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A19031 An advertisement concerning a book lately published by Christopher Lawne and others, against the English exiled Church at Amsterdam. By Richard Clyfton teacher of the same church Johnson, Francis, 1562-1618. 1612 (1612) STC 5449; ESTC S118626 88,142 134

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repentance follovves them sometymes with judgment sometymes vvith mereie and compassion c. Levit. 26 15-45 Ezech. 16 59-62 Iudg. 2 1-20 c. Thus in Israel vvho vvere the Lords people it may be noted how they goe a whoring after their ovvne inventions fall into idolatrie and false vvorship runne into sinne after sinne and become an harlot transgressing the covenant on their part Exod. 32. Iudg. 2. and 3. with Psa 78 56-58 1 Sam. 7 3 4. 1 King 12 28-33 and with 2 Chron. 12. and 13. and 1 King 19.10 Hos 6.7 and 8.1 Yet the Lord breaks it not on his part but sometymes of himself sometymes at the intreatie of his prophets servants he spareth them and doth not destroy them or presently give them a bill of divorce according to their demerit but in his mercie as a loving husband he cals them to repentance and to that end he sends unto them Prophets after Prophets a long tyme to dravve thē to amendement and cals them still his people and helps them and casts thē not of Yet so as besides his vvord sent unto them he also adjoyneth corrections punishmments both for avenging the quarrel of his covenant upon them and for procuring their conversion by all maner meanes vvhat may be As in the books of Moses and historie of the Iudges Samuel Kings and Chronicles compared vvith the Prophets may be seen And particularly in the Scriptures here noted before and the like as Exod. 33. and 34. c. Levit. 26 14.15-25-42-44.45 Iudg. 2.1 c. Psal 78. 1 King 13. and 16. and 18. 2 King with Ier. 51.5 and Ezech 16.59.60 c. Hoseas and Amos their Prophecies c. And in these tvvo divers respects sometymes having reference to God sometymes to Israel may there many things in the Scriptures be observed to be spoken diversly For example Israel considered in themselues and their idolatrous estate are sayd to be vvithout God vvithout Priest to teach and vvithout lavv to forsake and break the covenant of the Lord to provoke the Lord to anger by their vanities not to be the Lords vvife but an harlot going a vvhoring after their ovvne inventions and having childrē of vvhooredomes yea and that the Lord is not with Israel or vvith any of Ephraim 2 Chron. 15.3 1. King 12.28.33 and 15.34 and 16 13.26.31-33 and 19.14 Hose 2 1-5 and 5.3.4 and 8.1 and 9.1 with Psalm 106.29.39 Ezech. 16. and 23. chap. 2 Chron. 25.7 But agayne being considered in respect of the Lord and his covenant into vvhich they vvere received and vvhich he breakes not on his part but calls them to repentance c. the Lord is called their God and they are called the people of the Lord and their children borne to the Lord and Israel not to have ben a vvidovve forsaken of God but that the Lord had mercie on them and pitied them and respected them because of his covenant vvith Abraham Isaac and Iacob and that he vvould not destroy them nor cast them off from him as yet c. And thus continued Israel a long tyme respected of the Lord notvvithstanding her apostasic c. Iudg. 2 1. c. 1 King 18 36. 2 King 9 6 Hos 4.6 12. and 5 4. and 7 10. and 8 2. 9 1. 14.1 2. Amos 7 15. with Psal 89 30-34 and Ezech. 16 20 60. and Ier. 51.5 and 2 King 13 23. Yet notvvithstanding in these tymes the Prophets taught the people to plead vvith their mother about her adulteries to separate themselves and not to come at the places of their vvorship nor to communicate vvith them and bring their sacrifices thither because in so doing they should multiply their transgressions c. Hos 2 1-5 and 4 12.14.15 Amos 4 4 5. and 5 4 5. And all these things are vvritten for our learning are to be applyed to the estate of the Churches in apostasie under the Gospel since Christ Rom. 15 4. with 1 Cor. 10.11 Moreover besides that the vvord Church is taken sometymes more largely sometymes more strictly vvhich about this question likevvise may be observed there is yet further also a double regarde that may be had of apostate Churches in all ages according as they are considered and spoken of in comparison with other people of divers sorts As namely Israel in apostasie being compared vvith the Syrians Philistims Moabites and other nations are called and ought to be accounted the people of God vvho have the onely true God for their God c. 2 King 3.8 15.17 and 9 6. c. But being compared vvith Iudah vvhich ruled vvith God and vvas faythfull vvith the Saincts she is called an harlot not the vvife of God but a vvhoore committing adulterie and compassing God about vvith lyes and deceit c. Hos 2.2.5 4 15. 