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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02919 The faith of the church militant moste effectualie described in this exposition of the 84. Psalme, by that reuerend pastor, and publike professor of Gods word, in the famous vniuersitie of Hassine in Denmarke, Nicholas Hemmingius. A treatise written as to the instruction of the ignorant in the groundes of religion, so to the confutation of the Iewes, the Turkes, atheists, Papists, heretiks, and al other aduersaries of the trueth whatsoeuer. Translated out of Latine into English, &c. by Thomas Rogers. Hemmingsen, Niels, 1513-1600.; Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. 1581 (1581) STC 13059; ESTC S118432 286,633 582

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we stand Fourthlie it is to be noted that the praiers of Saintes are therfore acceptable in the sight of God because they depend vpon the intercession of Christ the highe Priest For when we make intercession for others we praie not trusting in our owne merites or price which we haue paide for redemption but in the merite of Christ his righteousnes and in the ransome which he hath Therefore saith Christe Whatsoeuer ye shal aske the Father in my Name that is depending vpon my merite and intercession he will giue it you Hitherto pertaineth that compellation in the Lordes praier O our Father For as the name of a Father putteth vs in minde of Christ in whom through faith we are the sonnes of God and he is our father So the pronoune Our doth admonish vs of faith that through confidence in the sonne wee should cal vpon the father not trusting in anie worthines or merites of our owne For which cause the Apostle saith Let vs approch vnto God through him For he euer liueth to make intercession for vs. As often therefore as wee would praie let vs consider the cause whie we saie Our Father that we maie both thoroughlie be persuaded that for his sonnes sake we please God and without al doubting also beleeue that for the intercession of the sonne whose members we be through faith we are heard Wherefore theie which bring not this faith do but waste winde when they praie For theie haue none accesse vnto y e father Let such then looke what they do who contrarie to the word of God do depend vpon other patrons Fiftlie forsomuch as the sonne of God is the perpetual priest which maketh intercession for the Church whensoeuer it doth amisse we maie not flie vnto other patrons but vnto Christ alone as the onelie patron and most trustie anchor of safetie Therfore the Apostle Iohn doth saie If anie man sinne we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ the iust And he is the reconciliation for our sinnes But then do we rightlie approch vnto this Aduocate for the attainment of the remission of sinnes whē we are sorie for our wickednes cōmitted when we rest our selues with à faith vnfained vpon Iesus Christ the propitiator and intercessor when we purpose afterward through God his grace to leade à pure life and finalie when we cast from our heartes à purpose to sinne Vnlesse these be ioined-together in vaine doest thou boast y t Christ is thie patron Some there be who think theie be pure if once theie haue poured their sinnes into the bosome of some pastor some pastors too do thinke that by their magical absolutions theie can vnburden sinners but both sortes doe most filthilie erre out of y e waie For both Christ alone is y e purger of sins in whō if thou repose not a liuelie faith which hath those foure cōditions which we haue recited in vaine dost thou vnburden thie self in the bosome of y e priest Christ alone it is y t absolueth from sins vnto whom if y u aproch not through faith y u sahlt die in thy sins But the absolution of à priest is then profitable when the confession is tempered with true repentance turning from sin And this absolution of the priest is nothing else than à testimonie of the absolution which is giuen in heauē by our hie priest Iesus Christ. And therfore saith y e Lord Whatsoeuer you loose on earth shalbe loosed in heauen So that the absolution which is pronounced by the minister of the Gospel dependeth vpon his faith which requireth absolution not of the merite either of confession or of pronouncing any wordes whatsoeuer This place would craue a confutation of them who chose other aduocates beside Christ but because this madnes is alreadie mentioned aboue where we dealt with Popish sacrifices I wil not with moe wordes refute them in this place And thus much of y e three parts of Christ his priest-hoode to wit of doctrine of sacrifice and of intercession The other pointe contained in the definition of the priesthoode touching the preseruation of the church the remission of sins the gift of the holie Ghoste and euerlasting life be rather most pleasant fruites than partes of Christ his Priesthoode CHAP. 38. 1. Of the couenant which Christ our hie Priest hath entred into 2. The special pointes to bee considered therein 3. Of the olde and newe couenant or Testament wherein theie doe differ 4. The difference betweene the newe Testament and the Gospel 5. Whether with the olde Testament the tenne commandements be abrogated or no. FOrsomuch as euerie priest as y e Epistle to y e Hebrues doth testifie is a suretie of some couenant for it is behoueful that some certaine couenant be set according to which the mediator betweene the parties at controuersie maie determine that sure peace and friendship maie be established betweene God and men Christ our Priest hath à certaine couenant For as the Leuitical priest had his priesthood and à certaine couenant annexed to the priesthood So Christ our Priest to whome the Leuitical priestes with their sacrifice and couenant gaue place hath his priesthood and certaine couenants annexed to the priesthod For the priesthood being changed as the Epistle vnto the Hebrues doth saie of necessitie there must be a change of the law Againe for this cause is he the mediator of the newe Testament that through death which was for the redemption of the transgressions that were in the former Testament they which were called might receaue the promise of eternal inheritance For where a Testament is there must be the death of him that made the Testament For the Testament is confirmed when men are dead for it is yet of no force as long as he that made it is aliue Wherefore neither was the first ordained without bloud For when Moses had spoken euerie precept to the people according to the lawe he tooke the bloud of calues and of goats with water and purple wool and hyssope and sprinkled both the booke and al the people Saieng This is the bloud of the Testament which God hath appointed vnto you And although by these words of the Apostle it is euident that as the former that is the olde Testament is a couenant annexed to the priesthood of Aaron confirmed by the bloud of brutish creatures whereby GOD did binde himselfe to the Iewes for to giue them the lande of Canaan to their possession if so be for their partes theie obserued the condition which was the fulfilling of the lawe so the newe Testament should be a couenant annexed to the Priesthood of Christe confirmed with the bloud of Christ whereby God doth binde himselfe to forgiue sinnes and to giue a celestial and euerlasting inheritance in heauen but with a condition of faith whose true and right fruite is perfect obedience toward GOD.
