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A02621 The apology of Iohan Bale agaynste a ranke papyst anuswering both hym and hys doctours, that neyther their vowes nor yet their priesthode areof the Gospell, but of Antichrist. Anno Do. M.CCCCC.L. A brefe exposycyon also upo[n] the .xxx chaptre of Numerii, which was the first occasion of thys present varyaunce. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1550 (1550) STC 1275; ESTC S100596 145,229 320

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full manerly ye axe me leaue so to do whyche I graunte with good wyll Thā fall ye to a nughty strayning of this gnatte Your doubte firste of all is of Samuel ye saye consyderynge that neyther hys father nor soune were prestes Thys reason is to slendre to hold ye styl in that doubte vnlesse ye wyll doubte of purpose For Melchisedech was the preste of the hyghest Gen. xiiii and yet we fynde not that hys father was a preste neyther yet hys sonne after hym But thys dare I boldelye affirme that both Samuel was a prest and Helchana his father after hym And after y ● death of Heli not onlye he succeded in the seignourye or pryncypalyte ouer the Israelytes but also in the hyghe presthode Marke hys authoryte i. Reg. iii. hys intercessyon sacryfyce for the people i. Reg. vii whyche all pertayned to hys presthode Thys confirmeth Da uid Psal. xcviii Moses et Aaron in sacerdo tibus eius et Samuel inter eos qui i●nuocant nomen eius I●uocabant dominum et ipse exaudiebat eos Moyses and Aaron amonge hys prestes Samuel among suche as call vpon hys name They called vpon y e lorde and he hearde them The lyke is written also Hier. xv Si steterint Moses et Samuel coram me non est anima mea ad popu lum istū Though y t great prestes Moyses Samuel stode afore me to make intercessyō yet haue I no harte to this people For the prestes were they which ded that office Iohel ii S. Augustyne writeth thus in xii lib. cōtra faustū ca. xxxiii Nōne ab ipso regū ex ordio cōmutatū est sacerdo tiū in Samuelē reprobato Heli et regnū in dauid reprobato Saule Is not the presthode from the verye begynnyng of kynges changed to Samuel Heli beyng reiected and the kyngedom gyuē to Dauid Saul beyng dysalowed Bede hath also the iyke super primo Regum et Roman vii Moreouer Iohā Carion sayth in the seconde boke of hys Chronycles Incertitudinem imperii indigne ferens populus postulauit a Samuele summo sacerdote regem certum designari qui preesset regno The people grudgyng at the incer taynte of their empyre requyred of Samuel the hygh preste that a kynge myghte be certaynly appoynted to gouerne them Petrus Equilimus in sanctorū Catalogo sheweth the same And for hys father Conradus Pellicanus sayth vpon the first chaptre of the firste boke of kynges Pater Samuelis sacerdos erat mater prophetissa The father of Samuel was a preste and hys mother a prophe tysse It is also in the Byble texte i. Reg. i. quod Helcana immolauit I pray you what call ye that Lo sir thys is ynough to proue Samuel a preste and to dyscharge youre great doubte Yet for so muche as ye reason further ye shall haue further answere Ye saye Samuel can not be proued a preste bycause he came not out of the stocke of Aarō Thys declareth in yow a blocky she ignoraunce and as though ye had sene nothyng Iosephus in the first boke and the. xv chaptre of his Antiquytees sayth that Helcana Samuels father was vir Leuita a man of the stocke of Leui. Althamerus writeth also in sylua Byblicorum nominū that the seyd Helcana was genere Leuites a Leuyte by hys byrthe Pellicanus cometh after and he confirmeth it with this sentence vpō the. xcix Psalme as he nombreth thē Erat sane Samuelex genere Leui per Cahat ex quo Aaron et Moyses nati sunt Certaynely sayeth he or without questyon Samuel was of the stocke of Leui by Cahat of whome spronge fourth Aaron and Moyses And he sendeth vs ther to the pedigrew of the Leuites i. Pa ralip. vi where as it is regestred at large Yet are ye not contented but Samuel must styll be no preste bycause hys mother offered hym vp to serue in the temple Whiche she neded not to haue done ye saye if he had bene a preste borue O brutysh bussarde ac stolidū caput Thys is a reasō as though Gods fauer and syngular grace had bene bounde vndre lawe as in that age synnefull men were Thys phantasy of yours S Hierome with youre other olde doctours haue dyscharged