5.3 4. and 9 1. and 11.12 c. In like maner the Church of Rome in apostasie being compared vvith the Ievves Turkes and Pagans they are and ought to be accounted Christians and the Temple of God VVhere also is verified that which the Apostle spake of Antichrists sitting in the Temple of God 2 Thes 2.4 not the Temple of Ierusalem as some to turne away the truth have imagined but the Temple of Christians the Church of God brought to the sayth of Christ and professing to be Christians as may appeare by these scriptures and the like compared together 2 Thes 2.4 with Ezech. 43.7.8 Zath 6.12.13 Ephes 2 11-13.19 21. 2 Cor. 6.16 Rev. 11.19 and as it is also under stood by all sound writers both old and new But agayne being compared vvith the auncient Church of Rome and other primitive Churches in the Apostles tymes and such as novv vvalke in their steps and in the good and old vvay ruling vvith God and abyding faythfull vvith his saincts she is called and is to be esteemed an harlot the great vvhoore the mother of the whooredomes and abhominations of the earth beleeving speaking lyes in hypocrisie giving heed to seducing spirits and having pleasure in unrighteousnes c. Revel 17.1.5 1 Tim. 2 Thes 2 3-10 11.12 And thus there being in divers respects a double consideration had of the Church of Rome novv as of Israel heretofore it vvill appeare hovv in one respect it may be sayd there is the Church of God or a true Church there in another respect there is an apostate or a false Church there as it is sayd by the Apostle of one and the same woman that she is dead and alive in divers respects 1 Tim. 5.6 And of the Iewes that they are enimies in one respect and yet beloved in another Rom. 11 28. So Iohn Baptist is Elias and is not Elias in divers respects Iohn 1 21. with Mat. 11 7-14 and 17 10-13 Iudas is an Apostle and yet a divel Mat. 10.2 4. Ioh. 6.70 The Ievves are the children of Abraham and yet the children of the divel Ioh. 8.33.34 As the Prophets also
AN ADVERTISEMENT CONCERNING A BOOK LATELY PVblished by Christopher Lawne and others against the English exiled Church at Amsterdam By Richard Clyfton Teacher of the same Church Psal 57.4 My soule is among Lyons I lye among them that are set on fyre even the sonnes of men vvhose teeth are speares and arrovves and their tongue a sharp svvord Esa 50.6 I gave my back vnto the smyters my cheeks to them that plucked off the hayre I hid not my face from shame and spitting Mat. 10.24.25 The disciple is not above his master nor the servant above his Lord. It is ynough for the disciple that he be as his master is and the servant as his Lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub hovv much more them of his houshold PRINTED In the yeare of our Lord 1612. The Preface to the Reader CHristian Reader it is not unknowen that when Thomas White published his Book called A Discoverie of Brownisme as now againe of late Christopher Lawne others with him have done theirs that there was an Inquirie Answer thereof written by the Pastour of this Church wherein he followed the particulars from point to point In which regarde it may be thought lesse needefull to write any thing about this latter Book being of like matter and argument with the other Yet in some respects we have thought it not amisse now to give thee this short advertisement and the few observations following about the contents of this latter Book also especially about that poynt of the division made lately among us and the articles given out thereabout Concerning which there was not such occasion before eyther in that Answer to Thomas VVhite or in any other of our writings to publish somewhat thereabout as there was about the other matters cōteyned in this Book of theirs And therefore for thy better stay and information is the advertisement following now given thee about these things where they are more at large though yet but briefly spoken of Which thou shal● do well to consider of indifferently and be not caried from the truth or against it by any sinister meanes used to that purpose but remember what hath ben the lot of the truth and servants of God in all ages And as thy love is to the Lord Iesus Christ so let it