to be mindfull of it 3. To keepe holy a Sabbath 4. To keepe holy the Sabbath that day which the Lord hath appointed For the first it offereth againe two things to our consideration both what it is to keepe holy a time and wherefore it should be kept holy 1. To keepe holy any time is to separate and set it apart Quest 1 to holy duties to bee done either towards God or towards our neighbour 1. The duties to be done vnto God 3. The exercises of the Word Nehem 8.4 Verse 8. are either our speaking vnto God which is by Praier or Gods speaking vnto vs which is by reading preaching and hearing of Gods holy Word these were in vse at their holy meetings vnder the old Testament In the dayes of Nehemiah there was a pulpit made out of which both God was praised and the words of the Law read and the sense and meaning opened vnto the people that they might vnderstand And of this Iames maketh mention in the Councell held at Ierusalem saying Acts 15 21. that Moses had in old time them in euery city which did preach him seeing he was r●●d in the Synagogues euery Sabbath day Their Synagogues then being as our places of meeting for euery Congregation in euery towne and village and their reading was that before spoken of in Nehemiah with the giuing of the sense and thus is it that the doctrine of Moses was preached and made plaine And that this was still their custome vnto the Apostles times appeareth both from this speech of Iames being in the Present-tense and where it is noted that the Master of the Synagogue sent vnto Paul and his companions Acts 13.15 after the Lecture of the Law and the Proph●ts that if they had any word of exhortation for the people they should say on Which sheweth that as it is in vse amongst vs to haue a first and second Lecture and then a Sermon the people being gathered together to heare So it was in those dayes vnder the Law one Lecture was taken out of one of the fiue bookes of Moses the other out of the other parts of