Pellicanus comprehendynge their myndes in thys only sentence Preter legem erat infantem Leuiticum offerre doceretur mino Sed quia myraculose promissus et ge nitus diceretur susceptus est ab Hely et velut peculiare Deo munus oblatum diligentius curandū It was aboue the law to offer the lorde a chylde of Leuyes stocke But bycause that Samuel shulde be famed abroad to haue bene promysed and borne by myracle he was receyued of Heli the hygh preste and offered as a peculyar gyfte to God to be more dylygently loked to The Byble ma keth mencyon of Leuytes Aaronytes but not of prestes borne as ye do call them For prestes borne are no babes but great lubber knaues as I haue both heard and seane I remembre ones at Cambridge a good fellowe complayned to doctor Edmondes thā vycechaūceller y t his wyfe was delyuered y t night afore of a great gray frier And at Londō in an inne within Smithfeld Ione Swepestake was deliuered of the limitour of Ware Whiche swepte cleane away his clocke cowle purse petycote botes hatte horse all leauynge hym in bedde al naked I heard it also at Thornedō in Southfolke by them that founde oute the game that the sextēs wyfe there was delyuered of the parrysh preste at eleuen a clocke in the nyght I haue redde of Paulus tertius y e last bishopp of Rome y t his owne dere daughter at dynerse tymes delyuered hym besydes manye other wonders ▪ Some tyme these mysteryes were hyddē by the terrour of walkyng spretes but now they are knowne wale ynough I coulde nōbre ye out a great sort of your vn chast masse mongers y t haue thus bene delyuered of late yeares yet they wyl haue no wyues of their own so holy a thing is whoredome in youre whoryshe churche Now come we to Zorobabel whyche coulde be no preste say yow bycause he was de tribu Iuda If that rule shulde stande than must ye also deny Christes presthode whych was de tribu Iuda both by Mathew and Lukes Gospell and by all the other scriptures I am the boldar to confesse Zorobabel a preste bycause the prophete Aggeus by the expresse mouth of god vseth him as a fygur or former exāple of Christ. Agge ii the same is cōfirmed Eccl. xlix For y t whych zorobabel ded in reparing y e tēple aultre made by handes ii Esd. iii. Iesus Christ perfourmed in y e tēple aultre without handes Heb. ix Et zach iiii Manus zorobabel fundauerūt domū istā et manus eius perficient eā The handes of zorobabel haue layde the foundacyon of thys house and hys handes that is to
lykynge and lefull And that caused Saynt Paule not afore lx yeares of age to admytt anye wydowes to lyue at the charges of the congregacyon withoute husbandes i. Timoth. v. Make priestes at that age and ye maye chaunce to haue them chast but I dare not promyse yow afore I haue knowne so many to slyde Lo ser how saye ye now haue ye not sponne here a fayre threde wyth your ii allegacions of thys doctour to proue that than ye vowe chastite whan ye may lawfully go to marryage yes that ye haue it were wylle Somer the kynges foole I tolde yow afore as I tell ye now agayne that all thys was but womēs ware whych haue many tymes lyghte heades therefor I praye yow reserue it to their vse and seke out some better stayes for the sole lyuyng or wyuelesse state of your presthod for these are far to weake And as touchynge the wryter whom e y● call S. Augustine vndre whose authoryte ye seke to confirme a falshede it is yet in questyon whether that boke where hys or no. Marke in the same xvi chaptre a lytle after your first allegacyon Sursum corda with dignum et iustum est and S. Gregory whyche folowed cc. yeares after wyll rather apere the authour therof than S. Augustyne Now are we come to the thirde allegacion of thys chaplayne Non sitis pigri ad vo uendum c. which is S. Augustynes in dede vpon the. lxxv Psalme But marke hys cruell theft here I beseche yow that ye be not an other tyme deceyued by the lyke Thus begynneth S. Augustyne vpon thys texte of Dauid vouete et reddite promise do it or vowe perfourme it Quisquis quod potest inquit voueat et reddat Ne voueatis nō reddatis sed quisque quod potest voue at reddat Lete euery man vowe sayth he y t he is able to to performe lete him perfourme it in dede Do neuer promise vnles ye mynd to pay But lete yche mā promyse y t lyeth in his power so fulfyl that he hath promised Than foloweth the texte that he seketh to wurke his false feate with Non sitis