appeare in the imbracing of his truth revealed and i● giving witnesse unto the same And the Lord our God increase in thyne hart the riches of the full assurance of understanding to knowe the mysterie of God Col. 2.2 even the father and of Christ and to rejoyce in the faith and order prescribed in his word And he give thee to discerne thereof aright that the entiseing words of mans wisdome deceive thee not but goe to the lavv and to the testimonie if they speak not according to this vvord it is because there is no light in them Esa 8.20 So mayest thou soundly judge of things that differ And the Lord give thee understanding in all all things 2 Tim. 2.7 AN ADVERTISEMENT CONcerning a Book lately published by Christopher Lavvne and others against the English exiled Church at Amsterdam WHen it pleased the Lord Iesus to reveale the vvord of his truth unto the Gentiles by the ministerie of his servants the Apostles there arose up adversaries to vvithstand the same and to abuse his vvitnesses thereof VVhē Paul and Barnabas vvere sent forth by the Lord to preach the Gospel to the nations they cōming to Paphus the Deputie Sergius Paulus called them unto him and desired to heare the vvord of God then Sathan stirred up his instrument Elymas a false Prophet and a sorcerer vvho vvithstood them sought to turne avvay the Deputie from the fayth Act. 13 6-10 The like also did some of the Ievves at Antiochia vvho seeing the vvord of God to prevayle amongst the Gentiles and them desirous of further instructiō therein vvere full of envie spake against those things vvhich vvere spoken of Paul contradicting blaspheming ver 45. Like enemies did Paul again finde at Ephesus of the Ievves For he having spoken boldly in their Synagogue for the space of three moonths disputing persvvading the things concerning the kingdome of God then certaine of the Ievves having their harts hardened not onely disobeyed and beleeved not the vvord but spake evill of that vvaie before the multitude Act. 19.8.9 And manie other the like exāples of men opposing against the vvord of truth and of haters persecuters of the professors thereof might be shevved both out of the Scriptures and ecclesiasticall histories And as then it vvas in the first opening of the light to the Gentiles that Sathan by his Ministers vvithstood the preaching thereof so novv since that the Lord in mercie hath discovered the man of sinne and caused his truth obscured by the darke mistes of Poperie againe to be revealed to us in these last tymes sending his first Apoc. 14.6 c. second and third Angels to preach an everlasting Gospel to thē that dvvell on the earth that vvere overspread in Apostasie vvith the errors abhominations of the man of sinne and to teach us to vvalke in the vvaies of God calling us from the vvorship of the beast and receiving of his marke to keepe the commandements of God and the faith of Iesus c. even novv also I say have there risen up enemies of all sortes to stoppe this vvaie of truth to reproch vexe and persequute the vvitnesses thereof For to passe by all those hard speaches and ungodly deeds that have bene since before the dayes of Luther against the Saincts and faith of Iesus I vvill come to our ovvne particular case and state vvhereof there be manie of us that by experience can give testimonie vvhat hard measure vve have susteyned for the cause of Christ and do still undergoe reproches sclanders railings against and the like as it cannot be unknovven especially to our countrimen vvhat vve have borne at the handes of some of them vvho have manie times vvaies smitten us vvith their tongues Ier. 18.18 besides all the other troubles and persecutions susteyned by us to imprisonment banishment and death it self And vvhat is it for but because according to the measure of grace given us from above vve have separated our selves frō such corruptions of Antichrist vvherein vve formerly stood and doe vvalke in the vvaie of the Lord revealed uuto us out of his vvord vvitnessing against all false vvaies and devises of men brought into the Church for the vvorship service of God our desire and indevour being to stand and plead for that old and good vvaie of God vvherein all are bound to vvalke Ier. 6.16 For if the opposition against us vvere onely and simply for sinne and through an hatred that such men have against sinne then vvould they first begin vvith them selves both to look to their ovvne sinnes and iniquities and to take the like course against the sinnes and