Christ. But in à consideration they differ Because the one which is the Gospel hath à name from bringing ioiful and good newes touching the attainment of euerlasting life through Christe and by the other that is the Testament is signified that God not content with à simple promise doth binde himselfe to vs by couenant an oath comming betweene that we maie vnderstand both the immoueable decree of God touching the attaining of saluation by Christ and howe we also for our partes are bound to God by faith For faith is one part of the couenant to wit of mans part For in al couenants as aboue also hath bene shewed mutual conditions and lawes be required The same is to be saide of the olde Testament and of Moses lawe Furthermore when the Scripture is diuided into the lawe and the Gospel it is to be vnderstoode that the difference is taken from the things subiect and when it is diuided into the old and newe Testament the differences are taken from certaine circumstances of the things subiect But when the holie Scripture which we cal the old and newe Testament is so caled it is rather of custome than of any difference of things subiect except you speake by the figure Synecdoche And therefore Augustine doth saie Where I saide the authoritie was included within the 44. bookes of the olde Testament following the vsual maner of speaking which the Church hath at this daie I called it the old Testament But the Apostle seemeth not to cal anie thing the old Testament but that which was giuen in mount Sinai And therefore y e same Augustine writing vnto Bonifacius doth saie howe they might more truly be called instruments than testaments that that might be called the old and this the new I wil add also herevnto à question out of Augustine whose words be these Howe is it named old which after 430. yeares was made by Moses and howe is it called newe which before so manie yeares was made vnto Abraham The reuelations are to be cōsidered in these names and not the institutions The reuealing of the olde Testament was made by Moses but the reuealing of the new was done by Christ when he manifested himselfe in the flesh in whom the iustice of God appeared Againe because the old testament pertaineth vnto the old man from which mā of necessitie is to begin the new vnto the new man of which man must passeouer frō oldnes therfore in that earthly promises are conteined but in this heauēly Furthermore seeing the Apostle saith the old testament is abrogated by the newe and the olde was giuen in mount Sinai where the Ten-commandements were published-out it maie in this place be asked touching the Ten-commandements whether they also be taken-awaie as part of y e old testament Vnto which question I do thus answere The Ten-cōmandements as they be a part of Moses law do no whit bind vs but as they containe the eternal pleasure of God they do must continue euē as manie other things in Moses which are natural But a double vse according vnto y e consideration of double man is to be respected in the decaloge For if you respect y e time of man before the reuelation of Christe in man that is before the iustification of man through y e faith of Christ as man himselfe is called old who is bound either perfectlie to obeie the law or to be punished according to our Sauiours words vnto the proude Lawer If thou wilt enter into life keepe the commaundements So the Ten-commandements by a certaine analogie maie bee comprised vnder the olde testament For it is a certaine Schoolemaster to bring vnto Christe as the olde testament accusing and condemning man for that he hath not the righteousnesse which the lawe requireth whereby man is driuen to seeke Christe who is the end of the lawe for righteousnesse vnto euerie one that beleeueth In this sense Paul opposeth the moral lawe against the newe Testament But if you haue an eie vnto the time of man after the reuelation of Christe in man as man himselfe is become newe So the Ten-commandements is a rule how a newe man should leade his conuersation and shal neuer be abolished Whose newe obedience doth please because y e person pleaseth for Christ his sake whose perfect obedience to the lawe is imputed to the beleeuing man Now of that which hath bene saide let vs make manifest the differences betweene the old and the newe Testament The which although they differ not in respect of the last end seeing they both do respect the reconciliation attonement of man with God as the final end yet if we doe consider the endes comming betweene and circumstances the olde Testament doth goe before the manifestation of the new if the mediators the old by the seruant Moses y e newe was administred by Iesus Christe the Sonne if the maner of the dispensation the Old was but in à shadowe the Newe hath the verie image of things The shadowe and the figure was the deliuerance of Israel from the bondage of Aegypt Pharao being oppressed The truth is the deliuerance of the faithful from the bondage of sinne Satan being ouercome The bringing of Israel into the land of Canaan and the possessing of the same was the shadowe y e bringing of the spiritual Israel into heauen and the hereditarie possession thereof is the truth The giuing out of the lawe vpon mount Sinai by Moses was the shadow The truth is the word which came frō Sion by Christ. The lawe written in the tables of stone was the shadow but the lawe of God written by the finger of God in the harts of men is the truth The ministerie of death was y e shadowe but the ministerie of the spirit and of life is the truth To speake in a word al y e Mosaical things as his gouernment priesthood purgations sacrifices and the rest were but shadowes but Iesus Christ the eternal Priest with his benefites is the truth Or to speake both with Augustine In the olde Testament there is a hiding of the newe in the newe a manifestation of the olde Againe The olde is the beginning the new is the end with Ambrose It is called a testament because it is dedicated with bloud the olde in a figure to wit by the bloud of à brutish beast The newe in the trueth namelie by the bloud of Iesus Christ. Thus much concerning the couenant annexed to the priesthoode of Christe and of comparison betweene the olde and the newe Testament whereof we haue spoken the more at large because both olde and late writers doe varie in this point but we hope we haue made it manifest according to the trueth of Gods worde CHAP. 39. 1. Howe man is to applie to himselfe the sacrifice of Christ 2. Of Gods worde the happinesse of the imbracers and the punishment of the contemners of the same 3. Of Faith and of