pigri ad vouendum Be not slowe to vowe and so fourth O blessyd Augustyne thy doctrin is godlye and pure in thys matter and not mixed with the leauen of hypocrites As thu puttest it fourth hece it is seasonable good and may wholsomly feade the flocke of Iesus Christ. But as thys cruell enemye ded handle it afore it was more lyke to haue poy sened than nouryshed Full falselye art thu alleged here of thys mocker and peruerter of all godlynesse Thy teachynge is that no man shulde take vpon hym to vowe that thynge whych he is not able to perfourme accordynge to the nature and true meanynge of the texte in that Psalme And bycause S. Augustyne wolde haue thys poynt taken for the seasonynge salte or grounde of all that shulde folowe concernynge that matter he reherseth it here twyse But why left yow thys out ye most spyghtfull aduersary to all veryte and truthe why lete ye it passe by yea why toke ye it not with yow Bycause ye would play the dissembler lyar mocker poisener thefe and sowle murtherer euer lyke your selfe a full exercysed craftesman in that occupyeng of mischefe But tel me maistre person who hath taught yow to playe so wycked partes as these are Euen the Deuyl your captain whych seketh not els but to deuoure in darkenesse yow helping him forward as moch as ye maye For what purpose or to what ende do ye wurke these false feates Euen to make of the howsholde seruauntes of God the citizēs of Sodome and Gomor O deuyll incarnate O moste vengeable Sathan But nowe that I haue thryse taken yow in thys kynde of robery I wyll so holde ye by the nose both in thys in that whych shal fo low be yesure of it y t al they which shal loke vpō yow your wurk shal take ye for nō other than a naughty thefe a pycke purse And as touchynge S. Augustyne he vtterly refuseth so to be takē or alleged of any man that hys authoryte shulde mayntayne a doctryne besydes y ● scriptur For he sayth in prologo textii libri de trinitate Noli meis literis quasi canonicis scriptis inseruire c. Geue in no case so moche credyte to my wrytynges as to the canonycall scryptures of the Byble Thys sentence hath he also in his seconde boke ad Uincenti● Ideo nāque retractationum librum feci vt discant lectores neque mea per omnia mihi placere For that only cause made I a boke of retractacions that my readers mighte wele knowe that myne owne wrytynges ded not in all poyntes please me Moreouer he wryteth thus in hys wurke de natura et gratia c● lxi Solis canonicis scripturis sine vlla recusatione consensum debeo Suche a pryuylege belongeth to the scryptures of the Byble that to them we muste alwayes assente without refusall ●o these are ynough to clere hym in that matter And to confirme that he hath sayd afore concerninge vowes I remembre he hath in diuerse places of his learned wrytinges quod vota stulta nō prosint sed obsint imo quod extra scripturā dānanda sint That folyshe vowes profyteth not but moche hyndereth and also that they are dampnable whan they haue no ground of the scriptures Whyche for tedyousnesse in searchynge the great heape of his wuckes to lytle profyght I now passe ouer In y e end also wyl I say y t they are yl frindes to S. Augustyne whych to establysh so wycked a purpose vsurpe his authoryte on this wyse For though his time wer sūwhat corrupted w t superstycyōs yet he neuer toke vowes as they haue bene prodigiously takē of hypocrytes in our age That is to say for a worshipp of God for a meryte of ryghteousnesse and for a singular perfeccyon And though he had so done yet is not thys couse quence therby founde true Uowes were in vse in S. Augustynes daies Ergo y e sodomy tycall professyons of cloysterers and masmongers are a lawfull seruyce of God No more than this argument is good In S. Au gustynes time some thought ther was a pur gatorye Ergo we ought to haue masses the popes indulgences and chauntery foundacyous for the dead In bryngyng in that lōg processe of Saynt Augustyne vpon the. lxxv Psalme thys charmynge chaplayne toke moche more peyne than he neded For it is nothyng to the purpose to defende monkysh vowes but that he semeth glad to haue sum what in aperaunce though it be moste theuishly borowed The vowes that he treateth of are no forswearynges of marryage as are the prestes vowes for than he shuld by hys doctryne forbyd all men to marry whiche were moste deuelyshe For thus he concludeth