transgressions of those Churches and members thereof vvhere novv they are or vvhere ever they should be But thus hath it pleased God to make us like in bearing reproches and calumniations to his Saincts and people of old vvho feeling the burden therof to be heavie and grievous complained unto the Lord saying How long shall the adversarie reproch shall the enemie blaspheme thy name for ever Psal 74.10 And againe they utter forth their complaint saying Wee are a reproch to our neighbours a scorne and derision to them that are round about us Psal 79.4 And even this is our case vvho also are made a reproch to our neighbours a jest and a laughing stock to them that are round about us having our soules also as they had theirs filled too full of the mocking of the vvealthie and dispitefulnes of the proud Psal 44.13 and 123.4 So that in respect hereof vve may complain vvith David vvho said I was a reproch among all myne enemies but specially among my neighbours and a feare to myne acquaintance who seeing mee in the streets fled from me And againe I am become a straunger unto my Brother even an aliant unto my mothers sonnes I became a proverbe unto them and they that sitte in the gatespake against me and the drunckards song of me Psal 31.11 and And although our loving Father do thus humble chastise us justly for our sinnes yet doth he also in mercie cover them and gives us novv to beare these sclanderous reports of Schismatikes and the like for the testimonie of his truth In vvhich respect the Lord indeed honoureth us For our Churches estate and our consciences do vvitnesse vvith us and for us to God and men that vve have not vvillingly left any truth or any ordinance of God that vve had formerly received vvith others in our apostate standing but are carefull to reteyne them all vvhat in us is purged from the corruptions that vvere mixed vvith thē in our former corrupt receiving of thē Neyther have vve made division and offences contrarie to the doctrine vvhich vve have learned from the Apostles but do vvalke in the auncient vvaie of the primitive Churches keeping the ordinances vvorship and order of government prescribed by the Apostles vvithout the mixture of Antichristiā or other humane additions And therefore unjustly are vve termed Schismatikes If it can be shevved othervvise in any thing let the vvitnesses the vvritings of the Apostles and Prophets be brought forth against us and vve trust vve shall through the grace of God yeeld thereunto as vve have ben carefull hitherto to shevv it forth in the redressing of such things as have ben observed among us to svvarve any vvaie frō the word of God Great are our tryals by men on all hands vvhich vve suffer for our vvitnesse bearing of Iesus vvhiles besides our exile other afflictions some are speaking bitter and sclanderous vvords against us yea and our ovvne neighbours spare us not and others also sharpen their pennes to reproch us and to that ende vvrite reprochful books against us that vve may say vvith Israel If the Lord had not bene on our side when men rose up against us they had swallowed us up quick Psal 124. 1-3 Yet if these reproches hard dealings touched our selves onely and did not vvith all reach to the truth vvhich vve vvitnesse vve could and vvould rest patiently vvayting untill the Lord avenge our cause vvould not once open our mouthes or set our pennes to paper to vvrite in defence of our porsonall injuries But seeing thus together vvith detracting of us the truth of God comes to be reproched and despised in this respect if vve should passe over these things altogether vvith silence and not stand in defence of the Lords cause vve might be arraigned justly as guyltie of betraying his truth as men ashamed of Christ before men VVe dare not therefore herein be vvanting to beare vvitnesse to the vvord of truth vvhen men thus labour the darkning thereof and for the maintenance of their ovvne corruptions do set them selves to speake and vvrite against the same Of late there is come forth a pamphlet and sclanderous book full of reproches published by one Christopher Lawne and other his companions In vvhich there are conteyned sundrie things of divers sorts Some touching our generall cause about the Church of England some concerning the singing of Psalmes used among us some about personall matters concerning divers of us others some touching a divisio made lately by divers amōg us c. Concerning our generall cause although we have written often and manie treatises thereabout