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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69076 A treatise of Christian religion. Or, the whole bodie and substance of diunintie. By T.C.; Christian religion Cartwright, Thomas, 1535-1603.; Bradshaw, William, 1571-1618. 1616 (1616) STC 4707.7; ESTC S107471 214,101 390

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or both Doctrinall and foretelling things to come as the Psalmes Q. What are they that are written in Prose A. They are either Historicall or Doctrinall and foretelling things to come called the Prophets Q. What are the Historicall A. Iosuah Iudges Ruth the 2. bookes of Samuel the 2. bookes of the Kings Ezra Nehemiah Hester and the 2. bookes of Chronicles Q. What are the Doctrinall and which foretell things to come A. They are called either the greater Prophets as Esay Ieremie Ezechiel and Daniel Or the smaller as Hoseas Ioel Amos Abdias Ionas Micheas Nahum Habakkuk Zephanie Aggei Zacharie and Malachy Q What are the bookes of the New Testament A. They are Historicall or Doctrinall Q. VVhat are the Historicall A. Either such as write of Christ as Matthew Marke Luke and Iohn or of the Apostles as the History of the Acts. Q. What are the Doctrinall A. They are such as are either only Doctrinall or Propheticall also Q. What are they that are Doctrinall onely A. The Epistles of Paul to the Romans the 1. and 2. to the Corinthians to the Galathians Ephesians Philippians Colossians the 1. and 2. to the Thessalonians the 1. and 2. to Timothie to Titus Philemon the Hebrewes the Epistle of Iames the 2. Epistles of Peter the 3. Epistles of Iohn the Epistle of Iude. Q. VVhat is that which is Propheticall also A. The booke of the Apocalyps or Reuelation Q. How may these bookes bee discerned to bee the word of God A. By these considerations following First they Prou. 8. 8. 30. 5. Psalm 12. 7. 19. 8. are perfectly holy in themselues and by themselues whereas all other writings are prophane further then they draw holinesse from these which yet is neuer such but that their holinesse is imperfect and defectiue Secondly they are perfectly profitable in themselues Jam. 1. 21. to instruct to saluation and all other are vtterly vnprofitable thereunto any further then they draw from them Thirdly there is a perfect concord and harmonie Act. 26. 22. in all these Bookes notwithstanding the diuersity of persons by whom places where and times when and matters whereof they haue been written Fourthly there is an admirable a Psalm 19. 7. Heb. 4. 12. force in them to incline mens hearts from vice to vertue Fifthly in great b 1. Cor. 1. 17. 18. 21. 24. 2. 15. 1 Tim. 5. 21. plainenesse and easinesse of stile there shineth a great Maiesty and authority Sixthly there is such a gracious simplicity in the writers of these Bookes that they neither spare their friends nor themselues but most freely and impartially set downe their owne faults and infirmities as well as others Lastly Gods owne Spirit working in the harts of his children doth assure them that these Scriptures are the word of God Q. Is it agreed vpon that these Bookes are alone in account of the Bookes of Scripture A. Concerning the Bookes of the New Testament it is generally agreed that all they and that they alone are of that account But the Church of Rome holdeth that diuers other books called Apocrypha doe belong to the Old Testament and are of the same authority with the other that haue been named Q. By what reasons may this errour of theirs bee ouerthrowen A. By these First they were not written at the first in the Hebrew tongue in which all the authenticall Bookes of the Old Testament were originally written Secondly the Iewes to whom the Oracles of God Rom. 3. were committed vnder the Old Testament haue acknowledged and kept these onely as Canonicall and the Oracles of God and not the other Thirdly these onely were read and expounded in Act. 13. 15. their Synagogues and not the other Fourthly the Primitiue Churches after the Apostles both Greek and Latine did receiue these Books onely for Canonicall Scripture Q. VVhat worthie vse and effect of these bookes of holy Scripture doth the Apostle set forth in this place A. This that they are able to make a man wise to 2. Tim. 3. 16. 