be soonar hearde than beleued Whan Christ sent the women to declare hys resurreccion and ascencion to hys Apostels he called them all brethren and not one was thā exempted out of that commyssyon Math. xxviii et Iohan. xx It is a wrytten veryte that I tell thys chaplayne what though he of obstinacye malyce and wylfull blindenesse do cōfesse it a veryte vnwrytten Yet haue we wōne sumwhat of hym in that he confesseth it a verite What though your Ambrose excep teth Iohan and Paule yet shall not your Ambroses authoryte be able to confounde S. Paules truthe in that matter whych sayth that the brethren of the Lord had fysters to wynes We hold your Ambrose accursed if he teache any other doctryne thā S. Paule hath taught vs. Gal. i. Ye do your Ambrose wronge in reporting hym the authoure of the. ii epistle and. xi chaptre to the Corinthianes I wyshe ye were sumwhat wyser for your owne honesty if it myght be To proue that S. Paule had a wyfe I praye yow gyue me leaue to allege out of y ● same authour y t ye toke sor your vowes whan ye sped not For I can spede therein dede for Paules marriage and that stròg ly Eusebins Cesariensis in the thyrd boke and. xxx chaptre of hys Ecclesiasticall storye inueyghenge agaynst them that wyckedly impugne marryage as our papistes do now brought fourth a strong wysnesse from an auncient wryter called Clemens Alexandrius whych lyued afore Ambrose about ii hondred yeares An et Apostolos improbant Petrus etenim ●c Philippus vxores habuerunt et filias etiā viris nuptum dederunt Sed et Paulum non tedet Apostolum in quadam epistola sua mentionē vel salutationem facere cōparis sue quam se ideo negat circūducere vt ad predicationē Euangelij expeditior fiat Wyll those blasphemouse hypocrites sayth Clement condempne the Apostles also It is out of question that Peter and Philippe had wyues and that they bestowed well theyr daughters to mē in marriage Neyther dysdayned Paule in a serten epistle or gentyll salutacion to make mencion of his yoke fellow or wyfe whom he at that time minded not to leade about wyth hym bycause he might alwayes be in a more spedy readynes cōcerning y t office of preaching Of S. Iohan the Euangelist your olde quere seruyce reporteth that he was marryed in Cana a citye of Galyle Christe being ther present And Guilhelmus Postillator saith vpon this Gospell Nuptie facte sunt in Cana. Iohan. ii that hys wyues name was Anachita If thys be a lye than haue ye in your solempnytees saluted god wyth lyes For wyth thys haue I hearde yow at mattens vpon S. Iohannes daye wythin Christmas as ye call it biddē him good morrowe the candels beynge lyghte and whyte rochettes on your backes But that Christ shuld plucke him away againe from hys wyfe for example of virginite it is a most manyfest lye though it be so vttered of Isydorus in hys boke de ortu et obitum sanctorum patrum and of certeyne of your other olde doctours and also in oure time of Baptista Mantuanus in libro xii Fastorum And thys can I proue by S. Iohan the Euangelist thoughe it now be nothynge to hys derogacion That he many tymes lost the virgynyte of hys sowle which only is accepted afore god As thus He ambyciously sought by the instaunt sute of his mother equally to reygne wyth Christ Mat. xx He cōplained of hym that ded cures in Christes name Marci ix He wolde in his fury haue consumed the Samaritans wyth fyer Luke ix He arrogātly contended wyth others for the superiorite Luke xxii Persuaded by Iudas he murmured agaynst the costes of Maryes oyntment Math. xxvi Whan Christ was ones takē he fled away from hym Mark xiiii And amōg other he doubted of his resurreccion ▪ Marci xvi In these and other lyke fa●tes was faythes integrite broken whych is the true maydenhede of y e soule The other maydenhede wythout thys is nothyng as well apereth by the. v. folysue vyrgynes Math. xxv All thys haue I vttered bycause ye make of S. Iohans vyrgynite an ydoll of defence and a craftye coloured cloke for your bawdy Sodometrouse vowes Obiectio ☞ But put case they had all wyues yet they were not marryed after they were ca●led to presthode but before Timotheus Titus Clemens and such other as Ignatius sa ieh ep i●tola ad Philadelphienses neuer had wiues bicause they were made prestes in virginitate S. Hierom cō●ra Iou●anū teacheth playnly how that in the necessite of the prymatyue churche married men being sober and learned were exalted