vvhich remaine yet unansvvered yet seeing vve are here againe thus abused about it and that not onely by the persons aforesaid vvhich vve might better passe by but by one M. Robert Parker vvhose testimonie is here inserted vve purpose therefore Godvvilling to vvrite in particular about his testimonie c so againe by this occasion to publish somevvhat more about that our generall cause aforesaid although for the present vve have both some occasions to deale in other things and some reasons to staye us yet a vvhile frō publishing of that vvhich by the grace of God vve purpose to doe In the meane time let this be noted concerning M. Parker and his testimonie hovv he hath heretofore in a large booke pleaded against the Church of England that by reason of the crosse in Baptisme other Ceremonies reteyned among them they become guiltie of the breach of all the tenne commandements as also of cōmuniō vvith Antichrist slaverie under him c. Novv vve purpose to trie hovv he can on the other hand approve the state of the same Church as novv it standeth and as it is vvitnessed against by us hovv he can vvarrant us communion vvith the same in that their estate or vvhether it may please God by this meanes to give him others better to observe and regarde their halting betvveen tvvo opinions then hitherto they have done VVe finde that for the former plea handled in his book he hath alledged the Scriptures plētifully as throughout the book may be seen but vvhether he can so doe for this latter spokē of in his testimonie against us time and further occasion vvill manifest Yet in the meane time all may see that there is not the like done against our cause eyther in his testimonie published or in the vvhole book vvherevvith his testimonie is joyned vvhich is as barren of vvarrant from the Scripture for the estate of the Church of Englād called into questiō as M. Parkers former book against it is fruitfull therein VVhich let the Reader vvell observe Touching the singing of Psalmes used amongst us vvhereof the persons aforesaid speak also their pleasure in their book vve are purposed ere long if God vvillto publish them vvhatsoever those men saye or vvould insinuate to the contrarie or in anie other respect thereabout And so vve shall leave it to the
writers of this age might be alledged but these may suffice specially seeing vve build not our sayth on man but onely on the vvord of God Yet vve thought it not amisse to shevv vvhat others at this daye thinke of this matter not onely for the reason noted herebefore at the beginning but because also we doubt not but by this meanes the light of the truth vvill be more cleared for the better information of such as loue the truth in sinceritie and the follie of others more repressed vvho being caryed vvith praejudice or malice against us open their mouthes vvide not onely against us but even against the truth it self that is testified by us VVhom vve desire that even for their ovvne good they vvill be persvvaded novv at length better to examine and ponder all the matters aforesayd then as yet they haue done ANd thus haue I hitherto noted dovvne such things as concerne our publike estate and the foresayd division so much spoken of in this book Novv although for the personall injuries reproches abounding in the same book I had thought to haue passed them over vvith the Advertisement formerly giuen thereabout yet seeing we understand that both here in our ovvne countrey vve are greatly abused about M. Studley in particular and some matters concerning him vvhereabout himself also is much traduced I haue therefore thought it not amisse to insert somewhat here concerning him more particularly And this I doe the rather because that vvhich I doe annexe hereabout is his ovvne Ansvver made at our earnest intreatie by himself vvho said that othervvise he vvould haue rested in silence possessing his soule vvith pacience and committing the matter to the Lord. And this it is as follovveth M. STVDLEYS ANSVVER TO THE ACCVSATIONS AND objections printed against him by Lawne and his fellowes in the book aforesaid A Wicked man diggeth up evil and in his lips is like burning fire Prov. 16.27 Myne enemie hath sharpned his eyes against me Iob. 16.9 They haue opened their mouths upon me and smitten me on the cheeke in reproach they gather thēs●lues together against me Iob. 16.10 All vvhich malicious cariage and unsufferable dealing of some heretofore and these four persons Lawne Fowler Saunders and Bulward novv