17. Saluation through faith in Iesus Christ Q. How doth that appeare A. First for that God is the Author of them who is for his wisdome able for his loue to his Church willing to set downe such a Rule as may guide them fully and perfectly to eternall Life Secondly for that it is profitable to teach all true doctrine and to confute the false to correct all disorder priuate and publike and to informe men throughly in the way of righteousnesse Thirdly for that the Minister of the Word is said thereby to be made compleat and perfect to euery dutie of the Ministerie Q. How doth this last reason hold A. Very strongly for more being required of a Minister that is to bee the eye and mouth of the people then of the people themselues if it be sufficient to make him perfect it is much more able to giue them sufficient Instruction And seeing the Minister is Act. 20. 27. bound to disclose the whole Counsell of God to his people may be therunto fully furnished out of the treasurie of the Word of God it followeth that they also out of the Scriptures may be abundātly taught to Saluation need not elsewher to seek for any supply Q. VVhat other things doe you gather from these causes properties and effects of Scripture A. First that it alone being able and sufficient to Mat. 23. 8. Ioh. 5. 39. Matth. 15. 9. make vs wise to Saluation we need no vnwritten Verities no Traditions of men no Canons of Councels or Sentences of Fathers much lesse Decrees of Popes to supply any supposed defect of the written Word of God or to giue vs a more perfect direction in the way of life then is already set downe expressely in the Canonicall Scriptures Q. VVhat else learne you from thence A. I learne further especially from this that they Iohn 12. 48. Galath 1. 9. they are inspired of God 1. That they are of diuine authority 2. That they are the rule the line the squyre and light wherby to examine and trie all iudgements and sayings of men and of Angels whether they bee such as God approueth yea or no that they are not to be iudged or sentenced by any And therfore that the Church of Rome who hangeth the credit and authority of the Scriptures on the Churches sentence doth therein offer horrible iniurie and indignity vnto God making thereby the Churches word of greater credit and authority then the Word of God Q. What further doe you learne from hence A. I learne from hence and especially in that it is Matth. 5. 18. Psalm 19 9. said to be a rule and a line that it is firme and stable and changeth not and therefore is as a rule of steele and not as the Church of Rome blasphemously affirmeth like a rule of lead which may be bowed euery way at mens pleasures Q. But it seemeth the Scriptures are darke
belonging to the Persons In the life to come ROM chap. 6. vers 23. For the wages of sinne is death but the gift of God is eternall life through Iesus Christ our Lord. Q. SO much of the guilt of sinne what is the Punishment thereof A. All those Iudgements and Curses that are denounced in the word of God against sinne or which at any time are inflicted vpon sinners all which are comprehended vnder this word death and in regard of the equity are called the wages or reward of Sinne. Q. Are all the Iudgements and Curses which are or shall be inflicted for sinne laid downe in the word A. They cannot all in particular bee laid downe Deut. 29. 20. 28. 61. they are so manifold and diuers and therefore it is said that they shall come written and vnwritten Q. How farre doth the punishment of sinne extend it selfe A. Euen to the whole estate of him that sinneth for whereas Executions vpon Obligations vnto men are so directed as they can charge but either the person alone or his Goods lands alone so as if the Creditor fall vpon the one hee freeth the other as if he fall vpon the person he can proceed no further then vnto his body vpon that only till death the execution that goeth out from God for the obligatiō of sin is extended Luk. 11. 4. 5. to the whole estate of the sinner and that for euer Q. Can you draw this great number and diuersitie of Iudgements to certaine heads A. Yea for they are either in this life or in the life to come Q. What are they in this life A. They are either in the persons themselues or in the things that belong vnto them Q. What are they in the Persons themselues A. They are either in the whole person body and soule ioyntly or in the parts seuerally Q. What are they in the whole ioyntly A. a 1. Cor. 15. 56. Rom. 5. 20. 6. 20. 1. Job 1. 8. Mat. 12. 34. A necessity of sinning but without all feare or constraint on Gods part and that vntil they be borne againe by the Grace of God Q. What are they in the Persons seuerally A. In the soule and in the body apart Q. What are they that are in the soule apart A. A Spirit of Ignorance and of want of iudgement Ephes 4. 