to presthode But he saith prestes beynge called in virginite neuer descēded downe to marryage nor no man after the seconde marryage was euer called to presthode As for the authoryte of S. Paule ● Cor. ix it pertaineth in my iudgement to an other purpose For althoughe the Englyshe Byble be translated accordynge to your vnderstandyng of this place Yet it is not in latyne Ducere sororem v●orem as yow saye but circumducere sororē mullerem which is to suffe● rythe women to go about wyth thē in theyr progresse of preachynge to bear their charges as Peter and the other Apostles ded For it is euydent by the place it selfe whych speaketh of takynge hy● lyuyng for hys preachynge where neuer one wurde is of a wyfe in that place as the doctours also say Responsio In that takynge is this chaplaine here that a mery felowe was in on a time whō I knewe In remouynge from Boston to Eye in Sothfolke he hyred iii. cartes for conueyenge of hys stuffe thydre But whā it come to the poynte it was nomore than he myght well beare awaye in a pyllowebere Therfor he thanked them and sayde he wolde take the paynes to carry ●t hymselfe He chaūced in the iournay to be lodged at an ale howse wher the drinke pleased hym so well y ● ther he left behynde hym y ● whole carryage except the pyllowe ●ere whych he put in hys bosome and went awaye moche lyghter than afore So doth thys braggyng chaplaiue here which hath at the latter atter longe turmoile and allegynge of doctours brought hys matter to a case For now is he dryuen to hys vttermost shyfte as the i●star was to hys pyllowbere to playe Iacke sophystre altogether He putteth me here a case that all the Apostles had wyues as he seyth nothyng agaynst them but they might well all haue had wyues Yet were they not marryed sayth he after they were called to presthode but afore Here is a sore reason if ye marke it and as myghtely proued But where dwelleth that presthode which they were called to and whan were they called vnto it Thys wyll be learned ly answered ad calendas Grecas whan mattockes are men For they haue no such presthode to shewe by the
byshop of Uaradyue was by dyspensacion made kynge of Hungary of purpose to haue issue Iacobus Guisianus testifieth in annalibus Hannome that Bochardus Auenēsis a great beneficed prest marryed Margarete Baldwynes daughter that emperour of Coustantinople Polidorus Uergilius in libro xx Angliee historie telleth that Iohan the bastarde sonne of kynge Ferdinandus beynge a Cistrane monke married Philip Iohan of Gaūtes daughter that was than duke of Lancastre after hys presthode and was made kinge of Portingale Albertus Crantus in sua Dania sheweth that Canutus a mōke of the ordre of Clunyake had by dispensacion a wyfe for moneye so had the good abbot of Readyng here in England Aldewyn had a daughter beynge byshoppe of Durham whom Utred the Earle of Northumberlande dysdayned not afterwarde to marry Ex chro Dunelmēsis monachi Hieronymus Squarzaphicus reporteth in vita Petrarch that Franciscus Petrarcha a cannon of Padua archedeacon of Parma had one Laureta to wyfe by the graunte of Benedict the. xii Henricus Agrippa in hys declamacion aduersus Louanienses maketh menciō of a Cardinall whom the byshop of Rome permitted to take a wyfe in marryage that he myghte haue children to possesse his inherytaunce Iohānes Bertandus in iii. libro de cognatione S. Iohannis Baptiste declareth the ordre for Cardynalles and byshoppes wiues by the rules of Pa●ormitanus and of Iohannes Andreas whych was a prestes sonne I can not thynke that Alwynus the byshop of Wynchestre had any dyspensacion whan he laye wyth Emma S. Edwardes mother bycause she ded penaunce Lete these examples suffyse tyll more come And as touchinge those which abhorred matrymony yetin theyr presthode had store of chyldren besydes these ix adulterouse byshoppes and abbotes that Gregorius Turonensis maketh mencion of in the. x. bokes of hys storyes and a greate nombre more in other authours Our Englyshe chronicles telleth that an abbot of S. Albo●s begate pope Adriane y t fourth Robert the abbot of Winchestre begate byshop Herbert of Norwyche and Robert Peche the bishopp of Chestre and Lychefelde begate Rychard Peche archedeacon of Couentre and afterwarde bysshop of the same dyocese Bycause the nōbre is vnreasonably greate of thys sorte of prestes begettyng chyldren in theyr presthode wythout