lately against me also I could haue borne in silence and committed my cause and their dealing to God the judge of all mens actions and the revvarder of everie one according to their deeds Yet in some other respect as heretofore I haue given my ansvver to others so doe I novv here agayne to some speciall things vvritten by these men in reproach of me And namely to those eight articles vvhich vvere given for the deposing of me from office other particulars scattered in their book besides these I vvill not trouble my self nor the Reader about them vvith any particular ansvvers to them neyther vvould I with these had they not ben brought into our congregation and there handled And for ought I yet minde I purpose hereafter not to make any reply to such vvicked cariage and raylings of men but stand to the rules ecclesiasticall appointed by Christ in his Church the ordinance of God vvhich he hath set up in the povver and authoritie of Magistracie in the common vvealth and there make my ansvver to vvhatsoever men haue against me For vvho that beareth the heart and minde of a man vvould not rather dye by the sword of the Magistrate then to be smitten vvith the Machivilian tongues of base companiōs whose vile dealings by this odious cariage of theirs makes as if there were no lavvfull authoritie to examine judge the actions of men by good and vvholsome lavves but as though things vvere left in confusion to be svvayed after the lusts of envious persons for the devouring one of another And vvhat unsufferable abuse these men offer unto sacred thrones by such disordered courses of theirs I leaue to be judged of those that are prudent And for whatsoever these men haue spoken and vvritten of me vvere it no prejudice to the truth I professe nor to my self for holding the same I would willingly adventure into my owne Countrie whether some of these my adversaries are gone and vvhere they printed this their book to call and entreat for lavve and justice about these matters but things standing as they doe vvhich God vvhen he seeth good can reforme let men in the meane time ride upon my head by making book after book to my reproach infamie I will beare them on my shoulders and repenting of my sinnes vvith amendement of life I vvill in fayth and pacience looke up to Christ my redeemer the author and finisher of my fayth vvho for my sake and the rest of his elect endured the crosse and despised the shame and is set at the right hand of the throne of God from vvhence I expect him to receiue me vvith all his into eternall glorie and to recompence these men except they repent vvith shame and confusion according to their deeds Novv follovve their articles and my ansvver to them For his filthines used to his wiues daughter Article 1. with that most ungodly allegation for the defence thereof c. The first part of this Article I did long agoe confesse also by this occasion I doe here agayne acknovvledge Answer that my behaviour tovvards her vvas sinfull and unseemly yet for ought that ever I did to her hovvsoever some uncharitably and others maliciously haue vvritten and spoken vvas farre from carnall copulation The second part of this article touching the allegation is false The author of it being novv none of us vvas yet sent unto vvhen I vvas dealt vvithall in publike about these things to come and proue this his accusation vvhich if he refused so to doe it should be upon himself as a false charge and he refused vvould not come vvhich if he had I could and through Gods assistance I can proue it to be a slander For writing a most ungodly letter conteyning in it many vile and ungodly speaches Artic. 2. some of it being in most abhominable verses c. I vvrote to N. three letters to tvvo of them he replyed the third vvhich is this here spoken of Answer he ansvvered not but taking his advantage at some unsavorie vvords unvvarrantable speaches therein vvhich unadvisedly slipt frō me being moved I confesse vvith the indirect ansvvers he gaue to my first tvvo letters he taking this advantage made a journey from Leyden to Amsterdam to deale with me for it and so did himself first and then vvith two witnesses who because I vvould not nor for ought I yet see I ever can acknovvledge the vvhole letter to be sclanderous they brought me to the publike Congregatiō where I did acknovvledge my sinne for all such vvords and speaches vvhich was objected to me for evil in that letter also for the maner of writing as I did And after this I wrote a fourth letter to him