17. 18. 19. to discerne betweene good and euill Forgetfulnesse of holy things A strange Sottishnesse and dulnesse to conceiue of them Hardnesse and stupiditie of heart void of all sense and apprehension of sauing goodnes and of any affection or desire thereunto which Iudgements though for a time they are least felt yet are more fearfull and dangerous then those which are presently apprehended and the sense whereof is sharpe and bitter Q. What are they vpon the body apart A. Hunger thirst wearinesse want of sleepe all Deut. 28. kind of diseases euen to the itch in the least of which though few make account of them we ought to haue a sensible feeling of the anger of God and of his iust iudgement for sinne Q. What are they in the things which belong vnto them A. Calamities vpon their wiues children families Mat. 15. 22. 7. 1. 2. goods and good name Q. Hitherto of the punishments in this life What are they in the life to come A. They are most horrible and vnspeakable first the soules of the wicked after this life are sent immediately Luk. 16. 22. 23. to hell vntill the day of Iudgement then at Matth. 10. 28. Luk. 16. 25. the day of Iudgement their Bodies shall bee ioyned to their Soules and both together shall be tormented in hell fire euerlastingly and so much the more tormented there by how much they haue had more freedome from paine of body and anguish of soule and losse of outward things in this life Q. Is the punishment of all sinnes alike A. No For as the guilt encreaseth so doth the Joh. 19. 11. Mat. 11. 20-25 punishment and as the smallest sinne cannot escape Gods hands so looke how wee shall multiplie sinnes here he will heape his Iudgements then CHAP. 12. Of the Word of God The meanes of mans recouerie in the Word of God Which is contained in the Scriptures of the Old Testament viz. the Law 5. bookes of Moses Genesis Exodus Leuiticus Numbers Deuteronomie Prophets which are either Poesie Doctrinal only as Prouerbs Ecclesiastes Canticles Lamentations Iob. Both doctrinal foretelling things to come as the Psalmes Prose Historical Iosuab Judges Ruth Samuel 2. bookes Kings 2. bookes Ezra Nehemiah Hester Chronicles 2. bookes Doctrinal and foretelling things to come Greater Prophets Esay Ieremie Ezechiel Daniel Smaller Hoseas Ioel. Amos. Abdias Ionas Micheas Nahum Abakkuk Zephanie Aggei Zacharie Malachy New Testament Historicall of Christ Matthew Marke Luke Iohn His Apostles the Acts. Doctrinall Onely as the Epistles to the Romans 1. Corinth 2. Galath 1. Ephes 1. Philip. 1. Coloss 1. Thess 2. Timoth. 2. Titus 1. Philemon 1. Hebr. 1. Iames. 1. Pet. 2. Ioh. 3. Iude. 1. Propheticall also Apocalyps Consisteth of two parts Chap. 13. 2. TIM chap. 3. vers 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 13. But euill men and seducers shall waxe worse and worse deceiuing and being deceiued 14. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of knowing of whom thou hast learned them 15. And that from a child thou hast knowne the holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise vnto saluation through faith which is in Christ Iesus 16. All Scripture is giuen by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproofe for correction for instruction in righteousnesse 17. That the man of God may be perfect thorowly furnished vnto all good workes Q. THus farre of the miserable and vnhappie estate of man by sinne guilt and punishment where are wee to seeke remedie for recouerie from this cursed and damnable Estate A. In the word of God as may appeare by the words of the Apostle 2. Tim. 3. Q. What is the word of God A. The reuealed wil of God concerning the means of mans saluation Rom. 15. 4. 1. Tim. 4. 16. Ioh. 5. 39. Q. Where is the word of God to be found A. In the writings of the Prophets and Apostles called the Scriptures Ioh. 5. 39. Q. What were these Prophets and Apostles A. Holy men that writ by diuine Inspiration 2. Pet. 1. 21. 2. Tim. 3 16. Q. How are the Scriptures diuided A. Into the Old and New Testament Q. How is the Old Testament diuided A. Into the Law and the Prophets Q. Where is the Law contained A. In the fiue bookes of Moses called Genesis Exodus Leuiticus Numbers Deuteronomie Q. What are the Prophets A. Expositions of the Law written either in Poesie or Prose Q. What are they that are written in Poesie A. They are either Doctrinall only as the Prouerbs of Salomon Ecclesiastes the Canticles the Lamentations of Ieremie and Iob