marryage therfor Iompt them for length tyll suche tyme as the seconde and thyrde part of my Englysh votaries come foreward which wyll be god wyllynge out of hande Neuer sawe I this chaplaine yet allege hys doctours without falsehede craft and lyes as thoughe the name of the doctoure were able to authoryse a lye Nowe bryngeth he fourth S. Hierome agaynst Iouynian and reporteth hym to say that in the necessyte of the primatiue churche marryed mē beyng sober learned were exalted come downe I say to presthode But prestes he sayth beynge called in virginite neuer descended downe to marriage neyther any man after the seconde marryage was euer called to presthode And all thys he reporteth hym to speake very playnely The sayenge of Hierome is thys in hys fyrst boke against Iouinyan Eliguntur mariti in sacerdotium non nego quia nō sunt tanti virgines quanti necessarij sunt sacerdotes Num quid quia in exercitu fortissimus eligendus est idcirco non assumētur et infirmiores cum omnes fortes esse non possint Marryed men are chosen to presthode I deny it not for ther are not so many maiden men as nede requyreth prestes Bicause that the stronger mē are to be chosen into an hoste shall not the weaker therfor be taken seynge all can not be of lyke strength And thys is all pertainynge to that purpose Now conferre the one wyth the other and see the beastlynesse of thys bragger Here is no exaltynge or prankynge vp aloft named neyther yet any seconde marryage condemned I woulde that both he and hys Hierome shuld well know it that the church was neuer stronger better nor perfyghter than whā it had sober discret and learned marryed men for mynysters The primatiue churche was in moch lesse necessyte hauynge them than was the churche in Hieromes tyme wyth her prestes in vyrgynyte For that church knewe neuer of so many superstycyons and lecheryes These lofty vyrgines were neuer lyke Mary whyche threwe her vyrgynite to the grounde Luke i. Christ wylled hys dyscyples to be lowly and not hygh Math. xi to be seruauntes and no lordes to be ministers and no maisters Luke xxii Be not as lordes in the cōgregacion sayth S. Peter but shewe an example of lowlynes and meekenesse to the flocke i. Pet. v. Thys hawty speaking of your Hierom and yow sauereth of that Antichrist which exalteth hym selfe aboue all that is called God ii Thessa. ii As for your presthode ye maye both wype your tayles therwyth for any good grounde it hath of the scryptures Here is it praysed for so holy and hygh a degre as maye not come downe and be dystayned wyth marryage as thoughe marryage were but a vyle iakes in comparyson therof Yet as touchynge the seconde and thyrde marryage the said Hierome saith in y t same boke Duotiescunque vxor moritur toties ducēda est alia ne fornicemur Dui secundas tertiasque nuptias cōcessit in domino primas cum ethnico prohibet As often as one wyfe dyeth so oft may an other be marryed that we fall not to lechery For he that graunteth the seconde and thyrde marryages in the Lorde forbyddeth the fyrst wyth an vnfaythfull mā for it is wythout the Lorde Also in hys Apology to Panmachius agaynst the sayed Iouinian Aperiant queso aures obtrectatores mei vt videant me secundas et tertias unptias concessisse in domino Qui secundas et tertias nō damnaui primū potui damnare matrimonium Concedit Apostolus secundas nuptias sed volentibus et his que se continere non possunt I desyre that my deprauers maye open theyr eares wyde and that they maye well perceyue me to graunt the seconde and thyrd marriages in the Lorde Coulde I than whych haue admytted the seconde and thyrd condempne the fyrst marryage The Apostle frely graunteth thē to those that wyll and that can not otherwyse refrayne In an other place also Erubescat calūniator meus dicēs me prima damnare matrimonia quādo legit Non damno digamos immo nec trigamos ei si dici potest octogamos Habeat cui libet octa●●m maritum et esse desinat prostituta Lete him which wrongfully accuseth me be ashamed in reporting me to condempne the fyrst marryages I condempne not them that hath bene twyse marryed neyther yet thē whych hath bene thrise maried nor if it might be said y ● hath bene viii tymes marryed Lete her that liketh it haue the viii husband hardely and not make her selfe commen to euery man Now wyll I saye my mynde and conscience concerninge this Hierome I haue ouerloked hys ii